I Opened The Rarest Pokemon Pack In The World ($10,000)

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today i'm gonna be opening up the rarest and most expensive pack of pokemon cards ever made this is a heavy ten thousand dollar first edition base set booster pack of pokemon cards it's the first ever printing from the first ever set released in the year 1999 and it is guaranteed to contain a holographic card inside and just to spice things up i'll be starting with a dollar pack of pokemon cards and work our way up all the way through until we get to the 10 000 pack of cards i thought why not go on an adventure starting off with the cheapest pack we can find all the way up to the most expensive pack ever made and we're gonna start off with a dollar pack of unbroken bonds there's only three cards in this first pack but there is a chance to pull something crazy and that reminds me i wanted to let you guys know that i'm gonna be giving away three booster boxes in this video make sure you enter the giveaway by number one smashing the like button number two make sure you subscribe to the channel with notifications on and then number three leave a comment down below in the comment section this is crazy okay start off with the one dollar booster pack i can't believe we've made it this far poke cave that we're able to open up the rarest pack of cards ever made i'm beyond excited and i'm very nervous so we're gonna start off with a dodrio i didn't think i did that right did i no i did it right spiro okay just we've got a couple birds there and oh luke hario and mount metal jx what the heck out of a dollar pack oh my god this is the luckiest i've ever been on a dollar bag and trust me i've been really unlucky with dollar packs i think this is the first time in history i've opened up a one dollar pack and pulled something crazy all right we're gonna keep it moving onto a four dollar pack and trust me it's gonna get even crazier all the way up through to that ten thousand dollar pack but we have a brilliant stars pack on this second one and the crazy thing is that dollar pack might have a better pull than this one which is kind of crazy um that was really like the first time we've ever started off with a dollar pack like that and actually hit something ridiculous so we got a v star cynthia's ambition now the thing is with this set is that you can get some crazy charizards in here also you get packs that have two hits in one so we could still get something really good um okay so get a reverse muck that's not the craziest thing but behind it ew okay we got to write you me that's actually not too bad two for two on the hits though we'll take it dude all right i'm pretty i'm pretty bummed up right now up next we have the eight dollar booster pack let's see what we got inside of here it's gonna be a cosmic eclipse all right i like this we're kind of getting warmed up on each of these packs slowly progressing forward until we get to that rare super like insane pack and actually it's literally gonna be the first time that we've ever opened up a pack like that on the channel i have opened up one or two of them before but they did not contain a hollow this one's guaranteed so it's literally the craziest of the craziest apom we got woobat ducklit swirlix grimer floorge's and amimaku non-hollow alright so this is gonna be the last of the green tier then we're gonna move it to the red tier which just gets even more expensive as we go but this pack is gonna be a fates collide all right we're actually doing pretty good um with the green tier the lowest tier of like actual value packs we got that full art lucario mel metal we got the ride shoe v and then let's see if we get to anything out of this one i don't know if that green code card actually means anything because wait it's only three in the back uh they started that a little bit later i think after this set i'm not sure exactly when we're using ryolo dearly i'll never remember that for the life of me menchino bronzor ammonite that's kind of cool into a freaking mr mine already getting trolled on the fourth pack if we somehow get an error pack of base set with a mime in it but we're moving on to the red tier a 12 pack moving our way up here we're also going to be opening up a 1 000 pack i think a 500 400 pack as well we got burning shadows up next which could contain the rainbow charizard but yeah they're it's like i don't know this is kind of like our moment we've worked um so hard here like just day in day out opening cards up making content having fun hanging out with you guys building community you guys made this possible we just hit 1 million subscribers very recently and like i just feel like this is just the cherry on top right now like we're able to actually do this for the first time ever pan sear charmander and we're gonna move it to a persian non-hollow hit moving our way up to a 14 pack here let's see what we got inside it's gonna be roaring skies also from the x and y era this is a pretty cool one um a lot of the xoy stuff has been getting pretty expensive i don't think this is the last of the x and y stuff that we're gonna see today there might be like one more um but i have a lot of different generations it's so cool to be able to open all these up in the same video um and just kind of experience all this in one episode here meowth spiro not two we got shupit dratini sua blue into a skarmory non-hollow hit up next is a 16 pack surprisingly the green tier is doing the best actually hold on a second the one dollar pack is doing the best so far can we just keep that in mind right now a one dollar pack is winning but we have a hidden face up next so this is one of my favorite sets from the sun and moon era uh absolutely insane set to open up so potential for some really amazing shiny pokemon in here code cards out and we're gonna do four from the back not three man you go back and forth from x and y and sun and moon stuff it's like you gotta go back and forth remember what the card trick is we got evie clefairy psyduck atkins we got the grass energy hollow oh it's a legendary bird's full rgx hit nice i've been on a roll pulling these birds lately i don't know what it is but we're pretty lucky all right this is officially the last of the red tier a 21 booster pack what's gonna be inside we got a team up booster pack now let's go sun and moon era as well and after this we're moving up to a silver tier which basically means the prices of the packs are gonna get absolutely ridiculous like we're gonna be moving into hundreds of dollar packs um and then we're gonna hit last it's gonna be the gold tier which is gonna be the craziest of all but we're getting there all right let's see what we get out of this one so you're gonna get tag team pokemon cards the pikachu zekrom will be amazing i don't really care as long as it's something cool out of here it doesn't really matter to me i'm having fun we got a shaymin prism card we'll take that there could be something else behind it though and there actually is a velta hollow all right it's about to get serious in here i have a silver tier pack the first one which is going to be 100 and it's just going to be getting more and more expensive and rare as we go here but this booster pack ladies and gentlemen is going to be a black and white next destinies so check this pack out up close real quick absolutely beautiful artwork on here and i can't wait to open it up so let's see what we get in this um and by the way release the year 2012 so it's about it's around 10 years old um man i'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach when i think about that that base set pack like it is just so crazy that we're going to be opening that up at the end of the video like i just can't believe it like it does you can't go you really can't go anywhere from there like what that is it that is the set to open up that is like the nostalgia of my childhood just speaking to me i don't know it's just so crazy it is just it's just so many memories scraggy reverse into a zeb striker moving on to the 125 dollar pack up next in the silver tier man just so many memories just growing up with pokemon like who would have ever thought in a million years that would come to this we have legendary treasures up next here uh ex marks the spot let's see what we can do so this set could potentially have some craziness to it a lot of times you can get multiple hits from this set and the craziest thing of all is the dollar pack is still literally winning right now i am opening up a 100 i think we should do one from the back to the front on this one okay we got a mine in i'm opening up a 125 booster pack yet a one dollar pack still has the best pull that is the that is the craziest thing i think we've ever seen from a dollar pack charmander we got woo bat i might have just messed up i don't know let's see what happens oh the dark right yeah nice oh my god look at the colors on that thing i think we could sell some other stuff back here oh my god that'll be yikes no way yo i am done we're only on the 125 pack oh my god dude i don't know which one i like more let me know down below in the comments dude i'm i think i'm gonna go with the mew i'm sorry oh my god is there anything else oh there's sirvine okay so we got a radiant card as well anything else okay just a regular not hollow speaking of craziness that reminds me we're onto the 300 pack next also in the silver tier let's see if we can get out of this one oh we're already at the ex era oh my god ex emerald this is gonna be insane the battles that legends are made of official nintendo seal we gotta look at that one up close for a second there man that's gonna be crazy all right this is a really cool set um released in the year i can't read that 2005 2005 on this one there's so many ex cards in here like the dioxis dust gloss metacham um cactus there's just like so much stuff in this set that's kind of ridiculous i don't know what the pack trick is i probably should know this i'm just gonna go straight through i don't want to mess anything up all right we're gonna start off with the doduo with the paralyzing gaze we are way back in time right now love disc we're going like 18 years ago on this one we got pichu let's get something crazy let's keep the momentum going mud kip look at that mudkip bald toy i think we might be coming up on something oh reverse snoring very cool we'll take it with the ex emerald stamp look at the background the pokeballs on that one okay here we go there might be something back here oh my god the double rainbow energy it's a non-hollow can we get something else maybe in here somewhere do we gotta bury that's it though that's all right my heart is beating okay we're on the last silver tier the 400 pack and after this one it's just on a whole nother level we're getting closer and closer to that last pack okay here we go oh ex hitted legends another ex era booster pack all right i'm ready for this one we actually recently were able to open up an entire booster box of this set and there's some crazy ex's hollow as well there's a celebrity hollow in here there's a reggie rockred ice red just steel ex this is another one where the pack trick i think is kind of weird i literally opened this up not too long ago i'm gonna go straight through it though i just don't want to mess it up all right gold pink because i think sometimes some of these ex sets you could actually have a hit on the last card we got snora we have doduo also a super old school set sir skit moving into a plussel come on let's end this silver tier with something crazy belgium reverse okay so we have a reverse in here very nice that one actually is not a rare though and it doesn't have a stamp it has this cool little energy hollow um effect going on but we're gonna move on i think this could be the rare neck oh it's dude what is the luck today it's it's safe oh my god look at the pattern on that dude that is ridiculous is there anything else just in here gloom and a macho flex oh yo look at the flex ladies and gentlemen we are officially on the gold tier with a 450 booster pack my heart rate keeps increasing every time we move up it's here right now i have butterflies in my stomach i don't know man i'm just so nervous we are four packs away from a ten thousand dollar pack but right now oh my god it's holland phantoms i almost forgot ex holland phantoms could contain a gold star inside so guys ex holland phantoms is one of my favorite ex sets ever made it's definitely a top three for me where shadows fall phantoms dwell so the release date on here is 2006. so this is going way back also we could pull a gold star which is one of the toughest cards you could ever pull from a booster pack either the gyarados the mewtwo or the pikachu could be inside of here oh let's freaking go okay this is the my most type ex set i think for this video so let's just take it in and i think we'll just do two from the back i don't know what the exact pack trick is we'll just do two all right so we have a holland lake i think we did it right i think we're good here we go here we go this one's a treat to open up we have a ride shoe barboach okay if we could somehow pull something insane out of this pack i'm gonna lose my mind pidgey oh it's a delta species version too so crazy so we got the lightning we got pikachu delta species as well all the pokemon are changing types it's ridiculous moving into a carvana another delta species into a reverse lightning energy let's go okay that's sick oh my god but what's behind it what could be behind this dude okay the nerves are kicking in like really really right now oh my god all that for a freaking nose pass no only a couple more packs until we get to the 10 000 pack but right now we have a 500 pack in the gold tier are you ready for this one here we go the 500 pack is gonna be a first edition team rocket booster pack this is one of the first sets ever released that is actually released in the year 2000 the fifth set of pokemon cards ever made you could pull a dark charizard out of here we could pull the dark blastoise we could pull um the dark dragonites the dark ride shoe um the list goes on and on so i'm just gonna do three from the back this is the original wizards of the coast era oh my god that card has some crazy stuff going on in the back there you guys see that so there's like some printing uh issues on the back of that one so we'll see what that is we got a magikarp first edition stamped rocket set i mean it's one of the best i feel like from the wizard of the coast era we got challenge grimer moving through ekans we have an abra we got a charmander nice first edition stamped psyduck let's keep going we got a slowpoke can we get a hollow out of this one moving on to a machop i think this is our last card three two one oh it's a hollow it's another one of those energy things the rainbow energy dude this is like an energy kind of day i don't know what it is oh but also that reminds me so this card being a hollow being really nice has that um defect on the back there okay i don't know how that would what that would do for the grading of this one but um i mean the front actually looks really nice look at that hollow pattern up next is the pack before the rarest pack of this opening we have a 000 booster pack but it couldn't i couldn't fit it in here look it's empty i have it next to me it's a neo-destiny blister pack so this thing is inside of this cardboard and plastic and with the potential of this thing to have a shiny charizard to light into darkness this is one of the coolest neo sets from the wizards of the coast era and i'm really nervous to open this thing up um i think this is one of the most valuable sets from the actual neo-era pokemon i think neo-destiny actually is the most expensive so let's see if we can get this thing out of here uh well yeah you kind of got to mess it up when you open this up but we're just gonna get it out of here and uh we're gonna see what we get so here we go oh man i hate messing the blister things up but there we go here's our pack all right this thing looks clean so release date on this super old school from the year 2002 this is 20 years ago generation 2 pokemon and generation 1 pokemon in here here we go okay oh my god this is nuts even this pack alone gets me just like super excited for what we could pull out of here i mean it could be ridiculous so we're gonna go i guess three from the i'll just do two i don't know what the patrick is on this we'll just do two all right we have a dark fortress to start it off here neo destiny we rarely ever open up i don't even know if i've ever opened up just a loose pack of neodex i don't think i have light slow bro this is the first for a lot of things right now we have this sun kern a glider pineco i'm getting really nervous right now i'm trying to keep my hands steady we got venonet execute coming up on a seal it could be right now it could be right now toe-to-dial okay maybe the next one a dark ursuring and it's gonna be a non-hollow rare that's all right though following up with a dark exeggutor i'm so nervous right now oh my god okay the last pack my hands are shaking is it ten thousand dollar first edition heavy bait set booster pack here we go the big reveal of the pack and yes it is the blastoise it's also inside this other protective sleeve that i'm gonna take it out of oh my god my heart is actually beating really fast right now but here we go ladies and gentlemen the first edition stamp it is as old school and original as it gets shadowless cards in here first edition and a holo is going to be inside of here oh my god this is it 1999 the first ever printing before they even knew if it was going to be successful they barely printed the first edition base that nobody knows how many of these even exist anymore but we got one but not only that it's heavy all right we're opening this up right now here we go pokey cave the moment of truth the original of the original first edition base set my hands are starting to sweat don't start sweating now okay here we go the pack has been cracked right now a 10 000 guaranteed heavy pack first edition stamp looks good shadowless on the side we're gonna go three from the back to the front that last card right there oh no the last card has some damage to it oh my god it has like a friggin like uh bend to it oh no why why all right it doesn't matter first edition base set magikarp that's a nice pull by the way professor oak we got a magmar okay let's keep going let's keep going we got ponyta oh my god my heart's beating fighting energy got a coughing let's keep going through it a red cheeks pikachu oh my god it's the rarest version of pikachu you can open up one of these packs and get a yellow cheeks which is amazing but a red cheeks is the rare version that is harder to find because they change pikachu's cheeks from yellow to red and that might not seem that apartment important important but i can tell you that it is when you're collecting stuff like this a red cheeks pikachu moving it to a duo fire energy i think we have another energy even that energy is a little messed up but that's all right it must have hit the corner of all these somehow that's fine that's fine gus of wind okay so i think the next card is going to be it are we ready the mode of truth right now my hand i'm trying to keep it steady here we go oh my god it's a first edition alakazam hollow oh my god that is a top hole for sure no way oh my god dude i can't believe it that is definitely one of the best balls you could get and it is a heavy hollow first edition shadowless 1999 alakazam the coolest part about this before i sleep this the coolest part is you can see that on there it is number one in the set that is the first number in the set here the oh my god just take a second to look at that thing unfortunately you guys can see that corner on the top left that is going to be pretty significant in dropping the value and grade of this card but look we did it we did this for the first time and pulling the first ever card in this set in first edition shadow list is pretty freaking cool if you ask me but yes it's about time i get this thing in the sleeve we did it oh my god but that is going to conclude this video thank you so much for watching i truly hope you enjoyed that if you did do me a solid smash the like button on this video it will help out a ton if you want to watch more content feel free to click on one of the two videos top there hit that subscribe button as well on your way out and i hope you guys have a great day and i will see you on the next one
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 874,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards, rare pokemon cards, pokemon, 1st edition base, pokerev, pokecave
Id: xxtAzK6S_wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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