If I Was a Pokemon Gym Leader

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hey guys Ron here and for a long time people have imagined themselves as Pokemon trainers it's a natural human instinct but it would be pretty boring to simply tell you the Pokemon I'd use and peace out that's why instead of simply being a trainer how would be a strong trainer specifically a gym leader in the gala region what if I was a gym leader in generation 8 of Pokemon that means in this video I'll walk you through why I picked the theme of my gym how to get through the gym challenge the gym trainers you'll encounter my team my tech anthem axe Pokemon and especially the art I drew of myself as a gym leader I think people are gonna be surprised because my gym isn't a grass-type gym let me show you guys what I mean so in order to determine what my gym is going to be I have to determine Who I am as a person one of my interests what is my element things that could have turned into my gym would have been grass types since I'm obsessed with green my favorite Pokemon tend to be grass starters and I enjoy buying fake plans to decorate my room with that's not all my life is about some have told me that the psychic-type wouldn't be a bad idea since I enjoy knowing things and a trigger game wouldn't be a bad gym challenge according to a video I put out recently my favorite type is dragon and I could have had a mega Sceptile to tie it all together music is a huge part of my life maybe even the biggest and I wouldn't put it past you to assume that my team would be sound themed and my gym challenge would be some kind of music challenge but none of my absolute favorite Pokemon are sound related but a super important aspect of my life that I will use as the theme of my gym is something I can't really blame you for not knowing because it's not something that can be showcased in my videos that is light my whole life is dictated by it the lighting of a certain situation in real life or even the media I consume heavily contributes to my mood I have a ton of LEDs in my room that I used to set a plethora of different moves and my favorite pastime is going for walks I just love experiencing different perspectives on things that I may have taken for granted for example a walk at 1 o'clock will look completely different than a walk at 4 o'clock because the position of the Sun is casting a completely different shadow because of this going on a walk is never boring because chances are even if it's the same location I've seen a billion times the weather and time of day affects how I perceive my location add on the fact that I'm always listening to music on my walks and that's just another variable that makes every single walk unique for my number one favorite time to look at the world is during the sunset it is my favorite time of day and the natural phenomenon I adore most so how does this all tie into my gym well I'm not gonna have a mono type gym I've never fully loved that aspect of Pokemon that the most powerful trainers in the region have no coverage that's why leaders like Rahan blue and even Winona are so awesome you go into Ryan's battle expecting to sweep with some ice or fairy-type moves nope giggle if Santa condign even Doral Adan put you to shame Blue has a completely diverse team and Winona even with a mono type team has six different types at our disposal Rock won't work on Skarmory electric won't work on Tropius or Altaria and ice won't work on pelipper so that's why my team will be themed around light as well as my gym challenge all my pokemon in the pokemon of my gym trainers are those with some kind of relationship with light they emit it they absorb it or they needed to live these tend to be electric with their glow grass with their chlorophyll which uses the sunlight rock type with their glowing gems psychic with their hypnotic lights and just like light it comes in all different colors of the spectrum so I have multiple types on my team this theme of light also ties in with the positive or wholesome persona I've garnered on YouTube I'm the light hearted gym leader that likes to go on walks and watch the sunset with his Pokemon since I don't want to reveal my team at the beginning of the video let's start with my challenge my challenge takes place here on the gallery map and you can only initiate it after acquiring six badges and making your way to the entrance of this whimsical forest right before the sunset you'll be greeted by me the gym leader Ron and I'm pretty much wearing exactly what I wear in real life something very appropriate for a light walk I'll say hey you must be insert name here I've been watching your matches online you're pretty good I usually do research on all up-and-coming trainers in the region but I particularly enjoyed watching you and your pokemon battle are you here for the gym challenge cool so here's what you got to do if you want to challenge me just head through this forest and come out the other side in time for the sunset then we'll have a battle in the stadium facing the sunset it'll be beautiful just know that there is one rule when battling any trainers you encounter in this gym including me you can only use a total of four pokemon during each battle so choose your Pokemon wisely I'll go ahead and meet you there feel free to enjoy your walk but don't enjoy it too much I don't want the sunset to be over by the time you show up good so I head in and you enter the forest keep in mind the challenge isn't as easy as I made it seem the forest is big with a lot of winding paths it's a maze with many different sections of the forest it's hilly a bit foggy and there are puddles that block some paths and even a pond if you leave to heel you're gonna have to go through the entire thing all over again the only constant is that the light that's shining through the forest is coming from the west that's the Sun and that's where you need to head towards but the light isn't always reliable I have various Pokemon at the perimeter of the forest emitting powerful lights of different colors so you never know which way is the true exit but every time you defeat a trainer one of the lights will stop shining so you have one less light to confuse you the closer you get to the entrance the louder the music that comes from the stadium gets if you notice the flowers in each section of the forest you may do better and find ways to remember where you've already been this place is an actual route so keep in mind you'll encounter a wild forest Pokemon imagine slumbering Weald women would tangle and some of the dlc area altogether it's definitely the biggest forest in the game in terms of feel it's kind of like a denser version of the giant chasm crater and like pinwheel forest but two times bigger you'll encounter five different trainers all of which have four pokemon ranging between levels 42 and 46 Jude has ashen otic Tropius Elam is a and Dominion Jordan has an Ampharos cherrim watchog and Leafeon Hayden has a Zeb Strika piglet lantern and lar Vesta Eid has a heliolisk like in rock saws buck and Espeon and Maya has a sunflora star me soul rock and locks rank all of these trainers share my love for walks and beautiful sights they help keep the forest grounds neat and they even go around advertising my gym they're great people once you get through the forest you make your way down a cliff and enter the stadium it has a prime view of the West because I like to look at the sunset during the battle the crowd is here to watch a beautiful battle - and a beautiful sky I'm already in the middle of the field you walk towards me and I greet you saying so you made it I hope you enjoyed the ethereal beauty of the forest but now get ready for the most spectacular view of them all my team appreciates the same atmosphere that I do and I hope you've developed an appreciation for the simple things in life as well like a fine battle during the golden hour let's go the music shifts and I choose dust-like and rock a Pokemon who loves to go on walks with me during the sunset he's level 45 holds a hard stone that has stealth rock stone edge excel rock and fire fing depending on the pokémon who defeated my liking rock that may choose my third mine but I usually stick with my second luxray it's level 46 with leftovers luxray moves are both switch wild charge ice pang and crunch luxray is the pokemon i take with me on night walks if my luxray doesn't manage to pull through mallomars next it's the pokemon i use to create neat lighting situations in my room he's level 47 it has an assault vest its moves our night slash cycle cuts super power and flamethrower if mallomars contrary doesn't overwhelm you and my last Pokemon will I look to you and say I can still pull through with my first partner ever I learned how to notice nature's beauty during my childhood in the Hoenn region we'll win together go sceptile it's my starter Pokemon and my best friend he's level 48 with a big roof his moves are Giga Drain leaf storm earthquake and rockslide you either switch out or leave your Pokemon in either way I look at you with passion and say I guess there's no choice this may block the view but it'll be a view of its own I step back as my sceptile grows right before you is dry again to mak sceptile just like how the gallery starters stay the same when Giganta maxing but have a part of them turn huge so does sceptile's tail become a giant tree with the orbs on its back growing from its branches emitting bright light they explode like mines when touched and admittedly they look like ornaments fulfilling the whole christmas tree mean that sceptile's and mega inspired funny how the only Jewish gym leader has a Christmas tree as a pokemon but little-known fact I love the holiday season I mean I love lights and decorations so it's up my alley but let me just say this was the first Giganta max art I've ever made and the first time lighting a tree from below it's hard it's really hard trading a tree that is lit from below but back to the battle I shout to the heavens you know what to do cept I'll show no mercy G mark spin flurry with one shake of its tail Sceptile launches a ton of sharp leaves at its phone with pins stuck on your Pokemon and needles all over the field there's both a spike entry hazard and harsh recoil every time you use a physical move if you manage to defeat my sceptile op reclaim I guess chance of winning has sense but no matter the outcome it's always a breathtaking sight I walk up to you and say now that was some crazy skill I try to bond with my Pokemon by finding similar passions and interests perhaps one day you can show me what you and your pokémon left to do for fun perhaps it's battle regardless you're definitely good at it so you deserve this a sunset patch but this won't be the last time you see me if you become champion I will come for a rematch my team will be an Ampharos like in rock luxray malamar of all Corona and Sceptile i really wanted well Colonna to be part of my original team but it evolves in a later level than any seventh gym team is on keep in mind that all the pokemon I use are among my top ten favorite pokemon of their respective regions for hypothetical reasons if I wasn't allowed to have Pokemon outside the original gallery X my team would be sound based and contained guerrilla boom chucks tricity ops - gun or beetle coma oh and no Vern if I had to choose one type I'd be a bug type gym leader even though I hate bugs I love bug type Pokemon though and perhaps it'll be very interesting for my character maybe it's a good kind of exposure therapy to get rid of my phobia I think the bug types in Galler are great my team would be sent to scorch or beetle frost moth and break the bones with a glass of pot in my rematch these are some of my favorite Pokemon of all time but if I could have any team in any region it would be a grass-type gym in lilycove with sceptile the CGI Torterra and real abou I hope the like based team didn't feel like a cop-out I hope it makes sense to him if anything the green implants is from their chlorophyll which helps convert light into food for plants to enjoy and I hope you enjoyed this video enough to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't make sure to check the description for all the music I used the t-shirt I made for you guys my patreon where you can get cool awards like seeing my videos early which you could also get by clicking the join button and becoming a member it even gives you a discount on merch follow me on Facebook and Instagram and I'll see you guys soon
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 795,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raihan, Gym Leader Battle, Nessa, Lucario, Greninja, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon DLC, Max raids, Pokemon camp, Gigantamax, Zacian, Zamazanta, Wild Area, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon
Id: m6tXmB-1fGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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