The Modern Climber - TBF Masters 2019

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Lol be blew such a lead with his cockiness

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ANAL_LAZER 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay and we've got the climbers coming out here now we're starting with the women's finalists and where they're coming out in the order from qualifiers last night so CC cough first out she was a sixth place after the qualifiers Chloe Costco was in fifth CC out there next to the emcee and Chloe on our way out CC out there I love the shorts joinder and Te'o wolf coming forth out of the qualifiers yeah and now we've got Marek at the keone out here third out of final sorry it heard out of the qualifiers for the women Meagan Martin on her way out that's a hometown hero from Sacramento well times here at the boulder field gym heading up to the pad where she is there [Music] Miami Dare took first place in the qualifiers actually talking earlier with her and now she was wondering if coming in first was going to be beneficial to this the way this pump is gonna be helped getting the first try on that each problem you can see the list six women out there super strong yesterday in the qualifiers there was a really strong field these six ladies did great really awesome watching them fun all right here they go here we go here's Maya on the wall first up her genetic qualifiers she's gonna get a moment here to check out the problem figure out her beta and hoping to get an early send take off into the lead the competitors were you know this is a new format to them they weren't quite sure what to expect from it weren't quite sure what it was gonna be like for the competitors and for the crowd so well I'm gonna find out together here talk to the setters about the woman's problem number one here it looks like it's they did say this is a physically the easiest problem of course being the first one it's gonna be either a run across this starting level or a very controlled walk it can be done both ways I think we're gonna see a run here looks like it oh yeah it's gonna be difficult gonna have to go quicker than that all right Megan is coming up Megan Martin coming up on the wall and Megan really excels at these sort of dynamic movements oh yeah oh yeah very quick yep gonna have to catch that hold and control a barn door and exactly what the setters are going for here is really dynamic movement on this one too very precise stop at the neck pulled there all right here's Mira Oh editors are all kind of figuring out their way across this rail today is up next oh very balanced E as those ledges don't give a lot to stand on Oh interesting trying to maybe take a walk in approach here [Music] yeah Chloe's gonna go for the more so yeah it's gonna walk across you know this works out kind of hard to tell from this angle but that is it's a very slabby wall not only no overhang here oh wow and she went back to the run yep closest we've seen now how many zebras and leopards had to be shaved for that outfit I believe zero no Wow Wow CeCe's first one across there panakam well this could be huge for her too this is getting out ahead and and possibly finishing this we'll just put her on course to start working on problem number two and rest of the that the top out here nothing terribly difficult compared to the other problems but does have some slick feet on it so we'll see if we see any cutting there exactly she's gonna have to watch her feet here cuz that the other side of these holes are not textured they're slick plastic and she doesn't see see the first one the top problem one job done see see all right so she's gonna advance on to problem two and the rest of the field here now is gonna try to catch up and but they can't move on till they complete four on one [Music] [Applause] see see see over there I'm problem too much different feel for this problem whoa Megan just gave another go there it looks like this one is still stumped on the second round over there those are the competitors incredible balance you can go to pressed the top here you can see see see see see getting ready to go on number two all right mirrors working on through to the top here that looks good neither Finnish head on over to problem number two start working on that and mirrors our youngest competitor in the finals tonight 14 years old only been climbing five years which I guess is a long time when you're 14 so definitely definitely just showing some real expertise here already second one to advance on the number two that's gonna be the crux of this problem that's as the setters have pointed out and once they reach that they're gonna have to drop down into the dye each will and really stick their footing on that final move Chloe's got a top now number one oh wow that's awesome cuz that was some unexpected beta yeah nice save there alright if Maya gets the top here he's gonna Vance on the number two yeah much different style than we saw in our last competition the force majeure which was much more focused on power I've seen a lot more diversity in style climbing styles here on these between the different problems I was looking good to get the top she's got it over there on problem - oh there Megan stuck the run there no problem - see she's getting ready for another girl Avery see a question on line there the men's finalist is Kim King Kaito Watanabe Collin Duffy Joe Diaz Ross Fulkerson and Solomon Barth right now I'm join the women's finals [Applause] here we go for that difficult reach here on the high point on women's number two see if she can stick it this time oh wow trying to find the right part of that that hold to get the good pinch okay I made it across the initial run there I'm probably one hoping the joiner so remember to please Chloe on number two yeah again it means a lot to finish these problems first it means you get usually a few attempts by yourself to try out the next problem yeah and again the winner is gonna be whoever gets to the fifth problem first and successfully well whoever successfully Emeritus completes the first problem well then you Chloe and close the first one to complete problem - she's gonna advance on to number three so for those just tuning in way different format then you know I'm really see in the pros finals they go advancing from Boulder to Boulder so competitors can't move to the next folder until they complete the one before it calling this the video game format how to beat got a beat level 1 to get to level 2 got Chloe here there's an on video game player I'm glad you explained that to me because I was trying to figure that out it is possible that they've hidden a warp whistle somewhere in the level but I'll have to check with Carlo on that Chloe's here number 3 you can see a whole different movement on this problem more powerful between a slope or at least large slope right here I gotta do these presses into the corner out to these pinches and these pinches are not easy pinches to grip good body tension there [Applause] really powerful move there Chloe is making some serious progress here if she gets able to get this Wow alright and look at that fall great fall I will say I will say there were some very very dynamic Falls yesterday during the qualifiers I actually saw Joe Diaz do a who is Joe do a flip coming off a full flip from with a beautiful landing Wow coming off one of the problems three-point superhero landing oh definitely see you see you there finish and working our way through number two [Music] making good progress there she's got a drop down now that dihedral last-last holds a little bit lower wonder if this was a little frustrating for some of the climbers they they just have to wait until their feedback on this it does seem like that could get oh wow that's what I was talking about with that sticking those feet that talk to Carlo earlier and it is really about finding the right place to stab those feet and get control on that final move yeah I'll say this modern climber style does tend to lead towards some potential for some interesting and a little bit of a chin scrape on the way that not that I don't believe anybody that's in the finals here but a little chin scrape coming off during the qualifiers yeah if you check the boulder field Instagram my Carla was posting some pictures earlier some blood left behind on some of the hold so it goes Chloe trying to work through this section looking strong got a nice toe hook around the corner there on the wall topia walls trying to switch the handle while trying to get those the hands to the left so you can move the feet back to the right on that problem and Meagan Martin here now on number two especially grabs that nut meat hook and here is the challenge stepping up to this high point she does it with a great drop knee oh wow just not quite getting that pinched in the right position okay yes you can see what we're talking about with this format you know it's got one person at a time focused on their problems until they get further along and maybe a little bit more spread out there's gonna be a fair amount of waiting for the competitors here all right Chloe's gonna give another attempt number three CeCe's trying to get through number two still all right CeCe's looking good you know she does going into dropping down into they're trying to get to the top kind of launching themselves at the wall there like a big smile big smile with those as Cece called him her space bonds on her head I love that term makes her easy to identify out there you can't keep track of her with the leopard print on the zebra all right Chloe has given us another go looking super strong despite the fact that she's just flew back from Ecuador she was competing in the Pan Am's down there the last few days this is her fourth day on in a climbing comp including flying back from Ecuador to California yesterday and jumping on the wall so amazingly strong given all that travel looks like that's been sexually stuffing her there all right we got my on the wall naima dere doing problem - all right she's looking good there alright let's see how she does on this move into the finish yeah - with Maya was curious to see if there was gonna be advantage to coming out first from the the qualifiers I'll have to talk to the competitors after afterwards here oh and she's down and pretty pretty rough all they're not not sure how much advantage coming out early in the qualifiers was and it kind of just depends how you how things go on that first really yeah it's about just figuring out that Bay - hovers uh not only first to figure out the beta but to successfully implement it and get through that problem because if you if you're the one that cracks the crux but you don't finish it you might just give it away to the competitive competitor behind you who could jump out in the lead it's a very interesting format negative even that toe hook there to stabilize this is that drop down into the dihedral that's a difficult move but she's finished the crux so dropping down here and getting a good foot position should finish this up for her Oh very close we got Chloe back on number three here just kind of work up to that pinch to the heel hook and then fight her way through this is a obviously the tough section on the problem once she's through here should be home free put these up anticipating that all of the climbers ultimately will be able to get through these problems just more of a question of who gets through them first is what they're trying to judge [Applause] new high point there for Chloe ending and again guys remember this is her fourth day on in an event just flew back from Ecuador I'm meeting at the Pan Am Games and Wow Chloe's out of the Bay Area so almost a local climber talked to her earlier her advice to you new climbers out here who might be watching is to drink lots of water that's good advice for anyone really can I go have another beer okay Meagan's give them another go take the time to thank our sponsors you can see Walt opium Black Diamond out there on the walls really putting a lot of black diamond our our main sponsor putting out a huge amount for the purses for these climbers I'm a big smile they spell there for Meghan wall topia flashed unparalleled sports as well friction labs chalk and a temple copy coffee our local Sacramento sponsor all right seanica and cc's trying on the wall they're just like Meghan's down there on number three giving it a brush no baby thinks that I'll get some starting to see some more competitors on number three right Mears giving it a go there on number two still now I was interesting out of the qualifiers them the general consensus from the competitors was was not what they were expecting from the modern climber so they were expecting more parkour more jumps more tricks right which they're seeing now yeah so I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag but want to do is reassure them they we're not gonna be disappointed out here I got my number two here for that that tall reach up there to the pin perfect [Applause] making that stab out to the volume out there there boy Chloe out here another powerful effort and I should mention her for days on in a row and comps I'm just not only competed at the at the Youth Pan Am but she actually won the Youth Pan Am just a few days ago Wow [Applause] [Music] you can see why to match the pinch over there now she actually did get her she did get up to the next hold awesome let's see if she can get the high point and then oh wow again big falls coming from these problems so I I suspect the competitors are not gonna be disappointed with the modern climber finals meeting their expectations of the style absolutely this is some exciting setting it's putting forth some some great climbing showcasing a lot of different skills here a lot of power a lot of balance flexibility this has got it all got Meagan Martin on number three here you can see her doing well on this look at that pinch so strong it's nothing no big deal Meagan is making that look solid no problem first one to top number three that's what's really interesting here is you know Meghan's gets over there yep that puts her in the lead yeah she goes on to number four that's got to put a little bit of comfort in her to [Applause] Teo here number two trying to wrap it up yeah and just um you can see that being a real challenge here in this style of if you encounter a problem that's maybe not quite catered to your strengths you get stuck at it for a fair amount of time I'm sorry yeah that can be very frustrating oh wow she had at that time is tough it's about getting that momentum over to that final final hold tayo really likes powerful moves so a lot of this is gonna cater to her it'll be interesting to see when she moves on gets in some of the other problems here I love to see her on the three all right yeah ceci follows along what she's off the Megane here and works out her own way to do this she's been climbing for about six years and told me earlier that she's just stoked on all different styles in this competition it's it's taking everything second you know there's a lot of power a lot of balance he slab and she really likes showing her strength off on some of these showy comp moves so she absolutely loves this kind of climbing yeah that's a younger field here overall a lot of lot of competitors there are teenagers in climbing a lot of them in climbing a long time though vanna working up through number four here number four this is that that chimney press a very Presley problem as its described by the the setters has just got to just fight your way through these these huge volumes just feel like it's gonna play to Megan's drinks here yeah but you can see it's a little bit awkward there working working her way up there I've gotta find a way to wedge yourself in there take time maybe grab a burrito or a taco from the truck and then finish the problem yeah do you have some delicious food out here at the food truck had the citizens comp earlier today which was great fun if you were able to make it out for that not highly encourage you guys to check it out next year all right now it's a rainy day in Sacramento doctor good climbers they weren't too worried about the the rain as the boulder field does have a roof and it's working well so though the climbing holds getting wet alright my still trying to get past number two here cuz it's all about that foot placement here can she get it oh gosh just that Oh bent on getting over to that volume is difficult I don't know if that's getting a little intimidating throwing your face at the wall repeatedly or would not be my favorite problem in the world all right Chloe see if she can uh she's got to be getting tired on that problem to those pinches they wreak havoc on the floor arms yeah and for those that were interested in the citizens comp maybe a little bit worried about doing all of these throws and crazy trick kind of moves toned down a little bit for for the citizens calm for normal people yep just a lot of great problems today really great setting really good crew out here great mix of folks the comps have been a lot of fun and today was no different great energy great way to escape from the rain when all the rocks are covered in snow or wet outside I was talking to Megan Martin about her projects and she was saying that they're all under snow now thanks to that recent storm so yeah alright CeCe's trying to knock out number three [Music] we got a theory on the wall looks they're awesome you know Megan does this chimney press looking good so far not ugly from herb just that's my view of Chinese [Applause] [Music] [Applause] making us all think 1s time Santa Claus coming up the chimney you can see it must be a struggle for him every year come down the chimney well but he's got to get back now don't you could walk out the door that's true all right Megan is pressing up here after a little rest in the gym just the other get up a little bit higher and she said she's got to get both men down there with control and she's got it Megan's doing great here only one to finish three and four so she's well ahead of the pack right now well a heads Carlow throwing the camera at her face there she's smiling mm-hmm talked to Megan earlier she's said she's focusing on not being injured at the moment and she is actually this gonna be her last comp for a while she's gonna be taking off to do some some commentating hopefully not taking our jobs Yeah right she's gonna be switching gears and commentating for ESPN for the us climbing national super her yeah that's great all right Chloe's back on number three here trying to catch up to Megan I suppose not sure on the rules here again the climbers have to advance problem to problem 4 1 through 5 and so until Lily completes this problem she can't not move on to the next again this is about battling to that frustration to knowing that you cannot progress until you finish a problem and knowing you're stuck on that problem is that's just a mental game all in itself I don't blame any video games alright is so close on that now you can see the frustration in there yeah alright while their brush in here just a little bit more about the citizens comps I really want to highlight this as I'd love to see more folks out there will be another series next year with actually four events for the year also sponsored by a black diamond at the conjunction with the boulder field here and these sponsors put in some serious prizes for even for the citizens they've I think some great gear I saw getting tossed out there yeah there was crash pads going out some black diamonds some really great woolen slated jackets got shot coffee okay coffee that friction labs flashed temple coffee all donating prizes while while topia also donating to the overall event here one of our sponsors as well great coffee kombucha and beer from local suppliers and an awesome feel to just a great great vibe from from all the citizen competitors here is working on number two here man our cap keone working her way through this that's gotta feel good yeah we're a just 14 years old our youngest climber talked to her earlier she's stoked to get her license in a couple years cuz she wants to drive all over and do a ton of outdoor bouldering you can see the frustration building up in Maya there that's that's what we were talking about just being forced to climb the same problem over and over and not progress that's I've really got to get in your head he was working on working out on number three years all right Megan did something just off-camera there yeah it looks like Megan moving over to number five here if she's able to finish this that will be that seeing her shadow drop on the side there looks like Megan was down ante it just came off number three two all right Chloe back on it see Megan I'm figuring out her better therefore number five [Applause] [Music] all right we got Chloe here hoping to finish up ladies number three all right Megan going on number five yeah and they're gonna work into final problem the last problem if she's able to finish this that will settle it she will have won tonight's competition this is a real test of that core strength and being able to keep those toe hooks those heel hooks a lot of cash money on the line here tonight so in addition to the cash purse for all of the finishers starting with 3500 for first place there's a also going to be a first second in place for the overall Series winner for all three $3,500 for a first place that will purchase ten black diamond mondo crash pads that is a lot of black diamond mana crash pads how about second place at $2,000 Ryan well $2,000 will buy you about 250 wall topia climbing holds third third place for a thousand yes if you come in third you will easily be able to purchase 121 flashed brushes keep those holds dry for you pause for a moment here and watch CC on this see if she's able to get through this really powerful move and make and keep the eye on Megan over there on the left a little final problem look at those toe hooks just taking our time chalking up ridiculous core strength so stop trying to move through here that next hold is a huge jug it's just about getting to it you can see that is a difficult throw so back to our our cash prizes here because I'm sure you guys want to hear hear what else you can get with the with what these guys might purchase so fourth place is gonna get $750 $700 is gonna buy five pairs of unparalleled new troe VCS climbing shoes yeah and I just got a pair of unparalleled shoes myself and uh I really like them a lot I was I will say I was a little skeptical not knowing anything about them and I'm hooked I'm a fan hooked um fifth place coming out coming away with $500 $500 that's will easily buy you 33 5 ounce bags of friction lab climbing chalk well that's great news and then what if our competitors sixth place win $250 in place you're still gonna get $250 that is still gonna buy you 15 bags of temple coffee preferably their Dharma espresso beans delicious mm-hmm feel free to share with me got a month's supply great yeah 15 bags a lot of so it's a lot of pressure on Megan here a lot of pressure on all these guys but she does have a little bit of distant completed the fourth older besides her so she's actually got a little bit of time to work through this and figure it out you can see that kind of running start to a jump to a toe hook and what she's thrown to is a really large hold they're really something though you really saw it and hold big big open hole but you can see it's gonna be very challenging to get to that yep challenging to the all right steel powering through number two we really want to see her get past this see she's obviously got the beta work that's just that last move here just sticking those feet properly and then getting that final hold that Chloe here trying to finish up number three again back to the back to the double heel hook switch here she's got the match Oh much better yeah oh here it is oh wow and Maya's not sticking the end there what I love about the climbing community that you can see to these women they come back sit together laugh talk it out talk out the beta you know there's obviously a competition here but at the same time they're all enjoying each other's company and enjoying the the vibe of the whole ordeal they're sharing yeah and it was great yesterday watching the qualifiers of you don't just see competitors walk up and give bait you know ask somebody hey do you want beta basically telling their competitors giving them some something that'll help them get up the climb that they're directly competing them on them with and it's one of the cool things about climbing competitions and just the community in general don't see that in a lot of sports all right Cece here working on number three hoping to get that cheetah skin up these holds yeah and just looking at the comments here yeah hoping the rest the pack gets past the third Boulder totally agree yeah nice to see that that was the intent behind the problems here was to make them just hard enough so that you could keep the competitors flowing through and keep everybody kind of right on each other's tail just out of reach off so close to the finish on number three now cuz once these guys get past number three still got to work their way that chimney before they can catch up with Megan and try to get past her for them first place finish number two she's working her way through an impressive stamina to go just this problem yeah that really impresses me with the pros both men and women yeah how much they were able to put in over the three-hour session last night just the mental fortitude oh she's really she's something I am I'm not gonna try to read that face but it looked like a lot of relief to me I've heard from Megan Martin there you go there's the the climbing community right there let me just take a break from trying to win this competition to come over and hug my competitor Zach lemmings awesome all right Megan's back on the wall trying to go for the first place here oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] all right for those tuning in the men's finals will be coming up shortly after we finish up with the women here just an hour to finish these five problems not an easy thing to do and again on the format here they all started out in the order that they placed in qualifying and then had to start at the first Boulder the first of five and then it's whoever can get through it first whoever completes it first moves on to the next problem but you cannot move on to the next problem till you complete the one the track and then then what you progress in order to can finish them [Music] [Applause] [Music] that Chloe here trying to finish up number three the setters did say that this is such a strong finish and to get through all that balance and all that work on those pinches to be able to maintain that control for that finish it's gonna be great only difficult all right they still have some time left here but I'm sure they're feeling the pressure to get through number three yeah Megan working on number five at her leisure number four at the moment yeah and I see the the question there on who's winning so yeah Megan is two problems ahead of the rest of the pack which in this format if she can finish problem five she will win the competition all right just got under 20 minutes left in the competition here we go CC again and the the remainder of the places for example if they don't get past the third problem here it's gonna be the first person to get to to the the last completely problem so they all get stuck here on number three then it's gonna be the first person who got to number three that will take second place and so on you can see watch the start of this problem here with Megan from a running jump tow hook switching back around to another tow hook then to ladder through these next holds and then realize this do you do you have the ability to well your fully extended like this make that move to the jug and she almost had it yeah you can see a lot here what the setters were going for I missed and what I think what the competitors were hoping for when they heard the modern climber format how to jump in by the dynamic movement you know tricks parkour trickery we're hearing a lot of that some of the setters were joking around yeah and you can just see the precision here that you've got to have and figuring out your hand placement doing that swap there on the hands right yes it's a lot of a lot of the modern climbers not just the parkour and the tricks it's the really beta intensive it's a heel hook over your arm Wow yeah that I don't oh my gosh whereas I would be carted out I would never be hanging upside down for those two holes - to begin with ease that the power and the skill just to know you've got it in you some incredible women we've seen climbing tonight am i working through who struggled at number number two for quite a while now it's a hoping to pull ahead if she moves on to number four that would put her in second place yep so you can really quickly go from be in the back of the pack to it's a level that going back to the video game analogy this level's suture style you can quickly move past it get on to the next level this would be equivalent to finishing the water puzzle in ocarina of time just got a little locked up there oh my gosh a little shoulder pain my shoulder hurts just watching that all right Tay is up here yeah wolf go on for number three while Megan is about to make a run and jump for number five [Applause] burly and he was looking at oh I thought she had that crowd is gonna explode when she Nick plans that job yep and it's not done from there she still gotta get through some tricky moves to the top categorically and see the ladies taking a break down here working on their beta it's interesting to watch each of them prepare and what their their pregame is some of them was just non-stop climbing some of them was Greek yogurt I watched another eat a burrito so you just never know what it takes to really crush when it comes to modern climbing all right mirrors on the wall here finding the right foot position trusting that rubber on the shoes getting the pinch to the heel looking real smooth so far got that hand switch there's another path by finding the right spot for that pinch just to get the best grip she's working her way through to move the feet to the other side a lot of endurance whoa almost a little bit of the knee bar in there well yeah in these he's women all climbed really strong last night - for a three-hour session quite impressive coming in and pulling out this much power just all the all the competitors amazed at the the endurance if Megan must be give it a little bit of a rest on high five yeah nope no pressure from what the moment from the other competitors but I couldn't change that it did come close last time all right looking strong on this lettuce ISM that's got to be a tiring move there's their shoulders must be killing them just happened to do that press over and over all right it's gonna give another go you can grab that ring [Music] [Music] this is just full extension here and again if she tops this problem she will be the winner [Applause] right before the finals started we did have the awards for the citizens comp both for today's event and for the series so really encourage folks to come out if you haven't checked it out or hopefully join us next year when we'll have four events in the series with Black Diamond in the boulder field the boulder field masters great prizes as we were talking about got a lot of great t-shirt great t-shirts and caps and chalk and everything going out to the crowd and generally there's a raffle I'm a I've never been a huge fan of competing and climbing comps but I was pretty actually came out first place in your division that's alright but I'm in it for the swag and I would encourage more folks to come out absolutely come get a crash pad Julie's got plenty there's youth divisions masters divisions for over 40 beginner intermediate and advanced so something for everybody would say don't be intimidated it's a lot of fun yeah that's all that all the pros here did to say that you know if you feel intimidated just just come out and enjoy the vibe because the citizens comp is it's all about getting together and having fun and you can see even even these pros competing against each other are all having a good time enjoying each other's company yeah it's that interesting mix of some some stress thinking of it wondering what the compas may be like but they all consistently everybody everything we asked that question was wanting to come out just have five new cell phone exactly and when I'm sure getting some of that cash prize that's out there yeah a huge purse put up between all three of these competitions at the boulder field here in Sacramento our sponsors all putting forward quite a big purse and again first prize is getting $3,500 cash those sponsors being black diamond equipment our flagship sponsor of course Walt Opia who's designed these awesome walls you're seeing the climbers on right now yeah and also a lot of swag and contributions to the comp from flashed and parallel sports friction labs temple coffee well got great products Kaycee watching online I think you're asking that she is she's looking to grab the jug there there is a large jug at that next move after she works through that that ladder in the beginning yeah it's a ring-shaped jug that she's going for so it is a jug it's just about being able to target it and make that distance when you're already so extended oh yeah definitely actually a jug you'll be able to come check out these problems climb them yourselves in the next few days yeah Boulder field will be open tomorrow 8:00 to 8:00 come on out grab a cappuccino grab a beer after you're done no the the problems be up and open so the the finals problems will be up here there's also a ton of claims on the wall from the citizens comp and from personal experience I can say they were really great setting really enjoyed them made you think major work and just general consensus from everybody I was talking to today was some really enjoying the problems everyone's always top-notch arid the boulder field Sacramento is a premier bouldering gym we got Megan back on number five trying to work through and my on number three here [Music] right see both competitors dr. Megan makes this next reach now she's got to reach out to that jug this is just a huge poll while almost horizontal there it is oh yeah the crowd is going wild she is stoked yes there she needs to pull out a portal edge set up a tent and relax for a while yes Kyle we may be able to say it for real but she certainly is on that path I see a comment from Kyle there can we just say Megan wins like she is well and lead right now and she may punch it right here oh my - struggling - number three [Applause] meagan getting up to that second-to-last hold both of them getting the crowd just rowdy Megan look at this Meagan Meagan Martin takes it Megan just took the win first to finish number five that means she doesn't know what a great way to finish she did say that this was gonna be her last comp for quite a while and she goes to to start doing some announcing for ESPN Nomar was amazing getting a hug there from her competitors well done Megan was jokingly talking about being by far the oldest competitor out here at 30 years old but clearly pays off got that strength all right I know I saw the question there on how much time is left we'll try to find that out for you here all right we're just wearing the last few minutes here we'll get the exact time for you got four and a half minutes there we go so anyone that pushes on now to number four is gonna be knocked out in the second place and that's that's gonna be you know that's a $2,000 prize and Saund you I'm sorry I don't know how to answer that question but cricket match all around feel free to jump in on our live feed if you're watching chat along with us we're happy to answer any questions now that was I was I'm still amazed that send by Megan that was great beautiful watch and I think exactly sort of display a power they were wanting to see here definitely and showing it that it can be done all right we got Chloe here working through number three again these aggressive pinches and I don't think the setters were anticipating the woman would get to tell us much yeah get held up at this spot they were hoping to see them progress through a little more one more three flip through these problems and you can see that with problem number four I think you know it's pretty straightforward they were looking for everyone to get to number five and really struggle to compete and finish them to fight first but Megan has taken that and taken first Chloe just missing on number three there yeah because if somebody can and get the top here on number three that is gonna almost guarantee them second place by being the first one at the fourth problem with just the short amount of time that we have left all right CeCe getting back on the wall here trying to make her move the second place [Music] that's see see there on number three trying to finish this out got the crowd behind her again the way it's gonna work is if anyone is able to get to problem for finish number three here and that's gonna move them in the second place if not then it's just gonna be who got to problem number three first and second third fourth one and a half minutes left to go we're coming down to the tail in here it's gonna be interesting to see if we get any of the woman that's problem three here mister fish I see you there on the live chat this is similar to what Alex Honnold does alex is more of a highball boulderer so he is actually one of the best highball builders in the world tends to do things that are well over 30 feet high you know sometimes well over a hundred feet high so he was an incredible highball holder but I've actually talked to him before and he's not a huge gym bull door so I think you're seeing even stronger boulders right here on the live feed and I hope by very high balls high ball bouldering I guess he means over you know several thousand feet along 30 seconds left you can see once the if the competitors can get started on the problem before time finishes they can complete their attempt so you see Maya down there hoping that she can jump on like she's doing so Maya has a chance at second place here she's gonna be the last competitor on the wall if she can top this I've had a pool here in second place otherwise it's gonna be a question of who got to the boulder first and then the order from there looking strong watch my hair hopefully she's able to finish this up move herself in the second place and quickly to a lot of stability working through this problem chalk it up she's got a chance here if going in the second touch could do it Bravo good effort looking strong out there okay we've got we'll have the men coming up in just a few minutes here and we've got six finalists here out of yesterday's qualifiers Solomon Barth out there first followed by Ross Wilkerson they're sitting there and the yellow tank Solomon in the blue they're coming out Joe Diaz local climber and you see Carlo they're working the camera that's the owner of the boulder field here in Sacramento Colin Duffy on his way out as well 30 out of coming out in order reverse order so Colin third out of the qualifiers I know what a novice coming out he's second out of qualifiers yeah I'm in first place qualifier Tim King is coming out now so these are the six guys that climbed yesterday and had the top scores out of the qualifying rounds they had 10 problems that they all attempted yesterday and the those that had the most tops out of those and most level of points came in at the qualifying round here came into the finals sorry so definitely completed I just heard the countdown here we go that's Tim here it's gonna give us our first trial on this problem and again they're going in the order that they came out of qualifying and so if Tim gets this he can move on to number two and keep trying number two otherwise he's got to stay at number one until he completes it none of the competitors can move past a given problem until they successfully top it it's interesting watching the the women's finals Meagan Martin just took the win they're completing all five problems but the rest of the field got stuck at problem number three so we'll see if the same thing happens here in the men's finals oh ho ho yeah you can see yeah my tricky start to number one here already looking like the modern climber out there yeah some sort of heart will move to start into a double Lutz it looks like but definitely very dynamic moves to precision precision as the name of the game tonight just sticking these moves and and controlling any barn door using that course there you go almost to the backflip exit so all of the competitors we're talking about how surprised they were that there weren't as many tricks in the qualifying round this they were expecting I think more parkour e trickery jumps throws we're seeing it already here in the first minute the competition I think this is much more what they were anticipated to see Joe Diaz on the wall here give it a good try and he's able to stick it and I think these are the exact climbs that these climbers were looking for setters were looking to make these first problems not terribly difficult to heart start seeing people advance through its relatively easier and difficulty I should say and you can see there so the way with this format works Joe now who came in I think is the third why I'm in fourth okay yes so third to try this first problem and that puts him in the lead so now he is working problem number two by himself you can see number two there is the start hold is about I don't know what is that twelve feet up off the the pad there we've got to go running up the wall and get to the start hold definitely what I think folks were expecting to see out of the modern climber so see how these guys do on it and we that's Tim Kaine there it looks like what was that oh no no that's Kaito Watanabe was that Kaito Kaito Kaito sorry yes that is originally from Japan living up in Toronto thanks is he uh enjoying living in Toronto you see Joe they're running up the wall hardcore parkour and swinging there hi Joe Jen's to the start okay balance II into the dihedral right that crimp already we've seen a lot of fun on these problems this is great a lot of excitement the crowd is into it and Joe Ali's uh completed number two off to a good start here that's Joe Diaz local Sacramento climber OH Thank You Kyle just saw the comments there Joe was earlier we saw him backstage he was preparing for this climb by playing the ukulele he's learning Rainbow connections which I think was written by Kermit the Frog that is what I hear from our pre climbing interviews that start the amount of focus to just I don't know not flail around that dynamic movement do is this precise catch is quite impressive and we got Joe here working on number three already Wow off to a great start it's like we've got yeah what do they call that the double clutch [Applause] wow I was trying to get out to those crimps big big big quick parkour moves out to some powerful crimpy moves to finish that problem with the setters were saying where their approach here is overall the difficulty of these problems is probably less than we've seen in previous competitions in the series but they're trying to get them just enough to spread out the field here and keep it interesting of as the different climbers are able to progress through each one and kind of different different amount of time we'll see if we get these guys held up on problem one here like we kind of saw Holdings pattern on three for the women or if they start to quickly progress through and catch up with Joe looks like we got we've been climbing for 11 years he's been climbing here at the boulder field masher series was in the Force Majeure last time and said he was super stoked to be climbing next to Daniel woods as that is one of his favorite climbers again one of the reasons you got to love the climbing community all right Ross Wilkerson here doing a great job catching that at the end of the dynamic movement they're awesome got that sweet red man bun Joe here working through number three yeah I just didn't know what to say of that Ryan Oh comes down that looks like is number three gonna be the stall point for the men just like it was for the women's Ross is looking solid on this finish there on each of these problems as we see the competitors progress through them great job they're getting the top four Ross moves him into second place next one to get the problem - so we got Joe Diaz and first rustle nice focus in a second Joe come on number three here there's that double clutch Dino maneuver lots of great variety on the problems here from the setters just making up terms over there I'm I'm doing my best as as a millennial I'm just trying to come up with new and exciting terms or at least using them in new and exciting ways all right Ross is up at the start of number two oh cool little foot switch there I'm gonna incorporate that into my climbing I don't think I could even incorporate out of my walking all right I got Tim painting on the wall here him up there finishing up problem number one excellent he's gonna be yeah so moving on yeah so like the women I don't think we're seeing a huge advantage for being first out of qualifiers Tim Kang was first out of qualifiers yesterday he's in third place now it is an interesting format because being able to watch the other climbers who may not flash the problem but we'll give away some of the bay that does give a bit of some help Ross on to doing that balance II section there three climbers on the walls I don't just move in the fourth place I don't move they do have a one hour to complete these climbs thanks for the question Mary you're following along with you you're watching the live stream on YouTube [Applause] [Applause] Ross is gonna top this out oh wow makes it through the whole thing and just couldn't quite pull off the finish Tim here getting up on number two he's gonna work through this running into the dihedral move and we got about 50 minutes left here it is a lovely shirt Ryan's wearing got a complement birth is that right back on the climbing here okay thank you Mary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you actually have a name for this outfit it's called T streets bling Spring Fling yeah Ross here number two Sola bar over on trying to get through number one I could balance into that dihedral out to the crimp you saw that all that pressure pressing against the volume there is just a little hoppy move this is Wow definitely we are seeing what the real when I felt definitely the modern climbing style here with just the jumps the trickery yeah a lot of movement all over the wall and you can see Jill must be feeling a little bit of pressure is a competitor just couldn't quite top it out Tim's meeting me on the wall Tim is looking to catch up with Jo and take over gotta get past number two first though for he can move on to number three so very different than most competitions where the competitor is gonna if they're not really feeling one not working out the moves they can switch to another problem not an option here we are going to have to implement some sort of slow-mo instant replay like I don't even understand what happens on problem number one their hands just sort of flail about and then they grab ahold that's what it appears to look like to me Tim finishing up number two well done now some pressure on Joe Diaz as Tim is gonna be joining him on problem number three jumps Tim up in the second place it's assuming I've got all the scoring figured out here which I think I do so yeah move on number one I don't what happens I'm gonna we're gonna walk through it next time great movement there by Collin to get up to the start hole number two I think you see a lot of this in Yosemite this sort of swinging back and forth and it's kind of a pendulum move we're seeing here [Applause] that was awesome I don't it shouldn't be possible but obviously it is Wow both of these climbers hoping to top these Oh Guzan south holland just jumped in the third oh we got three of the gentlemen on the problem three now and now Collin and Tim and Joe all have a chance to press on and Joe of course being in first right now because he was the first to get to number three but if anyone pulls ahead of him and makes it to number four before him they instantly pull the first place boy if I had to give a V rating on any of these problems when we come in and climb these after the competition's I mean the comp problems the the finals problems are almost impossible so I would say they were at least veto apologies don't have that handy from the setters we'll try to get some info on that that we can post alright kaido's looking to get past number two here not quite sticking that balance applause point that Colin is making great progress on number three yep Colin hoping to pull in the first place here whoa oh I thought he was gonna make that all right Ross has got that move set they're jumping into the press between the volumes it's looking solid Tim Kang on the right they're trying are you and Ross yes sticking their final move there on the Mattoon that's gonna put him in fourth place I think quite a leach out to these crimps out here [Music] Wow and you've got to be you have your targeting systems have to not malfunction if you're going to get those crimps that is true looks like Kaito they're working through number two nice looking solid on that stay quite stable that foot doesn't blow there he looks like this should be no problem there it was number two coming out of the qualifiers and just looks so strong to the great job last night that cramp got to do a switch here his feet on gets the next cramp controlled Jo moves on to the next folder problem number four or five still in first place Tim here oh-ho Tim takes a flat back okay I know that is that Ross there no that's all them in there I'm working through number two yep made it past one two yeah we're not seeing yet the same sort of bottleneck we saw on the women's finals where they all got stuck for a very long period of time problem three and finally Megan pushed past that to quickly go through number four and eventually work away through five for the win no watch Joe struggle on three for a little bit but it just took a tiny bit of pressure from the other climbers and he was able to push through that and get to number four Oh Ross is making good progress there though yep sticking that first crimp is gonna be key to finishing this problem I hope you guys are enjoying the live stream here from the boulder field in Sacramento California come on down grab a beer grab a coffee grab a kombucha enjoy the awesome route setting here yeah in addition to what you're seeing on the walls here the other walls have a lot of problems from the citizens comp which was sorry I had to pause there while I look at that ridiculous move that Joe just turned himself in a circle yeah that he obviously has gone through some sort of portal Wow just in there this is obviously the modern climber my don't see that you don't see that on the Iron Man no no exactly yes oh my gosh as I was saying there are some some great problems up on the walls on the at the rest of the the walls here at the boulder field climbed on some of them today and everybody was super excited great route setting super fun challenging no come on down and check them out and what you're seeing here this this is the comp all this is about I'd say one fifth of maybe one sixth of the gym we got to watch Joe do the egg and each other again with this backflip move oh my gosh which apparently locks him into position that is insane just the ability to think through that I could think of all I want that's never gonna happen I think he's he's beginning to believe he is the one look at this look at that Joe is pulling well I'm had he's controlled finish on number four Wow well done Joe Joe has one problem left to cinch the win but anybody at this point could still catch up with him and overtake him but it puts the pressure on these guys on number three goes Tim trying to look into help it's off but looking to be able to advance I was looking at jump can you see these red holes here these red red means danger these holds this problem I'm I'm excited to watch this looked like the most difficult problem of the night and of course it should be as it's number five and would put Joe in the first place and keep him there Wow look at Collin going number three here to get that move the smaller holds oh he's so close and just such strength there shaking out gonna go back for it again I love you fish I completely agree that move did look like it was out of the Exorcist talking about Johanna problem number four no pea soup though very wrapped up the citizens comp earlier today and this is a some of you knows and hurt us that during the women's finals this is the third of a three-part series of the boulder fields masters so this one's the modern climber we also had the greatest flasher in the Force Majeure and today we saw the modern climber results as well as prizes were given out for the series winners as well so whole lot of swag being given out to the citizens today you really got to hand it to the sponsors they put out a lot of money a lot of prizes a lot of donated swag just making it great for not only the pros climbing here but anyone that came out to the boulder field here in Sacramento and joined in on the citizens comp whoa yeah some the black diamond donating not only money for the purse here that we'll talk about in a bit but also a lot of the citizens come swag prizes and great products from Black Diamond you know a lot of you know them great climbing gear also great snow gear great trail running gear and personally got their bags crash pad [Music] coats and great Quitman for all three of those things [Music] yeah that first place cash prize Joe's looking for that's $3500 if he's able to finish this problem before anyone else that's his to claim still prizes for fourth fifth and six seven fifty five hundred and 250 respectively right and then add on to that a lot of these guys have been competing in the full series the three part series first second and third-place prizes they're three thousand two thousand and one thousand so a lot on the line here it's really pressing the sport forward to getting these cash purses to the next level and really kind of getting us ready for the premiere on the Olympics and for the world stage yeah I know what Carlo was looking for here with this was really to showcase a whole variety of climbing and show just how much climbing has progressed and what new opportunities are out there in the climbing competition scene so he's really with each of these events in the series trying to try a new style new formats and really just push the boundaries to see what we can do keep things interesting not just for the competitors but for the spectators as well and each one of the events has had a little bit different flair to it a little bit different rules yeah and it's about taking those risks and and seeing what works and what doesn't and so far a lot of this has just been really exciting climbing here's Joe on the fifth and final problem oh ho see we've got kind of a monkey swing to a Dino across and looks like nacho is gonna move on to a problem number four yeah that's gonna put them in second place Kaito what do you think Ryan you think the competitors are getting the tricks that they were missing out of the qualifier around I would say so after watching uh you know the spin flip I mean just starting off with I don't know what you would even call it the cart will somersault jump see well we've got the yeah Tim's on the wall trying to catch up there as well Joe's getting back on seeing if he can cinch the win here again if he finishes this problem he will take first place first if he's the first one to finish it and he's the only one allowed to work it right now right till Kaito gets past number four did kind of watch the spin flip looks like he's gonna have to take some time think through this Collins made it up to that cramp alright darling what a beast is climbing 11 years recently got his driver's permit so that's sweet you know look at look at Joe showing him the beta that's what we were talking about of I'm let me take a break from trying to win the competition to show you how I did this move that's awesome that's the climbing community which is pretty awesome and now right there is the modern climber despite what you may have heard it's not the guy with the boom box at the crag it's that guy right there helping out his his competitor lots of action on the wall Jordy is going for the win [Applause] and I was talking with Carlo earlier the finish on this so that is sort of a Waco that's protruding from the wall so the inside is textured but the outside is untextured you can go for the jug you can try and grab the outside of that hold but it's going to be a lot more slick than the inside however the inside of course is going to be harder to hit Jose make a progress here this could be the win if you can get the top [Music] he's about to find the Rainbow Connection it looks like he's down oh great effort there Joe is unlocking that okay and Solomon moths moving on problem number four so we're definitely seeing a much tighter competition here in the men's still still opportunity here for these guys to catch up of course they've got to get past problem 4 before they can get onto the final problem you can see Kyle here he's doing a different style he's he's trying to work his way through this without the ninja backflip making good progress with the tail it's actually one of the problems with the modern climber is the lack of terminology just producers haven't supplied us with any kind of dictionary of modern climbing we're gonna have to work on that for you at home alright and with that kind of moved on to problem five now Tim Scott come oh sorry not Tim and now Joe's got competition so now it's anybody that's either their game at problem with Fife and Colin could be soon behind him I feel like he could good style problem here for him yeah Tim is on the wall number three trying to get through that Tim across or over there working that whoa okay we're seeing the pretzel move over here yeah the reverse kneebar into the oh wow boy it's all giving that one a try yeah oh you see getting a little twist there I was gonna say that's making my copay go up just to go see my chiropractor which conveniently we do have chiropractor on site here at the boulder field com hey bring one out I might just step over there again the inverted knee bar Colin is making that look smooth though can you make that looks move it that's true Wow oh just taking a go at the final problem so Kaito and Jill battling it out over there we got Colin here he's just hanging out okay I think this is exactly what the setters were hoping this format would bring out we've got a really tight competition here the guys are stacked gonna one right behind the other we've got several competing okay holder I think I figured it out this move right here on number four this is the video game competition that's the style so this is obviously a 360 no-scope I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm sure some of our listeners do look at Joe make that catch again quick shout out to Natalie who's watching over there in Sacramento California on the live feed I see the question on our knee pegs knee pads that legal and I don't know I have to go ask the judges on that but none of our competitors yeah I'm out that is an interesting question I'm gonna step away real quick ask Carlo I want to find that out all right Kaito is gonna go in for the win here if he can nail this problem first one to nail this is the winner Sol's making good work of that twisty move over there just got to get himself out of that position yeah oh I thought he had stuff that alright Kaito is giving it another go Oh kind of made some good progress there he could be on his way to the win here but I want to know be you've got to get the second hand on there right out just one rider won the men's finals the modern climber well impressive he's excited get lit congrats from the competitors well what an amazing finish so now Joe's gonna try to get get his second for second place yeah first person to get to the problem but Kaito was able to finish that out night I actually did talk to Carlo knee pads are completely fine in the competition in fact I believe one of the competitors out there is actually wearing one at the moment all right Sol's making good progress on number four here uh hit the top fold but did not stop all right Joe is trying to go for second place [Applause] [Applause] no Colin is trying to stick the move coming out of that twisty lock position tygo they're brushing for Joe I love it again back to that climbing community community you know just taking care of each other giving each other beta helping each other out having a good time looks like Collins the like we're watching through the monitor here so hard to see the knee pad on Colin no but see from our viewers that he is indeed where and he pan on that move commit joey kalfa wishes that they would stop putting their knees into that bendy position I'm assuming that's what he means are you gonna be talking about us and I'm sure Ryan there it is again it's all going through a little almost no hands move through there no making good progress still definitely has up and all the competitors here have a shot at second place but he's getting closer to it finished this one up and he can move on to the final problem yeah you could get to the final problem first get stuck on it and watch people pass you by that's that's the interesting aspect of this formula and salsa dancing on to the fifth problem oh there he goes puts a little pressure on Joe here but he's trying to wrap it up on this this go and these are those sort of volcano looking Waco these are very difficult holds to get into they do not get a lot of grip they do not give you any edge all very negative holds on sticking that move coming out of it exactly what I think they were going for in the comp here really still anybody's game here for the remaining places we've got about 25 minutes left 24 minutes left in there and the climbing here so plenty of time for anything to happen Collin just worked his way than now we have a three-way battle going on here for a second place it's kind of like washing Smash Brothers yes okay okay and if you're wondering all the video game references here that's what's the if you didn't hear us at the beginning that's the driver behind this format through the visions kind of a video game style where you have to progress from one love complete one level before you can progress to the next and clearly Ryan it's our local expert on video games I do my best all right Collins first go problem number five he's trying to take second place on with The Monkey Bar swingin he nails it no problem this seems like this is gonna be right up Collins alley yeah this is what I'm talking about this is you know he it took him a while to get to number five but he can still take second place and he might very well be honest working on it and look at this oh yeah that is it Oh second place for Colin Duffy a gun : you know he said he was just stoked on this on this competition put on by Carlo traversée and the staff here at the boulder field and he's just excited to be here excited to climb with some of his favorite peers and stoked on the the chill vibes Joe still struggling on number five yeah Joe and Saul battling out for third place now so again Qaeda wantanabe first place : Duffy second anybody's game for third still although immediately here Saul and Joe battling it out twenty two minutes left [Music] [Applause] all right it's like Tim they're looking for a mushroom powerup nice to finish this out and it looks like he's got it nicely done we're seeing a lot more here of what the we were hoping to get out of this event which is climbers making it through all of the problems but at different times to get through each but a lot more of a steady stream that we saw in the women's where they just unfortunately then most of the pack got held up at problem number three right and makes it I think this is really what the organizes here we're envisioning of making this a very exciting competition to watch because anything can happen we've seen Joe was first to get to these to this final problem and yet now he's working for a third place talk to Carlo earlier and he said you could finish that both ways they're obviously going for that the inner portion of the Waco there but you can if you want go to the smoother outside which is going to provide it obviously a greater surface area but a lot more slick this all makes it great leap over that hold [Applause] always looking solid on here he's got it Solomon Barth third place it's gonna put Solomon in third place Cato in first and second is Colin Duffy yeah Solomon was six coming out of qualifier so just goes to show you anybody's game here and I just don't think we're seeing a real advantage to order that you're coming out right yeah we talked to some of the climbers which you know maybe take take it a little bit easier in qualifiers obviously want to get in but maybe you just don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion take it easy in qualifiers that's ryan's advice it's you know that's bouldering [Applause] approaches we want short approaches and you know soft v sixes is that too much to ask for definitely none of these guys were taking it easy and the qualifiers saw in all of the competitors really solid field yesterday it was great to watch although they with guys we talked to and the women as well a lot of the things just felt very outdoorsy not what they were expecting I don't think we're gonna hear that from the finals problems no Brittney I see you talking there about the chalk on Joe's pants do not worry about that we take you to the competitors afterwards vacuum their clothes and resell the chalk later alright somebody just pointed out that everyone want the shirt talked I don't think there's a correlation there but never know anti-gravity shirts could be a powerup we're not looking into these guys are take a little break there Ross is still trying to catch up we're gonna sway through problem number three we've got 18 minutes left now so you didn't hear earlier next year the four events in the series another folder filled masters take place next year primary sponsor Black Diamond be scattered throughout the year great events for the for both citizens and pros alike great swag great cash prizes for the pros a lot of fun yeah these have been great comps put on by carlo and the crew here at the boulder field in sacramento california again if you if you're in the area come check out the gym it's awesome what you're looking at is just a tiny fraction of the the walls in this gym and plenty of training areas as well not to mention a pretty much world-class bar and with some amazing coffee some of the best cappuccinos as they're pumping up the crowd he's going for fourth place $750 on the line no still not too shabby no what did we decide seven hundred and fifty dollars that would easily buy you five pairs of unparalleled neutro VCs climbing shoes like I said all joking aside I did get a pair recently and I really love them my arsenal didn't think I would quite frankly and they perform great here you are with them you won your section and the citizens comp so obviously something's working it's probably the shoes that's all it could be well in your amazing strength battling it out for fourth place here yeah fourth fifth and six still on the line for $750 fifth $500 which is 33 5 ounce bags a fortune lab chalk the chalk I use helps keep my butterfingers on the wall and we all appreciate your use of friction labs traffic $250 for sixth place that's 15 bags of temple coffee again that's what one month's worth of coffee for you truly just about damage see carload they're down filming does a lot of work for this gym and for the bouldering community together really pressing this sport now and pushing pumps into a new dirt she wants to get the crowd going here Joe again he's getting them pumped up you know what you should do is grab his ukulele that's true play that Rainbow Connection and send this here we go Joe [Applause] now and Ross is still back here on problem three but reality is he could still leapfrog ahead of these guys just has to make it through the two gating problems first right but 15 minutes left to go to so we're starting to come in at a crunch time here person to put on their shirt wins I don't like that I think this the men's finals we're seeing play out how we hell you're anticipating this format we work so it's this is gotta say this is exciting watch and really love in these problems great problems from the setters Carlo they're getting it up up close and personal with the camera there and showing everybody okay we got some flappers here yeah there was some blood on the wall during qualifiers too if you guys anybody caught the Instagram posts of those climbing as a rough sport you've got to get your manicure dialed in okay did your man bun up tight there's a lot to it they'll be interesting to see at the end of the series here there's a favorite out of the different events that we've had and what that translates into for next year with the four events was very different styles over the three events we have the greatest flasher to start off with which for the pros was you've really got just one attempt at each problem either flashed it which is sending it in your first go or you didn't and then second one force-majeure focus more on power and kind of more old-school bouldering old-school bouldering from say they say the nine late 90s early 2000s and then I was great to watch yeah yeah super exciting competition and then this one modern climber whole different style yet so be curious to see what they decide to keep what they decide to tweak in the next year and what the events will be but it's really cool having a series here and then following it through and having a series winner in addition to winners out of each of the events so really gives incentive to the competitors to join in all of them Joe's looking strong here yeah the main point that Carlo is trying to do here at the gym is just keep pushing the sport forward and that seems to be what he's doing look at this this looks like his best effort in a bit he's looking solid here fourth place it's just giving him grief there all right here goes Tim take that swing going Oh checking and skin on the way his he lands yeah Tim left it there we go Carlos no wait leave him behind a little DNA we're gonna send that into 23andme all right Tim's giving it another girl Betty gets it [Applause] Tim's going for fourth place here help and that's gracious obviously has elaborately guy fighting through that pain it's like Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail of crumbs up the bouldering problem alright Carlo coming in here yep clean up yeah that that's got it that seems sanitary well done Carlo just a bit more yeah there we go you can't see it it never happened thanks to our camera operators out there please live action shots we appreciate all the crew ten minutes to go guys yeah ten minutes here Joe looking to send this problem he was first to get to this problem and is now looking to try for fourth place that's that is the interesting thing about this this format is that doesn't matter when you get to a problem it's just whether you can finish it first or not solid start there right Joe [Music] [Applause] come on lookin strong that I thought he had at that time just not able to hold them on hold with that swing out now so if these if none of these guys finish this problem before time runs out the their placement will be determined by who got to the boulder first right hold a problem first yeah none of them in a particular hurry here to finish it up looks like they're all taking a good rest and gonna try for it at their leisure I got some dancing there from Joe somebody get that guy as ukulele please Timms get rid fired up here and pumping up the crowd finishing up the repair job there on the flapper [Applause] he's just so again a lot of these moves were about dynamic moved to precision and that one seems to be giving him some trouble so that means Joe that Joe is in fourth place right now because he was the first to get to men's number five from the difference here fourth fifth and six that's $750 for fourth place 500 for fifth and 250 for six again we want to thank our sponsors black diamond obviously put a huge amount of gear and money towards these prizes here for the competitors and for the citizens comp - we've got wall topia friction labs chalk unparalleled sports flashed climbing and of course Sacramento temple coffee all that putting out some great prizes and gifts for the raffles taking care of the Sacramento climbing community we appreciate it [Applause] [Music] it's Ross here trying to finish up number three and struggling with it let's think he's gonna do it behind them it crowded oh yes Ross is stoked person can move past number three where he's been stuck for quite a while [Applause] hey go stubs from the competition they're getting a pat on the back again that comes back to that climbing community about six minutes left here so Ross would have to work his way quickly through number four but he stills in the running for fourth fourth place here still anybody's up for grabs but Joe is taking a run for it home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another attempt by Joe tells me they gonna shuffle and these guys are trying to get their last five minutes or so in yeah each of them just trying to get fourth fifth and sixth place here kind of max out prize money he's trying to appreciate the feedback we're seeing out there and actually really appreciate Mike's comment there and really want to hear what you guys want to hear so we can find that right mix and that duly noted on some more athlete background work that into the mix for next year our next series we're coming down to the last five minutes here we've got five minutes to push into whatever place they're gonna finish and remember that just Joe getting into problem number five means that he automatically is ahead of everyone else unless they finish problem number five so he's got a comfortable position there but if Tim or Ross is able to come ahead and finish then they will take the lead well the lead for fourth Playstations I don't know if our livestream viewers can hear the music in the background but it's getting very dramatic it's very tense yes putting the pressure on for the last few minutes here Joe's giving it a good brush Ross is over there trying to catch up I was trying to get the DJ to play the underground music from Mario you know did it it it did it it's very intense all right immediately after wrapping up here they will do not just the pros awards for today's event but for the series as well so if you didn't hear first-place 3000 for the series winner first place mm per second thousand for first that's in addition to the prizes for today so a lot of money going out for the cash purse for these competitors Joe here trying to finish up problem number five who is first to get to it just wants to finish it but man they have got to be exhausted by now these guys did ten problems yesterday in qualifiers and obviously making a lot of goes at all these problems for some of them and this last one is just effort we're gonna see how Ross goes through this move here coming down to the wire here just a couple minutes left see Ross moving quickly wants to get in another attempt on them before and Ross could I mean in in last place now but still with this format could finish this problem come in finish problem number five and jump ahead of the other two climbers that he's competing with at the moment guys battling it out to see right where they rank in less than two minutes to go I believe this is what this format does I mean he's got to be exhausted but now he is I mean literally he can jump in and grab fourth place okay gotta admit I was a little dubious in the women's finals about this format but I'm loving it men's no I think just maybe a little bit of a little bit of tweaking and this could be a real exciting format going for yeah absolutely I was hesitant at first too but this has been pretty exciting would love to hear folks comments of what they think of this format of the format of the series know that they're looking to make changes and improvements as we go this is the first year of the boulder fields masters and it's a learning experience so feedback appreciated yeah this is all about pressing the sport and really mixing things up and making exciting changes so you all want to see what works and what doesn't and go forward from there [Applause] hey Ross again you know lagged behind for you know a majority of the comp and yet now here is battling it out for fourth place between between the guy that got to the fifth Joe Diaz the guy that got to the fifth climb first go here as we wind down the clock we got about 30 seconds left so yeah these are these last few climbs here so again just get the crowd pumped up he's stoked they're stoked all right mr. cent for the night yep come on Joe yeah keepin it exciting nothing like a little pressure stick a move come on Joe come on Joe come on Wow Wow so exciting well done to all the climbers Wow great job guys so then that looks like it's gonna be Joe Tim and Ross four for fourth fifth and sixth place Ross gonna go ahead and give that a try of course it's not going to count but it's gonna give that a try here what an exciting exciting competition I really like that format plus the video game references are wonderful great showing here by both the the women and men's throw finals here for the final results from the women's competition yeah we got in sixth place Maya Madera and in fifth place yeah cut back keone and fourth place coming up here is gonna be the tale wolf all of these finalists participating in the purse getting some sort of cash prize third place CC cop making our way around to the podium second place for the women's modern climber Chloe Costco and a Sacramento favorite here climbing here quite often at the boulder field Meagan Martin coming in for first place well done Megan each of these climbers we all saw they did their best today and really pushed the limits flexibility strength endurance and just mental fortitude and and Megan really really showed some amazing prowess finishing all five problems for the ladies great work by everyone here and great sportsmanship too you can see all of them just hugs and Pat's on the backs and bata sharing you can tell they all enjoyed it all right for the men's pros sixth place Ross Wilkerson fifth place Tim King [Applause] fourth place goes to Joe Diaz coming out now predators getting their checks here great cash purse ferbos men's and the women's competitors third place Solomon bars great effort from Saul second place Colin Duffy [Applause] and winning it all for the boulder fields of modern climber men's finals Kaido won nothing great effort by all these guys really fun competition really exciting close finishes in the men's and great problems all around really exciting watching the women climb to great new format pushed here by the boulder fielding and carlo traversée here in sacramento just moving things forward and we're coming out with the series winners now for the all three competitions which make up the boulder field masters it's like in third place we have fully cosplay and my over there taking second place in this series that's $2,000 no surprise here numero uno Meagan Martin what a great way to finish off her her comp run before she goes into some some commentary for ESPN takes first place here in the boulder field Masters this is again for the series so they come sum total of all three events for the men's third place Tim King again this is for the series so cumulative for all three events Tim's got 3rd 2nd place Jodi is for the series first place Collin Duffy Congrats to these three competitors great job extraordinary for effort from all these climbers today and through the series total
Channel: Bouldering TV
Views: 131,273
Rating: 4.8325281 out of 5
Keywords: climbing, bouldering, boulder, competition, boulderingTV, hightlights, replay, recap, final, finals, rock, sport, climb, battl, 2019, mendaki, batu, 抱石, 攀登, クライミング, ボルダリング, bloc, escalade, क्लाइम्बिंग, Cup, comp, Olympic, games, live, stream, livestream, asian, скалолазание, боулдеринг, ifsc, boulderfest, 岩石, broadcast, खेल, スポーツ, 運動, masters, USA, america, USAC, The Boulder Field, TBF, Black Diamond, Meagan Martin, Tim Kang, Kaito Watanabe, Maya Madere, finger strength, grip, extreme, Women, men, Sacramento, CA, california, training
Id: NP2jyJeoddE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 20sec (7760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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