Auction Contract Signed...but things get weird! Abandoned Storage Units!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to the special editions of Grande fun we decided to do the intro here because today is auction pick up as you can scan around and see that we've started pretty pulling orders several of you even bought a lot of things that have Sandra had been donating a large portion of her paycheck to our oxygens we thank you and everyone else so anyway the crews here pulling orders say hi Jacob David nan exciting - creepy blower go away so anyway we're doing an auction pickup me and Gina are about to leave what are we going to do here yeah so we are going out to sequel build textures about 30 minutes from here it's actually a guy that I bid it against a lot at the storage auctions really super nice guys so we're gonna go out and see what we can do what Grimes finds auction house can do to help him liquidate the building and maybe kind of see how he got to the point is and how we can help so anyway we had auction pick up there was something I was gonna say what was gonna tell you what's gonna tell you oh I'm gonna miss you Monica Monica so Monica used to work for us and then I don't know what happened probably got something to do with her attitude now I'm joking but she's pregnant so she's sitting down can you know what they say about pregnant ladies right they're about to have a baby and so we're letting her sit down and she's doing pictures and descriptions because we'll have another grounds finds auction up tonight did you get bit on that will close this Friday pick up Saturday or we ship anything else no okay so we're gonna head over there make sure to subscribe hit that Bell make sure to go to all my future channels do the same for them and also if you notice the super chat thing down at the bottom normally I wouldn't do this but guys it is takes a lot of our time to do YouTube if you want to donate to the channel what I can do is give you my word that that money will be reinvested into things myk's we need to upgrade our computers things like that four cameras things like that because we really are dedicated to bringing you a good channel with good quality content and so to do that though it just takes money and effort and if you're enjoying the entertainment and you tune in on time and you want to donate a dollar two dollars ten thousand a million I'm cool with it too so anyway if you want to do that make sure to hit soup done it's channel and we will put the money right back in there and we will see you out at the next unit we'll see at the possible next liquidation hey guys we're right back and we haven't even left cuz I forgot we have big big news so right and it's not big big news like Jebus big big news that was last week right we have more exciting news and guess what it is guess me yep actually no it is done this winter in this video and you will find out and I promise you there's no Clickbank no silly stuff like that we have purchased plane tickets and me and Deena are flying out to see some of our favorite people the next Monday and to do something very exciting so find out who and what and win and all that good stuff at the end this video see it the next liquidation hey guys welcome back to grandson so we've made it out to see Google Texas to meet with one of her friends I'm going to introduce you to it actually gonna let him introduce himself i'ma let him introduce his business and why we were out here we've already taken care of the business and I was gonna record that but we've had enough business so we're just gonna be fun I didn't expect it to be this cool around here as you just saw the how I panned around the room right before so we're gonna meet him learn about its business and his upcoming YouTube channel it's already up we're gonna get his subscribers up let's get him up to a hundred subscribers let's try to do that in the next day or so and then let's you don't think it'd be done maybe yeah maybe he doesn't believe in the Grimes fine subscribers so hey I don't know they might not do it what see Hey so anyway introduce yourself tell us about your coming and tell us about your YouTube subscribe oh cool I'm Josh my channels name is the junkman or maybe just junkman I've been a reseller for a long time and I've kind of become friends with Justin over the past few kind of weeks when he was bidding against me on units yeah he wanted what he wanted what was that thing the Atari that there was an Atari was a the Odyssey honestly I'm modest booyaka see in the book we've been actually didn't bring it very much so anything else cool but really I never got to follow up everything was rotten there my head wasn't really shoveling dirt yeah so that was one that was one unit I just I stopped so anyway the junker it will become one of my featured channels I'll try to get that done before chunks men chuckle what's that junker it's junks don't go to the upper I don't know that God so go to the junker know the junk junk junk ceman not the junker dang it junk riot name you put it in the description jasmine yeah don't listen to me real in description so anyway so we came out here he does have a building out back I'm gonna take you out there in a minute just to show you why we'll be coming back out here we'll follow the entire journey go to the junkman make sure to subscribe there's not content on there yet that will be coming and it will be here and it's cool this is just his outside built he's got the best setup he's got a big house out there a used yard buildings and back in this cool place where you does those Amazon and eBay yeah is that right so Amazon eBay will make sure to put your his selling channels or links down in the description so make sure to do that he's got a ton of cool stuff let's go see it alright so just start shoulders right so is this stuff you're selling or is this stuff you put most of the things in here are my personal collections yes I do so some of it occasionally when I get doubles or whatever but it's just like figurines and things and them ridiculous amount of swords and fantasy gear because I'm a big deal okay so did a bunch of this stuff came out of storage almost everything in this room is from a storage and look at this cane man this is I like this game look at that came out of a storage yeah actually that wood came out of a yard so how much how much weed did you say you could fit in here about oh yeah I don't know how much is in there now another weed joke for you he didn't have crack pipes around here so I couldn't go with the normal crack all right so anyway check out this games we'll go around here okay cuz I do like games galore look Planet of the Apes what a Star Trek Star Wars look he's got multiple of these escape from the Death Star that's kind of cool oh he walks I love anything with do you want ticket stubs so hop a torso look lava lamp this is totally how my place would look just total randomness the mines of moria check this out is pretty cool so your robe Langlade all this themed e stuff I've got D&D stuff from the 70s although really I know some Eve some of my subscribers are wears this so just check this out look at his frickin collection of this stuff so he said he's been playing this substance you were eight first edition D&D manuals from the very very far long time ago when I was a kid all D&D modules is all my personal collection what a frickin nerd that is awesome Mork & Mindy how cool is that you know just looking this is just cool stuff man she's got look guns over here oh my that is creepy hey don't lie no for real I didn't eysan i saw his studio and bang hello oh look at that stuff I would get a little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action that's my money I don't mean honey crane I've got to give him I've got him on I've got this exact thing in my office on the shelf and I've got crane in it oh that's pretty killer in school some guy in Oak Cliff made that it's solid resin yeah right no no you make weird brain and eyeball stuff I'm joking oh is this Bo's it suppose those are Bo's don't look at that you know I know that actually I think you were at the unit one when I bought some of these yeah there's a set and everything I got it for 20 bucks oh yeah here's the one to handle the Nintendo games in it hey so this building doesn't stop can we go back all right he seemed excited about that so look is all his equipment so hey y'all y'all follow his channel I'm telling him that this would be a killer channel because all you guys that are trying to get into reso because one of the most questions we get is how Teresa where do we get ourselves how do we sell it okay this guy doesn't just like we do so he does more does Amazon he does we sell on our own auction platform which I'm trying to talk him into transitioning over soon we protect sometimes it will take some time but he does Amazon eBay and so hey y'all be watching for the junker I'm jumping judgment I look just cool stuff come back here well this call Bruce Wayne baby now he's not there I would totally keep that I know yeah that's the problem the problem is I've already picked a reason I'd want to take this off and put the button on there dude look though he's got nice he's got all kinds of killer stuff Winchester [Music] this is gonna be this is cool man yep what is this Elvis there's Elvis Indian wrong Elvis is it relevance one tear oh heck you hey who is that movie a movie movie trivia cuz we do in every video oh that's not all this and that's not one tears that's weird oh is that after he bit the head off the bird I don't know it's one of those okay so one tear who did it in the movie he only cried one tear you know crybaby crybaby Johnny Depp crybaby okay one of our favorite movies there's your movie trivia Barbies hey y'all go to his eBay and Amazon channels link will be down in the description I need you tech so soon because look at how this cool stuff you good bye look at that it's just the cans and nostalgia cool oh yeah look anybody need a Playstation that is killer I totally love that I would like I'd like drill a hole in it make it Pete look is this your personal collection no don't look okay yeah don't like he hid it from his wife JT man what else look at this beer side y'all make sure to go to his legs he's got killer stuff up here Oh what is this why are you hiding the good stuff down here oh man I said a real signature is that a fast man okay that's still killer cool that's a cool picture between them hey man how'd you like to beat Luke when he found out he's kissing his sister that's weird all right let's go wait what's over here what's this next see this stuff you know I mean not up on eBay no hey man I had this kid 1968 I remember him remember Seaquest cool says he's got toys everywhere id4 Oh piss Batman look at this he's got patches look at this crap I want this how could you what could you do with this it's probably a trophy is what I would think it was that's pretty cool it's yours are you sure you know where this is going YouTube studio to studio we do a piece for every every studio and hey you know what I'm so sure his channels gonna be we're having sign it and this will be this is going into you the YouTube Museum every other episode we put a piece in there that's where this is going I guess you would get that for like a reward like a bonus I go here you made your yeah you're probably right or something I don't know maybe for your hot wheels or something your Tonka trucks I'm working on your Tonka oh oh you know I could never find these in a freaking unit this dude's got a whole box he did not him off a guy I got him off a guy in the garage oh look at this I've got it several sets you remember that the Flintstone kids or what was it the fuzz okay yeah I saw kids look Rob in the color 1978 so you see right there that's a discolor a little bit look at the freaking color on that oh these are nice I have a set of the house it's Batman joke right hey oh my is this whole box see Star Wars - yeah look at that 1971 the flash look at that great colors these are nice yeah these are actually pretty pristine for the ones on so you kind of look over here he's got comics galore yeah okay he's got video game for Nintendo I love Nintendo look at this geojo look at this stuff oh yeah there's something that greatness look at that weapon ball the weapon yeah absolutely the weapons we here's this [Music] 1991 Hasbro nice daddy's killer yeah who's my favorite my favorite on here let's make guys here how's that roadblock that Stroh's well-favored uh he's the bad guy dude you're totally a bad guy like that's good we gotta get outta here he totally went for destro what look Darth Vader what was this from what The Lone Ranger was it I had to yell at oten I actually have the belt are you there and the weapon and he had like three of those I could combine them with Buffalo heck yes I don't can't read it but I do remember this but look Darth Vader Darth Vader Darth Vader Star Wars that's killer no that's killer you say junk junk motor so well I'm the jokester yes yeah he's a Jonin don't do that look at that saddles look at that after you look at this so he used to it used to do deejay musician stuff like that look at this there's this music section thank you it's better than punching people in the face I tried that do you look at this this is killer if my fingers didn't hurt I play a song I'm pretty good at school play some play some food everybody get your glow sticks out [Music] dude that is freaking awesome so hey maybe I'll work with this guy we're gonna come up with a garage spun theme song I definitely compute and then we'll make a junker one happy I'll do the bow foods because I'm pretty good okay sorry I just remembered the biggest complaint about our station is they can't ever hear me that won't help so I walked over here look at this oh look at this just tubs and stuff I see Superman I'm overloaded a football jersey in their cameras tools go check this out I just like this it's fun so hey y'all go to his links he's got all kinds of killer stuff if you see something in here leave a comment he'll check the comments and maybe he'll make a deal info about that so do you have these divided into John well I'm rebuilding these shelves over here I've had actually at the moment so this is gonna be all my records on this one I've got a rego dude you guys don't get flooded in here is this all eight tracks down here oh yeah look at this guy's old eight tracks boxes hey Willie James Taylor this isn't just no-name look Billy Joel Waylon Jennings dude I'm for real like if I did shrooms or something like that I'd get out some glow sticks on some strings hundreds of VHS tape Bon Jovi I totally forgot to show them this is all good Star Trek Blade Runner all these movies hey y'all if y'all want a million-dollar diz oh he's got the million-dollar black diamond dude this you know you're rich I know really going yeah return hey reminder don't bring this to mediate that expected me to get a million dollars I collect him for my daughter now look look just all this cool stuff guys rolling stones that's probably a killer book right there coffee table book and I could just go through these records all day oh yeah well yeah the sound warehouse crate has got my best metal stuff and that you probably like they're browning right here that's actually I really like that song marking the moon that's a great great song the ones I'm here are the ones that I know the perfect so you got a little Pink Floyd action hey if you saw that who who what my fault I'll try to blur it out but I don't hit it but I'll blur that out because I don't want little kids seeing movies until they're at least like 10 as joke until they're married that is the right answer oh yeah right oh the doors you got Jimmy oh wait who's that Vicki the kinks Man esque oh that's me did you know that I was the art for this when I did this oh really my ribs look like fingers he was a foot model I was football yeah I want to say that's it yeah I got pretty feet you're real pretty feet look good okay all right pass it yeah I could you could have seen the famous foot all right so books books and more books but have you researched all these books chatter it's kind of a process yes bro you're holding out what's up ten ball that's fun yeah oh really game here no he said I don't know that's all right hey the box is still sellable oh yeah absolutely 1992 Sega this is in really good condition it's got the regular pot somebody wants that box I promise you somebody's gonna try to most people throw that stuff away but look at that yeah my problem you need a bigger building hey here's deal so make sure to go down to the descriptions follow this Amazon follows eBay follow the jump chunks man YouTube it will be in the description it's one of my featured channels now so make sure to subscribe let's get this guy's subscriptions going so he'll start making content look at this this is where he is every day he's got no choice but to make you good content and so and if he doesn't y'all make sure to come tell me you have YouTube mom I do have YouTube mam eti one time I'm gonna fly eventually when we become a big youtube channel cuz I know we are appealing we're gonna follow our moderator and have a big party in our house because they don't have to do what they did it's kind of cool that they keep all the riffraff out and all that so they're in there and any negative comments they get to the late amount of the live chat real quick so we do appreciate their always sharing our channels you can watch my moderators because they have nothing else to do so they'll monitor your channel anyway you guys make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that Bell and do the same for my future channels and now for the big news you don't hear the big news now as we do it later let's just do it we can do it now so Gina and I have bought tickets to San Francisco California we will be flying out at like 6 o'clock in the morning next Monday and I think we might have a special ride from one of your other favorite YouTube channels they will be picking us up hopefully and then we will be meeting storage auction pirate the granddaddy of the storage auction videos on YouTube everybody calls him the og and is super good guy anyway we are coming to California to pick up a huge truckload of fantastic antiques and collectibles for a storage auction pirate we're bringing it back to Dallas and we're going to auction it for him so stay tuned on our channel his channel and it's gonna be crazy guys you're going to be able to all of auction or storage are some hard stuff I don't know what kind of trouble we're gonna get to the California I know Alex is out there alex is a storage storage sucker stores right yeah yeah George Tucker hilarious him his wife just tripped me out I've got if I don't get to meet them locker ness is a longer than super nice guy they thought princess your family's salt princess who else do we might get to see who else is out there I wish Vegas would drive to California in Misco they asked us to stop in Vegas oh no way they're gonna try to fly through but we got to keep this to a budget to make it make sense business-wise or I would do that so but if you all see this we'll be there the super chat Oh super super to make sure - super jet right if you want new Mike's move all that stuff for the channel we promise we'll take all that money we've already got a couple super chests for the other we're appreciate we're going to hold that money we're gonna put it into an account or YouTube channel to bring you better content sound audio sounding audio actually the same thing so that was weird so anyway hey we will see it the next year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 6,145
Rating: 4.9257731 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: YgN4m4itFw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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