Game Theory: Death by NIGHTMARE! (Try To Fall Asleep)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

ALRIGHT! I've missed this. Just some horror game they played and got those theory senses a'tingling.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/WillNewbie 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

You know, the PERFECT thing to watch at 1 in the morning

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AlexandraThePotato 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
go to sleep not a peep go to sleep little victim close your eyes say goodbye it's coming in your dreams you can't run you can't hide he's already hello Internet welcome to game theory the only thing to watch considering everything else has been cancelled today with gas prices at an all-time low I'm here to make sure that that nightmare fuel gauge is also flowing strong before you lay your head down onto your pillow tonight today we're talking about try to fall asleep it's a game that you should pester your favorite youtuber to play because well it made the rounds about two years ago a new version of it just came out this year and it is so so much better than it was two years ago it has more nights it has a whole lot more monsters and it's simply terrifying it's also incredibly well done for a project that like no one has really heard about and I mean that right now I think our playthrough on GT life is the only channel so far to have played through this new version of the thing which I gotta say is a shame because it is really really worth your time so get on it jacksepticeye and markiplier and super horror bro and 8-bit Ryan and fusion Z gamer and all you other indie horror Bros out there this game needs attention and quite honestly we all just need content that isn't snaf related to that also be nice the premise of try to fall asleep seems pretty simple at first he play the role of John Heron who survived a terrible accident that's left both his brain and his memories damaged do you have memory losses as well as brain damages that might cause you to lose dr. Richard norburg and your friendly robot assistant a bee that prescribed a treatment for these problems a good old night's rest luckily for you all those damages can be easily cured in order to heal your brain damage you'll just have to sleep and rest sleeping is the best medicine for your brain from there the game is divided into two parts falling asleep and then dreaming I mean seriously how hard can that be right [Music] [Music] you see the first phase is falling asleep closing your eyes long enough to help John actually pass into unconsciousness and that's what separates this from your usual nap style gameplay nap is all about managing meters and being alert of all your surroundings at all times here you're actually forced to close your eyes you are forced to be unaware of your surroundings and who knows what horrific creature is gonna be standing over you when you open them back up again and the thing is not even your shut eyes are safe because faded monsters and lost bits of memory mostly monsters attacked you even in the darkness there it's this incredible detail that the designers included it's so smart and if you do manage to get past phase one and fall asleep well then you're thrust into the second style of gameplay the dreams let me begin uncovering your lost memories by replaying the traumatic events of John's past through some intense minigames you lose here and you flatline out in real life your dreams have literally killed you now I don't know about you but a game about trying to fall asleep while laying in bed being confronted by all your fears and anxieties I feel seen but just how fatal can sleep deprivation and your own dreams actually be and what if anything can that information tell us about the events that we're seeing in the game well the answer to that my friends begins with a story April 1987 Chicago a man cries out of his sleep and dies he's middle-aged he has no medical problems his autopsy gives no clues as to what happened and yet he's the hundred and thirtieth victim of what they call baingan 'get the nightmares off when it strikes it's always men average age 33 and it always happens at night when they're asleep most are among refugees men from Laos who fought for America during the Vietnam War men who became targets when the u.s. left area and the laos xien government fell under communist rule these were men who were chased out of their homes forced to escape from a living nightmare only to wind up in the u.s. still being chased this by a different kind of nightmare one that would prove to be all too real in 1981 alone 26 men will succumb to the nightmare death one story about a younger victim of the nightmare death goes like this you must sleep his family says he replies no you don't understand I've had nightmares before this is different he told his parents he was afraid that if he slept thing chasing him would get him so he tried to stay awake for days at a time in desperation the family even tried giving him sleeping pills finally while watching television with the family he fell asleep on the couch thankful that the crisis was finally over they literally carried him upstairs to bed then they heard the screams screams by the time they got to his room he was dead he had died in the middle of a nightmare they found in his closet a mr. coffee maker full of hot coffee that he'd been using to try and keep awake as well as all the sleeping pills that he'd been spinning back up the autopsy revealed that there was no heart attack he had just died for another story this time from a survivor first I was surprised but right away I got real scared I was lying in bed a dark shadow in the night I kept waking up because I was thinking so much about my problems I heard a noise when I turned tried I couldn't move my bedroom looked the same I could see in the corner a dark shape was coming to me it came to the bed over my feet my legs it was very heavy like a heavy weight over my whole body my legs my chest my chest was frozen like I was drowning I had no air I tried to yell so someone's sleeping very close to me will hear I tried to move using a force that I can a strength that I can have I thought what if I died after a long time it went away it just left I got up and turned all the lights on I was afraid to sleep again now the nightmare death and that final story is a very real thing a tragic story without a still unsolved series of deaths among this very specific group of among refugees where in the span of 10 years a hundred and thirty men died the final explanation that medical professionals settled on was a combination of stress being a refugee from your home country and having to assimilate into a new culture coupled with possible genetic heart deep it wasn't a perfect explanation it didn't explain away all the various cases but it was about as close as they could get meanwhile this story about the boy and his coffee maker that one I can't officially validate it's actually a story recounted by horror master wes craven based off of when he first read about the nightmare deaths in the LA times he's said in interviews that it was a real article published on the subject but as far as I could tell I looked through every article in the LA Times about the Hmong refugees and the mysterious and nighttime deaths and I couldn't find any specific reference to a young boy in his coffee makers so might be more of a fabrication that his head made up after reading the story that said it was powerful enough for him to create what is perhaps one of Horrors most iconic monsters Freddy Krueger the dream killer but the take away of all of these stories is the idea of your dreams killing you it seems like it should be the kind of thing that you would only encounter in a horror movie or a horror game but it's frightening Lee reel it's affecting real people for reasons that we still don't understand to this day the concept that we see play out and try to fall asleep where Jon Heron experiences some kind of terrible accident and then dies in his dreams in the aftermath as he tries to recover that actually parallels the real-life cases of Nightmare death surprisingly well horrific tragedy extreme stress killer dreams but know that we've talked about the dreams let's go back to the first half of each games night and explore the game's basic premise trying to fall asleep we're told that Jon herons hallucinations creepy monsters that make it hard for him to relax long enough to close his eyes and fall asleep are caused by the damage that was done to his brain and the incident that left him hospitalized and that if he's unable to go to sleep he will die from insomnia and in this case to fact winds up being scarier than the games fiction one of the most famous case studies for sleep deprivation involves a 17 year old boy by the name of Randy Gardner who in 1964 set a world record by going without sleep for 11 days and 25 minutes his record has since been beaten but Randy Gardner remains one of the most famous cases because of how well-documented his experiment was throughout the process a sleep researcher from Stanford and a Lieutenant Commander from the US Navy neurological Center monitored as hell things started slow on day 2 Randy had difficulty recognizing objects by touch three he was having extreme mood swings it wasn't until day four that he started having full-on hallucinations but once they started things got wacky it started with him seeing a street sign and thinking that it was a person later that day he suddenly believed himself to be a famous football player by day five the hallucinations were becoming much more vivid including him seeing a path through a quiet forest despite the fact that he was indoors the entire time by day ten he was experiencing paranoia that a radio host was trying to embarrass him live on the air and Randy isn't alone with these sorts of symptoms his symptoms are similar to those of a New York disc jockey Peter Tripp who endured a 200 hour sleepless marathon to raise money for charity by day four he thought that spots on the table around him were spiders crawling around his radio booth even complaining that they were spinning webs on his shoes at the end of his eighth sleepless days a neurologist came to examine Peter and give him the all clear but when he saw the doctor dressed in a dark suit he believed him to be an undertaker coming to bury him alive the whole thing ended with him screaming in fear and running for the door half-naked looking online for other stories of the effects of sleep deprivation you see common traits like pulsating walls shadow people animals or insects moving along your peripheral vision cars floating and a whole lot of paranoia in short the effects of sleep deprivation especially day four and onward are very similar to the symptoms of psychosis this is something that's actually confirmed by researchers at the clinical research center of Grayling's hospital in Perth Australia who conducted a meta study a meta study is basically a study that looks at a bunch of other existing research and tries to identify wider patterns across those studies and found that quote going without sleep for long periods of time can produce a range of experiences including perceptual distortions and hallucinations end quote and those hallucinations aren't just visual either a lot of times their auditory and even in some rare cases olfactory smell hallucinations in short all symptoms of acute psychosis so again in our game try to fall asleep it seems very fitting that John Heron whose problems relate to a seeming inability to fall asleep would start experiencing exactly these sorts of visual and auditory hallucinations that are associated with real-world sleep loss but that's not where the game stops obviously try to fall asleep pushes past the realm of table spiders and Street sign people it goes straight to the biggest question of them all good long-term sleep deprivation kill you now obviously there haven't been any clinical trials forcing people to stay awake for weeks and weeks to see if they literally died from sleep deprivation for very obvious reasons but ethical standards are a bit more laxed when it comes to lab rats in one study conducted at the department of psychiatry at the University of Chicago in 1989 ten rats were subjected to total sleep deprivation starting at day eleven and continuing on until day thirty-two all of those rats died the researchers found no anatomical causes of their death the rats weren't dehydrated the rats weren't starving to just died with no apparent cause let me say that again they do not know what killed these rats they just don't know they have a couple of theories rat death theories it could have been body temperatures dropping it could have been bacteria that's usually in the intestine starting to seep out into the rest of the body as sleeplessness allowed the body to relax and release the hounds could have been brain damage or again just like we saw with the nightmare deaths stress and in humans there is this super rare condition known as fatal insomnia it's a genetic condition where over the course of 18 months a person just starts experiencing progressively worse levels of sleeplessness eventually leading to hallucinations panic attacks paranoia rapid weight loss and finally death don't worry though there have only been 24 cases in the world so not that we needed to torture a bunch of poor lab rats to know it but scientific research has confirmed that sleep is indeed very important even though science itself doesn't really know what it does but you could literally die without it but try to fall asleep is about more than just trying to avoid death from sleep deprivation or death by nightmare in the game Jon Herron is trying to fall asleep specifically because it's supposed to help him recover from his brain injuries and regain his lost memories so is sleep really the best medicine for Jon's brain is recovering his memories and his brain function actually something that sleep can do well there does seem to be a relationship between recovery from traumatic brain injury like the kind that John experienced an improvement of sleep according to a study published in the academic journal Neurology researchers found that there were indeed associations between consciousness cognitive functioning and measures of healthy sleep so does that mean that dr. Rick norburg is right when he says that sleep heals all wounds well it might first seem that way after all recovering from traumatic brain injuries seems to be associated with improved sleep however just looking at the Association doesn't tell us the full story as they say correlation does not always mean causation and sometimes it's easy to get cause-and-effect backwards in fact looking at this study more closely results showed that when the brain has not sufficiently recovered at a certain level of consciousness it's also unable to generate a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle and consolidated nighttime sleep blablabla why does science always over complicate how things are said that's the hypothetical question I know the answer the answer is actually to make sure that the words are precise enough so that way people aren't extrapolating wrong conclusions from their research I get it fine let me translate this to layman's terms okay people who had traumatic brain injury were often unable to experience healthy sleep due to their brain trauma interfering with their normal sleep cycle in other words this isn't a case of people sleeping more in their brains recovering from traumatic injury it's actually a case of people recovering from traumatic brain injury and their improved brain function causing them to sleep better in short if dr. norburg's goal is to get John Herren back to full health as quickly and safely as possible in the game dr. Rick ain't doing too good of a job not only does he flub some of the basic science on the interactions between traumatic brain injury and sleep but his belief that sleep is all that John needs to recover his memories is depriving John of real treatments that would actually help him in his recovery it's almost as if this doctor doesn't really want what's best for his patient maybe dr. Norbert here has some other motives up his sleeve for keeping John terrified rather than on the correct road to recovery it wouldn't surprise me to see this become the big twist of the game as things continue to develop over the next couple nights until then though we'll just have to wait and see since try to fall asleep is still in its early access phase with many nights and hopefully many more answers still yet to come as we unravel more of the mystery of John Heron's pass and perhaps more importantly his present I think we're gonna learn that there's more to this doctor Norberg and his robotic assistant and meets the eye but hey that's just a theory a game theory sweet dreams and just one final reminder here game theory hoodies are still in stock but not for too much longer we only have a few days left in the sale so if you're interested in nabbing an awesome japanese-inspired game theory hoodie check out the mert self down below if you like them baggy order one size above what you would normally get because we ordered these to be a little bit thicker and yes we have gotten it confirmed by hundreds of Japanese speakers in the comments of the last episode that this hoodie does not say anything about Oh Don noodles so thank you all for independently confirming that glad we got it right now you can walk around proud of what you're wearing
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 3,853,383
Rating: 4.9417648 out of 5
Keywords: try to fall asleep, try to fall asleep game, try to fall asleep ending, horror game, scary game, creepypasta, insomnia, nightmares, nightmare death, sleep deprivation, sleep science, try to fall asleep explained, science of sleep, science of dreams, dream, dreams, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive try to fall asleep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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