II Samuel ~ 2:17 to 3:18

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we're gonna pick it up today 2nd samuel chapter 2 verse 17 and in our last lecture we saw David moved from Ziklag which was controlled originally Ziklag was allotted to the tribe of simeon but the Philistines had taken it away from Israel and a quiche the king of Gath gave it to David and his to reside there but David in our last lecture moved from Ziklag to Hebron and he's the king over the of Judah only an issue chef the only remaining son of Saul has been set up as king of Gilead which is on the east side of Jordan over Ephraim and over Benjamin as we learned in verse 9 of chapter 2 but Abner the general of Saul basically set ish Bush F up and I think Abner had some ulterior motives in setting ish Bichette up we'll cover some of those in as we work our way through today's lesson but Joab who was the nephew of David and some of his men ran into Abner and the general of the Israel armies the Joab with Judah only but they ran into each other at the pool of Gibeon and Abner suggested well let's let the young men arise and play this means let them practice play warfare in other words and what they did they chose 12 from Israel 12 from Judah and said well there shouldn't everyone fight let's just have these 12 fight and then that'll be the end of it well the twelve both sides clashed so ferociously that they actually simultaneously ran each other through with their swords and basically they all fell dead at the same time so what was supposed to settle the matter with the twelve taking on twelve Judah versus Israel didn't settle the matter at all in fact it gets way out of hand as we pick it up today let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day we pick it up second Samuel chapter 2 verse 17 and it reads and there was a very sore battle that day and Abner was beaten and the men of Israel before the servants of David Abner recognized that his soldiers were losing this battle and Abner fled and there were three sons of Zions Araya being the sister of King David there Joab and Abbess I and as a hill and as ahel was as light a foot as a wild row a row as a deer and as a hill was a fast runner is what this is saying and this is stated to explain what happens in the next several verses and as a he'll pursued after Abner and in going he turned not to the right hand or to the left from following Abner he was intent on catching Abner now Abner was a seasoned warrior has a he'll probably not so much he was fast he was a good runner but as far as a warrior he was totally unproven he's biting off a little more than what he can chew verse 20 and Abner looked behind him and said art thou as a hell and he answered I am as a hell being a member of the royal family of Judah was probably well known throughout both Judah and Israel and Abner recognized him and Abner said to him turned the aside to thy right hand or to thy left and lay thee hold on one of the young men picked someone who is less experienced less of a combat warrior and take the his armor if you think you're looking for spoil to take someone's armor I'm not going to give you mine but as a hill would not turn aside from following him pride can make a young man do some pretty foolish things now Abner's trying to talk some sense to reason with as a hell you know pull off and then he gives him one warning he's gonna give him to verse 22 and Abner said again - as a he'll turn the aside from following me the second warning wherefore should i smite thee to the ground how then should I hold up my face to Joab thy brother Abner and Joab knew each other and he's saying if you make me kill you in self-defense and that's what it is he warned as a hell twice to pull off to pull up and go find someone else to fight against but he knows that has a hell is no man there's probably only five men in Judah and Israel that would be capable of even having a chance against Abner and Abner realizes that and he's saying you know don't make me kill you if I have to kill you how can I look your brother Joab in the eye howbeit he refused to turn aside where for Abner with the hinder part or hinder end of the spear smote him under the fifth rib that the spear came out behind him he ran him all the way through and he fell down there and died in the same place and it came to pass that as many as came to the place where as a hill fell down and died Stood Still they took a moment to reflect on what happened there the death of has a hail maybe perhaps they stopped and stood there a little bit in horror at the sight now blow under the fifth rib is right about where your heart is they say blow to the fifth rib below the fifth rib would always be fatal and so again Abner knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it now the hinder end of his spear it would actually be opposite of the business end of the spear where you would find the spearhead and it oftentimes was sharpened because it was very common for a soldier to stick his spear in the ground when he didn't need it for example if he were going to lay down and get some shut-eye some sleep he would take his spear probably near to where he was laying down in case he needed it but would stick it in the ground with the hinder part and the business-end sticking up in the air verse 24 Joab also an Abba shy these are the two older brothers of a Sahel pursued after Abner and the Sun went down when they were come to the hill of oma that lieth before gaya by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon now this is not to be taken that Joab and Abba Shai were pursuing Abner alone they had the troops of Judah with them Abner had also what was left of the troops of Israel and I would think that Joab and a bush I probably had heard if not seen as a hell and what Abner did to him so we're what started off what was supposed to be 12 of Israel playing to practice war with 12 of Israel or 12 of Judah with 12 of Israel turned out to be a lot more serious than that and it's not over yet verse 25 and what they're doing is regrouping at Gibeon for a final battle and the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together after Abner or behind Abner Benjamin being Israel of course and became one troop and stood on the top of an hill a stand off for the final battle with the men of Judah verse 26 then Abner called to Joab and said shall the swords devour for ever how long is this going to go on knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end how long shall it be then ere thou bid the people return from following their brethren enough have died call your men off is the encouragement of Abner now Abner is the one that suggested that they allow the young men to arise and play at the pool Gibeon to begin with so now he's encouraging Joab to call the men of Judah off will Joab here twenty seven and Joab said as God liveth unless thou had spoken surely then in the morning the people had gone up everyone from following his brother Joab is saying this is all your fault you're the one who said let's let the young men arise and play and if you hadn't done that all of the young men would be going home quite healthy including my brother my younger brother as a hell verse 28 so Joab blew a trumpet and all the people stood still and pursued after Israel no more neither thought they any more finally some common sense prevailed and you know God does not like brother fighting against brother and that's what in effect what we had going on here all of these men were descendants of Jacob they were all of the same flesh they were all of the same bone and here they are fighting and killing each other God made it clear in Deuteronomy chapter 2 when Israel was coming out of Egypt and they asked the king of Moab can we cross your land and not only did the king of Moab say no you can't cross our land Moab gathered his troops and came out to and pitch to make war against Israel through the Urim and Thummim Moses inquired of the Lord should we go against the Moabites and God said no and the same thing happened with the and God said on both occasions there of your blood your own bone and your flesh you're not going to make war against your brother in verse 29 and Abner and his men walked all that night through the plain through the valley of Jordan and passed over Jordan and went through Alba throng and they came to Mahan a.m. and I think this was wise of Abner he made him travel all night and we're gonna see that Joab was doing the same thing but in a separate direction they both know that the heat of battle sometimes doesn't cool off very fast and had they encamped near each other that night it's possible that they would have arisen the next day and said you know I don't really like what happened yesterday and going back at it again against what they considered to be their enemy but Abner and Joab are giving the young men some time to cool off a little bit from the heat of battle and to get some distance between the two groups and Joab returned from following Abner eCall the men of Judah off and when he had gathered all the people together there lacked of David's servants 19 men and as a hell twelve at the original fight were killed eight more died pursuing after the armies of soul and as a hail also killed that will not set well with Joab when we get to chapter three we'll see that Abner excuse me Joab is not finished with Abner as far as what he considers the murder of his brother as a hell but it wasn't murder Abner tried twice to get as a hell to turn away and to find someone else to engage in in battle as a hell would not Abner really had no choice it was self-defense he knew he couldn't outrun as a hell as it explained in that earlier verse that as a hell was could run like a deer so Abner knew he couldn't route running his only choice was to defend himself 31 but the servants of David had smitten of Benjamin and of Abner's men so that three hundred and threescore men died that's 360 of souls group 20 of Judah three hundred and eighty young men senselessly killed with what began as sport and practice combat turned into a lot more than that and this might seem a bit disproportionate as far as the number of the those who followed Saul killed and those who followed Joab Abner and I should say in Joab and what we have here is that the fact that David's armies were used to fighting being outnumbered considerably they had been run all over the the Middle East by Saul and his armies greatly outnumbered they were also seasoned warriors whereas what Abner had although Abner was a very seasoned warrior himself what he had though serving under him was what was left after Mount Gilboa where Saul and his other three sons were killed and a great number of the armies of Israel were also killed so I think that explains the disproportionate number of loss verse 32 and they took up as a hell and buried him in the Sepulcher of his father this would be obviously the husband of xariah which was in Bethlehem and Joab and his men went all night and they came to Hebron at the break of day we see Joab have the same thoughts as Abner put as much distance between these two groups as possible so that the hatred isn't reignited in the morning Soraya's husband I called him I called him that because he's not named in the Bible it's a very unusual circumstance in God's Word where we have the wife mentioned by name but the man is not mentioned by name I suppose that's because xariah was the sister to King David and the mother of the three sons that were David's nephews and they were very loyal to David for the most part there will be some change to that in later years chapter 3 verse 1 David's strength continues to grow as the strength of Saul's house which is now resting in the hands of ish bush F continues to decline chapter 3 verse 1 now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David but David waxed or became stronger and stronger in the house of Saul which I said is now in the hands of ICH Bichette and Abner waxed or became weaker and weaker Saul's house has been rejected as the king of Israel David is now the anointed of Israel verse 2 and unto David were sons born at Hebron and his firstborn was Amnon of a hen om the jezreelite s in other words Amnon was the son of David and a hen om now a son proof that a house is strengthened for in children you see a continuation of the house so proof is offered here that David's house continues to wax stronger and stronger by the way I meant to mention in verse 1 where it said that it was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David doesn't mean that it was a continuous war for a long period it means they're covered a long period of time but there would be a skirmish and then no war and then another skirmish would break up break out that's about to end though verse 3 and his second his second son Caleb of Abigail the wife are better the widow of nabe all the carmelite and the third son Absalom the son of may akka the daughter of Tom a king of ghee sure ghee sure small Kingdom in the northeast of Bay Shan now Absalom would cause David considerable heartache and problems in his later years Absalom killed his brother Amnon who raped his full sister Tamar and he fled out of the country for several years but when he came back to Jerusalem he made amends or pretense of amends with David but then he would hire young men to run before his chariot make way for Absalom make way for Absalom every time he was going to the library or the post office and always putting on a big show he would sit at the gate of the city which was the judgment place and as people would come and go he would say you there where are you from he'd say well I'm James have bron and what is your business here well Benjamite stole 10 of my cows well it's too bad that I'm not the king because if I were the king if I were the judge I would see things your way and rule in your favor and as it's written he stole the hearts of the men of Israel Absalom would lead a rebellion against David that almost cost David his life David fled Jerusalem to the east side of Jordan to avoid a civil war verse 4 and the fourth at ania the son of hagath and the fifth ship taya the son of Abbott all in Deuteronomy 17 17 a king of Israel is not to multiply wives to himself in other words an excessive number of wives of course David didn't have anything on Solomon Solomon would and these aren't all the wives and children of David he would take on more wives as he moves to Jerusalem in fact as none of these will be the seed line through which Messiah would come ad Anaya also rebelled against the anointed king of God that being Solomon the son of David he tried to take the throne from Solomon and that wasn't God's plan so there was constant strife in David's house when we get to chapter 12 of second Samuel we'll find out why there was constant strife in David's house verse 5 and the sixth III M by Engla David's wife these were born to David in have bran and again he would take more wives when they moved to Jerusalem or six and it came to pass while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner made himself strong for the house of soul Abner was the strength of souls house issue chef was more or less a puppet king set up by Abner verse seven and Saul had a concubine whose name was rizpah remember Saul is dead the daughter of AI and issue chef said to Abner wherefore hast thou gone in unto my father's concubine she was souls and if a concubine or a wife belonged to the king and the king died it became the next kings and in fact is if you took one of the King the former Kings concubines or wives you were laying claim to the throne yourself maybe we see a little bit of Abner's ulterior motive in setting up ich bush F as the puppet king or sate then was Abner very Roth for the words of ish Bichette and said am i a dog's head this is a totally contemptible statement which against Judah do show kindness this day unto the house of Saul thy father to his brethren and to his friends and have not delivered the end of the hand of David that out charges me today with a fault concerning this woman if not for me you wouldn't be anything ish Bichette and as I said earlier there's like five men in all of Judah and Israel that would dare to even challenge Abner ich Bush F was nowhere to be found when Saul and his other three sons the Brothers of ICH Bush F were killed at Mount Gilboa fighting the Philistines where was ish Bichette I feel like he was probably hiding verse 9 so do God - Abner Abner continues and more also except as the Lord hath sworn to David even so I do to him and this kind of loses it what Abner's saying is that I am NOT going to support you as the king of Israel anymore I recognize David as God's anointed the Lord has promised at the throne to David I now throw my support behind David verse 10 to translate or transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah from Dan even to bear Sheba this phrase from Dan even to bear Sheba means all of it Dan being the further north location bear Sheba the further south what Abner saying here is bye-bye ish Bichette hello David and I think Abner early on if not from the very beginning he he recognized the incompetence of ICH Bichette and perhaps he had an ulterior motive that he was planning on taking the throne from ish Bichette eventually if he set up this incompetent wimp if you will who was hiding while his father and brothers were dying in combat that the people would soon recognize his incompetence and they would make Abner who was a lot stronger the King perhaps verse 11 and he this is issue Bush F could not answer Abner a word again because he feared him he knew he had made Abner angry and he knew that there was no way he could take Abner verse 12 and Abner sent messengers to David on his behalf saying whose is the land or better whom does the long the long land belong to other than you David saying also by league or covenant with me and behold my hand shall be with thee to bring about all Israel unto thee I'll help join Israel under you as king you give me a high-ranking post in your reign your court and I'll support you I'll bring Benjamin and Ephraim and the tribes on the east side of the Jordan under you as king verse 13 and he this being David said well our good I will make a league with thee but one thing I require of thee that is thou shalt not see my face except thou first bring me call Saul's daughter when thou come us to see my face I'll make an agreement with you Abner but on one condition and that is the next time we meet face to face you have my first wife McCall with you and you know and Saul gave me call to David there was a matter of a dowry that was paid more on that in a moment but David had that I should say Saul then unjustly gave me call to another man faulty L by name verse 14 and David sent messengers to issue chef Saul's son now he's also making his petition legal by going through the king or the acting king of Israel making his claim to McCall known to the king as well saying deliver me my wife McCall which I espoused to me for in hundred foreskins of the Philistines remember Saul made it known that he wanted David to be his son-in-law and David said Who am I I'm a poor man I can't come up with the dowry suitable for the king's daughter and they got word back to saul of what David had said and Saul set the dowry at a hundred foreskins of the Philistine the uncircumcised David brought 200 foreskins back and obviously the Philistines didn't line up to make a free-will donation to David he had to kill the 200 to collect the foreskins verse 15 and issue shaft sent and took her from her husband even from faulty ell the son of lay now faulty ell no doubt was a wealthy man being of the house of Laish and able to pay a suitable dowry to Sol but and you know she was David's wife first David not doing faulty L wrong David has been wronged and her husband this is faulty l went with her with her along weeping behind her to bei who rim then said Abner and to him go return and he returned now obviously faulty L was not much of a man either here he's following along behind me call weeping as he goes and what happens when an Abner sees him he tells him to go back home he ran him off verse 17 and Abner had communication with the elders of Israel with the tribes other than Benjamin saying he sought for David in times past to be king over you in this in times past and the Hebrew is both yesterday and the third day meaning for a long time now you've been expressing your desire for David to be the king for quite a while now one more verse and we'll stop for the day verse 18 now then do it is where Abner's word to the northern tribes for the Lord has spoken of David saying by the hand of my servant David I will save my people Israel out of the hand of the Philistines and out of the hand of all their enemies David was anointed by Samuel to be the king of all of Israel that's what God's plan was David will be the king of all of Israel well we'll see how this all turns out Joab is not going to be real happy with this league that Abner is making with David and he's going to voice that opinion in our next lecture we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the book of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school of God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the book of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you is that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation will be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that off times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation you're gonna enjoy welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Porto Rico the United States and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question we can't answer all questions but and this is the only format for answering questions a lot of people write and they say I'd like a written response to this question well we just don't have the time or staff to offer written responses to everyone who would like one and if we can't do it for one or all I should say we're not going to do it for a one so don't ask for written responses please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying somewhere around the world via the internet and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number you don't need a mailing address talk to your Heavenly Father you know he created all things for his pleasure Revelation chapter 4 verse 11 that includes you my friend have you done anything to pleasure your father lately and you might say well how can I pleasure God by being his child by telling that you love him by thanking him for the many blessings that he bestows upon you daily develop your relationship with your Heavenly Father it makes his day when you make his day the blessings start flowing in your life we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father you you know the needs of these father we have drug addiction alcoholism father you know people need help father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these father we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's gift us some questions see what's on the mind of folks first up today Kris from North Carolina I'd like to say I've been watching your father and used since 1992 you've been studying a long while thanks for that everyone there has done well thank you for remembering all the volunteers and workers here when we die our spirit returned to the Father in heaven some I guess on the good side of the Gulf some on the bad but your soul does go to heaven one side of the Gulf or the other how then are there spirits around us on earth are we allowed to leave to and from Earth I would like to think not all spirits here on earth are bad or evil why does some spirits try and take over the living bodies here on earth well they are looking for a home such as Jesus taught that when he ordered an evil spirit out of a person and the spirit left but then came back and brought six more evil spirits with him and he found the house swept in empty meaning that the person hadn't filled their life with Jesus Christ and that's what you need to do is be in Jesus in Jesus in you the evil spirits do not want anything to do with you if Jesus is in you and they know Jesus very well remember they recognized him immediately Michael in Kansas are we going to be responsible for people that don't know God well in Acts chapter 20 verses 26 and 27 Paul said I am pure from the blood of all men in other words I'm innocent of the blood of all men why because in verse 27 he says for I have not shunned to declare unto you all all the counsel of God and you know what someone does with that that's our job is to share with our brothers and sisters the counsel of God in other words the Word of God now what our brothers and sisters do with that counsel is entirely up to them you you are not responsible for the souls of your brothers and sisters everyone stands on their own merit when it comes down to that white throne judgment in Revelation chapter 20 there's not going to be anybody standing between you and the Lord you're gonna be judged on your works and your works alone but if we have any responsibilities it's to share God's word with our brothers and sisters who are willing to listen you don't have to try and share the word with those who don't care there they're totally spiritually dead they don't have a live spiritual bone in their body they could care less about God you certainly don't have to waste your time on them that's like casting pearls before swine Roxanne in Texas if the devil is going to be blotted out is the word going to change or is he still going to be in it and I think you're thinking about Matthew chapter 24 verse 35 mark 13 31 that state the earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away what it's talking about there is that the earth is not going anywhere it's here forever and into the eternity this is where God's throne is going to be Revelation chapter 21 in the first few verses but what it's talking about there is that the earth though the earth age pass which that is going to happen when this period of time the Second Earth age ends and the third begins but the Word of God will not change whether the devil still here or not the Word of God is the word of God you follow with when the devil is released from the pit for a short while is he still going to try and pretend and look like Jesus or since the truth will be known by then will he just appear and look like himself and see who is stupid enough to still follow him into the lake of fire I think you've got it right we learn in revelation 19:20 that the beast and the false prophet that's the one-world political beast of the first view verses of chapter 13 of Revelation the false prophet is the Antichrist so he's not going to have the power structure that he has when he appears on earth claiming to be Jesus and I think it's like you said there'll be some that are just so stupid and evil and wicked more importantly that they're going to follow him right into the lake of fire and will there be some that do that yes there will that's written Randy in West Virginia my name is Randy and I am from West Virginia my husband doesn't see much sense in hiding it bothers me to not give especially to a church where I'm fed such as Shepherd's chapel we have the means financially to give but he makes all of our money can you make a suggestion on what I could do he is now allowing me to order study materials which makes me very happy well you should thank your husband for allowing you to order study materials give your husband time you know God has a schedule and everything happens on that timeframe perhaps if you will be a good example to him he'll start studying with you and he will come around but you know if he's the breadwinner for the family and you don't bring in any income I'd leave it alone as far as wanting to tithe with the money he brings home let that be his decision or not to Lee in Washington please explain the white throne of judgment and we kind of talked about that a moment ago a revelation chapter 20 verses 11 through 15 we find there that the books are opened and everyone is judged according to their works some will be judged to the lake of fire with Satan some will be judged into the eternity in other words to be with God for ever and ever Dalton in Texas I want to let you know that I am a retired Air Force veteran well thank you for serving our country I was wanting to know how long have you been teaching God's Word oh my the the first time that I taught the Bible I think I was 15 years old and it was at one of our Wednesday night Bible studies and Arnold Murray my father had been called out of town for one reason or another escapes me at the moment why but he asked me to take over the Bible study while he was out of town which I did we were studying in Ezekiel I remember that where in the bible does it talk about capital punishment you'll find that in numbers chapter 35 pertaining to premeditated murder you can also find in Deuteronomy 19 premeditated murder 4 brings capital punishment and then in Deuteronomy 22 there are cases where rape also brings on capital punishment God said you you know if that's the case you let the new kid the near kinsman cast the first stone and you send them to me and these you'll see the those that are criminals we'll see how this happens and these things will cease to happen among you we don't do what God says these things have not ceased to happen among us for that reason Percy in California where does it say in the Bible that children do not pay for the sins of their fathers I think it might be in the Old Testament well you had a 50/50 chance of being right and you were right Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 29 it states there that they will no more say that the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children's teeth are set on edge that means that the father bites a sour grape and the children wince and go oh that's sour that doesn't happen but there there is no such thing as a generational curse although some people think that there are because of Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 and 6 where that's the where the Ten Commandments are and and the Lord says they're visiting the iniquity that's the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation then they stop reading right there and they go ha it says that there are generational curses the children are going to pay for the sins of their fathers unto the third and fourth generation you need to keep on reading and it says of them that hate me that's the difference you see those that hate God continue in the sins of their fathers and therefore they receive the same thing that their fathers do then it follows in Exodus chapter 20 verse 6 and showing mercy unto them that love me and that's the explanation that people fail to see when they think that there are generational curses John in Texas is it wrong to have a tattoo on your body some folks teach that Leviticus chapter 19 verse 28 which states you shall have make no cutting in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks on you that that the marks on you means tattoos does that mean that you could read that verse either way you don't put any marks on you period or you don't put marks on you for the dead such as those who make cuttings in your flesh for the dead both of those were practices of the heathen and that's the reason God forbid Israel from doing so surely in Arkansas where in the bible does it talk about wars and rumors of wars well you can find it in Matthew chapter 24 verse 6 where it's reads and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled also in mark chapter 13 verse 7 reads basically the same Christopher in North Carolina if everyone has changed to a spiritual body when Jesus returns what is the purpose of accepting Christ and being reborn if everyone is being changed anyway well Revelation chapter 20 verse five and six only the elect take part in the first resurrection that means that those who don't accept the Antichrist are accepted into the eternity the kingdom of God at that point in time the second death the death of the soul has no power over them at that point everyone else is spiritually dead even though they changed when Jesus returned into a spiritual body it's still a mortal spiritual body meaning liable to die and when as it decided whether that soul will die the great white throne judgment however those who participate in the first resurrection the great white throne judgment won't be condemnation it'll be rewards you also follow if I'm on Social Security and the Antichrist comes into existence does this mean I can no longer receive my SSI unless I were to accept that he is who he says he is but is the false Christ if you have direct deposit and they put the SSI in your account and you spend that money there's absolutely nothing wrong with that why because you haven't worshiped the Antichrist the key is don't worship the Antichrist and those who that are going to be called up or God's elect and you can be assured that God is going to make sure that the elect have what they need to do what he wants them to do you can be assured of it look on history he wanted Israel to come out of Egypt what did he do he parted the Red Sea for goodness sake so that they could walk across on dry land do you know anybody else that can do that he gave them man from heaven if you're hungry and you don't have SSI he can bring manna from heaven do you believe that I sure do you know anybody else that can do that I sure don't Becky from Oregon my question where in the bible do i find where it says if you disrespect your parents your life will be shortened I thought I heard you say that well it's in proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 it states their wisdom speaking forget not my law and keep my commandment verse 2 for length of days and long life and peace shall add to thee honor your father and mother is one of his Commandments Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 where we find that commandment honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land you want to live a long time honor your mother and father do the best you can to follow his other Commandments is there a portal between heaven and earth so our loved ones can come to see us no there is no portal and I don't believe that they those who have passed on you have the ability to see into this dimension any more than we have the ability to see into that dimension having said that though I do know of instances when someone passes away and the person who's left in the flesh is having a very difficult time with it that God will allow the spirit of the one who passed to come back a brief period of time it's not like a portal where it's Jacob's Ladder people going up and down all the time it's a one-time deal but it's all it takes for the person who's left in the flesh to know it's all right it's that person isn't dead their spirit lives on and that's the reason God allows that my wife experienced that Joe and Kansas when our loved ones pass away and go to heaven then you pass away will we know each other yes Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 25 these a dock you have to understand Ezekiel 44 there is no flesh we're in the Millennium and the dock can leave the Millennial temple and go to their father mother brother sister who's not married and helped them and of course to go to them to help them they'd have to recognize them Michael in Nevada why does my Bible state in Genesis 4:1 that Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare Cain well that's true that's what happened Michael excuse me Adam knew his wife Eve and she bare Cain but she had already conceived of the serpent Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 God speaking to Eve after the she had intercourse with the serpent he said I'm gonna greatly multiply thy conception she had already conceived Adam did know his wife then and she conceived Abel at that time when and then in verse 2 it says she bear Abel excuse me in verse 1 she bear Cain and then she again in bear Abel if you check out that word if she continued in labor what happens if a woman gives birth to one and then continues in labor and gives birth to another you got twins but they were of different fathers I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you enjoy reading the letter that your father wrote to you the Bible you do the best you can to follow his instructions you do the best you can to be pleasing to father blessings follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherd's chapel family bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 802
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, 2 Samuel, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of II Samuel, Book of 2 Samuel, Chapel, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Book of, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, II Samuel
Id: C_de-aj69Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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