IFSC Climbing World Cup Munich 2018 - Bouldering - Finals - Men/Women
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Views: 575,904
Rating: 4.7519245 out of 5
Keywords: Sport, Climbing, 2018, IFSC, #IFSCwc, World, Cup, Final, bouldering, munich, germany, replay
Id: rQwIy3KdilU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 251min 54sec (15114 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you're in the US:
Very much enjoyed the battle between the two Japanese female climbers for overall title and Janja just dominating this worldcup!
Anyone get this to work in the US?
Janja is simply the best female comp. climber. She will ein Olympia if she stays healthy. No doubt.
The answer to Janja, Miho and Akiyo topping all these problems is to just make two of them supremely difficult right?
The other 3 climbers will have a run at the other two problems but we need a metric to tell these climbers apart better than attempts...