The John Cena Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 407

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I love the Fast and Furious family but boy did I want to be in Barbie how are you fluent in Mandarin how was John Cena WWE give you a free language program that is unbelievable no it's very believable they offered it for free your Instagram John these images will be posted without explanation for your interpretation can I ask you about this traffic jam I was stuck in traffic you saw the Rocks return do you think he had that line written on his wrist one thing I know about Dwayne he never makes the same mistake twice you're so genuine everyone says that one meeting Kidd one meeting John Cena one meeting if you see me on my phone I want you to know I'm not texting same I'm looking at the plethora of notes that I have encyclopedia you know um it's unprofessional we spent uh we spent hours together today and uh I I don't need it we just we just talked like two people I know doing things to people I know I know but now it's my show John yes use your notes use your phone let me are we we're good we're on let me just hydrate first let's go first first time trying it my got all of it whoa wow you'd be fun to do a cake stand with I swallowed it all let's go that's what she said welcome to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing we have an absolute legend in the house that you can't see where is he he's not here yet uh you have to shake his hand if you can actually see him or subscribe to this channel so subscribe if you want to see ladies and gentlemen I learned about all that vernacular subscribe hit the likes do the comments notification notification the Bell ding that Bell yeah thank you yeah we just filmed what drives you I learned I just that was that was you I mean you gave me a wealth of knowledge I do the outros I got about 30% of that but that's okay I can teach you John just like you can teach me because you are one of the greatest wrest to have ever done it I do go on a clap for you ladies and gentlemen we have John Cena in the house oh two times foolish it's an honor Mr Cena we're all we're all clapping we're all just clapping it's an understatement it we've we've wanted you on for so long and to get to spend time with you just the five 10 minute interactions that we've had prior to today was an honor to get to sit down with you for two hours in your car we just did a his show called what drives you um where we just talked about the deepest you man you are just a promoter I love that about you just you always plug dude thank you so much for that and uh that conversation was very special so thank you yeah of course I I throw the same thing your way nothing is off limits uh we'll we'll do the best to get you the best show we can well I'm glad you said that Joe all right let's Dive Right In no I got I got pretty vulnerable on that show and uh I told you this on while we were shooting but ironically every interaction I've had with you you You Make Me Feel the most seen John Cena makes me feel the most seen I've ever felt man when you look at people and you shake their hand you care and you're so genuine everyone says that are [ __ ] kidding one meeting John Mee sorry someone has to be somewhere that was probably the most important alarm of like I got to take my medicine sorry sorry sorry sorry but yeah through all your successes um uh inside and out side of the W skip a beat right there traversing I'm I'm good at this [ __ ] I do podcasts you are still somehow so genuine and so kind and so thank you for all the time you've given me and the energy you've given me and joining us on this show I appreciate the invite uh it's good to be here in Puerto Rico yeah man this is this is Paradise here so uh thank you for welcoming in into your your home and I really appreciate it of course man we could we could take this so many directions but I think I think the most appropriate way to start honestly is um your Instagram John you are one of the most famous people on the planet and your Instagram is one of the most perplexing places that I've ever seen what do you mean when I go to at John Cena on Instagram hold on I'm just gonna I gotta pull some up because I need answers Cena I need answers I wasn't sure if I was on the right account at first be honest but it had 20 million no look at today oh my God the Puerto Puerto Rican flag now that would make sense okay John but what were you feeling on this Prince day on this on this Dave rendition of what does the bio say I'll read it welcome to my Instagram these images will be posted without explanation for your interpretation enjoy so enjoy no no no no no no no we want you to interpret what this photo of Benjamin Franklin that you posted me what did you mean when you posted that John so uh I don't want to I never want to take away anyone's interpretation of the image why did I post that because I just read uh for Charlie's Almanac which is a Charlie Monger piece who admires and read a a reference to biography by Ben Franklin and it references a lot to do with Ben Franklin and uh Ben Franklin found compounding interest to be extremely interesting uh so much so that he uh took an experiment and put a certain amount of fund certain amount in a fund and had it mature for a certain amount of time and was able to fund a bunch of philanthropic projects just on compound interest alone don't think that enough people learn how to use money right I don't know why we don't teach it in schools and uh I got guidance on how to use money from Ben Franklin via Charlie Munger so I posted Ben Franklin can I ask you about this traffic jam yeah sure I was stuck in traffic these are all making so much sense that one I love I hate I hate doing this because I want uh people to be able to take away what they want just like any other artist they want AUD so I originally I am not from the age of attach yourself to every platform uh it's it was very tough for me to come up to to speed uh I contribute to Facebook I contribute to Twitter and then the the WWE at the time when Instagram launched was like you have to have an Instagram it's like all right if I have to have it I'm doing it my way and the very first post is a post of a writer who was working with me at the time Ryan Ward it's a closeup of his mustache and I didn't put anything no no tags no nothing and I said I'd never post a picture of my face and I would never add any text and I would just see if this could work and it has become like art and I think there's not enough there's not enough vehicle for interpretation nowadays everything is presented and thoroughly explained I want people to think for themselves and I've dropped some serious Clues and spoilers on there and like real inside baseball stuff but if you're not looking for it you don't know and I don't care if you know because that's not the point the point is if you're if you come to there as a forum you can check out the images you can get a look into my life or maybe you can get a look into your own life maybe you see something in that traffic jam that I don't maybe you see something that Ben Franklin pitchure I don't Stone Cold stroganov and then there's Stone Cold Friday it is a beautiful rendition of a way to use social media it's actually amazing com from you that that you like I said three sizes man that I appreciate that it's cool and I'm not going to do this all day just please just one more what did you mean when you posted this bear with 687 th000 likes what is this chubby little bear I had just uh visited my family in Vancouver and I spent uh 10 days being fed Persian food and that's how I felt you're the best John and that cuz the it's in the snow and that's kind of how I felt can can we make this can we get serious for a sec on the social media thing for just one last we weren't serious we just didn't do that I thought was very serious I thought serjin I mean I was genuinely giving you my thoughts which is very rare I don't explain anything okay leaving the interpret the artistic interpretation out of it do you do you see any other uh innate downsides to social media that you don't like is there any anything you steer clear of any platforms you don't like is there anything you just don't like about social media listen uh man there's things about life I don't like so I stay away from that stuff um the reason I curate my Instagram the way I do is because I want to really be efficient with my time on that screen and the reason I curate my Twitter the way I do the reason we uh have the experience and Tik Tok that we do um is because I want to be able to First what's most important to me getting something out there for the people who who actually pay attention to what I do I have no idea why but understanding that that's important and making it important but also setting boundaries for myself I believe boundaries are very important in life um and this is a way for me to operate in all tentacles where my entire day isn't structured around that device and that's something that I am consciously aware of so I don't want to say I don't want to do that I want to be a part of all these things but I the the person who helps me uh manage all this is sitting right over there that when we sit down and explore a new platform the first dis piece of discussion is how much time is this going to take because that is our most valuable asset the time you gave me today in the car that's a huge ask I your time is Super valuable I I was able to receive so much worth and wealth from that and I'm grateful I'd much rather be doing that than scanning to see what the world is about I think social media is great if if it doesn't make your life miserable if something makes your life miserable and you continue to do it man I don't know what to tell you social media doesn't make my life miserable I feel good about the messages I send I feel great that I like kind of have an art gallery in Instagram I feel great that we can use Tik Tok for weird [ __ ] uh and we're now using it as a way to like look back on my life but it only takes me about 10 minutes a week to do so so it 10 minutes a week do you know how many people in their chairs watching this just CR like lost their minds there are people watching this show that are spending 12 hours a day on their phone but honestly if it gives you Joy I'm okay with it right like do what you love love what you do and and be around those you love while you're doing it there are uh people who do certain activities for for that amount of time and have a lot of joy in their lives if you're on your phone and and you can fall asleep at night and feel fulfilled who the [ __ ] am I to say you're doing it wrong amazing you have a very healthy relationship with social media and everything in your life the amount of discipline I can just hear that you and now that I know you a little bit better from the two-hour conversation we had you're like a almost like a disciplinary expert I feel like and especially to have achieved success that you have the way you treat time as your most valuable asset and actually mean it when you say it is inspiring and sort of refreshing in this day and age well we we talked a little bit about in the car uh about purpose and a lot of that is just working hard to try to be who you say you are and we all we all project ourselves a certain way but when rubber hits the road and you look at yourself in the mirror who are you and are you living the life that you're telling people you're living and that's that's I'm I'm just trying to do that now and that takes a lot of work you're doing it and and and the fans see it we see it and experience it in person can I see what your screen time is I don't have my phone on me exhibit a uh I that's okay I actually I monitor my screen time uh all in and uh I work out on an app so the app is always open uh I also do a language program and that app stays open but I monitor my screen time and uh my screen time per week or my screen time per day per week for 20 20 2023 was 150 minutes and that's all in everything no matter what yes that's fantastic I'm probably I'm probably double or triple that and my resolution this year one of my goals is to try to decrease it 10% sick I don't want to say like kick myself off everything yep I I can do that but I have to be accountable for the side effects of that I love what I do y and the entertainment business is business so it's it's a it's a necessary tool that I need to be fluent in yeah but I also want to get more time from me so I think getting that down to like two hours would be awesome but I'm just going to try to shave it shave it a little bit what are those what are those two hours do you ever find yourself like scroll sure sure uh I'm a car guy so I look at cars got it I I I look at the marketplace um I'll I'll I think a lot of the time is probably spent there just checking out like okay what what is a value in the market uh what is the going rate on stuff are there any crazy auctions coming up uh that I should steer away from because that would be detrimental to my financial security stuff like that hey 2024 is here and you might be saying to yourself I want to go see my favorite artist or sports team live live this year well good thing today's sponsor is you guessed it SeatGeek with over 28 million downloads SeatGeek is the number one rated ticketing app there are more than 70,000 events every single day on SeatGeek including concerts Sports festivals and more maybe even go see Wrestlemania 40 and Philly I will be there they put tickets all across the web in one place to make sure you're getting a good deal each ticket is graded to make sure you get a good deal look for the green dots green means good red means bad every ticket ticket is backed by their buyer guarantee and sege is the only site that lets you return your tickets ahead of the event with swaps I came through for you guys as always use the code Logan for $20 off tickets at SeatGeek that is $20 off your first purchase with a promo code Logan click the link in the description to download the app shout out SE back to the app you mentioned uh language app and you also said the word fluent I got to know how the [ __ ] are you fluent in Mandarin so fluent is a stretch okay uh I'm better than I was yesterday and I've been taking Mandarin for 10 10 to 12 years now and the the how of that is WWE WWE uh did not have to do this and they offer all Talent you qualify for this as well they will assist in paying for your secondary education and they will give you a free language program are you serious you can learn it just like I can I am going to learn Spanish and when they when they uh debuted all these things I'm the old crusty veteran sitting at the front of the talent meeting with everybody I'm like these kids don't know how good they got it they can get a college education and learn a language I I got to turn up and say that no I'm not going to turn around and tell them to do anything I'm going to do it so on my time off I took advantage of the program had a tutor come to the house and just started from there that is unbelievable no it's very believable they offered it for free I'm going to take him up on that and I thought it was a good opportunity to learn and i' you know at that point uh I had heard the two toughest things to do as you age were learn language and play instrument and I it was learning remedial mandrin that inspired me to try to learn instrument dude I saw a selfie video of you promoting something speaking fluent or what appeared to be fluent Chinese I I describe it as like a a foreign athlete trying to speak English after the game like it's you can you can get it like that one guy that one baseball player talking about the the bananas and cramps monkey eat banana oh yeah monkey no cramp I eat the locker I know yeah yeah the Japanese guy why Mandarin uh so is it like some like strange reason like do like so um you missed out on a great conversation but I I cannot tell you how much I love WWE and and loving it is not just loving my time in the ring it's also loving the business and WWE has really never been able to to penetrate China and I um they just don't understand it they think it's a Kung Fu Exposition they don't know if it's real um it's it's the one place in the world that kind of doesn't understand we're everywhere else but China so I figured if one of WWE's top Superstars could Bridge the language barrier maybe we can get some relevancy over there and with relevancy maybe we can get some homegrown talent and with homegrown Talent maybe as we were talking about how you how you get distribution with Prime and how you get locations it's you have influence in this area and I was literally just trying to use myself as a vehicle to get us over there and the crazy thing is it didn't work so we also talked about like manifesting stuff and it failing yeah this was eight years of Labor fail my God I haven't stopped I still learn because I truly admire learning the skill and uh it I don't I don't do it anymore as oh this will be useful to me someday I try to keep my brain Sharp and I don't want to lose what I've learned but uh it was one of those things where you just work really hard and it doesn't matriculate I don't think that's I don't think that's like a representation of like anyone's you know faults or inabilities to penetrate that market that's a tough Market John everything they use is is different it's it's not like you you post an Instagram post and it goes to France and it goes to Italy and it goes to Germany it's in the United States China has its own entire ecosystem of of social media of marketplace of Industry of do you literally pick one of the hardest places to try to penetrate it was the one place we weren't right right that story in itself is an indicator of your love for the company like you were willing to put in so much work to try to extend uh the work that you do into another country and I think even one of our interactions and and we talked about keeping certain interactions off camera but I'm going to share this for the world good is also an indicator of how much you love WWE um I'm in my locker room One Day Kicking It with Kevin laying back I hear a knock who could that be great sound effect opens the door I'm the only dude who still does the shave and a Haircut Two Bits gag I knew it was someone it's John Cena I go John Cena well welcome what's up and man you just expressed to me that the love you had for this company and you your gratitude for me for showing it that the respect that it honestly deserves but it was not not shocking but it it was so nice to see off camera in a private space really how much you love the WWE you said you said it's your life and the amount of energy and effort that you put into it on and off camera can be felt and I think that's why the fans respond to you so much I appreciate that thank you you've been doing this for so long from the ovw W days ruthless aggression did the another huge failure well that's what I wanted to ask when you enter the WWE you know they're like who are you what are you about my name's John Cena I'm about ruthless aggression what was the storyline going in or you all just winging it so uh if I had it to do again right uh the reason it didn't work is because I wasn't there for Vince's ruthless aggression promo and I was neither ruthless nor aggressive so I looked the same as everybody else it was basically a debut we spoke off camera and you expressed that now you just want to show them what you got you want to show them what you're capable of and you can do such amazing things but so can everyone else what sets people apart is the ability to believe so when I come out and I slap Kurt Angle in the face and say ruthless aggression everybody's like great and then 10 minutes into that match one of the rowdiest buildings in the world the Rosemont Horizon everybody's like this and that I it just wasn't going to work uh they filmed a they filmed a little bit with the Undertaker afterwards where he shook my hand and I was in awe someone who's aggressive and ruthless would have kicked him in the nuts yeah yeah so either I just didn't understand the opportunity I was being given I can take those two words and in those two words tell me who you are in two words ruthlessly aggressive I know what that means do whatever it takes in an aggressive manner to get the objective done or you're a 180 of that you are the biggest pacifist and you are not ruthless so I could have said that I was Ruth ruthlessly aggressive and been the opposite and I would have had a chance I could have said I was ruthlessly aggressive and been that and had a chance I said it and wrestled fail fail and I mean they they set me up I was with top tier performers uh pay-per-view matches it just didn't work the audience didn't connect and it was because I didn't give of myself to them I wanted to show them my skill that's all well and good but man when I go back I don't have much skill left I just give them my whole complete heart and always have and always will and that's why people show up man they they sit down to stand up and be excited and be energized and [ __ ] believe in something and you can like dude you can feel it like I love that I love it I and and I I just wish I'd known that earlier I mean you're not doing so bad I appreciate that yeah but you're flipping it back on me hey you told me about your regret and I'm like hey we know how the story ends yeah yeah yeah I mean everyone has their Arc um and and you you also said like the come up is so interesting because everybody's come up is different yeah I mean I I said in the car I was like I wish I would have done some things differently as as I'm sure you would too um and and and the whole class of people that came up with you at ovw um Batista was one of them Lesnar we were watching videos last night Randy Orton like the amount of Blue Chip Talent at the time was absolutely unbelievable and you had the best peers in the game to well people talk about that but let's look at the class before us um DX The Rock Stone Cold Steve Austin The Undertaker Kane the list goes on and let's talk about the class after me of the CM Punks the Seth Rollins the Roman Reigns I mean Cody rhods Becky Lynn Charlotte Flair the list goes on yeah I mean the WWE has never been at a loss for talent it they go through these small patches in the timeline where they're like what are they going to do next who's going to be the next Stone Cold who's gonna be the next John Cena and now it's like who's gonna be the next Roman Reigns sitting right there maybe I personally think it's Dominic Mysterio shout out by the way absolutely shout out absolutely shout out he's doing fantastic speaking of him jumping in recently what was your initial perception of that hire and that entry into the WWE I'll give you two answers me 10 years ago would have been very skeptical but the business has changed and because the business has changed and we have better distribution we're in more we can we're more find us in more places yeah um the perception of what we can offer has changed and now people come to us seeing opportunity not just what can I take from this place and right away with what you are willing to sacrifice in terms of your health and well-being with the moves that you do I can tell that you give a [ __ ] and that means a lot you're not here to just do the thing once you went from like special guest to full-time superstar in five minutes and that's that's very refreshing I think it speaks volumes to you understanding what the WWE can offer and how the WWE is changed man I really appreciate that um and we we talked about this in the car um I love that I love what drives you by the way always well we talked for two hours and Nikki is telling me it's going to be like a 23 minute cut so might as well just have the sure stuff they're not going to use um um I I was like yo I I felt like I started late and and you mentioned that you started at age 22 I started at 26 but before you really got into it and and started having your big breaks did you know you wanted to be a wrestler because we've had edge here we've had some people here and they're like yo I knew the moment I saw wrestling this is what I was going to do so I knew it from a perspective of this is the hobby I want to have I think of it like your softball league or like whatever whatever you work towards the week for my little brother hates his job but loves his boat okay he endures the suck to get out on the water when I found that ring I was just about ready to take a career leap that would have not allowed me to do that uh and if that failed I was just going to go back home what were you going to do I was going to join the Marines he would have been a sick Marine so I just failed at every Avenue in life I got my college degree I could not apply it I I tried to be a cop I failed the exam uh I was running out of time money uh and and I just didn't know what to do and I was like man I I can follow a schedule I'm in shape I I think I can abide by the rules these people have always been Heroes to me it's right in San Diego was in Los Angeles at the time I'm like man I'm just going to I'm going to go for it and the weekend I was thinking about it a friend of mine was like dude you're always talking about raw you know we trained down in Orange County like what the [ __ ] no what no he's like would you want to do it yes of course when I saw the ring I was like okay I'm gonna do whatever stupid job I can to put on the costume Friday and Saturday so it wasn't like this is my path it was like no this is the new thing I'm into I was a student to play football you know I used my job to be a wrestler like it it became my Escape because I had spent so long on the other side of the barricade as a fan growing up so was there a moment then when you realized this was working and you may have a shot at true greatness not just to be a part of it well I wouldn't say that uh I would say there was a moment where I knew that it was a possible path and that was when I got my first contract and uh I'm I'm very vocal about this because of the times it was the height of the WCW WWF Wars where everyone was under contract because they didn't want you go in the other place they it was like boom you got a dotom I'll buy it like so my first contract was for $112,500 a year yeah and I quit my job and I still lived in Los Angeles damn so I had to I had to operate pretty lean or I I didn't have to I chose to and all the stories I tell about like hey I lived in my car I did that by choice I had a warm bed and a roof over my head in Massachusetts my dad is the the most giving person to his sons and he's like you always got a home here I always take care of you no I wanted to do that and I had to go through I chose to go through some hardships to to be where I'm at I quit because my philosophy was this is my job now I being being paid I am a professional this is my job I will find a way to make it work because someone has bet on me and if I don't let him down I could inch forward and I I did that my second contractors for like 25 and then they moved me to Kentucky and it became 50 then they moved me to TV and it became 75 and then I ended up signing a better deal and then a better deal six figure [ __ ] yeah you got to be getting at least like 100 now what's that you got to be getting at least like 100 a year now are they supposed to still pay me they're not paying you are they supposed to it's insane man but even like can you pay what you don't see John I'm sorry we don't to send the chck we can't see you so we don't pay we were we were so nervous about making these jokes and we're so happy that you're making them do you ever get sick of the not once not once uh I I went through a stretch where I was like man this has got some staying power cuz like the first time I heard it I think might have been' 09 right it's 2024 yeah bro and I still am invisible my my brother met him today Jake PA so [ __ ] happy to meet him an inspiration to me like I I was moved by the dock like I I thought it was so vulnerable and great and and for someone like I said to to start so late and Achieve fluency and Mastery so quickly is a just a byproduct of hard work effort I I'm drawn to passion and effort I'm like yo he goes over here like John John hey John my God I got to do the thing one more time D he told me he was going to do it I wasn't sure I got to be invisible one more time yeah no but it's funny man there's so this you you found a thing that really works dude I have a superpower yeah I'm I'm [ __ ] for real Invisible yeah one of the only people ever but this is this is what John you've done so much right not just in terms of you said in the car that it's going hash in the car you said in the car about the South Park gimmick yeah the South Park episode you were pleased yeah what am I supposed to say does it hurt my feelings no it's it's your way of saying your work affected me some way it's [ __ ] awesome it's [ __ ] awesome right also you can't get your feelings hurt if you don't have feelings to hurt hash sociopath the conversation we had in the car this is different this is different but so much went right in your career your physique your look your ability ability on the mic your branding um you can't see me your theme song John it's the it's one of the best theme songs I think in the WWE if not the best nice nice how did everything go so right uh I was able to weather the wrong uh I would say I have a less than Baseball Hall of Fame batting average you hit 300 you get in the Hall of Fame that's three hits out of every 10 of bats um we talked about it perseverance just the the ability to keep going and the ability to know what is not working and I think what knocked me on my ass was when ruthless aggression failed and I didn't pivot they said they were going to let me go so I was like Hey we're going to put you overseas for a fall tour and then Christmas time you probably and I was like yeah probably and that's when I started to care less about what other people thought and be more of my genuine self and in an accidental occurrence of that Stephanie McMahon overheard me rapping I've told the story a bunch oh my God she said she said do you want to do that on TV I said [ __ ] I get to be on TV again yes and the just simple choices of like do you want to look cool or do you want to look ridiculous I want to look ridiculous that early thugonomics stuff with like the Vanilla Ice wig and like the blue sheep skin suit and like the yellow corduroys and the Adidas bucket hats like oh be I want to be the most ridiculous possible because I tried the other way and people didn't connect at least they'll know who's coming out of the tunnel oh this is the rap kid or this is the kid who thinks he's a rapper yeah great I I you know who I am I've told you myself in one sentence that works yep so that's I guess it was because I got knocked out that I knew like okay I need to do something different and then I just began trying and failing well that's I think the formula of WWE at least from my perspective what it appears to be is like the crowd is the decider of what works and you're not going to know if it works until you're out there in front of 12,000 people playing your new theme song and seeing if there's a reaction when you come out of the tunnel yes but it's also an everchanging thing and every night is new data yeah and you can't hang your hat on one audience understanding understanding you um that's what I I loved about the period I was able to be placed in so many 250 performances a year you know I I did that schedule for 13 14 years before I started to decrease my involvement um I just got a lot of time in front of an audience so you could really and I tried so much stuff that didn't work um but I just knew like okay I've tried it 10 times I'm 0 for 10 punt uh it doesn't it doesn't work in theeast it doesn't work in the South it doesn't work in the west coast it doesn't work in Europe punt yeah do you feel like do you feel like there's a couple different directions you can go in life and branding and wrestling one of them being that's a wide net it's life well I'll I'll narrow it down for you one of them being ridiculous thugonomics the other being so ruthlessly authentic to yourself that people just say that's who this person really is and you you you did Dr thongon namics it worked because it was ridiculous are we seeing the real John Cena right now are you are you 100% authentic nowadays and how you present yourself on podcast in the WWE on the couch I don't know who else I could be uh we we spoke in the car uh dude about lot of expectations for the show Define uh Define yourself in a sentence or maybe even just a few words John Cena in the WWE existence is quite easy for me to Define Superman and I don't mean like I'm I'm stronger than everybody I can outrun a a speeding train or stronger than a train or faster than a bull whatever I mean Superman acts with pure virtue uh Superman has a moral code um Superman can be conflicted but when he's conflicted he is north star is his moral code and his virtues it it affects the body language it affects your delivery it's it's why uh you spoke you're like man I don't know when you're off script when you're on script neither do I because you just get out there and you feel the energy now over the years there's been a difference in Superman the Superman of the 2012 where man did they want CM Punk to win the championship because everybody was sick of me winning they were sick of Superman which is the forever problem with Superman he's he's too good too good yeah now it's an older Superman who is looking in the mirror and saying I was this I'm not this anymore what am I now homelander I'm I'm trying to figure it out trying to figure it out how do we know you're not homelander how do we know how do we know Spiderman but I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to figure it out I need your help hey guys I I don't know how much time I have left and I gauge their interest off of that if they're like get the [ __ ] out I do know how much time I have left and it's now but uh it's it's fun to be able to play with that Dynamic of having that run and just the like just like the evolution of the the the doctor of thugonomics that was a slow climb into it was an immediate shift into the rap guy and it was a slow climb into The Virtuous Superman character that became the face of WWE uh anyway but then it was a long period of time where that that character did well and uh now it's I I went on TV and said I haven't won in 2,700 days I haven't won a singles match in almost 3,000 days is that true yeah it's C solo had that spike is that's not fair I he did did have the spike wasn't wasn't my night I finished second but it's it's funny it's it's it's funny and interesting to tell that story so to answer your question the person sitting before you is me the person you see in WWE is more of me now than it ever has been in totality uh I don't know what the future will bring and I don't know if I have to take the character or the arc anywhere else but this here this is me even before we started I I don't need to promote anything hey you're like Hey we're going to promote this project and this you don't need to promote anything we're just going to talk and hopefully people are interested and if people are interested they'll be like I want to see what else that dude's a part of I uh it's just ingrained to me like we did your show what drives you which is coming out on Roku later this year and you can watch it while you're drinking listen why why would you why would you even care or even attempt to emulate or be Superman when you could just be peace maker cuz I am fortunate enough to be able to Da the the helmet I went went went one costume to another unbelievable John dude dude you've transcended that's that's part of the lore of John Cena is like all of a sudden we're seeing our favorite wrestler in movies and not just in movies killing it movies hilarious too as well you you have that comedy bone in you um Amy Schumer's train wre I showed him last night the scene in the movie theater with the homie call you Mark Wahlberg and you said well you said I don't know it's just hilarious but at one point you did make that crossover and it worked why why go into acting and and and did you even like it train wreck uh train wreck came out in 2015 I have been actively put in uh film and television since 2004 so I had my first match in 2002 I had my first movie opportunity in 2004 so it took 11 years for that crossover and that's the overnight Sensation that people don't understand hold on a second Marine came out in 2006 Marine was filmed in 2004 okay so train wre came out in 2015 we filmed it in 14 so I'll I'll round down took 10 years but it still was happening and you were good at it and it's I'll be honest the Hollywood environment is much different than the WWE environment so I disagree okay I disagree I used to think you were right uh everyone talks about like oh we play Big to the WWE and it's small to cinema they're correct but it's all storytelling and it's all knowing the character knowing the story knowing your why being coachable understanding your role on the chessboard at least from my perspective and the great thing is it's uh it's objective and it's creative so everyone has their recipe for chicken soup anything I tell you about WWE is only my lens it's not right or wrong it's just hey I this is the knowledge I have here you go enjoy um it took 10 years for me to find my flow my comfort on screen and that came with great coaching Jud appow and Amy Schumer gave me an environment to be myself I'm in a movie with comedians comedians that get paid to make people laugh you want to talk about an outsider me not one of them made me feel like an outsider and they would be like just go for it and if I I can't tell you how many takes they must have sat through that weren't funny no way to get to the gold that they were able to to coach out of me to get on screen and then the next group I got to work with was Paula pel Tina Fay and Amy polar very funny people and then from then on more funny people and more funny people so I put myself in a pool where I was far from the smartest person in the room and wanted to soak up knowledge just just like I did in the early days of WWE WWE you had to level up fast and and you did no I just was around you you don't have to do anything well if you want to be good at what you do but I didn't even know I wanted to do that I was still really enjoying WWE at the time and quite frankly the reason one of the many reasons a lot of those early projects weren't successful is I want to be back in the ring dude you've been in the ring I look at those images in the wall in your gym where you're in midair and the people behind you like yo look at this dude's face that doesn't happen on a movie set that doesn't happen it is Radio silent and it is really finite and the days are long and it you have to you have to have a certain mindset and as a Young Man in The Traveling business with every town going [ __ ] nuts I did not have that mindset every time I had this golden ticket of an opportunity I was like I want to be back in the thing and the project sucked because I always wanted to be elsewhere it's funny social media has that ability to Grant the Creator that instant gratification and in a weird way wrestling is kind of similar it's the exact same it's live you can tell if you did okay or not right now right away it's daunting though it can be daunting because you got to put yourself out there you still get nervous every time no way I'm nervous for this that's not true no it is just we're just sitting on a couch just hanging out so what does that does that take the edge off absolutely not we're we we still get nervous too we come in here all the time we're like yo we're I'm feeling Rusty and then you get in the you get in the ring and you do it for me I don't think it's about uh rust it's just you know like I said I want to really try hard to be the the person I say to people that I am you're an achiever you're an overachiever you do great at the things that you do yeah I think you're too kind no it's just true I I want to ask quickly also uh you you've described this pattern of turning Hobbies into careers you said it about wrestling when you were going to go be a marine and then you decideed to be a wrestler or or wanted to try wrestling as a hobby then you looked at Hollywood kind of it seems like as a you're going to try this as a as a person who also maintains a level of discipline in their life how do you decide what things you want to do and when to steer clear to stay focused on the things you're already doing well I think anytime you can do something that you that brings you Joy and and get a few shekel from it I think that's awesome um so if you if you can crack that code do more of that because that's it doesn't mean things are without their tough days sometimes turning turning a hobby into a profession makes you hate that discipline altogether but if you can do it and you can thrive in that environment it's not going to be without its hard times but it's it's going to make the hard times a lot more rewarding um I think with with movies I just grew up and had some real life wisdom and the the life of a WWE Superstar is very fast and then like after 15 years of it you're like man this is fast I got to slow the ride down or it's going to end soon and that might not be good so uh I just think a little bit of just grownup wisdom I don't come from any of this I'm I am a kid from West Newberry who did not begin documenting his life early who just tried to to do what I could to do the best I could and then throughout my life I've just always been aware that like oh this is something I should do um I got invited or I applied for preparatory school as a sophomore because I idolized my cousin and he did it's the only reason I did but I went to the school campus I was like this please Place rules I was thoroughly rejected cuz I was a d student and a poor athlete the dean of admissions said hey if you bring your grades to AB and you can Varsity in two sports we will consider you for reapplication not your hired I did and I reapplied and I was accepted so now as a 15-year-old I'm going to live at school I have to leave my friends in my Social Circle behind and as a 15-year-old you have no scope of future it it and also this is 1993 so it's a little bit different then um I didn't want to go but I was like yo I have to do this I didn't know what the yield would be and it turned out to that time in Preparatory School set me up so much to gain fluency as a a college student which allowed me to be proficient in athletics which allowed me to build friends and connections and network to get me where I needed to be in California to get my friend to be like hey do you want to go wrestle and just the fact of like I can go home and live at my dad's or I'm going to have to shack up in the Continental for a few weeks H the backseat of a Ford's pretty big I'll just do that that's a choice of like no man I think we should do it I think we should try so I I I don't know if it's turning Hobbies into careers but I do know when you get a chance and someone's like hey just do whatever you want the rap thing was a chance for me to be ridiculous and vulnerable don't take yourself too seriously and that's the first step to being vulnerable train wreck was my first step to being vulnerable and then you can fast forward to Peacemaker where it is literally what I believe James gun is James gun's interpretation of me kind of and there are spots in there where it's funny but there are also some spots in there where I'm giving you all of myself un unabashedly so and that comes from his coaching but it also comes from one me not taking myself too serious and two me being okay okay being vulnerable on screen which is those are two tough things James gun is excellent he's great he and a wonderful Dude really that's always nice to hear uh I wanted to ask do you think that your role in the Barbie movie alongside DPA and Margot Robbie is one of your most significant acting roles ever that was another great situation of uh opportunity knocking and answering the door I wanted to be in that movie so bad no way and we were filming uh fast 10 right in the lot next door and I I love the Fast and Furious family I'm grateful for every minute that I get to spend with that crew they're they're just an awesome Bunch but boy I want to be in Barbie and I ran into Margot Robbie at a restaurant and I didn't even know she was there uh I had paid for a meal for someone that uh I I wanted to do something nice for and she came running over cuz she was sitting at that table said oh it's so nice to see I can't believe I'm running into you you should come and do Barbie I'm like mother [ __ ] no way I tried you wouldn't have me no way she looked right around was like we're getting the kid apart so I'm so grateful for being a merman for two seconds so funny I did not expect to see but so here's the thing of like Margot Robbie comes out of nowhere you should do Barbie I've been trying you won't have me we will have you this very small role and you have to be a fish man you mean I get to be a fish man let's go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so again uh and even like talking to people around me who are supposed to make choices a lot of the perception was like you're you're above this I believe I am above nothing well that's why we love it John you came out as a mermaid or Peacemaker with a helmet on I didn't want to assume you're uh uh it's and and it's it's hilarious like we can all feel you this big strong successful guy not taking himself too seriously and like when those fall into play even like Dwayne derck Johnson's done this a a couple times it's like we love when a when a masculine man is not afraid to be a [ __ ] goofball well I think it's good to see to know everybody as a human side especially people who keep themel who you you have to show your human side or you've you've chosen to show your human side because you show yourself all the time so people can't get away from all they see The Good the Bad and the Ugly yeah if you only go to see the movie you only know the person from the movie and when they show up on the carpet to promote the movie you don't necessarily see all of them social social media changed everything those moments are precious when they can let their guard down and you be like man that's a person I I want to get to know I want to get to know more did you get to know dualipa and does she embody the essence of Superstar absolutely does cuz she she was a myr woman she was a mer woman next to you she's also an Argy in Argy I Saw You Yank her off the vesa in the trailer and you guys now that there'll be two movies together you're hanging out with Dua yeah she a superstar you guys friends uh yes and I hope yes she's given me some great uh restaurant recommendations in London uh so I thank her because uh my wife is my wife and I what we love a lot is to to um have philosophy over dinner or or meals and sit down like kind of what we did in the car uh but using food as the vehicle pun intended so she gave me some recommendations and we keep in touch and it's not like I'm doing any more than that yeah I feel like that you guys aren't friends at all that's what I just heard okay that's fair no but you're you're like your colleagues your peers they say perspective is reality you're you're you work together so uh was she nice at least I don't know what did you hear I heard she was nice okay I heard that same thing so we can we can agree on that she was nice I I did I did actually hear multiple times uh you roaming around London spec particularly like a couple coffee shops do you have a place in London uh a few but I can't announce them because they will they will no longer be my place yeah yeah yeah but then there will be more videos of people harassing you which are our favorite video they're not they're not they're don't harass John Cena please by the way that's totally okay uh I am big on hard work loyalty and respect and also accountability John there are favorite videos because of how you react to these people it is so there it just em B so much class some of these people are I'll leave it out but they don't know how to approach the situations in the right way we'll say it like that the way that you respond is is very admirable man it's tough when you get uh trolls no it's when you get emotional about something it's tough to make sense of it all and uh I'm I'm not at all perfect but again try to be who you say you are so so uh I I also try to have more empathy now every day and I understand hey if if this video makes it I'm on Easy Street yeah but in the realm of having empathy what about me like I'm just I'm just trying to buy my coffee dude guide yeah I'm just trying to buy my coffee so uh but you know I I don't know I guess I just try to uh handle those things one at a time and not let my emotions completely dominate the situation which is a massive learning for people life and it's it's impossible to bat a thousand I don't think we've seen you proper flip out every time I've seen it at least go viral people always side with you CU you're just like hey like be respectful to me and I'll be respectful to you trying to have a lunch right now to me it's not about the win of the situation it's uh Am I who I say I am you know man more people were on your side than the other guys what does that even mean if I said say I act like this did I act like that and if I did not I should apologize and be accountable and find a way to fix it do you draw the line somewhere um I think everyone has their line uh but I also am each day I'm more and more understanding of this crazy life and I try to be more and more understanding of anyone who asks of my time and I assume that happens a lot like when you're out you're not I don't know if you could be disguised I keep a pretty small footprint and I'm invisible oh you look he go oh no so I just I we you know I have a few places that I feel pretty pretty safe at and uh I don't try to make a scene we just enjoy company and food and that's that are you a foodie would you consider yourself a foodie um what is a foodie well it just seemed like you were so uh vastly interested in the con uh the recommendations uh from your from your co-star and you and you like to enjoy food while talking about the deeper things of Life yeah uh with your wife so I just was curious if and friends too do you have a favorite food um baked goods man really baked goods rolls bring it really baked goods it's my weak my weakness I was like I was like downstairs I was like John like I had I had a little bit of like a back and forth with marijuana like I had to cut it off like what's your advice he goes baked goods brother just baked could a blueberry muffin or pizza scones you name it dude no way you ever had a cronut yes it's a mix of a donut in a croissant yeah uh yeah I have you bring it I mean I've been I've been good bro you're you're try you're pushing me right now you like GRS flaky GRS what is that like pillsberry you put them in the oven and they flake up you rip off like a layer at a time like layer sounds delicious flutter them up dude sounds delicious that's so you must love uh Germany like places that just specialized in those type of Bakery Goods those are great seden could you be lured into a a bakery by a open chimney giving off whiffs of freshly B could be lured into almost anything uh no um yes yes does discipline come into play when yes it is the one thing I have little self-control over and it is it is very hard for me to like hey I'd like to eat all those cookies right now are you Hest strict diet no I just so uh diets are tough because they can only last so long my philosophy is just make over the aggregate make a bunch of good decisions that's it we all know what's healthy and what's not zoom out do more of the healthy stuff do less of the unhealthy stuff and a workout so how do you have that physique I keep track of all that stuff and look at the long-term economics and they all match up but I assume you're hitting the gym pretty regularly like you're a lot less nowadays like four days a week where I used to be like you and six but um life travel uh I have a different set of important priorities the the work day in WWE is a lot shorter than the workday on set you know you'll you'll do 12 on set but then transportations on either side so you're like 15 and a half y I need sleep like recovery is the most important thing cuz yeah sure I can keep my muscular development but how's that going to help me do the great work that I need to do on screen so you get a 5-day week where you're working 15 a day you just sleep and hopefully get two in on the weekends and manage yourself with that you pull back a little bit more on the calories make sure you monitor everything that's just all Happ it's not rocket science it's not do you do any of the new age uh [ __ ] you you into like NAD do you cold plunge like what type of recovery stuff are you into uh NAD that's where I can't talk about things that have happened um no no no that's oh yeah yeah yeah Amnesia gotcha okay yeah have you signed an NDA so what what is uh what just you know peptides kind of like new age have you ever done stem cells we we talked about this none of that stuff got it I can't believe he's not in the stem cells well he's an old school East Co he need more info he says so that that's pretty much it like um I I'm not against any of that I'm not against any method that works uh one do I need it and two have I exhausted all resources before it traditionality I'm I'm still absolutely drug free for life I get my testosterone tested every every third every every not every quarter three times a year will you say your level do you know where you're at uh the last one was 840 damn John that's good so as a as a 46y old man I'm still in a good spot so I don't I don't need that Dimension yet now time is undefeated and I love working out so when that drops to be critical that discussion will take place it will only take place if that drops below critical and so does everything else so if testosterone drops below critical and I still maintain strength gains Health Wellness sex drive then you don't need it and even if then you say you need it you have to say have I done all I can before I hit the thing to launch the fire alarm and right now um proper warm-up for me getting in there and going as hard as I can knowing when I have to pull back and proper flexibility are the things that I can control that I don't need any equipment to bring with me tough to bring a cal plunge with you when you fly from San Diego to Puerto Rico and then to Nashville and back to LA um so that that's within my realm of possibility making good health choices staying hydrated what about skin care cuz your Skin's incredible it's really nice it's really ni you have really good skin thank you so much how do you how do you maintain it so volcanic ash no no it's uh 3 in of foundation nice lathered on yeah with a with a spatula Annie still here no it's just it's Foundation it's all the baked goods it is a life of a life of baked goods no I do I do appreciate that uh my my wife would appreciate that too she helps me with my skin care you you brought up priorities a couple minutes ago and I'm sure they shift as you continue to evolve age- wise uh slowly and I think they should shift always for well I just I want to ask about these two things one was you were going to be a marine but didn't but do a ton of impact work with the troops and I want to ask about that and also the fact that you are the most granted make a-wish Foundation uh granter of all time with over 650 kids what how do you choose your your impact uh cases and and what does it mean to you both of them chose me again um I'm less of a manifestor and more of a card player the cards get dealt I look to see what I got and then I'm like all right let's let's play it out uh WWE had a has a great relationship with make a wish long before I came along it's an excellent vehicle for the charity because you get one-on-one time with the families you can get to know people and then you get to go out and perform for them but because it's entertainment I can literally ask like hey so what do you want to see tonight and just put it in to the show wow and then I know where people are sitting so I can I can truly curate an experience that is an escape and that's why that piece of philanthropy exists in my life because I was associated with one of the best experiences to do so WWE also has a strong relationship with the Armed Forces so they've been doing the Tribute to the Troops for a long time and when we got to go to Iraq and Afghanistan during some some pretty gy situations man it was so rewarding so rewarding and anybody that's been over there will tell you the same thing but these are people that I I looked up to I look up to I will look up to so uh even post Tribute to the Troops uh I was involved for a while with a charity called fitops which is a uh suicide prevention program and a uh program of professional Readiness to take people's skill set from the armed forces and point in a direction of a career path life after the service um it just uh you know the fact that somebody could take the oath to make the ultimate sacrifice for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and then get home and want to kill themselves to me it just didn't mesh so whatever I could do to help that out I just wanted to be a part of it but those those two things were were brought to me so uh I've never been much somebody to like search stuff out it's I just like I said I I'm always ready for when it knocks both of those uh cases obviously have um your chord skills are amazing by way play with WRA that thing around your finger around your leg made a tourniquet with that was playing this guy hey hey hey yo yo I don't want to see that guy in my podcast Studio get Kevin Owens out Rumble young man Rumble someone gets hurt bro about start making heroin jokes please don't these two these two things uh obviously have like just so much baked into them so much uh emotion and and feeling whether it be uh troops you know veterans people that have sacrificed their life for this country or or kids who are going through uh another ultimate form of struggle in in terminal illness um were there any cases that were really really hard for you anything that sticks out in your mind that was a time for you that was actually challenging for you to actually to to enact that you know uh i' I'd much rather talk about the fact that two very different pools with me acting as a conduit for the same vehicle the ability to be entertained and escape and in some in some cases a helping hand when one needs one um regardless of the experiences those those ones that I have they're for here some of the stuff isn't for film yep yep um but what a contrast of groups yeah I know I'm trying to straddle like no no that's fine because the Common Thread is everyone comes together to enjoy and that's what I love about the WWE experience when you're in you're in if it's your first one you get swept up and if you're a fan you walk through the Turn Style and you know it's on it doesn't matter where you come from it doesn't matter why you're there when the lights go on and they do the intro everybody's on the same team and I I love that about what we do and it can provide hope for someone who's young in facing a struggle someone who's enlisted in facing a struggle someone who's needs an escape and any sort of facet someone is being bullied someone doesn't matter we all share that Common Thread and that's that's special to me such a excellent leader and the way you talk and think is so admirable the generosity you have and with your time um is just amazing John and and I I personally and I told you this was a little surprised by your decision not to make another John and have kids and bring more of this energy into the world because I think we need more good people more people with virtues like yourself um but you've decided at least as it stands you know like you said in the car the moment hasn't arrived yet and you haven't felt it and uh I think you should reconsider and have a baby you know I I appreciate that and I can I can understand everyone's perspective I truly do appreciate that uh I have a lot of joy and love in my life I feel fulfilled and I'm still curious and I think until those priorities shift uh I I really do enjoy where I'm at do you mind donating some spurk for uh me to raise one of your babies uh you you really want 46y old worms from the guy who parked in the little [ __ ] parking out there first off I parked there and that's my SP so so don't you dare don't you dare take my little [ __ ] no no no I uh I'm not sure if I'm not sure if Nina would be the surrogate mother but I'll find a surrogate mother and I will raise a John Cena I swear to God man I'm I think I'm all right I think I'm all right not not telling [ __ ] okay okay okay well can you then at least be dad father figure for a second and and give us some advice uh or not us just give some give some general advice cuz I feel like you give good advice even just the advice you give me today has been excellent I thank you for that but because I'm not a parent there's no way I could put on a parent cap so I don't want to put myself in a perspective what about just a leader or a inspiration or motivation for people which you are and you can't deny that okay uh I can I can deny anything deny deny deny what what are you pointing to on the notes just I I want him to pull up a video that we yeah just because this well this what would you do if this happened this woman be came in a precarious situation and we wanted to see what you would do in this situation see we got hold on let me I just want to act do this properly Logan hates when I mess up my technology here all ready so this woman make sure you show them the video yep here we go yep I got all of it I have all of it covered right now I'm home and my driveway's gone what used to be a concrete slab outside 1438 Bethesda street is now a patch of dirt that she didn't ask for someone took her driveway as she was trying to get ready for Christmas of all the things okay so uh so I've seen your video what uh what what are we talking about what would you like to say to this woman what do you do what what advice do you have for her her car wasn't stolen John her driveway was stolen gone okay so a piece of news that makes each of us feel differently you're you're tearing up as you should it's sad so uh what when something like this happens and I have never had my driveway stolen uh but when when the proverbial driveway [ __ ] hits the fan yeah right totally um in all honesty I asked myself what can I control can she get her original driveway back does she have the money to have a new driveway does she have the vehicle to go fund me for a driveway what are the resources that does she have how important is the driveway what can you control right now and then if the things that are like the stuff that is beyond your control let go and focus on the stuff you can control that's it so if it is just the perspective of I didn't take my car okay cool that gets you through the day or man what can I do immediately within my power and my financial reach to put Crush gravel down there and we're talking about a crazy video of a lady who got her driveway taken which we're we're even getting laughter from way off camera dude cuz it's just but so what I what I see in that video is [ __ ] happens every day your [ __ ] driveway got taken clip that just that exactly your driveway got a sound board add it to a sound board driveway what what a better what a there isn't a better example of what is within my control serenity prayer and what can I do now big time yeah big time grant me the strength that can you know to control the things that I can and let wisdom to know the difference for sure yes and I think that's huge because that how how do you even navigate something like that but what a what a crazy funny microcosm that we can have a laugh at but if the a good takeaway there is okay this has happened do can I control the fact that I need to be [ __ ] angry for 20 minutes guys go over there I'm GNA yell into a pillow or I'm going to the gym or I'm gonna I need to do what I need to do to lighten my backpack because I need to be angry that's within my control that's I want to do that and that'll help me move forward but once you get there okay what what can I do now to make this bad situation better another example of that and something are you going to all right here we go let's absolutely crushed you sons of [ __ ] won't break me no no no this is good this is a good transition uh uh things you can't control there was a moment you Dave Batista the Royal Rumble you both I don't know if it was on purpose doesn't feel like it went over the Rope at the same exact time because of what appeared to be some sort of balance issue it was not Dave's fault that was on me you over rotated forward and he stumbled backward very uh very bad at rotating backwards I see well however my fault it transpired you guys went over the Rope at the Roar of Rumble which is the method of elimination by the way that's all anyone's ever going to take away from this podcast seen in a botch Royal Rumble spot go ahead it happened it's my fault I can't flip backwards it's totally my fault I hope they take the driveway part from this not a chance not a chance say what would you do if you three guys like the driveway bit watch no one's ever I challenge you to like it no one's ever going to like to driveway bit we' been crying for days about it okay but you guys went over the Rope you and Batista landed the ground the same time not really the same time it appeared I looked at the bounce of these two large men trampoline same time it looked like it was the same time that wasn't planned I'm sure I'm positive and by the way that those are the moments that people are waiting for in wrestling because they're the best and can bring out the best moments how did you recover from that in like the best way possible and the ref's raising your hand and his hand and your hand and his hand and when a moment like that happens at an event that big with that many people watching live what do you do uh trust the process so we I know I [ __ ] up and we know that that's not the way it's supposed to go so now we're in the unknown and there is a sense of guidance we're all A team out there so our referee can be a guide for us they're we're all on the same team you begin to listen to the ref and you begin to listen to the audience and you feel how long you can milk a moment and see if they're giving you any direction and then as we trust the process out comes Vince McMahon and we're like oh great this is going to be fixed and he tears both of his quads getting into the ring wo oh no so uh but still to the to the Testament of the the work ethic and just the absolute gumption and dedication of Vince McMahon with torn quads he gets himself in the ring and gives us the guidance to finish the event and because he is the authority figure in WWE he can say restart the match and we restart it and Dave wins so just oh man what do I do now trust what's happening trust what's around you trust the people to guide you when you don't know what's going on and then just be present in your surroundings and yes I did [ __ ] up but even then I knew like don't rush to do anything let's see what's going to happen let's see what's going on that's got to be one of the greatest moments in WWE history I cannot believe Vince with two torn quads was able to speak to us in understandable dialect and tell us exactly what to do like it was we had the best seat in the house and it was incredible insane I'm watching this and now that I'm in it my mind is just blown like the way his hands raised your hands raised he throws you out you get back in say no [ __ ] you throw him out then Vince comes it was just it's so good and that's the stuff you can't right but that's that's us all being a team a lot of performers or not a lot some performers go out there to try to be the best individual I think when you can rely on each other out there and let everybody shine is when the whole thing creates moments that we never forget you have so many of those in the WWE and I'm going to do this I didn't want to do this I'm going to do it I'm going to give you superlative no favorite match my next one God damn he's answered this question before he's had his driveway stolen in the past going to do it he knows nobody's going to like the driveway bit they will they will what would you do control what you can man control what you can you come home just [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is my driveway damn driveway's gone I would I would Hotwire your uh your off-road vehicle Jeep you don't need you don't need a drive you are going to have a next match though that's what I heard just now uh so yes I hope so I I am not officially done I know that I'm close bud I'm I'm close I can I can feel it you can tell like uh especially seeing you out there doing incredible stuff um and just our talent now the product has become so crisp and so fast and so skilled uh it it is a different world and I love it and I still feel fluent and I would like to say good goodbye when I still feel fluent so uh it's it's coming and like to the point where you know that that moment in the sunset where you're like when it starts to go down man it's going down real fast yeah yeah yeah that's kind of where I'm at I'm not I'm not done uh but but I need to decide when I am do you ever see yourself taking a more executive role like a Triple H no I think what I would love to to give to the business is just my time and I live very close to the performance center uh and I would like to to go in as a guest that way I'm not obligated and they're not obligated in any way it's stuff I do on my free time anyway I love going in just picking people's brains having conversations about like so who are you and they're being like what what is that to doing anything oh only everything let's talk so uh I enjoy that and doing you know half a day there and then then going back to normal life so I don't know what I'll do I mean I there I'm fortunate enough to have some other stuff going on so uh I I'll be focusing on that too but um you know I I I don't know I always want to be involved in the business I I get so passionate about it and it's something that I love and and I think I have a few pieces of wisdom that need to be passed on and I don't think they should should die with me so uh I'll I'll try to do that the best I can I'm going to extract that wisdom from your brain I will I will siphon it all day you watching the product at all you um paying attention up to date there's first of all there's a lot of product out there to watch there is uh I catch it when I can but like I said uh if I'm dedicated to something I can being being a dedicated wrestling fan is a full-time profession it is absolutely a full-time job so uh I'm trying to be a dedicated husband a dedicated professional and uh still still have balance in my life so I I catch it when I can and and and I enjoy it when I do catch it so you saw the Rocks return recently when he went out there and he said you think I should sit at the head of the table do you think he had that line written on his wrist no because one thing I know about Dwayne he never makes the same mistake twice did he know you were going to do that I didn't know I was going to do that no way no I didn't know I was going to do that it was one of those things where where uh it happened in last minute and uh looking back at it it was [ __ ] stupid because we have the biggest star in the world coming back when they don't need to like giving our product ratings giving our product relevancy getting people to talk about us and what do I do you smoked them no amateur like no that's not it the guy is going a million different directions probably flew in from God knows where working a full day and I know I now know what that feels like and just wants to do the best he can I don't blame him for that I blame myself for taking advantage of that and a professional professional would have been like hey before you go out there if you do go out there like that I'm going to use it that's a professional I had a stupid rookie move about use it that's not that's not how we we trust each other in there that's not how that works I don't see that perspective okay that's cool I get it and by the way I thought it was great as an enterainment like fan for from an entertainment standpoint objective achieved gained interest box office was crazy set pay-per-view buy rates sometimes in the fight game it gets a little gray yeah but we're all on the [ __ ] same team out there man and you got to have trust what if he said in a boxing ring then I don't use it really then I don't use it but what about the box office I would entertain another way there's more than one way to solve a creative puzzle yeah yeah that's and that's where you build trust and that's where people really shine and that's where you bring the best out of people and that's why when I sit down with people I literally first of I make sure to sit down with them and let's you got to go way back you can't just tell that moment in the story I spent years calling out the rock saying that man if you love the business you should be back what a [ __ ] hypocrite I am I love the business I should be back I should be back all the time but I'm not I it's is it Tuesday today what is it Tuesday Tuesday yesterday was Monday where the where the hell was I at Raw why wasn't I at Raw yeah we were wondering that yeah exactly mhm we watched raw we watch Drew flame CM Punk well I was only watching because I thought he was coming out and he didn't show up yeah and I didn't show up but I can sit here and say I love the business but I'm super hypocritical in my Approach from being young and stupid of course so rock was already pretty upset with me about that because all he'd given to the business and the without him I don't get a chance to do the other stuff and without him I don't get a chance in wrestling he was so popular and helped rise the tide which helped split competition which helped the hiring spree which Benjamin buttoned me into getting a defensive contract which I parlay into a thing where to be on TV because he left and did all this stuff and now I get a chance I owe a lot to that and that the the methodology I wanted to sell tickets there's a right way and a wrong way to do it was he pissed he was and justifiably so yeah because he's a guy who who's got his heart in it he still comes back bro yeah and the people go crazy crazy he's just so good no kidding D so my in inside I'm thinking man if I can get under his skin I can get him back I could have got him back a bunch of different ways yeah you didn't have to be a dick about it bro yeah so my bad must be crazy to piss off the rock can only imagine it was it was a little gamey there for a little bit yeah yeah we went through a nice stretch we just didn't like each other if you you pissed him off too right oh no I haven't have you no you're twilling your thumbs over there what do you do I don't oh you pissed off the come on bro we ah n what happened man n nothing no it's nothing no what happened man ah let's start from Square One what happened tell me a story do you really want to know I wouldn't ask if I didn't and you know that about me I wouldn't ask you sure you're not tired you've been you took a red eye here we've been shooting all day you and I have been talking for 6 hours you got to be sick of me no this I I dig this this is all right I told you in the car nobody's gonna buy the driveway my driveway I was getting ready for Christmas what happened um I told you in the car in the car uh that you know you you you and Dwayne I think were like two people I definitely looked up to a lot when I'm trying to figure out the blueprint for my career that didn't exist um Dwayne especially my idol dude's in his own Universe my hero like in his own Universe D the universe he was doing it and and and to the highest degree I wanted to be like Dwayne So eventually in the same way I met you today one day I met Dwayne he was just as as cool in person as I thought he was on TV he was he's awesome made content together went Mega viral 70 million views 50 million views linked up a couple times um visited him on set of Ballers like I would have considered us acquaintances at least you know kind of like me and Dua kind of like you and dualipa maybe even closer dude I would say closer closer I would say closer we're just we're just co-workers he was just great and then um [ __ ] um and then Japan happened Japan happened and you know I could go into so much depth about my remorse and the place that I was in and the faults that I made at that time in my life and I had to really rewire my brain and backtrack and ask myself like how I let that happen and what went wrong in my life where like I thought that was okay and in that process I did a lot of damage and it wasn't something that was on the Forefront of my mind and I've had to do a tremendous amount of therapy and figure out like what happened in my life that was so traumatic or didn't happen where again that I did that and um DJ was one of the people I hurt because of his mother's um experience and that that's his experience to tell and I'm not going to share but like I I I I hurt him so much so that um he he basically wanted nothing to do with me and rightfully so you know I I let down my hero and he requested that I remove all the content we've ever done together and basically kick me to the curb I would have done the same thing guy in his position doesn't want to be affiliated with a person who did uh something as reprehensible as that and I remember being such a low moment cuz like I knew I let myself down I knew I let my fans down I knew I let my family down but my idol [Music] too man it just stung so bad and it wasn't like I got the call from him got it from the publicist and it's not like he did anything wrong it's just like I think my ego told myself that I'm GNA [ __ ] remember that and if I ever become a great one day like you I'm going to remember this and I'm going to remember the way I was discarded and again rightfully so um but I I don't think I've ever been really able to like truly let go of that and uh I I got a lot of stuff to work through I think in in in terms of that and I'm not even sure like where to go from here in terms of reconciliation um yeah I don't know and we're kind of like swimming in the same world a little bit you know with the WWE and I I see him coming back here and there and I know we're going to cross paths and I just wonder how I'm going to handle it if I may with an anecdote he told me a story earlier today about one of the toughest times in your in your recent life where your fiance was put in a position that made her uncomfortable and you uncomfortable by a certain human being and you needed to keep your sanity about you and not let your emotions take over do you remember this story what did you do forgave him okay what I'm hearing is you you you made a poor decision and uh you had to be accountable for that poor decision you are you're not alone we've all done that and in the process you were very hurt by someone that you cared about and I see your lens this is what I'm hearing you understand that it might not have been as impactful for him as it was for you but it really got to you I'm not neither right or wrong it's just my two cents take it or throw it back I think it starts with your ability to forgive and if you can get yourself to a place where you honestly can say I forgive then I think you can begin the foundation to move forward you don't have to I'm not saying forget forgiveness and uh forgetfulness are two different things but I think if you can bring yourself to a position where you can forgive someone you can begin to move forward that's just my perspective I totally agree I think I have a ego problem it's it's like okay kind of hard it's I don't know why it's like like I don't know it I can't do it without having a conversation with him that's I think part of this puzzle and like I don't know if I'm ready for that to to be honest with you and you don't have to be forgiveness has to come on your own terms dude it it's it's here it'll it'll come I have nothing against Dwayne he didn't make any wrong decisions it was all me I think part of it is I [ __ ] hate myself for let him down and it's like that anger that I have even just against myself was turned into this drive that I told myself I'm going to I'm going to be so successful that I don't need your approval or validation or acquaintance ship I'm I'm I'm going to do this on my own with or without you by my side okay that's very fair but if you can say to me that you were hurt because you let him down why can't you say that to him what have you got to lose I will I have to have the conversation with him before I fully close this loop I can't just say it right now I need I know I understand that but you just said it to me yeah yeah and then I mean I I applaud you for being able to share all this because that by the way that that's deep that's deep work uh but I think you just starting there yeah I was I was wrecked because I let you down man that that and I don't I don't mean to take minimize Dwayne's role in the situation but let's take him and substitute your dad or someone else that uh you that you look up to yeah you being able to find the strength to say I know I let you down and that gutted me man that's okay yeah yeah I know I know I know I need you to be a dad John so again if you want to reconsider that sperm donation like I need I need more like I said you don't you want you don't want the the stale worms bro they're not stale his are stale we actually did a test and it showed it's because I used I used a sperd lubricant 35% of them are still no no it was like less than that it was like 10% but it's cuz it the 10% that were alive were like I didn't read the rules John and I you're supposed to dry hand job as it says on the wall life is a dry hand job you're supposed to do that when you produce the sample and I Ed spermicidal lubricant and a vagina which you not supposed to use either of them like I just pulled out and I'll spare you the details well I guess I didn't spare you any of the details what other details no well there's more but I'll leave it at that but uh then I did that and I was given a poor Rapport and I and this is something similar to the story he just told that I've had to deal with and I'm quite upset about but but but what I will say is this communication solves every can solve everything i' I've found that the only way to certainly not fix the situation is to not talk about it I've had so many nights girlfriends friends you know lovers parents family members I've watched family relationships fall apart because neither or or or even just one of the people were willing to say yo I want to talk to you though people will go to the Grave with that feeling of I wish so badly that I could talk to my brother talk to my sister tell my mother how much I love her but because of that ego or that or that that obstacle obstacle they can't come to the table and the one thing that I found is that every time I come to a some sort of conclusive resolve with another party it is because we just decided to talk to each other yeah yeah uh speaking of that thank you both for sharing that's a very personal information and certainly uh a struggle that you have you didn't need to share whether it makes the cut or not I'm sure you might be able to take a deeper breath after you've just said it maybe just set it out loud so uh thanks so much for sharing man I really do appreciate that thank you John and um thank you for everything today I I I do want to get you out of here we we could we could talk forever and you know what we almost have today you and I asked him for his comp dude that's crazy a I said sperm I don't need to come yeah we'll get we're going to dice it we're just going to give them take them out take the come out and just give you this nobody is going to buy the driveway [Laughter] bit just I was just getting ready for Christmas where's my driveway where the [ __ ] is my driveway John listen you would have been a great cop you would have been a great Marine you would have been a great therapist but you ended up being one of the greatest wrestlers of all time thank you so much for joining us today on this podcast it's a way overdue thanks so much for having me and uh I hope I haven't kicked myself off the couch I hope it return visits in the future please until then plug my projects whenever you want argal coming out in February uh what drives you coming out who knows when make sure you hit that like And subscribe button ladies and gentlemen John Cena thank you guys thank unbelievable thank you we love you guys we'll see you next time take it easy PE
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Keywords: impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, john cena interview, john cena impaulsive, john cena podcast, logan paul john cena, john cena vs the rock, cena calls out the rock, logan paul vs roman reigns, cena vs batista royal rumble 2005, vince mcmahon tears both quads, john cena retirement, john cena filmed in public, cena's instagram explained, you can't see me, logan paul vs the rock, cena speaking chinese, john cena movies, barbie movie margot robbie
Id: f3PEqQxG6j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 16sec (5656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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