If I Lose the Pokemon Nuzlocke, He Wins

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what is up guys this is john aka pokemon and today i'm gonna be bringing you guys something completely new on the channel a pokemon emerald randomizer nuzlocke with a very big twist and uh with that i'll begin in uh mikey it is i m njtv the villain of this mini nuzlocke today's nuzlocke is a competition john here will be trying to beat the first gym and that's it just the first gym if he is able to make it there without losing the nuzlocke he is the winner of this competition but if i am able to make him lose or he loses by his own mistakes or stupidity then i win this competition how this works for me is that i will be able to inflict debuffs upon him at predetermined 10-minute intervals as which you can see the first one is already beginning i have a predetermined list i can use each of these things only one time so i have to be strategic about when i inflict them before this video really begins i just wanted to let you guys know that most of the people that watch these videos i do with mikey are actually unsubscribed to the channel subscribing to this channel helps me out immensely it's easy to do when you can always unsubscribe in the future oh but mikey this is this is big here this starter oh wait you're not using the game sounds i forgot [Laughter] all right uh umbreon q1 i need to go quick with this uh oh i'm just gonna go umbreon that thing does not die unless you kill it yeah i would have i would have picked the same thing hopefully it has an attack though it's still a zigzag game i mean i think i guess maybe they didn't randomize that ooh i do want to see what pokemon are in this grass obviously i don't have the pokeballs yet so it doesn't matter yanma okay that doesn't have sonic boom immediately thank god oh this is this is scary okay we're trying to get xp so she's gonna have cubone or dust dogs yep and then i'm gonna helping hand and since i'm my own best friend it will work me myself shaking hands meme oh you got it okay okay what else is here mister mr mime oh oh his eye he looks yeah he's having a real time a lazy eye in that sprite i hope oh god okay i gotta run from this there's no way i can waste time killing this thing what's up here okay something that i can hit with tackle and somehow it's super effective just let it ah god pod this thing's just gonna harden this these are not good encounters for me oh oh we won't know any moves it won't i mean it's just gonna have its like level one moves because it's a stone evolution so it doesn't learn anything by level up why can't i beat any of these pokemon this is crazy oh the battle's starting yeah i i can't train up on any of these things unless i sit down and try to beat yonmo's and i i have two potions and i think i can get through i mean hopefully if it knows poison powder you're a poison powder that's not a thing you're a poison powder on this game you're trying to bring me down oh that's lucky yeah that's well i think that's just how every desktop works i am confusion well one one rule that like i we didn't say just because it it should be obvious is your rules can't by themselves permanently end my run like the whole point of view is to try to make it so i lose you can't you're not gonna sit there and be like okay i do this now you immediately lose because that like there's not really a competition there yeah if i if if you only have like like i'm about to get my first debuff right one of our debuffs is kill a pokemon i'm not doing that when you only have one pokemon right i mean that would be stupid and just not entertaining all right right chrono down is done yeah i don't it's that chrono down is done is what it says so i don't hey all right you have to name your next pokemon chrono sure it's not the debuff that's just really funny what is even that what's the debuff before i can start the thing i'm giving you is no items in battle for the next three trainer battles oh that's a good one i think it's so funny that the gen 3 games have to be like here are your running shoes making a big deal out of the fact that you can run now and then like in later generations they just don't tell you you know yeah just hold down b and you can just run yeah and then in that's the mr mine right no i'm all in on barrier no no i'm using my brain that's actually an incredibly good move doesn't matter let's go okay what is this chrono down chrono down yeah i should indicate which of these i've used already i need to go catch two more pokemon make sure i have some just in case i need to sacrifice something or if you get really mean and there's the metapod i was hoping that would be the one to show up yeah that is brutal well actually if you would be able to catch the starmie but starmie certainly would have been more useful it only is bearing god [Music] yep but but oh there's no healing in battle you evil psychopath okay you could have gotten an encounter before this yeah but it like my i have to make sure i get mr mime a move because if you just take out my umbreon and i'm left with two pokemon that don't have attacking moves i'm screwed yeah his head is so much smaller in this game than newer games it's very small cuter yeah i guess it works pinhead carol larry yeah no they they met now we are destined to fight to the death so good luck guy with a net it's gonna be like animal crossing and smacking you with it chrono down this is made more powerful every time it sees that message chrono down i guess so all right what's next like you're saying i'm done how dare you okay who's angus zangus is a little scary i don't think it'd have a slash at this point but we'll see yeah no way it has slash level four oh perfect chrono you monster you stallion okay all right well i get my next debuff yes you do okay let's let's see chrono down the next debuff chrono down is done well he's he ain't done yet the next debuff i'm giving you is a pool day oh you're running okay that means no running in the overworld and running from any wild battles okay for the next 10 minutes yep yep and you still have to beat one more trainer before you can heal in battle okay oh this would be so good okay okay gyarados what does it even know i don't know it has intimidated yeah intimidates pretty good yeah that is i mean even if i didn't train this up oh and i can't run even if i wanted to you also can't heal in battle oh this is intense this is really intense this could be game changing let's go all right you beat one more trainer battle and you can heal an item in in in battle again i almost said you beat one more trainer battle you can heal in items again that'd be nice i haven't healed in items i think ever honestly my my accent you can heal in battle again my thought was i want to get a dark move on umbreon so i was like i can get a little bit of both but that was definitely would have been a waste of time in this video i have to make sure that i i show that i'm oh my god it makes sense for me to do this i don't have a pokemon that can actually hit the sabley right now this is actually oh you're oh my god what am i gonna do [Music] oh my god what are you gonna do i don't actually i don't know i think the i think the only thing i can do is i'm going to sand attack a few times and oh my god wow okay you're going to be getting debuffs left and right here what am i going all right no buying anything until the next chrono down is done okay that's that's actually a really good one yep because i might use a lot of potions okay come on annie i don't know if this thing's gonna learn any more moves i'm gonna have to start looking things up on my phone i have too many other windows open like my computer is like ready to blow up with everything beat the save live wow incredible woohoo never have i seen a more impressive feat all right rayquaza quick capture okay this thing actually has different multiple powders yeah okay very annoying why did i lead off with this to go into a wild battle i cannot thrash it that would be unreasonably stupid oh my god i need to catch this i mean leech seed could just win it for me why would dogs predicting my switch are you kidding me man that stop oh my god i and with the timer running it is really oh man if i was you're handling yourself well john i respect you for that because this was happening to me i'd be like what the [ __ ] rose computer many miles into the sky does it only know leech seed is that what's happening no it's just bullying no it knows tackle growling leech scene all right you know what screw it i'm just gonna see how this goes whatever risking it for the bet shore game sure let's hear what you're going to do to me next how can i at least go by you're going to be able to buy things again this is true all right um so i'm going to go with the debuff of that your game has to be changed to set battle style until the next timer ends okay that's actually i do have a lot of trainers coming up all right okay all right weird timer thingy yep that's you know how technology is yeah bad come on billy billy what do you have for me too okay i know thank god i have umbreon now you son of a it's shazam it's billy batson you're billy batson honestly just being like shazam suddenly i'm zachary levi with muscles and handsomeness and superpowers yeah well and it's also just it's always a race against the clock right yeah okay suck my butt mewtwo i got time is there an item over here i don't think i can get i don't think so vileplume is interesting i really love vileplume that vileplume sprite is terrible like the angle like it's a frontal view of its body but it's like an isometric view of its flower makes it look like the flowers like coming out and then leaning forward it looked like that's not how it biopluge works no uh okay i think actually santa tech might be good for my sanity here you're sandity i'm hanging up that's what it sounded like you said you're sanctity or mega train already oh that would be bad you can catch this that's gonna be really good for you but it's also gonna be really annoying to catch you are my premiere pokemon please this could be a really tough one but i got out the best hp possible let's go i am choosing the buff on evolve a pokemon i knew that was gonna happen i knew it i know it i know it and i want you to unevolve gyarados into magic yeah yeah yeah we'll be back here it is there there's annie and magikarp with thrash gladys i actually so i for a second like right after you cut the vile plume i was like ooh i'm just gonna like nerf the vileplume makeup but then i realized gloom actually learns moves yeah so it wouldn't actually be in my best interest to do that he called audino arduino what i think he just called it arduino after like little arduino circuit boards oh okay oh boy yeah smart it had a name for coffee grigas but i can't remember what he called it i i can't help you there i i can't get inside that beautiful mind [Laughter] i have no idea what's going on there growl don't you growl at me oh the soundproof block incredibly clutch you know john you could switch confusion to the first move slot i do that with my moves yeah i every time i think about that like by the time i get out of the battle i think of something else like you know like i'm i didn't i wasn't expecting that nope me neither golly g batman all right mikey it's yeah i i catch right talk is fun but it's your turn oh you're right um okay i am going to go with the debuff of giving one of your pokemon truant i forgot that was one and i'm gonna give it to [Music] who am i gonna give it to i'm gonna give it to going to give it to vileblade no [Laughter] we have been here for the last 45 minutes trying to make it so john's vileplume had truant and it wouldn't let us the software wouldn't let us let us de-evolve a gyarados into a magikarp and now it's a magikarp with thrash that was fine but apparently you can't give a pokemon an ability it's not supposed to have without jumping through all kinds of hoops that we lack the technical know-how of how to do i don't even own no i don't either and i never even i don't even know how to hulu i mean i hope i couldn't do it i can't teach you hula hooping at a later date uh just you put mark it on your calendar but mikey what are we doing instead of true on what we're doing instead of true on is a ratchet version of truant a lot of tapes a lot a lot of duct tape and band-aids if he uses his vileplume in battle he just has to click aromatherapy every other turn which is a move that will do nothing 99 of the time and if it does do something all right good for him well and if it does i mean if something's poison then i just have to use the item on it instead right like it's you know i have to like waste it or you know what more tape [Laughter] more tape yeah we're focused on our failures your successes i have three pokemon that are almost useless with a metapod that can't do anything a magikarp that thrashes and then a vileplug that i only can attack every other turn and now there's zapdos and then they're attacked oh what is going on john i'm i'm being a seal [Music] no no i can't let him get in my head no no no no need to kill this half-nose i cannot laugh at seals slapping their bellies yeah no no no that's uh no no no oh okay i have an interesting thing that i i could do because there's still that like cave encounter if i want it chai macko this isn't gonna help me in the slightest one of the damaged pokemon ever made it's pointless yeah i didn't get a baby pokemon i will never get over the fact they gave this pokemon a baby instead of an evolution it doesn't make any logical matter they're so stupid like they're not exciting give me spicy new buffer beasts not like oh yeah [Laughter] umbreon really let buffer spicy beasts get to its head apparently my next debuff chrono down is done is no healing at all until you have defeated three trainers i forgot that was even a thing yep oh god that's the no items in battle but it's worse so i wouldn't fight the ninjas john why are you helping me you fool because i'm real overall i am hurting you does mikey want to ruin my day yes that's it you son of a okay kingdra i do not want him to get if you get two more ouchie ouchy bad badson i'd be really upset oh yeah goddamn yeah i i know what you've been saving for last you're gonna get at least one more of these in i need to just accept my misery and move on but if i let you get two in it's just over for me dude just switch at this point i you clearly can't hit it i won't let the karen win oh okay the karen is winning john okay my pokemon rule pokemon rule rule number one of this guy check them out joey i'm i won't forget this i'm gonna beat this game off screen and come back with a rayquaza and just take you down okay oh that did nothing oh yes bite i want to go home i mean if you lose the battle it's over you will go home oh my god the truant shenanigans have given you a second wind i hate this i hate it i hate it losing that chime echo i mean as much as i dislike chimecho that honestly could that could have been the thing that you know makes or breaks this run right just having that death fodder or another pokemon because yeah we both know what's about to happen it's a tan jelly there's so much going on i'm getting bad news on my phone and i'm about to mobilize my love don't you metronome oh my god this is awful this is like a nightmare and then i could go into this oh my god yes everything is crumbling oh my god this is working out so well for you don't juice oh effects more effects for effects more effects for poison whatever you have effects damn it john you'd think you'd know you had chlorophyll from all the time we spent staring at that yeah chlorophyll is your only ability option i'm trying to repress those memories and never think about them again so i can't deal thank you johnson all right you're allowed to heal now yeah [Music] are you gonna get that encounter at this point why not all right perfect timing i beat this the timer's done all right i am doing what might be my final debuff of the playthrough chrono down is done chrono down is dead john i am killing it i am killing the mr mime as many of us hope to do at some point in their lives you know what we're mikey this even though i was the cause of its death is dead all right time to see if you can finish this run before i get to do another debuff i i used my worst one the killer pokemon is the is the most brutal one and i used it because i thought you might get to the gym well basically you just have to do this encounter and then like you could skip the gym trainers if you wanted damn it oh you made the right decision i did you absolutely made the right decision okay wow it's gonna come down to an umbreon and then a vileplume with a duct tape truant man you got thrash magikarp you never know i am really at a like it's a race against the clock at this point like i have yeah i'm just not gonna let you that's my goal just not let that even happen yeah that's true try get the battle the only reason i said anything what level are her pokemon i'm surprised you're even battling the trainers to be honest i thought i could get away with it and get into the battle and be fine but now that's immediately a mistake yeah her pokemon are 14 and 15. that's not working either this is oh my god oh i'm feeling good this was this was the worst case scenario i can't believe you actually challenged the gym trainers i don't think i would have that's that's rough buddy yeah this is this is just now now before it was funny but now i'm just kind of like wincing like nauseous yeah like just like oh god what a what a piece of crap pokemon this is yes is that enough no it's not okay all right but it's i didn't get immobilized one more hit come on umbreon come on umbreon you can do this oh come on this is terrifying this could be anything soft boiled fine no okay i am furious you said thank you thank you world the only one i can really do i feel like is you have to toss half of one kind of your items okay what am i tossing uh show me your bag you got two potions one super potion go to your barry's pocket all right toss toss half your oranberries i was so hopeful you wouldn't think of that oh that i i like how you you really um you know made that sound not as bad as it and or uh like i was just nothing bad was gonna happen then all of a sudden it's like up all right your strategy for the gym no ornberries yeah all right well i'll i'll save uh big and gorgeous up there for possibly later depending on how this goes big and gorgeous he's got muck that could be some good experience good thing i have a confusion pokemon oh wait [Music] let's let's see all right this actually might work out i might have to do this as my only battle please do damage ab dead don't don't ab die oh jeez ah i'm dead this is the worst day of my life oh my god oh this is this is crazy take a chance i got three minutes to kill this next pokemon if it can just get killed by the vileplume immediately i'm in a good spot oh my god you've got to be kidding me it's the worst possible [Music] i pokemon breathe this is crazy this is just like i mean you could write this if you hate me but past that this is like the most improbable thing that could be happening oh my mouth hurts from smiling too hard okay i mean yeah i just bring this in oh my god i can't believe mikey can you go through the the the attacking moves at my disposal quickly uh tackle uh-huh mega drain absorb yes uh powder snow on a snow run okay uh there's thrash [Laughter] wow there's a method to the madness it doesn't really have an infuriating i mean i'm out of like i'm out of good debuffs though to be perfectly honest this next debuff uh does not go into play until after the battle is over okay obviously um but you have to box a pokemon until another one dies okay and i'm gonna have you box the umbreon okay okay okay it's actually really that i'm glad that you kept underplaying because it sounded like man these guys really underprepared then all of a sudden yeah umbreon's in the box that you murder one of your teammates it's like well that's like pretty that's actually significant okay yeah okay all right you beat the charizard look at that john no you absolute madman no risk it you male biscuit oh my god come on game come on just throw me a bone throw me a little bit of a bone that's fine level eight that's fine that's fine magikarp just splish and splash and splish and splash and splish and splash all right that's fine get some damage get some damage that's that's some good damage that's what you like to see are you gonna beat the hair across by pretending that i can beat the hair across what i don't know i'm pretending this will work across cerebe i think it has guts at this point but i might as well check yes yes okay okay okay okay okay okay just keep going just keep going come on come on come on and i'm gonna get some really really good experience here 342 hopefully that gives me two levels i think it should all right perfect that makes this thing usable i don't know if it'll be good but it's usable gives me another move to work with whismur i can beat a whismur okay let's not accidentally release another pokemon i've been thinking this whole time don't spam buttons john okay we obviously lead off with vileplume so that we can stun spoil the first pokemon we see as soon as the gym battle starts i'll stop the timer and then it's oh i'm like shivering dude i'm roxanne i became a gym leader she's talking too fast john i cannot make her voice all right see what she's got she's got two pokemon level 14 level 15. yeah that's what to say oh she's got three in this game it's three yeah yeah okay so the first one's a meowth okay just actually i'm just gonna do this i'm gonna take a ton of its health away okay yeah this should be easy this is the uh the warm-up pokemon fine with that yeah let's see you have to hit aromatherapy which is fine ooh okay make it waste that i'm gonna go for absorb next turn so i can save some mega drains i don't know if that'll matter at all but why not i was i was kind of like i was kind of hoping you you would get all this way and then it would end yeah and it feels like it might it might just be the other way around it's we'll see okay oh this is interesting okay i mean i am in a weird spot with that so let's see if i can just pester it a little bit or i could try to take it out with caroline and get the experience but i don't know if that's worth it with rough skin let's just sand attack and switch oh okay that's not as good with crits being as broken as they are in this game one for the road toss some sand your way bite okay that's what i thought thankfully sharpie though yeah no i i'm assuming an only nose bite but i would also like to be sure i've come all this way it did not look good for a while one more pokemon and a duct tape truant vileplume a tackling umbreon and a snover at level 10 might actually do this let's see come on come on let this end here let this end here your rights yes yes i did it i did it don't forget to click aromatherapy first john [Laughter] horsey just goes for like guillotine it somehow still kills me dude if i had killed vileplume instead of mr mime yeah honestly yeah i mean cause the sharpita would have been a problem when that's the that's the beauty of a run like this you really never know what's gonna be in front i mean it got close and you know what at the end of the day this was attempt number one of this it could be the the first and last one you guys let us know what you think of this we can always do different games add more rules more difficult things he throws at me or just more gems whatever uh whatever you guys fancy but either way mikey that's that seems like a big loss for you and roxanne and what are your final thoughts i've learned much so for next time brutality to i don't like the sound of that
Channel: PM7
Views: 665,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, mandjtv vs pokemen7, pokemon challenge, pokemon vs, pokemon competition, pokemon emerald, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon randomizer, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, if i lose the pokemon nuzlocke he wins, pokemon nuzlocker, pokemon nuzlocker vs saboteur, pokemon nuzlocker vs saboteur challenge, pokemon sabotage, pokemon sabotage challenge, pokemon nuzlocke challenge, pokemon nuzlocke mandjtv, pokemon but someone tries to stop me
Id: M_yto14SXUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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