Top 10 Most Powerful GODS in Warhammer 40k

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g'day guys and gal just wanted to say a quick happy new year i'm hoping 2021 goes a little bit better but considering my city just got its first case of nurgles rot in over two months i'm not holding my breath i've got big plans for this year and considering we hit 150k subs before the end of 2020 i will get the live action hentai photo shoot done for you guys as well in regards to the custody's cosplay i've gotten all the bits to it however i'm also coming off a two-week bender and it'll take a couple weeks for me to get the abs popping again so expect that relatively soon the new homebrew adventures animation is also under production although a bit slow and if we're talking about resolutions or goals for this year then it's to take out arch in the subs race i mean i reckon i'll smash through one month syndicate and 40k theories before june and then art should get sodomized around the september to november mark what you think just because i hit 150k i'd be satisfied no chance chich the war never ends the gods in warhammer 40k are pretty active and have a massive effect on the galaxy as a whole for once religion actually matters some of these gods sit back smoke a doobie and stroke themselves in peace while others try to micromanage their followers like they're playing nightmare difficulty on the sims occasionally they even try to enter the material realm and ruin everyone's day regardless of how they use their power some are more powerful than others and certain gods have even killed each other in the past today we'll go over the top 10 strongest gods in weimar 40k i will not be assessing their ranking based on their power output this isn't bloody dragon ball z but instead on their overall impact on the setting and feats they have achieved for example despite tits niche pretty much losing a straight up fight to most of the characters on this list i consider him more powerful than most of them due to his strength and impact lying on his intelligence and planning if that makes sense i'll also be measuring each god at the height of their power let's get into it the first entry on this list is actually quite weak but has an insane amount of impact on the setting and has caused the death and damnation of god's way stronger than he we have kegorak and i think that's how you say it it's taking me a long time to figure that out the laughing god aka the meme god aka arguably the most impactful elder god there is and the one of the two elder entries on this list i'm sure you can already guess the other one now before you throw a tanty inner like bitter vol but a suryan sure their kamehamehas might pack a bigger punch but it was the mean god who convinced the catan to kill each other the meme god who told kane how to destroy the nightbringer and the meme god who was able to escape slaanesh's rape fest completely intact the only elder god to do so in a biblical tier list david ranks higher than goliath cause david killed goliath in a fair 1v1 despite goliath being able to shove his fist so far david's arse that he could knock his teeth out from the inside in dark souls the bosses can kill you in one hit and take dozens of hits to be killed themselves yet you are the one that eventually beats the game and kills them all even in the current setting kegorak's harlequins are the bridge between the different eldar factions and have guided them on a genuine offensive against slanesh kagorak has even created a plan to beat slanesh if the inari fail the cool part of kegorak is that he achieved so much by barely lifting a finger i like a charismatic dude who somehow found the favor of the eldar gods could pull off something similar our number nine spot is slinesh now before you get your dick in a twist or a rash on your gash hear me out slinesh is very young in the grand scheme of things and is not a pure chaos god she was created by the extreme blood orgies that the elder had for years she was not a fundamental aspect of emotion in life like corn nurgul and tishnicha she's basically just an evil eldar god as such she's not as strong as the other chaos gods at the moment of her birth when she was brimming with power she was able to eat 90 of the eldar gods but couldn't beat kane the elder god of war despite him being incredibly weakened from a lack of worship as well as the majority of the elder being killed like [ __ ] eating lilith in kernels doesn't seem that grave of a feat when you realize that they're more or less just the big ass moon and deer respectively it was corn who shattered kane and corn who then kicks flanish's ass to top it off nurgle then came in also kicked slinesha's ass and then took isha for himself if we then look at the galactic stage sledish is really doing [ __ ] all fulgrim has been molesting himself for thousands of years the empress children are borderline extinct and all their best demons are busy fighting the eldar even lucius slaanesh's gets massacred time and time again only to come back cause daddy said so sure if the galaxy re-entered another huge blood orgy then sanesh could rise to the top of the power list but the odds of that happening are about as likely as one mind syndicate uploading a video which breaks 20 000 views this year it's just it's just not going to happen just edging past sanesh now we have kane as this list is the gods in their prime kane well and truly deserves a spot here he was unbelievably powerful and was more or less the greatest superweapon the old ones had in the war of heaven he'd cut down the katan gods in their prime and even tried to genocide the elder race when he heard they were talking [ __ ] about him he had really bad anger management even in his weakened state he was able to fight a newly formed overcharged slaanesh to a standstill while it is a bit of a sad meme and that his shards are weakest piss and trip over and die on their own swords they are still really strong able to take out greater demons and give primox a run for their money kane was shattered into a thousand shards if not more that means at minimum kane is about 1 000 times stronger than a primark i would even go as far as to say that if fully restored that multiple would explode to 10 000 or more it would actually be a really cool eldar subplot if one of the craft worlds let's say bale 10 in their desperation start reforging the shards of kane together in a desperate attempt to beat slaanesh obviously kane is a massive dick and this would have huge consequences for everyone but could be really fun to see regardless there is one katan god that is above the rest one that probably even kane couldn't defeat the void dragon the catan were the gods of the physical universe their existence is tied to every atom formed from the big bang it was said that the void dragon was the only catan to avoid getting smashed into shards but we now know that is untrue it took vaul and all of these blackstone fortresses each one are more or less a death star as well as exploiting a weakness to beat the void dragon even hit with what can only be described as the galactic scale anal eviscerating laser beam a huge shot of the voice dragon was able to escape and avoid the fate of all his brothers this would be the shard that was beaten and imprisoned on mars by the emperor but the big e who at this point was probably called the little e was only able to beat the void dragon due to exploiting a weakness a gap in the armor likely caused by vol's collection of death stars now he might be sounding a bit weak because i've only really talked about him getting his ass kicked but he was the god of technology and considering how much of that [ __ ] is in 40k that's a big deal he could create invincible warriors and he was the one that invented the necron pylons which were capable of permanently defeating the warp also a blackstone fortress has the power to destroy a planet with three of them able to destroy a star so getting hit with all of them i believe it was about 7 but could be higher really [ __ ] sucks especially if you believe the theory that the power from each blackstone fortress is multiplied not added to each other next up is the tyranid hive mind now whilst tyrion's may very well be the most powerful faction in 40k this list isn't ranking their factions the tyranted hive mind is like the internet it's not this huge cosmic cthulhu looking [ __ ] but a sentient being that is formed from the collective synapses of all the different tyranids straight up it's not that physically powerful and likely doesn't even have a physical form but due to how involved it is with everything it's incredibly dangerous every decision a tyranid high fleet makes is a direct order from its god the hive mind it's not like a chaos god who just lays out some basic guidelines and suggestions before telling its kids to go have fun the hive mind micromanages the [ __ ] out of the tyrions to fight the tyranids is to fight a god hence why they're so powerful in saying this though there's been times where other non-god characters have been able to punch the hive mind in the face for example the ultramarine librarian tigerius was able to use his powers combined with malcolm's staff to channel a part of the astronomicon into the hive mind and heard it any other god on this list would laugh at a space ruins attempts to hurt them but the hivemind actually copped a bit of a left-right goodnight here to be fair targaryas is an ultramarine and even without mat wards sucking them off some ultramarines are still retardedly overpowered but it does go to show that despite the hivemind not being super powerful as a god it's still an incredibly dangerous one next up is papanergal the second chaos god on this list now zwasit has been said that during times of intense galactic plague nogle can become even more powerful than the other three chaos gods combined but that hasn't really happened and it's pretty fluky and if it ever actually did happen nergo would probably then just use that newfound power to sit down and continue rubbing aids juice on himself yet he's not really the one to take initiative as nurgle represents stagnation and his anti-change he doesn't like doing big stuff on the other side of that coin however he's extremely difficult to move or cleanse nine times out of ten when the forces of nogle invade a planet that planet gets exterminated even if you clear out all the demons and death guard everything is so covered in aids and munt that you are left with no choice but to burn it all down nergal is always a disaster to fight when his forces led by mortari and audience perturbo and his iron warriors morty was victorious despite purdy being a better commander and having bigger guns this was due to how insanely resilient nerglight forces are combined with their auras which automatically wear down and decay everything around them it was the forces of nergul of most recently invaded ultramar in recent times and during the recent invasion of fenris the only world in the star system that could not be saved was the one invaded by nogle's armies [ __ ] versing nurgul it's time our next spot goes to the god improved mankind now right now you're either saying heresy the biggie is the greatest or but major kill the emperor isn't even a god two say you're both [ __ ] wrong so shut the [ __ ] up and let the law master do the talking the emperor was not always a god he only became one after a few years of being on the golden throne due to the sextillions of people worshipping him this is evident by the fact that his current physical body would probably lose an arm wrestle to stephen hawking yet he is able to power the astronomicon spawn imperial demons such as living saints and legend the damned and manifest his powers on the opposite side of the galaxy at will all the while the four chaos gods are doing everything in their power to destroy him in current law the emperor is an extremely overpowered soccer created by thousands of shamans killing themselves and merging their souls into a super bean that been would then go on to use his knowledge technology and power stealing abilities to become more and more op eventually his bold [ __ ] son horus turn him into a vegetable forcing him to sit on a very uncomfortable golden throne where he is now in constant agony as he spends every moment giving humanity as much time as possible now a lot of people think the big e is in a big fight with all four chaos gods simultaneously all the time but it's not really the case the biggie is holding them back like an electric fence holds back a pedophile he's not attacking them or threatening them directly and has been stated to say that if he did jump over his fence to have a punch on with said pedo it would end in his molestation whenever they try and confront him directly in the warp the emperor retreats from them that's not to say he's weak by any means when an elder saw his spirit it was like a gigantic mountain of blinding light and the elder actually felt silly for looking down on humanity for a second there it is weird though like the biggie is super powerful right now but he's also super unwell like when he first got on the golden throne he told chaos to eat [ __ ] and die but now he's like begging for help and the sweet release of death poor guy now it's time for some blood for the blood god baby corn it's a huge toss up between who is the most powerful chaos god tits nitro corn after all in an alternate timeline the cornite invasion of terror ends with eight bloodthirsters of corn killing the emperor but that was an alternate timeline not the true one so it doesn't really count from raw power corn is the greatest as he is the god of war and unsurprisingly there is a lot of war in the universe of warhammer he is the forefront of every conflict in battle his greater demons been known as some of the most powerful there is even a passage that basically says if slaanesh pisses off corn enough corn could potentially destroy the entire universe in a fit of rage but that won't happen because gw would go bankrupt and it would be a pretty [ __ ] way to end the setting to try put into perspective korn's power part of his thing is that he doesn't care from whence the blood flows considering there are a metric fuckton of women aged between 13 and 50 in warmer 40k that's a lot of blood flow he's been empowered by on to number two now we have tits niche the greatest of the chaos gods early in his career tisnish got so powerful that korn and nergal had to team up to kick his ass they shattered titsuche's form into thousands of pieces which titchness continues gathering to this day so the height of his power it's confirmed that he was the most powerful but even post this he's still incredible and i think still on top of them the impact he has had on the galaxy as a whole is second to none without tits niche the emperor would have completed his webway project and chaos wouldn't have stood a chance horace would have died years before he got to terror it was this naturally tricked the magnussen to ruin the big e's webway project to snitching united chaos and course the horus heresy tysitch is super involved in the great game that keros plays and he's really the only one that keeps it tipped in chaos favor the other three are just too [ __ ] to do that it's kind of funny though because this this loves the great game and he loves warhammer but he's too good at it so whenever he feels like he's getting too far ahead or the game looks like it's coming to an end he'll sabotage himself or chaos in order to balance it out a bit it's like in certain online games where you're loving the game but your opponent is falling behind and could be crushed but you don't do it because you want to drag out the game as much as possible because you're having fun that's tits niche finally our number one spot by far the most powerful god slash gods in warmer 40k gawk and mork when i first got into 40k i never really gave the orcs the respect they deserved which to be fair neither is game's workshop i always thought gawk and mork were these random noobs jerking each other off in the corner whilst all the green skins kiddos just attacked everything now while this isn't entirely inaccurate gawk and mork are not noobs they are just too busy punching each other and stomping around to crump all the other gods i'm not kidding it's been stated in law that they can never be defeated and that many other gods have tried to attack them which just causes them to shrug off the attack and then laugh at the attacker before then kicking their ass back to whatever corner of hell they came from the opening of the great rift has been a huge delight for gawk and mork as now they can just throw their orcs all over the galaxy at random the orcs call the rift gawks grin after all to help back up my claim orcs are the most numerous things in the galaxy they breed like rabbits on viagra each orc is a complete and utter fanatic to gawk and mork and all of them have a pretty strong connection to the warp so you can imagine the kind of power they would give to their gods they have the same attitude of t snitch in that they don't want the galaxy to end and they don't really want to win so as long as their orcs are thriving gork and walker happy to crump each other across the warp rattling korn's skull throne knocking over nurgle's cauldron and crashing slaanesh's swinger parties the gods of warhammer 40k are really interesting and a lot of fun they're also tough as [ __ ] and hopefully you now see why and that does this for today guys the top 10 strongest gods in warmer 40k if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where only one dollar per month gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more godly content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace bow to me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 477,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Gamesworkshop, Eldar, Imperium, Emperor, C'tan, Khaine, Cegorach, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne, Sigmar, Nurgle, Fantasy, Lore, Slannesh, Explained, Majorkill, Australia, Australian, Top 10, Space Marine, Sci fi, Gods, Halo, Tyranids, Gork, Mork, Orks, Greenskins
Id: ziONZsM7hEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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