Pokemon Nuzlocke But Pokemon Types Die

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what is up guys this is john aka pokemon and today i'm incredibly excited to be bringing you guys the very first part of my brand new series on the channel my pokemon ultra sun randomizer nuzlocke with a little bit of a twist now i used to call this the tight block but people got confused thinking it meant i was just gonna be using one typing throughout the series and it's basically the opposite of that in this series whenever any of my pokemon faint like regular nuzlocke rules they're considered dead and unusable for the rest of the series but the primary typing they have is also considered unusable let's say i pick rowlet here it's randomized so it won't be riley but just for the sake of this i pick rowlet you know i catch a few more pokemon we get to the first trial and our mighty rowlet goes down and it's it's a tough time we get very emotional uh but you know things happen what that means is i cannot use a grass primary typing pokemon for the rest of the playthrough if someone has a secondary typing that's grass we can still use it we're just going by the primary typing and the other question i know you guys are going to have is how does that affect nuzlocke encounters if we do lose a typing whenever we do find a new encounter like we go to a new route first pokemon we find we lost grass if it's a grass primary typing pokemon i can re-roll until i find a pokemon with a typing i don't have yet if one exists in the grass because otherwise we're gonna get really screwed really quickly this is gonna be a really difficult challenge i don't know if i'm gonna be able to beat it but hey we're gonna do our best we'll see how it goes i hope you guys are excited and before i do click on the starters two last things this series will be uploaded wednesday friday and sunday that's gonna be the schedule get used to that i hope you guys are excited leave a like if you are and finally it's a little bit of a plug but i do have members on the channel now which is you know supporting me monetarily no one needs to do it but people ask me all the time if they can be named after pokemon and if you do become you know a few of the different member tiers you do get to lock in a few different pokemon get their nicknames and we'll find out now if anybody has picked any of the starters miracus giraffe rig prin plop i mean it is actually kind of cool the grass goes to the grass and the water goes to the water and then the cat goes with the very the very forgettable giraffe from gen 2 but nope no one picked any of those pokemon none of those pokemon are particularly good and i think we actually have to pick printflop here i don't dislike printflop but in a playthrough like this water typings are going to be super super common and i don't want to lose water typings really early into the game i need to be careful with them printful up will evolve into empoleon which is a really bulking reliable pokemon which could be really really solid for us but i would have liked to start off with a really kind of like a unique typing one you don't see very often you know i think that could be kind of cool maybe like a steel mon would be could be nice you know a poison bond and icemon something that we don't see all the time just get that typing out of the way this one's gonna be a little dicey but we can name it emperor because of the old emperor penguins and i'm sure if i name an emperor it will never let me down i'm also i'm going to be honest emperor or i mean i think that i think that's how you spell it i'm definitely not gonna look it up because that would be bad let's just yeah i know we smelt that right everything is fine nobody's questioning my ability to spell grade school level and now we can continue on with this get our first pokemon and everything is going to be incredible now i do know the beginning of this game has a lot of cut scenes i will make sure i cut out a lot of the fluff we're going to make sure this is fun it's high pace it's high action and you guys have a grand old time so don't worry about this game being a little slow i'll deal with that myself with my my fun friend uh emperor but uh beyond that let's see how this goes i know you guys are in the comments right now telling me i'm going to lose very early but i'm going to take this challenge on and i'm going to prove to you guys that i am somewhat kind of goodish at nuzlocke's occasionally so please give me my pokeballs let me catch my first pokemon do i have pokeballs i actually don't know is this just am i just running in headfirst into a oh god i don't want to swell oh oh you didn't give me pokeballs no no you wouldn't have done that to me no no sir yeah no he wouldn't have he wouldn't send me on my merry way oh there we go he would not send me on my way to have to catch a swallow psycho boost wait what why do you have psycho boost that doesn't what happened in the randomizer how did this thing end up with psycho boost that's not the moves aren't supposed to be random what do you mean sam what did you do oh my god that's hilarious [Laughter] oh man i'll i'll probably have that fixed for the second episode for now i'm going to use psychoboost and that just is what it is that is hilarious okay we have a white flute for some reason [Laughter] all right psycho boost print flop yeah everything else is fine water type tauren i'm pretty sure tackle growl and bubble are the moves well actually when we learn a new move i'll just like overwrite the psycho boost but uh until then i'm using that because that is that is incredible that's everything i need uh but okay i guess are we able just to move forward i don't have to go back and talk to mom about things i can just go over here grab my pokeball catch him on and everything's hunky-dory is that how this goes i mean that would be kind of sweet i'd be a big fan of that oh wow okay maybe yeah all right here for it big fan nice uh i know i already why are you asking it's right next to me he's running around he's having a grand old time like you can see him he's right there yeah i mean you know it's it's not my penguin but in theory you can see my print flop he's having a grand old time he's ready to slash your pokemon in pieces yeah oh wait no he got to see my pokemon and now he gets to choose the other one i feel like that's not fair i feel like if i was smarter i would have waited this out you know strategically waited it out so if he picked the cat then i could you know take the water and squash the cat or if he picked you know the very cute owl then i would run away from him every time i don't want to battle a rally it's it's perfect it's adorable you wait for it to evolve into that weird metal middle evolution or the meddling evolution and you take that thing out uh i i do think we're about to battle though which would be nice because i really really want to get this part out of the way let's get to my let's get to getting the pokeballs let's get to catching the pokemon so then i can really start seeing how this goes because i'm so excited but i'm like nervously excited you know like i'm so happy to be starting a new adventure but i know this could get really dicey the siblings of how what do you mean now what do you mean what are you talking about dude oh come on is that way is that why i have psycho boost wait wait a second do i have psycho boost because my what the heck happened in this randomizer he's gonna rap me i'm fine with that what is going on this is this is chaos hi i'm bubble oh my god that did so much all right that's fine i'm going to take you out with your own psycho boost which i'm pretty sure i only know because you're the the other starter for whatever reason why didn't you have to take the giraffe rig take that psychic type i don't need you uh obliterating me with deoxys throughout this playthrough what do you mean get out of here oh my god thankfully it's really really frail but a freaking deoxys as a as my rival's first pokemon in the playthrough where anytime i lose a pokemon i just lose its entire typing like i've made this too difficult for these shenanigans okay like you gotta take it easy on me let me get a few pokemon on the squad first i guess if you do want to help me level up very quickly that's fine oh my god deoxys you gotta be kidding me man oh god i you i don't know why you're so stoked on that you had a legendary i obliterated it you should not be happy you should be as upset as possible like that's one of the most embarrassing defeats you could possibly have this early what do you need me to do oh sick to the town you're not a trainer i mean you had a pokemon in a bag it's you're like halfway to being a trainer i mean someone should probably give you pokeballs and like teach you how this whole thing works but you had a legendary chilling in a bag and that's pretty close to be fair ah interesting okay that's actually that's pretty close to a spiro huh turning into a just another gen one pokemon just another gen one normal flying mon hi very tiny is it just me or is dodrio unreasonably small on this bridge why is this bridge so huge uh am i an ant person what's going on what is happening here why is everything so tiny we just got shrunk like honey i shrunk the pokemon oh my god this is this is ridiculous is it always like this like did i never notice it when i played through these games that everything was comically small in battle that's outrageous all right let me go fall to my death real quick let's uh let's go do that on the the rickety bridge route one he's going to teach me how to catch he's going to give me the pokeballs i go in we're going to find our own legendary hook the pokeball catch the legendary everything will be good i'm so happy i've finally gotten it through my thick stupid head that in the gen 6 gen 7 games first route you can catch whatever pokemon you find automatically with a pokeball which makes randomizers even more fun in these don't need to watch you catch a bug i'm gonna catch something significantly cooler dum-dum yeah you uh terrible professor catching a grubbin couldn't be me yeah let me tell you that could it not be me sir okay i i mean i would prefer this one a little quicker i mean i do technically have the ability to make this go just a teensy bit quicker i'm gonna try not to do this often because i feel like it gets i don't know i feel like it doesn't look as good on a 3ds game but if he doesn't want to stop his yapping we're going to have to speed through his nonsense there's my pokeballs there's my potions everything is great and now we can get our pokemon figure out what typing we're going to obliterate first let's go yes let's freaking go okay brandon bob and a goodbye are you kidding me a little bit terrifying to have dragon i mean it's like the best possible thing and maybe one of the worst possible things because having a good bite this early on is incredible garchome one of the best pokemon out there but if i do lose goodbye early on we could lose dragon for the entire playthrough so i have to play i gotta really use my kid gloves with this thing i mean emperor over here pretty decently bulky getting pretty powerful so i at least we have that safety net in the back but i really cannot mess around and mess this up goodbye oh this thing is everything all right all right goodbye i'm gonna have to name you something oh no i'll just do what i always do i'll just name you old uh i'll name you landshark i mean there's there's more of a double uh a little fun double reason for that it's nothing crazy it's not just the fact that it is a land shark it's all it's it's fine it's landshark we're having a grand old time no extra things layers of nickname reasons they don't matter dubious disc that matters okay all right you sharkboy i could've named you sharkboy and that wouldn't been better at all but you have dragon rage oh my god let's go are you kidding me i easy way too easy wait let me check again just to make sure i know the primary typings it is it is dragging before ground that's why i expected that is obviously what makes sense but that's gonna be really important to know always have those primary typings on the top of the top of my mind so i don't mess this up but i feel like dragon rage kind of like i just easy mode my way for a little bit like oh that could have been kind of sick to snag but i mean i just easy mode for a bit right like i did it i did the thing i'm the greatest i'm the greatest pokemon trainer of all time yes like just a little dragon rage and you're uh one two three strikes you're out in the old dragon rage game nice oh damn it i really thought we would get the experience from a fully evolved starter i know it was level two but it was a chestnut are you kidding me i can't get to level five you child with a pokeball send out a rayquaza so i can kill it with dragon rage and prove that my dragon is the greatest in the land please do this do it now please okay come on oh god oh wait a second wait what what are you doing here why are you here this isn't even your game dude what do you have a sea king this is terrible unreasonably creepy i don't like it at all i need you gone i need that terrible goldfish with a horn on its head gone and i'm gonna make it bye bye and forever but what are you what are you doing the first trainer we're going against is korres pretty sure that's colarus right that's his name uh what's happening that is actually a lot of chaos going on here cora is the first trainer at freaking psycho boost print flop doodle he's got 72 72 dollars in his pocket like the thing he was clicking on his wrist that's hundreds of dollars maybe thousands of dollars of technology but he only has 72 bucks he can throw at me are you kidding me uh a poor and i do not stand for that i don't stand for the space suit people uh not being able to throw some money at me cook jimmy he's gonna cook me up a fantastic meal so you know what after i one shot your mega meta cham that could in theory have ice punch that's not gonna outspeed me i don't expect too much maybe just a nice meal okay no bite i'm fine with that i'm absolutely fine with that if we were in a different situation that could be really dicey and scary but a little dragon rage uh you're out of here goodbye all right i don't know what's going on with the psychic type pokemon we're seeing here but deoxys and mega metachan we've had three battles deoxys no one cares and then megametachan that's honestly kind of crazy yeah the jimmy i appreciate you don't yeah just give me a meal on the house it will be we'll be even i'll be square a pokeball a nice little potion all right don't mind if i do i am interested there are going to be a lot of cool encounters we see in these grasses all of the grass so this is one i'm very happy we didn't have to snag some scary weaknesses here obviously like a really powerful pokemon especially when it evolves so it takes a really long time for this thing to evolve it would be a really bad liability and that's something we're really gonna have to keep in mind pokemon that are liabilities i do not wanna use even if it's a really cool pokemon if it has a lot of like four times weaknesses i gotta be careful i gotta make sure i'm making the right decisions yeah whatever it's what's it to me i can just one shot you as well small child so i will battle you and i will uh yi and delete your pokemon what is this what are these characters we're going against do you have a spinner rack are you kidding me what is going on like this should be the person with the deoxes are you like what what is happening this is ridiculous all right you probably could have killed you with dual chop very much get out of here this spin iraq you're gonna give me no experience either come on i'm so used to playing pokemon but every trainer has a legendary it's like baffling me like why am i not gaining levels every single battle like that that's what you do in pokemon games you beat legendaries and you go up like three levels at a time easy a little scary hey mom how you doing i'm gonna you know what is this like my fourth or fifth battle and i have to do it in front of the entire town like i'm the main event of a festival i just got my pokemon are you kidding me we're going against an evil leader uh you guys are really putting me up too some crazy challenges okay i gotta go against guzma and his badoof is god like badoof i can't dragon rage that are you kidding me i don't have enough rage in my heart to do that i'll dual chop it like a like a regular pokemon i'm not gonna dragon rage this perfect specimen of a pokemon what do you mean no that's not me okay you got me pegged as the wrong it's a terrible kind of a person okay we're gonna chop this guy up and just hope that you do not have a deoxis and god of pokemon on the same squad that would be a little a little dicey for the future of my happiness okay it is random every time i i'm fine with that thank you thank you rival uh i i can't say i'm upset with this change it's pretty fine with me i only have 28 hp you're going down bye-bye bye buddy nice easy put a lot of pressure on me but hey you make me battle in front of the entire town i'm gonna rise up the occasion okay i uh i do even better in pressure situations in the clutch the this guy i gotcha big time big moments big pressure situations uh this guy i gotcha a routine battle battling uh like an average pokemon i'm losing my best pokemon it's you know you win some you lose some it's not it's not all uh you know flowers and roses for me i mean i think this is a new route i think i can catch a brand new pokemon if i i just slipped behind this wee child in a really weird pose he's really ready for his battle i'm actually i guess ready to catch a regular starter in this game okay i mean incineroar has really grown on me as a pokemon so if i can just not take this out with a dual chop it is really difficult to catch though all right but we don't take it out okay if it gets a few more growls maybe a tackle we'll get it down to red i think we'll throw some pokeballs here but again i think this is a new route it didn't pop up and tell me hey this is a new area but i like you have to go up to get to route one this is route 32 i'm sure actually i don't know it might be like in the 20s i'm not actually entirely sure but i am sure we're getting a litten that's what i like to see i incineroar oh i've definitely i had one of you in draft league i definitely named you something i don't remember what i named you i know it's it's worth figuring it out oh yeah that's what i named it frosted flakes [Laughter] all right perfect yeah now that that sounds about right frosted flakes the lit night i mean honestly i don't know if it's possible to lose a playthrough such as this when you have when you have a pokemon nicknamed that powerfully all right so let's uh let's get you in the front floss frosted flakes why are you all scared and frail and weak and such all right we're gonna potion you up you're going to prove to the world that you are the real uh the real tony and you're gonna take everyone out i think it i think wasn't it tony the tiger i don't know i i haven't had frosted flakes in some time i haven't seen the commercial in some time but you know what that'll change i'll research i will make sure i'm ready to support frosted flakes in all of its future tv endeavors but for now we're going to have to take something out ha lucha paluch is actually kind of weak you know it's one of those pokemon like like talonflame both of these things really need to set up to really start doing the old dimage thing so i think we go for an ember we'll get a nice little burn here karate chop's not gonna do anything i'm not worried about it in the slightest i'm a little worried about that i'm gonna be honest i was but we got the burn it's way too easy i they can't take me out even with a crit because i wait okay yeah wait no it's fine you know what it's fine no no frosted flakes has got this we'll heal up we'll be smart i actually think might go through the burn so it would just be like regular crit damage i might be being stupid here so let's heal up let's you know let's make sure i i keep my client where it should be all nice and healthy i mean it's going to be bringing in a lot of money with all of its uh tv and brand deals so let's let's take this thing out lickety-split and you'll be well on your way to the stardom okay well on your way halucha you get out of here give me all of the experiences all of them nice perfect i think we'll probably train this up for a little bit cause i mean the other pokemon we have one of them's already pretty trained up and the other one dragon rages and kills everything in one hit but i guess we did just get two levels of experience maybe we do go back to goodbye i don't know it's not really it's not the biggest thing in the world we can we can switch back and forth as as time goes on you what will you be ah zoom roll okay i'm actually pretty happy we didn't snag a zoom roll zoom roll is good if you get huge power but if you end up getting a thick fat one it's kind of useless it's a real dicey game i feel like i've said dicey too many times but it's uh yeah you're really playing with fire when you're catching a zoom roll in a nuts lock because it's like a you know a chance that it's gonna be one of the strongest pokemon you could possibly get there's a chance it's gonna be incredibly useless and you're very upset so i'm fine to stay away from that and stay with my my star power with the the cat meow all right swablu easy are you kidding me i'm gonna set the cloud on fire and then the bird will fall it will no longer be able to fly and then the cat can eat the bird and that's that's i mean that's how the world works cats eat birds and they get commercials so you are going to peck me don't make me laugh ha and i will take you out with a few swift embers nice all right have we gotten two burns that's actually kind of crazy that's pretty impressive if you ask me all right let's do one more of these take you out and then we can go to the professor say hello professor and we can get more fun cut scenes because that is why you guys are here but now we are finally done with at least some of these stupid tutorial things oh man i think when there's a second person the items are randomized but actually wait a second i do need to click on the rotum now that we have the road we can touch his belly click y and see the route so here wait what how is this route one wait what do you mean this is route one this isn't route what do you what what okay so this is considered route one and this is route one what so this has to be something else this is wait so route one wait let me get this right this entire section is route one but no that so this is all route one in this world but that's route one okay that's a town okay and these are that's oh that's route two okay i think i do remember that route one and how old he outskirts is its own encounter because it has the different name that distinct that's a you know different distinction and this is route one so that's what we're gonna go by because i do wanna have encounters having multiple encounters actually makes the game fun so that's how i'm gonna go with it i don't know exactly how everyone does nuzlockes in this game but route one being half the island is what like what do you mean by that that doesn't make any sense okay let's let's snag some of these always really important to play through like this because you have no idea what you're going to be going against we are going against the trainer school soon i need to i need to teach some kids a lesson i need to teach them what a real pokemon trainer looks like beat the teacher and that actually probably be a pretty good place to end it for the day so we'll do that i don't know if the the school is going to be a new encounter i should heal but that that will definitely be something we figure out i assume that like whatever i decide people are going to disagree with me in the comments so i'm just gonna i'm gonna use my best judgment and we will move forward with that so goodbye frosted flakes emperor i don't know i didn't call them landshark i went by their nicknames for two of them but you know what i it doesn't matter we're moving forward we're going to school school is no longer out for summer slash pandemic okay everything everything is good again and we are going to be the top student and you are going to stop please let me let me let me live man let me live and learn live and learn please please yeah for trainers i'm turning the experian chair off because that would be cheap i know that's a big question obviously some people want to play you know differently which is fine for me uh i don't want to make the game like way too difficult on myself but um you know with experience sharing these games i think like you know gen 6 gen 7 it can make the game way way too easy so i tend to turn it off especially in a playthrough challenge like this where it's meant to be more difficult i mean anytime any of my pokemon faint it's going to you know be really devastating moving forward i don't want to try something super difficult and then kind of nerf it by and keep it on the experience share so you know what we'll uh we'll get levels the old-fashioned way by beating up really really terrible pokemon that should not exist i'm to be honest i don't think i've ever met anyone that really likes chi mekkau and even if you like chameco that's fine nobody likes chingling or thinks that pokemon should exist of all the pokemon that served a baby pokemon i think chaimeko was like one of the least deserving might be in like the top 10 least deserving pokemon to get a baby form it needs an evolution chimecho's a bad pokemon why would they waste like a baby on it when you could just give it an evolution make chimecho better because you can put any violet on it now uh and then it's evolution would actually have a chance to be good i just i don't really get why they do things like that it's just so freaking weird to me okay well i did say that i was gonna go by my own rules and i do think i've played through this game and then the school was its own encounter i think so i mean this is the trainer school i think it's its own its own encounter i think some people count it as its own encounter uh i mean if it's gonna have like vastly different pokemon i think i'll probably count it i don't know i forgot how weird this game was for nuzlocking i don't know why they're making me think i don't know about that i mean i did say i was going back to school maybe this is on me i did boast about my you know my ability to go to school but this kid's gonna beat me with a bat what do you mean joey come on oh my god jeez that's terrifying this kid he's got a grin on his face on a bat like dude come on is the school bully you're a very small school bully i mean maybe you became a bully because people made fun of you for being so small but come on man i mean it's fair if i call you short and you have a bat i mean yeah you kind of win that's it i mean yeah that's you've won i am no longer i'm calling you short i am going to find some fun some nice things so compliment your hair your hair looks great you're super cool you're just the coolest kid in school kid uh you know what nah i'm not gonna grab this encounter i think i'll kind of see i'll i'll see what you guys are thinking for the extra encounters you know like i feel comfortable getting route one and then route one where it had the different name but i don't know we'll just have to see what's going on also where who is the small child that will battle me is it you nice sweet you have a metapod and you'll give me berries please give me berries how am i battling you again you're everywhere jeez okay well okay that makes sense you have a venusaur you have a mega venusaur that that fits that fits the dope outfit all right i do think we're still able a dragon rager i can't believe we got dragon rage in the first freaking route that's outrageous [Laughter] all right easy way too easy for me all right perfect perfect yeah mia you give me give me all the berries you got yeah no no you give me all the berries you have sweet all right yeah i don't care about your metapod the only thing i care about is swap and uh let's get let's get some experience for frosted flakes let's get you some shine all right small cap friends this will be great we'll go over here i think the final person i have to battle before i can go against the uh teacher i think it's just this kid that's chilling on the the tennis courts yeah you tennis lad hello federer what are you gonna do what are you gonna have to throw at me mr roger right joseph and joseph okay interesting with a beautiful eye all right it's not exactly what i expected but i guess that's fine i feel like you wouldn't want to be a butterfly on a tennis court like i feel like that would be very dangerous for a little dainty ah i scratched it and i shouldn't do that i should set it on fire but i think i think both flame and tennis balls are bad for butterflies i think both of them can seriously harm or kill the you know little butterfly guy how did that not do anything that was actually kind of weird i do not like that gus is doing that much but we should be able to take this thing out and i won't accidentally lose fire for the entire playthrough because i was being stupid so let's grab our experience get to level 10 and i will uh we'll beat up the we'll beat up the teacher with our psycho boosting print club it's been a little bit since we've shown off the old psycho boosting uh power of one one print and one lop wait print print plop it's pr it's plop it's a plop guy it's not a lup it's ploppy all right right yeah no it's plop i can't i can't mess that up club is a fun word okay you i get how tms work that's fine oh stop it stop it you stop it please no please yeah all right yeah i didn't do anything okay you don't have to just bully me you don't just have to assume the worst of me okay i'm gonna put emperor there we do definitely do not need frosted flakes because like worst case scenario if they have like an ice type pokemon that would destroy the goodbye like it's not going to take out the print blob they have an electric type pokemon or grass type pokemon we can go in having a good water pokemon having a dragon pokemon this early that's a perfect combination like immediately being able to you know pair a water pokemon with our ground dragon really hide that four times weakness best case scenario if you ask me captain emily with your beautiful rainbow in the background you better have like a hello to go with it nope just a lin wait a second wait no no no you can't have a litten my litten is the one no no no it's the rival linton trying to uh trying to beat me in all these auditions no my cat will be the one they use for tv your cat is absolutely out of a job get this thing out of here you can be like the uh the knockoff uh frosted flakes let me see and knock off frosted frosted flakes yeah no what are what are those called yeah you can be on corn shapes yeah you can go be the cat for corn shapes okay or corn sugar sure whatever you choose we get frosted flakes you get corn shapes easy all right yeah no you give me the reward of the five great balls i'm gonna go get the bag with my my trusted cat friend and you know what i think this is probably all right yeah no we'll we'll battle you next episode and this is probably a great place to end the first episode let you guys know what's going to be going on with this series what to expect you guys should know the rules and you know what i can leave you guys with this episode let me know what you guys think when it comes to all the new routes and the new encounters because that is something i want to have set in stone figured out for the second episode but again these are going to be uploaded every wednesday friday and sunday uh so you know what it is get excited for those i hope you guys are excited for the series it's going to get really fun really intense and really exciting quick especially as we get to that first trial in the next episode or at least try to i i think there's enough that i can cut out that we'll be able to at least end with the trial so either way this has been fun i appreciate you guys so much i hope you're hyped and until the next episode guys and until until then we're not watching this base
Channel: PM7
Views: 459,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, nuzlocke, randomizer, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon randomizer, randomizer nuzlocke, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra sun nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun randomizer, pokemon ultra sun randomizer nuzlocke, pokemon challenge, pokemon nuzlocke challenge, pokemon nuzlocke but the types die, pokemon types, pokemon typing, new pokemon challenge, difficult pokemon challenge, pokemen7 plays nuzlocke, pokemen7 plays randomizer
Id: R4Ez4SgdgMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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