How to make a Video Game - Godot Beginner Tutorial

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good do God dot godo whichever you prefer if you want to use it to make a game you've come to the right place I've been making video games for more than 14 years now and recently I've fallen in love with Gau Gau is a great choice for many developers and pretty beginner friendly also it's open source and completely free to use now you probably have a bunch of ideas of games that would be cool to make but no matter if you're dreaming of making an FPS a 2d platformer or any anything in between using gdau the first step is of course to install it now this process might be a bit tedious but bear with me now we go to press download latest gdo engine and we're done this is a huge advantage of gdau it's extremely lightweight and can even run in the browser now you might want to unzip this folder and place it somewhere you remember but other than that we're ready to open up gdau so let's double click it and it's going to ask us if we want to look at some examle projects I'll just press cancel then we can press new name our project say first game I'm going to place mine on my desktop under my games folder let's create a separate folder for first game so hit create folder and create an edit and here we are a clean slate a blank canvas oh I am so ready to make this game about well this might be a good time to decide what our game will be about but first this video is sponsored by Zena if you're excited about gdau 4 make sure to check out Zena Academy they offer comprehensive beginner and intermediate courses including a fantastic free introductory course on Gau what's really cool about SBA is how they combine fun and practical learning through professional video tutorials written lessons and interactive quizzes plus you'll be building real projects across various genres from RPGs to Bullet Hills zenva also has a wide range of courses on python Unity unreal and other essential tools with a single subscription which includes would say 7-Day free trial you unlock over 250 courses use the coupon code below to get an extra 20% off the first year of your s subscription on top of any existing side wide discounts the offer is valid for the first 50 subscribers so make sure to use your coupon today to start your Game Dev Adventure so in the spirit of learning the basics of the engine and giving you an overview of how you can start using it to make things I've put together the most basic game I could imagine think of it like food without salt it doesn't have much flavor but it does have a player enemies moving platforms collectible coins and most importantly it should get you familiar with the engine in no time also will be working in 2D but another really cool thing about gdau is that it's very easy to transfer 2D Concepts to 3D so don't worry if your dream game is in 3D most of what you learned here is going to directly apply as for programming Gau uses its own scripting language called GD script it's pretty fast and easy to use but still quite powerful we'll do a bit of programming in this video to get you started but the main focus is really to get familiar with gdau as a whole and to quickly get a game up and running because of this I don't expect you to fully understand all the code you see feel free to write after me or just lean back and observe our next video will be about learning to program in GD script all right I promised you food without salt so let's get cooking [Music] now to make our delicious game we need ingredients we need things like Sprites models textures and sounds these are called aets and a game engine like Gau is not so much made for creating these from scratch but more for putting everything together it's really the stirring part of making a game now since I can't expect you to go shopping for assets at your local supermarket I've used a bit of TV magic to prepare some beforehand you can download them for free using the link below I've bundled together Sprites from The Amazing analog Studios and modified them a bit along with a pixel font some Custom Sounds and a cute little music track it's also perfectly fine to use other assets you find on the internet there are many great resources for free assets just make sure you check the license and give proper credit to the author CC Z means means that the asset is completely free to use and there's no requirement to credit that being said making your own assets is one of the places where you can really get creative and I highly recommend you try it out as soon as you feel comfortable remember you can always use these assets as placeholders and then modify or replace them later all right let's get our assets into gdau importing Assets in Gau is extremely simple the file system window is where we have all the files we use in our game by default the only thing in here is the Gau icon so let's create a folder where we can put our assets let's right click new folder and name it assets let's also make one for scripts and scenes that we can use later now we can simply drag and drop our assets into the asset folder so I'll select the assets folder open up my assets here I'm going to select all the subfolders and click and drag them into gdau and voila we can now see and use all of our assets in Gau so now we're ready to make our game so let's talk about how we do that to make anything in gdau we use nodes if you want to make a player character we do so by putting together a bunch of notes if you want to make an enemy we do so by putting together notes if we want to make a main menu you guessed it we use nodes so nodes are the fundamental building blocks of your game and nodes come in many types some display an image others play a sound or add physics and we can even extend existing nodes to build more powerful ones so in its Essence making a game in Gau is combining and extending nodes to get the result we're looking for it's a super creative and fun process but building everything in one big world with noes for the player enemies UI and a bunch of levels all in one place would quickly become completely unmanageable and confusing instead we use scenes scenes allow us to bundle together nodes into reusable packages a scene can be a character a weapon a menu there can be a as small as a single collectible coin or an entire level scenes make it really easy to focus on building one part of our game at a time and then slowly combining them to make our game larger and larger this is because we can put scenes inside of other scenes which is called nesting and allows us to take say a player scene a platform scene and a collectible coin scene and put them all inside of another scene say a level one scene and even cooler since scenes are reusable we can make a scene on only once and then use it all over our game we can make many levels that all use the same collectible coin scene and if we want to change something about our coin we simply edit the scene and it automatically updates everywhere else as you can see all the nodes and scenes in our game start to resemble a tree like structure and that's exactly what we call it the scene tree and fittingly we call the node at the very beginning of the tree the root so now that we know a bit about how kdo Works let's start by making the most essential part part of our game the player character player 1.0 so let's create a scene where we'll put everything together this is going to be a 2d game so let's select 2D scene and let's rename this from node 2D to game and even though it's empty let's go ahead and save it so hit contrl s go under scenes and let's save it here and now we can actually play our game it's not going to be very exciting but let's try it out so let's hit play up here or simply press F5 it's going to tell us that we have haven't selected a main scene we need to T good do which scene to run I'm just going to press select current and you can see that our game scene becomes blue to let us know that this is now our main scene and as you can see not much is happening here so let's stop playing by hitting the stop icon here or pressing f8 and let's put in a player to make it more exciting so first off let's create a new Scene by hitting the plus sign up here and this will be our player scene and the root note for our player is going to be what is called a character body 2D so let's add a new note by pressing the plus here or hitting CR a and let's search for character body 2D as you can see this is a 2d physics body that is specialized for characters moved by script so it's perfect for a player character that we want to be able to collide with the environment so let's hit create and now we can see our node here but we can actually see our player in the scene so let's add some graphics let's add another node I'm going to hit contr a and let's let's search for sprite and as you can see we can choose a single Sprite or in our case we want to create an animated character so let's choose the animated Sprite 2D Sprites are just what we call images in our 2D world now with this node selected we can use the inspector here on the right to change properties on that node if we select a different node say our character body 2D we can now see the properties on that node instead so our inspector allows us to change things about a node in our animated Sprite 2D we want to add some animations and we want to give it some Sprite frames the individual frames that will make up our animation let's click here and add a new Sprite frames and now with this selected we can see that it will open up the Sprite frames window at the bottom and in this window we're going to press this tiny icon here that lets us add frames from a Sprite sheet so let's click that go into our assets under our Sprites let's find our knight.png and as you can see I've gone ahead and packed all the different Sprite frames of the nights animation into a single image this is called a Sprite sheet it's a very efficient way of working with lots of Sprites such as when doing animation otherwise we would have to create an image for each single frame which would quickly become an unmanageable amount of files now to start adding these frames in we first need to configure the grid here currently it's set to 4x4 let's go ahead and increase this I've created an 8x8 grid here and as you can see each frame now has its own grid cell and let's just start by adding the idle animation to do this we simply click the frames in the order that we would like so I'm going to go from the left hand side here and click as you can see it says this to zero the first frame then I'm going to click the next one and the next one and the next one and now it goes from0 to three and we'll play from left to right we can always click again to remove and this is how you can quickly build an animation from different parts of your Sprite sheet so I'll select these four frames and hit add frames now let's hit F to Center our character on the screen and I'm going to use the scroll wheel to zoom in we can also click and drag with the middle Mouse button to pan now our character looks weirdly blurry that's because we're working with pixel art which requires really hard edges by default Gau is going to try to do some texture smoothing to make textures look better but applied to pixel art that is definitely not the case so let's simply disable this so let's go to project project settings let's go under rendering to textures and here on the default texture filter let's change this from linear to nearest which will immediately make our pixel art look crisp then we can select our animated Sprite and let's try playing the animation that looks great I'm going to increase the FPS here to 10 to make it go a bit faster I'm also going to rename the animation here to idle I'm going to enable autop play to make sure it play place right when we start the game and finally I'm going to take this Sprite here and move it up to make it kind of stand on this line and that's it for our graphics for now we'll add more animations later but as you can see we're currently getting this warning here in the scene View and if I hover over it it's going to say that this node has no shape so it can't Collide or interact with other objects and this is because a character body 2D is a physics node and whenever we're working with physics we need to define a shape that the physics engine can work with so let's add a new node I'm going to press the plus sign here I'm going to search for Collision shape 2D hit create and here in the inspector we can now Define a new shape I'm going to add a circle shape I'm going to make this a bit smaller and drag it up somewhere around there looks fine now you're probably thinking well this is pretty far from our actual Graphics but that's totally fine colliders rarely need to be very precise and it's a good rule of thumb to make them a bit smaller than the graphics if you need to having colliders that are too large is simply going to be frustrating when playing so let's now rename the top node here to player and let's save the scene contrl S as player hit save and now we can go into our game scene and simply drag our player in here so I'm going to go to the top here and drag in the player we also need to create a camera so that we can control what is currently being shown so let's add a new node hit crl a search for camera 2D hit create and now if we press F we can see that we have this huge camera viewport this is definitely currently too large so let's zoom in on our camera I'm going to set the zoom here to 4x4 and simply click and drag our camera to be on top of the player and now we can try playing our game and there you go we now have a player that is playing an idle animation and nothing else is happening that's because we need to add a script that allows us to move around so let's close our game go into our player scene and with our player node selected let's press this add script button here we can choose a template of course we're going to do some programming in this video but writing player movement can quickly become a bit overwhelming so for now we'll use the basic movement template provided by Gau then later we'll go in and modify to play different animations and rebind input to the Keys we'd like to use as for the path here I'm going to make sure that we put this inside of our scripts folder and let's just name it player let's hit create and as you can see this creates a script that will move around our character I know that this might look really confusing at first but don't worry we'll have a look at what all this means later for now let's just try playing and our player immediately falls off the screen that's because we need to give him a collider to stand on right now our player has a collider but it doesn't have anything to collide with so in our game I'm going to go go back to the 2D View at the top here this is where we can change from script view to 2D let's add a new node so let's hit the plus sign let's add a static body 2D and this is another type of physics body it's the one we use for things that don't need to move that's why it's called Static so it's perfect for creating some ground let's hit create and again this is going to give us this warning here that it needs a shape so let's add a collision shape so I'm going to hitr a search for for Collision shape and for the shape here we're going to create a new world boundary shape the world boundary is a type of collider that is perfect for stuff like well World boundaries because it's going to extend infinitely on the horizontal axis here so as you can see it's currently pointing up we could also point it to the side here and now it's going to extend infinitely on the vertical I'm going to hit control Z to undo that instead I'm going to select the entire static body here I'm going to change to the move tool by pressing this icon here or simply W on the keyboard and I'm going to move it down under our character then I'm going to go back to our select tool which is here or simply press q and while our collider doesn't have any graphics it's going to be invisible we can now play and there we go our player now gently lands on the collider and we can move around using the arrow keys and jump with the space bar now our player is currently a bit too fast and I think his jump is a bit too high so let's modify our script to change that let's close our game go into our script and at the top here there are two constants that we can modify our speed as well as our jump velocity so I'm going to set the speed to something less like 130 and the jump velocity to say -300 and now when we play it looks and feels a lot better so our player is moving around for currently there's not much to look at so let's build a world to explore World building 1.0 so to build a world let's begin by removing our collider here we're going to build an actual ground for him to stand on and let's instead add a tilemap node so let's press new node and search for til map now the most common way to create levels in 2D is by using tiles in other words we build our game World by drawing different tiles onto a grid this is a great way to work because we can create a lot of varied levels using just a few tiles the tile as sets we used to paint are normally packed together into one big image just like our player was this is called the tile set so the tile set is a collection of tiles that we can use to paint from and the tile map that we just created is the node we use to paint these tiles into our world so to start painting on our tile map we need to add a tile set so in our inspector on the tile set we'll create a new tile set and if we press it here we get to configure some things about it the main thing you want to make sure is set correctly is the tile size the tile set in our asset does indeed have 16x 16 pixel tiles so we'll just leave that as is now at the bottom here you can see that we have two tabs we have the tile set and tile map so before we can start painting with our tile map let's go into our tile set and configure this property the main thing we want to do is drag in our tet asset so let's go into our assets folder undo Sprites and drag in the world tet.png it's going to ask us if we would like to automatically create tiles in the atlas we do so let's press yes and now let's make some more room here and we can zoom in to view it and as you can see it's actually gone ahead and automatically detected the grid cells that have tiles if for some reason it's made an error we can always use our eraser here to remove tiles in this case here it thinks that the top of the palm tree is a bunch of different tiles I'm going to use the Eraser to get rid of these and instead go out of the erase mode and then hold down shift while clicking and dragging to turn this into one big tile it's also split up the trees into three different tiles but in this case it's actually something that we want because it allows us to create trees of varying Heights I'll show you this once we start painting other than that I think it looks good so with this TI set set up we can now go to our to map and start painting make sure that the scene has the select tool and that the ti map has the paint tool enabled and now let's simply select a TI and start painting painting it in if you make a mistake you can always right click to remove so I'm just going to fast forward through me drawing out the level here as you can see I begin by blocking out the most essential game Parts leaving in room for gameplay objects like moving platforms and enemies and then only once I'm finished with that I start decorating and ify trick here is that you can select multiple Tiles at once to paint in more than one and you can always go into select mode in order to select large chunks and move them now once I'm ready to start decorating let me just show you the cool trick with the trees here let's say we want to add a tree here at the top well then we can actually just paint the bottom and choose how tall we want the tree to be and then paint the top so that's one of the advantages of working with tiles is that we can also make individual elements really really flexible so once you're happy with the level let's just go ahead and press play and our player is going to fall right off that's because we need to add a physic layer to our tiles to do this we go to our tile map go under our tile set physics layers and add a new layer then with this layer we can go under our tile set and here we need to choose what tiles belong to the physics layer because we don't want to collide with everything in our to map the trees and bushes we just want to pass right through so let's go to paint here and the property that we want to paint is the physics layer zero we just created and now we can actually go ahead and paint onto our Tils these physics settings so I'm simply going to paint this onto all the different solid tiles and if you make a mistake and want to remove a tile we go here select clear and now we can paint with no physics or we can go back to the default tile shape which is the entire tile and paint with that or simply hit F to do that so C and F are the shortcuts here now there are also some tiles that we do want physics on but where we need the collider to only be on part of the tile such as our Bridge here so if I zoom in on our Bridge we can see that if I just paint physics onto these it doesn't look right instead we need to go in and only paint a partial collider so over here on the left we can actually modify these colliders to exactly suit our need we can even add and remove points by clicking and right clicking but in this case Four Points will do just fine and that's a good shape for our collider then we can paint these onto the three different tiles and then for the next one here we can configure it this Slants up a bit I'm going to paint that on as well and then for the final one here let's go ahead and make that go in the opposite direction and here you actually want to be pretty precise whenever you have an overlap of the colliders here I think that looks pretty good this helps avoid that our character gets stuck I'm also going to take the T map and drag it to the very top so that we can always find it and now when we play we are indeed colliding with our environment awesome now we probably want our camera to follow the player because he's currently just running off the screen so I'm going to make some room here I'm going to take the camera 2D and simply drag it under the player making it a child of the player means that it will just automatically follow the player node I'm also going to make sure that the camera is still positioned right on top of the player and we can even turn on position smoothing to really smooth out our camera follow so I'm going to enable position smoothing on the camera with a default speed of 5 pixels and now when we play as you can see our camera smoothly follows our player awesome so now we have a first draft of our game world but so far everything is stuck to the grid let's start adding some Dynamic and moving elements such as platforms platforms some that move and some that don't so whenever we are creating a new element of our game We Begin by making a new scene and for the root node here I'm going to hit add and search for the animatable body 2D this is a physics body that we use whenever we want to animate a node and still have it collide properly with other nodes in its path which is perfect for moving platforms that should still Collide properly with our player so let's hit create and let's add some graphics so crl a we we search for sprite and select the Sprite 2D and now we can drag in the texture we want so let's go under our assets Sprites and drag in the platforms. PNG let's hit F and zoom in and as you can see this is also a Sprite sheet and it's currently just displaying all of them so let's go in and Define exactly which one we want to show we can do this under region enabled and hit edit region and so we can kind of crop out the element that we want to show I'm going to change the snap mode here to Pi pixel snap and I'm just going to go for a default grass platform that looks good and now when we close it we can see our Sprite perfectly cropped out again we have the warning here so let's go ahead and add a Collis shape 2D for the shape I'm going to add a rectangle shape and now we can simply click and drag this to configure it then let's rename our top node here to platform and save the scene so crl s in our scenes folder hit save we've actually created our platform so in our game scene we can drag it in go on scenes find the platform drag it into wherever we'd like and let's hit play and as you can see it works however one problem right now is that we can't actually jump onto the platform from underneath to fix this we turn it into a one-way platform so in our platform scene let's select our Collision shape and enable oneway collation and now when we play we can jump onto platforms from underneath however the player is currently passing behind the platform this is because the platform is currently after the player in the tree this means that each frame the player is drawn first and then the platform is drawn on top we could just move the player in the tree but I don't want to depend on that instead we fix the draw order by changing the zindex of the player so in our player scene we go under ordering and set the zindex to something higher like five by default all visible nodes have a zindex of zero because they all have the same index they are drawn according to their order in the tree so by setting the zindex to a higher value like five we ensure that our player will always appear on top and now if we play we can see that our player passes in front of the platform so our platform is working but it's currently just hovering there we might want some platforms to move around to increase difficulty so let's use animation to do that I'm going to leave this platform here as kind of a static platform I'm just going to place it there then I'm going to place another platform over here by simply dragging it in this is the platform that I would like to move back and forth in fact let me just go into the to map and make this Gap even larger there we go so to add animation to this platform only we simply select it add a new node and we want to use an animation player let's hit create and now we can add a new animation and let's name that move animation players in Gau are extremely powerful because they allow us to animate pretty much anything in this case we just want to do something really simple we want to go to our platform and make a key frame under transform for the position so I'll hit the key right here and hit create then we can go forward in our timeline here to say 1 second move our platform to the right so I'm going to click and drag I'm also going to hold down shift to kind of snap it to one axis this let's move it to there and let's add another key frame and now we can see that if we play the animation plays we also want this to Loop so I'm going to select Loop here however this is going to Loop in a way that it snaps back to the original key frame instead let's press it again and now you can see that it's going to start Ping ponging back and forth if this is currently too fast we can simply increase the length of our animation so here's the length let's set it to 1.5 instead and drag our last key frame to the end and there we go we now have a moving platform let's just make sure that we set it to autoplay and now when we play the game and go to the place where we made our platform we can see that it's moving back and forth and if we jump onto it the player will smoothly follow it really cool and there's already so much you can do with this next up pickups now let's add a coin that we can pick up again we start by creating a new scene let's create a new node CDE and let's this time search for area 2D this is a type of node that we use whenever we don't want to collide with other objects but instead we just want to Define an area in which we can detect collisions so we simply use this to detect if another body enters such as the player character let's create an area 2D let's also add some graphics so contr a search for sprite and we'll select the animated Sprite under animation let's add some new Sprite frames select did and let's load in from a Sprite sheet here I'm going to use the coin.png zoom in on this and this only has one grid cell on the vertical and horizontally it has 12 and now we can click from left to right or simply click and drag and add the frames let's hit F and zoom in set the fps to 10 and hit play and that's our Co animation let's make sure that this Auto plays and just like a normal physics body and area 2D also needs a collision shape so let's add a collision shape 2D and then for the shape let's just choose a circle shape decrease the radius a bit and that's actually all we need so let's select our area and rename it to coin and save the scene and now we can simply drag it into our game so under scenes I'll take the coin and place it around the level you can always use contrl D to duplicate and now if we play we can see that the coin is here but nothing happens if we enter the area so it's time to make our first script so in our coin scene we select the coin node and hit add script this time for the template let's just choose the default template and for the path let's make sure that this goes under the scripts folder I'll create and this is what it looks like when we create a default script in gdo we can see that we've created the script on an area 2D node and that it's automatically made to function for us that we often use ready and process currently both of them only have the pass keyword which means do nothing so this script if we run it will do absolutely nothing now the ready function is called right when our node enters the scene tree which is just at the start of the game so we can put code here that we want to happen immediately let's try it out by printing a quick message to see if it's working so I'm going to write print then in in parenthesis and quotes I'm going to put I'm a coin and if we play now the print doesn't do anything in our game but it does show our message I'm a coin in the output window this is also referred to as the console and is where we see messages such as prints and errors however you might also notice that the message displays multiple times that's because we currently have multiple coins around our game and the script runs for each and every one so since we we have five coins it displays I'm a coin five times but we don't want anything to happen when we start the game so I'm actually just going to remove these two functions instead we only want to do something once our player enters the coin area and for this we use a signal signals allow us to trigger code based on events that happen in our game gdau has many built-in signals we can use if we select our area 2D node and go to the node tab we can see all the signals on this Noe we want to use the body entered signal which is triggered whenever a physics body enters the area since our player has a character body to D Noe this is going to trigger the signal so to connect it we simply double click it and hit connect as you can see this creates a new function in our script called on body entered with a green arrow that shows that this is triggered by a signal so let's here try writing a print function that says something like + one coin now when we play and into the coin area it's going to print plus one coin however this message will actually display no matter which body enters the area if we take one of these coins here and put it in the way of a moving platform for example this will also trigger the message so now right when we play we can see that it starts displaying the message and we'll do so every time the platform passes through the area to change this we can either use code to check what body enters the area or we can simply put our player on a separate physics layer let's try that out so under our player we'll go to the inspector go to Collision and here we can change the physics layer from layer one to two let's h control s to save and then in our coin we can also go under Collision we can actually have the coin itself stay on layer one we don't need a separate layer for that yet but we want to make sure that it only detects colliders in Layer Two for this we use the mask the mask defines what layers a node collides with so let's set that to Layer Two because that's the layer that our player is on that should actually do it now our coin will only detect collisions from our player and instead of just displaying a message let's also remove the coin from our scene when we pick it up so in our script after printing one coin let's add a new line we'll call the Q free function which is simp going to remove the entire coin scene from our game and indeed it does and our Knight can now start Gathering some coin now depending on what type of loot we pick up we want different things to happen in this case I want to display a score that increases when we pick up a coin but we'll look at that when we get to text first I think something a bit more pressing is dying and restarting our game dying 1.0 so we happily move along in our world until suddenly we miss a jump and fall into the abyss and then nothing happens let's change that the first thing we want to do is limit our camera so that it doesn't follow our player when we fall down luckily this is really easy to do we simply select our camera under the player go under limit and here we can set a position limit for the left top right and bottom part of our camera in our case we need to set a limit for the bottom position to do this we can use the ruler tool here at the top or simply press R and measure from this Baseline here to where we would like the limit of our camera to be I think a good value would be somewhere around say 120 so I'll simply go back to select mode and put in 120 pixels on the bottom I'm also going to enable smoothing and now when we play we can see that our camera will follow the player but whenever we fall off it simply going to stay put next we need to detect that our player has entered a dangerous area and restart the game in other words we need to create a Kill Zone I'll show you a really cool way to do this that allows us to reuse the same kill zone for more than just falling off the map such as for spike traps enemies all kinds of elements of danger and when we want to create a reusable element we start by making a c then to detect if we enter an area we again use the area 2D node and let's make sure to set the Collision mask here to two we only want to check for the player which is on Layer Two and and we want add a collision shape here that's because we want to be able to reuse this for all kinds of elements that might have different shapes instead let's simply go ahead and rename this now to Killzone and save it as a new scene then in our game scene we can add it by dragging it in or simply pressing the link button here and selecting the Kill Zone and then in here we'll add the Collision shape so I'm going to hit crl a collision shape and for for the shape we'll use the same W boundary shape that we used earlier for the ground now let's make sure to select the Kill Zone node itself go into move and use the move tool to position it down here at the bottom I'm going to place it pretty far down so we're sure we don't hit this by accident or I mean we're going to be hitting it by accident so let's make sure we don't hit it on purpose or I mean I don't know anyways I'm going to place it down here a good bit away from our level and now we can add a script to make something happen when we enter the area so in our Kill Zone let's select it add a new script for the template here I'm just going to select empty and the path that's put it under the scripts folder and now we have this empty script to play with I'm going to connect a signal so go node make sure we have the killstone node selected and again we'll use the body entered signal so let's double click it hit connect and it's going to create a new function on body body entered in which case we can go ahead and print that you died and now if we play and jump down it's going to print that we died now instead of immediately restarting the game let's add a small delay we do this using another node called the timer node so let's add a new node search for timer and under the inspector here we can choose some different things about it let's set the weight time to something like 6 seconds let's also make it a one shot to make sure that it doesn't Loop we can then start this timer in our code to do that however we first need a reference to it luckily that's as simple as going to the top of our code clicking and dragging the timer node and holding down control while releasing this creates a variable called timer that automatically finds the node using this path now if you haven't worked with paths before they are actually quite simp symbol they specify a way to get from one node to another in the tree so if we look at this example tree to get from the game node to the camera the path looks like this it goes through the player and ends with the camera and in our case where we just want to get from the Kill Zone to the timer right underneath we don't have to go through any other nodes so the path is simply timer again right now we're brushing over Concepts such as variables and functions pretty briefly but you can learn more about programming and what all this really means in our upcoming video on GD script for now just know that using this click and drag method we can now access our timer node using the name timer so to start our timer we make a new line and write timer do start of course we now need to trigger some code when our timer runs out and again we can use a signal for this so with our timer node selected let's go under node and here's the timeout signal so let's double click that and and hit connect and this creates a new function called ontimer timeout that runs when the timer ends and then in here we can simply restart our game to do this we first access the scene tree so get tree and tell it to reload so reload current scene so our player enters the Kill Zone and triggers the onbody entered function this prints a message that we died and starts the timer when the timer runs out it triggers the ontimer timeout function which then reloads our scene and restarts the game and indeed when we play and jump off the map we fall down and the scene restarts great it's an infinite Loop help me I'm stuck World building 2.0 let's expand on our game World a bit now that we have more elements to work with first of all I want to make sure that we stay organized so let's take some of these nodes and categorize them the easiest way to do this is by simply adding a new node for this one I'm just going to select the base node here hit create and now we can rename this I'll make one for say coins and simply take all of the coins and drag them under that node we can do the same thing for platforms and any other elements that are cluttering up your scene now I'm going to paint in a bit more level and change the things that I don't like and I'll put in some more gameplay elements I'll also paint in some background tiles but to do this we need to add another layer to our tile map so not under our tile set but under the T map itself we have this layers and this is the one we've been painting in let's just call this mid for midg ground and add another one that we can call Background let's move this to the top to make sure that it's drawn first and now when painting we need to select the right layer to paint on so let's select the background and then we can start painting in some background tiles a nice trick here is to use the rectangle tool to paint in a lot of tiles at once and now our game looks a lot better it has a background and a whole new part of the level that we can explore and of course this process is just about trying things out and making Chang es until you're satisfied enemy a proper Hero Of course needs a good enemy so let's make one let's create a new scene and since this enemy doesn't need to collide with anything we can just go ahead and use a note 2D as the base let's also add an animated Sprite so I'll search for animated Sprite 2D let's go to animation and some new Sprite frames select them and let's load in from the Sprite sheet here in the pack there's both a green and a purple version of the enemy I'm just going to choose the green one and this is a 4x3 and I've included three animations here one for the enemy kind of waking up an aggressive idle animation as well as one where the enemy takes damage so I'll use the idle animation here let's add these four frames let's hit F and zoom in I'm also going to move this up set the animation to autoplay and the fps to 10 and now if we preview we have an animated slime and this is where things get really cool because we made our Kill Zone into reusable scene we can simply use it for our enemy as well so at the top here I'll add in a new scene I'm going to select the Kill Zone and now all we need to do is give this a collider so crl a search for Collision shape let's add in a rectangle fit it to fit our enemy by the way I'm holding down alt to scale uniformly and with that we can simply rename our top node here to slime and save it as a scene now in our game we can drag it in I'm going to place it over here and if we play now and move to the enemy we can see that just by throwing together a couple of nodes and reusing our Kill Zone we've successfully added a new element of danger to our game if we enter the enemy we can see that indeed our game restarts of course currently dying doesn't look very exciting we'll fix that in the next chapter but first let's make our enemy move back and forth we could of course do this using an animation player just like we did for our platforms however I think it would be cooler to make a script that moves our enemy to the right until we get close to a wall in which case it changes Direction and starts moving left this way we can simply drag and drop the enemy between any two walls in our game and our script will do the rest so let's start by making our enemy move to the right so go into the Slime add a new script use the default template and place it under the scripts folder and hit create let's get rid of the ready function and instead we're going to be using process just like movies video games display motion by drawing frames and showing them in quick succession while movies show frames at a fixed rate most often 24 frames per second video games generally try to draw as many frames as possible to get a smooth result how often this happens will depend on the system the game is running on and what is happening in the game but unless the game is lagging it should draw a new frame at least 60 times per second and often much more before the computer can draw a new frame however it first has to update the state of the game what has happened since the last frame it does this for all the notes in our game then it draws the new frame this is referred to as the game Loop because it happens over and over again and it is really the driving force of our game gdo of course does this automatically but we can add functionality to the game Loop using the other function in the template process unlike ready which only runs once process runs every frame this makes it perfect for doing things over time such as moving an enemy we simply make sure to change the position of the enemy a tiny bit each frame so in our script we can simply remove the pass keyword and instead access the position of our slime more specifically the x coordinate of our position and add one pixel to this every frame then in our game let's go ahead and place a slime close to our player so that we can see this happening and play and as you can see the enemy just shoots past us on the screen now one problem with this that might not be obvious Al than it's moving way too quickly is that we are increasing the X position every frame by a fixed amount and because our frame rate can vary this means that the enemy will sometimes move faster than others which is not very good to fix this we use this little thing here called Delta Delta is the amount of time that has gone by since the last frame if we are drawing many frames per second Delta gets really small and if we lag out a bit and are not drawing as many frames Delta becomes bigger because of this we can use Delta to compensate for variations in frame rate if we have a high frame rate we want to only move our enemy a little each frame and if we have a low frame rate we want to move it a lot in other words we can multiply our Movement by Delta to make it independent of the frame rate now Delta can be a bit hard to wrap your head around at first but don't worry you'll get the hang of it A good rule of thumb is that whenever we have a a speed value that we can adjust such as our one here we should probably multiply it with Delta so in our script we simply go plus equal 1 multiplied with Delta now what this essentially means is that we are going to be moving 1 pixel per second which is not very fast so let's instead change this to something like 60 and we can actually store this speed in a constant at the top of our script just like in the movement script so here I'll write const speed and set it equal to 60 then we can simply use speed here instead of hardcoding the value this makes it easy to change constants right at the top of your script and now if we play we can see that our enemy is moving at a reasonable rate and we know that this speed won't change from system to system so let's get rid of this extra slime here and instead make this one actually change direction whenever we Face a wall to do this we need a way to control the direction we're currently moving in so that's create a variable that does this we create a bar call it Direction and set it equal to one by default then if we need to go in the opposite direction we'll set it to -1 instead and to actually apply this all we need to do is multiply it into our speed so we'll go Direction time speed time Delta this is a really standard way of doing Movement we simply add onto our position in a direction multiplied by speed and Delta so now all we need to do is check if the enemy gets close to a wall and for this we'll use a new type of node the raycast node raycasts are invisible rays that we can shoot out to detect collisions so inside of our slime here let's add a new node of type raycast 2D and as you can see it draws an arrow to represent this let's move the starting point here to the center of our enemy and let's have it shoot out to around here I'm going to rename this to raycast right I'm then going to press contrl D to duplicate I'm going to have this shoot out in the opposite direction and rename this to raycast left now in our script we can reference these nodes just like we did with our timer we simply select them both click and drag and hold down control while releasing as you can see this creates two variables one raycast right and a raycast left then every frame before we move our slime we will go ahead and check if if we're currently colliding to the right or to the left if raycast right dot is colliding if this raycast is hitting something well then colon and then make sure to indent here with a tab we will set our direction to be ne1 if we are colliding on the right we want to move to the left and we'll add another one of these if statements so if Ray cast you guessed it left do is colliding well then we'll set our Direction back to one and that's it our enemy is now ping ponging back and forth between the two walls and this is happening completely automatically through script really cool now the only thing that is left is to flip the enemy Sprite when it changes Direction luckily if we go inspect our animated Sprite here under offset we have this flip AG property which will simply flip the Sprite so let's control this through our script in our script we'll get a reference to our animated Sprite 2D this creates a variable called animated Sprite 2D I'm just going to get rid of the 2D here to make the name a bit shorter and then whenever we are colliding on the right here and we change direction to move towards the left we will also go to our animated Sprite and set the flip H property to true and when we are colliding on the left and we're changing direction again well then we'll go to our animated Sprite and set flip H back to false and that's it that's our entire script let's find find our enemy here and hooray we've made an enemy and a slimy one at that but of course dying to the enemy could definitely look cooler so let's fix that dying 2.0 let's start by adding a slow motion effect when we die we can do this by changing the time scale of the entire game so inside of our Kill Zone we'll open up the script here and right after we print U died let's modify our time scale so I'll go engine do time scale and set it equal to 0.5 this means that we will go at half speed then when our timer runs out let's set this back to default because otherwise we will actually still be slowed down when our scene reloads so we'll go engine do time scale and set it back to the default one and if we play this now this is actually already much better notice that it also takes twice as long before the game restarts because everything in our game slows down including our timer but I think could be even cooler if we remove the player's collider to make him simply fall off the map to do this we need a reference to the player we actually already have this here you'll notice that after the on body entered here there's a variable called body this refers to the body that entered the area and since the only thing that enters the kill zone is our player body is our player so we can actually add a new line here that goes to our body and then we simply need to get the Collision shape node under our player so we'll do dot get node and we'll search for the Collis shape 2D and we can remove it so call do Q free on that node again Q free means to remove that node so here we're accessing our player getting the Collision shape node and removing it and now if we find our way to some danger boom we are hit and we fall off the map cure the sound effect [Music] player 2.0 so far we've been using the character movement template pretty much as is but we need to modify it in order to add animation to our player as well as change the key Bindings that we use to move so what are we looking at here well the top two lines Define two constants with our speed and jump velocity there's also a variable here that defines the gravity based on our project settings by default this is a value of 98 so we have these three values but the meat of the script is really inside of this physics process function physics process is very similar to the process function we used for our enemy however while process is great for a lot of things there is one part of the game engine that really struggles with not knowing how many times per second it is going to be run that is the physics engine physics in general need to update at fixed intervals to avoid janky Behavior luckily physics process solves this problem because it runs at a fixed rate 60 times per second by default this is independent of your game's actual frame rate and helps physics run smoothly we use it for anything that involves the physics engine like moving something that should collide with its environment such as a player character so in this function a few things are happening if the player is not standing on a Surface we add gravity if we press the space bar and the player is on the surface we jump and then we get the direction we need to move in based on what arrow keys are pressed and move accordingly now let's start by rebinding some input keys for this sco uses an action system we create actions for anything we want to do in the game jump is an action so it's move left or move right we can then bind keys to these actions let's try it out so let's go to project project settings input map and here we can add some actions I'm going to add a jump action as well as a move left and a move right then we can use the plus sign over here to bind a key so to my jump here I'm going to hit plus and then it's listening for input so I'm going to press the space bar and hit okay and as you can see space is now bound to jump for a move left I'm going to bind the left Arrow key and I'm also going to bind the a key so we can use vast for movement as well as you can see there's no problem binding multiple keys to the same action which is really handy I'm also going to bind right arrow to move right as well as the D key and now we can use these actions in our script by default gdau uses some buil-in actions that are meant for navigating UI this is why it says things like UI accept here let's replace these with our own actions instead and as you can see it will actually help us by autoc completing here so I'm going to put in Jump for my jump action and then for moving left here I'm going to change to move left and for moving right I'm going to change to move right and now we can use the keys bound to our actions to move around which in my case are both the vast keys and the arrow keys awesome the next thing we need to do is to update our player Graphics to face the direction we are moving in and to play the right animation let's start by flipping our Sprite based on Direction so just like with our enemy we first need a reference to the animated Sprite node again here we can simply click and drag and hold down control again I'm going to remove the 2D from the name to make it sure order and then we'll add some extra code to our function now this line here defines a variable called direction that is based on our input if we don't press any buttons direction will be zero if we press move right direction will be one and if we press move left Direction becomes minus one so we can use this variable to check if we are moving left or right I'm going to make some space in the code here and make my own comments as well so use a hashtag for a comment this here gets the input Direction which can either be minus one 0 or 1 and this down here actually applies the movement so in between we can add a section that flips the Sprite to do this we check if our Direction variable is greater than zero well that means we are moving to the right and we can set animated Sprite dot flip horizontally to false if this is not the case well then we want to check if our direction is less than zero for this we can use the El if or E if keyword so else if our direction is less than zero well then we'll set animated sprite. flip AG to true and now if we play this we can see that our play a Sprite indeed faces the right direction now let's add some animation so let's go to 2D view select our animated Sprite and let's add two new animations one called run and one for jumping in our run animation I'll add some new Sprite frames select our KN remember this is 8x8 and I'll simply add all of the frames in the Run animation which stretches over two lines here I'll add those frames set the fps to 10 and play looks good then for the jump animation I'll also add a Sprite frame and there are bunch of different ways to go about this but in our case here I think we should actually play our jump animation when whenever we're just in the air this means that this will also play when we're just falling off a platform and for this we could use a very quick looping animation or simply a single frame I actually like this one from the roll animation so I'm just going to use that then in our script we can of course play these animations so after we get the input Direction and flip the Sprite let's add a new segment which is going to play animations and here we also need to check our Direction variable more specifically if our direction is equal to zero well then we're standing still and we can go ahead and play animated sprite. playay the animation called idle if this is not the case so else well then we want to play animated sprite. playay the Run animation and that's actually it if we now start running we can see our run animation being played finally we just need to add our jump animation and here we can use a buildin function fun of our character body 2D which is to check if we standing on the floor so at the top here we'll check if we're currently on the floor is on floor well then we want to go ahead and play our idle or run so I'll cut this using contr X paste it in here make sure you tab in and if we are not standing on the floor well then we're in the air and we can go and play animated sprite. playay our jump animation instead so if we're on on the floor and our direction is zero well then we're playing idle if it's not zero well then we're playing run and if we are not on the floor we aren't doing any of those things we're just playing the jump animation and that's it now if we play we have a fully animated Knight I like to think that she's a former princess who got so tired of waiting to be saved from the big bad dragon that she took matters into her own hands who better to save some princesses from a dragon that someone who knows dragons like her own back pocket but feel free to make up your own story and that reminds me story we need a good way of communicating story hints and other valuable information to the player and to do this we need text so let's add some text elements to our game text there are multiple ways of working with text in good do as part of a larger UI or as an integrated part of the game world for this game I decided to try making the text part of our world in Gau a text node is called a label so let's add one let's hit CR a and search for a label let's focus on it and as you can see this creates kind of a bounding box for our text so I'm going to put it over here and scale it up a bit and let's add some text in the field here I'm going to put in a gameplay hint and as you can see the text looks really blurry that's because since we're using pixel art we actually zoomed in really really far which makes the otherwise smooth text appear blurry so we can fix this by using a pixelated font with hard edges to match our style I've of course included some in the assets so let's go under theme overwrites on our label fonts and here we can drag in the pixel operator font we can also change the font size on do font sizes here enable that and I'm going to set mine to eight note that we have to use multiples of eight in order for the text to appear crisp so you can see if I change this to nine it becomes blurry again but we can use 16 24 32 and so on I'm also going to go to the colors here and change the font color using the Color Picker and now we can place these text elements around our game to provide story or gameplay tips once we're happy we can categorize all of them under a node so let's create a node call it labels and drag all of them under that and now when we play as you can see they appear as a natural part of our game world and just like with Sprites because the player character has a greater Z index it will draw on top so let's use one of these text elements to display our current score score and points to create a score or coin counter for our game we need two things a script that keeps track of our current score and a label to display it it's common practice to place game-wide variables such as a score inside some kind of game manager so let's make one we'll hit contr a to add a new node let's rename it game manager and I'll place it right at the top here the reason why we are using a regular node and not a node 2D is because we don't need our game manager to have a transform in other words a position rotation and scale now let's add a script to our game manager we'll use the empty template and for the path here let's put it inside of our scripts folder and let's also rename it with non capital letters create and let's create a variable for our current SC score so we'll write VAR for a variable name it score and default it to zero now so far in our code we've only used the building functions of gdau and some that we made with signals in this case here we want to create our own function that adds a point to our score and displace it so I'll write funk for a function we'll name it add Point open and close some parentheses and put a colon then on a new line we'll write score plus equal 1 to increase our score by one and print our current score now unlike ready which runs at the start of our game and our signal functions which run when a signal gets triggered this function currently has nothing that calls it so right now our function is here but it isn't being run to change this we need to go into our coin script and tell it to call this function whenever a coin is picked up so inside of our coin script we need a reference to our game manager but if we just click and drag while holding down control we get this really weird looking path this is because the game manager is higher up in the tree than the coins and it's generally bad practice to use paths like this that try to access nodes at the same level or higher in the tree luckily because our game manager is a one-of a kind and we are sure that there will always be only one game manager we can solve this by marking it as unique so let's right click our game manager and select access as unique name as you can see this creates a percentage iccon next to the game manager letting us know that it's a unique node this makes it much easier and safer to get a reference to the game manager because now when we drag it in instead of a dollar sign with a weird and unpredictable path we get a percentage sign which means that Gau quickly finds the node via its unique name instead of using a path one limitation of this is that you can only access unique nodes from within the same scene if the game manager and the coins were in different scen means this wouldn't work now in our function we can replace the print line here with game manager access our game manager and call the function add point And now when a body enters our coin it's going to go to the game manager and run our add Point function and if we play we can see that every time we pick up a coin it increases and prints our score in the output window finally we can use what we learned about labels in the previous chapter to create one for dis displaying our coins I'm going to make a little place for this in our level for now I'll just put in some text that says you collected x amount of coins I'm also going to change the auto wrap mode to word now we can wrap our text and the horizontal alignment to Center finally I'll use a boulder font now we can take this label and rename it to something like score label and since we want to change it from our game manager let's drag it right under our game manager now in our script we get a reference by clicking and dragging holding down control and instead of printing our score we'll go into our score label and access the text property and change it to you collected and then here I'm going to add the number add the score onto that amount of coins notice how make sure to add spaces between the words and while this looks good it's actually going to give us an error and that's because we need to change this score here from a whole number variable called an integer into a text variable called a string again we'll talk much more about variables in our video on GD script but for now we can cast this using Str Str for string and then wrapping it in parentheses and now when we play and pick up some coins along the way here once we get to the end it says great job you collected six coins and if I pick up another one it's going to update to seven awesome and I don't know about you this is great and all but I think it's distinctly lacking a bling sound when we pick up a coin blinging bling audio one of the things that often get overlooked when making a game is audio but music and sound effects are a huge part of building the movie of your game this is of course a beginners tutorial but let's at least get our feet wet or should I say our ears wet nope I shouldn't let's at least add a music track and a pickup sound for our coins now in the assets I've included a music track as well as a few sounds and to play these we need a new type of node the audio stream player so let's add a new node search for audio stream player 2D let's rename this to music then we can take our music track here time for adventure and drag it into the stream slot we're also going to set it to autoplay and by default this is not going to Loop to change that let's double click it this is going to open up our audio importer here we can preview our music track groovy anyways we can Loop so let's enable Loop here and hit repport now by default all sounds are played fairly loud and since this is background music we probably want to turn it down a bit we can do this by by adjusting the volume on each individual audo stream player or we can use the audio tab here at the bottom this is actually a fully functioning audio mixer and we can add different buses to control our audio let's add two one for our music as well as one for sound effects and then we can simply route our music here into our music bus so now we can control the volume of our music using this slider I'm just going to set it to -12 and we have music unfortunately it's going to restart whenever our scene is reloaded a quick fix for this is to take our music node and make it into a scene so click and drag it into our scenes folder hit save and then we can add this scene as an autoload auto loads are Global scenes and scripts that we want to persist throughout our entire game no matter which scene is currently loaded so let's remove music here from our game scene and instead go to project project settings autoload we'll click the little folder here and navigate to our music scene and hit add we've now registered our music scene as an autoload which means that if we now play even though our music scene isn't in our game it automatically loads and start playing our track and even better it doesn't reset when our game restarts now to add a pickup sound we go to our coin and add an audio stream player let's rename this to pick up sound drag in our coin sound and set the bus here to sound effects and now we can actually play this sound through script but since we're removing the coin immediately by calling the Q free function the sound won't actually get a chance to play we can of course fix this by adding code that Waits until the sound has finished playing but then we might get weird functionality where we try to pick up the coin multiple times while it's playing and it will still be visible until the sound is finished so that me show you a really cool trick to get around tricky timing things like this without writing any code that is using an animation player so let's add an animation player and here we'll create a new pickup animation and the first thing that we want to do when we pick up the coin is to hide the coin Sprite so I'll go into the animated Sprite 2D and this will change the window so I'll go back to animation Here and Now under visibility I get to key frame the visible property now when working with animations that don't need to play until later in the game it's nice to be able to go back to the default values after animating by default here our coin should be visible now this is pretty cool if I just create a key frame here for the default value G is going to ask to create a reset track if we say yes to this gdor is automatically going to create another animation track called reset that will simply reset this value to its default state so now in our pickup animation we can key frame it to whatever we want in our case when we pick up the coin we want it not to be visible so I'll disable that key frame it and then if we want to go back to our default values we simply go to our reset track and there it is it goes back to default so let's go to our pickup let's also modify our Collis shape we don't want to be able to collide with it while it's playing the sound so let's simply go ahead and add a default key here for the disabled property hit create and now we can set disabled to true and add a new key we can also go into our pickup sound here and let's add a default key for the playing property let's hit create and now since the sound plays pretty quickly I I can actually reach the key in time so we can go down here instead I'm just going to scale this up a bit go down here to the value the key frame here and change it to on so we can actually modify the key frames here as well so now we have our pickup animation and if we go to reset we can see that everything goes back to default so that's just a nice way of working with animation so now we play the sound disable the collider and hide the Sprite after 1 second though we can go ahead and remove the coin from our scene so all of these key frames here are on second one let's put them over to right at the beginning of our animation at second Z and then after 1 second here we want to remove our coin and this is a really cool part about the animation system is that we can actually add another track here a call method track that is used to calling functions so on our coin we want to call a function and I'll right click right where we want to do that insert key and the function that we want to call is the Q free method which is right here and so now after 1 second it's going to call the Q free method on our coin without us writing any code and voila all the things we could have done through code are all inside this animation and again to get back we simply choose reset now all that is left is playing the animation through script so in our script we'll get a reference to our animation player and then instead of directly calling Q free we'll go animation player. playay pickup and if we play now we can hear our music and we can hear our pickup sound when we run into the coins awesome export finally we are ready to export really incredible that you made it this far you can feel very proud so let's get our game out of Gau so we can share it with others Gau can of course export to many different platforms but I'm on a Windows computer here so let's go ahead and make a quick Windows build the first time we are exporting our game we need to download the export templates these are a little large so to keep good old lightweight they aren't included by default to install them we go to editor manage export templates and hit download and install and the export templates are installed and ready to be used so we'll close close go to project and export in this window we'll add a build platform so let's go add Windows desktop we'll enable embed pck which will export it into a single file then we scroll down as for the product name here I'm going to type in Princess Dragon Slayer and we can hit export project I'm simply going to put this on my desktop uncheck export with debug and hit save this warning is not a problem we'll hit okay and now on the desktop we have this first game.exe we can open that up and voila we made a [Music] game woohoo and that's it congratulations on making your first dish or I mean game in Gau if you don't understand everything or unsure about where to go from here don't worry that's totally normal it takes a little while to become familiar enough with the tools to feel really free with them never hesitate to use the documentation tutorials or code examples you find online when I started out I spend a lot of time remixing other people's scripts before I started to write my own now where do you go from here well that's totally up to you but if you want to continue adding to this game here's a list of things that you can try out expand the level see how far you can get using just what you know now I think you'd be surprised with how much fun gameplay you can get out of just these simple elements add effects like an animation or particles when picking up a coin or more Sound and Music add more danger elements like spikes or traps that turn on and off most of these are just variations on the Kill Zone we've already made add a main menu more enemies give the player a weapon or add powerups you can also expand on the game manager for example to use it to switch scenes a common way to do this is by turning it into an autoload just like we did with our music track or perhaps you want to improve player Movement by adding coyote time and double jumps the possibilities are endless also don't forget to check out Zena Academy be among the first 50 people to use the coupon code below to get 20% off the first year of your zenva subscription and that's it for making your first game in Gau and I wish you the best of luck on making your second one
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 413,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, development, dev, game dev, video game, games, how to, tutorial, tutorials, godot, game engine, programming, return, new video, beginner, lesson, get started, make a game, course, gdscript, asset pack, assets, tilemap, 2d, platformer, input, movement, script, brackeys, brackets
Id: LOhfqjmasi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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