choosing a game engine is easy, actually

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choosing a game engine is easy but if you're just starting out or aren't sure which engine is best suited for your needs it can feel pretty overwhelming as you may be stuck with your choice for several months but not to worry because I've made a list of what engines are best suited for different kind of projects taking into account ease of use Community size and platform requirements and by the end of this video you'll know exactly what engine to start your project on the best way to find the right engine is to try a few and see which one resonates with you the most what I might like about Unity you might hate but it is important to pay attention to what features the engine supports its pricing and its programming language if you don't know how to code you absolutely should or you should find someone who does know and add them to your team because it'll really help you out in the long run but if you're insistent on not coding because you're lazy and no don't come at me with excuses you can do it I know you can there are some options called visual scripting basically coding without actually coding and the best engine for this is unreal engine I know someone who made this entire game just using their blueprint system there are some other options you can use as well but even with visual scripting you'll need to learn how it works and that's where the most important factor comes in when choosing a game engine it's Community the more Community there is the more tutorials and help you could potentially get when you run into an issue and trust me you will run into an issue being frustrated when you can't find the answer to simple questions can easily derail your progress and take a hit on your motivation there is a reason why 90% of Indie developers don't finish their games these are currently the biggest players in the market unreal unity and gdau Game maker is also another popular option it's important you understand that each engine has its pros its cons and its learning curve don't expect to make an open world RPG MMO in your first week while never having opened an engine before Unity has the most resources hands down followed by unreal and gdau this is because unreal and unity have been in the game for a really long time but gto's resources have been exponentially increasing over the last year now the second most important thing you want to consider when choosing a game engine is what kind of game you want to make with it sometimes one engine is better suited for 2D 3D multiplayer choosing one which doesn't have those features built in can just prolong your development time as you'll need to code those features yourself so I've made a little chart to help you visualize if you want to make a 2d game unity hands down has the most features for 2D and you can fight me about this from tile maps to Sprite editors to SK to animation physics it also has one of the best asset stores so there's a 99% chance that someone already made the system or the prop that you're trying to create so it's easier to just purchase it and save time however there is some controversy of course surrounding Unity which may dissuade you from choosing it which I'll discuss in a few moments this is Then followed by gdau which also has great 2D support tile Maps collisions it's extremely fast to open and run it has an easy to understand programming language similar to python pretty good documentation and most importantly the code is open source so anyone in the community can contribute to the development of the engine and lastly game maker is made for 2D games it's compact it's quick to learn and it's really fast a prototype it's what I'm using to make my Precision platformer called boomi which you should totally wishlist I'm not asking however none of these engines are perfect and each of them have their caveats so it's important to keep these in mind when choosing them but I'll mention that in a moment so what about 3D games or those open world MMO RPG Loos well this big fish blows away the competition on real Engine 5 it's made for 3D and has a ton of built-in features like a first person and a third person controller to help get you started their visual coding system called blueprints is the best in the market and it's great for larger teams with a mix of programmers and artists you can also download the source code and make any changes as needed per your project requirements they give out a lot of freebies like Mega scans free monthly assets and they even have a mega grant program to help fund your game if you get accepted they also have great performance Insight tools to help optimize your games which a lot of beginners never worry about until they end up playing their game and realize it only runs at 10 FPS so optimize your games folks unreal is great to learn if you want to get a job in the game industry and learning C++ in general is really good in that regard this is followed by unity which has several different rendering pipelines depending on the graphical needs of the project Ango which has been vastly increasing his 3D support but still nowhere near Unity and Onre skills level now to be more specific if you're making a multiplayer game unreal followed by unity is the best bet unreal has multiplayer built in and the company's experience with fortnite has trickled down to the development of Unreal Engine 5 while Unity recently introduced a new multiplayer package called net code which is great and I have a huge tutorial on and they have Unity gaming Services which are extra options to help host servers and manage players if you're making an open world 3D game unreal hands down optimization is built into the engine as it breaks down a large map into smaller chunks and only shows the player what they need if you're making a physics based game unity has a lot of built-in functions for this for both 2D and 3D unreal also has great 3D physics but gd's built-in physics engine still doesn't have as much features as the other two fellow developer Ponty pant tried to start his physics based climbing game in gdau but ended up switching to Unity because there were just so many more components that were an easy Plug and Play however there is a popular physics package for gdau called jolt and I believe they're now in integrating this as the main physics engine so hopefully that will make it much better if you're making any sort of really complicated math equations or just handling a lot of objects or Ai and I mean a lot then you'd want to go with unity which has support for Dots The Entity component system and the job system and if you don't know what any of that means then you don't need to worry about it my friend Johnny has a lot of tutorials on it if you're interested in learning I want to emphasize that your first project should not be a multi documentation is mostly on the side of lacking and if you're changing the source code of the engine be prepared to wait because it takes forever overall on real is a very solid engine with a lot of great features but you'll need a lot of patience and resilience to work with it and not give up now let's step into unity's terrain a bit Unity has always been the go-to choice for Indie Developers for a reason however in the recent years there has been a growing dissatisfaction with them as they haven't been working on features that game developers have been asking for for years and they recently pulled a runtime fee mess where thousands of developers just stopped using unity all together after they tried to unfairly change their pricing and I do have a whole video explaining what happened if you're interested but they've since reverted a lot of those policies even changing their CEO and unity still kept the notorious runtime fee although a little different a lot of developers ended up switching to gdau because of this because of its open- source nature but I personally see Unity showing promise after their recent changes and I still think it's a great engine to start learning game development with as I once did Unity has the most confusing pricing out of all the engines it's free until you make 200k on your game in the year from then on you need to purchase the pro subscription which is $2,040 a year per ceas and once you reach the $1 million a year threshold you'll also start needing to pay the runtime fee which depends on the number of engagements the game receives wait let me read this engagement is defined by the time a user successfully acquires downloads or engages with your game for the first time luckily there's Max 2.5% Revenue cut of your game so you won't have to worry about it going over objectively speaking 2.5% isn't bad once you reach that threshold however it just gets confusing with the pro plan pricing and it's a little convoluted part from the runtime fee they also tend to not update some packages for some time and over the last few years they focused on AI VR blockchain instead of focusing on more game related features for the engine it's also pretty slow at opening projects and compiling but I do recommend this asset to help speed up your workflow it also gets confusing with their different Graphics pipeline urp versus hdrp versus built-in and you have to choose one to start and make sure you choose the right one for your project because changing later on could spell disaster in most cases you start with urp and hdrp is used for more graphically advanced games there's also no way to get the source code for the engine unless you're an Enterprise and you're paying big money however I've never had a use to get the source code Unity is built to be flexx ible to allow developers to build their own tools on top of it with unity you'll have a LoveHate relationship some things will bug you but you'll end up coming back to it because it's just the most flexible thing to get your project done in good an underdog that quickly Rose the ranks after unity's messy situation Good's open source Nature has made it one of the most popular engines of the year it's free to use and exports to multiple platforms however for consoles it gets a bit trickier there's a free switch Port from raar Lab games I can't believe I said that but for Xbox and play PlayStation you'll probably need to handle an external team to handle the porting for you there's one called W4 games which is made by some of the creators of gdau themselves where its prices depend on team size and the number of platforms you want to deploy to asgo is still a recent Riser some features aren't as fleshed out as in unity or unreal there's not as much extensive 3D support as the other two options the built-in physics engine has been said to be mid and there's no good asset store yet and not as much assets the reason Gau threw me off at the time was because there was no no way to preview the scene while also playing the game which for me I use that all the time to help debug but recently phantom camera was released and it does let you make a handy 3D camera preview while playing the game game maker has been an OG engine for a lot of developers and has kept pretty high popularity over the years you wish list my game yet what I like about it is how interconnected it feels and how easy it is to get something up and running the pricing is pretty nice it's free to use and only a onetime fee for commercial project if you want to publish the consoles though there will be a recurring free for that but you shouldn't be publishing to consoles unless you can be sure that you can pay that fee however if you want to make 3D games it's probably better to look elsewhere there's not much 3D support in the engine the community is smaller than others and there's no built-in UI editor yet they are working on it I've heard but it's kind of annoying to code all the UI yourself but I do recommend this asset GM live which helps you iterate much faster you also need to compile or run the projects to see any errors in your code whereas others tell you straight up if something won't compile and you'll need to code some features manually where other engines already have them built in for example I use Ray cast a lot to detect collisions and they're not built in it's basically like poking this wall and being like is there something here oh yeah that's a wall however I just found a free package for it and more often than not there will be a package someone made that you can just take or pay not take pay I I meant if it was free I did find the marketplace a little slow and outdated a lot of assets are actually on h. and unfortunately I don't think as many Tria companies or Studios use Game Maker so the skills you learn with it aren't as transferable to Industry as maybe on real or Unity still feeling lost on what engine to choose remember to choose the engine that fits what kind of games you want to make its pricing and if its values align with yours and you can't forget it's export options so what platforms can you export to and I made a helpful diagram which I'll show in a bit with all the engines so you can see exactly what exports to what my recommendation is to just try a few engine and see what clicks for you you can just watch a small tutorial for some of them or even make a same small game in each of the engines and then compare them there's really no wrong answer here just choose one now I do want to mention some other options if you do feel like straying the path as I showed in the start GD develop is an open-source visual coding engine that excels at making 2D games easily they do have some pricing tiers if you want to export your game to other platforms though but it comes along with some other neat features construct is also a popular visual scripting solution to make 2D games but you can also use JavaScript which is easy to learn to code although this one does have a higher price tag straight from the start but there is a free trial baser iio is also a 2d engine that uses JavaScript and it's completely free Coco's 2dx is another 2D solution it's completely free open source and supports both JavaScript and typescript dride is a really nice open source 2D and mostly 3D engine that uses C and I've heard pretty good things about this one pame is a python Library which is open source and is mostly for 2D I did try this one for a bit and it does have a sort of from scratch feeling without needing to know all the complicated Maths for rendering Graphics mono game is an open source framework using C and is fully crossed platform Celeste was made using it a lot of programmers prefer these lightweight Solutions where you have to code a lot of the features yourself it may sound counterintuitive but the more code is yours the more control you have over it and when something goes wrong more often than not you'll know exactly where it goes wrong and you can change it yourself it's like building a PC versus just buying one from the store when something goes wrong you usually know what to change but in my case when something goes wrong I'm like Uncle who's an it please help me it's important to make sure the engine you choose supports the platforms you want to publish to so here's a nice diagram that shows each engine and its export options patrons and YouTube members can also access the PDF I made for this video where it's easier to see all the information if this does seem overwhelming the answer to choosing the right Eng engine is actually really easy and it's that there is no answer I can't tell you what engine you should choose that's up to you just try a few and start learning you may be surprised that your favorite engine might not be my favorite engine or everyone else's favorite engine I know you're watching this video because you want someone to make a decision for you but you'll have to stand up for yourself I'm giving you information now it's up to you to decide what to do with it analysis paralysis won't help you finish your game anytime soon but if you are looking for some inspiration here are my first impressions when I made a game with both gdo and Game maker I also have a ton of great Unity tutorials in the description
Channel: samyam
Views: 324,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity3d, unity, tutorial, game dev, unity beginner tutorials, choose game engien, game engine, best gamne engine, engine, unreal, godot, gamemaker, unreal vs unity, unity vs godot, unreal vs godot, best game engie, game engine tiers, tierlist, pick the best game engine, pick the best engine, enging, samyam, sam yam, samsyam, yamsam
Id: aMgB018o71U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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