I made a game in Godot with No Experience

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I've been a Unity developer for six years but they messed up bad recently after they introduced a new pricing model that was super vague and left the community with a lot of doubts breaking the trust between the company and a lot of its developers thus I was left with no choice but to spread my wings and learn new engines so I wouldn't have all of my eggs in one basket so I'm gonna see if Godot a free and open source Engine with great 2D and 3D features that everyone seems to love steps up to the plate to serve as a potential replacement first we need to install it I was able to get it up and running in less than a minute holy okay here's the plan I recently played this game called Humanity where these dudes are in heaven or something and you have to stop them from constantly falling to their Spirit deaths by placing arrows in the direction that you want them to go I want to make that but in 2D so you'll Place arrows on the map directing your little guys to the end while avoiding their gruesome deaths so I started with checking out a sample from Kenny which gave me a good overall idea on how good it works basically everything's a node and the nodes are in a tree and they communicate with each other cool I created a new project and added a 2d node to the scene which will contain all the other nodes then I added a camera and a tile map where I dragged in Kenny's scribble assets and started making my first room um how do I how do I rotate this how how do I what okay so there's something called alternative tiles where you can duplicate an existing one then alter it so I flipped and rotated some of the wall ones and but it's not enough we need to play some obstacles on the map to make it actually challenging in unity you can have several tile maps and stack them but I found out that in good o you can just add another layer to your existing one I played the game though there were these weird grade lines on the border of my tiles well I don't really know how to fix it so I'm just gonna adjust the values until they look presentable like a real Game Dev now we need to add something that literally no game can live without but first I wish there was something to help me figure out godot's best practices and get me started on the right track from the start whoa look at this neat good o4 course that's 85 off with my link the sponsor of this Video Game Dev TV is where you can find an easy introduction to game development and good o4 learning to make some cool mini games such as speed saucer alien attack and Martian Mike in the process it also helped me get up and running with Godot and figure out how to use a tile map you too can get this awesome course heavily discounted with my link below or scan the QR code they also have a ton of other courses in unreal and unity that I recommend checking out now every game needs Collision especially this one since we want our little guys to disintegrate when they step into a pointy wall good thing good o lets me select my individual tiles and carve out their Collision shape but it did keep resetting my collider as I was clicking so I was this close to throwing my whole computer out of the window now to code a simple player controller using GD script which is their main language basically python with a flavor of grill and test the Collision nice oh and I forgot to mention I only have 12 hours to make the game because I'm busy and this probably took like three hours now I gotta figure out how to transition Humanity's 3D arrows that's how the little dudes where to go into 2D I think drag and drop is a good bet so I made this sweet UI and coded a way to move the arrows when you click on them yep that that seems about right remember to invert your rotations kids then when you let go of the arrow I mapped it to the correct location on the tile set because they use coordinates to identify the tiles then I place it on the correct layer this has taken me way longer than I thought though I'm probably halfway through my 12 hour deadline and if I don't finish on time I'll never be able to face you guys again is the future AI is everything I need AI in my game what AI are you talking about the the one where you tell the little dude where you want him to go oh the little AI dude essentially just checks if it collides with an arrow and goes in that direction to do that we need Collision layers and masks I don't want to tell you how long this took me to figure out I also added this Blood particle effect that would trigger on its gruesome death but we need a ton of these guys if we want to replicate the Humanity game so I made a script that spawns them with some randomization okay maybe I shouldn't let them collide with each other then let's add this progress bar that needs to be filled up to go to the next level but it decreases over time so you have to be a little strategic to fill it up completely okay so we have a lot of other features we need to get done but this is some serious programmer art 10 years later okay that's much better now let's make some more levels with spikes and moving platforms these little guys use a waypoint system that goes towards its next Waypoint essentially a node 2D position infinitely and if you collide split I've probably spent over 10 hours on this so I need to finish this up fast but first I want to replicate this action in humanity that gives the little dudes the ability to jump so I created a new action and if a dude steps on it I use the length of the tile to compute where the center of the next one is given the dude's current moving Direction then I teleport it there actually looks pretty cool you're worth the sound app all right we need some music so let's add a looping music track which uses this audio stream player 2D node but I don't want the music to stop when going to the next level in good old they have something called autoloads which well automatically loads a script into the level I use this to create a node that doesn't destroy itself when going to the new scene with this and with some awesome copyright free assets from open gamer I implemented music and sound effects into the game and made this sweet menu now my good friend bargie will determine if this is the best Godot game ever made in 12 ish hours [Music] much better we got some balls we got some balls going on I'm guessing we have to get them here Okay so done genius there's a bit of a bar going on okay so boom uh which way we're gonna go that way no let's go this way I don't know if I'm like rewarded for using less arrows that'll be cool boom too easy too easy all right okay moving parts now I guess the easiest way would be or am I not going to be able to do it in time okay I'm gonna try something else no not there there okay this might be even worse this is the way this is the way it'd be cool if there was like different colored pools and the the balls have to go for the different maybe that's the thing maybe that's a thing oh God man all right there's a poll I am okay so we want to go boom boom boom boom boom Oh okay that's cool I like the music I don't know who made this but it's kind of fire can we Wormhole through that is the question we cannot maybe if I put it there nope I'm gonna go right and then I'm gonna Wormhole and then I'm gonna Wormhole oh God this is hard and then a wormhole there yeah okay down Wormhole right oh that thing's that thing's just annoying there's an easier way hold up and we Wormhole and then we Wormhole and then we Wormhole again okay yeah that's definitely it there we go probably the best game I've ever played ever for samyam this is this is incredible I mean she doesn't normally make anything like this a good try good try son I think godo's great and it has a lot of potential but it feels just like that it's very hobbyist and it doesn't feel fully fleshed out I struggled to find documentation for good o4 on specific features like the tile map and had to ask on the Discord but they luckily have a lot of active helpers there since it's open source I know it'll be developed a lot more and I'll continue using it for small projects but I definitely wouldn't call it a Unity killer or a replacement by any means the full project is available for patrons and you can play it in the hio link down below let me know what you think and if you enjoyed the video I recommend checking out this one where you can see what kind of game I make by spinning a wheel Stella Proxima
Channel: samyam
Views: 185,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Dev, Game Development, Unity, Godot, Godot Game, How to make a game, Unity Game, Godot Tutorial, godot gdscript, gdscript, samyam, sam, samyama, samyams, yamsam, godot no experience, devlog, godot devlog.
Id: 8KzfRA0diAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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