IFSC Climbing World Cup Munich 2017 - Bouldering - Finals - Men/Women

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good evening and welcome to Germany for one of the truly legendary I FSC World Cups I'm Charlie Bosco were two very special guests alongside me this evening Mike Langley and Anna store and we're live in Munich believed to have been founded in the middle Evon hundred Munich has been the capital of Bavaria since 1506 and even now it retains a traditional feel and is one of Western Europe's most fun and scenic cities combining interesting architecture numerous green parks and one or two decent bars as well Munich is also a thriving economic and cultural center of Germany and is home to amongst others BMW and Bayern Munich two of the country's best known expose the Olympic Park where our event takes place was constructed for the 1972 Olympic Games and it remains a visionary piece of architecture forty-five years on and a fitting home to the climax of the IFS C bouldering season and Anna you've been in this position many a time coming out for a World Cup final what will these a see they bowed I think they'll all be really excited about performing in front of such a huge crowd I mean just being here in the arena you can feel the atmosphere you can feel the excitement do you try and feed off that and how do you do that yes usually you in the best case you try to feed off it and you perform well I might keep it up for a look at the boulders this afternoon first impression well I think the first impression is the retailers have got a hard job as always we would say it time and time again but I mean the crowd is absolutely massive in here the excitement in the arena is really strong it says so many people want to see a good exciting final and well first impressions is it looks like they've done a good job the tour looks fantastic there's a lot of volumes on the wall some boulders counting up to 12 or 13 volumes just on on individual crime and so I think it looks great I'll see times going to tell how it climbs but it looks like an exciting round and with women's going into the finals the race has got a tough job to make sure they get a result here tonight and then there when you and have a look at the bowls unfortunately we didn't have as much time as we'd hoped but quite a varied set yeah I think you look really great actually they have everything at like it's very style and I think yeah the best athletes will win so on the ball you can see that is the left hand side of the wall as we look at it there is two sides you can see everybody creating a necks off to the right because the competition wall here in the Olympic Stadium in Munich it's split into half so the climbers will start on the right-hand side of the wall boulders one down to four and boulders for as you might just got to see at the top of the wall there m4 and w-4 in the middle of the wall for the climbers stuff on the right and work their way down to the left so those who start on the right you slowly see the crowd here in Munich they're sort of gravitating towards this or potentially a very exciting final you ever got a sellout crowd here in Munich apparently the limits on the number of people allowed in is fire regulations it's certainly not a lot of spare space they certainly use every year every square centuries that they have and I believe the athletes are about to come out on the stage conditions pretty good here in Munich very warm we've had all sorts of weather particularly yesterday was extremely hard during the day as I mentioned the semi-final and that gave way to what I was told was a hurricane every wasn't quite a hurricane it was certainly a big storm certainly felt like a hurricane from where I'm standing from I tell you that yeah it was definitely hard for the girls that had to wait in isolation but I think we have to say a massive thank you to all to help us to make made it happen yeah that's right i mean this woke up some of you may know but as 292 athletes registered to compete here and the biggest turnout ever for a world cup competition and for that to work here combine that with a european championship we'll see we had the results of that earlier and it's they say they've done a staggering job so far and i'm sure it will continue tonight and now this is the real show that everyone's waiting for so you can clear the local MCS revving up this massive crowd bringing out the finalists and it's the women's final first tonight women's final first then it's going to be the men flying on Anna also you've competed in many of these finals what's he like do you think some of the times we see the finals together men and women in here they're going to put on a special show and have one finals at a time is that something you prefer or just like well it depends I think it can be an advantage and it also comes into the plans and support we know I'm bothering sometimes there are gaps where there is really need to take the time to prepare time in order to relax with the rest alizarin run these down signs of work nice to have another person climbing but I think we'll be good I mean we can focus under women first and then under men yeah the local MP is bringing out all the athletes are there going to go into the observational period after this where they have just two minutes to have a look at each Boulder as you can see their special game whoo-hoo-hoo being crowned today and yeah one exciting moment that was and they already go into a final having taking away a gold medal with a nice position to be in but I mean it's quite interesting because pairing and you're also you have to go through this process of a super final so they've actually had success or climb one more bolder than the other four athletes already in the final you think that's going to have an effect well of course they have physically they have a kind of a disadvantage because have to climb one problem more than the earth but mentally I think since Russia won the European paper I'm sure she's on a roll right now and it's been searching to see her perform in the final however at the IPC World Cups younger than you touch on Twitter I just think we might have one or two questions and as for hashtag ifs PwC if you'd like to get in touch tell us what you think so many questions through we will try our best to answer them the theory is we answer them don't always have time we will try our best as the PM Iguchi just to remind you the finals will be split here in Munich as we've already mentioned so will be the women climbing first followed by the men we're doing joint presentation of the athletes and a joint observation so Anna what's it been like this year we've got five Japanese have the experience or the final team Japan seems to be absolutely dominant what's it like competing against them in mental feel no really dominating with escorting it has explained why but I think a reason is that the more we had around Atlanta and already have a great demon and they train together in Tokyo and since they're like they started tomorrow passed away and well you have all seen knock them all into beautiful kind of upwards winning mentality some brings them all along with him exactly and a very nice young action team they noted and right now there's something we talked about quite a lot and we saw it in the lead climbing with a guy like marchello Bombardier never made a finer he wins in Germany and then when I spoke to him at the next event kind of expects them to be in the final and I think that probably reeled off on people you look at the dialyzer mower it's relatively unknown some of these absolutely killing it last year and now he and many of the guys are trained with an expected leader a big change in mindset for acquittal mentality major importance on anyone and as we check out the boulders our first look at exploiting for amends on and got matches okay who's our chief Bruce setter here in Munich Matthew what can we expect you're looking at men's one first what was Ben what he was is pretty tricky start and then after we have big move we have to put your year so high and I know hopefully government take an exam and what about women's one just talk us through women's will be counting stars almost ten times the coordination it was very much finally those two first neighbors they're like first we'll go the panel down the lead we need three or four members now this woman's one they looks quite complicated or at least when you first look at it it looks like there's a few ways to do what is the best method I the only one time but after the other you got a choice for like framing business you should by the way and do you try to play with the psychology supply when you can't think about what they'll not want the start or you just think about it physically we want one slab we want more physical ball the revolver now really interesting they can gobble down that just call her after Bobo it's like why do you find a good intensity on all that one open we also have to manage with the only half and then the point of the world is were here the final always go to the right to you bullet so we also have to do anything [Music] the camera Fujio great to have them back in their World Cup very strong representations a lot of the Japanese well mothers to do it I think they get some sympathy expertise it's critical point you may go to I think we're looking for chinks in their armored it so she's got hard the violence we've got such a guy on yummy gum Brett who competed earlier on in the city children of the society European champion that must have been quite a challenge for you was a challenging part of the Crimea package Thursday who goes from selling a bus and wanting to have midnight they're living but it are they together final for the European Championship and then well an hour can be expected maybe another tutorial because actually their dream is the first place because keeps on going mojado maybe I didn't want to say because of the damage it was duty or your blood pressure so thanks Boulder slightly different changes they're slightly different style we could give screams argument on both we already and then the girls do so we could go back with you with you yeah number two of the girls in the community starts I'm doing in the tree move local at some time and the N is also tricky you have to change a side of the wall and you have to be very precise on what you have the demands in amateur Biggin Hill at enemies this men's three that will account for now mystery so it is something in between gave new stars and then crack okay so welcome sounds very interesting indeed just quickly I think they're about to change but women three also slap if memory serves me right which was to make a real start of the beginning means you have to country slowly and when you canticle from ending him to physically put the big ones on top of the Sun and then when you have this one long as you have it is very very tasteful specific perhaps more physical and it looks when you first standing underneath the boulder really happened because we couldn't see all the way out from Friday [Music] okay the final Boulder we look at first women on the right and on the left but start out with the man's I mean what God is baller the big Doris's you'll see there's a very turning movement we'll see how [Music] and another two girls looking at him it's good to be able to go up on the with the hem and down with the thinking the whole time so what I have is it could end after the end of the bowlers coordination might know the end of the great wall here seems like both demands on the women's final is very competitive just as a fan of the spectator do you have a small prediction for me I don't have a prediction for somebody to win or I really have a recommend that young will be raised along along a possible suspect out here is incredible could be the race between or for podium for three or four borders amazing so this is what I hope and for the girls I do think that Shona like he started I mean I think this morning he meet the urban Kajal and I'm pretty sure that way too it is good to talk with her scream Oh Matthew I know that watching climbers on balls it means that it's probably a bit nerve-racking we'll let you get down the front and hopefully you can enjoy the show really appreciate you talking to us thank you I will do a pitch it and then I can see you're with an aprotic modulars bow you can find it will be just fine but thank you enjoy the show Sarah how nervous they must be before a competition like this yeah a really good insight into the climbing and a great condition for climbing tonight like 18 degrees slight wind coming across the arena a little bit see where we are yeah good conditions for hard climbing yeah for sure I think it was pretty good right now I mean yes we'll prepare the qualification was really tough for the conditions varied a lot of services and others and I think right now to be really climbing Shana to get better Selena so there is your start list that is swimming final the ceiling Alex Cuchillo the crowd and I'm sure a lot of your home looking forward to watching her should we follow out by Shana Cox's she hasn't looked a dominant self so far this weekend meeting SM is relatively comfortably she made it into the finals again relatively comfortably but maybe not in the position to view super she made it that's enough in the world champion petra kalila russia KO crowned European champion earlier on today should we followed up by Yandy Gombrich and finally appeal Noguchi the like I said it's the women who are going to be competing first tonight and one legend in the game Alec future and you'll also be competed alongside her for a long time I think it's good to see her back into a World Cup finals very good to be on your back I mean an illness using to the next last year the World Cup in Vail and I think it's really impressive I'm watching enjoyed the show and that will be your final remember they have split the finals before Japanese planners in that men's final Yoshiyuki Agartha Yan Jolla tomorrow sake begins in Max's bokura food Cheon we've got plenty of entertainment coming up for you this evening coming out person no crowd really feels that the paid really hard earned money to get in here to come along and as week so many of them when you look at this woman's appearance although it's baggage is so difficult to choose a winner out how specially with a three-way tie and I'm going to put you on the spot yeah especially Keo all going into the final inside people like Sean our pets are world champion in there as well Alex Kuchar can you can you pick a queen the aluminum right now no I can't because I think there are definitely our people worth winning and sometimes it just depends on how it's going to work out for them but I think a really final we said it turn the semi-finals actually may be the strongest final line that we've seen this year for the women I mean if you look at those six women and none of them are going to be happy with it and six none of them are happy to be there yes that's true I'm sure it's going to be a good fight then get a good show and I try to ask you winner of four welcome double world champions double European champion just before you came out to finals like this a crowd like this welcome what goes through your mind what are you thinking back there well I'm sure Gentiles are really excited to compete I mean as Charlie said nobody will want to be you but in it's all about being and finals and trying to enjoy it and trying to show you relevance and I think with this crowd it really helps if the public is behind you and when you were when you preview the finals are you able to enjoy it I know you see it and you want to enjoy it you really force it but once you have to cover your hands and you hear the crowd going crazy is the moment of enjoyment I'm actually just before we came on air maybe 30 seconds before I just remind me how many times you won me Nia can you claim not to remember will be a sign that you've had a pretty successful career here and we're still seeing in the world comes next year that's right hey I don't know yes I mean I will see Benjamin today it's about these things women I was just trying to catch I was trying to catch you off guard guys home we're just waiting for the start of the competition the male and the female have been through the observational period the competition is very close to getting underway it going to be legend for the USA an expert CEO coming up you can hear in the background their local emcee making sure that everybody knows Alex moochers going out there till 2005 the stadium was over by Munich and we've got the football chanting going already and here comes Alex Puccio and he's got the crowd fired up alex is out gets a very warm reception had all sorts of injury from the last couple years but restoring Vail looking leaner fitter and stronger than for a long time they all got a few injury problems he picked up another injury this year he just seems to be able to fight her way through injury fesses another client of self definitely if I said maybe wouldn't see her being comfortable with the pressed position that's quite nice sometimes due to weld and it's simple trash after yourself she was the first one out the class you know you did you prefer do you prefer in finals to apply first you have a preference I depends sometimes it's nice to climb I've heard and as Alex just do just with the first move the chart which look to keep coming up should start here from Alex mucho different sort of the border she's going to be really really comfortable it's so many volumes on this bottoms a lot of them very similar but she's super strong on the pinches really good start here from an exposure and that's my dear said it's a physical problem so come on Alex it should be a style this could be the perfect start from a low CEO so close crowd enjoyed that took a long time though should we wary of time she was on the wall close to a minute they're really interesting she went to the double catch on the top head wall dares have another look went for the one to wonder if that's the method or you can go up with one hand bit slower time is going to no see Alex breathing heavily could see that was a lot of effort went in for that so dependents you make the lower moves look easy but or the compression involved what is very smart a beautiful ingenuous border anecdotally in iself here in munich and why not this folder is right up her street and she's really impress out here for an early top the second woman's number one two minutes left on the clock it had one very good-looking attempt looks relatively steady up until where she felt imagine she'll reach that high point again and if it's a attend isn't successful to almost certainly have time and energy for another after a good break very lost her last time and next next move ups it's important crowds right behind Alec put zero here so long here Oh pretty much an action replay there of her first attempt what do you think Anna is that going to be the method that means we look close I think she might have to get a little bit by ever with her body but it looks really content yes you have another guy if she asked you resting into the landing stage with of the USA like one minutes ago she's really got for poor minute does he have a big if you ever look fasting maybe there's a different method or I think she's close enough to doing Italy was your stick with the same approach well it's always hard you have to you have to see whether it depends how to kill if it feels really close I think to stick to the same method and yeah sometimes a 50-50 chance and you need a little bit of Louisville [Applause] this is lining up when you think how long the previous tenant took if this is a good attempt and you get close to the top it will almost certainly be the last one just 40 seconds to go remember there's no four plus anymore when your time's up with the time is up even if you're a centimeter off the top because you have 30 seconds crowd getting up again I'm not entirely sure you need us when she gets near the top the crowd tell you the story here she goes left hand right hand not hawai bralet Puccio or thing quite frankly she which was so so close they're kind of three times she had the same method that wasn't meant to be she just kind of tried to one two once twice three times when you really interested with the other is going to be the method or she has a slightly the wrong base in there with the foreman in the can't forget that it's not a lot of time you know out there and every attempt takes up your energy and you really have the recipe but it's always there's a lot of fundamental risk involved to Machado at home you discover you know be interesting actually because she had three attempts and it didn't really look like you have much spare time I don't think we're going to see may out more than three maybe four attempts in the folder yeah I mean of course depends whether people fall down on the first move when they cook some more but smaller more attempts I don't see we'll see really really interesting now the head returns are suggesting that Shawn is going to be the one to watch tonight you should do well on these these four folders this is up against and trying to copy it's already taken the approach when this year 17 - certainly the appellee to be as they were and coming out extrapolating to give a really good early indicator as to this folder of course he had an amazing season so you know that there's a flash of the bonus hole for Alex to do but no top Shana on the wall 325 left of course the venue where she picked up that shoulder injury last year another search not quite what predominant selfish she often saves the best when it really masses actually now it can't snatch the final now it's gonna turn to line it up camera in a perfect position to pick it up the crowd getting right behind it you're going left hand right fix it huge here from this Munich crowded Shana Cox he gets the first time she's got the heel hook might be flat yes you've got the top Shana coxy representing Great Britain as the perfect start once again if not the first time you set that Shana the flashes of birth folder what a perfect stone it was the mecca donek prettier you let's just stuck it that's really impressive onion tonics and really makes it run it counts and it was it's very very incredible clash with John Bishara have another look minutes shorter on this movie very good slow motion to see exactly what was involved so much power through that section one two and you can just see a drag down the volume slowly but just enough pretty hard on and get a last move in the bag don't underestimate the psychology as well Shawna Coakley walks back in with a minute 15 gone and you just heard a massive cheer from the crowd everybody backstage knows what happens and I wanna ask you what does that exclude everything right now after battling it out for four minutes and then you know see someone come back after two minutes but of course it's hard work she's an experienced climber and he knows that the cockpit Connors you have to be in there until the last folder and that's what she's that's exactly what he's gonna do and now we'll have a look at picture maybe he seeks an autocratic venture then world champion Paris September 2016 known for a super powerful climbing and go already there almost puts too much power down skated off the first hold not the ideal technique we look for so no blacks for her a little it would be absolutely fine summed up the shining here in UNIX I think that just about creeping off of the boulder where Petra's they can see on the left-hand side of the wall Sun starting to come through the glass roof here in Munich so Petra for the first time you seem certainly near the early move the father he's been certainly did it in freeze well yeah I mean it always looks easy when the girls do it right but these moves I mean they're all hard and you could see right now the kids are struggling but I I also find a solution just have to relax in him and you ever tasted a little bit nervous that you've got a finest method of firing up at the right hand and flicking the left hand into the undercut for spitting officials on the right hands the problem here we go there's of the right leverage is not provide the right height here I mean these volumes donkeys whole just to show dressing it Simon it's important to take your fine sometimes in steps step back for a moment now she's getting the crowd behind her you see her smile she like said we're in the Olympic Stadium it feels like the Olympic long jumpers went into slow clap from the crowd it's worked for Petra Kalinga he goes up with the right hand not with the laughs now she's underway just think it's a maybe needed that break mentally as much as physically maybe it just started again and this was a much more promising you see how hard she's having to fight it's not coming easy naked progress at the boulder and now still line it up it just tilts back into the sunshine to go to the next movement yeah realistically she was looking a bit tired early on through those sections and Anna just looks so powerful through those problems a lot of money pension and a lot of tension through the hands on those kind of slippery benches yeah so I mean they're basically design on the first woman that I know and then the one on the top a real kind of power endurance kind of resistance up there you we've already been through five or six really hard moves and then you have to line up something with like that not just about that but I think he would take the time now at the clock sound for Destruction oh she has one more [Music] take a step back and really soak up the crowd and if I have a real reset moment yeah sometimes it's important now the crowd start their clap again and again to get the first move into the Traverse we're on a really cruising these moods to see how hard Petra's having to fight to do them it is in a position now to line it up the jump short with the left hand 30 seconds to go opps not to have another go unsurprisingly has everyone festive look places having fun yeah she's always smiling too I can see them dying in the room but of course you wanted to get that help good effort Petrov is not the starch in the people especially after kind of the crowd response we show an ecology but everything to be European champion 2017 - Meho out neg who is definitely give you on a high from earlier on though will that play to a psychological benefit or will having to fight it out with young you're gone Bret kind of lead to the bits I'd love to get a skin it's going to be really interesting now we see how's your hand I don't but she already performed very well in the European Championship and let's hope that it turns on I'll take the gold at the world games as well and you get enough sleep psychologically in a really good place right now ready to win okay first attempt and smashing the Soros last inshaallah coxy we won't be a flash of Stata again sort of that bird moves one of the reasons that bouldering remains so interesting every calm every Boulder because you can see a bowl that it looks utterly impossible and then sort of comes out walk something similarly you can see shorter walk of it than the world champion skeptical England European Germans classic can't quite figure out the start I might go for water from inert colder yeah I mean it's important to staying down to the very last roller it's proving that Shauna's plastic is actually more annoying Pettis embassy it was correcting even on Alex widget of the walls pager and the girl sir is struggling with a cost-effectiveness really really hard folder the shortest budget this stays anyway we're to climate still to come out looking like that thing that self in a great position to the finals early on [Applause] come on [Applause] now it's just going to figure out how to move to the right securely doesn't look like he's got happy to commit in the way that Alexandra work she had a couple of good looks at the kind of firing up to the right hand method and then dropping into the Undercovers and that's a really tricky timing move on to early stage it's hard to say but you do wonder who walk fact that European Championships battles had on her the kind of going into the finals of to be qualified yesterday as well it's been through lots of rounds of climbing try it so hard I'm wondering a little bit here is off the ground in this Boulder certainly never find yourself wondering what slash is thinking you can see the frustration showing maybe a bit like Petra did needs to check out for a second Roberto I mean it's the first first attempt already works out well then you have a better feeling now she's been securing to see that she tried a different method this is a good idea but I think this folder actually you have to go like this I'm gonna go to find that if your first attempt felt really good even if you didn't top the volley then were more likely a prophet can you kind of tell on the first attempt to do what you jumped is up now the interesting thing you said some actually never really but yes our services healing and struggling and then it's harder to get back clean but that hope that Russia can actually pull it off because one more minute on the clock it's certainly was actually quite interesting it must be quite difficult reality from nowhere to show has been firing up to the right hand we've got to aim for the right hand at the same time the left hand we've got a flip to the on the chart you can only look over one thing at one public agency really difficult it's done laughing is going on at one focusing on our skin and every may wonder times expiring up a new columns it's got to be burning through some skin pretty quickly is not helping the temperatures will be going up a little bit for some evening comes up so close that moved over I think she's going to run out time he is going to run out time such a head back in 20 seconds left on the clock is he opted not to you no joy disgust is somehow mentally got a switch off of the about Hezbollah important now she can't look back to physics about the second one okay yeah yeah I've said it before one of the hardest part of my job with Yangon brat is finding new super lucky it's just unbelievable the level of dominance is shown particularly in Ligue 1 it's only ones who fall the World Cup this year if you didn't even compete in Mumbai we interesting see again you're on this first where she struggled in the super final dino earlier against after Mahal no such problems Dixit both go that is super impressive from the only guard Brett and to use that insane endurance that she has to get through this really tough excessive moves here we go setup move for the jump the one to come on younger oh my she seemed to slow it down and there we all kind of like recalled into for those there yeah and her left foot was still in the lower wallet volume maybe if she can put it on to the bonus higher 7 of a look at is the left hand line is just fine and the right record then seemed like a body became a bit too far from the wall to peel off he just fell off you know all about it was you know holding on one more second before this but he knows we look the fifties confident enough to do young is not taking much of arrested it's quite interesting for going straight in for another guy because of the super confident that she's got enough energy in the bank to get this done two minutes forty left for younger and incredible roughly in second in the European terms it's already this week inside going into the final here we go then this time 216 real second December Yanni Gombe won't be enough to take the lead Jonah cops are already plastic but if you can get a top here and hillie make things very interesting to tango to top the great job I hope we get to ever look again at that one to move the elbows tucked in so hard there she was really winging in the head and starting to try to slow so hard obviously father really impressive show of power there from Chandigarh pretty and looking mighty for once again in a World Cup what interesting feature this minute World Cup actually it surely will have no doubt how many attempts are from what happened the first time because the crowd is going crazy and then you hear wouldn't you call she gets back on the crowd goes crazy without the are exactly location are sitting behind a wall of course techniques know what's going on but sometimes the best thing is to not focus on whatever someone else how much do you when you're back I mostly think about the other people in your zone catering diamonds forget about it and everyone's different first I feel like it works the best one you can actually just about 2,000 are bubbling father now I took your come on yes sister yeah stick the harbor's move aside man that is Shana did you Noguchi of course qualified first athletes in reverse order as ever [Music] [Applause] we be from Akiane gucci went off the lower left foot matches the Artemis style and no problem just see the body pinching they're just cutting out any swing oh that was so so impressive Akio Taguchi comes out laughs and absolutely kurosu the first order good job class the first one occurs in the first position 50 plastic Shauna's second and then Yan Yan with one popping whistle seven love the look here's a key or landing see if you have to fight the elbows came out but millimeters in it between that and when young you fell as I crowd as a say standing room only here in Munich is one of the great venues when you first arrive it you can't believe it looking down in the Olympic Stadium well if you had the World Cup final here in 1974 Bayern Munich used to play here it's the most unbelievable venue and a very knowledgeable crowd if you climb a system unit at a very international crowd as well essentially you have a look at the results in after the 3rd hole and like anesthetic here Noguchi leading the way what about Shana Conti straight on with the second boulders here in Munich an exposure I see what she can do then lots of green columns on this one black holes and quite an interesting kind of groove stemming such a place what happened to ginormous green volumes animatable to strike to take money and that's the ignore back traffic down there there we go on Expedia 10 time us champion justice and win this is restraint Boulder you go out to the left come back right it's all based around the corner horace new boots are high-risk move which if you're standing on the left hand side it really won't get to see unfortunately so hopefully they've got the mobile phones out quickly stick the livestream on because yeah there could be really cutting away around the corner or when she comes out they will definitely see it if you see on the left hand around on the erection goes well there you go it's not actually very good hold slow start right through to hit first long time in the groove there maybe now that she knows roughly what to do so my teammates bother for a second attempt and it was about get an idea what from all about it I hope this one goes better yeah managed serenity really well on Boulder warm really clever in how she did it you had one good attempt took a long rest another pretty good attention another long rest for a third time don't listen to target all areas on earth solid shell filled up there on the wall and if you think that when she hits that have currently jugular left hand control the swing by just slapping the walls right now you go straight up clinical not you have to tell maybe it's a couple but we have seen more balance in shot method certainly strong enough to hold down on one arm if you've ever seen a coochie oohs training videos on the social media here we go this period like always proceeding as well as flower together hold just right she actually just the pumpkin we have told her then you drag down you see what she just got an offer which she's not really very much I think possibly how do you think about different method house looking up considering their options but time is running short here for Alex Gupta on the second order for minute Julie I know a lot if you're out there on the map and you don't really know what's the best better than four minutes goes by really fast across United into exactly the same position to looking around the different options you could really try there was try and go with two hands rather than one but all of that but we really really have to do that's really hard to know exactly what Bruce has been intended here I'm interested when you on the map and you're having a rest do you ever have a rest period in mind like I never arrest more than one minute or it's just one hundred-percent I'm feeling a lot of us [Applause] yeah it's not about queuing and usually your forums tell you are not and obviously about it's about tactics I said earlier if you think that you have the right method then it's better surrender clock sounds really rest properly and if it's one model shy so you know joy rallies Cuchillo on folder to have just been told by the way apparently there's been a couple of problems with the live stream he apologized for that we're not aware of it here but someone's just let me know we did with some of the climbing earlier on apologies Charlie Ross Hill here as ever with Mike Langley and Anna stood for a very special guest to the county box apologies if you've missed some of the climbing I just quickly recap on Boulder number one it was flashed by a few Noguchi and sauna dude yeah me gone Breck she got it second time Alex Cuchillo only got the bonus hold Victor's got a third time Petric wingler also only got Petronas whole she got it four times and pistachio would not forget the bonus or the top so ever say apologies and draft the daughters of the livestream hopefully we're back with your mouth this woman right here she's already claimed her second overall for the World Cup title this has already got ones left on the one ball this is attempted what could you go on women to their rhetoric Bridget maybe not really moving out of the star nation too much success but Sean aqaq0 said Charlie overall if anybody can do this - it's going to be shorter at this ad and looking after options it's quite interesting reading our faith as we look at the border coming out a bit wrote online as you look carpet with section 91 saw a clue to looking within computers exogenous in the bold expression a similar but China was Anna wasn't Shana first arrived on the scene did you realize just how talented she was did you expect that she could become quite as good as she has done the last couple of years I mean it's always hard to difference with so many struggles but I mean Shawn I have definitely always had to count [Music] because claim the second time the overall Keisler this year not a country exactly the same as I'd appreciated having a really good look around look like a sigh a completely different after a great because of a shot of base layer coated wonderful oyster see the cogs turning when we preview this folders either made as a potential foothold for reversing a proper top levels and finish Doug on the Romanian yes but if you don't have an idea of how the border works and secondly versus try different methods because sometimes you know you can execute seven to ten deferred messes with sometimes with moose are you near Prudhoe and semi-final the junction concluded some she found two different methods so good to try and then to decide whatever message you want to send the request seems as if you try to jump again never we've seen it a few times in the past couple years and so on if you just look at a bolder completely differently through everyone else and that was great when you saw a look over his shoulder just begin to wonder if those holder and retry different in circumstances it's important serious things out of pop sometimes it's funny what you said about when she emerged you couldn't really well oh you you don't know what someone's going to become I remember going to the climbing wall in Liverpool about 10 12 years ago and everything all this just comes like this blonde girl who's seen be laid by a dad she's going to be really good call Shawn and I was going yeah yeah yeah I mean every wall stopped strong kids climbing that but she does he did turn out to be quite good as we oh yeah might be another for Australia so with under a minute to go to on a copy no joy at all here in the father women think about it can really see the expressions on a Facebook all negative at the moment in the process it's really hard to get out of her from every corner and you can see if this guy makes light up quick progressing but really she's really really gone kind of I think this is home stretch they've got the groove really hard to power off that back foot which is so spread on the computer send it there and early no idea research might be getting slightly nervous after the first two climbers now and no joy at all for the first couple of athletes and how they have they got that one right I mean the receptors obvious to have a very hard challenge remember we talked to someone who saw you on TV catch up [Music] before very strong climbers built to go there is time and if someone does it'll put themselves in a very very good position especially January to you off the tops and the first quarter [Music] the important thing is really focus on every single confirmation before you out yes for your sexual episode complete the calculation for us we plummet trying in some method to hold the bar maybe just to walk just to over Petra's on board the left hands going bottom and it is good thinking Petra she might find some success religion is still a bad right hand it's going up to pretty much a one-handed hold that was really interesting I think she might go back to another look at that now we'll see if it was good I'm sure she's tried again seriously turning up the volume there wasn't really any job over there but you're thinking out the box already continued work pot here but she went on to the box by thinking outside of the box my English is and the second language and try to know even is through the climbers dude follow the chalk if you see a lot they follow the boot marks on the wall and boot marks on the volume the true indicator can't you forbid away the message I mean if you see the chalk then you know that someone has already had in this also in Reverse if this doesn't work compared to some of the other climbers coming out later might start following that chalk even though it's not the Memphis yeah you're right but it must discuss good otherwise she wouldn't try it again crowd enjoying their Jonas is probably the lasting pastor needed by a perilous position she probably just needed peace inquire but she got a big cheer and it seems to be working the left hand goes up really painful looking shoulder press so difficult but she needs that hold with the right hand it seems that it's all over weights across Miller left and the volley back people behind her into the hold a position I'm not sure I'll be able to eat she can't reach I'm not sure she'll be able to hold between what you have one minute 30 to go as you can see stepping back an Afrikaner on the first part I don't think your problem maybe should find other members in also she has one maximum to Morrison I wonder if it's page in the boldest obstacle like they have a step back and have a rethink and maybe try something else Oh shake of the wrist from Petra to pull back on the crowd start there clap again what will the method be save the same way again looking for options with the right Clos there to try and keep her on command should keep the toe in and reach the hold at the same time I don't think know that the problems just going to fade maybe have to say that look very promising to Center another feet slip but look position is getting slowly up to walk that hole and one of the comments kind of a cycle hold and got to the right hand kept on hold because with the right hand in that mizuki it's so hard to hold that position with one hand so the crowd start to clap had to start applying she's got 20 seconds the sexist may be an attempt on the bonus hole around the top look at the time but no joy driver so this woman's to this state proving problematic that's the next one now maybe she can find the mental maybe goes drives away by the way I'm told our stream is back online now and going quickly I hope that there's a case I'll reduce giving you issues to wear any earlier on European champion 2007 man already go throw fee in the back of the car can see add one here in the World Cup on vinyl not very good stuff there involved number one really couldn't find the member dingleq line amendment at the start of border number two looks like the flexibility of this guy on a play this huge pilot solid limbs their discussion save big smile join the experienced climbing it up with the left hand there can be interesting again spatulas known as one of the taller female climbers a little bit bigger than ever never a clear though and you go straight back once the problem sizes throughout engine messy you're right one of the cola likely walk panelist right heading to that chalk and you do wonder as we said earlier talking of content Leopold's guide I was no sadistic for a nice coming the corner district trying but swimming a little bit you know it's really hot so much something that's going to work this is very very happy to be proven wrong yeah maybe Business Bureau you're very pretty hard to tell from the beginning as I said like sometimes they try different methods and it actually is not the root set of the stock intention of the new setter but sometimes it works out [Music] via cookie wrong more than more than happy to be proven wrong between a top layer of the brilliant Emperor it's already our quarter camerman you get many 20 rupees my Meredith definitely very fun custom a lot of offense if you wonder if that extra week to come here chicken whole departments are left on him and reach all the way up for the right hand for span therefore stature Oh nearly hold the one-handed logoff has a really really good effort from session and a what depicting the refueling at Brutus move I mean in this most the way she does and she still has one minute ago and was having really rested barely had time to take on some short never mind taking some oxygen at the same time to fashion and on for another look using that right likewise thing locked into the crimp this time Saturday host extermo crowd absolutely loving that here in Munich after the first climb is to make a real sense on this women to and what it then she's making she's cruising now now she needs to head out for the right you can see that volume that Shawna Cox who tries to go through directly such a miles ahead of we're on our mouse has been on this folder didn't get on at all with number one she's getting on a lot better with number two you may not have a lot of time if this attempt is not successful she needs to make this one count one minute five remaining shouldn't be enough for our by damping Clough and you can also hear them subs out with the right foot huge it goes up in the crowd try not to have success [Applause] come on Tasha time still being burned up as I say this PDF Empress Tasha she's already got the bonus can to get the top she knows this is it she's taking a time to to making sure every movement is as good as it can be she doesn't want to take any risks that are unnecessary so how now to get right though that's the question she's talking up past 25 seconds 22 seconds ago she has enough time it doesn't need to rush but by the same token it doesn't need to get moving at some point start to go ahead and get 12 seconds to go get the round grinds it up [Applause] 6,000 screams when I put the same sign with a couple in the comedy block look at her face she's absolutely broken are for their effort yeah of course she knows that this would have sent her essence listen for the out reactors in the crowd then you want to fight that one if we go back be interested to see how long you had on the clock when she left the ground it seemed like she was on the wall for about 150 i quarter an hour the sources do you have to wonder what effect the clock had on her and the last move there she had unlimited of time you would have thought you could just take a bit more time and really control that last move and she is going to find more it's never going to be an easy move but can't help but think of times really kind of cost but a climate it's hard to dictate the proper rule I mean only for - there's not a lot of time let's see how far we go sighing the members of China China and Alex got them a night remember and so I make upwards progress up to the right that was the impending members folder by the reciprocity master it would be an all-around needful challenge it'd be President go down to the left-hander Andy Galbraith people can believe in whatever the job has added smooches in and Shana caveats cohort on the right leaving oh the nanny camera out the corner really loading those legs all getting closer to Rohan very interested to see the different Matthew 20 clicks pistacia how it clicks once you've done that move bruised off to the right and preserving the land to move the doctor holder of to heartbeat is hard start at the heart finish and it was a really heartbreaker finish perspective really he'll throw for her as you went off the shake in the head but ended on bit after a fine sophomore number one and to get through this move [Music] British drug incompatible find the cow valve inequity never a black leg trying to bend it's a kind of spring load out of the right hand darkening body to stretch to get much up you're not really seems to get much closer with each to tend to wonder if now's the time which you might drive it have method she's touched the whole she's doing for each time but it never really look like you're good to stay there looks like she's lining it up pretty similar again I mean it looks like you're up but she's different yes onion and egg amber gets it done then can she find us up here and a gambrel super core once again at the bouldering World Cup sticks the ones who move out the corner that was really really nicely done it was amazingly done went straight up high with the right hand here comes the swing now she grows faster walls he has won millions forty underclock so that's more comfortable can she become the first climber with two tops the first climbers to top this ribbon food we serve time wasn't an issue for Sasha at these we took a long time and it became an issue Yaya really does have a lot of times he's got a minute and 25 seconds on five got time to shake a leg out she doesn't have a short wagon like Sasha if you don't time to figure out the mirror oh this is unbelievable from the undergone brat the left leg swing around her body came open almost face the crowd [Applause] absolutely unreal way to finish a boulder how the hell she stuck onto that nobody will ever know that was so so impressive hopefully we could track down a repo fact that was unbelievable a letter like came around so far it almost won't be on the black case it seems everywhere all of Zadar messy just uh conferred on our food I was so impressive naki is under pressure with what she knows puppet yeah we just confirm the purpose for you five attempts farms of our mining my collision here in the Gucci the last glamour out unfold a number two Wow sorry force has to be under untold queue and they final climb around and you make it happen like I did so easy on board number one so many different levers on this earth Bowl it's really interesting it's really kind of put the cat among the pigeons in this line already - you're quite Paul climber as well as we saw it - you had a very very good example is a bit like yeah Mia the first attempt no choice the Phillies need to click on your went high with that right hand who's that Lambie shoes away clearly with a method again just watch the black right leg as you just saw friends there just tries to kind of coil it off as much as possible like a spring that could explode out the corner and get the pitches up at them like coming out starting block for a runner on the hunt to me because loading the legs you know joy so far for me then do wonder is he feeling the pressure up there a moment from the undergone Brett no way to click ignore what happened to them she was tried to talk to show us really try to focus on myself you're wondering what to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] really just kind of trying something from on offer out the volumes in the wall there is good thinking I think you just tried to find emails ecstatic mission to echo aircraft using the corner of the wall and the green body measure on find some inverted we know each other we know from evident now so it's interesting to see there they are always in competition Canada they always find a way and always by the way integrating everything across to the left enter the network topology so pushing away from battle one minute five good for Athena guilty at first glance had a really good burner spinning off brother heading out so yeah now option ago Chico needs any more chicken second plate then I can improve on that which is many things lesson no slow identifying in order to the Sofitel in against the reigning in second place to that class on border number one maybe she can get to the bonus [Applause] as we saw we've shown and then having a look at the option piledriver five seconds left it's game over on ball number two for Ricky oh my own look Ricky I think she might have forgotten that we're on four minutes flat so it's just like in the pictures enjoying yourself doing my status but I'm stuck out in the corner thanks to it really and a step it's a bit gutted as you couldn't find the right member then yeah so I mean if you're in front of a problem and you don't really know who that is frustrating it's Emily so it's gonna have another look at this look what's going on there it was like a proposal yes very artistic vision Yaya sure a lot of photos will be appearing on social media of that working best if you take away the way incredible moment the sun shining on her as well makes it of a close yaya moment yes we gone it's not over yet everyone can still open here we have it Yan you're gone Bret leaving leading the way then two tops in six attempts to but including climate them communicate to you just saw behind a equal with Shana to take the second place on count back as we move on we're on for the first holder here already in Munich for the World Cup final World Cup yes jolly Rosco here might Langley under store alongside is I think nice going to have to an author up before you leave Alan so don't forget the scientists favorite climbing feature as ever you can get interesting I proceed WC on Twitter you'd like to get in touch that was what you think he apologies if you were having problems with a live streaming up it's all it's fixed now I hope it has we can concentrate on the ocean lab is coming up I want to find interesting about this Mulder is there's no black take down the right hand the wreck of the water and so pretty sure that means this in a new black site down the boards no found three area so she can use it as you want the boulder does actually head off to the left very slippery but don't think it will help her starting holder to be clearly labeled them in the other hold near a textural masturbation is a piece of cloth no it's very nasty you underachieving rat fingers around the arrest attracted bomb pops the green for them to get enough for gas standing up it's a good point I mean it would be a correct setting and you say if you would have to come on the green volume and the hands around the corner or maybe physically and of the Attic creatures a super experience of wonder if you spotted that as an epidemic [Applause] yeah it's really frustrating sometimes it's exciting to be like that and as a climate II come out and you have problems getting instance thank you for her now that psychologically people sure she can pull it off find the mass now serious artist sizing and other problems though unfortunately on this lab is really intended to give the black tape I remember in May 2016 technical incidence I'm a store you remember when the black protocols denotes the legal edge of the bowl with no black state there is no legal age you could use that right on director Richard finds the balance point and I see there a debate going on here in the studio whether she cannot see you start the arete on the start not because it's the edge of the hall it may constitute as out the bounds now Graham just informed us that it's not okay for you to arrest american-born Maya parties I think the official standard front the wall and no inadequate you have possibly why she's not using it they all have ins and outs of the side of this Florida hardly know sometimes what's in the RET what's the edge of the wall especially when it got a black curtain and in a few front line after yeah let's just start out pull it up again once you have 30 seconds left pieces frustrating for us hardstark really be a theme so far here in the women's final bit nothing really frustrating us today you can't come out put down the power you want you just to come out before really frustrating boldest welcome to ten seconds ago sure would be very happy with a bonus going to have to be quick if you want or know what's all down at the wall didn't look like that was her favorite four minutes of climbing I mean you need a lot of time on to in the starting position we have to move over slowly but do not forget my father usual experience position clearly quite disgruntled with that Boulder Shaw necropsy Shawn is known for a technical ability I think su choice on a boulder like this terrific crucial as well got a weekly got the right Footwear together smear on these three volumes there is only volumes on this crime which socks shoes could be could be the key here and a you also known for wearing things quality the solution to pretty much throughout your career if you find that your top the taste cues doing doing the round or distinct wonder you get one pair right now very different orifice about Shauna is definitely known as one I think Alex sighs laughs and less Shauna action children will correct me if I'm wrong to them these climbers can actually think their fingers into the screw holes on these volumes they can't use the cleanup but they can use the screw holes and I think Shawn has started nicely there with a right hand and this chick you see what what is on offer Shawna is a starting position they're not really a hole definitely nothing more Douglas just forget all about people it's very relaxed your honor when she came out huge Bryn there's nothing like sewing up your second overall Michael to relax it too much pressure here she says excessive doing the other base that you just take it woke up by World Cups that must take a bit of the pressure off knowing goodies 20 overall can this enjoy it Micra course mean you climb better yeah for sure I mean ah incredible season and when expect after the semi-final round Sacchetti to kind of focus more today on the getting into the finals rather than concentrating on the European Championships I mean of course she was the favorite for the European Championship title and sure was her goal and it's frustrating the opportunities plus property to do well in the world cup rectitude done well in the world cup ranking which is certainly not doing very well on this border at the moment and not really finding a starting position looks like a really really hard start here women's summer free we shouldn't give up just yet though look at the previous folder it looks hopeless I saw all the routes essence or overcook this next thing yeah me gone Brett gets done set ago came very close to getting it done so plenty of time left Alex to GI things be fair to say didn't enjoy much it's different Shauna's looking for the tricks in the book they're looking for crimped fingernails down the back of the volume kind of through how bad the moles must be if you're looking for splinter edges effectively to pull off the ground really shaking in head they're just no position for that the star here is looking actually at the quick 4 point contact and in jumping across the wall sometimes you see that pretty hard to the judging in that situation to guarantee to hit the starting position and really really [Music] I'm sorry just struggling there's actually having a bit of a funny effect to the atmosphere here in Munich so it requires just a bit quieter they want to see someone get into the meat of this folder of course you said the crowd impugning they are climbers suits they don't know what's going on they can see if they're struggling and important parts and they know once the pounce they'll be behind them yeah absolutely it's a good point you make they there's no fooling this crowd in Munich there's no use the emcee saying our business fantastic this is amazing action they know what climbing is all about and they can see shorter costume 25 seconds to go possibly going to get timed out before she can even go for the bonus I wonder if you have another go set this might be a bonus only if you still get it now it doesn't like it at all heads in ten seconds to spare another frustrating start to avoid a problem here in Munich for the women's finals or number two and bowl number three coming up it's really stranded just trying to get off the floor let's see what Petra can do well champion out next and speaking of their world Sammy we've got fair enjoyed all of the Swiss team coaches German health tests have been the last couple of months since we saw in a folder World Cup and we know she struggled with injuries a bit particularly this year just bring us up to date with the interest acres and they always run beautiful things but I think that was part of all we've cleaned in social yeah it really really password the cabinet but I think she feels good in English as we jump we take a break here and there I think and she seems like she always has the mentality to climb well where does their motivation come from and watching liking training with you equally motivated it just needs to be when we see her in the World Cup or sometimes you have database and today's but she's really motivated all the time mining a lot here and that that's really fun to you know climbing the Train really doing good okay we'll let you get back down the front I know it's nerve-wracking to watch Petra but thank you for taking a bit of time to come and clear thank you but just while we're having that interview there me and Anna store legend from the Austrian climbing teams of discussing this start and think it must be super super frustrating not only for the athletes also for the crowd in the building and yeah not the start that we're looking for on women's number three we really hope I'll do something about the field to come we hope it can liven up a little bit here their final in the women such as two more minutes on a clock I mean it's the high-yellow hold they need to put a four started going on there but it's not really a hold their smallest indicated some little more than anything else really nothing to hold on to some very degree food fairs for virtually Alex bhujiya who is looking the best on this and she was holding the pinching the right hand volume as hard as possible and that seems to be what got her kind of neat off the ground yeah Alex minutes to get off the ground right I remember correctly trying to order food come on no sixth sense as well for Petra's women three through incredibly problematic the recesses are probably not enjoying watching this that mostly probably had in mind how this move will be done women so far having slides figured it out other say this hasn't no women to do as well it looked like we might just have a stopper move if you're going to put the kettle on now is probably the time to do it but keep an ear out for the commentary because we could have a break through any second yes Petra is thirty members still such a young and yet here's a pump so maybe defining it wasn't set for that but overall it's still not looking prosper Patrick thing and Shawna Cox he also struggled as an excuse you know 15 seconds have some real magic would have to happen right now for Patrick Linga quietest oxygen imbalance that looks like you can have to be matching cleat on the left hand volume and walking your way across nothing once again no bonus for Shauna no bonus for Alec no bonus effect to cling up well the crowd appreciating the effort they give birth letter a very warm send-off today and we are waiting for a breakthrough on this one Yes Minister haha yes you made the breakthrough on women too great you can do it on women 3 and of course she knows that no other athlete has topped in yes so do something looks like a good set the man I'm saying that a good bird can be some girl or disappoint [Music] so the crowd begins to collapse they want to see a breakthrough here that is successfully onto the wall sasha falls into the starting position second time then it is looking much better terrific nice and slowly seems to be the way to go we've seen people try and drop over to the left that's successful I need to be control nice and measured [Music] hang on this style of pure slab claim you've really got breathing make sure you're not holding your breath breathe out make sure you're not holding onto too much oxygen so nice and close to the world really really relaxed not that easy when you're 6,000 people at [Music] the back on successful staff again I love this Munich crowd we get one with the order and they go crazy fantastic sonic this is into it bonuses Sasha who made a breaker on the last of you make the breakthrough big volume you can see the top just emerge top right of your screen that is a critical right at this volume is Saturday ho about that off you had a heart brain were to see us talking about a trust me remember yeah we tested to match your d'etre earlier Artie professor this route is not done yet Saturday hosting top and last and the crowd goes crazy you can fairly hear yourself think with this Munich crowd they're going crazy for Saturday oh if she knows what that means she's seen the other athletes coming to the isolation after four minutes looking upset she walks back into isolation after two minutes with a big smile on her face it is really good at different facets of real Redemption from CENTAC a hood and fell off the mast move on Boulder number two comes out completely redeems herself with the first hop and women it's number three and she made it look like a different folder to the other up is really impressive from the European champions 2017 static a ho ent conferences and she knows the door has been opened can she walk through be a third polish Yaya doesn't seem to get affected by pressure I think it'd be fair so when receiving the lead competition so even at 18 years old a few spread and pressure doesn't seem to affect her we shall see that's already top that it can be done we were wondering the method was found and executed expertly by Chateauguay Oh you need to match on the lower volume that's awesome [Applause] when static it was fine that put two up early as the anna is looking for now before moving out there have been reliably informed that the volume is going across to as we've seen up locked in it just a pure friction dependent volume concentrated on blows use the wall ranks perfect I've enjoyed the volume and locking this be another up eavesdropping Snowden have a technical problem back on again now slowly seem to have come to life you know it can be done now please 15 on the quad on yon y'know sector she not suspected do you think that will make her think too much she's thinking okay I know it can be done now what did she do that what he found that I haven't I mean of course responses come out it's knowing there's no one has happened you know the crumbs are clouded right behind I'm sure Yaya knows the secret pocket as well you could see what Yanni was trying to do there but it is the right foot landed it never looked very promising runtastic it was nice and slowly easing away over Jenny Garber it currently leading the way in struggling on women's I'm afraid to trying to look for the different feet method now she looks like she's having a look at an alternative option we know what names were done but she obviously doesn't have been in the isolation zone as it looked again now trying to roll the right hand and match the feet spin it must be so hard to climb in a position to do more great flexibility doesn't say nothing so hard when you're essentially really nervous about what kind of waiting in silence for you to do something impressive like you did on women's number two and yannis with just 40 seconds on the clock is not really finding anything method that's worked for us so far this would of course mate with the only three top trying to mess it again the only woman who taught the path to both of them and I'm Christie Shaw she not going to top this polish you might have another girl to do it with the bonus just one deal on the state is back on the wall see there to your screen a key Noguchi waiting in the wind it's her who's going to be our next not meant to be me and the guard rip smiles anyway I walked off the stage she's still currently sits in first position with two tops in things at them six of them living here can have a good burn here to have a lot of attempts in hand with one top in one of them so far on the first Boulder so every Bowl has been taught Mel and everything's possible far definitely usually very comfortable on steps is very executive climber as well and I'm positive woman you've competed again many many times you know her well rarely has anyone yeah it's good to serve interesting what our weaknesses up because who will be the last climate to attempt with women three in one for the conifers latigo you have figured it out I think whoever static a host boot sponsor is right now will be very very happy because you don't like she was standing on a completely different volume to everybody else sponsored by superglue I think here in a Gucci in time to fight the volumes at the bond here try and find the perfect balance spot well be she was really looking for something out of the starting war yellow hole to try and straighten the body a bit and try and get the kind of left leg straight give it a bit more of a balance point okay add we know and she knows now there's nothing really there poor climb overall for the World Cup winner here in Munich she knows well to keep the game anytime time we're going to be on this folder you're either tuning in on aster alongside us in the commentary box for a live in Munich women's final first it'll be followed by the man we've got a full evening of entertainment for you [Applause] proudest get going while this takes more than this to keep the crowds wire that's what I like about Munich [Applause] the bar has an alcohol license to probably house that they also meza climbing the Quixote once again certainly mini early me the once again were seeing scenes there are women's I'm afraid struggling to get off the ground only really such a gay who has any impact on the first couple of moves in quite view people he's in position exactly the struggling to crinum find the features done well to move the net across there now she just needs to bring the right foot in to join it human [Applause] but check out some of the athletes from around the arena after the wall split in half here they're watching our screen behind us at sanic places he was going on Team conveniens gathered over our shoulders to watch the livestream that were you very close to the actually very shortly as we move on to women's number for the moment war lies on a key in a Gucci yeah just a woman it beat and the last one she pulled back all on the last second maybe I mistook the beak or just forgot she didn't have before us Robinson please have 45 seconds left as soon samox only strategies really made anything resembling a dent on this women 3 and what a dent it was which is good way the way she stopped an effort down now she knows that that's the messaging no she's got a match beat goes for the paul bridges could be interesting if it were very similar position to the start of women's number 2 got a count across it's good to see her trying something different there but it's still the same result [Applause] it's just over ten seconds to go so with a couple of climbers like successful to a bonus from authorities you won't get that it's like in team Japan they're well represented as ever and it stands then a brilliant anchor phonetic a ho the only claim it could do anything on that Boulder five planks and a copy three attempts from Sasha Ganga post was flown there were a cute Noguchi went to walk off stage having food to go to the other ball Alex ready to come out women's for thing after the frustration of women's two and three from an exposure I really hope you can put some of that famous power down now in the women's on the court and there is a scoreboard VND gunn-britt leading the way the only woman would do so at a key Noguchi Shana cocky and Sasha gale all have one Alex to geometric wingless still waiting for their first top still got one folder to go in this room's final seem to be a powerful princesses will be relieved that we saw its off on number three it means every Bowl that they've created has been topped if it went to smash a gay ho women running three - it a bit controversial now she comes again chef Alex boot showed flashes this the best she can do is fourth position so she's playing for kind of pride at this late in the competition and she has a lot of pride and I really hope she can put some of that down interesting as well when she went off after women three she looks pretty hacked off pretty fed up with the whole situation to come out all smiles again to whatever mentally she's done backstage things to words to be in good mind for him again yes I mean she's an experienced climber in order to have one problem move on she will try her father got straight on with it huge red volume of the start and at this stage in the competition if you know you can't get on to the podium do you still continue to fight eyes you just kind of kind of think it over with I mean of course Alex will try harder still to public running it's always good to topple problems and yeah probably to my knowledge he would try as hard as you can the clock should cancel it off you have set the boulders for the women tonight only one woman after three boulders with two tops seems to be so stretch going into the undercut they're really trying to find some purchase on the upside down volume they're going into an undercut when you're so stretched so hard to make upwards movement in that position seen it time and time again especially in the lead climate Cena do you get stretched onto an undercoat the quality pension requires got a real the end it's so hard any less [Music] now she's back on more than half a time remaining this time she holds it you can see the force going all the way down the left arm and into the shoulder some famous Puccio power going on right now this is what we wanted to see working away up to the bonus odd nicely done Frank future all controllers expands on women's number four open right now pic move she's having a look at options for the fetus going up to a block slot hold oh so strong an exposure it is so impressive now a coochie looking to go out on fire here in Munich Allison can you around the Munich for and Europe sorry for a long time after this calm how nice her holiday will feel if she can finish off at the top just doing everything necessary this needs one more hole to go that's as it easy pull up at the top to finish that is what we want to see Alex Puccio in a nutshell fantastic effort a great way to finish the competition / really nice to see the crowd give Alex a warm applause as we've said loads of times we really know they're climbing here they know what she's done in the past they know what a great climber she still is and they've really enjoyed watching it that's not another look there was the move up with the Lapham looking the athleticism you can see there in the arms of Alex future's really something that was exactly what we wanted that was really really good to watch like me the crowds now back alive some real action yes and China's our next you know stubborn can be tough maybe you can show us another of where the ng gamma it's got two tops in sick you can she can be caught favorite Akio Shana they've got one top in one of them so if all playboy it's coming down to the final Boulder it's going to be yeah Nia's to lose at this stage in the competition you know is one Boulder ahead of the rest room still to come down in fifth coming out in fifth position second from the semi-final so Shauna if she wants to win and get this done within four attempts and hope that young it doesn't do it great work straight away from Shauna coxy there so a computer talk that maybe the piece lines and attention through the feet [Applause] good work and chew on a copy look at the big cross through tucked under her own arm great flexibility cruiser is that goes for another look this is what we saw Alex doing matching up here it's a real fight from Shauna company she needs this if you want to get herself into a higher position she's already inferred can't you make it silver or bronze here in Munich future incredible 2017 if so hit the bonus 90 locks it in very sore Puccio jumping up it is a superb burn here from Chillicothe she's on for the flash as it's and speaking of last night time is falling here I mean at the cameras of the photographer's begins to flash the drama increasing here in Munich as Shawna coxy heads out right that hole looks a long way away but she got there she's now got the top left hand right hand three options for Shawna no interested nothing more he can do her competitions over she seemed to wait two watches and I still said it she take can we see a famous you wanna cop to clash and she does it just that two tops in two attempts at Shinnecock see in tonight's finals down to TIA Noguchi and Chandigarh Brenton aside the medals so Shona in the bead you always say to take it woke up I woke up and I gold medal to splendor on away in the place where she injured herself last year would be a very nice way to close out her World Cup season so Petra clinger out Nexen unfortunately down sitting in last position sixth place one bonus importance not the best finals for her but it is end of the season she's had a tough season compact move a lot of injuries no from a coach there she's kind of back in the game back in form [Applause] never go to impact you clean up [Applause] three and a half minutes left Perpetua taking matters into her own hands with the brushing bit of a tricky start psychologically can't ease into this folder oh really get a job undergone definitely a very awful problem but as we can see better as a powerful climber and I'm sure he can get the company and two drops into another attempt and second burn panting fire into thundercats accurate you see that soon as the head tilts back pensions dr. Liu through the feet he'll start to live another close up though kind of that left hand that's so cool Oh almost but not quite and she's happy already second in a hard position so she hasn't climbed any golden yes and to create as Alexia to Captain Picard until the last older and Japan Henry definitely able to capture now fencing I want to put a show on there here she goes for another burn what's quite interesting about that undergo you can see how much force need to go through the firm you can see the short build up which one of those things that quite easy to get how much work that funds do on a hold like that super strong funds required on a lot of his picture again Pedro taking their time trying to dress up sudden exceptionally consistent 2017 after an amazing 2016 couldn't finish much better than the world championships in the sold-out arena in Paris 2016 no gold but a superb inconsistent seasons really is establishing herself as one of those truly top climbers week in week out in the IFC Boulder World Cup seems to be a bit of a theme here in the finals in the women's hard start all the way through the competition and and what you think that has an effect on the psychology of the action so it's just a few of hardness and not much you can do about it early on on the third floor with the same acute on in the first group of four to the question - and it is really hot get busted but Petra's also experienced library knows which doing taking applying [Music] so betting and then playing for pride at this time in the competition in 40 seconds left starting to look like what entire looking frustrated 30 seconds left of her ball the World Cup season night I'm really falling here in Munich coming up quickly up now from now pretty much dark last attempt which was a super frustrating final preparing everyone we're not giving up just yet I only found one bonus in the four problems to tackle tonight not giving up though that is a true Petra cling and we know and love even look like she wanted one more go but not meant to be ends the competition for Petra clinger she'll remain in sync position unfortunately but it's been a great 2017 for her great 2016 pitch winger yeah I'm sure she'll be back to fight in 2008 again rosen currently with one topping presents the only claim at the top fold a number three in two clash against Italy two tops in four attempts which could put her up the second place [Applause] still with Union still to go and medals fill up the grabs here gold silver bronze still available who is going to be here in Munich 2017 it could definitely be a good shout mustache' put a silver already taken away the gold in the European Championships earlier today and what a great date occurred wondering should be brewing what happened on number two pistache fell off the last move well that come back the horn to see how she gets on and boarder number four plenty secured temporary second position very good look around at the moment static a looking so strong this weekend oh just drops out there from static a no really really good effort so tired either to be expecting after her huge burn on women's number two heartbreak moment with definitely remember her for a long time and socially social she redeemed herself at the only top on women is number three which is really impressive and we will break off before that you get close to the top but in the meantime we got Alex uchi afresh down from this folder amazing moment when you talked it just talk us through these moves that staff is doing now I'm fading the hardest move is matching the feet on this starting hole to get your left foot good really big one and then I think I didn't try it the way she did try calling I put my right foot up and I think I mean this round wasn't for me and I was very secure in my movement I think the great thing about Southie how she climbed is he kind of goes forward a little more I think that's pressing meetings climber is like hopefully do that so less controlled and you make more mistakes but then you're also your reward to figure - I'm looking back from your round one top perhaps not your ideal set but at least you've got a top enough to really enjoy climbing if I can get a massive crowd I was a little embarrassed I think in the third one I was like how they had to I get off the ground just look at the soldiers anyone thought nobody else got a bonus he won't be only one no John and I were talking about that in the bath and we both couldn't get off the ground early I liked the second and a third Boulder I think the first holder I should have done I made a mistake getting my feet too high which let me every night when I have to jump to the couples which out of all this minds I thought that one was my style so I think if I was disappointed that's the only reason I was disappointed with some of the very first holder but you enjoy climbing Munich good they're back in the World Cup this we pet I might be more in the future okay we'll enjoy your European road trip and thank you [Music] pretty good of an experience near in the commentary box after a really tough around it all I'm from Special K know at the moment one top in three attempts she has to kill the bonus that stash is starting to look really tired and I do wonder if that battle head-to-head which she had earlier with Yandy Garber it's beside the European champion that's taking it out of her to his fourth position the methoxy could pushing to attempt preferred where Stewart Keo still to come who would push her out of that prompt medal position - okay her really really fighting now and the crowd really appreciating it yeah crowd absolutely loving it got 20 seconds to go she's been close to four and I'm pretty sure that the end of the Munich World Cup for Sasha she'll take fourth place in the European Championship not a bad days work I think the falling off the last move on number two when she seems a bit stretched for climb it's really her tour in this round and I think that's the frustration you can see in her face I think she knew she could do more just another look there are wall mounted camera doing its job you can see how close to go and you can see how hard you try the whole camera unit wobbled which launched off the wall now here's yang yagam Brett Mac the hair is pretty simple a top doesn't matter how many attempts you take the top wins her this world cup Shawna coxy a couple of metres away from was watching on seemingly not too nervous sonic Oxley currently sitting in first position it's all about Daniel and Akio and it's definitely about yeah Nia right now pops issue wins [Applause] the ennogard broke the game a match no problem then who's really looking EVP Anya at the moment for a couple more moves and she will be the winner of Munich 2017 and the crowd definitely knows it Jenny oh this is really interesting now and I do wonder Shana observer side is looking pretty relaxed that he can't help her think she could be and throw in here [Music] so yeah Negara as we've seen with the previous boulders wasting no time and putting straight back on the corral goes straight back into their rapturous applause getting the clamp going for Yaya has a lot of energy I think she surprised herself that she fell off that move she wants it and yen gambhira add to what is already a significant rotate cabinet Oh how many times have we heard that scream from the crowd here in Munich when a crime is so close doesn't quite latch it yummy whose looks so impressive especially in the lead let's not discount two World Cup wins already in 2017 you would expect to get the job done here and often any number of attempts will win her the competition and the left hand when the left foot when the right foot two students full of clean off the wall it's going to be interesting actually because the enuine not yeah no sorry Alex and Sean are actually made this folder look a lot easier than actually is I think and it can be really tough to see if young you can push through from second place and take away the win yes it goes on this move oh good but this is what we said earlier that once the the women I mean it actually looks okay kind of easy but it actually is not obviously she has one minute 40 left and it's a secret I'm I'm sure he can senator is there the possibility that you could be tiring she did use an extra problem in to win these gone second in the European Championships as I had an effect on her hasn't had an effect on her the potential win here the next one minute twenty was going to kind of the answer to that yeah we still see he's completely anarcho in a couple of days time but that's a long way off course you've had an effect I guess and it makes you question the combination event or rock opera music oh this time oh yeah that's it yeah music suburban a lifetime to stick summary with the right the Munich crowd goes crazy to cross it a little less traffic at the right Danya calm brat make that three Boulder World Cup wins in 2017 three lead World Cup wins in 2017 so far it's the only things you can't do the crowd acknowledged shubao's makes a way off the stage real what do you need to do to stop this woman if you want to win in climbing this is how you've got to beat and good luck because she on a little planet right now yeah and really long education to do young young man bread and the lovely moment just behind the wall that's where we can see was just in a big hug for three Shana and Yanni has shown of the first to congratulate it Yandy gone Brett the real hairs on the back of your neck moment there is 6,000 people realize ingenuous ones you took an awesome pump of the fist and Anna you've been having a look at the scores what can Akio do now for now all about the second place to secure has one topping one of them and we'll keep an eye on a key Noguchi will break off if we need to quick hopes between our guests on a store and our new guest Shawn a cockapoo Charlotte you've just seen Yanni atop the boulder and falsely that takes the win away from you it you were the first congratulate the really nice moment he had so many guys incredible I mean it was really everyone you can see I'm lying on it and yeah she totally deserve that and overall look back on 2017 what an amazing year you've had yeah exactly not the comeback because I was imagining but I'm amazed it's like so we're so pleased I thought it'd take me a lot longer to come back from my injury I got here so yes when they roll Oh Liam here again which is really cool sir a year ago you were giving yourself a bad shoulder injury Munich this time you pick up the overall title and another medal through I do do you collect not about 12 months they were congratulations thanks for talking to we can confirm as she was being interviewed there she has taken the silver medal away a key in the couch you can no longer catcher so it's young again Brett number one Sean I got you another medal in the back takes away second place is silver medal probably to offset that especially when you competing against gender guard Brett here Noguchi as well this time great work flicking the left leg across really use their mind there to get through this bottom section and a really good pick and shut the leg leg across use a good technique swing it over and now here we go this is the move that slowed down a lot of climbers mixed to use the momentum across the left leg once again Oh looks like she could do have a bit more of a leg swing there kind of look like she was lining it up couldn't create quite relieved the momentum to fire up to that slot hold no lack of commitment from Akiane cute she fell really awkwardly then landed on her left hip seems to be okay with the fear on the stage 30 years so as you rightly say Mike this won't affect her ranking she may or may not be aware of that but I didn't tell us we should give this Boulder everything to stop this is the end of her World Cup seasons as well of course she wanted to pop in and she knows how to do it akia Noguchi then the final climber out in the woman's file this will be followed by the men's final and it's a clearly Gucci bird places the pen she can do but like Anna said she's fighting for everything nonetheless boss you want to stop he might have already got run with anyone in this office baller and she can do it come on Akhil oh she had a bit more momentum with the left leg there you can see a swinging a bit further than she did on the previous attempt forty seconds that this would be an incredible show of fitness to get top at this stage in the competition and an exhausting final bear yeah 30 seconds this is not a lot but you know what to do in the final action then as the women's bouldering season 2017 all eyes on a Kia Noguchi can she take us out on style come on so short of climb here and looking come come on okey looks around at the clock no she's run out of time she gave it a good burn anyway a Guillen Taguchi takes away the bronze and Ana a great final here tonight some slow moment especially Oh getting the top was awesome on women's number three slot from Shaun of the flesh from her number one with a key oh and Yaya that crazy finish spin kind of thrills and spills throughout the community at the NSA and Garber it deserved well congratulations the young girlfriend on a Bosnian accuracy or Meadowlands but all together the girls did really well and I'm really excited to be in the final [Music] as we have a look at the results and we're about to go into an interview with the winner Yandy Garber and you can see it there Yandy Garber it takes the Winfrey tops in 10 attempts showing a see second to top see to a key in the Gucci comes away with the bronze medal with one clapping one attempt Stesha gaythoven with the only top of women's number three gets her for an Cuchillo and Petra getting a good feel like they could have got more but it's a good night from them nonetheless yes I'm an excellent nice work while I since they work you helped us out voluntarily but a wonderful night's work from Ana store and thank you very much for your help and we're looking forward to seeing you competing next year trying to get a commitment from you I tried my best thank you very much me out really appreciated all your insight and now go enjoy the men's final the long Snider's fresh down from the wall Yanni camera has three World Cup wounded lead free in Boulder pretty good year well I started really good I think you're the leader World Cup saw I went started yeah I had a lot of fun so that's why resulted and you've been really busy with the lead thing have you had any time to Train bouldering or was this just old Fitness they've got you up the roof well after we Allison I started to Train wondering yeah I didn't have that much time ever see a life with ways to switch back to muttering and yes I depend finally I just talk us through that last folder talk us through that last folder it looked like you were struggling a few times and then you finally got it did you always think we could do it oh yeah well I was a bit nervous before the last time because I knew if I dr. bother I would win so yeah I was a bit shaky but then the creep the bonus I think surprised me a little bit but also good but then I was going for the next goal a bit small but then when I got it on the top it was good and you must have known that that was the wind yeah I knew that was the winner and he was number three really strange boulders this explained that it looked like people weren't struggling to even stop I am nervous pretty weird left head like a really bad fall I'll agree with all but yes I did read easily she explained is amazing yeah I could I go I didn't find the right solution for me the lower volume was a bit slippery but she like was like I want to know how to oh I don't know I mean that was the only mistake you made all night it was almost a perfect performance and a safe third Bowl the World Cup win congratulations amazing performance as ever it seems right now thank you the podium is well well earned this crowd is going to go crazy next we'll have the men's final jams as you can go relax thank you some next theory Munich will have the men's final and a store about to be substituted in the commentary box by Langley amazing here yeah neither she just just seems to come so naturally yeah I think what's really pressing about our trust 18 years old and to be able to be non consistent psychologically in every competition there is a judgmental speed foot lead and fold adjuster mr. Pierre to be that confident when you're backstage huge precious World Cup final just no issues for her whatsoever resolve the thing of the tools in the toolbox to back it up in the power and the technique and the commitment I would say that's doing a wild celebration off to the races it's not it's not always a steely focus but yeah a very really great resultant and you're in the final itself I mean they had it's slow moments there's some really impressive moments as well and her top or that one-handed catch that she did was just something that this combination will be remembered for looking over at the side of the stage you must be very close to the start of the men's final forecast to a starter 8 o'clock and there we go apologies mr. lost our feed for a second Yoshiyuki augusta climbing number one is out on the wall and ricky pretty good effort of it so far Joshua Ruby first out be followed by an hire what a reception he'll get two marinara sake tasting Komatsu kokoro Fujian jeong-hwan Sean if an eye on the clock this could be a very quick cloth top scuse me from Yoshiyuki not quite and substitution in the commentary box is completed oh my gosh welcome thank you very much so close to making this final yep that was a climbing in Munich it was amazing I mean it was my second ball during World Cup ever and I've done one five years ago in Munich so the only balding venue I know is Munich - got it so it was amazing yeah we've seen you in a few a private conversation / for Steven legend only and the quest which he won this year yep so yes so second time to work up we enjoyed the experience off sure would have been great - in the final so close I tried my best I think the last possible time were in the semi-final scuse me out on the last problem so I mean it was cooked for a Fuji but he deserved it he climbed really well so it was good to see him climb as we focus in on Yoshiyuki Agartha with just over two minutes there this is the move the roots I was talking about huge flexibility required here he mentioned that there was need to go off the hill but using the toe fine fine - fine top the perfect start from Team Japan four of them in this final Yoshiyuki is off to a Fanta I've seen your old Japanese nineteen-year-old if I got a close look at the list they just see the kakapo Jin Yan Hoya are the oldest competitors with just 25 years of aging that is quite crazy and speaking of yan hiya crowd have got that rehearsed down to a tee the emcee sets him up he shouts young they shout Hoya here is the reground European champion after today the man you know well yes the man I know better I'd say I mean the first time actually competed against the annoyer was in two thousand seven or eight in the German from German comp and oh it's just like oh god that's the famous Genoa and I even went to provide us with him lost obviously because he was you know the very famous annoying super strong bottom was really excited and he's been working on it his the slab technique over the past couple years really better off definitely and yes we're working on his flexibility I mean I can remember him a few years ago where he was absolutely not flexible like most of the Germans but um he got it done now I'd say he's he's but the split now almost I'd say though he's really flexible now he's really good and flaps he moves really well and he just got much more of a complete timer over the past few years I would say [Music] inching his way right time of see left enough to be legal come on Yin you can see that newfound flexibility just leave us onto the right heel nicely and I think what's even balance well the last will be size might be a bit of an advantage hopefully which means he doesn't really have to leap for the top off huh that's what the routine I was saying saying that the hill is the option that we saw through Yoshiyuki Agassi went for the toe on the top of the halter gave him plenty of better body position to fire up high for the finish hole as we have another look you can see you and really working that Hill careful not to he will come to his own fingers just directly off I think that last move might be easier for big of it's all a bit getting set for it Meier should be slightly harder it's just a bit more leg to try and lever over yeah a definite look like it and again Jan Hoyer on for another burn one minute 45 left the only European in the fine on the only German in the photo and you can definitely tell that the crowd is looking good now from yon hiya lipstick push it out John who is looking good he's got the weight across to the right struggling oh just went to pull up he was looking good there for a second wait was going 9p for the right within the waddle side okay probably starting first last and now I get with one minutes ago you can see the advantage of the hi there you can reach all four wholesomer plaintively almost oh it's trying a new sequence now going left which we mentioned earlier about the black typology companies put the file over there and take the ferry seem very close there is with his flexibility hye-young c'mon young crowd willing him on but not quite beyond how I think have another go it's like he's lining up for another girl I think the routes that had thought about as well and they made it that it's not possible even for tall guys I know one of the route setters the Kulik schism from a gym close to where I live and he's even taller than Yun so I guess he must have thought about samung in the corner so there must have put the black tape so it's probably just not possible he also liked this episode it's a certainly a quick method that's why it's gone for it just eight seconds left if not look around he needs to go here we go yeah oh yeah oh yeah and Hawaii six hit water moment Alex may go one of his best mates also from Germany right behind us incredible moment here in the men's final lasers fire he was looking for and Sheeta the sequence then higher up the Karoo sticks it brilliant happen every like cheating sequences just when it seemed like there's a bit of a lull in the atmosphere between the wings of the men's final absolutely ignited again here in Munich hot from yawn higher with seconds remaining our first amazing moment of this men's final monera suck you down now let's have a look anywhere with the right hand was a close call though added with the last was actually really clever thinking from Yayoi actually knew at the time he had left the other method although he potentially was looking a bit closer was not he wouldn't he had a climate in the time he had left Nepal I'm just going to go for it up the crewmen yeah it really paid off that is very true yeah bouldering nowadays is so much about tactics and all that kind of stuff so here's the dominant force of last season how does one a World Cup in 2006 2070 excuse me if you'd said that at the end of last year wouldn't have believed you but he hasn't quite found that form again this year not messing about on men's one though this could be an easy top to Samoa just needs to keep the right foot in place well have any problem being dynamic and springing up with this last hole just lining it up if you're going to go specifically not going to go you just looked like you couldn't quite decide whether to lunge for that I just go nice and slow he's a very springy climber naturally so you always like go dynamically even if sometimes it's maybe not the best option you would imagine just due to height the method Yunho use won't be available for him I don't think so he's about my height maybe even a little bit shorter so that's about 173 maybe then Yun is quite a bit taller with 186 I believe so you quite a bit taller than all the other competitors it's marinara sake then had a really good effort there and he was actually in a very similar body position what we saw a yawning before he opted for his upper groove method pushing it out as glassy you could did so neatly and then just started to wobble running the mallet point goes for the hill this time maybe have more luck off the hill you just see him just making sure he doesn't chop his fingers underneath because the business he wants to get into crimping the top of the left hand oh it was so so close that fingertips is dragged off the finished hog I reckon he could do this I think I do I was very very good of ugu key to take on the position as well so that when he went for the top you put a lefty look as well on the whole where had his right foot on so that made him stay on the wall as well whereas the morn I just go square is pretty much tomorrow's mating he just goes for everything like I said he's a very dynamic climber you ever seen his Instagram it's quite hilarious just watching him flying around back flipping off the wall all over the place and he just doesn't know how to go slowly to the moon very - it's very entertaining those who watches Instagram so you're not following him he should interesting as well on that top move it was almost a battle between it after he said he wanted to jump but I think he knew it wasn't a very good idea he's back in the same position and he climbs really into a position looks for the toe option this time is it going to be enough with Samoa it is a better position to use that dynamic skill eyeballs it has a look Oh Joe nicely again no problems in the end for Samoan era sake made it look easy made it look really good so that's his top from all three climbers so far men's one out separated go down system so just to confirm Somoza move temp even chemistry as we're saying for the head root type of the interview we heard we payment have started the observation he was saying in Quebec you see two or three tops in each the categories on the first poll and we certainly saw that in the women and we're certainly seeing that again in the men so potentially the roots are right on par at the start of the competition that was three attempts by the way for tomorrow 5:00 p.m. - for Yoshiyuki rafters so even if it's early stage it looks like if you can't top men's one but come back to haunt you later on it looks like you're going to need a top to beat you look you're wrong it's off top of men's one looking pretty vital if you'd like a podium so HD maps to third of the four Japanese climbers in this evening's men's final Langley and Alex Magus alongside me Alex of course just miss out on the final by one place sorry to rub it in yeah it's okay don't worry seventh place in the World Cups still pretty good going it's kitschy mat-su then with the splash but new york man that was really really smooth and then we want the wave very alex is just going to say the way that he put his right foot up hopefully better have another look here we go it's just a move afterwards but he got right but I'm so easy yeah the hip flexibility has to be absolutely Blaine 15 to curb and also that last move it looks quite low-key but being able to keep Yuto on like that again hips like to deal with the absolutely crucial so the team Japan onslaught continues it's Bakura Fuji out next qualified in second after John munch one who took the overall 2017 championships with his position to get through to the finals but Sakura food is the overall winner for 2016 thumbs out try win a World Cup here in Munich and Benghazi as well still have the chance to win the overall no no okay does anybody still live Jen's window all except one Wang Chung no okay there are gone things taken care of yeah there's a lot of things to take care of it a semi final round a luckily that is sewn up so we don't have to worry about that we can focus on the cooler Fujian once again Team Japan just showing their dominant force it all does I say that foot slip you know how hard it was to keep that right foot on when you're on the phone like that it looked as if you almost dab just outside the edge of the boulder as well on the move before clearly not though you can get called down and have another yeah with the right foot of when you mean on the swing oh yeah on the swing we apply we language that could have gone outbound to store the black tape on the ground side of the ball we discussing that a little bit yeah and the women's final didn't make a difference on that tempo the penultimate way morale started immense competition here in Munich after an excellent women's final we have tough women's final as well we managed to find a good view point for the second up yes it is behind it he did it at the spot okay did you say do you know who I am I'm Alex make off can you make me a space no actually I just that I'm one of their foods I like Japan be very light yeah go rose climb the grueling positions back out onto the slab trying a different method Oh still trying to persist with using it at oh it's probably tall enough to use the Y and Hoya method you might be made a centimeter shorter than the younger certainly not much in its cloud that's exactly the same ever we saw gradually issue mats who do so easily just popping a toe inside the arms yeah it much easier to unravel out the position and go towards the finish for yeah it almost looked like the title was not really hitting on the foot it was more yeah pushing with you with this foot into his hand it looked a bit different when he did this or move it look really smooth though the core has got a minute he's just done the left of the clock certainly have time for this attempt and another one should he need it he's been getting fairly close though it certainly looks more than capable of stopping the boulder we can have to be this side it looks as if his right foot stiffly bring him off but he obviously likes the method and the whole suddenly feels and look very far away it's a relief Lisa cure really interesting Boulder they really seem to struggle then find - somehow it all got clicked it just comes together with these really nice roots testing every time you try it get a bit higher and that's the funny thing about all those worker problems I'd say probably 95% of all athletes competing in the World Cup would be able to do a problem but the actual hard part is to do them in five minutes to find a solution that suits you and do them in five minutes yeah all four minutes between the final or four million even harder even harder who exactly are [Applause] so the winner of the overall ball during World Cup season 2017 jeong-hwan John comes out only a couple of climbers tops all four folders in semi-finals dong-won was one it was a great moment in the semi finals if you watched it just turn around to the clowns FAC look at me I am the winner will you be the winner here tonight though definitely get me stuff with such a strong field five climbers already taught this so much on the last go out Kenny equal them incredible in the semi-final even but particularly the last couple of World Cup and this time he chooses to toe method just pause this midway through the move look like it cost him actually quite an interesting move there trying to break down the subtleties of it it seems to be very dependent on the left shoulder we have a look so you've got to find a position pushing the less soda you've got to find out where he wants to be fast or slow you know somewhere in between and we tried to go super super slow and at that point something happens to the right foot not 150 odd it seems to force the right foot off I don't know who supplies this tape but I might get them because it seems to wear more every competition he seems to get stronger every conversation seems to work just wrap yourself in it like an Egyptian mummy to do something for you need the top here though to stay in the game if you want the World Cup win here in Munich just to wander welcome win for him and last year in 2016 he won an instrument but otherwise it was a pretty forgettable season 2017 much more live of 2015 vintage here we go then John launched on on on for another burn looking like exactly the same method but victus really really interesting men's number one in terms of the technique great work for John John gets it done in the end it's just in a couple of attempts as well so that puttin up with the other guys as a you took Matthew and Yoshi nuclear gotta will check them out to see when any attempts it was but yeah good start to the competition sent a couple more tops as the reserves we're expecting on the first Boulder yes this will top from every climate 10 is already crucial just one flashed off just one flaccid you say very nice the really nice room setting kind of seemed like every time every time climber tried it they figured something new out until they got it done part of course especially mat-su got it done the first time a few attempts 5 john 1 john and yogi okata night falling here in munich crowds still here still enthusiastic I haven't had heard a roar at a World Cup like running out no it's not that first dollar for a long time I think especially the message that he ended up using I think they love to see kind of someone picking out the box and doing something a bit different and obviously it's ya know it it's awfully good the way he did it was really really cool it definitely was young and I mean he is this were quite different all other competitors it's the only non Asian climber in the final this line with boy Japanese one South Korean and one German I think that gives him control texture intensive it's over it just definitely makes him the odd one out I guess and since he's a small about 15 kilos heavier than everybody else in half with collar just make them look were they all one out but I mean it's it's super interesting to do that in climbing especially in bouldering that shapes of people can be so different and they're so performing at a world class level I think you come across a really good point and also into Russia we saw in the women's final earlier we were talking about list if we have a day the certificate shapes different sizes and a different way to the climbers like say ya know a significantly larger than some of the other guys but it Yoshiyuki looks like you've got a bit of a triple catch here a drop across these sections and does look like it's a triple catch on to the bonus holder and check out a right foot onto the black volume let me go down another attempt it will sort of move the roots is employed to get separation because you burn a lot of attempt might quickly real muscle memory and we saw it a few times in the women's it's actually on the board you can see just stop you right there that was a more of a hand and catch one two and this is more of a one two three first volley men is not good enough to stabilize they have to move on to the next one stabilize the foot same time really quick hand movements not on Nesta made you look a lot of skin on those problems realize that us won the semi-finals when I was playing one job over and over again and within a few tries you just lose so much skin which is quite crucial for the next type of problem so that means II would think it's all just muscle and power but the contact with the wall is with the skin at the end of the day and the airclimber is talking about it a lot all seem to find a slightly better position with the right hand just about slowed down the move but it wasn't quite enough that he has time halfway through his climb into Stanford two minutes left it looks like it'd be good if you could try and find some way of stopping his legs the momentum of his legs is not healthy at all but I'm not quite sure if you can get anything out that low right volume the black one you can see now it's fully in the spotlight getting Gardner in Munich quite the atmosphere in the Olympic Stadium Alex this inspire you to do more World Cup would to be honest another big fan of jumping around so there's maybe not too bold a top pick with that question but I mean it was fun I had a great time yesterday I had a great time today and I wouldn't say our nervous I woke up again so we'll see I think the fans at home is that we like see you in more loyal classes is anything incentive just to do it with the guys at home okay other thing about it I'm German I'm not going to be very drastic about something that was definitely German for yeah Mike alright yes just drop it exactly and from the Frank nur as well you know people from the foyer of his merchandise if they say it was all right actually mean it was awesome that's also system of having spent some time in Sheffield very very chewy up I do like spending time here so here's your austere nucleic acids got 30 seconds to go quick replay is one of its best attempts there's like said Charlie it's not much time now it's looking unlikely I mean just climb very fast a section does he have enough in the strength getting close enough to the walls and the right foot at all and we all think that's going to be the crucial relevant who everything stick let's move on off and jumping on for another go with just five seconds there he's definitely getting tired I mean you probably give it 20 tries now [Applause] 20 tribes and none of them successful unfortunately and Yan Hoyer is out next said the big man after a fantastic show on Boulder number one looks like it's really really enjoyed himself we had a chat with him earlier so psyched to be here and to be climbing well once again I think it seems like the entire crowd is here just for yang at this moment in time Alex you know mo presses and most people it seems like you would relish this to chat the crowd chanting his name before he comes out he join up yeah definitely definitely and I think it's got a good chance in a problem as well I mean I know that Yan is a very dynamic climber years and I know for sure he's tall as well so I'm just going to hope that he he'll figure move now oh here we just saw stuff stain from yeah oh yeah that's another crazy method go statically up to the first volume hits the finish [Applause] when Hoyer once again does insanely well this looks up like what on earth happened Alex Magus and 6000 people really really appreciated that one how's the he self thing here immediate crowd adding to the clapping with stamping on the metal scaffolding behold in there see the unbelievable in the entire region yoshiyuki of gases jumping trying to find a coordination method who needs coordination when you smash your way up it with maximum power I mean he probably could have done the jump as well but and no way was way cooler the roof nearly came off the stadium when he did that first mirrors unbelievable the rowan aris lakis out he won't be in any doubt what happened the clock on our screen still ticking away from there yeah and they're just being told to wait there we get a reset okay four minutes begins mate I'm going to tell with the other athletes coming up we do wonder am Yan's big a frame there really helped him on that person ooh middle indeed managed to switch the left hand into a kind of calm down the whole depends to between two really paired slopers but we've got to help realize hard not to think that it's tight was a definite positive I mean power is obviously acuity has bucket loads of that he's definitely has I think we could be about to see a demonstration of the difference in body shapes in climbing up to the 15-yard higher stick it with power high reach flexibility Samoan our sake judging by that first attempt looks like he wants to go for the slightly more dynamic parkour style we shall soon I think you have to I think John is probably the only time I can pull off the other method with his height I don't think anybody of the other competitors in this final will be able to spend that now we just saw Timon as if look disagree strive to measure up is whether he could do it he obviously didn't see answer somebody obviously had the same thought yeah don't think he can you need that enormous wingspan yeah hi how'd he just locked that position for a couple of seconds I don't think any of the other climb to be able to make it maybe pakora we should see you should be in Kokoro as we were talking about earlier is a real master in the art of the dynamic move so if anybody can do two triple cats on the foot land at 10 C not really looking like anywhere near that the moment looking very similar to Yoshiyuki or garters situated on the same bottom two minutes 30 left yeah noise hoodies helping it stack a really good position here early on the second border thing is sometimes the Japanese are little bit trapped in their methods as well because they are very very good at those dynamic moves when they see such open they know okay the Roosters want to see a dynamic move and that's what they all try whereas the Envoy exactly knows that the Japanese are really good at all ceramic moves and he knows that maybe he's not he'll try to figure out a different method with his side and with his height and that sometimes gives them a bit of an advantage as well I'm going to put my neck on the line a little bit here I think Samoa might be in for a shower here that was the time it landed the volume for the first time his right foot I think the confidence is just building in tomorrow then lining it up for another go and I'm picky I think the psychology was racist and then he knows you can do it therefore he yeah I think he messed up the first moves you're smoking more on the next section I know that's always the tricky part as soon as you know okay I can do it with this method then that's just okay now I just have to do it I've got one minute 30 left on the clock and that's a really stressful situation Oh tomorrow as well say I think it's nice when woke up the similar to the experiences of everyday climbers because I know a lot I know certainly if I try a route the first time you try it is often the best time because the second time you kind of expect to get into a high point and you just think about the moves after it and what you fall off six moves earlier exactly that is very firm that happens because the probe climbers and to the normal climbers well that happens to everybody all the time could you see our space and it was a beautiful sunset over the arena here bidding finishing off Munich in style it's been a interesting weekend of weather that's for sure but we took some good stuff to finish some our towers Ypres clothes it's the same Samoas got a time limit because I know he can do this Boulder just can he do it in the time remaining I'm checking it won't take him long if you can stick this move you won't be much time to finish it off no and he knows that he can do it but he has well knows that he's got one try it lines it up goes to the right I left them right not quite he'll probably go for another one but 15 seconds left I'm not sure if that'll be enough time to stop the ball though if he gets the bonus right left and not quite for tomorrow well the debate about what the climbing is easier for the taller or the smaller climber is endless that one certainly seemed to work for Yan Hoya Sakura Fuji still to come he's dynamic a nice tall might try either method might try both methods knees I was throwing are attacking like this had no closer [Music] okay OCS Tomatsu flash the first folder you can take the lead here depending on number of attempts off a long way to go in this men's final you can take the lead there you can see it then just bust up on your screen it's en Hoyer two tops indistinct attempts and if you map to one flat under is built already with this second Boulder plays we've got a butte empting hand to me early on the competition but we are only on the second half for final goal of here I mean if you look at the fact that everybody's got the first Boulder Yan Hoya flash the second one which I'm sure everyone was aware of it's already feels like a high top high pressure men's final if you walk off the stage without a top on a boulder you'll be nervous in this final yep very true so if you had to and his first dependent went to the one to just on the first volume didn't look any other options seemingly not so advances but he didn't have enough momentum to go to the third with and a foot or it just feels like he may be able to stick it the 1/2 to the first volume never gets on your second attempt this message doesn't look quite as promising it is romantic installed when the right hand ladders and almost look Tania's trying to catch the first volume instead of going again to the third volume think everyone's been a little bit stunned from yunho's earlier burn on this route still got a bit quite here oh no we definitely got it with the triple biggis the triple that's got to get the high in the foot now but we've seen from Samoa that even if you have the trickle it's do incredibly difficult to stick it in definitely and yes well didn't kick his right foot on to win volume though while he was doing scribble he was just bothers you in the air and their own thing they can catch it with us 2:20 remaining class of the first bowler no success as yet on this one I mean it's early favor to athletes and I mean again where was in this finals in this mood was said it could be a situation like we saw in the women's with a lot of people standing on the ground very true oh god leave the vehicle King happening whereas in the Women's Club nobody really got off the ground so she lines it up again what will the method be this time again he tries to match and chooses not to do the one two three goes with the right hand then the left disciples copy there I think he knows that he's gone that you want to go for the one two three but yeah he realized that he had to kick out his right foot onto the green volume before going to the next hole to the wonderful but um well I can tell that coordination is quite hard to train so um I just I know how would not been able to do a problem for sure he took a slap at it last time okay so this side it seems like he knows how he needs to do it last time we took a bit of it despairing lunge at this time is much closer [Music] got less than a minute left it's the German crowd clapping him on they don't think there's any doubt who did like to see win this conversation but they give a pretty big share for everyone if they manage to top the boulders just the replay of an earlier attempt that one was close North could fall then he's definitely getting closer and closer and it's one more tired every trying thirty Seconds to go then it becomes part of food to your climber we're looking forward to seeing we've got the height of Yan higher he's got the power has got the dynamism goes I wanted to pop of if it's going to happen quick it's got 15 seconds he falls back on dad to start home make sure he gets a legal start inside nine seconds left as you mentioned earlier is killing his skin I think that was just an attempt on the bone is realistically still smiling walks off we have a flash in the final and still figure one of you to believe it here in Munich we were forecasting disaster today for the weather but hasn't arrived and very pleased to say what a wonderful orange sunset I mean it was a bit of a disaster this afternoon it ranked porno Whitehead bottom looks really amazing now nope apparently yesterday row hurricane the hurricane I think it was a sunburn on everyone's faces followed by the hurricane it kind of really confused everybody all eyes on tokyo fuji then let's have a look what he can do on this triple jump first attempt an interesting we tries to dynamic move straight away this is natural instinct you can see the Japanese plz they've got a lot going for them when you do keep the terrain this style of lose a lot and they're the beep up gym in Tokyo we've set a lot of these style of moves a lot of these holes they make sure they have the World Cup holds or not for them to train on home maybe start to work with the Korra but so far really nobody for anywhere near this move other than admire I think I'll just keep on trying that method I don't think they'll try to Spanish to be honest it as well might look impossible and just look at the problem like that really surprisingly and expand it out in LP they got to move yet be quite wise with the left hand you have to use it skillfully and drop it into kind of a mandrel compressions I'm like they are very very ugly who should not thought of you and how strong he is I mean he pretty much done an Iron Cross on through back Lapras yeah take nothing away from it was super impressive this is a really good angle to see what he's up against Kokoro again doesn't seem to want to commit for this three-part move his jump move there there can be super impressive to watch when it works but when it doesn't work and get quite frustrating and you can see buddy remembrances taking too far I've got to find somewhere either stopping the momentum or committing to go into the bonus in one movement without a loss of momentum let's see the launch again right left right so the gambit figures out the move doesn't get it when he figures out how to be dumb all of them have the bonus but I think actually holding bonus will be the crux yeah the only person we've seen hold the bone is so far with young hire in a couple of seconds later you held the topic easy to be perfectly honest so you can't help but think like Charlie was saying the top section after bonuses easy so if the cur can find any magic here my ability and pushing up into second place to join you and higher when it came the distance okay there wasn't mentioned for so fast see what that would be really impressive you've really got to stab out the right bone that kills the momentum instantly I think there's not seem to finding the right position he was doing three thing to the hands the thing is it looks like one of those moves that if you get everything perfect you might as well just stick it from one course to the next and then go to the top so I think this is the challenge every set exist they know they have to get it perfect and they probably could if they had half an hour or an hour but they have to score a minute the line they have to tread circus or alarming it up the crowd clapping fifty seconds to go and not that time I've been told that fortunately there was enough of a problem with our live stream to apologize we're not aware of it's our end but I'm being kept today apparently there was a problem it would appear that the Olympic Channel stream is working better you can access that by going to the IFSP homepage and clicking on please click here if you don't have access to YouTube seems our stream is working again now the Olympic channel one does seem to be more reliable and do apologize not much we can do at our end we will bring you all the action as best we can Charlie Bosco here with Mike Langley and Alexander Meaghan I'm running now refuting now just going to take or in future time's running out realistically it's not going to happen for him once again it just repeated the same over over and over and over again to try to see if something could happen but wasn't meant to be maybe John John coming out next the dominant force of 2017 can do something and Alex on that replay you can please really be taking the first on well you know he is not not really kicking the move at all not even looking close I think it's just a really really hard move to be honest and like I said with the route that is really hard to get it perfect I know I mean the difference between making a problem really easy or making it impossible is quite small so whether you change slight changes in the bowler problem just makes it super hard or soup easy and I mean it I can imagine being a rosetta material enough job to be honest that was a great shot there of John one chance corrected with the dark Olympic ceiling behind in waited becomes days and now climbs in the spotlight what an atmosphere we've got here in Munich our first date at night and he's definitely a stylo see he's good good son yeah he's one of those climbers bill when it comes to rate up climbing pulling hard on bad holes he's awesome yes I saw style he can do it as well and it wouldn't surprise me at all of atop this Boulder well flash it might yunhai oh did don't actually after the crowds been here for a few hours already atmosphere is just dropped a little bit they're taking this opportunity to get a breather looking many of them will be leaving their spots spots are hard to find here so many people packed in as you can see on the screen there it really is a full house they really want to see that great effort from the local embassy they're really keeping the crowd going everyone just can't be constantly on every attempt and don't want Chalmers trying to find something in response [Applause] dragony right behind him he launches right with [Applause] - how many plenty of time what a position Yayoi would be in that he was the only man with to top a clean lead not on the tender sit on top kinda does look like it now to be honest young must be missing is about what two o'clock listen to the crowd I'm pretty sure that young knows that he's find the problem was probably very hard maybe even the hardest and that competition on he's in a good position right now I would say you see as well the differences between Jung Hwan Sean and few of the other Japanese competitors now he for example takes a little bit of time between attempts so our first Japanese started for example here I think it's our now it's about 20 attempts within the four minutes Yong Yong Chun will know although that he knows how to do it he's still taking his time taking risk and I think that just shows that he son but if you want a stand he's got quite a lot of experience as well so it's got 90 seconds to join yon higher in the two top Club [Music] and I was brushing himself if he brushes it hard enough you can find a bit of an extra hold in there that really took me they do the only thing that's going to really any impact for me he's just looking as we saw with the other five athletes nowhere near this move unfortunately is they say and it's made off of a super super hard move Oh nearly at my words straight up there come on Charlie prove me wrong you must have her beep all right come on I'm John Montone don't you know and I mean he's got incredibly strong fingers on they could have realized that when he was brushing that holster and enter that he might try to just pick the first hole instead of doing the double clutch so much on there my 30 seconds left can he find something special here getting really close with the time is running out really pressured moment here then for jong-hong just takes a look up compose himself takes a deep breath yeah 15 seconds or so remaining come on John one oh he's got time for another go will it be enough to find a Tommy has to go right now John wrong song then can you stick it here he goes with five seconds left oh no can't help I think if he had a little bit more time he could have done that maybe could have found that earlier metric earlier on is going to be kicking himself that second-to-last determines which I think it's the one we're about to see yeah what decision yeah what if it was easier to stay on the wall and to fall off it's just a momentum that's a great effort so as we head into the third bold as we move across the wall it's Jana who's leading the way the only European is final two tops in six attempts young well one of the challenges of course to Yan Hoya now is staying calm he said he wanted to make a lead final on the ball to find out this season for he's made of all the fun and the lead car nobody is leading the way in his home world cut with two balls to go he's got to somehow keep his head in the right place stay focused that moment where he topped that second Bowl that's gone trying to piece it don't do anything reckless get the job done Elia since another call I mean if he tops the Nexus of problems now he's definitely the winner nobody will be able to take the lead anymore from him but I mean I can take all this exactly the big old is normally the rootedness are trying to make the fourth problem a bit of a show since it's the last problem and I want the last problem to be the hardest so everybody will be fail on it so and that's exactly what we show in the women's competition exactly so we move on to the fall next hand side of the law and this is what the routes that are described as a bit of a mix of old and new modern style with lots of volumes 12 of them think of it just looking from really 12 volumes on the next Robert so those volumes feel complete within the round but it's locked off the grave on is quite hard to see against the gray wall but the finger lock potentially has gone up at the left hand you can see in dropping into the well looking for the finger lock underneath and two volumes in the crack created there this is actually looking really good from Yuki [Applause] don't you take me for position aspiring right up to leader guys join yang Moya goes to the reverse Gaston on the volumes doesn't really need to finger lock and it's just to read foot holes on up a forum two moves that they're not the final volume gets the bonus now has to be wary as the out of bounds take on the right hand side Thank You side the Pens could be crucial it's worth really taking your time here figuring this one out is no rush at all for who savagely difficult left push out to the left this could work for the finish problem is a way to accept oh what a moment didn't know what to do in port you know I'm just going to jump her he did exactly that an incredible finish from Yoshiyuki what a way to top the border just no fear at all and that's what the Japanese are known for complete commitment incredible finish the thing is I think on those problems you have to commit you knew your cave he's going to wait any second longer it's with my pop and he saw okay the top of the good play just goes for it unbelievable accuracy I mean that did it or getting it is true now wait for this the MCS got the crowd pretty well trained now he shows young they shout higher and they shout it pretty loud there you can see your see you kick a stick to lead to top the and higher is in his he can win this conversation regardless of what anyone else does if you keep topping the boulders and there it is the shell from the crowd is out as I see the clock not reset just wait he'll get four minutes here we told the wait is look at the clock there it is four minutes on the clock began higher to get this done when famillies been working on this lab technique and it really has paid off still no shortage of power as we saw in Boulder too though yeah I'll be loving this Yan Hoyas got hard I can follow up an incredible show from the Japanese athlete Yoshiyuki Yayoi it looks like a different athlete really really on form here yan who drops into the right hand gets the Fingal up we heading to the left is where we saw Debbie that Yoshi you can have a little look Yayoi just sees reclining on a different planet here tonight you don't read us the comment oh I'll just home a microphone up to the crowd it tells you everything you need to know they're going crazy here in Munich Jan Hoya fighting his way out to the lap we saw your so you can launch from here he's eyeing his eyeing it up he goes to the last dose of the line incredible themes here in Munich everybody's mounting their feet people will fight us hand in the air absolutely insane here in unit then Hoya take the applause that's Pratap Singh five attempts with one goal is still to go yeah an employer does it again and does it with ease well I nearly have my right ear drum it first by some enormous German climbing fan about five meters away the arena went mental unbelievable from the unholy lined it up it's a it's a really hard move you got to be precise you got to be accurate look at that perfectly an Hoya into the left one a second before the right and when the right landed there was no way was coming off that move really is quite ridiculous he left the neck but really low didn't bother moving the left hook up to the next foothold as we saw the Japanese effort you could see he was going it up but surely not another athletes just going to dump her it he went for it suck it leave and at that point basically the routine exploded is a glass roof here and we were in danger of getting shards of glass all over blue okay think everybody just need five seconds so it just be close themselves most the crowd the embassy poor Samoan our sake has to come out and try and ignore what he's just heard and seen which is y an horror emerging back in with a massive grin on his face get on with his job well not just your noise yukia's well topped it and I'm pretty sure that every athlete behind the wall knows that so I'm the pressures on no yeah tomorrow is currently 66 place [Applause] Oh a different method here almost as a static really good method on a really good move to the timing to drop into the kind of the block volume crack and the palm down on the right hand body where speeds are currently another athlete looking good here the most looking a little bit stressed but it can do two feet higher up on the volume it almost looks like you've got it as a mon on nicking in the crack he just moves out of the finger jams but he's come in there at the moment and the crowds actually I could see they're just waiting for this model ooh left foot slips there for a second tomorrow is now lining it up is he going to go for the jump as a look oh absolutely going for the jump really impressive move and tell you what Charlie has someone missed that move they're going to end up in if we must in the commentary box well I know we're right next to that end of the wall it's not a huge amount of spare mass and you've got to give it 100% commitment yes as you say apologies which is a big thud when someone lands on our table - something's going to happen if we miss that move luckily we still got like about five cameramen protecting us from the climbers yes we'll take out about 50 grams with a camera but our 10 euros table will be fine okay she is your master he must have heard the rolls the crowd and love in that move I got to say the first time we saw it when y'all see you can suck it I couldn't believe the way he done it but that's really the way to do it yeah I was really surprised to our score there's no way anywhere else is going to repeat that it must be a different metal debit all the athletes as soon as they got established on that left hand volume you can just see they look straight across it I think yeah I'm going yeah nobody's dropped it no that one's top of the bonuses range off to the top it definitely looks like a very spectacular move but it could be as well maybe either than it looks like the top of them is quite good and like I can imagine it must be very tempting if you look to the left you see the top hold it is good and you're just about slip off and you might as well just go for it we get so much bravery and that's one of the things the athletes oxley terrain is they just going for and exactly her turn if I managed to a lot of the youth climbers if they grow up in their competition career just getting used to that mentality absolutely no fear these walls here will be there over four meters high and agnate they're chopping for a volume right at the very top it gamma them remain he put it over yeah but she just very close to the wall unless you just walk around for the front of the wall and without their aiming fork the thing is as small as it looks yeah and it's my knee to be honest I didn't even see everyone had a look at the problem no I mean we could be forgiven for thinking that the lack that huge volume at the end is the top hole but it is the one over on the left oh he's going for a different method now harming the volume matching and doing it really setting look like nice really good technique here Prince have a fit the way he just smoothly went through we're currently sitting in fourth position putting because well in to top club which is currently cleared late so good work here and that's the house smoothie seems to be climbing that was really impressive didn't take a short bag we've seen some fly was taking something that you might be regretting that now I think you've been on the bold along than he was expected to and especially when you're Thomas get hold of tiny little holes like that red one mr. short bo-buddies cut straight through it but nobody's dropped it having got to the boulders one of the worst cases of commentators girth and quite some time I do apologize certainly looks like you can do the Boulud up the real shame is just the curtain is blue and I think just bad luck more than anything else we initially I mean I think that could have happened to any of the athletes on that moving very cool it was they're just as difficult yes a terrible terrible hole there on that wall you I mean all these boulders are pretty much designed to fall somewhere so I'm not the aim of the root letter that people are falling off so I can't say it enough if you ever get the chance to come to an IFC World Cup and you're able to get on the stage sometimes they do seem to allow up on onto the stage at the end whenever could you bit have a go at the boulders oh it's a really good recovery there well reduce the palm to really really good use because he was in a bit of trouble there managed to fight it through healthy body tension looks very very impressive on its own and let's hope you can push through this next move and not sleep as it did not really folks you can see eyes looking right in that hole making sure he's got it Neal but it's blocked up against the volume to fourth table for me go through it oh yeah much quicker than other athletes as one to plan and water great performance after struggling on the boulder earlier getting close to running outside kept his hood catches cool another look yeah well what was extraordinary a couple of climbers ago is close to becoming routine everybody sucked that move doesn't say I went down to the front of the world is the ten seconds I need a gap to going up not an optical illusion it was only just big enough so the next climber to try his hand that is wrong to call a bougie everyone else has topped it four out of four so far don't want John still to come Yan Holly leading the way he's got three tops the only man with three tops no matter what happens in the rest of this third bold around he will be the only man with three tops no one else can catch him right now at this stage of the competition it's going to be yan holes to lose on the last folder lots of people hot on his heels with two tops and four attempts oh yeah how is that to use the number attempts on his first Boulder from five attempts flash and x2 to put him in a super strong position going into the last folder but it's Vegas he's known well can he keep it together into the land border I think you can I had a bit of a look at the fourth problem and it could be a cup of tea of things so it's I mean the thing is he just has to climb tall dinamic or and that'll make him already winner because nobody will ever be able to catch up with him it's nobody did pull the number two but and the thing is he still has to do number four maybe sure we could have a really tense finish for general on the last Boulder will be coming out second so very swiftly after the start a lot butter we all know that's all eyes at the moment on this man kaguro fuji just 24 years old but it seems to have been around forever well Cup wins under his belt already this year just saying that 24 years old as well I said 24 last week I saw your social media you talking about wistfully about when you were young I've turned 24 now I'm over the hill well not not over the hill I did serve a nice old approaches like this I can see the top of there let's do that no definitely not but I am I mean if you look at the starting list if I would be in the final now I would as well be with the UH noia in for a food year you know the oldest competitor which is quite funny well it's not over yet there have just lost the clock at the moment there is two minutes 33 left for Kokoro oh he goes for a living record yeah that's a really good dynamic talk iron cross calm it was nice work [Applause] you know all that older than their QuickTrim together I'm pretty fixing the fingers of them right we kind of to decide if you want to get your left hand or your right hand in properly because not enough space for all your fingers which I did take this one is a bit of a mix of old and new and the new movie seven at the end within the thing listen to that crack exactly the old-school style you don't see too often anymore pain asunder this room I think it looked awesome just to have lost our clock on screen I can see one down the far end of the wall we always got one minute 30 left Kokoro and he knows pressures on now he has to drop this one too they'll be able to make onto the podium yeah currently in sixth place needs to occur all places are still available not quite sure what under the temperature has the corner this looks like a new method kind of a flip upside down finger lot whatever it was it worked good effort now he finds himself at the bonus hold on take a cleric honor oh just about so you can't take a win but it's definitely impressed shout your podium depending on the number of attempts but it's probably even has too many for that the cooker is kind of out of the running already here and but your septic an acute fighting Kokoro coursework from trained to be pumped gym in tokyo place in which one of them which one of the eights in sochi exactly of the eight be pumpkins I mean in Tokyo they're setting more than 200 gyms and also it is absolutely crazy now it lines it up again he's got the bonus and he get the song oh he's yes he can shoot for a Fuji became the fifth of five men to top Bowl the number three will confirm his attempted to come through have another look at that then just another great effort first you thought about using that purple as well with this right foot but then just commit to the jump it definitely enjoyed it once you have to finish hold in his hand you could see the smile on his face he knows probably that he's not done enough really to on the podium tonight but it's a great effort nonetheless that moved him up to fifth place to at our 2009 attempt so as I said no matter what jeong-hwan John does he really - I think ago I just think though this is yung-chun cup of tea so I wouldn't bet or if I should matter I'm half the better good bet that he does this maybe not first time but and that's with them as well in a very good position if both of them up or turns out to be hard it's really going to come down to the number of attempts if John does this leading into the last four Jan Hawaii already has those three tops under his belt in seven attempts jontron can find a quick top here the n-word won't do the last one if he doesn't do the last order really exciting finish here in the men's competition is exciting finish also in the women's a great way to end the 2017 season the company where at the end of the season already it's just gone by in such a flat integrate seamlessly and yeah I'm sure there's still some fireworks left in this competition well assume he is I don't think we'll have heard a roar in the bold of season like we might hear of John horse oxen at all that he did even calm down he just crimp the edge of the volume and went right in straight into the slot no needs this to keep himself in it jeong-hwan John attempts could be crucial in the standings this evening and once we get this done with minimal fuss the thing is once you know he has to do it normally as well does it he's pretty good at just doing things when he knows he has to do them there we go come on John their movies puts it into a tantalizing finish into the men's competition then first climber out on the last bo w also you CLE then it'll be ya know and he will decide how the end of this competition is going to look is it going to be a playoff for placing second and third or is it going to be all about who can win who can say steal it from yon Hoya [Music] made not through this folder absolutely personally it's been like that all seasons it's always a climber just steps up and makes it look like a different Boulder there you see everybody top all the one every time body top folder three but only yeah Jolla top bold and number two what a topic was cruised it he leads the way it's in his hands when he comes out doesn't matter what anyone else does be tops of Boulder he wins the competition if he doesn't top it things get slightly more complicated I think there's about six thousand people in here who know that as well they know the pressure that is going to be on Hawaii when it comes out if it is opportunity to take away a World Cup victory and they are very very hard to come by so this is the problem with the twelve volumes then number four and twelve green volumes a few black hole and a really big barn door move we saw and in the preview I was talking to the head root so there can be a good final way [Music] so that's the scene here in the Olympic Stadium out comes the Aussie you to first chance to see our last older and it's at his first molding World Cup final Yoshiyuki yes [Music] the winner of the world games this year that's where you've seen it before that's probably why I've seen before up there Israel he made the final there's our first two first look at Yoshiyuki then this is what the respective kind is a really big barn door move it means a lot of money attention required across the rive but no such issues which is going to be really interesting because if he finds a nearly table here shows the level of this Boulder and it never going to be easy but it could potentially open the door beyond hired take it away not over yet oh oh somehow most high on the wall was unbelievable Oh God for a straight guy foot when those holes look really bad just locked in everything is on the right hand and the left foot because there's awful and you could see that as V final is the top five who have the potential to take it away from you and higher but attempt to crucial Yoshi you gu keep top tip that week to top three top scuse me into six which is one attempt below Dan Hoya so the more attempts you'll see you guys next like you need to win one more attempt because well we've got his right hand just blew off hold but it does look like the left hand the first left hand he's aiming for is absolutely nothing it didn't get much out of it at all now brush bill [Music] 60th time is a long time moves on the world burned a lot of energy not to mention the fact that he climbing the qualifiers and the semi ready this morning the consolation to when he knows this is last December we could give it everything because it's no more world coke left in this folder in season not assured his last last bowl of of the season they get the least in a World Cup final and it's starting to look a little bit burnt out now is that a long couple of days and I was exactly Mahim on Friday and then a hard semi finals yeah it's not see the fade on the lock on the right man those sorts of movers no guineas in it how you need to spring all the way through the competition and that moves really despite the right arm basically a one-armed lock off and moving up and a long way is to not forget for the dead like he's probably forgot since they're the whole Japanese team arrived beginning of this week stick that nicely third go dust blew him out of contention for the overall win here he's still fighting for a medal nice close-up of what he's gone out a really cool like terrific crimp which is very sword before he went for the really high foot struggle to relief with left hand from the previous hold you see it just grabbing its way out that's what's local sound this effort is that the premier on the volume and a play group required interesting one report into this problem that really towards the end weather reason is less than 30 seconds left of his fall during World Cup season he'll give this everything he's got at flash of the bonus has already put him into third place by the way crowd getting behind him and he knows that this is his last corner he knows this today I think times going to be an issue if you want to talk resources only got eight seconds left he's got to go out left then back right there's the top hole but it won't go I think he heard the beep she rushed it but he was going to be out of time anyway but that was a great burn he's absolutely put his body on the line tonight and has a really good effort it's so so easy to say but he probably had a couple of seconds to spare we heard the beats and rushed and maybe had one or two seconds for the other so it's easy to say it down here just get ready for this noise here we go they become on the stage yeah the chairs are being banged the chant is Yan Hoya you can hear it over the headset everybody shall toya as the MC self yeah and this is it yeah and Hoya topless he wins in Munich 2017 and it does look like this could be a thing I think you're use a different method of when she gets the bonus to go on left to the non holes I think you're keeping foot low on the volume on well one of the volumes obviously by them on the volume music standing right on top I think I'll keep it nice with very low to go outlets and I mean you've got a good chance of doing this I think you really get the feeling again who has the right mindset here he could literally call these holes off the wall and smash this Boulder and win the Munich well cup here he goes ball start let's hope not going to have a wobble psychologically gave birth on the face look full of nervous energy was agitated telling the brother how he wanted it done just needs to calm down it's a powerful Boulder he needs to be physical and dynamics but he also need to take to be calm enough to think the position his body accurately Yan Horry can win this competition right here right now he knows that the crowd knows it they're going absolutely crazy I've been about yeah my legs have turned to jelly just watching the atmosphere here in the Olympic Stadium absolutely electrified he hadn't made a final in 2017 he can win this here it goes over the left hand the crowd reacts into every movement he makes now the right hand goes up you can see how hard he's having to fight two days accomplish it and climbing in his arm and he's still going the left hand there there's the top hold yet higher he lines it up for the win he placed it mean it goes crazy I think the Olympic stadiums not heard a rare live out since 1972 when the Olympics is here that was unbelievable yeah Hoya has dominated this final from the secondly walk now onto the map and we store a judge on the stage I thought he was going to be denied he won't be denied he is the winner in Munich for incredible moment here what a way to finish the ball during season 4 2000 a 70 yen holy wind which style goes through to the loft border ahead of the game what a moment what a moment indeed it was so so incredible just the way he went through that section every move the crowd was with him just pushing pushing pushing electric well have no idea what the audio levels are like I couldn't hear myself couldn't hear you it was shouting away I hope it made sense it was just unbelievable yeah hi a clean sweep for top just rustic today that last year number 2 gave him the opportunity psychologically so hard to come out with two boulders remaining and get the job done never wobbled never cracked in front of a home crowd as where the pressure must have been insane when he came out for that last order it took it all on his chin and just went out there did what you need to do instead it with style we thought he might have been having a little bit of a wobble at the stuff Alex Magus you've just gone on and gave him the high fives what's he saying you say anyone's trying really really hard and I mean we could all see it on the screen I mean on this one right Hank Remy said I guess things were just about to open but it's not okay I have to do this now to win so it was really cool to watch it was really climbing on his limit apologies for any industrial language there was quite heated moment yeah yeah and a very happy man so Samoan era sake we fairly had time to calm down already he's out on the stage alone hours away and currently sitting in four position drop top he'd conferred with that bonus he's going for a different method yet his right foot really high and it does look like he's going for a jump now everybody's still around the ring you can see them off to our sides just shaking their heads they can't quite believe what to feed the night in the men's final brilliant show so two minutes 30 left at Imola nobody in the arena quite sure what to do they just need to take their breath push system oh he didn't say a place right now it can cement second but a lot of pressure on John one John if you can top this Boulder there you see top of the screen Yan Hoya a mind-blowing performance for top no one else got anywhere near Boulder - it's great to hear from all you guys on the social media hashtag IFSP WTA we just had a quick look a lot of you really appreciating the show here tonight and thank you so much for watching and his great show it has been yeah a lot of people just saying WOW ya know a what a what a moment but out of the last couple of seasons he's had to watch people like this man Samoan our of Sachi win and win and win and he stuck with it he's worked on his weaknesses Yan Hoya and what a reward he got so tomorrow is he really proud enjoyed that one he's got the top hole in his side he's got it in his hands whoa listen the feet get the right hand solid mat does it and that was important as one that might get him into second place they got him into second yet it'll come down through Thames jeong-hwan Shan will have the opportunity to take his place in second but for now the mole will be there someone other look at it so it was really impressive that we managed to locate that left hand it was blind from the position he was jumping on and when he got there there was absolutely no that guy's not brought off news like that great moment season for him that would be the last action he's going to see for a while I'm sure team Japan will be back in force in 2018 no doubt about it maybe even with more people so Casey your Matsu out onto the map the crowd dark here in Munich and I can assure you not one person has left via email it is packed we are definitely waiting the n-word take a Constance mother phony I mean it's easy to say it's all about team Germany where a lot of it is but it's also there's a lot of international support here a lot of example teams from around the world a lot of team Japan Japanese support which is being streamed live on Japanese TV too we are going nowhere right now we are not and one thing you cannot say about the crowd in Munich is that they only support the German acid deficit route the cheer is only half a percent smaller when someone else top the route and wen Yan Hoya does it I mean I talked to quite a few of that elite in the semi-final and they all said that Munich is one of the best World Cups ever the crowd is amazing and they just love climbing you [Music] so here we go then on the top couple of moves to any repeat Kokoro Fugees if it attempts are going to be crucial for the final place on the podium goes nicely aesthetically or miss with the holes are a little bit yeah went nicely for the first hole but just came up short on the next hole that's where we saw kokoro at samoa sorry and firing to that hole really pressing style chamoy just get the first left hand hold the volume completely so we're just trying to keep it in record the number of attempts here to see where this is going to end up here so anything in fourth position inside the top here automatically moving to third but as bill DeJohn one chance to can't see if he could find a cellphone and it's so much on and leave holes probably not really into much down nope I think that this was Jang Wing Chun cup of tea so he's got a pretty good chance of doing that and I said when Jung long Chung notes that he had to do a things he is very good at just doing them so it's all eyes on the issue Matt - now then he went nicely to the left hand before Kenny finishing slow our tried to go directly for the second half and which really gives an indicator of how bad that first that sound must be so I got 1/2 minutes left [Music] taking its rest I think you just go for one more attempt as it looks like taking this time in [Music] so it's got 118 left on the clock if it falls on make that 150 currently down in 4th place [Music] put move up into the podium here if he does this now one minute to go four minutes ago to finish your season on a high the soul goes for a new home in the now left foot really high right hand sticks the top hole so that's the match lower holding top hole great performance great top becomes the third climber the top men's 4 makes its way off the stage looking very happy with his evenings work [Music] I can see now in the retail I was screaming a lot who so the pelvic climber out the penultimate climber of this season it's kokoro fuji sofa corner without for me to go for him for about his six flowing jacket you can only go for the chromatic correct down in six between a tough night for him I mean it still managed to get to talks which is not bad any any form of action in the World Cup final but you know we've seen more from securing before much all about young lawyers and I unfortunately and interesting discussions at some point about hi and Jana Hoya on that Dino border because I really put him in into the position of needing Winston I am definitely not not saying that it was a treat to go Mary resort an incredible athlete it'll be really interesting to plate that no doubt we'll go around the arena and for you guys at home yeah it just looked like he was an ultimate page mode all night roan the way that you smash that Boulder I mean overall OS he is Tiffany's always the best farmer of the night is the best breast liner on the night I think was definitely an advantage on that Boulder we hear the hostile to go with it one thing he doesn't lack horsepower height not far behind [Music] I'm sure he would be absolutely sick of hearing people say you're only strong good because it's all [Music] simply had to have the moves in the bank alone II what great sorry put on it's definitely not over your color food is still out jeong-hwan John still to come out proud still fully involved here [Applause] there were two minutes left with an ultimate climber as the crowds sticking around they've really lovingly acted all through the evening it make me think when you see someone like me and my fellow countrymen that we talked about it earlier monthly cycle oh sure I mean it it's amazing the entire climb here and win this this World Cup now since I mean I've been talking to him all day speech together with him all day he's sitting around in isolation with him and it's just amazing oh he's actually standing right next to me right now okay we don't want to distract Odyssey from Sakura Fuji he's in action I might cut you off but when you get the chance to speak to a man who's just taught four boulders and sent the olympic stadium crazy you take it yeah Hoya have you ever had an experience for that well I almost had one a couple years ago with the World Championship but I'm they messed up the last call's or so because so much pressure on the last one I knew I think strong wonton would walk it sorry yeah I knew I had defended in order to win I didn't want to lose another world couple or tentative of the last problems here in Munich so because I've never been that released before when I met the couple of the last one when we saw you coming out is unbelievable it looked like you're full of nervous energy you kind of grab the brush and showed him where you wanted to brush I mean you could you could see you were feeling the moment I thought I was about to win a World Cup and he didn't brush the starving hold up I have to talk to him later I think you're going to be buying a few people in the arena Revere and they're going to be buying you appear that was unbelievable performance well deserved one of the best moments I've seen in a long time huge congratulations to thank love well has to be said that the one the problem only added well I was able to do the way vmss the screeching instead of doing the triples I know but fitful bordering work I'm not complaining if I can't bring up my feed on a bunchy problem but I just think another this even over the course of the season it evens out it was your nights and I enjoy it congratulations thanks a lot fair play to yon higher comes over here and into tells it exactly how it is yeah that was really good honest in there about his plight but I think what he said is exactly right swings and roundabouts yeah and he makes a good point doesn't complain when it doesn't suits all people you can't watch his final and discuss who is the best climber over like they're all so different so kokoro makes his way off the stage didn't want to distract me Sakura there and it means to be rude but yam was available the can turn down that off I think went six thousand people on itself being a photographing it kind of an autograph you got a grab him up yeah I was going to say could look finding him in half an hour exactly I think that was the last second to be he's available yeah that's the last day on how are you going to see him till about six o'clock tomorrow morning when he staggered into his hotel it should be that's what I do so John want John is out so John Montone County sitting in for can push himself up the silver medal position quick shot every resource in private sense would have put instead of Samoa who's currently got free tops in six of them for the last action of the world crop seeds in 2017 will decide the last two places silver and bronze so he has to flash this Oh let's see on the volume or has to do it second I can go to be in second place so I'm not sure if he's aware of that but he definitely knows that he needs a great job to be able to get on the podium so on he can take his time and he is worth taking a side [Music] very go again min-jeong wonton has already taken a gold medal this weekend making the overall for the season in it the hell of an achievement in itself to be so consistent this year and it's been a real honor to be out of watching all throughout the the World Cups throughout the livestreams and you know just going out there doing this thing now you want to get this top I was trying so hard to clean it the head tilts back and he sticks the Caribbeans really thinking and now you must be so excited in stage of the season this stage in the competition John one chance pushing through if you topped it now we get second Oh John Rogers really really pushing now pushing hard he wants to go out in the season in style it really is a fighter we've seen that all this even is real competitively the real climber it just wants to climb the boredom this is a replay by the way John Juan still on the map now you see him appearing keep it up Tanya's got two minutes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 1:44 jeong-hwan job one minute 40 left a fall during action for 2030 and I will definitely be sad to see and it seems a shame to let it go how to end all throughout tonight's final from the women's was a great shirt and some moments weren't so good but it was really a redeemed in the end mediax put on a fantastic effort here and there with all the things that got against them this week last couple of days with 292 competitors all the way down to tonight's final it's great and it's John munch on the overall winner of 2017 who takes us out and rightly so can he finish it with the top looking solid on the crimped hit area now John Sean's lining up the hole he could finish on a high here gets right I wonder if he was almost beginning to celebrate look with every big broth is neither fun necessarily perhaps we still see it was even though the competition is already won everybody heads in the hand what happened here know he would show you Isis Ryan if he was kind of you know company season celebration but no he was still it was very much trying to top the bowlers trying to stop the rotation and he's on for another fight 20 seconds left for John 1 John and this will definitely be his last goal oh so needs to pop the ball there but I don't think he's going to have time he's going to have to climb incredibly quickly and know John Tony won't make the podium I figured overall titles pretty good consolation a great show this year from John one China can definitely hold its head high look absolutely exhausted as he walks off the mat and it finishes off what's mean I'm absolutely brilliant finals yeah very contrasting finals round top heavy and it's hard to combine we just wait as the results are confirmed we'll be heading off soon but we will be live-streaming the podiums if you want to watch that do stay with us we'll be staying live till the podium and there it is Jana hiya four tops are clean sweep three tops to tomorrow and our sake Antonia zoom out soo Jung Hwan Shawn with two tops also Yoshiyuki Agathe kokoro Fugees john-john your 2017 world cup champion yan higher your munich champion what a final roster final flipper and just to confirm for the women yeah me Gombrich you got three tops nobody else could mess up and shana coxy got to just wait for our results though come back we're just checking out the emcee on stage my China was as well World Cup winner of this year already before the events right there it is the circuit I was just saying Shauna coach did she got the two top just a one for a kid Iguchi special gear on Alex future patrick wingler down there and sixth a consistent an excellent season from petra Kalinga [Music] well if Munich was a movie it would be a Hollywood blockbuster - unbelievable finals and men's and women's competitions huge thank as ever tonight Langley and ethereal Vegas and of course Anna store do stay with us we will be live streaming the podiums but we will see you in our Co and six days time thank you for watching [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Vasia [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] yeah and some bizarre [Music] buh-bye nice pass over those Dumas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're everywhere [Music] now [Applause] [Music] [Music] very very an exit [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the decadence of South Korea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: International Federation of Sport Climbing
Views: 760,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sport, Climbing, 2017, IFSC, #IFSCwc, World, Cup, Germany, Munich, Bouldering, Final, Replay
Id: b2MphXypjD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 21sec (13461 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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