The INSANE ENDING of FNAF 6! | Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizzeria Simulator

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@lunamu and a bunch of numbers says "I just got here, did I miss anything?" Missed it all. Matthew was a little bit cranky and continues to be a little bit cranky. There. You're all caught up. I'm not cranky. Now I'm just focused on the darn game. 'Cause guess what? If I die? We have an all start at save.... *intense listening* *I mean, look at those intense listening faces* *Steph yawning* *yelling from MatPat and Steph* Springtrap: I ALWAYS come back That's a nice reference to FNAF 3. Yeah, that's nice. *intro music* Hey guys! And welcome to Monday edition of JT live.. live live *slight confusion* Today it is our goal to finish Five Nights at Freddy's Pizzeria Simulator FNAF 6. (Oh, is THAT what it's called?) We're gonna make it you guys, I feel it. I feel good about this I feel that this is going to be our day. I think- Hopefully, because everyone burned through the game last week. Yeah. We really need to finish this sucker up; like the time has past. Yeah, we're like, 5 days overdue at this point. No, so our plan is to beat the game today. (You wish you could) And then hopefully we'll have a little bit of time at the end to start trying to unearth some of the easter eggs. We've already found a fair number of them in the Fruity Maze mini game, in the Midnight Motorists mini game. I still want to pursue figuring out what the heck's going on with egg bot, the egg data archive thing. Yeah, we wanna we want to unlock egg bot, we want to get the the good ending... what we did here, actually, after the last livestream was we went back to the beginning and basically redid all of this stuff that we started a brand new game fresh right from where we left off, and redid everything that we had done up to that point *MatPat then struggles to speak for a moment* Only this time, thank you. Yep, thanks. You got it, bro. Yep, only this time what we did was we actually completed the salvage minigames correctly, and so at this point, we are back to where we left off the game, but with all the salvages intact. We won all of them so far which is good. Let's get le ending of le Freddy's. Here we go. Okay, so we got back to, so we have about 6,000 bucks. And just to recap, we have... Man! We are rolling in it. I wish GT Live was this profitable. *strange noises* So we have the Rockets, so we have all sorts of stuff. This is where we left off. I want to get things. Don't we all. So we've been saving up for... We have been saving up for the Puppet. We knew, because we know that's gonna be a big expense. We know that that's gonna be important and that's a big expense. We also... I'm really curious about Gravity Vortex, and what that does. Are you? I'm also, and we know that this is gonna do something. Yeah. We just haven't figured out what. Okay. That's, those are the items I'm gunning for. Yep, me too. So I'm actually gonna... I say we go for a security puppet as soon as possible. I agree *in the background:* Steph: Personally. (in a weird way) And I... I'm gunning for pickles. That's, pickles are my goal. But I do know that we're supposed to buy Lefty. Everyone's been telling us to buy Lefty. All right. I know we're supposed to buy Lefty. All right, let's do it. That's the one thing that everyone has told me is like, *obnoxious voice* you gotta buy Lefty. We do have enough money for that. *MatPat's normal voice* I don't know if we can afford it. It's five bucks Stef, that's-- it's five large diet cokes at McDonald's. That's a lot of diet coke. Alright, let's buy it. Let's buy it so that you don't drink all those diet cokes. That was a great deal though, for five bucks, man. I know. He is. High liability. So... I am so concerned. So, in order to save money, until we... until we get to a point where we can actually buy Security Puppet. I think you just leave it here. Sure. Um... And we are on night three or four? We've done, we've done three so far. We've done three Salvages, so this would be Salvage four. This should be our last Salvage. It should be. Okay. So if we spend a bunch on... So we have ten coins should I get the rocket or should I do...? Midnight Motorist... What what earns us a lot of money quickly? (says every teen) I am Candy Bot. (candy! candy! candy!) You want Candy Bot? No, I-- Rocket seems to do pretty well, right? What else we got? We got... We got this guy. I did want, I did want to test out this, real quickly. *Steph groans* No, because someone recommended to me online, and I don't know if this is true or not, if you spam space at the very beginning, they give you a bonus throw. Really? Yeah. I'm curious. Alright, sure. I'm just curious. I could see that being a rumor of the chat. See there it was, well, and then it threw off everything else. *intense ball-throwing concentration silence* OH! It was in midair, game! Shoot. Yeah, and that got us no cash. Well here, but that was so close. We need money for-- we need money for the Puppet. Yo, that Puppet ain't gonna buy itself. I'm determined do this, Steph. Ah! Shoot! Darn it, I choked. I totally choked, I had it! Shoot! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it! We're so close. We're so close, come on. Come on, come on, come on, here we go. Such a waste of money, like this game in an actual arcade. This is such a waste of money. Going to Arcades, I swear, is all about the most ticket return for your token value. That's why you never do this game, and it never doles out the kind of reward you wanted. No, God, come on! I had it so close at first, it was in the air, and I had it. I'm so upset by that first one. Oh my god. Come on. Don't do this. Don't waste, don't waste this, you're like a compulsive gambler! It's not gonna get better, just because you keep doing it! (I thought that's what practice is) We might unlock something, Steph. Your odds of success don't go up after a certain number of failures.Quiet, I need to focus, I need to focus! It's STATISTICS!! QUIET!!!! (RagePat) Told you do you want me to waste the tokens? My fault they didn't do it yes because I'm trying to like not listen to you be so negative. You're like a rain cloud. Like a rain cloud over my head Being like whoa oh you're never gonna do this you're never gonna Do this why do you suck so much you know like well, I've gotta focus on Chris, in the background: Why do you suck so much? Raises a good question, that's all I mean I wasn't even asking it, but now that he brings it up All right, then you choose what I do then. Rocket! We know that this doesn't yield anything. Basketball is getting you nowhere, friend. Not yielding anything either. See we already have more points now than like an entire basketball round My gosh stop blaming other people for your failure I know you can do it, but I really don't think I really don't think it's worth the struggle That's if I can at least do it once Oh at least get us the five cells and point bonus All right, no. No I'll do it on my own time when I don't have critical Sally behind me That was awesome look how many points you got? Man I'm getting cool rain clouds of the chat. Oh my gosh you guys are awesome. Oh And they're also calling you Brad pad, I'm sorry oh my god Yep, great. Please just pile on the hatred and cat demon chair, please pile on Great I'm doing so stellar Give me well I try to figure out what I'm supposed Like how I can earn money so we can buy the stupid do we need do we need to put anything else in right now? Is there anything else we need I'm just afraid that if we don't spend the money We're not gonna earn enough to to do the puppets. Okay. I don't think there's anything else we can get right now That's actually revenue generating well like they said though if we do if we buy these guys They'll actually like Provide entertainment value which will get more people to come and or return, right? Okay, so that's the thing okay? That's the concern right? Yeah By therefore four five Okay if you think so Yeah, well don't see you coming up with a better idea so there you go. Well. We still have tokens right so I Was in writing how much we thought we could with the tokens? And we might be pretty close to being able to get up to Puppet, we're gonna be anywhere close We only know six thousand dollars Puppet is so everything late game is so expense and everything that we need to like make drastic dunes definitely all right Donors we can't be conservative in our day-to-day life you guys might not realize that and our day-to-day like we are very conservative Republican money time In video games do you hate spending money? Problem So anyway all right, so I don't you know I'm not sure I'm not sure I do know that you can pack the game I read online Someone sent me. They're like hey, you know you can pack the game to get through to their money. Oh, that's cool. Yeah huh That's okay. I think you did great Here do you want to give that one another shot just run down You can see that playing snap puts nothing in a great mood in the meanwhile. I'm going to hop into the chats They hide a few people Let's see Let's see gotta save up for those pensions says hi right yeah these uh these animatronics aren't gonna pay for their own retirement Jeez, oh you met Chris. Oh? Creek Chris's retirement is very expensive gonna be golfing fishing playing Canasta Let's see If you guys buy a category vanished nobody in this Dominic Flores Let's see Some people just want to see candy cadet cuz candy cadet is funny Try not to die, so thank feature we will attempt that we will we'll try Isabela Marcelo is saying blast those pizzas. That's what we do in our everyday life. It's So bad I hate this game. I hate the basketball game. I hate it and a whole life This is like basketball in the real world. I think that's the problem is oh? Man you're taking the sponsorship yeah, I'm selling out, I don't care what we didn't even talk about this yeah I'm not talking to anyone about anything in this one All right you guys. We're on our own Okay Just won money for my restaurants like in my heart. I don't care about the game. I want the Lord I just want more Arturo the graces you can do it mat pad I Joked, I got James Kia suggests that lefty is evil. Oh, man Darn, we couldn't have possibly predicted that given that it was $5.00 and like a 12 on the liability scale Let's see Lose the other stage Finger-licking good All right everyone that team okay, that's got a cash bonus of some form or other Nice nice look at our rating is skyrocketing Not worth it oh Come on. That was that's ridiculous. We've spent so much on this Weird Huh I think we should take him out of there. I'm really worried about his liability I Think we're good I know I'm really worried about his liability because if we get slapped with a lawsuit for the last couple of nights his Liability risk is so high. I'm afraid that that'll eat into the money that we need to buy the other stuff Mystic sighs 3029 says staff is secretly the rainbow from snap world Right Owning the business right am I right? Don't even All right, we're gonna concentrate So my threat skip skip Matthew was very focused right now. Okay? You should sleep quiet And look who it is he's right, it doesn't even matter if he's on stage He's still attacking us hmm. I know liability. Yeah, I super high Mac in us When we die all right? Like this game Trying to solve the game trying to come up with a final theory on the game Because you know it immediately comes out with a new one like oh, yeah Matt Matt did a great job solving this game. Oh by the way, it's not over yet Okay The basketball game the true villain of the fan a series says add gay kitties. That's true. I think they may be right about that What's so close? I had it that way At Shelby TV says Matt Pat I'm taking pity on you. There is no lure in the basketball game Oh man is a problem, man. You're all very sweet um through this all right. Let's see At key and raw wanted us to use less token on candy cadet, which we did awesome. Uh let's see At Farney the human if you buy all the animatronics for the same tape And have them all on stage you get an achievement and a cash bonus It did seem like we got the cash bonus Didn't seem like it was a very big cash bonus to be very important right there There was not much bonus there right at Rebecca ransoms was poor lefty at least he's got spirit Sort of he's got uh spirit no Should be looking at Let's see We may need to rearrange them actually because we're supposed to get an achievement for that too At Jacob Ballmer or sixteenth is okay left dude and really scare me as much as I thought he would The jump scares in here they're not so bad. They're not too bad At Nolan Brown 37 suggests that we wouldn't have to worry about liability rating as long as we have a Higher health and safety score so as long as our health and safety exceed their liability we're okay. That's an interesting idea Yeah Come on get out of here get up on out of here Get up on out of there At Planet Katie says matpat do you need a night coconut consolation for thee I do desperately yeah? Come on At Petra plasmas watt says gambling that pet he is so salty at the basketball meet a game that the Animatronics are rusting up from it huh ah good one? Ah? funny times At get ear and says hey was my birthday yesterday. I just turned 19 gonna. Go live in half absolutely Now he was very focused he's clapping and half ink and spirit Let's see At trashy mo, MC says matpat be ballin Be ballin outside to school you know as if I were a Fresh Prince right Right We're on Come on Adam and Jonathan lunches unfortunately you can't put a lawsuit against yourself for getting killed by Lefty At Luna mu and a bunch of numbers that I just got here Did I miss anything miss it all Matthew was a little bit cranky and continues to be a little bit cranky there? You're all caught up. I'm not cranky now. I'm just focused on the darn game To guess what if I die? We have an all-star seat That's a nice reference to Poop darn well dad all right yeah, you're doing great At Mario's Daria says I think Monica is more supportive than Steffes come on now come on Let's see Whoa at Travis orbs is if you put all the rock stars on stage and left you get 20k. That's great I was gonna say the Ritchie's are doing that you know what I mean Get out of here get out of here go get out of here at Stan's the skele await does Does mr.. Salt pat over there need a hug deaf I could try but anything but I might get a hand bitten off Animatronic like an animatronic I might yeah, I might have a frontal lobe injury if I go in there Oh, man at candy cadet Kenny cadet is on Twitter. That's pretty cool. Fishel. It's official matpat more like pissed pet whoa Whoa? Sure yep on both sides I can only protect one side at a time Good one good Not feeling good about this one we're hanging in your hanging it Have you been jumped GERD yet if the answer is no then you're doing good So I read online that When Scott updated the game He made he made it a statement about how if you turn off everything? You're already at like 90 percent lower risk of having things come into the room with you Huh and then looking at them is the only surefire way to like stop them from coming in okay, so That's spring-trap coming in from the right yep There's time kids when they leave probably not without headphones which is always our problem Yeah, we did yeah That's our problem with naff games. Is that we don't play them with headphones usually Okay and turn it back on turn my gun Which means that we're often than not You know a lot of these things are like motion sound and you can hear like what side of the room. They should be on alas we do not have such luxury without doing a lot of like special setups, and it also just makes the live stream a bit I don't know I think it makes the live stream less interesting because Not being able to like fully hear you guys can't hear each other Yeah I can't I can't hear what's going on in the game or hear him to help at all and then he can't hear anything We're seeing in the chat Okay garnet spring-trap weren't that scary in your own game you know jeez Mmm, not like a peg arm or something The peg leg the peg leg of spring-trap Yeah, maybe I underestimated this I thought I thought this would be easy to do at this point, but um perhaps I underestimated the fact that You know the fact that I'm playing without headphones I'm like oh, this'll be easy we could turn it up in the room if he was about here a little bit better Is it the ambisonics a lady indeed ah got it that would be the one all right Well hey in completely unrelated news at potato master 89 on Twitter wants to say that the doki-doki literature Club Siri was amazing oh That's awesome. If you haven't seen it check it out. It's really good. Even if you haven't seen dojo you literature Club It's really good. No one's coming out on Thursday yeah - ready At hundred five 20s we believe We got this we got this As you mentioned dope says staff the neighbors behind you with a knife He is he sort of fell over, but he was definitely back there a second ago there we go Right the neighbor is hanging out this uh We we gave away some of the other Plushies that and toys that that they sent us, but this one was so cute that we had to keep it for ourselves He was getting down Here the neighbor is the murderer he can help you get into the mind of a murderer like a king on murderer Chris let me know if you hear anything and you're like more precise headphones Because if you heard crawling and scraping before yeah, that would be really helpful actually if you just can't tell what it's leaving Right before cuz if you hear anything I can turn off the fan and The power yeah Because the fan is just The reader says I come back and then immediately jump here, so yeah, that's the way it goes on GC live with deaf Really At Disney addict 7:41 says I don't know why I torture myself by watching scary live streams, right? Why don't we torture is just plain scary live stream? Because a lot of people like watching up staff now And the lore is interesting at justin here like playing basketball mini-games. He says lefty is so right See the problem with doing that for all the um From with doing that for all of the Watch my comets the rock stars is that even if you get a what ten thousand twenty thousand dollar bonus Yeah, rock stars are each two thousand dollars. Well. I mean you've spent eight thousand. You've made a profit Over and above that twelve thousand. That's pretty good So I think what I'm gonna try to do this time This was working pretty well. Yeah, it was where you focus on one side And you have the audio playing on the other side. Yep. It's just more me needing to do stuff Oh Did you have a gift for me Yeah, what place? Uh at solstice titania says how the heck does not play this game with so much distraction right I know it's so true so much Here's mark being like I'm the king of maps well try doing it without headphones well people Katia and other people are being like let's do that basketball minigame again What Thank you, if someone did say that they probably had a good point, but you know Matt screams scare me more than the actual streamer says at reading how? So baby jumps here to me really early because I Had the fan on so the fan is the thing that's really tipping people off at this We're dealing with you tomorrow We're done with you. I need to focus on one game first. I can't deal with all these games at the same time neighbor Seriously oh My gosh here, so I'm gonna turn this off What we're left or right Okay well that's cool Block things off now so alright hopefully that shoes them away, right? Here him Getting hot - Getting super hot Getting real hot Getting hot in Herr. I've got pick up all those clothes. I am getting so hot Yeah Yeah It has to be adjacent to where they are to lure them or pretty close Hold up, I heard something Assuming it's from the other side cute like that from left to right Chris Great yeah that means I'm dead it also means that the headphones you're using are not Amba sonic. That's cool Well lame oh My gosh My favorite my favorite Advertising oh they are all over there this they're all just over there. I'm just gonna look this way We got one and turn that off again I really like this comment in the chat from Emma van loan I really like this game, but I think it could be better with box stacking is an important way of blocking animatronics It would add more region do some gameplay Totally agree as if there weren't enough already So I'm just gonna slowly exist here cool my my warm body Because he was getting real hot, but I also want to limit the amount of exposure Hmm alright Well then so much for beating the game today, I'm gonna have to set it up for tomorrow no Set it up with the ambisonics, so I can actually stand a chance like well. I don't hear anything, Arnott Crank up the sound so maybe I can at least hear something. Yeah, I was gonna say it one literally for you the best shot It's gonna crank up the noise don't mind me alright bring in the noise bring in Da Funk Audio over Jessica Wire why is this wise Becky? I'm not I'm not really sure how to say the last name but says box stacking is canon Totally totally in all the best games contain box - awkward box that in my opinion Can I go Snake Plissken Observes correctly got $8,000, but can't buy a door like security door door But in the Benson I'm looking at Well that's good to hear spring-trap Also implying that I'm Michael which I think we did established at this point, but so be it Just that's that's cool. Oh Damn it. She's on the other side Okay, well we'll just try to Bucher away. I'm super quiet right now. You cannot hear me I am making zero sounds I Am so silent right now well There we go hello everybody Printing printing posters, it's not loud at all Right this will not attract anyone's attention You can't also get the upgrades if you want to but the relative to the other stuff It's not that expensive But then we're absolutely not gonna have enough to buy anything if you think about it those upgrades are 1,500 total But when you're talking about stuff in the tens of thousands, and that's not that much Oh, you're the worst thing ever Dang printing posters you stay right where you are? Goma she's doing really well come on. There's still so much to do. Oh my gosh. It's not done yet Nope okay, it's gonna keep you right there. Ah Printing the poster they are literally so no Nude all right these bears yeah, I might buy the printer the printers pretty much more yeah The prayer is real real big God. Oh Jesus Right all right you got it The chat is recommending that we get the upgrades We're in this one Okay well Awesome Look we're cooling down to a balmy 92 hey I personally like it in the 90s, so I don't know what this guy's problem is honestly, right I love the heat and after all that you know salty pizza do DC. During the day you sweat it out It's like a little sauna in there practically a spa I Don't know if it's better to just leave on the audio and try to attract them or just be like well there They are and just face the day carpe diem Face the day. Did you hear him crawl away? All right Logging Wait I heard something Did you hear it okay totally did I heard something too, but I couldn't tell what it was yeah In my side You're gonna want to put on that fan, man There's a lot of um. There's a lot oh Come on What our hope on the fan fair you can get I gotta put of the pan wonder home I just put on a fan you like it hot stuff I not that hot so much fo and some thumb do some do but we are so close So I know we hate the salvage minigame, but apparently his salvage value was five thousand Yeah Well, thanks rainy cloud Thanks, I'm cloud Loud hey remember that decision you made earlier. Well it cost you $5,000 ray-ray and Technically it cost you five thousand five dollars. That would be that would be the rain cloud thing to say As the theorists I thought you'd want to be fully informed. That's all I think we're gonna be fine regardless Well at least a lot of people came back to my pizzeria right so when you came back look at that That's loyalty. It's a quality establishment. Let's go amen Oh look at all the bonus revenue 11,000 we have enough to buy almost enough to buy a security puppet. Oh, so close. I know we're so close It will use need to play a couple stupid games. We're gonna be great I Know what game I should play basketball No, oh never basketball never again really Do we need one more story from Canada cadet. Yeah, they're apparently three stories We've heard to at this point we heard the orphan one and we heard The orphans and the mom in the basement You just focus on getting us that cash and You were saying we could take a sponsorship if we want that is true I am tempted by the sponsorship offer hashtag sellout pizzeria Like yes it It delays you a little bit in the mini game Or it not in the mini game in the back tonight people aren't Andy cadet. Sorry To tell us a story gaining that dough literally and Figuratively Yes $5,000 I found yes, we're doing that I don't care all right, let's go Jenny bot Let's get us some Security puffs your mind not a candy bar. Let's my realize a candy bar. Let's motor. Sorry vortex No enough port a gravity vortex. No Security puppet all right security puppet here. We go. I'm so excited about security puppet It is terrifying and large play test play thethe play test Do not let your assigned child reach the exit your color is green Space to stop the trial okay? blue Pink oh my gosh. Who is that green eyed monster in the that's the buffin the security puppet? Puppet right on what I I hope that hello neighbor had security shark. Okay. Is he within the bus he what's in the box? No puppet in the box. No you got me literally. He's in the present box six-five Charity puppets security puppet Did it do you even press anything no because I didn't have to protect any children Come on puppet we need money right gosh, dude do your job point slide yeah? Yeah, monetize the heck micro trends micro trends their puppet Loot box it up Okay, here we go Carla code is green So you're stopping kids from leaving the pizzeria Are their predators outside because there are definitely predators inside man It's a good way that I'm not, otherwise this would be a really tough game Like wait what? Don't worry we haven't we haven't got a green one yet, just seen a bunch of orange ones Blue It's creepy man All right Cool right There's got to be something right there clearly clearly there's something in here What if you press the space to have you pressed anything I have not pressed anything because I don't to build my games Maybe you should try pressing. I want to fail. I don't want to fail the game here Okay, if we get to like one second. I'll press it Here we go blue pink Come on. Come on chillings. What do you got? What you got so confused about this go here we go The most exciting game in the bunch that orange blue glow just keep playing keep playing Here we go Here we go four three two one I did it. I jumped out did I win the Puppet did jump out jump out yes enormous and creepy. He is so scary right no wonder He keeps those kids in line right if I'm a child, and I'm nearing the exit. I'm like oh no Closer there okay play it again play it again. So the chat just says play it again. Oh Wait that sounds different this time oh oh no security puppet can't cure, Oh No he's stuck outside Oh Greenery yes, Oh Security puppet secure him for handler Direction secure that child security puppet Just go out security. Love it David. Oh look at how well security puppet is security puppet is sooo old man No, wow God base security puppet also also waterproof. That's able to go. He literally Hey. Oh, no oh no He's rusting in the rain, or is he spring trapping. No. I think he's slowly resting there. Oh, man. He's starting to like glitch out Be stuffed in a Lego Oh No Oh No well chillin save him children child child security puppy favor Only guide with her Yeah, yeah money the small dead child equals lots of cash So, okay, so Clapping it now Totally called that this game was gonna be the origin story in the puppet. Yep. I Am calling a little little bit of a foul Cuz it's it's it's a her. It's not a him. I was gonna say what you it was Right there's any game Yeah Let's keep that lorde Continuity there scout your pronouns right Scott unless you specifically changed it to more closely match up with the books Which is a again dangerous slope there Scott watch out cuz I went down that rabbit hole and it led me to no good um So so the kids okay, I get what's going on here, so The kids purposely sabotage security puppet basically by putting another box on yeah So again basically the finance saga is all about Obama suck. Yeah, how kids suck Hey now for Shoving to put an animatronic egg. It is front load, baby. This one is hey let's Trash the security puppet, so we can ostracize a small child outside thrown out of the the place What? So yeah, so they're bullying him or her they're bullying her and Security puppet doesn't get there in time, right? But apparently bullying kills - is this it was this child like the Wicked Witch of the West or something just Melted out there in the rain, what happened? I'm assuming Is this one the drive-by yeah this all first? That's the first drive-by attack. It's interesting. You know because she had What looked like brown hair? and The girl so if this is the story of the puppet fruit maze Has a blonde haired girl with eyes that? Look different right it's also not baby because the eye color is different Every little girls run around right. There's a lot of dead girls jeez jeez huh weird okay step Oh, is there is there a corn oh? So So at this point What else do we buy I'm assuming the floors not gonna have anything Yeah, I would also not been on ball pit disco light is just off. I think we aim there a baby I think the egg yeah, I think egg baby is the way to go right? Oh chicken are down first thing bulky item in this condition comes a slight risk of something undesirable Alright, and we thought the prize came before here in buying this thing Because we still have figured it out alright. I like that and I'm gonna put it on the floor We're gonna keep security puppet there. We're gonna remove this guy Is that one's gonna useless alright? I think it's enormous and awkward. It's so ugly it is so weird here I'm gonna polish it up. We're gonna add a coin slot We still got a lot of cash actually I mean we have $500. Oh wait. We do. Oh never mind. Just kidding We don't have anything Before I already know this answer I don't know how help you want no no so yeah Tell them to tell me it was green before right it was green before yeah, okay So it is no longer green so what's that mean? Okay, that's the power, but it's feeling cold it turns blue. It's the monitor button It's feeling cold and no that was no no I'm not good. No. Though. Sorry that was just me heckling you Oh, well, okay, so I can't click it Because I would think maybe it's oh my gosh hold up, so what is it so what is that buddy? Well it helps to do with power Right so I have to pull is it yours. That's not turning it off Jesus if the animatronics would give me like a break for a second, holy cow Their job is literally the opposite. I'm trying to unearth lore guys jeez Hold up Yes, yeah, and enter you guys in the chat. You've already spoiled it you There's no need to keep I know everybody is still going on and on with the detailed instructions It's okay, so if it's the power button. Yep, then if I if I turn it I got it Aha Like I turn on a bunch of times Fine so I think this is really obscure. I'm going to give you a hint before another animatronic kills you Think about when I started in to see exactly think about the different ways you can start your computer up How would you start a computer in safety mode? You hold down the power button yes, you did really what it is They're going Dangerously no. It's good. All right so shut down. Okay shut down all right hold Hold down the button with your mouse with my mouse. Yeah hold click down oh Great with my mouse yeah hold click with your mouse really That's what it is That that's really obscure like if it wasn't obscure enough with like hey control it using your power button It's literally holding Wow okay? At least that's what yeah, let's see what it is Okay hold it my mouse Clicking hold Clicking holding Chrissy oh There it is depth of the depravity of this creature this monster that I've unwillingly helped to create as if what he had already done wasn't enough we found a new way to desecrate to Humiliate to destroy Aston robotic as if the suffering wasn't enough the loss of innocence the loss of everything to so many people Small souls trapped in prisons of my making now set to new purpose and used in ways. I never thought imaginable He lured them all back back to a familiar place back with familiar tricks. He brought them all together Are they still aware? I hope not it keeps me awake at night. I couldn't make myself Sleep, but not yet, not until I undo what he is telling audiophile 3/3 a wounds first inflicted on me, but then one that I let bleed out to cause all of this Henry He said some kind of trap. I don't know what it was but he led them there again He overpowered them again, and he robbed them of the only thing that they had again I don't know how those tiny breaths of life came to inhabit those machines But they will never find rest now not like this I have to call them all back all of them together in one place you Want them all in one place a lot of auditions? You went somewhere you weren't supposed to go saw something you weren't supposed to see and prevent it a tidy resolution to a messy problem Needless to say you're fired, but before you go take this certificate of insane But not giving it to you to ensure that no one believes you and to ensure that we can promptly replace you without incident There is a truck waiting for you outside lobotomy care Lobotomy has been like cutting off in the frontal lobe. Whoa hey so we got an ending Apparently if you continue from here. It just takes you back to the last night. I was gonna say it should right cuz every other So I should be able to just continue yeah So okay Scott I've learned you about this Henry is no I I called it from the fern a five-episode that Henry is a part of the games Except so Henry's the other care of then You know you know the story might help But Henry's the character from the the books who's the creator whose Willie mapped ins business partner who I? Said oh, he's the guy from nap world, but if nap world he kills him so So in snap world, huh? So fun a for although is it still canon is it not canon. Let's go my canon So, but if this confirms that Henry's at this oh yeah totally It also says so it I need to see that yet, but there's lefty right there was lef te mmm-hmm two lefties in there that other thing was That like diamond thing I don't know what that one was the diamond thing from what it was just saying and I was trying to like Absorb everything yeah from it was jet from what it was just saying it looks like it's it's explaining the remote Way that they're able to like activate children like the chill like oh, it's a song lullaby thing We know about it. Yeah. Yeah, whatever. It's very creepy. It's like oh This is how it lures the children to itself and then it's and then it eats them Well so the first one had Afton robotics I wasn't sure about the other ones the scooper is made by Afton, and it's weird that they're like Explaining how the scooper works Yeah, which is really bizarre alright? And then so then the diamond thing is The like way that they're able to like simulate children it seems like because it's at 98.6 degrees so they're so they're hearing chilled so it simulates a Child it simulates the body temperature and the sound of a child in its back wheels so it can move Odd jeez lefty the lullaby stuff makes me immediately think of the puppet, which again you guys said oh? There's a rare screen And you showed it well as you can see part of the puppets arm under lefty or the lefty which would forward that along And then Henry huh all right That's really interesting all right That's really in trouble. Hey, we got mediocrity and insanity nice Let's be honest here - what more do you need so wait so if I continue then should start me right back right ones? Right yeah here we go Awesome, I figured good with our six dollars. All right look beat this thing. Let's try to beat it. I'll do my best We need to really figure out They're moving it was so fast we're here now Oh hey, but it's going faster Sure why not nice Who was who's attacking me the most? Oh, Oh jerk jerk Nope No so it seems like spring traps the one who has been attacking me the master. Thank you you aggressive oh She's also from the right, right So it seems like the right side is the more aggressive side Let's Put on the sand So the so it seems like the Bears come at it, okay? Seems like the Bears come from the left We're good right good Much Wait shoot shoot oh damn it Escape you Know This final round is a bit tricky. It's a little bit hard Yes, oh Okay There's a Saturday because the party happens on Saturday So the Friday is the fifth day is the only day that you actually have to survive right? I? Don't think you have to survive Saturday Hope not not like the nightmare night like the sixth night that always exists I Hope not look at all this money. I know so much mo, LA Bureau lawsuits. I can't blow that right That's a main, okay, so I'm just gonna So what happens now if I say finished Just go, okay. I'm just go Not yet, I don't hold up, let's see a plan, let's see what happens, let's see what happens There is a six dammit. There is a final one. There is Oh? What I forgot that there was a final whoa man that blows alright well Alright as you're as you're getting geared up for that one At Marissa Jay bond said it's my 29th birthday, and I really like clapping half of my favor you two couple pretty Please just a little quick claw back. We could do it too. You have to wait anyway. There you go There you go that was it those clever enough nice glorious oh Shoot I forgot my audio ah You suck so much Get out get out right now you are excrement of the workers office ah darn it darn it oh I thought shoot. I thought her name was Friday Come on Britt it ran up Ritter it up come on. Oh Damn it did not want that come on Darn it. Oh, I knew it I'm like oh, I'm pushing the limit if it wasn't for the advertising I would have at least survived that pass okay, buddy oh It's like I'm out of here, man. You're taking too long? Oh? all right, sorry man shoot all right Well hmm I? Know we're so close But we here's you got a level with you guys right now Stephanie and I We don't want to do this It'll be interesting. It'll be cool. I guess we were invited to go see the new Jumanji movie tonight which The new we've all seen the trailers, I don't think anyone's expecting any sort of greatness here, but if you're going But it is the premiere of it yeah and like The rock and stuff is supposed to be there And if we say no at this point Like that would look really bad on us to be like no I gotta play more five nights at Freddy's Yeah, so we kind of gotta go and remember that is just a stream a live stream Thank you for being the umbrella on a rainy day. Oh, man here come join your storm cloud uh Teenager says act you guys go Kyle Charlie says Jumanji is a decent movie according to reviews? Oh yes? Looking forward to the decency Elliott says bye guys. Love you that curse of Jason by guy, Alyssa tones' bye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,727,637
Rating: 4.9396749 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, New Fnaf, Fnaf 6, five nights at freddy's, fnaf simulator, freddy fazbears pizza simulator, fnaf 4, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, fnaf 3, freddy, freddy fazbear, FNAF sister location, Sister location, fnaf 6 markiplier, secret, jumpscare, matpat fnaf, walkthrough, lets play, fnaf gameplay, five nights at freddy's pizzeria simulator, fnaf gtlive, gtlive, game theory FNAF, game theory five nights at freddys, matpat, freddy fazbear's pizzeria markiplier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 15sec (4095 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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