Impractical Jokers: Bad Parenting Skills (Mashup) | truTV

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To your right, there's a cup filled with red paint. Nice. And then grab a big paint brush. And then I just want you to pick any canvas you want, and draw a huge "X" from corner to corner. [ Laughter ] I mean, it's not doable. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. Oof. I think I'm just gonna draw a red "X" on my head. You know what I'm saying? Oh, that's interesting because we just checked the score board, buddy. You lost this episode. Murr: Aah! Here's your punishment, bud. Draw an "X" on every canvas in the room. Look at all these canvases! Oh... Murr: Welcome to your punishment, jerk! Oh, my God. This is basically the w-- impossible. [ Laughter ] There's eight canvases. Yeah. So what if someone pulls the painting away? No! He's crushing dreams. Answer me. I don't know! What's gonna happen? I don't know! These all sound like Q's problems. This is basically impossible. You know what I'm saying? [ Inhales sharply ] Ooh. Everybody's looking good. Let's see each painting. All right. We're gonna -- Oh, I like your cat. Oh, I love your little cat. Oh, my God. Oh, this is tough. What -- Murr: Here we go. Oh, yeah. Sal: Oh, my God. No! Finished! Murr: Oh! Oh! No! Joe: All right, bud, keep going. [ Laughs ] [ Groans ] Sal: Oh, God. Murr: Look at their faces. This does not feel right. Murr: That's two. Six more to go. [ Groaning ] What do we got here? Sal: Oh, my God. Joe: Aww. How cute. Oh, God. Oh, my God. Murr: Oh, no! Oh, there you go. [ Groaning ] Murr: No! No! Oh, that's a cute bear. That's -- Oh, my God. Oh, no! -Not the pig! Not the pig! -What are you doing? Not the pig! [ Laughter ] Sal: Oh, my God. Oh, boy. Murr: Here's number five! Joe: Now they know it's coming! Oh, my God. Murr: Oh! No! [ Gasps ] My life is horrible. [ Laughter ] Ugh! I've gotta -- [ Laughter ] We got to -- -Oh, my God. -You get that "X" on! -You have to do it. -You get that "X" on. It's a punishment. You have to. You get that "X" on! [ Groans ] Murr: Oh, no! Oh. Ohh! I can't even watch this. [ Laughter ] Murr: This is the last one, Q. Oh, I got the fat sweats. I got the fat sweats! I got the fat sweats! I got the fat sweats! I don't like me right now. Murr: Q, That refusal was a big mistake. You only would have had to do one, buddy. Oh, I got to go puke. [ Laughter ] THESE MOMMIES ARE VERY EXCITED TO SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH THEIR KIDS. YOU KNOW, TO MEET A NEW AUTHOR. THEN COMES IN OUR FRIEND IN THE VELOUR JACKET. HI, EVERYBODY. HI! HOW ARE YOU, GUYS? I'M BRIAN QUINN, AND I HAVE MY BOOK CALLED... "THE REMARKABLE MISADVENTURES OF Q THE DUNG BEETLE." IT'S BASED ON MY ACTUAL LIFE, WHICH I FIND IS ALWAYS THE BEST INSPIRATION. [ LAUGHTER ] "MEET Q THE DUNG BEETLE! HE LOVES SUPERHEROES AND TACOS." [ LAUGHTER ] "Q WAS THE SILLIEST DUNG BEETLE IN ALL THE LAND. 'I MAY BE A BEETLE, BUT I'M A SILLY GOOSE.'" [ LAUGHTER ] YEAH, HE'S A SILLY GOOSE. [ LAUGHTER ] THEY LOVE IT. "BUT Q WAS OFTEN TOO SILLY FOR HIS OWN GOOD." UH-OH. [ LAUGHTER ] RUMBLINGS OF A PROBLEM. [ LAUGHTER ] "DURING AN IMPORTANT WORK MEETING, HE KNOCKED OVER HIS GLASS OF WATER. 'TIDAL WAVE!' HE GUFFAWED. 'THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER,' SAID Q's BOSS, MR. GRASSHOPPER. THE COMPANY'S HEMORRHAGING MONEY.'" LOOK AT THIS LITTLE GIRL. SHE KNOWS SOMETHING'S UP. "'HEY, MR. GRASSHOPPER, DON'T BUG OUT!' Q SQUELCHED. 'WIPE THAT [BLEEP] DAMN SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE,' SAID MR. GRASSHOPPER." [ LAUGHTER ] "'SECURITY, PLEASE ESCORT Q THE DUNG BEETLE OUT OF THE BUILDING. GOOD LUCK LIVING WITH YOURSELF.'" OH, MY GOD. OH. OH. "THINGS ALSO BEGAN SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL AT HOME." THEY'RE ABOUT TO LEARN ABOUT TWO HARSH WORDS -- DOMESTIC DISPUTE. [ LAUGHTER ] "'YOU'RE PROJECTING YOUR INSECURITIES ONTO ME,' SAID Q's WIFE. SHE SWIPED UP A VASE AND LUNGED INTO THE SHEETROCK. SHATTERED CERAMIC LITTERED THE CARPET." [ LAUGHTER ] "'I'M LEAVING YOU, Q THE DUNG BEETLE.'" OH, NO. NOW [BLEEP] REALLY HITTING THE FAN. "Q PEERED OVER TO FIND THE CHILDREN COWERING AT WHAT THEY HAD WITNESSED. 'YOUR MOTHER'S A GOLD DUNGER.'" [ LAUGHTER ] ALL RIGHT, GUYS, IT'S GONNA GET BETTER. NO, IT'S NOT! [ LAUGHTER ] "'HOW MUCH?'" EXPLAIN THAT. OH, NO. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE IS HE'S -- HE'S -- HE IS ALONE. THERE'S, LIKE, UNCOMFORTABLE LAUGHTER. SOMETIMES, YOU KNOW... EVEN DUNG BEETLES NEED COMPANIONS. [ LAUGHTER ] HE IS SWEATING. OH. "Q ATE MICROWAVE DINNER OVER THE KITCHEN SINK." LOOK AT THE BLOODSHOT EYES. DRINKING BEER! DRINKING BEER? YEAH. THE RED EYES ARE FROM DRINKING BEER. YOU'RE VERY ASTUTE. [ LAUGHTER ] LOOK AT THE PARENTS! NOW, WHAT DOES EVERY CHILDREN'S STORY HAVE? NOW, WHAT DOES EVERY CHILDREN'S STORY HAVE? A HAPPY ENDING! THAT'S RIGHT! [ LAUGHTER ] SO, WHAT DID YOU GUYS LEARN FROM THE BOOK? DID ANYBODY LEARN ANY LESSONS FROM THE BOOK? YES? THAT'S RIGHT. [ LAUGHTER ] THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYBODY. YEAH! Q THE CHILDREN'S AUTHOR! THAT WAS A HAPPY ENDING FOR US. All right, there he is. The guy with the serial-killer hoodie on, walking around a kid's play-space. Let's start. Junior, I'll be right there. So what happens here is, they might suspect that Q's a parent and his kid is somewhere about. -Yes. -But sooner or later, they're going to see that no child ever goes to him. I don't know what kid poop smells like so I'm just assuming I'm going to know when I get it -- hi, hi, how are you? -Hi. -Go find that diaper, buddy. -[ Sniffs ] -Look at that! [ Laughter ] He did a dive towards the hole! Already weird. Did you -- did you do a poo-poo? [ Laughter ] -She's on the move. -She ran away. How do you know if one of these kids -- uh, uh, did a number two? You smell poop? Generally, how close or far away do you have to be? He's getting some intel! Is it just like I walk into it? I'm like, "Whoa!" Some kids, you got to get, like, you know, like... Aw, see? Clean. [ Laughter ] Oh, my God. Vroom. Vroom. Aw, you're doing great, pal. Very clean diaper. Ah, you're right. Clean diaper. Moving on. All right, guys. I'm starting to lose track of which kids I checked. I got to start keeping notes. And take pic-- nope, I'm not going to do that. Don't take pictures of the kids. Yeah, I got it. I caught myself on that one. [ Laughter ] Here you go. Right in there. [ Sniffs ] Ooh, look at that face! Some of these parents are starting to eye me up. -You're on the radar, man. -Oh, God. My life is so weird. [ Woman laughs ] [ Laughs ] Yeah, I'm just walking around mumbling to myself. I do that a lot. I'm Brian. Hi. How are you? Nice to meet you, Brian. Very nice to meet you. Let me ask you something. How are these onesies on odor protection? Is this the sort of thing that you're just kind of like -- you pick it up anyway? [ Laughter ] All right. Do you come here a lot? Uh, well, this is my first time. How'd you hear about it? Uh, my -- my friend has kids and I'm thinking about one day maybe having them -- Oh, so they're not your kids? Oh, no, no. I don't have any kids, at all. I just came down to see, like, what it is like to have them. Joe: He got caught up in it. Wait, you don't have any kids here right now? No. No, no, no, no, no. Anyway, good to meet you. Good to meet you, too. ♪♪ [ Laughter ] Here we go. Now it's getting tense. Go find that diaper, buddy. [ Laughter ] -Look at me and you. -She's on -- Hurry those up! [ Sniffs ] Weirdo. Where's my little cheeky-monkey? Sal: Q, I just want you to concentrate for a second. -Yeah? -We told you to find the dirty diaper. -Yes, I'm working on it. -We didn't necessarily say... [ Laughter ] All right, that's all you got to say. We just said "Find the dirty diaper." That's it. God damn you two. [ Laughter ] Take a good look at the crowd. A little bit to your left, maybe. Oh, my God. [ Laughter ] Yes! How are you doing, dear? Are you okay? Everything okay over here? [ Laughter ] Yeah! Stonewall Jackson! I think that she's with you guys, but she might not be. That is what the issue is. Murr: Uh-oh! She just pointed. Sal: They're clearly talking about you. Oh, my God. This is going to make my job harder. "Bizarre." She just said "bizarre." Yes, yes! Murr: Look at him trying to sniff incognito. [ Laughter ] Q: I'm not smelling anything. The lady's talking to the old woman. -That man? -Yeah, what did he just do to you? -Um. He's not here with any children. That's not safe. Oh, my God. Q: Quite frankly, she's right. There you go. Murr: Oh, my God. She's reporting you. This is getting tense. Now she's reporting me to the -- to the child cops. Together: Find that poop. Find that poop. [ Sniffs ] [ Laughter ] Right, the baby's right there. -What, bud? -I got to go back. That was suspect. [ Laughter ] I'm going to confirm, boys. Joe: All right, buddy. Here we go. ♪ Da-da-da-da-da-da dun-dun-dun ♪ Hey, buddy. Whoa! This kid pooped his diaper, and I found him. [ Laughter ] All right. Ugh. [ Laughter ] You got that [bleep] up in the strills. He got them turd strills. Go ahead and puke it out. Puke it out! My son [bleep] on me at 4:00 a.m. yesterday. Q: Brr, oh, my God. Sal: I got to tell ya, for a loaded diaper, the kid has a great attitude. Joe: Yeah, he does. I'm not gonna go to jail. Murr: Well done. [ Retches ] Liv, look up at Joe and say, "Hey, Joe..." Hey, Joe... " much longer do you have to live?" much longer do you have to live? I'm hoping to get through this turn, sweetheart. [ Laughter ] Aww, that's a puppy. She loves dogs. What kind of puppy is that? It's a vizsla. Oh, look, it's a vizsla. Liv, say, "I bet you that would taste delicious." I bet it tastes delicious. [ Laughter ] Yeah, I bet it tastes delicious. [ Laughs ] ♪♪ Did you come from the ferry? No. Oh, you -- you didn't. Do you want to have a sleepover? Do you want to have a sleepover? [ Lullabye playing ] Yeah, we can have a sleepover. [ Laughter ] Oh, you have a place -- place to stay already? Yeah. Okay, well, we could've done a sleepover, but if you got a place to stay... All right, guys. [ Laughter ] Allie, can you do a cartwheel, honey? Uh-huh. Q: Okay. I want you to do as many cartwheels as you can right now. ♪♪ Well, there's that. [ Laughter and applause ] Look at her. She keeps going. How many could you do? ♪♪ Joe's gonna join. Look out. I don't want you to get hurt. [ Giggling ] Murr: [ Laughs ] Bravo! This is gross. [ Laughter ] Allie, do you see this girl that's reading on the steps behind you? Go over and take her book. ♪♪ She was taking -- she was taking that. Right? Is that what you're doing? Mm-hmm. Allie, throw the book. [ Laughter ] Joe, your turn. [ Laughter ] Yeah. Just hand it back to you. There you go. No, that's good. [ Laughter ] No, Joe couldn't do it. Come on. That's not nice, what you do to people. [ Babies crying ] -Oh, I hear a lot of babies. -I don't like kids. Joe: That's why it's a punishment. [ Applause ] Hi, everybody. I've scripted out the whole thing. There's a teleprompter they got to read. It's gonna be great. Q: All right. Thanks for joining us. We're "3 Men and Your Baby." Let's start with something simple that needs to be done all the time -- changing a baby's diaper. Joe: [ Laughs ] Q, your line! And I'm about to show you it's not that hard. Who wants to lend a baby? Yeah! Aww! Hey, sweetheart. [ Baby cries ] Okay. [ Laughs ] What's its name? -Leora. -Leora. "Its." "What's its name"? Q: All right. Oh, you got a diaper on! Oh, she's got a diaper on already. Joe: [ Laughs ] They don't know she has a diaper on already? -Reverse-engineer it. -I'm on it. Yeah. Yeah? All right. Just get rid of that. There you go. There you go. Joe: [ Laughs ] Then what we do is -- Yeah, nice and dry. Joe: Sal's got nowhere to put the diaper! Here we go. Sal: You would dispose of this normally. The disgust in Sal's face right now is a mixture of many emotions. You're gonna just want to make sure that's snug. Yeah, that is as snug as it's gonna get. Joe: Okay, we should mention that it's on backwards. [ Laughs ] Oh, my goodness. You know, let's go with -- That's good enough. Boom! That was easy! Oh. Uh-oh. Oh. Oh, no! Look at that. Oh, that's funny. My daughter must've thought this was her bag. She put her diary in my bag. [ Laughing ] Oh, my. She probably did not intend for this to happen. No, she didn't intend for that. Ohh. I mean, I should have a peek, though, right? [ Laughs ] He gave no barrier to entry there. Let's read one. Alright. "Dear Diary" -- Oh, that's cute. She says, "Dear diary." "My dad almost died today." Oh, no! "He tried to dunk a basketball off a trampoline, but he missed and smashed his nuts on the rim." Aw, I smashed nuts hard that day. [ Laughter ] I'll read one more, right? Yeah, you should. Oh, this guy's on board. Wow! He's getting permission. Turn to page 7. Okay, so, uh, "Dear Diary, I turned on my computer -- I turned on the computer today and found out Dad's been selling his underwear on the Internet. Apparently, he's the number-one seller on this website because he specializes in doing some sort of 'artsy' thing with his stains." Aw. Oh, man. You know those sites where you can sell -- It's kind of like Etsy. Yeah. [ Laughter ] Oh, I should read one more, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, you got to get through this and you're done, bud. "Dear Diary --" Oh, this one's a recent entry, too -- "Dear Diary, what the heck? I caught Dad wearing my shirts again." [ Laughs ] He keeps wearing my shirts and stretching them all out. He says he keeps getting them 'confused' for his shirts." I do. "But last night I caught him in my belly shirt, and how can he think that an extra-small shirt with Bruno Mars on it looks anything like that dumb pink button-up shirt he always wears and calls 'salmon'? He needs his brain checked." [ Laughter ] You found out a lot about me over your lunch, though. Smashed nuts, stained underwear, the whole thing. [ Ding! ] [ Laughter ] Very good. Joe, why don't you come on in the room here? Murr: Now, buddy, there's a bunch of parents about to come in the room with all their kids. They filled out a questionnaire with answers about parenting. That's right. It's a parenting focus group with the children. Q: And you're going to be answering some questions that we've already filled out for you. So I'm not going to look good as a parent? Sal: Absolutely not. Got it. Murr: But of course you need a kid. So we hired a child actor to be your child. Send them in. Daddy! [ Laughter ] We wanted you to warm up to the child actor we brought in, AKA your blood daughter. We're going to have a talk with Mommy when we go home. [ Laughter ] Joe, it's probably warm in there. Why don't you take off her sweatshirt? Joe: "One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor." [ Laughter ] You like Patrón? Yeah. Yeah. [ Laughter ] You know this would be really fun if Daddy wasn't getting punished? Q: I look at your beloved daughter and I just see another tool to use against you. Daddy's friends are monsters. [ Laughter ] John: Hi. How's it going? I'm John. I'm moderating today. Just going to be talking basic parenting questions. No wrong answers. Let's just start with the first one. Which of your personality traits did your child inherit? [ Laughter ] Woman: Stubborn. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want to answer that one? Which personality trait? Yeah, I'm not 100% convinced she's mine. So I didn't know how I should answer that. Murr: Oh, my God. Oh my God! John: Let's keep it going on this side. What does your morning routine look like? Okay. Joe? [ Sighs ] [ Laughs ] The morning routine? Who the hell knows? I try to slip out before I've got to deal with all that stuff. [ Laughter ] How long can your child amuse him or herself? How long could you child amuse herself? Well, not long enough, um... Hmm. [ Laughter ] Sal: You look desperate! Yeah. How long? Not long enough for me and her mom to try to do it. [ Laughter ] Yeah, I don't -- I'm only looking for a couple minutes at best. [ Laughs ] Look at Joe. [ Laughter ] How do you discipline your child for bad behavior? I would say definitely put him on quiet time because he needs to be by himself. This poor woman is trying to talk. He's putting stickers. Joe, do you want to take that one? How do you discipline your child for bad behavior? ♪♪ Um... [ Laughs ] I do a system. It's, uh, reduced water privileges. She loves to drink like a lot of water all day. And then we'll just bring it down a little bit more, a little bit more. So she's normally, she's a pretty good kid, so we don't have to deal with it too much. John: Okay. Sal: The looks he's getting. I think we can go to the next question, number five. List any source material -- books, websites, TV shows, et cetera -- that have had a positive influence on your approach to parenting? There's a blog that I read almost daily. It's called "Aha Parenting." John: Okay. At, they have more educational games. Okay, great. Joe? A lot of the stuff I learned on the "Dog Whisperer" works for her. [ Laughter ] You want to give Milana some Cheerios to snack on? Milana? [ Laughter ] Okay. Look at that. "The Dog --" and as everyone else has said. Yeah. How often do you say "I love you" to your child? Joe, let's start with you on that. She -- [ Laughter ] She knows -- She knows I love her. We don't need any of that hippie dippy BS at our house. [ Laughter ] Sal: They're so dismissive. Lay down, lay down. Q: Roll over. Roll over. [ Laughter ] Murr: Thanks, "Dog Whisperer." We're getting close to the end. We'll start this way and go around. How many children do you have? Just one. Just one. One. One. Joe, how many children do you have? Milana has a younger brother, but I don't let them see each other yet. I want it to be a surprise. [ Laughter ] How much younger? He's 2. I'm not 100% sure he's mine. I'm not 100% sure he's mine either. [ Laughter ] Murr: I think Joe's had enough, right? Q: I think so. Joe, why don't you scoop Milana up and just excuse yourselves? John: Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Bye, guys. [ Laughter ] Bye, guys. Sal: Dad of the year coming through. Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here? There's no other tables Thank you so, so much. -There you go, Sal. -There he goes. What's that on the desk, Sal? Sa-- [ Laughs ] What's that you have on the table, Sal? Oh, that's not your planner, Sal. You must have grabbed something by mistake. Not to spoil it for everyone, but that's your daughter's diary. Moral conundrum? Do I -- She's looking at you read it. [ Laughter ] This is so crazy. My daughter's diary is in my bag, somehow. And you're reading it? Well, I didn't. I didn't read it. I did not read it. -[ Laughs ] -But, as a dad, I'm tempted. I've got to be honest. How old is she? She's 13. You would read it? -Yeah. -Let me just -- -I would read that. Oh, she's in. This woman is in. This moral quandary is being solved here in the food court. Oh, this might be my 16-year-old -- 17-year-old daughter's. 'Cause it says, "Yesterday, I backed into a parked car" on this page. My 13-year-old doesn't drive. Unless she does. [ Laughter ] Oh, my God. I hope my 13-year-old's not driving. [ Laughter ] "Yesterday, I backed into a parked car. I did everything Dad told me to do... -Aww. that kind of situation. I made sure... I made sure nobody was looking, parked a few blocks away, changed into a different hoodie. When I got out, I hope I didn't forget anything." That's the advice you'd give her, you dope? She's good. She listens to you. Yeah, she does listen, because she -- she hit the parked car, and then, I did exactly tell her, "Make sure no one's looking, park a few bocks away, change the hoodie." We have a red hoodie in the trunk. "So, I shouldn't read one more." Is it crazy if I read another page? Why don't you just read the whole book? [ Laughter ] Well... "Dad gave me a talk about the birds and the bees today." Oh. "Everything he told me was way off-base." Sounds like you're getting -- going into chartered waters now. Yeah. "We learned about this in health class. It's almost like Dad has no idea what he's talking about." [ Laughter and applause ] All right, all right, God bless. -You have good kids. -Thank you so much. You've got to read three, buddy. Here's one. [ Laughs ] This is the last -- this is the... After this one, I don't need to read anymore. I'll tell you right now. "Hi, diary. Titty titty titty titty titty titty titty titty..." -Look at her face. -"Love, Becky." I'm putting it away. -Great. All right. It's respectable. Wow, that was an -- an intimate thing I shared with you. [ Ding! ] Murr: Do you mind if I just grab a seat, here? You're fine. I'm here by myself. Thank you. Oh, here we go. Oh, my gosh. I grabbed my daughter's backpack instead of my own. -Oh, no. -Oh, my goodness. It's her diary. Shoot. -Oh. -Look at her. Look at her. She knows what's about to come. This is a moral conundrum. [ Laughter ] I mean, do I -- do I -- -Mnh-mnh. -No? -Mnh-mnh. -I know, but -- I know, but mnh-mnh. [ Laughter ] -I mean, just -- -Mnh-mnh. She's getting louder. "Mnh-mnh." It says, "Do not read." [ Laughter ] At the front, it's, "Do not read." Ugh. What does a father do? A father puts it back in her bookbag. I know. Maybe j-- just one. Just look. I'm just -- I'm gonna flip -- let me see. "Dear Diary, all I want is a tiny, little ladybug tattoo on my ankle, and my parents won't let me get one. But Uncle Jerry told me Dad has a whole Smurf village tattooed where no one can see it, and Smurfette is especially detailed. I hate my life." [ Laughter ] I just don't want my daughter getting a tattoo. I have a Smurf village on my back. But she wants a ladybug. That's cute. I know, I -- but the -- you know, the Smurfs are cute. The Smurfs are cute, but you have the whole village. [ Laughter ] I love you. I love you. Look, this one's -- this is easy. "Dear Diary, I caught Paul looking at me in gym class again. I've known him since kindergarten --" I know Paul -- "But now that we're older, everything's just so weird. I know Dad says we can't date because it will mess with Paul's mom being his side piece." -Oh, Lordy. -"Oh, Lordy." [ Laughter ] "Oh, Lordy" is right. You see, Paul's mother, I sometimes see on the side, and if my daughter starts seeing him, it'll come out to my wife. It's a bad... [ Laughter ] [ Sighs ] "There's a not a Goddamn lock on this thing?" Why is there no Goddamn lock on this book? [ Laughter ] I would be mortified if my wife found this book. -Oh, my God. -Got to get three. -This is terrible. -"Dear Diary..." Don't read anymore. Joe: Oh! Q: Oh!                  Sal: Oh! -Murray does down. -Murray's down. I won't read anymore, okay. I didn't want to know these things about my daughter. You take the wrong backpack, that's what happens. [ Buzzer ] [ Laughter ] You sit right there. I'll sit right here. Joe: Sal's out and about with his daughter. This is actually Sal's niece, Mia, who's helping us out today. Love the dog, man. Love it. -Yeah. -Q: Mia, say to the man, "You don't go to a job interview dressed like that, do you?" You don't go to a job interview dressed like that, do you? Baby, baby, baby. Talk to Daddy. Talk to Daddy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. "It's work hours, and he's wearing shorts." It's work hours and he's wearing shorts. [ Jokers laughing ] Back her up, Sal. She's -- She's -- [ Stammering ] [ Laughter ] She's got a -- She's got a -- She's got a -- She's got a -- Murr: Back her up, Sal. That's your daughter. She -- I mean, you -- I mean -- [ Sighs ] I mean, I'll tell ya, you're not gonna get a job dressed like that if you went into an interview, you're right. And I know she's a straight shooter. You know. She's -- She's a v-- She's astute. [ Laughter ] Mia, say to the guy, "My daddy's unemployed." My daddy's unemployed. Murr: "Again." -Again. -All right, babe. "Seems like forever." -You gotta -- You can't -- -Seems like forever. All right. You can't just -- "My daddy can't afford to vaccinate me." My dad can't afford to vaccinate me. [ Jokers laughing ] Joe: Look at the guy! Go ahead, Sal. Get in there. You have to agree with her. You haven't agreed yet. I know. I know, because we don't have the money right now. "Why couldn't you marry rich like this guy?" Why can't you marry rich like this guy? [ Laughter ] Sal: We don't know anything about him. -Q: "I know enough." -I know enough. Say to the man, "I bet your wife is the breadwinner." I bet your wife is a breadwinner. Is the breadwinner? [ Laughter ] Murr: Back her up, Sal. Sh... She said that she thought your wife was the breadwinner? -Is that what you said? -Is that what you said? 'Cause I agree with, uh, with my daughter about that perception that -- that y-your wife is probably the breadwinner. Because I tell you what. Takes one to know one, my man. [ Laughs ] I'm in the park in shorts, too. Joe: Sal! Nice save. Hey. All right. [ Ding! ] Are you still hot? Let's sit down for a minute if you're hot. Yeah. You want to sit down? Let's sit in the shade. What do you say, babe? -Okay. -You good? -Yeah. -Q: Here we go. All right, Mia. Turn to the girl to your left and loudly say, "I'm an accident!" I'm an accident! [ Laughter ] Murr: Back her up. Sal: Look at his face. -An accident? -"Like a mistake." -Like a mistake. -I know. We talked about it. That was between us, though. You don't have to tell people. Mia, say to the woman, "Miss, I live in shame." Miss, I live in shame. [ Jokers laughing ] No, I -- You shouldn't be ashamed. I mean, it wasn't your fault, but now you're here and you're great, right? -"Plus he wanted a boy." -Right? Plus he wanted a boy. -Oh! -Oh, oh! -Yeah. -"I did." [ Q laughs ] Full disclosure, I did want a boy first 'cause I wanted an older brother. Like, I had an older brother, yeah. And I feel like the protective thing, especially how sweet she is. "He wanted a boy or a Cocker Spaniel." He wanted a boy or a Cocker Spaniel. I'm neither. [ Jokers laughing ] I don't like it when you tell me to bark. Oh, yeah. I know. [ Jokers laughing ] Well, this has been significantly awkward. I think we should go see your mom at work now. What do you think? [ Buzzer ]
Channel: truTV
Views: 4,049,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Impractical Jokers, Impractical Jokers Funniest Moments, Impractical Jokers Season, truTV, IJHD, impractical jokers truTV, practical jokers, jokers, impratical jokers, impractical joker, impractical jokers new, new impractical jokers, impractical, impracticle jokers, the impractical jokers trutv, impractical jokers Pranks, Sal, Joe, Murr, watch impractical jokers, Mashup, Impractical Jokers Mashup, worst parenting moments, parenting style
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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