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so a lot of you guys have been asking about our old dumpster videos we keep saying it's not as great in california but you know what today we're gonna put that to the test we're gonna bring the camera with us we're gonna go hit every single spot around us that we possibly can and see what we come home with you guys want to see it so you know what we gotta do right we gotta bring it to it let's take the camera let's get on the road let's cross our fingers and hope for some luck let's do it [Music] bed bath and beyond let's see if i can get into their dumpster oh it is locked up there never mind i was wondering why the doors weren't moving next i found another dumpster by bed bath and beyond and this is the only thing that's in it is a completely broken mirror it's trash don't you guys just love seeing pee bottles out in the middle of nowhere like there's there's many many stores around here you could have picked one bathroom okay so we've reached a spot where i'm trying to find the gamestop dumpster now it's either one on this side or across the street that doesn't look like much and i just got something sticky in my arm and these are all a hundred percent just empty boxes let me check the other side i actually just saw a restaurant come dump some food bags over here so oh look at that nascar avengers and a foot thing um i'm not gonna be able to grab that next time i'm gonna remember a grabber but it looks like just empty box oh gosh this is a hundred percent just food let me see if i can get back here a little bit this is so gross oh there's some home stuff over there give me a second i might try to climb up and make sure that that's an empty block that was a hundred percent an empty box you like the light on my head i like it don't look good next dumpster so the dumpster is right here and all of these beautiful stores are around it so now we gotta figure out which dumpster i'm about to check because now it's a surprise and surprises are good and i'm excited so let's see what we got okay so right off the bat i see like a really thin mattress and a box spring and some pallets and here oh what is this we have empty jumbo braids bags anything else all this packing paper see what's in here those look like it says bright and soft salt pellets for water softeners other than that just some broken mirrors well that was yeah surprise not as exciting as i wanted to be but you know on to the next dumpster all right so i'm we're about to check this office depot dumpster sorry about the window it's kind of dirty but um we were going to check it and there was a car for one and the car left and then we passed it again and we're gonna try to drive past it again this time it looked like there was a guy with no shirt on a scooter on a scooter there's the scooter okay i don't want to know what's going on back yeah i have no idea hey there's some donation we should take the barn of the noble books over there that's one of the other reasons i don't like that driving in california oh there you go what where are you on the scooter look look behind you over here hey what the heck are you doing dude what are you doing crazy so we were gonna check a dumpster behind cvs in this shopping center however there are so many people that dump their personal household junk in there that i guess they just got tired of it and took the dumpster away thank you personal people you ruined it for all our dumpster divers let's check the barnes and noble dumpster hopefully we can find the boxes like we did a couple years ago that'd be great all right well this doesn't look promising these are just bags of looks like paper towels and some food trash down there let's check this dumpster over here so this one right here is just recycling but i do see something that is very very annoying so right here as you could see a book chosen recycle it i mean it's paper yes recycling but why didn't you donate this why are you just throwing perfectly good books in the recycling and ripping off the cover so nobody can benefit off it it makes no sense to me we've seen this before there's tons and tons of books down here i mean i wish i could like reach but i'm pretty sure this stack of books right here goes all the way down to the bottom and that is ridiculous good job barnes and noble shame shame shame i used to say this all the time we are a smaller channel but now we've gotten a lot bigger if you could could you please just take the 20 seconds to share this video on whatever social media platform and tag the stupid store in it tag them and make them explain themselves it annoys the crap out of me it's been for years that they throw away and purposely waste time effort and money on destroying perfectly good merchandise that can go to helping tons of people so please just take 20 seconds let's try to feel like we can make a difference please and that is why we don't go dumpster diving while we're in california but on the bright side we did buy storage in it today we're gonna go clean out tomorrow and i wonder what you guys think about it so look at 110 on it right where's my bid there it is 110 mainly because if you look at the first picture it looks like crap right that looks pretty junky but if you go to this picture it looks like they left an entire box of records in there right at the bottom and my thought process was if they were to leave an entire crate of records they probably didn't get a chance to clean it out they're probably just dirty people you know what i mean they just stored it dirty because if you look at the other pictures it doesn't look great but there is a lot of boxes so i don't know it was only 110 bucks and i saw create a record that i figured hey let's take the game we'll go check it out tomorrow [Music] texture is a hundred percent in his high mood so i'm going to keep the camera rolling and see what happens oh oh excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i hope you like those cat clips you just saw of dexter indeedy if you want to see more animal clips in the videos let us know down in the comments and i also wanted to mention the dumpster diving so obviously dumpster diving isn't the same in california as it is in virginia so i can't wait to get back to virginia establish a new route hit our old route sometimes and get you guys some more adoption driving videos because you guys ask for it all the time and again like jiva said earlier in the video please share and like this video and tag barnes and noble if you can let them know that this isn't right donate books donate toys don't just destroy it just to throw it away what is the point of that last thing stay tuned for the unit you guys got a sneak peek of in this video for tomorrow anyways if you did enjoy it again leave us a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 20,075
Rating: 4.9065108 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster, dumpster diving, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster haul, dumpster score, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving score, treasure hunting with jebus, dumpster finds, dumpster diving finds, dumpster dive
Id: cWsoiCPDeyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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