Mephiston : The Lord of Death EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal there are a lot of overpowered heroes who've stood against all odds and come out triumphantly one man armies who have altered the course of the galaxy through sheer strength of will and mighty girth however some characters take this a step further they get so overpowered that you were left wondering how the hell absolutely anyone would have a chance against them mephiston is one such example the avatar of the dark angel a psycho so overpowered that i genuinely don't know how like half the primax would be how to face him this dude has some absolutely bonkers feats of power that are going to be an absolute joy to talk about for the next 10 minutes or so but before we talk about his luscious nips there are some other nips we gotta focus on first mine just kidding unless the cosplay nude calendar that i spent months and a ton of money putting together is still available for two more weeks the calendars have started to arrive to people's doors and everyone has said nothing but good things this chick even bought the digital version printed it out and then hung it up for her boyfriend as a gift absolute keeper that one is the calendar comes in a4 for that subtle bedside draw vibe a big ass a3 when you want to hang it up in your living room as a power play or the digital version for if you just want to keep track of the months from the safety of your computer chair if you love battle mace 40 million then get it for the cosplays if you love titties then it's full of them and if you're just really passionate about keeping track of the date in a more traditional format bam no reason not to pick one up before it's gone forever today we'll go over the rise and continual rise of mifitzen how he gains so much power what his purpose is and some of the absolute ridiculous feats of strength he has displayed let's get into it fortunately for mr fitzton's character development he didn't just pop out of the womb as some kind of unstoppable demigod that we were supposed to respect from day one abaddon the fitzton wasn't even his original name it was actually brother calistarius who was inducted into the blood angels around the middle of the 41st millennium he was a powerful psycho and a bit of a weirdo which is generally what most powerful psyches are like but other than that he didn't stand out too much as an overpowered juggernaut this would all change however as during the second war of armageddon where the orcs first invaded the unfortunately named world in earnest brother calistarius would go full [ __ ] and fall to the black rage the black rage being an affliction which drives blood angels insane making them believe that they are sanguineous and everyone else other than other black rage victims are horus on one hand this makes them very powerful they gain extreme speed and strength without any concern for their own life a black rage blood angel makes a cornite berserker look like a my little pony hentai artist however these advantages are offset by the fact that they are now a massive liability who ends up team killing a lot calistharius was put into the death company with the rest of the black rage angels and during a large battle at hades hive was buried by a massive church as it collapsed he survived the collapse but was basically forced to rage really hard in a confined crushed space after a week of raging he calmed down was cured of the black rage and busted his way out of the rubble a couple of orcs came over to score what they thought was an easy kill after all i'm in pretty bad form after a big night out on the beer so i can't imagine what seven days of no food water sleep and a lot of rage would do to someone despite this calistarius beat them all to a pulp with his bare hands mortal kombat style dude even performed a fatality on the last orc by ripping out a tart the changes calistarius had undergone was significant hence he no longer identified with his name changing it to the significantly more badass and edgy mifitzthen the newly born mafitsten was way more powerful both physically and psychically than he had ever been before he also became very dramatic commissioning his own set of unique stylish armor a very over-the-top impractical cloak and now he talks like christian bale's batman well at least i imagine he does i haven't personally heard him speak before mcphitsland would walk back to the imperial lines rejoining his black angel brothers before rapidly ascending to the rank of chief liberian through virtue of being by far the most powerful psycho in the blood angels if not the entire imperium to add an even extra bit of dramatic flair he decided his game attack would be lord of death not because his abilities had much to do with the cycle of death but because it sounded cool which you know honestly i can't talk i call my [ __ ] youtube channel majorkill this begun my fits than second life and boy did he grab it by the balls saving the soul of the blood angels on numerous occasions the first occasion was when some tits nichian [ __ ] resulted in a blood angel called akio being turned into a doppelganger of sanguinius he grew angel wings golden long hair and got really [ __ ] sexy this false angel then had special armor made for him as well as claiming the spear of telesto which was one of sanguinis personal weapons and contained a small fragment of his essence within it understandably archaeo declared himself sanguinis reborn so mephiston was like wait a minute [ __ ] i gotta do the [ __ ] test on you beep boop beep yep you're a [ __ ] not quite word for word what happened but i hope you get the point mephitzer was able to quickly tell that archaea was just a pawn of chaos with the taint of corruption in his soul befits them then challenge akira to a jewel which would have likely been over very quickly however arkio's brother raffan wanted to fight him instead mephitz then agreed and there was some hectic brother v brother chance raffan gets the spear and kills his brother tit schnitz activates his trap guard by sporting a greater demon and tries to get the blood angels to fall to the black rage raffin banishes the greater demon befits them then falls to the black rage again and is promptly cured by raffan using the spear [ __ ] raphael mvp of the day this made my fist than the first and only person to not only overcome the black rage once but twice jesus made it's not a competition mcfitzten would go on to go absolutely ham against the tyranids on multiple occasions on the hives of holonen he would easily purge a jean silla infestation only for a tyranid high fleet to arrive with just the small force of blood angels and guardsmen mcfitzthen fights the high fleet solo killing its hive tyrant before getting decked by a big ass trigon however he had held the planet long enough for reinforcements to arrive after the war he digs himself out of the rubble bit of a habit for him and dust himself off no worries however his greatest trial against the needs would come during the devastation of baal as would the greatest displays of his overpowered [ __ ] when he was flying on a thunderhawk mcphitston and his men would get attacked by thousands of flying tyranids mcphitston simply says hold my beer before jumping out of the thunderhawk creating flaming psychic wings before kamehameha harming the entire tyranid force destroying them all in seconds it's literally stated that his power and rage at that moment outmatched the hunger of the hive mind which is a bit of wank but this also isn't the first time we've seen astartes overcome the hive mind to make matters more obscene you also got to remember that tyranid high fleets have the shadow in the warp ability which dampens psychic powers so this isn't even mcphitston at his best i think the writers realized that baal wasn't in much danger if mcfitzen was allowed to be on the battlefield hence they decided that they would try get mephiston to go kill kabunda in korn's realm yes you heard me mcfitzen decided that killing corn's greatest champion on his own home turf was a reasonable and realistic thing to do hence mcfitsten entered a cave and opened up a portal to korn's realm but things went wrong as they usually do when you try [ __ ] with corn trapping with fitston in a cave that meant he was benched for the rest of the war and baal once again he had to dig his way out of the rubble the one upside was that it blocked kabunda from materializing on bal itself forcing him to appear on a nearby moon which meant he basically just kicked a bunch of tyranid arse instead of massacring the blood angels the angels were saved by gillyman's arrival as well as the introduction of the blood angel's primaris mafitzen decided that he wasn't powerful enough yet so he volunteered to have the surgery to turn him into a primaris marine holy [ __ ] you thought this dude this beast was already powerful you ain't seen nothing yet when mcphitsin was going through the surgery he got a vision of the dark angel sanguino and sanguinius sanguinius basically says hey dude can i put the dark angel the darkest aspect of my soul the aspect responsible for causing the black rage and red thirst in you can you like look after it and contain it so it can't corrupt the blood angels but fitston is like lol yeah sure no worries hence wakes up from the surgery with the most [ __ ] obscene power boost ever not only was his body now a more advanced primaris but now he owns nearly half of sanguinius's soul the other lighter side going to the sangrano whilst the other shards remain scattered in various parts of the galaxy with his new power mephiston decided that he wanted to make magnus the most powerful psycho chaos has by far his [ __ ] in his quest to do this we are given by far the most bonkers overpowered display of mephitz than we have ever seen at one point during his mission his ship is attacked by the elder they land a good strike on his craft that more or less destroys it before the craft could blow up and kill everyone on board mcphitston freezes time and takes a stroll around the craft deleting the energy blast ripping through it repairing the ship before then approaching the pilot who had just had his brains blown out but fitzton muses that he could easily save the pilot's life or at least bring him back from the dead but decides that he doesn't want his game attack to become literal and that necromancy is a bit too spicy so he leaves the pilot to die the main point though is that this dude can [ __ ] stop time how do you beat that if mcphitston wants to kill gillyman boom freeze time cut off his head this would work on nearly every primark the only ones that could survive this would be primarks with psychopowers or primocks with anti-psychopowers or vulcan [ __ ] diabolical he then goes on to infiltrate magnus's planet before foiling a plot that could have turned terror into a warped spaghetti [ __ ] dude literally outplayed the demon primark of sorcery in his own game not to mention the time when mephitz than solo destroyed a necron dynasty either i'm [ __ ] telling you guys mcfitzen is insane probably the most powerful asset the imperium has to offer so this begs the question is his power justified or is he just another mary sue that the writers keep wanking off not gonna lie i like it mcphitzen isn't just powerful because he is he's powerful because he has progressively levelled up through dramatic actions recovering from the black rage becoming primaris becoming the avatar of sanguinis's darkness chaos has demon primarks unkillable chaos champions greater demons with the power of a primark and about a thousand million gigatons of plot armour shoved up abaddon's [ __ ] the imperium is allowed to have the occasional vampire edge lord who can stop time and wreck tits also any character that can spank magnus's ass so hard that his face looks wide in comparison is a character that i can get behind if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then buy that cosplay calendar preferably the physical one as i accidentally over ordered the a4s but that's okay hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more overpowered content join the description for more memes and i'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 301,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: UYOvaWSn6iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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