Jeffree Star On Hooking Up With Kanye West, Fall Of Shane Dawson - IMPAULSIVE EP 330

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i just have one question for mike what's my gender what ties are yours i just remember mike trying to block me and andrew schultz and he wasn't keeping it real i think we should start over oh yeah i'm cool with that right yeah we're starting right now now we're starting [Laughter] welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing if you're not subscribed please hit that button i say that because i do want you to subscribe and i've noticed our numbers are really good right now we're getting a lot of new people a lot of new tractions because caleb the man behind the camera is syndicating our content across all mediums snapchat youtube youtube shorts uh uh tiktok instagram kayla we love you and guys we do have channels across everywhere if you just want to see the clips impulsive clips or tick tock snapchat hit that follow button on all on all mediums we have jeffree star on the podcast today the quality of our guests is going up there's jeffree star jeffrey thank you so much for being on the show thank you you look amazing thank you you're not jeffree star no you're caitlin the new assistant here at logan paul enterprises that's right couple questions right off the bat all right how does it feel to fit into the size 96 shoes of danny strobel uh it's heavy let me tell you i'm gonna tell you why because i'm expected to carry a lot and i'm a littler person and just now i had to lug logan's like 300 pound suitcase down three flights of stairs and uh thank god jessica was there because we uh we think we're gonna yeah we're gonna invent i think like some type of slide for luggage to go downstairs because little people can't do it we just can't you want to know something not super funny but kind of funny so like it was the one thing i noticed about danny that i really liked yeah my old assistant for those listening um she's very strong and i have a lot of heavy things for some reason all my suitcases are always overweight dude i'm always paying the overweight feet there's like a million bricks in there and the first time i saw like your size i was like she'll she'll have trouble with the lifting part of this job yep absolutely well thanks for grabbing the suitcase sorry it's so heavy i mean i've been traveling a lot of coachella outfits as you know tons of coachella but you're looking great you looked awesome your style can we give a round of applause for his style at coachella i like that you're already doing ctas on the podcast i like that you're already asking for people what's your least favorite part of being logan paul's assistant besides carrying bowling balls and what you said earlier which was bricks in suitcases through the airport which oh that's not something you usually say like you're carrying bricks through the airport in suitcases [ __ ] i don't know i mean i would say i think like you know what i actually don't have but you know what your time is it's fine she can handle it tough skin she's from connecticut well that's why i asked that's why i asked the least favorite favorite would have been easy least favorite that's a tough timing would have been a lot better now i just feel like an [ __ ] i just kicked her out of the seat for no reason i think you're doing great i think jasmine star is here yeah i think i should do an intro i have one i have one let me guess is it our guest today is one of the most well known and successful internet personalities of all time our guest today is one of the most well known and successful internet personalities of all time known for his music career is that true yeah started myspace music and i had a whole album with convict are you mic'd up right now i should be why does he sound so clear in the headphones what were you saying personalities business adventures and fair share of drama he's the founder of jeffree star cosmetics it's jeffree star he's in the bathroom [Applause] we suck thank god this show syndicated otherwise i had a i had a meeting with a very important platform today was it quibby was it was it cnn plus it was verizon go 90. was it vine it was facebook watchable and i blew it oh did you [ __ ] it up yeah i [ __ ] it up well the first one went really well are you still operating at a lower capacity because no bro there's no way you blew it yeah it did i blew it i [ __ ] knew it yeah [ __ ] just because uh way too high yesterday i got so high it's 4 20. i was trying to function and she's she'd asked me a question dude one good time she asked me a question i started talking and i was able to talk for 60 seconds while i gathered my train of thought and when i i like just [ __ ] and i was in my head like so the way that i see things going is that based on the current you know trajectory and everything that's going on in the industry right now and you know everything that we've been looking at we've been seeing tells us a number of things you know which out one of which i'll get into and i'll save the rest for later but it's just everything that like that guy said like can you just keep going and going and going yeah one time i took i took a 10 second pause and i didn't have the guts to say i'm sorry what was your question because she'd be like this kid's an idiot and it's true i'm just kidding i crushed it i crushed a meeting obviously i crashed it bro i'm a [ __ ] professional oh i swear hi jeffrey stars here jeffrey stark jeff come on in jeffrey the craigslist order is here for mike hi nice to meet you hi hi like do you wear headphones when you do a pocket i think i'm too pretty for headphones dude i agree yeah fine fine i can hear you guys fine cool so let me sit closer yeah perfect uh depends i have nice teeth but you may be a biter thank you i actually have a fighter i didn't realize how tall you are jeffrey i'm like yeah like six two five five nine last time i saw you where did you see me 11 night club miami oh it's one of those things where you're like if you saw me at 11 no you didn't oh that's so sweet what i said it's like one of those things like if you saw me at 11 no you didn't yeah like that okay you go to 11 nightclub lot no i don't like that [ __ ] i just go cause it's funny i'm in town yeah was that super bowl or when was that uh i don't remember i don't recall but you seem to be enjoying yourself that evening you guys know i've never drank so i just i'm always high ever i've never tried it why my family's full of addicts and they're all losers and they never did anything with themselves so i was like if i don't break the cycle i'm gonna be the same no it's fine fine you're already doing i've never tried it not crazy no but you already you already did everything like you're obviously not a loser i'm serious you're like no of course no one ever did anything no one ever made money went to college did anything with themselves and it was just a crazy childhood so i was like i'm never gonna try it now i'm 35 i'm like i'm too old to drink so you smell you just smoke though yeah i've never tried anything else mushrooms weed that's it have you smoked your whole like for a while i've probably been high for 10 years straight yeah are you high now no but we can be right it'd be kind of fun yeah yesterday was 4 20. i know i had so much fun i'm such a stoner so we got so high we had the best time was it like what'd you do we just ate edibles mushrooms weed went to dinner it was fun wait did you you didn't have the mushrooms did you get the muffins yeah i thought they didn't just do mushrooms no i said wheat and mushrooms oh god okay by the end of the show it's gonna be like all right a little crazy no but i've never i've never done anything else but you guys all smoke weed right or no yeah he's done it underneath the sun have you tried h yes how does that matter did you say did you try age age well i've tried it all the time have you really yeah i did heroin for eight years uh well i did heroin for five years okay i did oxycontin for three and you know it's it's uh horrible yeah but um you know it obviously i fell in love with it for some reason it it it it solved some issue that that resides within yeah yeah and so clearly it did something but then it was basically like putting a band-aid on a open wound that when you take the band-aid off your arm shoulder and half of your torso fall off so you're just like [ __ ] i should have just let that that cut heal up on its own you know that's crazy i've just seen so many documentaries and people doing it i don't really want to do it it's not magical because they may take that the wrong way but i heard the first hit you're never going to experience it again like the first time the way i the way i've explained it and we should this is heavy this took a turn yeah hi uh did you watch did you watch euphoria yeah so in euphoria she said there's this scene where they ask her like what it was like the first time she did it and she said it was the only time she ever felt safe in her own mind and that really that smashed me because i was like dude that was the exact feeling i got from it and you have that feeling for like one or two times and then all of a sudden nothing's safe for you anymore and your life is 80 times worse than it ever was so it's it's uh yeah it's terrible yeah so uh yeah what uh let me how do we transition nobody transitions i have a transition that was a horrible pun okay so now that we're here face to face i just have one question for mike what's my gender what ties are yours i just remember mike trying to [ __ ] block me and andrew schultz and he wasn't keeping it real oh wait did i [ __ ] this up in the past yeah i actually did you're an [ __ ] was this at 11. no no no no this is not he's i'm just kidding around answer the question ah you uh it's jeffrey's gender you identify as as as he slashed he [ __ ] yet bro all right was that hey hey [ __ ] yeah bro is that right yeah questioning okay it's always way more simple whenever somebody puts me on the spot you know when somebody puts you on the spot for something you know the answer to i know i asked i didn't assume when somebody put you on the spot for something you know it always makes the question harder what's one point what's one plus one yeah i disagree really it's three oh my god jeffrey i'm a dude i love makeup i love fashion and then you know i've been doing this for so long now there's these terms did not exist or not right do you [ __ ] with them or no with what the terms no i think half of it's [ __ ] stupid i'm just gonna be real but no one wants to ever say that will you get in trouble for saying it i don't care anymore you're beyond but i never cared yeah i've been canceled ten times you guys talk about cancel culture all the time yeah i think you're only you're only cancelled if you let yourself be cancelled i agree like i'm the devil i killed someone and we should all go away what do we do so wrong so i just think that i just like to always just speak my mind so the whole culture of everyone's saying that they're this and that and that it's like oh there's too many labels yeah you killed just be yourself i didn't physically do it oh my [ __ ] what what what did mike say what what did my what was it on the podcast oh no you guys were just not like it was just a funny moment when andrew asked what was my gender i was just [ __ ] around i remember that yes a lot of weed and drugs later yeah i remember that oh my gosh and andrew asked you guys who's now my client i do his merchandise which is so funny you absorbed him yeah you absorbed him absorbed him like a sponge wow good for you so so then uh do you have a uh sexual preference that you i like everyone i'm down for it all really yeah so no i'm not a gay male i'm just a guy you're just a guy i'm just a guy i like everything i don't like labels but i guess if you were to google what i am i'm pansexual i like everything oh okay okay i hate that term a preference at all like do you think you should oh of course i like guys more yeah yeah come on i got you and and do you think do you think guys like you more or girls like you more like are you who are you typically being hit on both really yeah but a lot so many girls want me to [ __ ] them looking like this versus without all the makeup interesting it's such a weird thing hot girls yeah come on of course do we [ __ ] with anyone but tens i well you gotta get you depends on what not yet sometimes i see them hanging out with two fives you're right they break chains yeah yeah i get it no sometimes someone is just so ugly but their personality and their big dick makes up for it and i'm happy my name is george jenkins you know just kind of yeah no i'm down for twos too i'm down for it all you're very sexually open and forward too yeah do you hit on mike once yeah privately yeah we sure did but i used to hit on everyone it was very difficult it was very respectful it was very not like growing up no that's not my favorite part that's not true you said you told mike yeah that you would would pay him more than i pay him oh as a job yeah you try to [ __ ] poach my friend yeah the good thing is is he passed the test and he's still with you you can't be we wouldn't even have a podcast the podcast but if mike wanted to quit and go on the road and be my assistant and [ __ ] he'd probably make maybe five times more but either way what do you think about the name in star city but that rule is already filled so we'll maybe in the fall we'll talk wait so you [ __ ] your assistants because you can't do that legally what if they're 10.99 and they're not employees because like a contractor there it is there's not anywhere so we don't have labor laws just labor yes just manual labor baby i'm a wyoming resident i don't live in california anymore so i have a lot of guns and freedom and just a lot of fun out there you have guns uh about a hundred you have a hundred guns yes at my ranch this is surprising yes i just did a collab with beretta they gave me my own collab they did a jeffree star cosmetics pistol and we had the best time that is so cool is that your favorite uh gun do you have to do a call to action when you kill somebody that breaks into your house um i have a few restraining orders against people but i'm like waiting for someone to trespass i'm down yeah somebody did that to the baby last week yeah somebody went to the phone call that was hilarious he shot him he shot him in the in the leg yeah he was a trespasser right yeah and he was on the ground like oh yeah dude he's like yeah this guy's broke into my house and you just hear some guy in the background he's he can't stay out of trouble no like everything every day there's a new story i know beat someone up at a bowling alley some girl like do you see the one where he just like kissed the girl and was like holding her in front of he kissed the girl without consent he shot and then are we still doing anything like that that's so crazy yeah but he needs to stay home and make some more music he doesn't get cancelled he can't get cancer he's a gangster she got cancelled into our society bro when 50 cent said [ __ ] back in the day i wasn't like but you wouldn't punch somebody at a bowling alley right like these are gangsters bro they don't think i love it mike tyson's fighting on the plane let's go yeah he did the baby got cancelled for one thing and that was the comments at the rolling loud festival when he was talking about about us yes exactly that was the terminology i don't even know that he used that i just haven't heard the the word and you haven't heard in a long time no one i know says it or can say it oh we probably don't hang around 11 gays or not he doesn't even know how to respond to that because yes of course you are that word's normal say it again i can say that of course i can't are you kidding me i've stuck more dick than ever than this whole city i think here i get a free pass you earned it you have that oh my god i earned it question how many dicks do you have to suck to be able to say the word i'm just curious oh i think over a thousand oh that is so many [ __ ] oh damn but a man having a flashback like vietnam a thousand yo more i'm yes swear on my life 10 a year for 10 years i think that math is wrong okay that's why you're not on the finance team 35 years old i started giving ahead at 12. that's a long time 12 years old what'd you say what 12. i was 12 years old that's the first time i had threesome and i started sucking dick yeah who were the other participants people in eighth grade we're in eighth grade so we're all in the same school well did you live in florida no i was in orange county california and the first guy ever sucked off his name was jeff so that was i'll never forget that i wonder what he's doing now we should open up my yearbook later i would yeah wait a second yeah yeah how many straight dudes or straight dudes how many dudes you go with who are straight and are married oh mary straight guys about 95 and then yeah merry it varies i don't like to do that because it's really just such negative energy like bad karma yeah it just gets old like everyone cheats and it's just so you know i'm just i'm sorry i'm i'm probing i'm just so curious nice nah logan looked like he was on to something he's been thinking about it hard and long let's let him [ __ ] send it let's let them probe this i'm gonna get straight to the point how many straight dudes are you hooking up with normally oh majority but see it just that's five percent yeah or people that are very into women but they they they're also into other things and they just want to keep it a secret and tap into their desires which is very healthy and normal of course sometimes do you have to do a little bit of uh uh a work to get that turned no we're gonna after this we'll show you my phone you can see all your friends and rappers dm'ing me they're in [ __ ] nudes so no i don't have to do any work so it's when i choose to have fun they're available but i don't out people that's why people [ __ ] with me so rappers basketball players we'll see if i can trust him at the end i'm not gonna add him on camera and he can always say it later but you can't prove it no i would never but you know what i mean but respectfully yes so how many of those people is it the first time that they've ever done something like that mm-hmm a lot yeah yeah because you can't trust people a-listers rappers they can't trust anyone they're afraid of people taking videos about them and doing all these things where i'm like i don't give a [ __ ] about any of that do you get a um do you get a like a higher reaction off of knowing that you that you i used to do that yeah you popped that you popped yeah i'm the first yeah but yeah it's exciting do you find anybody a certain industry a certain kind of person has more propensity to to swing out in that direction because you brought rappers up pretty quickly and i've heard a lot of stories yeah i think it's because the hip hop culture is so gangster and all about women and [ __ ] and money and all this that it's like taboo to like be with someone that's trans or gay it's just like so shocking still to this day and it's such a news story right yeah and there was a there was a very big one isaiah well which one are we talking about bigger i was talking about kanye oh i thought you'd bring about like someone coming out no yeah yeah but there was you know there's someone made rumors about me and kanye's correct i was so stupid yeah who was the person that made the rumors some that girl in tech talk that untrue yeah completely very interesting do you know who the yeah who the girl that he's talking about us oh that girl oh boy yeah uh don't give her one moment no but yeah she made it up and i guess it made sense i lived in i live in wyoming i live in hidden hills okay we both live in the same area it's just it's just it's all it's the way it was mapped out i guess it it sounded good and started off the new year with the bang speaking of maps this is just gonna keep going the whole show i wanna know i just wanna go topographical oh my god back to wyoming i'm just so curious oh yeah how can you sell your 20 million big mega mansion here in la and moved to wyoming it seems a bit random i think covid opened up a lot of things that i like realizations like i don't crave having the biggest house on the block like my e i didn't have an ego anymore i like grew i grew up mentally spiritually and i'm just on a whole different wavelength but that what is it that's full isolation how does that translate to that i am here a lot i'm here like every other week oh yeah i have friends out there i have like ranch friends and normal people i hang out with like sheriffs and policemen and don't go there don't go there are you have you sucked off a sheriff of course i have well he was the police officer yeah was it because he got pulled over yeah no but i've never gotten a ticket i'm a good i'm a good girl out there but see wyoming is cool you get pulled over and you have like a gun you have you can have a gun on your seat with the silencer and that's normal what and instead of being like get out of the [ __ ] car they're like oh can i check out that that's a great world it's so i i love it that's cool do you post pictures uh with you and your guns i do yeah it upsets some people but really mainly no one cares you probably look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] i have so many yeah i have a lot of pieces i love it i love shooting that's crazy because out here there's no freedom you can't even have guns over 44 caliber guns you can't even have opinions that part so i left it what's the what's the other reason is there a business uh advantage of being involved no my businesses are still here so the rumors of he moved everything over for taxes and money yeah personally it's nice to not have a state income tax anymore right wyoming's really great nice incentives i have businesses there as well i have a shipping fulfillment center but everything's mainly here the makeup companies everything's la i pay california taxes for it you also have your mom out there yeah you guys reconnected she's crazy really yeah really i mean she gave birth to a legend so i think she just went mentally cuckoo all of you know i said you did one thing right an icon and that was it i sucked all her nutrients out yeah so once i take her out of her crypt every once in a while we hang out you guys had you guys had a little beef for some time yeah she was just a crazy alcoholic and we never got along but then you moved her next door to you in wow yes well i discovered her this is so i'm writing a book right now right my autobiography comes out very soon oh cool it's really crazy what's it called i can't reveal that yet all right but i'm my i'm writing it with neil strauss who is an amazing new york times best seller he's been he was rolling stone magazine editor he's one that created the art of oh my god no he's art that like no the art of uh like being a player remember that the art of being a player yes like how to pick up the pictures sorry neil oh my god yeah so he invented a pickup artist all that was a tv show he's done so many things he's done jenna jameson's book marilyn manson motley crew and now he's doing mine yeah so there's a lot in there is is your mom's relationship with you in there yeah and there's a lot of things i've never said out loud in there that you won't say out loud now no even one thing oh of course yeah just the crazy things about yeah my secret past things about my family no one's ever found out about everything so i discovered my mom five years ago after 10 years of silence and she was homeless it was great i'm like the height of my life what do you say discovered like you're walking in the 405 bridge no so i'm in hawaii it's christmas and i haven't talked to her in 10 years and i'm in a whole different place mentally and i'm like i need to check on her like what is she doing probably at my grandma's old condo that she got inherited i get her number from my uncle who's paying her cell phone bill she's sleeping in the back of her ford focus i'm like what the [ __ ] it was crazy so i saved her tried to work on a relationship and she's just so crazy will she watch this podcast probably oh yeah absolutely what will she say when she sees you calling her crazy he's right the [ __ ] knows she's crazy yeah it isn't like i'm shaming her she's a she's yeah she's mentally cuckoo okay okay yeah well it's cool you're taking care of her yeah it's it's it's sad when you see uh parents struggling whoever ultimately successful yes yeah and she didn't even know how successful i really was she just like looks me up online once in a while to see if i'm still alive that's what she told me at the time not weird so she didn't grasp like how successful i was you are so successful you're a mogul you're a legend it's wild i mean nine years ago i had five hundred dollars so it's pretty nuts how much you got now a lot well too much yeah so can i can i ask you something just yeah just dive into the money real quick so you did you sold your 20 million dollar house oh i just got ready in it i took it off the market i had a whole thing about oh i want to stay here still and work on my family and all that and then i move my mom out there and the house goes back on sale monday okay it's been months of just like i actually kind of want to stay here and i've been like working it out emotionally and i'm i'm over it okay and i'm one person there right like 25 000 square feet all my dogs now live in wyoming there's no point yeah it's absurd and i don't need to have like the biggest dick on the block and like be oh i have the coolest how i don't care anymore like it was such a statement it was so fun i had my assistants living there my friends you know you've done the same thing you let everyone stay with you and then you just kind of get burnt out on and you want your own space yeah but you kept the mclaren oh my god i love them i love my got a million voices mclaren how many cars do you have i think like 18. yeah that's mostly custom it's so cool to come from literally dirt and mclaren's like we'll do your own paint color and everything you've ever dreamed of it's like it's pretty wild right well what do you do with the mclaren in wyoming oh drive it in the spring and summer only it's here right now how big is the ranch we have about 600 acres oh my god yeah how much was it oh my god cheap cheese lasted two million oh my god for the house the land i have building on it obviously i have a full ranch now you know i raise animals i have a hundred yaks you have a yak farm yes it's like you know you see a cow a yak is like the diva of all bovines it has the most amazing hair it has horns and we raise them for breeding for genetics for their fiber for me yeah tastes amazing you have a hundred of these yeah so cool go on instagram for a laugh starduck ranch star yak that's it do you sell the meat if we do we're what we're going to soon which one's called you know people are like oh are you killing them all and no i train 122 000 followers people love this people are yeah people love the yaks this is this is incredible it's cool it's amazing it's really grounding they're majestic creatures from tibet that have been imported here and now there's about 10 000 yaks in america and i have the biggest yak ranch in wyoming while also having a crazy makeup brand so is there a big market for yak meat it's exotic and it's really sought after and it's so healthy for you is it like more lean it's not gamey at all i've had a million every every type of meat from nba oh sorry from moose reindeer um elk um nfl [Music] but it's not gamey at all it's really healthy yeah even a golf player but yeah so it's been it's been a nice ride okay so have you ever gone on a vegetarian or vegan diet never you're always you're you're a meat eater and people get weird like my cosmetics brand and skin care vegan i think testing and animals are so archaic and stupid and gross but yeah like me it's amazing i'm just not into everything else shark fin i've never tried it you can eat that not here legally okay but if you're in china uh okay yeah but but don't do that don't do that i don't know no you shouldn't because 100 million sharks a year are are killed in the seas yeah it's very that's a lot of [ __ ] animals that's too many that's that's awful they're not saving the animals like you are with the yaks no any other any others roman surely you have cats no i have eight dogs cats yeah you you you're you're fascinating i have eight pomeranians i'm just oh they're all palms they're all palms they all start with d yeah yeah that makes sense what is the normal day in the in the jeffree star life look like wake up dm mike never hear back a year later some story that everybody i don't respond to people at all every day's different i traveled a lot i did respond to you i know you didn't talk you know i was trying to make my way through like the little eggplant emojis with the squirt coming out of them no squirting oh my god and then and then when it got to the logan paul uh like uh poaching that's when i got more interested that's when i really started all right so you wake up you dm me and then what every day is different i do my skincare i look in the mirror and cry i can't believe how sickening i am um i spend hours with the yaks with the dogs and i create a lot i love getting stoned creating concepts for i'm on year eight of my company and i have so many more ideas which one jeffree star cosmetics yeah we started with three lipsticks just a little dream in my little two-bedroom apartment and it just went it was just why did it go brah people bro i want to go bra people trusted my opinion my formula they knew i was going to give them something good i think from doing makeup for so long people respected me which was so cool because i did music prior right remember i was assigned to acon and convict music and i've lived so many lives so to quit and give up everything and start this little company was scary it was really scary launching any company is horrifying yes is anyone gonna like it and then it took off um and it was just at a time where the product i launched first it was a liquid lipstick it had never really been on the market there's only a few brands a product that goes on it you can literally suck a dick and it doesn't come off and you still look flawless and i made the best formula and it's my top seller to date yeah so cool it's cool was was your youtube channel a vehicle for the success of that company so then once i launched the brand i saw beauty started to grow on youtube and i was like oh well i've never done this and no one at the time had ever seen me without makeup it was very like mysterious and i always kind of kept this weird like enigma about me so when i revealed my full normal face which i used to be insecure about now i could give a [ __ ] it was like shocking at the time and then i was giving away my beauty secrets and how to actually look good and i was just doing it different than the people at the on the platform when did you start wearing makeup like 11 11 years old i don't know why i really don't know until this day why i just gravitated towards it started stealing my mom's makeup wearing it to school very punk rock and just having fun and experimenting and i loved it so you can't identify any like reason why you think you started it was it was there's someone else in your family really dark i think maybe yeah and it was also really soothing and just like something to go escape and i think i hated my current life at that time as a kid that i just wanted to like transform and make my own fantasy really yeah and and and then the hair did you ever grow it out long i won best hair in high school that's when i tied it pink and i had like spiky punk rock hair liberty spikes the whole thing mohawk at a 10-inch mall um yeah and i just i did it all and i started doing makeup for a professional right after high school 17 i moved to l.a but then how does that parlay into video content because because that that's not like an easy thing to just pick up either no i so when i'm really into something like raising yaks right i just go full in ah so i said i need to i need to do youtube and i studied all the beauty people at the time and i was like okay i get it but no one's doing what i'm doing so before youtube got really strict i was the first person to smoke weed during a makeup tutorial and it was just very like what the [ __ ] and i was just very outspoken and was just myself yeah and then just grew and grew and then i started doing all the lifestyle my relationships surgeries everything including makeup tutorials and reviews i did it all you're you're so ahead of the game it was crazy when i started coming up and thinking i had like discovered a new format or something new or it was a new idea it's funny because you were like final leveling like seriously when i was starting and and to be honest it's a bit confusing uh because i i i wasn't the same generation of a youtuber as you were but you don't really make that much content anymore do you or am i tripping i upload i think maybe three or four times a month now it's not that much no but i used to be like eh there's just so much going on too in life this is before covid yeah yeah yeah yeah but then now because you're launching other businesses is that why you continue to make youtube do you still love it i enjoy making content but i think beauty overall on youtube is is kind of dead a little bit a little bit why why is that all the drama at all the craziness all the personalities and it was just it just got no fun it got so so toxic so [ __ ] toxic so dark and ugly all those people were awful and they wanted to villainize me because me and shane were the most successful we had the biggest launch in makeup history and this is just being so straight like man-to-man not tooting my own horn but it was so cool and people got mad at how successful we got and they stirred up so many throw rocks up they don't throw rocks down and they got and they didn't like how big we won so all the beauty people got angry and try to take us down you know it's like a whole it's it's dark were you were you like seriously affected by that stuff like do you find yourself a happier person now that you're god yes way way happier because i just got wrapped up in what everyone else was doing as well and it was just like a huge crazy like reality show is what it felt like the james and tati stuff yeah that was what ruined the beauty community absolutely yeah that was one and then that was atom bomb yeah when you when you joined in i think that's when we knew it was getting serious oh yeah it was really crazy did you ever think about doing like boxing with with the people i mean i'm always down for that i actually know how to street fight i'm i'm i'm down for it i feel like you could kick some ass you're tall i've been jumped by five guys before like i know how to fight did you end up beating them up but you know i mean i wish imagine you get jumped and it turns into a gangbang yo that that works some people do it when they get what's that when they get surrounded but they start to do like gay stuff and people just run you know what i'm saying like they just like start to like ah and the guys just take off when i was getting like the back of the head i [Laughter] yeah i imagine just ended with me being eiffel towered huh whatever the worst one that does would you would you ever get in the ring yeah who would you fight it depends are you like boxing fighting why boxing i think that's your mma right like let's just go for it yeah however you wanna feel like you have a jujitsu mat in your house yeah i saw a tmz interview yeah and what was your response uh you've already done it all you don't need to box me and if we want to do a sex tape maybe he already has one of those no no i don't i don't i mean yeah you do i swear i don't how many girls have you on their phone naked a lot non-stop no one no one has me either i've never sent a nude me either for real i swear to god like ass kind of naked hiding i have nothing never nude never why not i don't have to too much to lose yeah and that because i don't trust anyone what's the point would you ever sell your dick pic i'd rather just so i recently turned down only fans they've been hounding me for months how much they offer you a lot how much come on just saying that i'll just say it you already know it was a lot very big seven figures or eight figures seven high seven mm-hmm it had to be seven five seven five million stop it was a lot and i have content on my phone and i had things like i could have used but i'm not ready for that moment i'm not into wait wait have you taken nudes i have videos of rappers face [ __ ] me and all these things on my phone yeah so i've had my only fans account was ready i just i'm not i'm not into that right now and i don't need to do it i'd have to be really bored i think a lot of people do that stuff for money and i don't need money and i don't i don't think my career needs a sex tape right now no you but sometimes at night it keeps me up like so many girls don't know how to suck dick and i want to give them tutorials and i have all this content on my phone and it's just not being seen or enjoyed look i'm on the flip side of it so like we're on the same page i'd love for you to teach these girls because they don't yeah most women they're not like into it where i like i make love to the dick and these [ __ ] like but does it have to do with this this actually this this fascinates me george right now george i could do this whole one right now i believe you you feel me no i might make a little get ruined yeah is that a super bowl ring oh i'm not doing it oh my god you kind of did it i can feel this whole thing in my mouth this is my little jsc super are you serious yeah don't get any ideas i'm booked tonight but what was your question i don't even know no only fans they offered me a lot of money i'm not down but yeah there's there's content on there so whoever steals my phone yeah you throws it on the ground hope no one takes it tonight that's crazy no but see these rappers have said like if you ever out me you'll get murdered the next day and i'm like that's hot like i love that i love hearing that hooking up with you must be the scariest thing ever why i don't know that just i don't know i feel like it just just a lot like you could buy my house and then never mind oh stop from like a power perspective yeah dude yeah what's good with that like like when people when people hook up with you i feel like they're pumped they love it they know they're it's it's a secret are you are you always the uh like controller like the powerful one not always not always who i don't i don't can dominate i don't [ __ ] guys ever got it so you're bought a bottom is that what that that's what bottom [ __ ] yeah you can tell i'm very not like well spoken on this stuff yeah i hate those things i trust they're so dumb top and bottom yeah that's what they call it old school gay terminology since the dawn of time right right right well mike's been here since yeah mike's the top i know [Laughter] i can't believe it what um just that's one of his segways that was a segway no you used to be assigned to acon's music label yeah i can't believe you did like full you did music school one of the coolest people very straight only in the vagina and those guys exist right yeah why do you think i'm super straight i think so yeah what do you think about all all three of us yeah all three all super strong you're definitely questionable um rob george um don't look at me like that you know what you know he may be a little short but i feel like he'd he'd rock my world i actually have the biggest dick in this room and everybody here knows it really i don't know do you know is this for real what do you think about david the german what about him what do you what my real last name is steininger oh i like that yeah do you think he's like he could flip i don't know i haven't talked to him just off the vibe there again right now [Music] he's down for anything i'm just being honest yeah you're good what's what's like what's like what's is there like a good like telltale sign like what do you like what do you want no it's the i don't know i just the energy stuff is how is it how they reciprocate your energies that how they try i don't know i just know yeah i don't know why it's like a psychic ability i'm like the i'm a medium no i'm just i'm not i don't know it's just like intuition i just always know does it ever get uh like how does it usually go when you make that like swing is it you making the swing generally or is it them like what's a swing in your world um like the approach what does the approach generally look like where where a a uh up until that moment straight person is is getting their [ __ ] off usually oh my god wow well sorry i'm just warming up now he'll tell you this the beginning of the show i've been a little slob here right now it's always bald but it's usually a lot because i don't just go out and meet people really anymore right but i can go out to a bar club and see someone and i'm like oh they're down how do you how do you meet new people these days yeah yeah yeah or just people from my past that i've known forever and like there's some cycle yeah that's all we've hooked up forever like we know you're trustworthy you know and do they fly out to wyoming because sometimes yeah really yeah yeah jet no i just i just rent them why the maintenance upkeep keeping it i don't i don't want staff yeah that's just like you could even do one of those charter programs though or we can buy one together and then rent it out that's a good idea yeah that's a really good idea do a podcast on it i've done my makeup on jets for fun videos that's cool i was still going with the other topic i got a couple but we don't we can move on to that it's always it's always both i'm always down to talk about men but it's always both it depends what do you like as a partner so loyal great funny amazing actually or like because everyone says that yeah no i really am yeah are you in a relationship no single for two and a half yeah remember you were in a pretty yeah i was in love once and i think that's amazing so i don't seek love again like if i never fall in love again i experienced it it was amazing it was beautiful it helped me heal some of my demons from my past and it made me love myself more being in love absolutely you're so accomplished and have such a interesting lifestyle even just sitting with you now i'm like okay it's hard to find guys to even date and relate to a yes b also yes and i do too i do too much i'm too much of a boss [ __ ] for most men they get intimidated insecure weird yeah and i'm too much yeah so how do you combat that [ __ ] spit them out yeah and that doesn't make you a bad person no you're allowed are you are you do you tease them at all with the the carrot on the stick bait a relationship or is it are you getting the no i i used to but i think it's so the older you get you just got to be straightforward people want to date me and i'm just like i'm not into it i'd rather just hook up once in a while in wyoming yeah or here yeah is there a city you go to that you just hate oh blind is a twist where did you come up with that i don't know i'm just i'm just in my head i'll tell you where i came up with it i was picturing you walking around in new york okay and i'm not sure if if like i loved the image i like new york for a weekend like vegas the east coast is not from it depends on the neighborhood too right like if you're in the right neighborhood in new york then you're probably having a great time like when i think of the city that you probably hate it's probably like tuscaloosa you know what i'm saying like some southern state that's not very like friendly i can't find fun everywhere so i don't i just love traveling yeah yeah are you yeah are you are you ever getting like harassed in what way just harassed like people are being mean to you saying [ __ ] up [ __ ] to you whether it's their haters whether it's their homophobes in person or online we all know online in person oh no never never ever the old days though and we always talk about this when i used to say crazy [ __ ] to people all the time i would just walk down the street like on sunset and people out of their cars like you [ __ ] homo you [ __ ] freak like people would be so vicious and bizarre and now that never happens honestly it was a different world there was no guys wearing makeup at the time it was just such a different world of like i don't know it was vicious and i want to talk about this because it is fascinating again you you were like the first of many things and in that regard i i don't think many people were doing what you were doing back then at all did it affect your identity and and was it damaging to your sense of self constantly being harassed because you wore makeup because you like the dress and where your hair certainly i had such an armor on and i was always like way too much attitude vicious back instead of just ignoring people or like responding with love i was vicious because i was attacked all the time and then you go online and everyone not everyone but you have a fan base and this is like myspace right so i've been online on social media for 20 years that's absurd isn't that nuts i was the first person with internet in my on my street in orange county 56k dial-up which no one knows that means anymore yeah so i just started so early like oh wow i can utilize the internet and make something out of myself and no one's doing it that's when everyone was trying to buy up yeah so i just started so early so 20 years later yeah but but still still that vicious reciprocation yeah takes courage it takes courage though because a lot of people would be afraid of the repercussions and after that if someone hurls an insult at you and your vicious back and now you're in a vacation never wear makeup again or never feel comfortable but i was like no i always want to be myself and just be me and stick up for that so i just never changed yeah you have a real courage you have a real courage and you did it ahead of everyone so what do you say to people now who might be struggling with any sort of identity issues and i think a lot of people are yeah they really are it's hard but you really just have to always this is a tricky question because there's no simple advice i think everyone always wants an easy answer but you really just have to get over the hump of caring what anyone else thinks and there's no magic potion i wish i could like give it out you just have to do you always and i don't know why people are so worried what everyone else thinks especially with canceled culture right no one no one's doing [ __ ] yeah everyone's afraid to say one wrong thing so that's why i've always just not [ __ ] cared you know so you just have to let go of that and just do you and always and stick to what you want to do i think everyone tries to be what they what something they're not especially in the city right it's all perception so do you think social media has made it easier or or harder for people to feel good about themselves for people to feel comfortable i think they're harder yeah for some reason everyone compares themselves to what everyone else is doing but we all have our own journey so [Music] we were talking about this in our last podcast and i think i'd like to clarify this i haven't quite like nailed this thesis but i think like every generation has its war you know yes and like i think a war that our generation will experience is the war on overstimulization and and the actual effects of what that can do to a human brain it can't be good yeah right because you can pick up your little infinity box here open up tick tock for a laugh or go on youtube to be inspired and then get a text from your girlfriend that she's breaking up with you now you're sad but you want to be happy so you turn on netflix and do this and then you look at someone commenting and said you're you're fat or some [ __ ] yep and this constant chaotic whirlwind of emotions happening in our brain instantly that all that i just said could happen in a minute yep in two minutes and that's how the culture has been especially with drama with everything it's just a crazy role it's insane do you know do you know what a news cycle now i've calculated typically last like 36 hours before you are forgotten clean slate what's the news cycle for today isn't that nuts absurd in a way canceled culture has almost canceled itself literally because if they tell a crazy story about something that someone did that wasn't even deserving of a story they'll have 10 more people to cancel in the next 24 hours so no one gets canceled cancel culture cancelled itself out so it's actually [ __ ] i know crazy i know but we've been talking about this this whole thing a lot lately with the social media and um people being overstimulated and also that just this increase in suicide and mental illness that kind of all started at the same time as the advent of cell phones and social media and a lot of people were like what about kovud and isolation and all this stuff this stuff was already happening years before that amplified it a little bit more but for the most part it's it's a result of pulling yourself away from society and drowning yourself in this so i guess my question segue to that's why i moved to wyoming got it to really like i've been online for so long i wanted to be at mental peace and not be on my phone so much so now i post i don't read the comments whereas before and i was on my phone 24 7. i feel like i had to know it all read everything absorb everyone's negative positive everything and it was so bad for my mental health so now i just post and if you don't like it or you love it amazing you ever thought about turning the comments off no it's kind of weird right yeah it's good engagement yeah it's good for the outro some people have done it and they've loved it you know but i i could never do it i don't think um let people talk and have whatever they want to say i don't want to ever shut people out but i don't also receive a lot of hate anymore i think at the height of youtube beauty there's so many people watching and so many crazy negatives like things are on my way so i also feel like that partially comes when people can sense that you don't give a [ __ ] the moment i stopped giving a [ __ ] and you could feel that through the screen all of a sudden the hate comments are few and far between you know they they're still common you know welcome whatever way different like i don't know y'all know like you just it's you're wasting your thumb energy like save that [ __ ] but yeah i i often i often too get uh sucked in in a way that i i i wouldn't want to be i'd rather be never mind well no i want it i'm so triggered it passed and it passed do do you wake up every day ready to uh yeah probably done yeah do wake up every day uh ready for my eyes i'm ready to suck [ __ ] twirl got it yeah that that's literally what i was gonna ask no no bad days no you don't have girls twirl on the dick like spin come on all the way around yes hold on stop hold on hold on a second 360. yes you don't spin [ __ ] around oh god you're like a tool jeffrey wait but how what do you mean you you have to there's a there's a machine for this do you have to hang from the ceiling yeah there's got to be a tone you're laying down on the girls on top and you're like i mean if your dick's big enough you spin around and it's still in there does the dick spin too [Music] but you're making it really quick how are you spinning this hundred and twenty pound object that quickly like has that has one ever taken off yeah like will you walk on the glass down that's what i'm asking you by the way this is i'm so curious on your in your life well i haven't it's on my bucket list i've i've imagined this in my head but it seemed impossible unless you have the device sometimes but you could also spin from a position to another position like you if if that makes sense she's on top of you that facing this one you want to spin to a doggy style that's one thing but but the way you described it was like a prop for a helicopter yeah but you have to find people that can kind of do the splits it's way easier yeah you can no the girl does the splits just throwing it out there jeffrey's just throwing it out there wow i need a gold medal is there olympics for head would you win it come on well i just asked i'd probably be the judge yeah well i just asked because i've i've been privy to some pretty good dome have you good well a lot of guys haven't i've dated in you're a hoe and we know no that's not why a certain space that kind of before well a certain space that kind of works that right so do you think that you could outshine a porn star yeah they're they're tired wow yeah they're tired yeah can i ask you uh i'm sorry i'm not the only one that just pictured before i started going [Laughter] just exhausted like it's exhausting work it really is no it absolutely is can i ask you a question this is selfish that's about right here well you're right do you mind if i ask you a question about asking you a question let's go all right um say say um oh boy say a girl doesn't like giving head bye wait they still make those buy that model they still make that model in 2022. it's still around i thought they'd phase those out but what are we getting at is there any advice is it like a is it an intuition or how can you how can you make it pleasurable there's some girls that just don't know what they're doing and then there's some girls that don't like the action that the ladder so there's two different things so some girls really just don't enjoy it and that's okay find someone that doesn't like head good luck hello and good luck with that i just i've just i've had this as an issue in a relationship before like i don't know it's i feel it feels if you're not sexually compatible you got to move on it doesn't matter how badass they are that's right intimacy is very important absolutely yeah can you imagine getting married before having sex i don't know how people do that i don't know why how people do that i think it actually could work out on their benefit oh possibly but 10 years down the line you're not going to get curious i don't believe sexual encounters could balance out the relationship i think it's very important and i do speak on it but i don't think you're into certain things that the other person isn't and then you're never really satisfied and you're like oh then then everyone cheats so then no but then my definition of love is different my my definition of love is like you have to work for it so if your partner is like not into it you have to make that common ground work i mean it's a partnership but you're a ceo [Laughter] yeah partnerships are great but some people are just never going to be into it so you send them my number i'll send them a video and they could try to learn you're very gracious and then they'll sell that video tmz the max i can fit is 12 inches after that you have to call someone else are you serious bible yeah oh i can show you a video that would hurt george yeah i did okay while we're if we're going to stay on the topic of of dick sucking for this entire episode can i ask you a specific question are there any are there any uh dicks or uh endings or weird situations what would you say the weirdest situation you've ever encountered uh as it pertains to to to cox would be um we're going there well i mean we've been here we have tried to change the topic four hundred times it's not one no you guys tried to change the topic i was going to we haven't tried i was going to do you want me to answer we're caught in the dick sand is what this is yeah we do it anyways it's not just you but i'd like to hear the story uh well sometimes you know i so i like to see what i'm getting into so i like to see photos before i meet you i just want to make sure we're in so we're on the same page so some people lie and i had one person or when it got to the time to be intimate and even though they lied to sent me pictures they got undressed and they had a medical condition you want to google it right now don't tell me it's the micro dick is it the blue waffle he had a hidden penis a hidden penis it's a micro dick micro micro dick yeah micro google hidden penis this person was six foot five i expected to get demolished and it was like a tic tac oh that was so precious this is this is bad baby i love this podcast so much we're outing and we're we're outing him yeah it was awful so i mean but it's also like then people are gonna oh but i'm into certain things so we're all you know we all have our own different bodies i didn't shame anyone i didn't make him feel awful you know wait what happened it just wasn't for me what did you do yeah what'd you do well i like i let him okay we're going there i'm sorry mom i let him try to [ __ ] me and i didn't really feel anything it was the first time in my life so i didn't feel anything and what what's the outcome of that nice like i it ain't working i'm not going to clear my history oh my god please leave that open on your phone later for someone to see i hope i hope i get to tell them it looks like right what hidden penis never seen one you never google that nope that's crazy no no i know what they are i know what they are yeah so it's it's really rare i guess and it was just it was nuts i'm actually a little bit jealous it's not it's kind of like this it was just it was experienced those were tiny too i loved big balls and they were so tiny all right so listen we're gonna crawl our way out of the dixon out of the sack okay starting now okay i do want to talk about your businesses yeah we touched on jeffree star cosmetics a little bit yes and we know i like sex but i'm actually really great at business i thrive on marketing i love i love what i do you're creative at heart i love it yeah kind of listening and you said you like to get high and just come up with ideas but yeah the execution i think it's it's hard for a lot of people it is so how do you get it done and get it done so well because you have i'm looking at my my little sheet here five it looks like companies that are killing it yeah you ideate and you execute execute well i love executing i don't know why i think it's programmed in my brain to just know how to market how to sell what's a hit what is what are people gonna like human psychology it's always just been something i've been really great at yep so i it's just it's all always worked when i did musical execution yeah but it's it's determination and i gave up so much like most of my friends going out like when i started my brand i didn't leave the house for a year i dedicated my entire life and i think people don't understand how much we sacrifice to actually make the dream happen yeah a lot you know yeah so you have you have jeffree star pets yeah what is that one so i love pets i love dogs i love animals so my fans really love the dogs so i made a whole pet toy line of plushies ropes dog bowls everything are any of them indestructible yes because my dog test it yeah i'm going to order one seriously i could we have some for you he tears up everything yeah would you put him on uh uh terrier by chance oh terrier is a airline that flies your pets yeah to your next destination terrier that's funny i actually haven't heard of that well it doesn't exist it's mike's concept it's a concept do you ever find yourself in a i was like i've never heard of that do you ever find yourself in a predicament where you know you've got to take a long flight you want to bring one of your d name dogs with you and i want to hire your airline to well no maybe you don't want to fly private that day because you don't have you know 150 000 for a one-way leg wouldn't it be nice if there was a airline that specialized in the transport of canines from one location to the other for the upper middle class middle class folks of america who deserve it so bad our dogs are like family members jeffrey yeah we don't want to travel without them do we no but then it's trusting other people with them and that's where it gets what if i told you you were going to be there yeah of course you fly with the animal sometimes but i do private jet with the dogs only but i'm also down to do commercial i don't i'm not above anything i just depends on if it's convenient but when i fly with the dogs it's all eight in a jet which is really fun i can't believe i have an army of pomeranians but i also have two assistants and a ranch hand and they help are they pomeranians they could be so like obviously all the dogs are in wyoming being taken is that not funny no i like that why did you give me that laugh no i was my voice is still [ __ ] up from coachella but i i really don't know i like it when the co-host doesn't laugh no it wasn't that was a real laughter [ __ ] it was he knows that he went the girls were fighting it was a little dead inside it was a little dead there's a little thing inside right now star lounge i'm down we're gonna smoke while you guys talk no what's in the box i actually wanted to talk to you about your pistol just kidding dude i would have probably struggled that's what i'm saying you're scary i have an ar in the car oh my god in l.a no shot you have a chopper in the car um what what the [ __ ] how's my mirror packaging innovation queen of the year thank you wow good job that's cool it's a cleaver your mirror's a cleaver oh my god indica sativa hybrid what are we feeling mike dude this is great because you could use this two in one you should ask you already and when they rush you shut the [ __ ] up shut up getting ready are you allowed to smoke on on youtube yeah you are right mike tyson took mushrooms on youtube and then we won't get canceled i promise okay no problem we already asked and the building approved it i actually have another podcast right after this they're fired i'm sorry that's new well you don't smoke before podcasts anymore it never was give it a shot come on man do you have another lighter no offense but after all the thousand dick sucking i just don't want to you know i'm sorry you just said you would win the medal this is very nice homophobic first of all i'm very into uh health if i meet someone new i pay for the std test before i meet you oh that's cool a thousand times before you meet them yes like i'm [ __ ] you you're going to go get the 24 hour test of every single thing and i'm going to pay for it and i get the results in my email and then if you're good let's go what about random hookups i don't know i don't do a random no such thing not really you're at coachella sweating it up and you you meet somebody in the crowd you want to go get it done no shot that was you this weekend i was in wyoming so like no no you've definitely yes there it is you guys smoking i have a podcast after this same [Laughter] little hit no uh nah not this time okay [ __ ] mike no drugs for me thanks i get it only one that did this i thought we were all gonna jump into this no no that was fully intentional to get you [ __ ] up for our next episode yes jeffree star skin that's right yes how's that different from jeffree star cosmetics it's full so i've never done skin care okay and this is skincare that actually works it's vegan it's clean it's amazing and it's awesome it's been out for a few months and it's cool to see people enjoying it seeing real results and it's amazing it's a sickening skincare line and star lounge is your weed accessory so i've never sold actual flour it's all accessory so i have the biggest grinder i sell the most grinders in america and i don't do weed is that funny they're the best that catches the keith the best and i just make the best grinders and i have some here for you guys if you want to try them later take home why no weed too much work i make too much money and it's not there yet got it so if i were to make weed and whatever happened with the federal government they could say my makeup money is marijuana and take it off we ain't going back on the couch so it's just not worth it so until it's fully federally legal in every 50 states absolutely but it's getting there it's about to happen let's go then would you would you do it absolutely but the banks are still iffy bank of america is like hell no no right so it's not worth it you're running quite the enterprise and now we're doing the yak ranch meet is coming soon i cannot believe you have a yak farm isn't that cool i want to do fast food restaurant yak is so healthy and fun you think you'll be the only person with a beauty caroline and a meat company yes that's [ __ ] crazy because why because i'm a dude yeah that was great yeah that might be why no i just love so many different things i think everyone's so used to like the beauty world you're just this one type of person but i love guns and animals and meanness and i love me brother you got it that was awesome you got my real voice i've been faking it the whole time besides that you got any weird [ __ ] that you don't tell the general public what are you oh my god what are you like what anything up the sleeve that you ain't telling nobody about just sex tapes you got like anthrax at your house or some [ __ ] no anthrax any scandals planned does jeffree star's skin contain some of your skin so i'm like weird you have no weird [ __ ] um well i thought about some my dad's cremated right here and i thought yeah i like where we're starting here we go yeah and i thought it'd be so cool if i did like a really small limited edition makeup collection where i put my dad's ashes in the eye shadow and we press him in there so then you can put my dad on your face what would it be called what is it called cremated that's amazing i have a cremated collection i did launch already and that was a cremated people no it's just a palette it's all so no one's ever done like a you know like a nude palette is like nudes right this is all white to blacks every sort of gray like uh like if you're watching a black and white tv show that's what i made into a makeup palette and it was very successful dude how strong is your weed oh my gosh frog is it kale can you see the best yeah i am [ __ ] hot one hit wonder baby no no two i hit two guys okay george just out of curiosity did jesus smoke weed uh no i don't think you should def if you're following jesus i don't think you should be intoxicated i think you should be sober and alert uh well i am i'm gonna stay but you know what's i i thank you for bringing this up i don't like that every time i bring up god people make youtube videos about how i'm not a christian it's so new wait wait who's doing that you're sitting next to me you can't be a christian no no i'm just [ __ ] i was wondering what they're gonna say we you're my neighbor suck thy neighbor not the right scripture no no no literally i wrote that scripture but and literally but yeah it's it's so tough to like speak out all right it's so tough to speak out about your faith because you know i realize this it's not the people that have the same faith that attack you it's your same faith you're not good enough in their eyes and that's crazy how could you really build up something strong i feel like those people making those videos are the same people that stand at the edge of the santa monica pier with the sign on the front of their body and the back of their body and one in their hand about eight feet tall with the megaphone screaming about how jesus is going to send you to him you're going to hell pray immediately yeah i know one thing god hates very westborough of you very westboro i want one of those signs just to hang in my house yeah if any ex-members want to send me one fedex i'll pay for the overnight is that true jordan oh my god no i was about to i was about to let you know right oh jesus loves you thank you it's about having a relationship with him you all have your own paths yep you should just pause it for a bit you don't have to pause your life but if you want to know about jesus my biggest push is have your own relationship don't judge it off of mine because dude i'm smoking weed on a pocket i'm not the best example i just have a great relationship should i try to share yeah and that's beautiful thank you no one should shame me for it ever for real what's up i think you're you guys are great especially you george i love you i love you i just feel like me and his sex tape would be iconic no good i can't be preaching about the bible and then just brothers now they're gonna make the video again ask bella if she's down he's got a girlfriend oh you do yeah where's she wanna see a picture of her oh boy okay let's see it you're in love for real i'm so in love with her oh that's cute [Laughter] they're [Laughter] let me show you a picture that i just posted around what do you think out of it she's very beautiful look at it she got her hair done okay nice on her page i didn't see any photos of youtube no there is don't do that not when he's hot no he's high he's gonna go into this like babe what the [ __ ] no i'm actually i don't even believe a stranger or was that real no that's my girlfriend why is she out of his league no oh she is i know it i high-five her about it every day puff puff pass i think i think you should get someone who's out of your league i don't think she's out of his league is there anyone out of your league no that's like shaming myself right but i i don't think so but i i think i'm i think i'm a catch but i think there's a like a ton of women out of my league those are the girls they may not be attracted to us that's what i'm saying they're not like aesthetically i don't mean like we're a flop because we're tens but they may not just be into us for some reason aesthetically every single girl and he's seen it with his own eyes his friend zoned me and then fell in love with it but it's the work you put in it's about drive bro it's about power yeah yeah i get it no i just think my buddy taught me one thing and i it goes for both sex oh man i'm high yeah you are but i like it but let's see if it works let's see if it works uh uh let's hear it just be the party he would always say be the person that they get really excited to see so like when they see you make them laugh make them just really enjoy themselves so one energy that takes brother they have energy if you're an outgoing outgoing person yeah then sure but a lot of people are like introverts they don't want to talk to people i don't want to talk to anyone [ __ ] everyone okay because that's because that's not true i don't know damn i'm high i should probably zip it i'd like to hear what you have to say i was just saying sometimes that people that don't know how to love are really they're fighting that with themselves so once they figure that out then they'll be able to love it so that's the person you want to talk to is that that was literally me before i fell in love yeah i didn't even know how to love myself and then just being in a relationship and actually finding real love and connecting made me love myself more really yeah 100 and it was really beautiful and life-changing awesome it didn't last but i still respect it and it was it was beautiful do you still love yourself now yes so it fixed you yeah it really they say that there's like songs about it and [ __ ] yeah love will so yeah i was heartbroken for a minute and i went through it but i'm great now and it was an amazing experience and that's why i circled back to the christians that were judging me there's that's about learned by that there's that beatles song all you need is love we'll probably get copyright for that yeah bleep damn i i need some love then because i'm oh yeah and you're single yeah if we're being deep you do need love i know i think i think uh mike's could be incapable of real real everlasting love yeah but that's why that's why i asked you the question because that spoke to me you know like if you felt like you were like that too then maybe it's possible for all of us to find love i'll fix you i don't know how i feel about that statement i don't either not believe you but what do you think about this one day you'll find the right check oh boy what is on that phone i don't know man what do you think about this who is that that's a lot to take in yeah in many ways and why was that on your phone let's start there it's i see that a little bit who's copy and paste it on top i could try to explain it it's a shaved head hannah stocking with gang tattoos on her face uh uh it superimposed over the body of a large black man okay who is his number jerking off his 14-inch [ __ ] with logan paul's head backwards licking the balls of the black man well the front side of his face looks like this which is which is this this image has been going around lately this is this is a very this should be sold as an nft because it's just such a dumb head can i tell you what my brain did when you flip that phone showing us that when i'm high on the podcast that i didn't i i thought i was seeing things i was like why would he be showing us that well if you weren't when you described it i was like wow that was exactly what i saw okay you are seeing things george okay cool we're not even on a podcast right now no don't do that jeffrey how can i help you hold on george yes oh my god jeffrey i want to see where's the camera was it was it a [ __ ] nba player i want to see that's amazing that's what i'm into that's amazing it's a good picture and it's also the clickbait of the title of this youtuber i'm gonna be honest with you man you could have just you could have just told me what the future was i wouldn't believe it why did you tell george specifically um hannah's like you needed to see it what position nice oh [Laughter] you feel me what uh what position did those play his face his face was in that one well yeah i'm not gonna i would blur it if i ever posted it and they're just cool do they know yes uh no seriously thank you for coming on we've been trying to get you on impulsive for a very long time so i appreciate george's life has changed and i'm so glad i could be here he really really is like yeah he's really hot dude i'm not here right now dude that was fantastic good for you the picture is gonna be imprinted like when you start a light bulb and you can still see it are my eyes red yeah yeah yeah they're they're glossy all right um okay jeffree star thank you wow hey apologies for having me of course thank you guys listen to uh impulsive hit that subscribe button uh mike great work bye bye guys
Views: 5,349,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, jeffree star, jeffree star logan paul podcast, jeffree star cosmetics, makeup, yak ranch, star yak ranch, shane dawson, jeffree star kanye west, rapper, nba, nfl, golf, trans, pride month, threesome, pansexual, wyoming, beauty youtuber, james charles, tati, andrew schulz, gender, gay, straight men, the secret world of jeffree star, no more lies, becoming jeffree star, makeup review
Id: OnsT_h4-jAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 21sec (4581 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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