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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast i'm dk my co-host is bricky he's going to be teaching us all about the most ridiculous things in warhammer 40k but before he does if you enjoyed today's episode head on over to adept is ridiculous and consider supporting the podcast you get access to the discord bloopers if they happen some real nice hd posters a lot of behind the scenes stuff like that uh so yeah adept is ridiculous if you enjoyed today's episode and bricky's gonna tell you where you can find some real smooth quality merch and about the book club ooh not only is the merch quality but it's smooth actually it is pretty good it's pretty smooth it's comfy it's i i i spend i spend the big big bucks for the good merch because it's about the merch dk i'm going to say that's every [ __ ] episode it's about the merch dk check out the merch in the description or at you can get shirts hoodies black white legally distinct mechanicus shirt and legally distinct orc shirt off of our i'm a tank on the tank i'm a tank episode also doge van dyer stickers and good news i will have dice restocked before christmas hallelujah let's go it'll be a little different when it arrives because it's a different company but i'll tell you about it more when we get there i still think they are very solid and worth your money everything's worth the money because it's about the money dk also was about the money spiderman actually it's kind of about the money oh yeah it's always about the money you're right it's always about the money anywho um also book club brutal cunning the episode will be out at the end of this week so finish it up and we're gonna be talking about it is pretty good i didn't realize that we were having a disney princess uh book for a book club yeah yeah the princess is like the um oh [ __ ] it's like it's he's like the hound of brutal con well he's not quite as lovable as hound but same idea lovable little sidekick lovable little sidekick it's great yeah anyway anywho um dk hey uh i will uh people seem to like the the quotes before oh [ __ ] the one where it was a sister and i thought it was tyranid because i heard hive and i fixated on that and yeah never ever ever live that down it's fine i've done all right things and i probably will do dumber things go ahead um let me tell you of my future my hand will reach into the stars reshaping the galaxy into a place of order and unity under my reign the kingdoms of old shall live again reborn to an age of power and glory the like of which you can only imagine i will rule every planet touched by the light of this star and even in the darkness beyond my name will be whispered with fear and respect oh boy this sounds like a bad this sounds like a tyrant this sounds like some kind of a ruling tyrant so first thing that comes to mind is either uh either a primark or a necron like one of these one of these hoity-toity necrons that wants to just like rule over everything oh you uh you are correct on one of them you know since it's you i'm gonna say it's it's it's a named necron character that comes out of like the the big sleep and is looking is looking to conquer i am [ __ ] floored that you got that a hundred percent correct let's go now ken do you think you can name this character um i don't know that many necrons i mean we've talked about a couple maybe the i'm gonna go out it may be the storm lord let's [ __ ] go let's go [Laughter] i have made amends for the tyranid mistake let's go so proud of you imitation yes storm lord fair on of the south tech dynasty let's go dude very nice so uh me and shaw were discussing this a bit you know naturally we got those big episodes the primark and the space marine legions or a faction overview that kind of stuff however you know we in the beginning we did those pretty often kind of want to slow those down save those for the really good days um and then you know like like for example uh you know it's also behoove of me it's the moment we get the new dyson to probably do a big topic so you say it behooves you who behoove of me okay is that it is that it proves to you sure sure it's like it's a good thing it's it's it's it's better for us it's advantageous for us that way i don't have to be right i have to pretend like i'm right but but but yes it is and it also is good for us because it lets us have a little bit of in-betweens nice little character stuff here and there and then big episode then a little bit of in between because if we do like all the marine legions immediately well then we're just left with oh yeah that's yeah then you gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel for like these weird little side characters nobody's ever heard of and it gets weird sure yeah i understand that yeah but as a as a necron boy myself as a big necron fan i wanted to do the storm lord so here we are talking about the storm lord it isn't there isn't too well there's a there's a bit of lore but there isn't uh like an insane amount and that's honestly fine by me because it actually has a a decent there's a decent like understanding of the character which i think is is very nice uh i like it so imitech the storm lord he is the feron and i'm sure you remember the fair on is the overarching leader of a certain dynasty the the top dog number one like the pharaoh like said the pharaoh it's a fair run to be legally destroyed anyway ammo tech not immotef yeah if we're gonna steal it we can't make it obvious geez of course not put in put the put an n at the end it's not pharaoh it's fair on put a kh at the end of every single necron name he's not emo tepe he's emo tech zan shrek from from the south tech hello it's very different so the he is the fair on of the south tech dynasty and is most likely the strongest and most accomplished necron overlord in the galaxy um i think including the silent king i was about to ask like where does he rank with the silent king then because that i always understood that the silent king was like the one with the neck runs so the silent king is and naturally the silent king both in terms of power and as a model would probably kick em like you know texas because he's got a gigantic floating deus with all these giant laser beams and he's bigger and he's got the best material you know but in terms of actual army mustering uh immatech actually hasn't beat because the silent king's return was rather recent and most necrons see his return and they're like oh yes the king is our leader is our our glorious leader is back and they bow to him but immatech went and said [ __ ] off [Laughter] okay okay great leader of wigs [ __ ] off all right it is wonderful because uh basically he i forget the exact the exact kind of quote or something but they're both kind of douche bags to each other however he basically the short of it basically said hey silent king you're a coward uh you left and cries your little baby tears when though all of us you know slept you betrayed us and you're a [ __ ] i ain't i ain't doing [ __ ] it's my turn oh man that's the short internet version of what he said i'm sure i mean he from what i remember he's kind of right because he kind of did but isn't he also keeping watch to make sure like the tyranids and stuff don't so everything they all went to bed the silent king left and he stayed in between that space in between galaxies and he's kind of just sat there in contemplation like paying atonement for his sins um because he was had mega depression and then chilling out there he saw a bunch of bugs start entering the galaxy he's like oh no anything he really have to wake up the boys yeah everyone get up get up get up because naturally he wants to make sure everyone has a soul again he wants to return them to the flesh and you can't do that if there's no flesh left it's all been eaten yeah that'd be that'd be tough wait so why does the storm lord hate him so much it's not like he actually betrayed them he just he's been tormenting him he he signed the pact with the deceiver to turn them all into robots oh i forgot that part yeah now granted he was in a sense deceived but you is that what the deceiver does no road to hell you know paved with like he had he has one but he was all i mean he's also green he wanted to kill the old ones because they were cringe and he's like yeah i'll use the immortal well no he wanted mortality for his people but he also wanted to kill the old ones because they were cringed so the storm lord's hatred of the of the silent king makes a lot more sense why doesn't everybody hate him then if he's the one that did it and sort of signed their sealed their fate as like necrons why didn't everybody hate him because he also led the revolt against the katan and saved them from damnation oh well boy i have forgotten a lot of necron lore yeah king king main main leader of necrons all with super cancer um you know want to get old ones to give them immortality old one said no then they try to kill old ones didn't work found the catan and was like hey katan are the katana are like hey i can make you immortal and they're like dope gets made immortal they eat all their souls use them as slaves and then eventually silent king fights back against them and frees them from the bad life and then turns the katana into pokemon gotcha gotcha they all go to bed his throne has one that that powers it right yeah it's great i love that because when he when the sound king dies he explodes on a four up and the rule is called vengeance of the unchained it's great it's the guitar breaking free and being like oh i'm so angry great that's great so uh uh so good old immatech he was actually a nemesar you might remember our boy zandrik um so nemosaur is basically a high general and he awoke from the great sleep way back when um not on straight away back when but he will awoke and the planet of the south tech dynasty was known as mandro mandragora and it had mainly survived it intact however it was beginning to fall due to ambition because the ruling feron of the south tech dynasty had died during hibernation his uh his sleep didn't work so a whole now we know about necron politics a whole bunch of south tech nobles were like free seat i want the throne and they all immediately for the next maybe 10 years we're stuck in this giant civil war on who can regain the throne and i'm surprised it only took 10 years so it would have lasted longer because no faction was truly able to gain victory but during this time all the dudes that um were fighting over the throne decided that high-ranking noble revival like waking them up was to be suspended because they didn't want any more competition uh for the throne until someone picked it up that makes sense now if it had continued it probably would have just torn the planet apart and they would have all died however uh there was one particular guy we don't really know who he was but he was one of the people fighting over the throne and he said i'm gonna reawaken the famous grand general nemosaur immatech because if i had him as my support i would not be able to fail so imitech awoke and he was like what [Laughter] what what are you doing what the [ __ ] are you all doing who the [ __ ] are you and so instead he he took his he took two robotic middle fingers stood up and waved them in every direction mustered his own army and took the throne for himself oh okay damn he he killed all the other nobles that were trying to get thrown he because he's a grand general killed them all took an army took the throne back for himself and said [ __ ] all of you i want this dude how how long did that take him not very long well i mean long in terms of be of like sure in a sense might have taken long but not like super long now i was just gonna say that there's like a 10-year civil war and then within like a span of a year he's the storm lord just like yep got it it's like that sounds about right yeah whoa okay some it looks like we got a badass over here oh a little bit dance like meme yeah good luck so when he awoke uh or after he was crowned pharaoh he immediately forbade or forebode any kind of infighting within the realm uh if you are trying to fight for a position of power or killing someone else to try to gain their their seat or something of that nature that will be like immediate death if you try to circumvent the normal like law and order process in any way uh he's gonna go curse on your ass um any kind of in no any kind of infighting is a waste of time effort and resources naturally uh if not everyone like adhered to this in the beginning yeah and is it i guess that's that's where the law came from that uh um infinite and the divine and why they're not allowed to like kill each other and you're only allowed to forward the necrons and there shouldn't be any infighting and why they were so uppity about that yeah at least for that major dynasty because obviously this is the south tech dynasty um a good our good boy i think actually i think orekin is of the south tech dynasty as well um yeah i know trayson is of the hilac uh dynasty thank you um but in the beginning of course this law wasn't really uh you know taken into account much but eventually imitech made quite a few examples of them and then they started to be like all right all right we won't fight anymore i'm sorry dad he's serious business he's not [ __ ] around let's not let's not try him first book about people they were like let's let's try this fool and and storm was like find out and yeah [ __ ] around and find out um however between his like complete like iron fisted rule and his very quick military successes of all the nearby worlds his position became basically unassailable and the only real person the only true person who could actually maybe make a challenge for the throne is nemosaur zandrick um and and his good bodyguard vargard oberyn however that zandrick's loyalty to the stormlord is so unquestionable that he's not really of any threat okay like the only person zandrick really answers to is is immatech okay i thought you're gonna say it's unquestioned because xandrick's too busy trying to figure out how to eat cheese or something there's also that um i sure do love cheese for this has been fermented for years why would i why would humans it's oh well now if anyone should appreciate the importance of being fermented for years it should be the necrons oh my god fair enough uh granted though i know a lot of people tell us about this or make it occasionally um a lot of people think that zandrick actually is make like fooling um where he's not actually uh he's just pretending that he thinks he's human well well organic not human right sure but uh no a lot of people think he's pretending i think they don't quite get that properly um i believe if i'm not mistaken the original writer of zanderek had like a a close friend or a father with dementia and it was it's more of like he has moments of clarity yeah um and when he has the moments of clarity he kind of does this little wink and he's like well why not play the fool and enjoy life you know as if i was still alive kind of thing if i if i did if i was a robot why wouldn't i just enjoy life wink wink yeah so he's he's kind of like simulating robo dementia essentially yeah he's kind of he's kind of joking about it a little bit oh sorry he's not he's joking about it when he does have his moments of clarity but i think he legitimately believes he is a robot or he is uh organic yeah however just sometimes a lot of moments of clarity he just kind of runs with it because he's like i really like battle i really like being a general i have all the things at my disposal might as well keep playing it playing it up yeah he might as well i mean i guess if it's working for you i gotta i gotta say the zandra quote because it gets me every time see oberyn the separatists come attempting to outflank me just as they did at the battle of the fourth battle of vindach how they calculate that doubting themselves green and roaring like savages will produce different outcome i cannot fathom but it is of no account ready my legions another glorious victory shall be ours [Laughter] i i have i've heard you say that quote at least three times and it gets me every time still she's so funny to me carving themselves in greens and yelling like that won't change anything silly organics so the difference so immatech as a he is arguably i think i say this a lot this is the way i am um but as far as like top strategic minds it would he'd probably be like top five oh in terms of in terms of well smart generals because necrons are very good generals that's like they're kind of schtick um they're insanely good general are like um like leaders and they're they're great tacticians that's what i'm looking for tacticians yes because they're walking super computers essentially so it's like you know they should they should be good yeah that stuff yeah he's up there i think along with like gilman and dorne you know like he's very very intelligent um every attack he does you have no you have no idea what the hell he's doing is this is attack actually his main attack or is it a decoy ram is he bleeding your reinforcements or is he sieging something else you don't know about is this like he has thousands of contingency plans every possible thing is accounted for and and made a plan for if you try to do this attack he has forces ready if you try to use speed he has traps laid if you attempt uh area uh orbital fights heat like he's so incredibly good at his tactics so has has he ever lost because general as he is you know he might occasionally go han uh go toe-to-toe with other major people uh and then there's always things that he may not have accounted for you know like things like knowledge you don't know about until it arrives oh yeah yeah yeah and also also you know like you gotta you gotta write a compelling interesting thing if you never that's true you can't just be perfect yeah then he's then he's just a big mary sue well that actually being said let's talk about some of his flaws because for all of the amazing things that he is good at all of his his methodology and all of his his ability to somehow always know that what you're doing at every step his insane tactics he has two particular problems one he [ __ ] hates orcs okay so he's like the rest of the galaxy sure he has the same problem that admek does in brutal cunning where no matter how much he tries to plan for the orcs how do you understand how do you understand an army that makes no sense how do you fight an enemy that has makes no sense you can't fight the illogical with logic he often only has like short lasting victories over green skins because they'll eventually find some way to get back at him because they just don't make sense the the concept for him because he obviously has this hatred of the orcs but that's just that's just orcs in general yeah now for him his methodology is that when the galaxy is washed clean of the blood of inferior beings necron dominance will begin anew so he's a little racist yeah i would say he's a lot uh racist that's that's genocide on a on a historical level he believes that everyone is on his lawn this is like yeah order unity obedience we taught this galaxy these things long ago and we will do so again he he's full on i mean this is most necrons they think this way but he believes that like yeah we owned the galaxy and we had to go to bed we're back to re-own the galaxy do not [ __ ] with us is this like our destiny and our right oh man if if all those necrons ever wake up it's going to be a bad time if the neck the only thing keeping the necrons from taking over the galaxy is the issues they're having with sleep uh with like the long sleep these slowness of their politics and the fact that their numbers aren't high right now because they haven't woken them all up speaking of he has actually awoken 80 tomb worlds eight zero two worlds as of prior to ninth edition he has now awoken a hundred and twenty south tech tomb worlds that's a hundred and twenty worlds he this is why the silent king can't challenge him right now because he's a hundred and twenty worlds of necrons at his disposal how many necrons you suppose are on a tomb world give or take because obviously every planet is going to vary in size how many people are yeah because like i mean like one tumor could be the size of jupiter one could be like the size of [ __ ] like mercury and it's like okay there's there's a bit of a disparity here um so i was curious on average how many necrons are we looking per tomb world nobody knows because nobody ever knows because that's just the way um gws numbers they don't really know but i would go millions to billions ah yeah i guess however the size of the planet you could easily have billions of sleeping necron on it yeah yeah especially if they're all locked in like lockstep they're all right next to each other and everything yeah i'd say millions to billions i'd go millions just because um maybe like tens of millions just because necrons tend to be very um well a lot of them are damaged during the awoken awakening yeah yeah so you're not going to get every neck run on that tomb world to wake up potentially you're going to have a lot of errors so yeah also yeah lots of canoptic stuff uh like scarab swarms and [ __ ] like that oh right right right right um so he's got a hundred tomb worlds at 120 122 worlds um though even with all of this he does know even with all the south tech dynasty stuff he does know he cannot fight the galaxy with numbers alone so for him he like he is a big fan of terror uh because oh so he's like a necron night lord uh maybe that's why i like him so much i was gonna say that's all of you so the storm lord part of him is his actual ability to conjure like act like [ __ ] with the atmosphere and conjure lightning storms that's legitimately an ability he can do because he's because because necrons like their tech is so advanced it's practically magic oh you know yeah i was about to ask how to [ __ ] do that oh yeah well how does oracan do the things he does like yeah i mean he's literally a time mage basically where he can go back in time and forward and [ __ ] with that yeah he's a mage he's a he's a technologically advanced mage yeah um but because of that often his armies advance on the enemy under the cover of storm black skies with green lightning bolts arcing out of the clouds to hit their foes and sometimes enemy armies will enter like like the mist practically like stephen king's the mist and it'll just it'll just disappear into the mist with a bunch of necrons waiting for them and so you just got so like you've got this big shadowy mist encroaching firing lightning bolts and you just see like lines and lines of green eyes in lockstep with each other and then like green lightning bolts powering up through it just through like this mist colored area it's [ __ ] creepy that's so dope though that's that's the that's the army you want to be a part of hell yeah this would be terrifying imagine that walking towards you oh man like that's well i mean if you're fighting other necrons how are you really gonna be able to psychologically win a battle with them because you're all robots anyway uh that's very true uh however the necro uh he does have one one real weakness and that's his pride um he really likes to display his superiority over the other commanders so often he will similar to zandrak will actually let go the commanders of the enemy army to uh as in the idea is that they get sent back with the knowledge of failure and the fear of imitech to spread the fear across their armies and create unrest uh however the lesson he takes is more of like i want you to live with your inadequacy like you are a failure and you've lost against me like go live with that and he'll normally take like an arm or a leg or a hand he'll like sever one of their limbs that's like a as like a true reminder yeah some kind of physical mutilation sure um the problem is that very often the generals will come back and as instead of sowing fear we'll now have a bit of a better idea on how to fight him i was gonna say that's gotta come back and bite you in the butt because now that one soldier can be like okay here's what all the necrons are doing they let me go i guess i thought i was gonna be like scared and terrified but nah this is how you fight them and they're gonna come at you with the storm don't walk in the storm fight him from yeah that seems like a bad idea yeah like there's a great quote that shy beat me to um but he says you'll rule this galaxy for ten 000 of your years and yet you have so little to account to show for your efforts such failure must be as depressing to bear as it is shameful to behold which he spoke to the chapter master of the black templars this guy named high marshall helbrecht um he's the he's the model with the little wipey dude wiping his sword oh yeah the with the meme and you wanted someone to no one ever photoshopped that idea on on your forehead i thought that was gonna i thought that was gonna bombard you and it never did [ __ ] internet um it was such an easy slam dunk there's a really great uh there's a really great jab so helbrecht goes to imitech and says you are a relic of a dead empire that has no right to exist and immatex says i find that amusing coming from one such as you i mean they're both right yeah a little bit they're both right i don't i don't know if necrons don't have a right to exist but it is hypocritical as [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh man so they have a little understanding they have a little bit of a rivalry yeah okay they're not necessarily long-standing but there's a bit of a rivalry there uh the thing is is that yeah his own little marshall hubris is kind of coming back to bite him a little bit um and his like excessive expansion is also uh marnius calgar chapter master of the ultramarines is taking note of his expansion and in fact some nec some necron activity is starting to get really close to ultramar uh so you know necron supremacy uh the end farseers of the craft world have sensed that their craft world is under peril possibly in the future due to his expansion uh in fact that immitex armies are as big of a threat to them as the tyranids uh even the tao empire have seen the expansion of the necrons increasing and are starting to get worried themselves so he's attracting attention from a lot of people he doesn't want attention from yeah it sounds like he has attracted the attention of literally everyone you've got space marines you've got tau um eldar got eldar like he's attracted the attention of ev but it had to come to that eventually like if you're gonna wake up all of the necrons eventually you're gonna be on everybody's radar you can't have the biggest army in like the universe without getting a couple blips so it's kind of inevitable i don't know do you really think that's like a downside weakness it's a weakness if he keeps on getting uh if he does did what hitler did in world war ii and bite off more than he could chew you know he's like i'm gonna go fight him gotta go fight the russians runs all the way in and then loses everything and dies yeah true if if he decides to go after all of these factions that's a problem uh but if he's tactical about it and he you know he doesn't challenge the eldar tao and ultramarines he should still be okay yeah i mean well it depends on if anyone wants to go fight him and stop it true but chances are if one of those factions thinks that this big oh my god the necrons are such a threat it's just gonna be them because the ultrameans aren't gonna go fight with the tau the town aren't gonna go fight with the eldar all three of those factions aren't gonna join up with each other so chances are you're only gonna have to deal with one of them and if you only have to deal with one of them then the storm lord's army should be more than enough to deal with that it depends depends the the the eldar and the and the marines might work together before that's true the eldar and the marines would work together right the black templars probably wouldn't but yeah that's how gilliman got his waifu that's true yeah ah yeah they yeah you know well you've rained yeah where they have no real romantic connection to each other but let's all ship them anyway anyway good old immatech our boy uh so he he's maybe biting off a bit more than he can chew uh but it hasn't come to a head yet so we're curious to see how it turns out um as for him himself he's got some pretty neat stuff um he's got his necrodermis of course he's got a phase shifter which is the ability for him to kind of like it's like a force field it kind of stops things from uh yeah well it's not really a force field actually it's more of a defensive device that has some kind of phase in between realities so things might not hit him oh um he's got his gauntlet of fire which is his hand thing it's literally just a flamethrower in his wrist but he also has the staff of the destroyer which is a giant ornamental staff weapon that's like a combination of a staff of light and a war scythe that can fire out blasts of energy but also stab people and was in fact attempted to be stolen by tracing the infinite multiple times of course he has tried to take it multiple times and has failed um but the coolest thing that he has is something known as blood swarm nanoscarabs oh boy that before knowing what it is it just sounds like a bunch of uh uh nano machines that come out of his like skin and just swarm someone and eat them alive nano machines son son yeah they're hard in response to physical trauma um now bloodsport nanoscarabs are miniaturized very mini mini scarabs that when are launched out will go in like a little cloud of flies and they will probe an enemy's armor for flaws and then begin to feed inside the armor and then breaking down the the plating leaving it vulnerable and then they burrow and dig into the warm flesh underneath the armor oh however it's the mummy it's oh yeah except way tinier like like ants oh that's creepy to think about because look at the image shy posted that's a space ring being swarmed by regular scarabs oh i i've never felt quite is is that uh what what chapter is he from uh uh blood red tear drops so blood angels blood ends that's what i've i've never felt so sorry for the space marine that seems like you're going to die and it's going to be horrific uh yeah it's a very painful way to go uh but to his torso holy [ __ ] but in particular these ones burrow through the armor like little ants and then they eat your through your flesh but what makes it even worse is that the blood that they spill because of these nano scarabs is incredibly potent and attracts packs of flayed ones oh no [Laughter] it's a beacon it's a beacon the fillet ones that will occasionally come out of whatever horrifying dimension or whatever they're at and like snip it out like sharks oh no it i was like oh yeah it couldn't possibly get any worse than being eaten from the inside out oh boy and then it summons flayed ones so while you're still getting eaten from the inside out a flayed one shows up and just starts skinning you and eating you well it summons packs of flayed ones so in order to go with his uh his whole like fear mentality he'll do this and then he'll have like a guardsman squad just get assaulted by 20 flayed ones and start ripping up the entire battalion and then they start wearing them as hats and he's like oh my god yeah get the [ __ ] out of here guys what happened to danny i don't know that flame was wearing him as a coat dead danny literally has a coat danny is the coat nice danny is the code yeah nice danny coat nice dandy coat played ones are so i hate it i hate it i hate it also why do the necrons like staff so much because like every every every necron has a every name necron has a staff like the storm lord's got one trezen's got one uh or the weapons one it's it's literally their weapon it's egyptian stabs sign of royals yeah but you you can't use a um what's the what's the curved blade called war scythe no no no it's like it's like a it's like a sword but it's like curved like a half moon it's um oh oh i can't think of the name of it shy scimitar ah no it's like it starts with a k um [Music] kopesh that's the one warframe has a couple of them and they suck and nobody likes them but everybody thinks they look cool yes yes i knew she'd know she's smart okay well they i guess they could but but they don't they use stavs because they're royalty don't forget these are like nobles yeah i guess but like all of them well no but the the main people like this is imitech is an overlord um orekin is the diviner he's a high cryptek treyson's an overlord the song king is the silent king nemosaur zandrick is high general and overlord vargard oberyn is a as a lord like that's yeah i guess remember i guess the royalty would use like pretty hardcore staffs and they wouldn't use yeah i guess remember the named characters of necrons are almost all royalty because they still have their minds the ones that don't have their minds don't have character because they're they're like lower yeah yeah yeah also necrons do use scythes that's true the uh what is it the female executioner infinite and the divine uses of scythe right but she's not really a high royalty she's named but that's different well she's a triarch praetorian they actually have their um they actually still have their mental state because they protect the king in particular and they serve him right only but it's not like their royalty where they would need a staff they could use scythes and it's not that yeah uh yeah probably yeah oh overall they're definitely more on the staff like ornamental thing necron like like overlords use war sites and void sites and things like that yeah but stabs are a sign of royalty they tend to use dabs yeah the staff saul's all the necron staff seem a little overpowered as they should since they're you know the sign of leadership and royalty and look at how big and bad i am yeah necrons in general are overpowered that's their that's their deal so fair enough yeah they just need they just need to get more of them awake they shouldn't you know wake them up sound the alarm bells you know waking them up yeah no actually legitimately they do need to wake them up yeah well i don't really got a whole lot else after that uh oh however uh emma tech his model sucks it's incredibly old and terrible and i'm really sad about it i mean for an old model it's not that bad like it sure as hell beats out the old guard models that have like the melted faces you know it's not that bad it's it's dated for sure but he's resin and it that that's oh no he's really bad i don't like him i don't like it i hate i hate resin models resin models are the devil almost every single one of the necron characters besides the silent king and like the new zerez is resin and i hate it oberyn's resin xantrex resin they're all resin i don't like it orkin's resin tresens resin so do you think they're just waiting to make like a necron like you know how like they had the hex firebox and they're about to have uh custodians and jeans do you think they're waiting to make like a necron box that has one of these like new uh nope they already did it's just gw being gw and they're not making something that is no no heavily wanted no they already did it they made the box in the beginning of ninth that's what launched with ninth was marines right oh but what about just making like a new uh a new treason uh a new storm lord or is that just gw being like hey we know this is popular and everybody wants it but here's another batch of ultramarines uh uh i don't know i i think maybe they've done their quota on necrons or something because they gave it because they released the silent king like just recently and who did they they gave us illuminor zaraz the guy sucking the dude up and uh they gave got him really recently as well that was an upgraded model um they've been fair to the necrons they they have given us actually quite a few new necron kits like okay maybe like like 10 or something quite a quite a lot actually eldar fans are like come on man they gave him 10 we haven't had anything in 30 years well they'll get there soon i'm sure we'll see [ __ ] these man [ __ ] elves [Laughter] i mean i obviously i do hope they get there if they get their stuff i think warp spiders are really dope and i want warp spiders to be good again what are warp spiders yeah cool little teleporting dudes with cool claw guns eldar they're neat cool i mean i i mean i want i want i i hate i hate fighting eldar vehicles and that's like all that's good right now and all that's decent looking so just fix their infantry gw please i don't want to do it anymore if you could have one mini get revamped and released as a new mini by gw right now what would it be any mini any like you could tell them what the next new mini is gonna be and they will insta make it what are you telling them to make [ __ ] it's like such a loaded question you can't put me on the spot like that there's so many things there is um uh [Laughter] see listeners i've i've just taught you how to permanently like uh brain freeze brickie i don't know see he's going into overload now i i don't would do i uh do i pick chaos got a good refresher you know what give me give me treason give me give me trays i'll take tracing okay i go i will i will take trayson i the the chaos models are are mostly pretty good mostly um custodians are recent don't need them there's a lot of guard ones sure but garda like like they already kind of look i'm not going to spend my one option on on a tiny character that's barely the size of a guardsman you know like i'm not going to spend it on that i i like the idea of tracing getting a new model because there's so many cool things you could do with him like you know he got the one necron like sucking someone's so like you could have some really cool [ __ ] surrounding like the base of the model or other little doodads they're hanging off him too so i i think i think a new updated trades would be fun changed my mind uh extra extra points if i get to his special bain blade um because this is what commissary looks like right now and he looks like [ __ ] yeah i've i've seen that many it's it's terrible he looks like a zombie he really does compare that to like what he's supposed to look like and it's just oh my god it's bad all right it's real bad yeah uh all right i'm into this episode uh i choose that one leave us in the comments what you'd like to see get revamped because that'd be dope oh my gosh bricky thanks for watching this episode dk where can they find you dk diamantes and all the places and yeah that's it yeah just search dkdia monty's you'll find me yeah you'll find quite shy and places as well and quite shy places and we're doing a stream once a week every weekend stop by or check out the youtube ring the bell whatever you got to do in order to make sure you see it all right i'll see we should set up a specific time for those so we can tell people to just be there at like 10 am alright i'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 233,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous, necrons
Id: csxNjgBj1R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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