Game Development for Noobs | Beginner Guide

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hello everybody my name is Julian or flow graphics and this is game design for noobs I'm going to be going through what it takes to make a game and all the facets that actually create games and how it all works whether you're a game yourself or you're just interested in the technical aspect of the art aspect it's pretty interesting what actually makes games I mean out of sort of dumb it down to four categories this is scenes and cameras assets code and then the system so the scene or the camera that's basically how you play the game and that's the playground that the game is so what sits inside the playground is all the assets all the things that's you know the people the playground equipment the trees like it's here a barrel a gun I'm trying to draw Mario from the top of my head I think I'll do it okay like Mario this can be 2d or 3d and the scenes themselves can be 2d or 3d and then what actually makes these scenes work and what makes it so we can move characters around and shoot guns is code it's a bunch of sort of numbers and letters and commands and it's it's different languages that actually create the brain of the game and then on to system that's how we actually play the game whether it's on a console playstation of whether it's on an airplane or a TV or a mobile phone or whatever it may be there's tons of different systems and ways to actually play games and the scenes the cameras the assets the code all of the stuff that creates a game changes depending on what system you play it and depending on what game it is so let's get straight into it it's really interesting I'm gonna take you along with me I'm gonna draw a bunch of stuff and and just try and show it as visually as possible so starting off of scenes like I mentioned before this is the playground this is the actual world in which everything happens so the scene can be 3d it can be 2d so like Call of Duty for example or a game like Mario they're both games and they both share tons of similarities but they're both sort of made in two different ways and if we want to sort of see how a camera works in a 2d scene I'll just quickly draw up a little sort of 2d plane here let's pretend this is our level of a Mario and what we're gonna do is place a character in the scene place a little camera and you can see that's the whole level that's everything exists inside the scene and then we just have our camera which is a little rectangle that can be sort of moved around the scene and that's what we viewed that's what we're taking in that's the whole visual component of that saying that's all they exists and if we draw a 3d scene and draw a bit of a terrain and some islands and stuff like that just like you see when you walk outside and you can see with your eyes you have 3d vision we're in a 3d world and those things like perspective and a lot of other things that take sort of make 3d rendering a lot more interesting a lot more complicated and intensive for a computer though it's a really similar concept I have this same camera except on a person and it has perspective and I can walk around and do flips that are taking the environment from a 3d perspective view and the next is effects so just like we view the world through the camera this is basically what pair of sunglasses were wearing so this is adding a sort of an effect after you're actually viewing everything and this is everywhere in games almost every single game that you play will have some sort of image effect or camera effect to have a certain look or do it do a certain task and there's tons of different effects we can sort of have throughout games if I draw a quick little scene here let's say we just want to change the color and we do want to do some color grading to the scene to make it look different or maybe we've just had a gunshot wound and we want this sort of trippy RGB effect to make it look like we're on low health or maybe you want to warp and distort the players view and make it look like they're tripping out on drugs or something who knows you can do whatever you want there's tons and tons of different effects and ways that you can really play it to camera and hit plate what you're looking at even if it's something as simple as just like a vignette blur and sort of make it look like it's you know a sniper scope or something that you're looking through so when you're clicking through a game's graphics settings and you see words like ambient occlusion and ray tracing and depth of field a motion blur and all those sorts of things they're all effects they're all things that basically change the way that you view the game and they're just different pairs of sunglasses that add cool effects to the camera and now onto the assets so this is the stuff inside the playground and this could be anything this can be the people the swing sets the play equipment the trees the bits of rocks and grass and the ground literally anything and the reason why it can be anything is because most game objects off-site game engines use a thing called object-oriented programming and although that might sound a little bit sort of techie and confusing it's super super simple and the reason it's super simple is because everything just starts off as the exact same thing so if we have a tree and we want to a tree inside of our game most game engines to start that off as a transformer position it's just simply a point within our scene and then we can add components to that to create a tree we can add a mesh which is an actual 3d object and then suddenly we have an actual 3d tree at that position in space and then we want to make the tree look cool enough color so we add a material to that and we can add in all these components and actually customize exactly what that asset is depending on what we add to it they all start off as the same thing and they all function in the exact same way but we're essentially just like making them in like a prefabricated customizable way sort of like building blocks so a tree like you can see here this is static it doesn't move it simply just got a point in space a mesh in a material but then if we copy this over we could make a different type of object like a player and this is going to be dynamic it's gonna have physics it's gonna have code making the player move around will probably have to attach a camera to it and this is a lot more intensive and this is a lot more different than the tree but they both start off is the same object and the things that make the different components that make this thing work they affect the game in very different ways the transform super super easy for the game to handle it could handle a million transforms that's no problem rendering the meshes and the materials that starts to become a bit more intensive and then physics and code become quite intensive for the game and these things can change if you have a really high crazy material that's gonna make the game race run slower if you have a mesh that's really really complicated that's gonna run the game slower and the 3d mesh is made up of tons of these little things called polygons and polygons are basically just bunch of triangles they'll all join together to create the actual 3d mesh and simply put the more triangles the more polygons the more intensive it's gonna be to render whereas a 2d sprite that's is simply just a photo it's just a tree dot PNG or a treetop jpg in your files then it pulls that file and displays it but a 3d mesh has the 3d file but then if you ever made a paper cube or a paper pyramid or something like that in school it basically gets a flat texture and then wraps it around the 3d object as well so it has a bunch of different files rather than just one or two files the sprite has but then it's also going through way more intensive rendering process because instead of just rendering a flat texture and no lighting or very basic lighting it has shadows it has all sorts of Bounce lighting every single one of those little triangle polygons is basically a miniature version of that 2d sprite that's getting rendered although it can vary a lot typically 2d objects will be quicker to load for the game engine and 3d objects will take a bit longer so onto code now this is the brain of the game and if we're still talking about the playground this is everyone's brains this is the laws of physics in that playground it's when the lights turn on and off it's when how the swing swing it's what people do and it's everything it's basically all of the systems that make that playground work and make the things inside that playground move around and do stuff so if we have our scene here we can sort of divide our scene into two components we have the the actual live seeing all the visual stuff that we're looking at and then all the code that's related to that scene and then there's a third part this is all the files and all the sort of the databases and the stuff inside the game engine that's working behind the scenes so when you load into a map in Call of Duty or counter-strike or something you have the game scene that you're in and you have all the other players with you and all that stuff related to the scene but then you also have files so you have all of the textures of the ground and all that sort of stuff and all that's getting pulled from the files on your computer and getting displayed to you on the scene so for example a game like Mario we have a player which is that player that we built before and then we maybe will have a bit of code that's the level manager and that basically controls when the player hits that flag will load a different scene and we'll change levels or when we very first start the scene we go into the files of the game and we think okay what weapon does the player currently have equipped and we have a big long list of all the weapons and our files on the game and then we go up the players got the bar so then we go into the files get the bow and then we give it to the player in the live scene so the sort of the files on your computer constantly interacting with what's live in the scene because that's all the contents that's all the stuff that's actually getting displayed in front of you and that takes us to lucky last which is system so if we're still talking about the playground analogy this is basically where the playground is what country it's in what city it's in because this totally changes everything about the playground or everything about the game depending on what it's played on is it a PC or console or mobile is it plain screen is it on a TVs and on a tamagotchi almost any electronic device can play a game so let's just narrow it down for two for now we'll start with a mobile and then a console so these are very different devices one let's say has one gig ram and like a 64 gig high drive and then console would have four gigs ram and way bigger hard drive at a terabyte so you have different limitations of what you can actually create in these systems but then they also have totally different inputs so mobile is played with a touchscreen typically but then you also have things like motion sensors accelerometers the gyroscopes all sorts of stuff even the photo and the video mode and the camera or the microphone there's tons and tons of different inputs that you can actually give to a phone to play game console you have you controller but then you also have things like the way or Kinect motion sensors and videos and then you also have a microphone if you have a microphone headset so if we have a tree in a mobile game and then a tree in a console game these trees can be completely different depending on how the input works how that affects physics and the code and also how much stress that actual physical thing can hold so if the console has a lot more RAM and a bigger hard drive it can load way bigger materials and textures and it can handle a lot more physics and things happening so if we're making the same tree for a mobile game maybe we'll have to scrap the physics and scrap the code and just make it a static object and then we'll have to compress the mesh and compress the materials and make it a bit smaller file size where a console we can change the physics and the code depending on our planer so here's a problem for all of you at home to solve in the comments so what I'm gonna do is give you three little sort of clues or questions and you will have to give me the answer in the comments down below so I'm gonna draw a little barrel here and this barrel is made up of a bunch of different shapes so that's how measures work and what I want you to tell me is what's the name of the shapes that actually make up a mesh they have a very specific name to do with game design I did say it earlier so just tell me what that is that's number one and next I'm going to draw a ball but this isn't any ball this is a ball that I want to control so like I went through before we add different components to make objects different so it's got the physics and it's got a mesh and all that stuff but I want to add a brain I want to make it so I can press stuff on my keyboard and something happens what would I have to what would I need to add to that ball to make it work to make it do stuff so next I'm going to draw two balls at set one of the balls is actually a circle so we have a 2d sprite on the left and then a 3d sphere or a mesh on the right and what I want you do is sort of answer for me is which ball inside a game engine is actually going to load the slowest a 2d or a 3d so make sure to write your answer in the comment section of the video and I'll leave a hidden answer section myself in the comments if you want to double check and see if you're right or not so I hope you enjoyed everybody I absolutely love making these videos and teaching you these cool things if you don't know I'm designing a game myself I make regular game dev vlog videos so if you're interested in that sort of stuff feel free to subscribe if you're new here as always everybody my name is Julian or float graphics I hope you all have an amazing day I hope you learned something new today and thanks for watching I'll see you later
Channel: Flow Studio
Views: 748,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flow, Graphics, JulianBall, Julian, Ball, Design, Speed-art, Tutorial, Speedart, Photoshop, Illustrator, C4D, speedart, giveaway, gfx, branding, logo, design, graphic, graphicdesign, youtube, banner, art, digital, vlog, video, film, australia, Adobe, Creative, game design, game development, indie game, for noobs
Id: 7C92ZCnlmQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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