The Last Church: Tyber Portoghese's Iconic Animation - Watch Now!

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[Music] hmm [Music] it is a cold night i'm an old man please welcome to the church of the folger do you wish to join us tonight i don't recognize you no i don't expect you would nor would i expect us to be anyone besides you and i well this is a surprise my midnight sermons are considered quite popular in these parts you're sure quite what a shame i had not thought i'd age so poorly as to scare so many away it is rare to find a man like you with a sense of humor i have found that most of your kind are dour leaden-hearted men my kind priests then i fear you have only met the wrong kind besides given the times we live in any servants of the divine would find it extremely difficult to be of good cheer very true last priest of the church of the folger lobbies might i have your name my name is unimportant however you may call me apocalypse an unusual name for one who professes a dislike of priests you are aware the significance of such a word i am it is suiting for tonight however and why exactly would that be what revelations do you search for in my humble church i seek no revelation i simply wish to talk to you i wish to learn what keeps you here when the world is abandoning your beliefs in gods and divinity i wish to understand why you have yet to turn to the faith of science and reason i the great fresco of issandullah a divine work wouldn't you agree it is quite magnificent but divine i don't think so then you have not looked closely enough open your heart to its beauty and you will feel the spirit of god move within you and the whole world came running when the fresco was revealed and the sight of it was enough to reduce all who saw it to stun silence ah so you have read your story so i have you are a student of art i have studied much art is indeed one of my interests then you cannot argue that this work was not inspired by a higher power of course i can i do not seek to diminish the artist's sublime work through allocating praise upon a greater being her artistry does not prove the existence of anything no god has ever created art in an earlier age some might have considered such a sentiment blasphemy i have only ever seen mortal men accuse anyone of blasphemy uriah i have only ever seen mortal men act upon it were reactions to the accusations any less violent i would label it a victimless crime touche but i have yet to see any scientists discover the root of inspiration the human mind is a wondrous thing do not be so quick to underestimate it tell me uriah have you ever seen the great cliff sculptures of the mariana canyon no though i have heard they are incredibly beautiful they are indeed meter high representations of their kings carved in stone that no weapon or drill can cut they are at least as incredible as this fresco worked into a cliff that had not seen sunlight in ten thousand years yet carved by a godless people in a forgotten age true art requires no divine rationale it is just art you have your opinion i have mine isandula was a genius and a magnificent artist that much is beyond question but she still had to make a living and even magnificent artists must take commissions where they are to be found i am sure this work paid well for the churches of her time were obscenely wealthy do you believe that she would be incapable of such a wondrous feat if she had been employed by a secular government she very well may have but unfortunately we shall never know no we won't we are fickle creatures uriah all too often i am tempted to believe that the invocation of the divine is a ploy by the jealous to dismiss one's accomplishments jealousy absolutely to see another succeed where you may have failed is a sobering thing some would rather choose to remain ignorant of their limitations that is a very cynical view of humanity forgive me but i have seen too much darkness to be so innocent as to always assume good intentions do not mistake my intentions however only in understanding our weakness may we find strength well this has been an interesting discussion but you must excuse me friend apocalypses i have to prepare for my congregation no one is coming it is just you and i why are you really here this is the last church on terror history will soon be done with places like this and i want a memory of it before it is gone if this is so then come friend let us sit i would rather not stand for whatever time remains oh your good health and yours this is very good wine it's old you have a fine appreciation of wine friend apocalypses my father gave this to me on my 15th birthday and said i should drink it on my wedding night and you never married never found anyone willing to put up with me i was a devilish rogue back then no longer it would seem a devilish road turned priest sounds like quite the tale it is but some wounds run deep and it does no good to reopen them fair enough friend apocalypses tell me what did you mean when you said this place was soon to be gone exactly what i said even in your isolated state you must have heard of the emperor and his crusade to stamp out religion and belief in the supernatural soon he and his forces will arrive to tear this place down i know but it makes no difference to me i believe what i believe no amount of hectoring from some warmongering despot will sway me that is an obstinate point of view it is faith it would seem i'm not as fickle as you would posit eh faith a willing belief in the unbelievable without proof faith strength is just that and requires no proof belief is enough that is why the emperor wants rid of it then you call faith powerful i call it dangerous think of what people in the grip of faith have done in the past all the atrocities down the centuries that can be traced back to faith faith is both the causation and the justification for so much evil have you come here just to provoke me i am no longer a violent man such a goal would be boring and fruitless for the both of us if this is all you are here for i suggest you leave you are right of course i'm being discourteous and i apologize i came to learn of this place not antagonize its guardian accept your apology apocalypses do you wish to see the church i do then come with me [Music] [Music] so this is a holy stone it is yes why why is it the folger lapis i mean why is it holy was it deposited on the ground by your god was a man martyred here or did some young girl receive some sort of revelation while praying at its base nothing so bland rest assured friend apocalypses thousands of years ago a local holy man who was blind was walking in the hills here abouts when a sudden storm came in over the western ocean he hurried back down to the village below but it was a long way and the storm broke before he could reach safety the holy man took shelter from the storm in the lead of this stone at the height of the storm in the lee of the heavens when he thought all was lost he was lifted up and heard the voice of our creator and so he saw the stone wreathed in a blue fire in which he saw the face of our creator did you not say he was blind ah he was blind no longer the power of our creator cured him of his affliction he immediately ran back to the village and told the people there of the miracle and then the holy man returned to the fall galapas and instructed the townspeople to build a church around it the story of his healing soon spread within but a few years thousands were crossing the silver bridge to visit the shrine for a spring had begun to flow from the base of the stone and its waters were said to be imbued with healing properties and i wonder how much the priests benefited from it all and what it could cure diseases mend broken limbs so the church records say this bathing chamber was constructed around the stone and people across the land came to bathe in the sacred waters while they still flowed i have heard tales of a similar nature in the far east a young girl claimed to have seen a holy vision of a woman while bathing near the springs closest to her home she described a woman conspicuously similar to the holy woman of a religious order of which her family was a member bathing houses were established there too but for a fear of diminishing the rate at which the owners of the bathhouses could admit pilgrims the waters were only changed once a day the dying and diseased came in droves passing through that water in the hundreds every day so i'm sure you can imagine what a horrible slop it was at the end they were but pools of blood sloughed off skin scabs bits of cloth and bandage an abominable soup of malady the only miracle was that anyone emerged alive such a miracle was infrequent at best i cannot justify the actions of the greedy or the impure i can assure you that did not happen here if that is your concern hematite from abandoned ironstone formation exposed by landslip during the storm most likely that would explain the strike it seems to me that your holy man was not blinded by any physical defect but was a result of hysteria or earlier mental trauma it is not unheard of to be cured in such a manner are you attempting to debunk the miracle this church was founded upon it was our creator's will and if your explanation were to substitute mine the nature of the event is still what i would call a miracle the creator's face was seen his voice was heard it is a malicious thing to seek to destroy another's faith apocalypses i do not aim to be malicious i am trying to explain how such a thing could have happened without the intervention of a godly power you think that the way we perceive the world is the way it actually is but you cannot perceive the external world directly indeed none of us can instead we know only our ideas or interpretations of objects in the world the human brain is a marvelous organ priest and it is especially adept at constructing images of faces and voices from limited information imagine your holy man sheltering from the storm in the cover of this great stone when the lightning bolt hit the fire and the noise the pounding surge of elemental energy isn't it possible that an already religious man might in such circumstances perceive sights and sounds of a divine nature we do it all the time when you wake with dread in the dead of night is that darkness in the corner not an intruder instead of just a shadow the creak of a floorboard the tread of a murderer hmm i agree the human mind is a powerful thing what i value most however is the ability to reflect upon the past and reach conclusion that that tap against my window was a natural occurrence and not a murderer come to kill a lonely priest given the origins and evolution of religions in the human species it seems a far more convincing and likely explanation that it was a figment of happenstance and a creative mind a holy man might make a miracle of simple good fortune because of a predisposition to believe in the supernatural don't you agree no i do not really you strike me as an intelligent man why can you not concede at least to the possibility of such an explanation because i too have seen my god and heard his voice nothing can compare with knowing personally and completely that the divine exist ah personal experience the most valued kind tell me where did you receive this vision on a battlefield in the lands of the frank many many years ago the frank were brought into unity long ago the last battle was fought nearly half a century ago you must have been a young man back then i i was young and foolish young and foolish hardly a prime candidate for divine intervention but then i've found that the least likely to receive it are often the most in need of it i have read your holy book before to me most of the men who appear on the pages are far from ideal role models perhaps i should not be so surprised the devilish rogue sits with me today your turn may be pleasant but your spirit is nothing but adversarial you say you wish to learn of me in this church will come let us just with words thrusting and parrying uncertainties with argument and counter-argument say what you will but come sunrise you will leave and not return this is my intention i have other matters to attend to but tonight i have to talk with you my adversarial spirit is not born from any malware towards you uriah my malcontent is born from my love for humanity i would see our species in an age of wonder without these constant wars and the ignorance that blankets our kind like a plague i would see us ascend i would see all of our kind raised to the status of godhood that is worshiped throughout the galaxy but we are enslaved to the fantastical notions that reside within that book of yours and all the others like it that damnable book in your hands is a curse and i would see you rid of it you go so far as to mock my holy book too this damn book provides a code by which i have lived a peaceful life in which i have built more than i have destroyed helped more than hurt my time before this book was nothing but destroying and hurting untold thousands more live similar lives thanks to the guidance provided by our willingness to believe in something greater than ourselves tell me apocalypses when we as a species find your vision to be a reality what will become of us what will unite us peace can only be attained through an aspiration or a common enemy and when that aspiration disappears and we as a species are gods without rivals who will we turn on we will turn on each other friend apocalypses your vision will bring only an eternity of war when god's clash galaxies burn so what would you have me say there are more faiths than yours uriah and each faith has equally zealous defenders how many generations of conflict until your message of peace turns to a crusade against those who do not share your beliefs where there are differences humanity will find them and these differences are so fundamentally rooted in you as others beliefs are in others there can be no resolution without conflict you find nothing but exceptions to my arguments never any rules by which to measure them how can i find rules in an inherently hypocritical system your book has been rewritten translated and twisted to fit the needs of hundreds of anonymous authors for hundreds of years the faith is eternal but the story and morals are not one man hears his dead grandfather and he is locked away in an asylum but if he heard the voice of god he would be venerated and might well become a saint how is this a logical and rational system it is my faith respect my beliefs as i respect yours despite your constant slights against my life's dedication did you not say we should joust why does your faith require such protection is it not robust enough to withstand my questioning no one else on this world enjoys such protection from scrutiny so why should you and your faith be singled out for special treatment why is it that faith is being targeted for destruction perhaps there is enough truth behind my words that the emperor in all his wisdom fears their holy power or is it because there are people too obstinate to accept that there may be something that science cannot quite explain i have seen my god i saw his face and heard his words in my soul do not expect me or anyone else to give your experience credence uriah despite what you think you saw you may believe it to be real but just because you believe something to be true does not make it so i saw what i saw i heard what i heard that day on the fields of frank has never lost its clarity i relive it with every waking moment in which i am not occupied and where in frank did this miraculous vision take place priest on the killing field of god you were at get wary i i was will you tell me what happened i'll tell you what happened but first i need another drink no friend apocalypses this is the good stuff i wouldn't deign to drink this from a tumblr now we will drink from a glass the water of life finally spirits both you and i can believe in give it a minute let the vapors build it intensifies the flavor swirl it a little see the slicks on the side of the glass they are called tears and since they are long and descending slowly we know the drink is strong and full bodied and how long must we wait patience friend apocalypses this wine has sat for many decades you can sit for a few more minutes knows the drink feel the aromas and how they stimulate your senses allow yourself a moment let the sense awaken the memories of their origin may i ask a personal question while we wait well it depends on the question doesn't it why is it you carry a timepiece that doesn't function it is a family relic you see it has been with us since before even old night no one knows when it broke but as legend goes it ticks before disaster strikes i never believed it nor did my father when i found it however it was a minute later than i always remembered it now it sits a minute from midnight my father always suggested that the day it struck midnight would be the beginning of the end i've kept it for decades never once seen a bunch i check as often as if it could warn me of danger maybe there is hope okay a grim portent you seem to surround yourself with grim beliefs uriah perhaps but let's not ruin this good wide with such dower thoughts my story has not yet even begun we've waited long enough drink friend apocalypses generously hang on to the taste before it is gone ah that's a flavor i have not had in a long time i didn't think any remained it is an old bottle one i rescued from the ruins of my parents home you make a habit of keeping old alcohol around hi a throwback to my wild youth i was fond of the drink a little too much even if you take my meaning i do many a great man has been brought low by such an addiction you said you wanted to know of gadware if you are ready and willing to tell me of it yes willing yes ready well i suppose we will find out get wary was a bloody day it was hard on all who were there i understand i may be old and my eyes may not be what they once were but i can still tell that you are far too young to know of gadware you would not have even been born when that battle was fought trust me i know of god wary i should tell you a little of myself first who i was back then and how i came to find gold on the battlefield of gateway if you have half mind to hear it anyway what is the story without its context of course say what you feel needs to be said i was born in the town below this church nearly 80 years ago the youngest son of the local lord clan had come through the final years of old nights with much of their wealth intact they owned all the lands around these parts from this very mountain all the way to the mainland bridge i wish i could say i was treated badly as a child you know to give reason for why i turned out the way i did i cannot i was indulged and became something of a spoiled brat given to drinking carousing looking back i realized what little i was but of course it's a lot of old men to look at themselves in their youth and realize too late all the mistakes they made and regrets they carry anyway i decided in the adolescent fires of rebellion that i was going to travel the world and see whatever free corners of it remained in the wake of the emperor's conquest so much of the world had been brought under his sway but i was determined to find one last patch of land that wasn't yet under the hill of his thunderbolt and lightning armies you make it sound like the emperor was a tyrant he ended the wars that were destroying the planet and defeated dozens of tyrants and despots without his armies mankind would have descended into anarchy and destroyed itself within generations he still is a tyrant perhaps humanity would have been better off that way rather than under the shadow of his accursed eagle maybe the universe decided we'd had our chance that our time was up nonsense the universe cares not a wit for our actions or us our fate is rocked by our hands and no others a philosophical point we will no doubt return to but i was telling you of my youth but of course please continue thank you well after i announced my intention to travel the world my father was good enough to grab me a generous stipend and a rednew soldiers to protect me on my journeys i left that very day and crossed the silver bridge four days later traveling across the land recovering from war which was growing fat on the labour's decreed by the emperor hamlets beat our plates of armor blackened factories turned on weapons and entire towns of seamstresses created new uniforms for his armies i crossed europa and cruised my way across the continent seeing the eagle stand banner everywhere i went in every town and city i saw people giving thanks to the emperor and his mighty thunder giants but i'll be damned if any of them is genuine it was like they were going through the motions because they knew it was dangerous not to i'd seen the thunder giants as a child but never in the wake of a conquest never quite seen the reality of them before that point i was drunk and whoring my way down the tully peninsula when i came across a garrison of the emperor's super soldiers at a ruined cliff top fortress my damned romantic rebellious soul couldn't help but try and bait the giants i called them many names freak slave the minor demons of a greater devil i even told them the emperor's only goal was to enslave all of the human race to his own towering ego after having seen them battle in the fields of frank i shudder to think of the fear i was in then i thought i was being clever in my own stupor i convinced myself i was a hero looking back i would never even have passed as a martyr eventually one of the giants broke wrecked and approached me i was monumentally drunk i felt invincible as only a drunk and a fool could this worry was huge far larger than any human i had ever seen his entire body was encased in heavy powered armor that enclosed his chest and arms the sheer power of each soldiers never made clearer to me than when that giant came over to me and lifted me up tearing my shirts and upsetting me greatly i kicked in his armor and beat my fists into bloody pumps against his chest but he just laughed at me i screamed at him to let me go and he did just that telling me to shut my mouth before tossing me off the cliff [Music] by the time i'd climbed the great steps back up into the village they were gone and i was left with just myself and a hatred greater than i had ever known stupid really i was asking for it and it was only a matter of time until someone put me in my place and after tali here and there i've gotten a lot of those years truth be told i was drunk most of my working hours i know i took a sand skiver across the mediterranean wastes and traversed the wastelands of the north africa conflict that chant carl reduced to an ashen desert all i found was settlements that were busy paying homage to the emperor so i carried onwards far into the east to see the ruins of ursh and the fallen bastions of doom even there however in places so far away as to be the most desolate and remote corners of the world i still found those who gave thanks to the emperor and his gene-engineered warriors i couldn't understand it didn't these people know they just exchanged one tyrant for another then again it wasn't their choice humanity was on the brink of extinction i cannot convey this point any more clearly without unity and without the emperor there would be no human race i cannot believe that you do not see that oh i see it alright i see that very clearly the devilish rogue did not however i was young and full of the fires of youth that see any form of control as oppression though they don't appreciate it it is the function of the youth to push at the boundaries of the previous generation to poke and prod and establish their own rules i was no different from any other youth well perhaps a little so you traveled the world and hadn't found any corner of it that hadn't sworn allegiance to the emperor where did you go next i returned home for a spell bearing gifts i'd mostly stolen and then says off again but this time i went out as a soldier of fortune instead of a tourist i'd heard rumors of unrest in the land of the frank and fancy myself a renowned war hero the frank were fractitious people even before the days of unity they were never ones to bow to invaders even the ones who posed it benign once i reached the continent i had heard of havelect de grace in the battle of iowa and rode straight for the town aval roy a town poisoned by the bitterness of a madman whose meager skill fell far short of his ambition now that much is obvious back then the story was that havelek was found wrongly accused of the brutal murder of the woman the emperor appointed as governor [Applause] he was said to be shot by a firing squad when his brothers and friends attacked the local army units running the execution the soldiers were torn to shreds the death of a few locals in the fighting turned a small-scale riot into open rebellion it got ugly faster than the town had time to think what they were doing but by then it was too late unfortunately for everyone have a leg was a gifted orbiter and found the flames of the town folks ireland the emperor's rule within the hour a hastily formed militia had stormed the local army headquarters and seized the weapons within none of the soldiers survived you are aware that avulic did assault and murder the woman i learned that later yes by then it was far too late to do anything about it by the time i reached average full of piss and vinegar for the coming fight havelik had rallied a number of the local townships to his cause and amassed quite an army it was magnificent friend apocalypses for it had been everything i had so desperate in this search for icons of the emperor being torn down colorful buntings hanging from every window bands playing in the streets constantly while haverlike and all of us his soldiers marched up and down the town i swear it felt like you were an army of devilish daring hues we should have been training we should have prepared but our courage was buoyed up by the festivities and more and more towns rose up against the emirates rule by the day within the week we had amassed an army of nearly forty thousand strong and truly it seemed i had found my glorious rebellion i had so desperately craved it was heroic and courageous and dangerous and it spoke to my romanticism for the heroic freedom fighters of all we were absolutely sure that we would be the spark that would light the fires of rebellion all across the world and see the autocrat tumbled from his self-imposed rule then we heard that the thunderbolt and lightning armies were marching from the east and we set off in grand procession making all due haste have a look leading us from avaloi was a joyous day i'll never forget it the laughter the kisses from the girls and the spirit of our shared brotherhood carried us off as we marched to battle in but a week of marching we reached getaway and set up our defenses atop a line of hills directly in the path of our enemies we had all fought ourselves tactical geniuses holding this strategically advantageous position had we had any training and discipline it might have made a difference we held the high ground that both of our flanks were anchored on strong positions on the left were the ruins of the gandurai bastion on the right the desolate marshes to which nothing could pass you must have known it was madness to engage the emperor's armies i mean you had no hope of defeating them his warriors were bred for battle and spent every waking moment in combat training perhaps we knew maybe we didn't want to think about it we were so full of hope of optimism we wouldn't allow ourselves to even consider defeat when the emperor's armies came into sight we were nearly 50 000 strong and we faced an army estimated at a mere five thousand it was hard not to feel that we could win the day especially with haverlike riding up and down and firing our blood his brother tried to calm him but it was far too late eventually maybe a kilometer from our position the giants halted their advance we should have waited too instead of letting the spirit of the moment die charged on the hillside like mad glorious fools screaming war cries and waving swords pistols and rifles over our heads it was maybe six or seven ranks deep and we only covered half the distance before the giants shouldered their weapons and opened fire [Applause] by god the noise i'll never forget it the first volley was thunder that gripped down the line and our first five ranks were cut down to a man with a beautiful screen each of their bullets was a small bomb that ripped limbs from bodies and burst men open from the inside like wet sacks turns to shouts struck in the back of the head and fell forward into the ruptured body of another man rolling over i felt the back of my head and realized i had been hit shrapnel or some fragment i figured i could feel myself losing blood weakening by the moment now the initial shock of the first few seconds had passed the screaming began the charge had ground to a halt and now the men and women were murdered around confusion and fear as the reality finally dawned on them and they understood the magnitude of what haverlac had done now the thunder warriors took their time to charge they broke into a run and terror trembled beneath their feet most of those who had fallen but survived by molly were crushed beneath a giant they all were achieving their sword with serrated edges and motorized blades never forget the sound the raw output nightmare it was we had been defeated in the opening volley but these warriors were without mercy haven't i could somehow survive the initial barrage with only superficial wounds and as i lay on my back dying i watched him stare dumbfounded as the leading thunderbird cleaved him in two with a single swing of his chain blade looking back at havolek's army i saw my terror mirrored on the face of every man the woman left who were all begging for mercy throwing down their weapons trying to surrender but the slaughter continued heedless of theirs they marched right up to them and hacked into them without mercy all those people were cut apart so quickly and brutalized with such economy of force i couldn't believe so many people could die in so short a time it was not the glorious map i dreamed of it was mechanized and virtually if i could have ran i would have but i'm not ashamed to say i laid there weeping listening to the awful sound of people dying and the wet sound of flesh being shorn from bodies and the stench avoided bowels and open bellies until mercy of darkness overcame me when i woke surprised i'd still lived it was dark in the distance i heard the victory charts of the thunder warriors drifting across the fields along with the smoke of victory pyres have alex army had been destroyed not routed not put to flight destroyed in less than an hour 50 000 men and women had been killed i never learned of any other survivors weak and laying in a field of human parts i began to weep once more i was in agony bleeding to death and thinking how absolutely pointless my life had been the heartache and ruin i'd visited upon others in my reckless pursuit of hedonism and self-interest i wept for my family and myself and that was when i realized i wasn't alone who was with you the power of the divine i opened my eyes and saw a golden face above me a face of such radiance and perfection that my tears were no longer shed for my self-pity but for his beauty the light radiated from the figure and i averted my eyes for fear i'd be blinded i had been in pain yes but now that pain was gone and i knew i'll see the face of the divine i could not describe that face to you not with all the poetic imagery in the world at my disposal but it was the most exquisite thing i had ever seen i felt myself lifted up and thought this was the end and then the face spoke and i knew i was destined to live what did this face say to you why do you deny me accept me and you will know that i am the only truth and the only way did you reply i couldn't to utter any words would have been base in any case my tongue was quite stilled by the awesome vision of god what made you think it was god you were a dying man on a battlefield surrounded by your dead comrades and you were having an epiphany about the futility of the life you had led think back priest surely there is another explanation i need no other explanation you may be wise in many things apocalypses but you cannot know what goes on in my own mind i heard the voice of god and saw his face does the perception of events truly matter if the results are singular i was born up and set into a deep slumber and when i awoke my wounds were healed a piece of bone had been embedded in my skull nearly a centimeter away from severing my spinal cord when i rose i searched for fellow survivors i was alone i decided to return to the land of my birth but when i returned i found my family home in ruins the townsfolk told me scandian raiders from the north had come to plunder my family's wealth so they killed my brother and tortured my parents and sisters in an attempt to make my father give up the family treasures my father had a weak heart and died before they could learn his secrets i found my home in ruins and my family has bleached cadavers there were no amends to be made at home all i had to remember them by was their wealth good wine and this damned watch i am sorrowed by your loss uriah if it is any consolation the scandians would not accept unity and were wiped out near three decades ago i know but i do not revel in death anymore the men who killed my family will have been judged by god and that is justice enough for me that is noble of you i took those few keepsakes from the ruins and made my way to the nearest settlement thinking i'd get blind drunk and tried to figure out what to do with my life halfway there i met an old priest in need of help in desperate search of the next caretaker of the folger lobbyists i knew i had found my purpose i had spent my entire life until then living for myself but when i saw the spire of that church i knew that god had a purpose for me i should have died at gadoire but i was saved for a reason and what was the reason to serve god to bring his words to the people to do good where others would not to be a beacon in the coming dark and that's what you've been doing here that is what i've been trying to do but the emperor's promulgators traversed the globe with his message of denouncing the supernatural and criminalizing the devout i assume that is why you are here and why none of my congregation have come here tonight you would be correct in a manner of speaking i have come to try and convince you of the error of your ways to learn of you and to show you that there is no need for any divine powers to guide humanity this is the last church on terror and it falls to me to offer you this chance to embrace the new way willingly there is no ore my dear priest come let us go back out into the church as we talk i want to teach you of all that belief in gods has done for humanity down the ages the bloodshed the horror and the persecution i will tell you of this and you will see how damaging such belief is and then you will go on your way friend apocalypses it is my sincerest hope that we will go together [Music] you know of gene breeding hi very little is not gin bread these days and you have heard of the once great city of zozer in the north africa conclaves yes i've been to zoza at least i saw what my guide told me were its ruins true not much is left anyway the scientists of zozer sought to end a great famine that was sweeping the north africa conclaves through gene-breeding animals that would grow more quickly and more easily in their harsh climate when one of the local cults caught wind of the gene breeding they saw it as an affront to their god they were very much against the modification of genetics because they thought that their god had designed them as they were and it was a sin to meddle in such things this cult the zozorites saw the lead scientist and a pashtar as the next embodiment of evil seeking to defile all the people by feeding them the embodiment of sin they went on a rampage stabbing and clubbing any pasta they could find of course the apache retaliated and rioting spread throughout the city and left close to a thousand people dead they did not again try to gene breed new farm stock and untold thousands more died to the famine is there a point to that story absolutely it typifies religion and tells a universal tale of religious behavior that has been reoccurring since the beginning of human history religion actively impedes forward progress by producing stubborn people who fear advancement a far-fetched example friend apocalypses one freakish story cannot serve as proof of theory that all belief in the divine is a bad thing why don't you tell the story of the time a church organized a program to help the poor and the sick and the dying why do you not tell a story of when faith and religion gave a community the strength to stick together and help each other through old night through faith comes character and through our character there is moral strength without such guidance the world would descend into anarchy a secular government with strict laws and programs could accomplish all that you have listed without creating stubbornness or creating a dependability on a church that would impose further taxes upon the poor and make waste of otherwise productive time the idea that the church is a moral compass just isn't true where the church is strong it causes cruelty intense belief produces intense hostility only when faith loses its force can a society hope to become humane and progress i don't believe that my holy book gives instructions on how to live a good life it has lessons humanity needs i have benefited greatly as have the people in the town below are you sure i have read your holy book and much of it is bloody and vengeful i suspect an outside spectator would view the people on those pages not as exemplars of proper behavior but terrifying examples of corrupt morals you are missing the point apocalypses much of the text is not meant to be taken literally it is symbolic or allegorical that is exactly my point you priests pick and choose which bits of your book to take literally and which to read is symbolic and that is a personal matter not a divine one you may be pure and noble uriah but all too often a priest is a man who is cruel and purely seeking personal gain religion has no place in a fair and just society in ages past a frightening number of people took these holy books absolutely literally sowing untold misery and death because they truly believed the words they read the history of religion is a horror story uriah and if you doubt it look to the past and see what humanity has done in the name of their gods over the millennia in ancient times ritual sacrifices were commonplace to appease their vile gods priests drowned women and children in sacred wells and cut the heart out of their slaves and prisoners they would drive a pile through a maiden's body to pacify a non-existent creature you cannot seriously compare my religion to such barbarism you describe ignorant savagery not religion as i would name it can't i it was never uncommon for religions founded in this region of the world to use their faith to justify conquest without mercy the rich desired more power but the peasantry would not fight for their kings and their lords just to further the interest of those who ruled them so cruelly the lords knew this they guised their political objectives with religious significance by the just and marvelous judgment of god and the people fought fervently for a cause with no merit extremism bred extremism and the retaliation was swift now that war had been initiated on religious pretexts the conflicts escalated and the battling continued until little was left but fields littered with the bones of the foolish and the deceived but sorrow or remorse was never tolerated for such a thing as the crusade was god's will after all this is ancient history as you say the nobles were bent on furthering their own interests they used religion as an excuse but in their greed they would have committed these atrocities one way or another you cannot vouch safe the truth of events so lost in the mists of time i would agree with you had they not repeated the act nearly a century later warriors laid siege to the sex stronghold in ancient franc and when the city fell the generals asked their leader how they might tell the faithful from the traitors among the captives the leader who followed his god ordered the warriors to kill them all god will know his own twenty thousand men women and children were lost to faith that day of course for fear that any may escape an organization was given absolute power over the people with its sole purpose to hunt down those who ran they brought about hysteria and tortured any they so pleased they did not stop once all their enemies were hunted down and killed either they too had convinced themselves of their holiness they exterminated whole towns on the mere suspicion of witchcraft or treachery when it was all said and done near 100 000 were dead most of them were innocent if you'll allow me i shall turn your logic back upon you apocalypses had it been a secular government that decided they required more land and riches do you truly believe they would have decided against it for no reason other than that there was no divine justification look back upon your great knowledge of history do you truly not recall any secular government that drove itself mad with suspicion of treachery and created a state ruled by surveillance and torture you chop apart history take what you so desire and insist i behold the bloody remains humans are flawed and religion is more often a convenient scapegoat than a corrupting force if you believe that then you have been shut away in this church for far too long priest all the dictators to pose through unification were mass murdering ethnox who killed millions in their constant warring burning away all hope progress cardinal tangs programs and death camps saw millions dead in the indonesia block he died but 30 years ago and claimed his entire life had been served in the name of a greater power [Music] you fixate on the blood and death and forget all the good that can be achieved through faith uriah you only see religion for what it can be i am seeing it for what it most always is savagery pervades our world and it is sustained by ignorance and crude belief it is true that before the descent of old night religion had lost its power over the people but like the worst kind of poison it lingered and fostered division amongst those who endured without belief divisions blur over generations new generations mingle into mary and forget ancient wounds there's only belief in gods and divine entities that keep them alien to one another and anything that divides people reads inhumanity and cruelty religion is the canker in mankind's heart that serves such an ugly purpose i have heard all that you have had to say friend apocalypses and i have finally heard enough yes people have done terrible things to one another in the name of their gods but they have done terrible things regardless of the recourse of their beliefs an acceptance of gods and an afterlife is a vital part of what makes us who we are if you take that away from humanity what do you suggest takes its place in my many years as a priest i have ministered to many dying people and the emotional benefit of religion's power to console the wounded and the dying as well as those left behind cannot be underestimated there is a flaw in your logic priest religion's power to console gives it no credence or validity it might be a comfort to a dying man to believe that he will go to some bountiful paradise of endless joy but even if he dies with a wonderful smile on his face it means nothing in the grand scheme of things better that less would die due to the removal of religion then each zealot die with a smile on their face maybe but when my time comes i will die with god's name on my lips are you afraid to die uriah no truly truly i have my share of sins but i've spent the greater part of my life in the service of my god and i believe i have served him faithfully so why is it that when you go to these people who are dying and clinging to their beliefs that they don't welcome the end of their life surely the gathered family and friends should be of good cheer and celebrate their relatives passing after all if eternal paradise awaits us why are they not filled with gleeful anticipation could it be that in their heart of hearts they don't really believe it are you ever excited to have a loved one move on or leave in search of something greater are you ever excited to leave your family and friends in search of a better life even if it is for the best are you delighted to leave all that you know to be thrust into the unknown no one is life is a gift and our chance to make ourselves into someone before our time in the afterlife who would give that up willingly if you cannot see that plainly then you are a fool the lord of mankind is the light in the way and all his actions are for the benefit of mankind which is his people so it is taught in the holy words of our order and above all there is no one to hear you i don't care what you say anymore you have come here to do what you feel you need to do and i'll not buttress your ego with self-righteousness by playing along any longer you listen to my words but hear nothing end the charade as you wish no more games [Music] you now do you understand the futility of what you do here you you are the emperor i am it is time to go go go where there is nowhere else for me in this godless world of yours of course there is embrace the new way and be part of something incredible a world and a time where we stand on the brink of achieving everything we ever dreamed [Music] verona's work was never meant for darkness only in the light can it achieve its full potential humanity is the same and only when the suffocating shadows of a religion that teaches us not to question is gone from this world will we see its true radiating brilliance i will miss this place in time i will build an imperium of such grandeur and magnificence that this will seem like a popper's hovel now let us be on our way [Music] how can you do this you say you stand for reason and the advancement of understanding but here you are destroying a repository of knowledge things are best forgotten i hope you have foreseen the consequences of a world bereft of religion i have it is my dream an imperium of man that exists without recourse to gods and the supernatural a united galaxy with terror and its heart the united galaxy indeed [Music] soon enough unity will be achieved on terror it is time to reclaim humanity's lost empire among the stars with you at its head i presume of course nothing of such grand scale can be achieved without a singular vision at its heart least of all the re-conquest of the galaxy there is a place for you at my side uriah you are noble and your heart is true we have need of iterators who would spread my imperial truth across the stars to all those planets without guidance i can submit to no imperial truth my entire life has been altered by at best of misunderstanding at worst my life has been spent following a lie [Music] but you know what it doesn't matter that my life has been one massive falsehood i came here with my heart open and emptied by grief the spirit of my god had entered my soul and filled me with love my devotion was my salvation and i have spread a doctrine of love and forgiveness no amount of words and tricks may change that even now despite this revelation my heart is filled with love there is no resentment to my heart what makes faith so powerful emperor is that it requires no proof belief is enough i feared such a thing i wish you would join my great crusade uriah soon i shall expand my imperium to the furthest corners of the galaxy with all my sons beside me i need men like you you make a virtue of commitment and purity did you not just speak to me of the horror of the crusades and what evil men do in the name of purity you are no better than the holy man you were telling me about the difference is that i know i am right uriah spoken like a true autocrat you misunderstand uriah i have seen the narrow path that humanity must walk to survive this is how we must begin it is a dangerous road you travel to deny humanity a thing will only make them crave it more i see no reality in which your goals do not lead us to disaster beware your subjects do not begin to see you as a god i truly hope in the name of all this is divine you are right but i dread the future you forge i wish only the best for my people i believe you apocalypses but i cannot be a part of it [Music] [Music] [Music] come we have a galaxy to conquer [Music] do you captain accept your holiness do you promise to lead your men into battle and conduct them to glory no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe do you swear to crush the insurgents of 63 19 despite all they might throw at you do you pledge to do honor to the 16th legion to our father and to the emperor on this matter and by this weapon i captain gabriel loken of the lunar wars swear it will be so then rise brother there is work
Channel: Kill Team Hungary YTC
Views: 841,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, 40k lore, Emperor of mankind, Fan animation, God Emperor, Horus Heresy, Last church, Last church 40k, Thunder warriors, Warhammer, Warhammer+, animation, emperor of mankind tribute, history, space marines, supreme god emperor, the emperor of man, the last church, thunder warriors 40k, unification wars, warhammer, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore
Id: jSEVCs8o0H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 6sec (4266 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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