II Samuel ~ 1:10 to 2:16

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today 2nd Samuel chapter 1 verse 10 and David and his group returned to Ziklag while Saul and his three sons who were with him went to battle against the Philistines and they took a beating saul was killed Jonathan was called killed his other two sons that were there were killed many of Israel were killed and a man came out of the armies of Saul with his clothes rent and oil or dirt upon his head and with both signs of warning and came to David in Ziklag and said I've come from Saul and David said tell me how was it going and this malachite we found out that came to David out of the armies of Saul was lying it just didn't it wasn't not logical what he was saying he was saying that he just happened upon by chance upon Gilboa and he noticed saul leaning up against his spear and the Philistine chariots and horsemen followed hard after him and when he looked behind him he saw me and called him to me and said who are you and he said I'm gonna Malachi and he said well I'm mortally wounded stand on me and finished me off take take my life and David's taking all this in and it's not clicking where was Abner his general where was his armor-bearer where were his three sons and he knows that this young man the Amalekite is lying between his teeth and of course the Amalekites ulterior motive he feels like he's giving good news to david that saul is dead because saul had been chasing david and his ragtag army all over judah for several years now and trying to kill david so he's thinking he's going to get a nice big fat reward from david for bringing this good news that saul was dead and jonathan was dead to David so that's where we pick it up with soul just having asked the young man supposedly to go ahead and finish him off let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day 2nd Samuel chapter 1 verse 10 and it reads so I the Amalekites speaking stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen I I put him out of his misery and I took the crown or the helmet that was upon his head and the bracelet or the armlet that was on his arm and it brought them hither unto my lord well this is about the only thing that this Amalekite has said that is true to this point David Saul's armor bearer would not fall on him but this guy says he killed the soul making again that this would be good news for David and reason for David to rejoice as this malachite is a thief's worse than that he steals from those who are already dead taking souls helmet armlet verse 11 then David took hold on his clothes his own clothes not the Amalekites and rent them and likewise all the men that were with him they for the most part respected and loved soul David served saw a lot of years and from the time that he slew Goliath and also he was chosen to play the harp to calm the evil spirits that were in soul he went on to be Dave Saul's armor bearer I'm very trusted position and then also he led the thousands of souls armies in the wars against the Philistine this is again this probably the Amalekite right now is probably thinking whoa this is not the reaction I expected from David I thought David and his men would be jumping up and down for joy to learn that Saul was dead there their morning verse 12 and they mourned and wept and fasted until even for Saul and for Jonathan his son and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel their fellow countrymen all of these were descendants of Jacob they were of the same flesh and the same bone because they were fallen by the sword the Amalekite is probably getting a little nervous about this time he's probably thinking you know maybe it's time that I excused myself from David in the company at Ziklag and head in a different direction it's too late verse 13 and David said unto the young man that told him whence art thou where are you from and he answered I am the son of a stranger and a malachite in other words I'm just a nobody a stranger is someone from a foreign land who is residing among the people of Israel often called a sojourner in in the Old Testament but he's saying I'm just a nobody somebody that that that immigrated to Israel and you shouldn't even be concerned about me David and David said unto Him how was now not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's anointed if you're just a nobody an Amalekite that's sojourning among Israel how could you dare think to stretch forth your hand to slay the Lord's anointed the king of Israel and David called one of the young men one of his servants and said go near and fall upon him and he smote him that he died well does that seem severe not really you see David was intelligent enough to know that this Amalekite was lying but he's also intelligent enough to know that the Amalekite with his own mouth passed sentence on himself by claiming to have killed the king of Israel Saul David could not let that admission go unpunished and the punishment for killing someone is death the capital punishment verse 16 and David said unto Him thy blood be upon thy head you brought your blood upon your own head for thy mouth have testified against the you you sentenced yourself with your words saying I have slain the Lord's anointed again David could not let the murder of the king of Israel go unpunished he he would have lost the respect of all of his men had he just ignored that and let the Amalekite go God said touch not mine anointed and he meant means touch not mine anointed even though Saul had been rejected of the Lord verse 17 and David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son David eloquently celebrates the life of Saul and Jonathan without even so much as a mention of himself and the rest of this chapter he expresses the sincere sorrow the loss of that David felt at the loss of Saul and particularly Jonathan a lamentation is a sad sad song you could think of it as a funeral march suitable for that verse 18 also he made them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow behold it is written in the book of Jasher this verse needs some help notice the use of is in italics which means it was added what this verse is saying is he bade them teach the children of Judah the bow which is the title of the sad song that David wrote to celebrate the life of Saul and Jonathan the book of Jasher a little bit of controversy about that there is a book of Jasher that you can obtain from several sources we don't carry it in our library here at shepherd's chapel because we don't particularly recommend the book the word itself means the upright and that could be what this is talking about I think that kind of lean with the scholars that think that Jasher was the book of Jasher was a collection of ODEs and songs that has long since been lost in history verse 19 the beauty or the splendor of Israel of Israel is slain upon the high places upon Mount Gilboa where Saul and his sons were killed in battle how are the mighty fallen this word beauty is Sebby and it can be gazelle but it also can be like an ornament verse 20 tell it not in Gath publish it not in the streets of Ascalon lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph you teach this song the bow in Judah but don't let the people of Gath and eschol on know about the song Gath and Escalon must have you know or two of the five major cities of the Philistines what David saying is don't give the Philistines reason to gloat or celebrate the death of Saul and Jonathan and souls other two sons as well as the other people of Israel who lost their lives in this battle twenty one amount ins of Gilboa let there be no do neither let there be rain upon you nor fields of offerings this is firstfruits for there the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away the shield of soul as though he had not been anointed with oil this verse really needs some help as well the first part not so much what David is saying let Mount Gilboa become desolate not even so much as a drop of Dew or rain upon Mount Gilboa in other words nature itself to join in the warning of the loss of Saul and Jonathan God blessings on Gilboa withdrawn as a memorial to Saul and those others who lost their lives now the last part of this really needs help for there the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away what it means is that it was defiled with blood but once again and that was the shield of Saul was defiled with his own blood in other words and this as though he had been as notice that's in italics that was that's been added to the manuscripts and anointed with oil salt was anointed with oil and I tend to agree with the scholars who say that this means that the shield of Saul was defiled with his own blood and but there was no one to clean the shield with oil verse 22 from the blood of the slain from the fat of the mighty the bow of Jonathan turned not back and the sword of Saul returned not empty they they fought valiantly courageously and bravely they the arrows at this time were thought to drink the blood of those who they had struck the the sword on the other hand was seen to eat the flesh of those who were struck with the sword the Benjamites known for their skill with the bow and I think that's thus the title of this this lamentation the bow verse 23 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives and celebrating their lives and in their death they were not divided they were swifter than Eagles they were stronger than lions the different characters especially the feelings through David at this point and you know it was a tough situation that Jonathan was placed in he truly loved David as his own self as is as a blood brother a brother of the womb and it being but the soul hating David and seeking after him because of that jealousy and that evil spirit oftentimes placed Jonathan in very difficult circumstances he he tried to help David but at the same time he tried to be loyal to his father Saul and he stayed loyal remained loyal to his father even to the very end you can you can be assured that Jonathan was right side by side with Saul when they both died 24 ye daughters of Israel weep over Saul who clothed you in scarlet with other delights who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel in the early year Saul was very successful in his wars against the Philistines against the Moabites against the ammonites and each time that there was a war in Israel was victorious Saul would bring back spoil booty from the enemies and that's what this verse is saying was you daughters think back on the times that saw brought spoils of war back and shared them with you verse 25 how are the mighty fallen in the midst of battle Oh Jonathan thou was slain in thine high places in Mount Gilboa David's probably best friend you could think of and again loved him as a brother David continues in verse 26 I am distressed for thee my brother Jonathan and that exactly how David felt as if they were both brothers of the same womb very pleasant hast thou been unto me thy love to me was wonderful passing the love of women and it was a camaraderie that the two shared and it was mutual feeling Jonathan again tried to walk that thin line between helping David and not displeasing his father Saul but you remember it was Jonathan who told David flee run run for your life because Saul is going to kill you if he catches you but the passing the love of a woman this means that's a comparison to the deep and earnest love that a man has for a woman he had David had that same love for Jonathan and again it was mutual 27 how are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perished this first the word weapons is figuratively it means heroes and I think that's what it should have been translated how are the mighty fallen and the heroes of war perish it was a major defeat for Israel you remember and if not our last lecture the lecture before that that the people of Israel fled their homes and the Philistines moved in we're going to see that David is the king over Judah in the next chapter but Israel is in total disarray the only part of Israel that is not in disarray is on the east side of Jordan which was originally allotted to the tribes of Reuben GAD and half Manan say that's where most of the armies of Saul and the people of Israel the ten northern tribes in particular fled over the Jordan to escape from the Philistines it was a major defeat chapter tube one and he came to pass after this after the events of chapter one that David inquired of the Lord no doubt through a buyeth are the priests and the Urim and Thummim from the ephod the saying shall I go up unto all the cities of Judah question he's currently in Ziklag and the Lord Yahoo they said unto him go up and David said whither shall I go up and he this being the Lord said unto her Bron and this is always good to inquire of the Lord make sure that you're doing things his way now he bran very well situated for to be the capital of Judah only while David was the king over Judah only and we'll learn that he was there some seven and a half years before he became king over all of the 12 tribes of Israel verse 2 so David went up there and his two wives also a hen om the jezreelite s and Abigail nabel's wife the carmelite and David will take on more wives that bear him more sons and daughters while they're in Hebron and his men that were with him did David bring up every man with his household and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron left the land of the Philistines returning to the homeland the promised land verse 4 and the men of Judah came and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah David would be approximately 30 years of age at this point in time he would rule Israel a total of 40 years seven and a half over Judah only the remainder over all twelve tribes and they told David's saying that the men of jay-bez gili ash were they that buried salt they stopped the abuse of Saul and Jonathan and Saul's other two sons who were fastened to a wall and as a trophy if you will for the Philistines in their victory over Israel but at the risk to their own life they went into the land of the Philistines and took the bodies of Saul and his sons burned them cremated them and then gave them proper burial David would never forget the kindness that the people of jay-bez Gilead showed to Saul and his sons and of course the jabish Gilead remember that's the folks that the ammonites neigh hash in Chapter 11 of 1st Samuel came up against the Jade people of jay-bez Gilead and who went out to them and said let's make a league a covenant and we'll serve you and the neigh hash said well on this condition if you'll let us pluck out your right eye then we'll let you serve us Saul came running to the rescue of the people of jay-bez Gilead they would never forget verse 5 and David sent messengers unto the men of jabish Gilead and said unto them blessed be II of the Lord that she have showed this kindness unto your Lord even unto Saul and have buried him again David would never forget the kindness that the men and the people of jay-bez Gilead showed to Sol and his sons verse 6 and now the Lord show kindness and truth this word truth could be translated stability or certainty unto you and I also will requite or repay you this kindness because you have done this thing David would reward them handsomely for what they did now with the close of this verse ends the 20th center of the book of Samuel center in the Hebrew is a specified assigned reading for a particular sitting the 20th Center began with first samuel chapter 30 verse 25 ending with this scripture this proves that the book of 1st and 2nd samuel should be treated as one book and in indeed it was one book in the original manuscripts verse 7 David continues therefore now let your hands be strengthened and be evaluate for your master Saul is dead and also the house of Judah hath anointed me king over them at this point in time Judah and Israel are split they will be rejoined under David but they will split again under Solomon's son Rehoboam David by saying be valiant in other words be valiant in recognizing me as the king Abner the cousin in general of soul excuse me has other plans for a king for Israel verse 8 but Abner the son of nur captain of Saul's host of his army he was the general the head general took ish Bichette the son of Saul and brought him over to Mahan ayyam now Mahan a.m. means two camps and Israel definitely is two camps at this time Judah and Israel Judah under David the other camp Israel under Saul's appointed king ish both chef ish Bichette was very weak in my opinion number one and I don't mean to judge ish Bichette but where was ish Bush F when Jonathan and the other two sons of Saul were fighting with him in battle perhaps he had something better to do he'll be the king over Israel for a very short period of time two years and that only because of the strength of Abner not because of the strength of ish Bichette verse 9 and made him king over Gilead misses the Israel on the east side of Jordan and over the Asha rights and over Jezreel and over Ephraim and over Benjamin and over all Israel not all Israel because David is the king of Judah but what we have in the Israelites at this point is open rebellion against Yahweh by the Israelites Samuel anointed David to be the king of Judah did not annoy ish Bush F to be the king over Israel verse 10 ish Bichette Saul's son was 40 years old when he began to reign over Israel and reign two years but the house of Judah followed David and again he probably wouldn't have been king at all if not for the strength ish Bichette would not be the king at all if not for the strength of Abner and the time that David was King in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months when I it doesn't add up at all ish Bichette was the king over Israel for two years David was the over Judah for seven and a half years that doesn't add up well who was the king over Israel the other period of time that David was king over Judah only well the period of time that there was no king over Israel was from the defeat of Saul about four and a half years to make that five and a half years until David excuse me and while David was the king over Judah then is when Abner appointed issue chef to be king over Israel for two years verse 12 and Abner the son of nur and the servants of ish Bush F the puppet of Abner the son of Saul went out from Mahan am to Gibby and Joab the son of zouriya xariah is David's sister making Joab of course his nephew he supported David from the early year early years on and became very deep the main general if you will Ford the armies of Judah and the servants of David went out and met together by the pool of Gibeon as close to Abner's home and they sat down the one on the one side of the pool and the other on the other side of the pool we've got Israel under ish Bush EFT on and Abner on one side of the pool David's men and Joab is general on the other side of the pool it's going to be a tense situation and Abner said to Joab let the young men now arise and play before us and Joab said let them arise now this word play check it out it means to make sport or to practice fighting if you will and what's going to happen is this gets way out of in verse 15 then there arose and went over by number twelve of Benjamin under ich bush ëthe and Abner which pertained to ich Pichette the son of Saul and twelve of the servants of David what they decided to do was to have 12 of each side fight against each other and then let that be and into it to avoid an all-out Civil War it turns out then to be much much more than just twelve or sixteen and they caught every one his fellow by the head and thrust his sword in his fellows side so they fell down together therefore that place was called Hal kakuzu rim which is in gibeom Hal cough has a rim means the field of strong men it can also be translated the field of sharp blades these that were so enthusiastic for the fight that basically they jumped on each other they all ran each other through with their swords and basically they all fell down dead at the same time well that was supposed to be an end to it but unfortunately as I said earlier it gets way out of hand and it's not going to be an end to it we'll see how this turns out in our next lecture it's a not a good situation brother fighting against brother both the side of issue chef the side of David were descendants of Jacob they were the same bone the same flesh God does not like those with brothers fighting against brothers he doesn't like civil war don't miss the next lecture we'll see how this all turns out we got a short message I ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 gräfin Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try and teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about other by name especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we simply won't do it we let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer requests you don't need an 800 number you don't need to tell a telephone you don't need paper and pencil and a mailing address talk to your Heavenly Father he's he designed a way that we can communicate with him it's called prayer and it requires very little effort on our part to do it I think all too many people think they have to through some fancy rigmarole to talk to their father or act like they have to do that make it where he will listen the more put emphasis on it he's your father talk to him like you would your flesh father you should develop that relationship to be that close we do have these prayer requests father we come United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs financial difficulties marital marital problems father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we ask that you also lift we lift up our military troops to you in harm's way around the world ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father alright let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Cala Rin I hope I'm pronouncing that right and I don't know where collar n is from Pastor Dennis did anyone ask you this question before did God make more of one race than another bless you and your ministry well god bless you as well and no I don't believe everyone has ever asked that question the answer though is not written in God's Word he was pleased when he created the races you can tell by the last verse of Genesis chapter 1 and he looked upon the creation and it was good Martha and George hope all is well at the chapel everything's going very well at the chapel thanks for asking question could you please explain Ezekiel chapter 7 verse 13 and that states that the seller shall not return to that which is sold although they were yet alive and I'm kind of paraphrasing that and and what does that mean well it means that the king of Babylon is coming and he's white Jerusalem pretty much clean in other words meaning that the seller won't be able to return to that which he sold at a later time because it's not going to be there the king of Babylon is going to take it he won't be able to buy it back at a later point in time because it's going to be in Babylon Alvin and New Mexico and thanks for your kind comments will you all still be teaching on television when the 6th trump comes and the 7th Trump well we'll be teaching as long as we're able before and during the 6th drop will definitely be teaching during the 7th Trump I don't think it'll be via television as you asked but that's going to be the millennium is when the the Lord's day begins when that 7th Trump sounds and that's definitely going to be a time of teaching Shuri and Kentucky is anyone else noticing changes in the scriptures for instance wineskins has changed two bottles well yes and while that one might seem insignificant there are some that are significant those Kenites are sneaky you got to watch them like a hawk and you know what did they do from the get-go 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 that already worked themselves in to be the scribes for Judah you want to watch who does your translating you want to watch you keep your books the Kenites have a way of changing a little word here a little word there and that's why everyone needs to have one a King James King James Version Bible and two Strong's Concordance that way you have the capability of taking the the scripture back to the original languages and a lot of it has been changed and it adds a lot of meaning as you study God's Word David from Georgia in the book of Daniel the king of the north is also called the king of grisha does this mean Antichrist will also represent the that region when he arrives or will it be a much larger group of Nations and what specific nationality will be he claiming to be descended from well it'll be not a particular region on earth he's going to be claiming to be the king of it's the whole world except for those who are written in the Lamb's Book of the life the book of the Lamb Revelation chapter 13 will document that as far as nationalities concerned it's going to be one world order so nationalities are gonna mean nothing Dorothy and Texas my grandson asked me why did God have a favorite people I felt it was to show Jesus's lineage which was very important in those times but not really sure why he chose the Jewish people after all he made all the people in his image it seemed strange that he would have only a special chosen few not seemed to care about all the others so he cared about all of his children but God did choose the 12 tribes of Israel all 12 of them not just Judah as you said the Jews which that's he you'd us in the Greek language it means a resident of Judea or a member of the tribe of Judah but he did have a chosen people and you're right originally it was very important to him and God protected that seed line through which Messiah would come why because Satan was adamant he won to destroy that seed line through which Messiah would come if he could have if he would have been successful Satan would win and God would lose God wouldn't stand for that he protected that seed line Galatians chapter 3 verse 29 now states that in Jesus Christ all are Abraham's seed you continue with the second question God seemed to talk one-on-one with the Old Testament people Adam Abraham Noah and others they seemed to have ongoing conversations as though God was standing right beside them in a person form how exactly did God talk to them also the serpent talking to Eve like this I'm curious as to how this was communication was actually performed well God spoke with people through a burning bush with Moses you mentioned I know you didn't you mentioned Abraham Noah and Abraham and but others and in dreams such as Solomon he appeared twice to Solomon in dreams and then he also spoke to people through the prophets he speaks to us today through the prophets he spoke to very very few face-to-face but when he did speak face-to-face it was normally from his his his form was the angel of the Lord which 99.9% of the time was the Lord Himself manifesting himself in this dimension so man could see him Pat from Michigan and thank you for your kind comments and we're going to keep on keeping on do both parents or just one have to be descendants of Cain to be Kenites or can it just be one do you know if you love the father and his son Jesus and believe in what I've learned from you about his word even though I keep messing up does that count even from a very young age could I be just a bad seed well even Kenites which is the serpent seed can become the living children of God by accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior so repent and ask for forgiveness and to your first question one of the parents could be a descendant of Cain aconite and they would be passing that seed down it would be like if you had one parent that was German and one parent that was Spanish the children are part the German and part Spanish it's the same with the Kin it-- one would pass down hope that helps Jane and Alabama my late husband and I were introduced to you and your father in 1997 I continued to tune in and see what God has for me and that day would like for you to tell me what signs I need to look for during these unsettling days well God told us the signs that would lead up I should say Jesus the Lord told us the events that would lead up to his return in Matthew chapter 24 and Mark 13 if you haven't done it you might want to order a CD that's called Matthew 24 mark 13 and it'll cover those two critical chapters for you guy from Oklahoma King James Version is he the same as Saint James or is it two different people while two different people James is the book of James in the New Testament was the brother her half-brother better said of Jesus Christ Mary was both of them's mother King James lived approximately 1600 centuries after the time of Jesus and he was responsible for gathering the servants who work to translate God's Word from the original languages into English so that all of his subjects could read God's Word for themselves they didn't have to depend on the church hierarchy to tell them what God's Word said Mike in Georgia you say as well as your father said that Jesus Christ was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden God said about Adam and Eve after they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that if they eat of the tree of life they would live forever knowing good and evil God was not willing that they eat of the tree of life and protected it from them my question is if Jesus was the tree of life why are people still dying after they eat and drink of the Eucharist cusp I think you wrote there I have no idea what the Eucharist cusp is but you're thinking Mike in the flesh if you partake of the living water and the bread of life you will live forever I'm talking not about the flesh but about the spirit so the in the eternity Revelation chapter 22 the Tree of Life will be there and it will bare twelve manner of fruits that the people the and don't think flash think spiritual will partake of the leaves for healing Melinda in Arkansas thank you for your teaching of God's Word and for the work that your volunteer staff does and thanks for remembering our staff question we know that Satan caused the Cata Bowl the catta Bowl is a greek word that is when Satan rebelled in the first Earth Age but then why did the Lord God have the earth become void well Jeremiah chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 29 we look excuse me we learned that God shook the earth and to end the first Earth Age that's when the Cata Bowl occurred and it's called the foundations of the earth because that's when the Second Earth Age began the second you follow with the question what is a queen of the St ethnos and Revelation chapter 21 verse 24 we learned that the Queens and the kings of the nations which if you'll check that out in your Strong's is ethnos meaning the ethnic peoples of the world are allowed to enter the temple just the same as God's election you see God's election the people that are of the same race can reach their people where sometimes God's elect could not and therefore they're equivalent if you will in their rights and privileges to what God's elect are Dennis from and we don't know where Dennis is from Passover and the day of atonement occur on the fall and spring equinox is that correct Passover the spring equinox 14 days Passover and the autumnal equinox is day of atonement your findings on this is much needed as the equinox is exact every year by one day I'm confused as every year other churches observe those days on different days well that's because other churches go by a lunar calendar God always goes by a solar calendar and you're incorrect the you're correct the Passover occurs actually it doesn't occur on the spring equinox you start counting at the spring equinox which is the beginning of the Hebrew calendar year there was a civil year that began with the Feast of Tabernacles as well but you count 14 days from the spring equinox and that's Passover now as far as the the Feast of Tabernacles it wasn't the day of atonement but the Feast of Tabernacles they waited until the Sun shone through a particularly into the holy of holies which made up for any Corrections that the year had gotten off on I hope that helps and we have Jack from Oklahoma let's get to your question well I don't see here okay here we go money that is okay I would like to order a companion Bible with the money that I sent for Ty's is it wrong to make money take money excuse me out of tithes to purchase a companion Bible even though it is a donation all the money is going to God do God's work right and that is right and we teach that it's okay it's acceptable for you to use part of the money that you would normally use for ties to obtain reference works such as the companion Bible the Strong's Concordance or CDs so that you can be prepared to better serve God you need to be educated in God's Word to serve God and to help him accomplish his will so and everything that you do with shepherd's chapel it does go to do God's work we don't have any funds for feeding the hungry other than feeding the hungry spiritually with God's Word everything that comes into shepherd's chapel goes out to buy television time and other ways of communicating God's Word to people such as the Internet with YouTube now and Roku and all the other multiple ways that you can watch shepherd's chapel Maryland and Illinois the devil and his workers feed on death and blood especially that of Christians so why would God allow endtime Christians to be slaughtered how can that possibly give God the glory when the enemy gets what he wants let me give you a scripture Maryland Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 fear not he who can kill your flesh body fear him who that can destroy in both your body and your soul in hell there's only one entity the entity that can accomplish the latter that's your heavenly Father and when you see people dying in the flesh they're not dead forever think spiritual they they go on to be in spiritual bodies in the length of time that we spend on earth and this flesh is the blink of an eye compared to the Eternity the flesh is really not all that important or significant in the overall picture Doug and we don't know where Doug is from somewhere in Revelations Christ returns upon a white horse and power should I take this return literally as on a white horse I know the word horse is equivalent to power symbolically is now use as terms of power I think some people shall misinterpret this please help me yes I think it is literally a white horse there in Revelation chapter 19 and this time he's not coming back as a babe in swaddling clothes he's coming back on a white warhorse as king of kings and Lord of lords and he's going to have that rod of iron that sceptre to do some correction and boy do we need some correction today but you need to beware there's the one who returns before he does on a white horse it's Antichrist in Revelation chapter 6 verses 1 and 2 and you know he's the fake there because the word bow around him bo W and the Greek is talks on and that's a cheap fabric imitation he's going to be doing his dead level best to make you believe that he is Jesus and I'm out of time so we've got to stop there for the day I do want you all to know that I I love you a great deal because you enjoy studying God's Word each day you make time every day to spend a little time reading the letter that God wrote to you the Bible and let me tell you this when you do that you make your father's day you make his day he's going to make your day that's when the blessings always start to follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness most important this though you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,389
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Murray, 2 Samuel, II Samuel, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Book of 2 Samuel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Book of II Samuel, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Book of, Pastor, Murray, Shepherds
Id: zDnAWHt8rxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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