Baldur's Gate 3: The Ultimate Guide to a better Multi-Player Experience

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let's talk about multiplayer and Baldur's Gate 3. it's really good and really fun I very briefly touched base on this subject in an earlier video but I wanted to delve just a tad deeper to help out everybody that plans on setting off an adventure with a few buddies come launch me and my crew have beaten Early Access more times than I cared admit [Music] doesn't mean it didn't come with its fair share of Co-op complications and nothing caused more issues than I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say it never split the party now please take the word never with a little grain of salt there are a lot of times in combat especially where you're gonna need to split the party up to pull off some dope Combos and flanks but I'll save the combat talk for later I'm trying to warn you of the hardships that you're likely to come across by not sticking together while traveling the map and most of all exploring a city playing Baldur's Gate 3 with your friends can feel like a group of toddlers escaping the field trip to Disneyland and venturing out to conquer the Magic Kingdom on their own hello we killed them all there are so many gorgeous sites and colorful characters that will demand your attention but I implore you to try and stick together it's extremely common for enemies to pop up out of nowhere in this game and I promise you do not want to be the nerd that has to cry out for the entire party to come save you because you got ambushed by a frog while the rest of the team is locked away in conversation miles away oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you protect all deflected right ow oh I need it [Music] Ty just got ganked by a frog by going off on your own you also run the risk of triggering a cool cutscene without your friends there to see it you have to remember that you're a team and that you're all likely going to be experiencing these events for the first time don't Rob the others of a cinematic experience because you saw something shiny in the distance and just couldn't help yourself a common issue we ran into in our multiplayer game was not staying together while exploring a new town this usually happens when one of us is selling to a vendor and the others just have to kind of bumble around and wait for their turn first you're killing time by rummaging through a few potato sacks then you decide to strike up a conversation with a nearby stranger next thing you know they tell you their entire life story and give you this epic side quests while the other party members are just left with a journal update and a lot of questions that brings me to my next Point share the spotlight record story word dude just wait just come over here and feather ball with us that is an all Second Story I was like why don't you come over here feather follow me this is a better spot to feather wow I didn't know there was a lava over there or I thought it wasn't long here we go we'll meet in the middle never forget in a multiplayer game you're all the main characters everybody wants to show off their skills and be the one to roll that dice every once in a while it's definitely very smart to have your 18 Charisma Bard be the face of the party and do most of the talking but there's always room to share the microphone every class and every race has so many cool dialogue options that would be such a shame to limit just one party member to all that sweet sweet flavor the developers really went out of their way to make every conversation with every NPC in this game feel very special it's like it's like this guy's wearing a sheep costume going back to the Perils of separating I have to stress that having multiple conversations at the same time is never as efficient as it may sound if everybody is off having their own individual conversations at the same time it's inevitable that the streams will cross hearing your buddies react and respond to their conversation while you're engrossed in yours it'll definitely take you out of the moment I guess yeah like bigger ices better I guess if I had if I really had to do you have to talk about ice preferences right now when you talk as a group you'll have access to the entire party spells that can be very useful in a tricky conversation do not sleep on guidance guidance is the best spell second only to one that I'll get to in a second take the time to listen in on each other and I think it'll make the game feel much more like a shared experience and don't go using up all the inspiration dice without everyone else's consent inspiration dice lets you re-roll any dice rolling event and are shared by the entire party at least two of those Inspirations are yours so oh my God you are not meant to beat this I guess dice have chosen I'm not supposed to read this spooky book psych I'm not entirely sure how common inspiration is going to be rewarded in the full game but better play it safe than sorry and save the inspiration dice for when the whole party's there all right now let's talk about combat fights in a multiplayer run are always such a blast it brings such a collaborative and chaotic vibe to the table why didn't the thing go off uh maybe he's not standing in it all the way let me ice Arrow oh what the [ __ ] sorry it's just about to move there's nothing better than working together to pull off the ultimate combo or to come in clutch and save your Pal's life I'm not afraid to admit that it's not gonna be me who deals The Killing blood it's gonna be this [ __ ] guy do you get in there and do what you gotta do I'm gonna get over here and do what I gotta do I wonder if maybe you can stop it's just a witness also to each their own but it's really fun to just [ __ ] talk each other [Laughter] trouble you good absolute epic Behavior look at her she's doing so good you finally have a scapegoat to blame when the fight goes sour here's a couple rapid fire combat tricks to keep in mind when gaming together you don't have to have a cleric but you should probably have at least one person that can heal healing word Remains the greatest spell in the game nothing is better than Reviving your friend from a distance as a bonus action this does include throwing potions at each other catch this in your mouth if one of your party members goes down be a homie and spend your action to get them up oh my man thank you don't shove an enemy just because you have a spare bonus action positioning is everything and you're not the only player who depends on it so communicate before moving anything around too dramatically well this might hurt you back oh just kidding sorry I ruined your turn be patient with the camera it's gonna be bouncing back and forth between a lot of things it's trying to focus on every single player character if it gets too overwhelming there's always this bird's eye view mode and most importantly use this little key right here it'll highlight every enemy and every Ally and you'll be able to see them through walls not sure what's going to take the place of this key on the console version but make sure you find out how to toggle this it's gonna save you a world of headaches in a complex battle now for party composition I'll be honest I'm not gonna sit here and tell you which classes you and your friends have to play the truth is there isn't a meta class build that's gonna let you 360 no scope every encounter in the game especially considering multi-classing with no ability score prerequisites you can dip into a different class every level if you wanted to the possibilities are endless you could do whatever you want what I will tell you is that I would encourage opting for a little bit of variety among your friends for example a barbarian with a two-handed weapon and a fighter that's also specialized for a great weapon combat it can get a little redundant I suggest you try a build that won't cause any complications especially when magic items start dropping no one likes to fight over gear so make some choices early on that'll help lower the chances of a loot argument I mentioned the value of bonus action healing earlier it's a good idea to have at least one player in the party with access to Healing spells bring him down any healing words I doubt this shadowheart only has cure wounds oh crash I know luckily clerics Druids bards and paladins can all get that job done and are an absolute blast to play personally my favorite party builds have at least one Healer one designated spellcaster one martial class that is just an absolute freak Show in combat and a wild card but again unless you're playing on tactician I really don't think any combination of classes is going to hold you and your friends up one day I will have the most glorious troop of nothing but bards and the world will fear our ballads the last thing I'll touch on is the rate of play things will tend to move a little bit slower in a multiplayer game cool there are a few things you should consider for the sake of the rest of your group for instance playing a class that uses a lot of the reaction system for a barred cutting words and bardic inspiration are amazing abilities and are super helpful for the team but be prepared to pause the game every single action or Paladin with their reactions set to ask if they'd like to Smite every single attack this might not bother everybody but it's something to keep in mind if you have a very impatient friend in the group when in a fight try to be self-aware that your turn might be taking too long sometimes you have to spend a whole turn just positioning yourself rather than sitting there trying to find something to do with that leftover bonus action and holding everybody up maybe just pass the turn and let someone else take over try to plan your next move on someone else's turn if you can but most important be patient with others especially if they're a new player who oh my God can't be patient uh I don't know start [ __ ] talking I guess we'll see if this we'll see how dumb this is I'd be really stupid okay that is pretty [ __ ] stupid I can't stress enough how thick this game is there's nothing wrong with a nice Slow Burn help each other out when you can and enjoy the ride get shattered birdies larion really knows what they're doing when they design a multiplayer game there are so many bizarre and hilarious things that my friends have come up with that I would have never dreamed of when playing alone if you've got a group ready to go come launch I hope this video was some help to make things a little bit more manageable and maybe a more fun experience for all of you let me know if there are any life lessons that you've learned playing in a group or as a lone Adventurer that maybe I didn't touch on I'm gonna try to basically post my entire party's playthrough on YouTube and I'll be streaming some multiplayer and single stuff here too right here on this channel if that's another interest to you or you just want to watch our descent to Madness feel free to subscribe and tag along for the adventure thank you for watching thank you for subscribing and I'll see you guys at launch
Channel: ProtoTom
Views: 36,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's gate 3, Lets play, game play, tutorial, educational, multiplayer, playthrough, tips
Id: ZmKVrXIm6aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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