Do THIS Before You Publish Your Godot Game

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creating a game in gato can be really exciting so exciting then you can flat out forget the basic settings of your project and these settings can transform your game's presentation from a simple school project into a game that people would actually want to play and buy here's what you need to know so someone downloaded your game awesome but the first thing they see won't be the Blood Sweat and Tears you put into your design or your visuals it's this little guy there may be a certain Pride to having the godo logo as your icon but it's not the most professional look create your own head to project settings application config and change the default icon for your game and while we're on First Impressions the next thing people may see will be the loading splash screen within application boot Splash you can change the background color and default image for the splash screen eventually you may want a more complex intro with multiple images or video but at least change it from the default godo Splash or make it your own with some color adjustments [Music] your game has to start somewhere and if you don't specify the main scene of your game well good luck it can be easy to forget but make sure you set the main scene of your project by going to application run and select the first scene you want to load when someone opens your game you finish your game publish and find out it's called My Untitled game one two three heads application config and make your name cool again like Doom Vengeance 3 Hell hath no fury or something like that and for your International audiences you can add localized names as well for different translations by clicking the add translation button and selecting a language and a country [Music] the number of gato projects sent to me that open like this it's too damn hot windowed games have a place but if it's supposed to be a full screen game make full screen the default head to display window and adjust the mode to full screen players expect full screen and if shown a window it may make your game seem more what is this Amateur hour if you're looking for Style consistency a custom mouse cursor can go a long way and thankfully it's easy head to display mouse cursor and select a custom image to be used for your mouse as well as the hotspot and the tooltip offset foreign I covered this in a separate tutorial video but it Bears repeating you can directly import blender files into your Gatto project you'll need to set up some options to get it working but it's super easy first go to Project settings file system import and turn blender on then editor settings file system import and point to the location of your blender 3 or above installation these little things are called jaggies or artifacts caused by the rendering of diagonals or Curves and unless they are part of a retro art style for your game you should get rid of them we have technology there is a performance cost but for most PC users anti-aliasing is a default these days there are a number of anti-aliasing options available in the basic project settings for both 2D and 3D as well as some alternative options like screen space and temporal these changes are not Advanced or even that difficult but not doing them may make your game feel lazy and you want it to feel polished so like And subscribe for more gato content and as always keep creating
Channel: StayAtHomeDev
Views: 130,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot 4, godot engine, godot 4 tutorial, godot, godot 4.0, godot 4.0 tutorial, how to use godot, godot 4 beta, stayathomedev, godot 2023, godot 4.0 stable, godot 4.0 stable release date, godot 4.1, godot settings, godot project settings, game development, godot icon, godot splash screen, godot main scene, godot project name, godot translation, godot window settings, godot window size, godot mouse cursor, godot change mouse cursor, godot anti aliasing
Id: 3iGHpha-DmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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