Imperial/Loyalist Daemons EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal when you think of a demon you probably imagine some kind of biblical horned red creature or your mate jonno after he's gotten completely gacked after a few too many pingers on a saturday night either way it's generally a pretty dark and negative thing to see or imagine well warhammer actually spells demon like damon but it sounds like demon it just has an a before the e which completely changes the definition from a cranky horny and i mean horny in a multiple ways here evil devil spawn to a supernatural entity that acts as a bridge between gods and humans the main thing there being that a demon isn't necessarily evil it's just that the warp is super messed up right now so that 99 of the things swimming around in there are very naughty but not 100 percent today we will go over that one percent of entities which fight for the imperium and are loyalists to the emperor mostly because he was the one who created them we'll talk about how they came to exist how powerful they are and other cute little fun facts about them as a disclaimer i won't be including friendly demons from other zeno races so no mention of the taos weird new blue wannabe hindu dude chilling in there let's get into it the concept of loyalist or imperial demons is a pretty new one firstly because the emperor was a raging atheist and would be seen as extremely hypocritical for him to employ the use of demons publicly and secondly it's physically impossible for a demon belonging to any of the chaos gods to join up with the imperium or become good as all chaos demons are an extension of their god hence if somehow one of them decided that custodies are cool and wanted to join them they would likely be instantly and painfully reabsorbed back into their god the first potential imperial demon was created by the emperor during the unification of terror this entity was called the angel and it was like an experimental primark except way more unhinged like this flappy boy made conrad look sane the angel was twice as tall as a man and had a flaming sword and a blue flaming trail it was a very dramatic looking bean that loved to show off it was also an absolute monster in combat easily slaughtering naughty demons and even beating an ancient super powerful demon prince as time went on though its unstable mind began to get the better of it hence it began to genocide humanity for the lols you know as you do the emperor was like [ __ ] faisal nuke and trick the angel into a trap and put it in demon jail he intended to destroy it but it was stolen and hidden away so the emperor just kind of shrugged and forgot about it eventually the ancient demon prince returns hence the angel is frayed by some inquisitors and once again kicks the demon's ass before once again attempting to genocide humanity before once again being tricked into a trap before once again being put in jaime jail yeah a bit of a deja vu there with that one i believe this angel is a demon of the emperor based on its physical description its knack for killing warp entities as well as its special requirement to imprison and destroy it if it was just a prototype primark there is no reason why the emperor couldn't have just killed it on the spot this is also probably why the emperor decided not to create any more demons for a while the first one was just a massive spurg the next instance of imperial demons were actually really epic towards the end of the horus heresy when the webway was under attack and horus was being a classic creepy bold uncle and he was trying to put his hands where they don't belong the emperor decided that imperial demons were trendy again so he gave it another shot as the custodians were being beaten back after fighting chaos non-stop in the webway for years the emperor arrived to reinforce them his sheer presence alone was enough to massacre millions of demons on the spot to deal with the chaos demons that didn't instantly [ __ ] themselves and die the emperor summoned forth an army of flaming ghost space marines that were either a the eventual souls of the astartes that were killed on eastvan or b the manifestation of the emperor's wrath over the death of the astartes killed on istavan they even had a headless ferrous mana spooky ghost there regardless of if they were pissed off spirits or the emperor's pissed off imaginary friends they were imperial demons and they ripped chaos demons a new [ __ ] when the emperor got turned into a living battery dried vegetable we didn't see or hear much from humor for a while which is fair enough he was pretty preoccupied with holding the imperium together and being a corpse but after a few thousand years of sex tillions of humans praising him as a god he decided to give the imperial demon gag another shot hence he created the legion of the damned now i covered them in their own video but there are two conflicting theories about the legend of the damned the first is that they are a legion that got infected with warp aids that cause them to perpetually burn but also apparently be able to materialize at will whenever they are needed which is [ __ ] [ __ ] let's just forget that theory and the second theory which is actually good is that they were the emperor's personal demonic chapter of marines that he is able to fling at bad guys on occasion when they're needed the only time when the arrival of the legion of the dam was stupid was when they attacked a craft world for no apparent reason resulting in that craft world wiping out a space marine chapter in vengeance yeah not really sure about that one regardless badass ghost rider looking marines that pop out of nowhere and [ __ ] on people's tits are definitely in the category of imperial demons our next imperial demons is a bit more benevolent and nicer than the others the living saints living saints are basically normal humans that the emperor gets a crusty boner for and upon their deaths resurrects them as overpowered imperial demons who glow and can fly and shoot lasers and [ __ ] as the emperor is not a homosexual the majority of living saints are chicks and only a couple of them are actually cool most are pretty lame or not even actual living saints but are just given the title for some reason saint celestine is the most prominent example of a living saint as she flies around one shot in greater demons and has died like five times she also has two side hoes that fly around with her and also die regularly death is just a minor inconvenience for any form of demon though hence true living saints can be resurrected whenever the emperor feels like it it's fitting that the next imperial demon on this list is saint celestine's boy toy the sanguinour for ages gw was mysterious about this dude was he a shard of sanguinius's soul was he a manifestation created by the blood angels was he the original herald of sanguinius who had been juiced upon war powers or was he just a meme created by the emperor well to make it simple he is all of those things and he is none of those things thanks gw you cryptic [ __ ] the singular is most likely the original herald of sanguinius who has been sucked off by both the emperor as well as an ancient angelic warp god he's a [ __ ] imperial demon alright he is more or less just the dude version of saint celestine except he only helps the blood angels coming to them when the need is especially dire and like he's an absolute beast he more or less efficiently kills whoever he wants even kabunda the super demon of corn that once beat sanguinius the best primark in a duel and he was no match for sanguinor like saint celestine is powerful but she dies a fair bit whereas the sanguino doesn't even get a scratch this will be my new argument for the age old debate of who is better men or women the final imperial demon requires a bit of a tin foil hat moment but bear with me the primarks now we know that the primarks required a lot of warp voodoo to be created like the emperor had to make some kind of deal with the warp and chaos gods in order to have them made in the first place i want to take that further i and some others believe that each primark is or was actually a minor warp god the emperor needed something from the warp to make them i reckon he needed 20 warp god souls and then use these hectic biomancy skills to put those souls into mortal bodies the best example of this is the existence of sanguinius in recent lore it has been revealed that in the warp there are two warp god angels fighting over the souls of the blood angels one is darker one is light however these angels have been fighting for millions of years way before the blood angels sanguineus or even the emperor even existed hence the emperor captured the souls of these angels and used them to create sanguineus hence why sanguinis is so noble but also capable of so much rage and darkness and why the blood angels are linked to these ancient angels this would also explain why the primarks are so diverse and hard to control the emperor didn't want to end up as a corpse leader of a dying superstitious empire if it were up to him all the primarks would be a bunch of autistic commanders that did what he said without question but commanding the unfaltering and unquestionable loyalty of 20 gods is harder than it sounds actually no it sounds super hard so i would say it's as hard as it sounds okay so now the tinfoil hat is off regardless of if the primarks are warp gods shoved into a semi-human body or if the emperor just voodooed them together they could be considered imperial demons based on their connection to the warp and their creation or you know maybe i'm a dumbass who is totally wrong and is about to look like a fool when the next couple codexes drop a common trend with all imperial demons is that they're quite humanoid the angel legion of the damned living saints sanguino and primarks are all either merged with a human or created in the image of a human it could be that the emperor didn't want to create imperial demons from scratch due to the volatility or more likely it would be a bad look if you are fighting chaos that a bunch of imperial demons with horns and tentacles and [ __ ] come to back you up cause then it's just chaos first chaos at that point the emperor made a huge point about the importance of appearance hence why his armor was so decorative and why the custodies were shining golden armor despite them saying they would be more than comfortable wearing grey dull ugly armor same concept applies here what motivates you more a sexy shining chick with wings or a keeper of secrets i'm talking about motivation here not what makes you more horny because you know then the question would be up for a serious debate and that does this for today guys the loyalist imperial demons in warhammer 40k if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be or only one dollar per month gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai yeah hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more demonic content join the discord for memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 421,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Daemons, Demons, Chaos, Imperial, Loyal, Living Saints, legion of the Damned, Lore, Story, Sanguinor, Primarchs, Sanguinius, Art, Majorkill, Explained, Australia, Australian, Webway, Custodes, Space Marine, Astartes, Emperor, Gamesworkshop, Sigmar, Fantasy, Scifi, Legendary
Id: ZiqyAdjrqFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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