Why Kharn the Betrayer is an Absolute BEAST | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal when you think of corn there's a good chance the image of khan the betrayer enters your mind a killing machine a ruthless berserker an honorable warrior a good friend he has been all of these things and more over the course of his extremely violent life and he is genuinely considered to be the greatest astartes warrior in the current setting but how do we get a character who is both a good friend and a mindless slaughterhouse let's just say that he's had a lot of uh character development and not all of it was good regardless of how his personality has changed one thing is remain consistent this guy is an absolute beast before we get started do you guys remember that video where i got half naked and taught you how to stop being a fat piece of [ __ ] well in that video i said the easiest way to stick to a good high protein meal plan was to mix freshly cooked meals with pre-made microwave meals and i've recently found you a great option for the pre-made ones a company 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along the way let's get into it [Music] khan was one of those day one astartes born on terror and literally trained by veterans of the unification wars he was a handsome noble man with a slick tan it was kind of cute how naive was at the start he was told of a contest where each warhound which is what they were called before anger and went edgelord on them and changed them to the world eaters would need to try claim 100 nazi scalps so we need to try claim 1 000 skulls in response to this khan asked where do we get the skulls from it's funny to think that one day he would complete this contest over 1 000 times khan's rise to fame however was when the warhounds were reunited with angron angran wasn't happy about this he had been kidnapped against his will on the eve of the greatest battle of his life abandoning his warriors and leaving them to be slaughtered let's just say that he was having the biggest [ __ ] sulk in the entire galaxy one by one the warhound captains and commanders entered agron's chamber to try and make him stop being a [ __ ] and to take command of the legion one by one they died violently angron had pretty much wiped out the entire world eater command by the time that khan went in to try when angeron began kicking the [ __ ] out of him khan didn't flinch back down begged for mercy or played with his primark to stop he took the beating like a man while getting his [ __ ] kicked in khan spoke of the legion its glories the power of the imperium and his own combat stories as anger was about to finish him off he was like wait a minute you mean i get to lead a legion of super soldiers in a galactic crusade of fire and bloodshed holy [ __ ] that sounds [ __ ] great i'm in hence khan survived his ordeal and convinced his primark to lead the warhounds now known as the world eaters khan was assigned as angron's number two he would be angron's advisor confident and drinking buddy the problem with this is that the role of number two is supposed to be for someone with a level head that can talk anger on down and get him to chill the [ __ ] out khan on the other hand would full send charge into battle alongside his primark and then they would be like dude did you see me bisect that guy with my chain axe yeah bro it was [ __ ] rad they were like two peas in a pod who fed each other's bloodthirst so yeah not quite the therapist angra needed despite khan's inherent blood rage he was still a good man when anger on told everyone to put nails in their [ __ ] brains a number of world eaters weren't really vibing it before the mass implantation could begin angrily had a fit of rage and he got his ass knocked out by the world eater librarians as such a number of world eaters were emboldened to try reject the butcher's nails and it created division within the legion the anti-nails leader pleaded with khan to help save the legion and end the madness but khan was too loyal to his daddy and instead he was the first one to receive the butcher's nails truly kicking off the transformation from noble warrior who was a little bit too horny for war to a berserker who could only use one chain axe in battle because he was too busy jerking himself off with the other hand during the great crusade and horus heresy khan would form a friendship with numerous other badass characters he and sigismund were by this point the two greatest astati warriors in all the legions and they enjoyed spying and hanging out sigismund chaining his sword to his arm it was actually inspired by khan another legend that khan got along with was argel tal who is arguably one of the only word bearers that is actually likable when horus went full bulge jihadist mode against the emperor and the horus heresy broke out the world eaters and word berries would team up to go on the shadow crusade [ __ ] up large parts of ultramar and royally pissing off the big gilly men argual and khan became even closer buddies declaring each other honour brothers this is why people say that khan was a bro it was his bromance with argol tal who was also a massive bro at this point khan was fighting to maintain his sanity the butcher's nails had been eating away at him and the emptiness it left behind was slowly being filled with the influence of corn an overzealous warrior plus nails in their [ __ ] brain plus the demon war god wanting to make you their avatar equals a dude who needs some serious therapy khan didn't want to become this war monster whilst he looked up to his father he wasn't naive anymore he knew angron was mentally cooked and on the brink of losing it permanently and he didn't want to follow those footsteps there was literally a scene where khan travels to prospero in search of an artifact that could allow him to remove the butcher's nails he even captures a loyalist thousand sun captain and tries to interrogate him to discover where the tech is as the thousand sun tells khan that together they can save his sanity the nails become enraged and activate causing khan to beat the thousand son to death yeah look he wasn't really known for his critical thinking in his later years the only thing keeping khan somewhat sane at this point was argel tal after all if a half-demon word barrack could keep being a chill guy then why couldn't khan hence tragedy struck as erebus in a fit of jealousy stabbed argel in the back and killed him erebus claimed that argo would prevent khan from fulfilling his destiny as korn's avatar hence severely weakened the trait of forces as [ __ ] as argo's death was it gave us one of the best scenes in warhammer basically erebus was flexing on some world eaters by having honor jewels fights until first blood drawn he was doing a good job as well easily beating a number of elite world eaters then khan stepped forward and challenged him to a fight to the death he would avenge argel erebus accepted and the fight wasn't even close in under 10 seconds khan had cut off erebus hand sliced him across the body multiple times beaten the [ __ ] out of him with his fist and knocked him on his ass three times it was said that khan had never fought so coldly and ruthlessly before as khan went for the kill erebus teleported away like a [ __ ] but the humiliation was complete from here there was really nothing holding khan back no emotional attachments no incentive to maintain his sanity he had killed one route to salvation and the other had been taken from him armed with his primark's own discarded then repaired chain axe the new khan was here and ready to [ __ ] being khan is a bit of an occupational hazard he always insists on being at the forefront of every single battle now it doesn't matter how angry you are or how good you are at swinging an axe if you cop a shell to the face you can have a bit of a [ __ ] one khan has been blasted numerous times only to get up and shake it off gavrio loken a legendary loyalist luna wolf even impaled khan on a tank and whilst that was a close one he ended up being able to just walk it off by the siege of terror khan still held onto a small sliver of his past self sure he was very very hectic and not very good for conversation but his thoughts were still coherent and interesting he enjoyed the thrill passion and emotion of battle hence when he came against his old friend sigismund in their final duel he was horrified sigismund had become a cold ruthless killer hell-bent on the emotionless death of his enemies this was anthanamata khan who fought for the joy and glory of battle khan wanted an epic duel like anakin vs obi-wan and mustafar where they say cool one-liners and ghetto cinematic sigismund just wanted to kill the [ __ ] out of khan and move on and kill khan sigismund did slicing off his limbs breaking his skull crushing his throat slicing up in his chest and that was before the final blow khan was super [ __ ] dead but he survived old law states that khan was mortally wounded and dragged to safety by his brothers where due to the power of corn he makes a full recovery however new law has khan deader than dead so i assume his body will still get recovered and then undergo some kind of hectic ritual to be revived by corn regardless sigismund did kill khan that day what was spawned of khan's body is probably something different whilst there is a method to khan's madness he is mad the old passionate and honorable khan is long gone now we have a berserk yet still tactical khan roaming around the galaxy trying to rack up as many kills as possible and yes because korn is a bit of a gamer khan has an inbuilt kill counter on his helmet that totals over 1 million considering khan only engages in melee combat that's a pretty [ __ ] obscene milestone so where does his betrayer title come from when the traitors lost and were forced to retreat to the eye of terror the world eaters and emperor's children fought over a planet khan led his legion and claimed numerous victories however the world was prone to extreme cold at night meaning that even a space marine in armor would freeze to death as such the world eaters and emperor's children agreed to a cease-fire for the night time however the word ceasefire isn't in khan's vocabulary so the angry lad picked up a flamer and used it to set everyone's shelter on fire to warm them up and stop them from bitching or hiding he then got a bit too excited and started incinerating his own troops before attacking them with his chain axe he then started killing everyone on the planet hence the world eda legion scattered into smaller warbands this act shattered the legion and has made the world aid as such an insignificant force in the galaxy ever since earning him the title betrayer khan has gone up against and beat nearly every hitter he can get his hands on in a duel with azrael the dark angels chapter master azrael started really well and got some good hits in but he recognised that the longer the jew went on the stronger khan got so he was forced to retreat khan also fought and was able to kill saint celestine the living saint for reference saint celestine regularly makes greater demons her [ __ ] and was able to kick abaddon's arse with the help of her closeted girlfriend inquisitor grey facts so that was an impressive kill he has rammed a blood angel strike cruiser with his own ship fought off a dozen blood angel terminators at once by himself claimed the skulls of hive tyrants necron overlords elder or torches who are elder aspect warriors that have mastered every single path and awk war bosses every major battlefield that chaos has fought on khan has done his best to attend is modern day khan an interesting and relatable character no has his character development been good no is he an absolute [ __ ] beast you bet your rc is if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more beastly content join the disc with more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 419,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: aJjcd_y14XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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