If You Can't Make Games After This Video, Give Up

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I'm gonna teach you how to make your own games after this video you will be a pro the number one lesson is your game idea probably sucks the faster you let go of the GTA 6 in your mind the faster you will learn this will probably sound really harsh but no matter how good you think your game idea is it's probably bad and listen I'm not trashing on you I'm just telling you how it is I'm not gonna serve you lesson number two is you cannot Escape programming games are literally computer programs you can use visual programming languages but you cannot Escape programming itself and for me programming is the best part anyway so why would you run from it lesson number three is always go in with a plan never make the mistake of opening a game engine and trying to learn it without a goal you're just gonna be overwhelmed by the amount of options and information that you need to take in the first time you open a game engine you should already have a game idea in mind something very simple like a Mario clone or a pong clone before we move on to lesson number four I want to give you a few tips for your first games you need to make at least three very simple projects you're only supposed to learn from them these are not things you're going to release or show anybody just learn they all have to be very different from each other for example you can make a pong clone and then a Super Mario clone because they are really different in gameplay terms as a third option you could probably make a top-down shooter or something you want to make here it's important to understand that your games are going to be really bad and that you're gonna have a ton of difficulties you can try to do things on your own but if you feel too stressed watch tutorials man don't let your Eagle control you allow yourself to do hard things just not in the hardest possible way you know lesson number four avoid tutorial hell please you shouldn't really worry about this in the first three games that we were talking about earlier because you were just learning the very Basics but after that it's time to be careful with tutorials that teach you an entire thing like an entire game type or an entire game mechanic because you could become dependent on those tutorials and never really learn how to make your own systems in your own types of games as I said you don't have to do things in the hardest possible way so I still recommend you watch tutorials but very specific tutorials like how a specific component Works in unity or a node in Godot this way you can still avoid the stress of something that is Way Beyond Your Capacity but still learn how to do things your own way so to definitely Escape tutorial hell I recommend you make a fourth game this time you can even show people and ask for feedback but the most important thing is being something new and that you don't watch tutorials for the whole thing just for specific things as I said lesson number five is explore new territory always when I was starting I spent months learning unity and I would never try anything else I was making progress but I felt like I was too dependent on Unity itself as a tool and so I decided to learn in the dough it was very stressful at first but once I understood the engine and the differences between the two I realized that I was way better after this learning Godot made me value more the overall concepts of game development and programming Kudos documentation even focuses a lot on the history of game development and why things are done and that helped me a ton this experience made me a better game developer all around lesson number six is focus on the process I know this sounds cliche but game development is a craft and you have to focus on the craft not on the reward for the craft I know you want to do this for a living but your first game is probably gonna flop financially but it's not gonna flop in your eyes if it's good and if you learn something from it focusing on making better games is the only way to withstand failure and eventually achieve success and I promise you if you make good games they will be appreciated after you follow all the steps in this video you can probably start making your dream games but don't allow yourself to become too attached to a single game idea remember you have to become a fountain for good games only one is not going to get you anywhere in the beginning you're gonna feel like you are not ready to make that one game that you always wanted to make but you are it's just that you don't want that game to flop so that's why you'll never make it if you flop with that one you can always make a better one and then people will appreciate your first one because of who you are alright this is your journey go ahead leave a like in this video if you want more
Channel: Fredyy
Views: 709,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RsOBatApM4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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