Rival Reacts To Pokemon FireRed Normal Moves Only

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is it possible to beat pokemon fire red only using normal moves that's a question that my very good friend m jtv decided to find out for himself with this brand new video and today i'm gonna be reacting to this and this is a video i'm incredibly excited to react to because usually with most of mikey's challenges he gets really excited and tells me how he did it before the video actually goes out but this time he didn't give me any information beyond the fact that i'm actually the rival in this game so i'm excited to see how this goes but before we get into the actual reaction i do need to say that most of the people that watch my content are actually still unsubscribed i know i'm all over a lot of people's home pages so you may think you are just check it's super easy to subscribe it helps out my channel more than you can imagine and while you're at it make sure you're sub to m jtv plays i know a lot of people just come from his main channel don't know that it's a different channel and regardless let's get right on into the reaction i'm really excited to watch this video i've been saving it for a bit so i'm gonna hop right in and let's see what it's all about greetings spooky fans michael here and normal type moves are the only type of attack in pokemon that cannot deal super it's pretty interesting with this to see how he's going to get through neutral damage to everything right right right steel which resists it and ghost which is immune to it right that makes it one of if not the most limited attacking types in the game i mean i i see what he's saying there but i guess for me when i look at normal typings maybe i'm just a little bit more optimistic about it you know there's no super effective moves but you can hit almost everything neutrally right and since he can only use normal moves i assume most of the pokemon is going to use our normal type giving it that stab bonus so against most things it's going to be really powerful obviously with ghosts you're going to need to have like foresight rock and steel is going to be miserable but i mean also defensively has one weakness and then an immunity so i don't know normal types are very middle of the road right that's the whole point of the typing that being said it would be cool if eventually we got like a special normal move that was like super effective or or maybe there was like a percentage chance that it would be a super effective hit against any typing that's not even a part of this video i need to move on but that'd be cool i can only use normal type moves in every battle right and the term moves applies to both attacks and status okay i do like i could use growl since it's normal type but i can't use withdrawal because it's water type the po i don't know why you picked withdrawal and can know any move they want sure i just can't select any non-normal type moves in battle yep if i do whether by accident or because i just ran out of all of my normal type moves then i have to reset my game to the last save point oh that's gonna say the beginning to subscribe to my channel you should subscribe okay off the game i named myself michael and my rival an abbreviation of pokemon 7 after my most vile enemy [Laughter] so the best thing about this video after my most important is not only is mikey one of my best friends but his editor katie is also one of my best friends so the one thing i know about this video is just getting a text with that icon sent to me i was very confused i did not know what was going on but i really appreciate them for some reason including me into this video i don't deserve to be here i don't know why i get to be the rival i'm here for it though i'm i'm ready to see me get a winner too but uh i do appreciate it it's a lot of fun ill enemy i'm kidding we're very good friends and we make lots of videos together on my second channel so you should subscribe to him and also my second channel status move was tail whip something appealing something that meant i could make its tackles yeah that's good more super i mean turtle because squirtle is a turtle that squirts water this one will not be squirting any i love mikey so much and one of my favorite things about him is sometimes he explains things so seriously even off video and i don't know why he had to explain that he named squirtle turtle because it's based after a turtle that's incredible oh my god i love this man so therefore it is just a turtle suddenly pokemon 7 attacked that's me whip my regular turtle dealt with his bulbasaur after just a few turns of tactics yeah that's fine a little while later after we're working for him i encountered and caught erratica i named vermin i knew that normal type pokemon a type of pokemon i have overlooked a lot in the past were going to be instrumental for the success of this playthrough okay while they learn normal type moves like lots of other types of pokemon the normal type pokemon he could get raticate with guts throw on facade and then any time it gets status just obliterate everything in front of them i mean that's one of the beautiful things with normal pokemon that would be really really cool just in general raticate is it's not a great pokemon i played so many like you know singles competitive battling in the lower tiers that i've used it before and it's really scary and once you start coming up with some fun strats like that in a regular game these like lesser pokemon become a lot better so i rattata could be really really good i don't knowing mikey there's no way he keeps it to be eradicate and uses it but it would be cool if he did get a 50 boost to the power of their normal type moves thanks to stab the same type attack boost rattata is a particularly appealing early game normal time okay since it gets the eye-popping 80 bass power hyper fang at the fantastically low level of just 13. unfortunately though i had an exceedingly difficult trial in front of me oh this is weirdly one of the most exciting parts of this entire run gym one which is we're three minutes in i'm excited to see what he does here my first thought was that i could poison his pokemon that way they would take damage over time even if i myself wasn't poison points unfortunately poison's staying in point okay wow poison point is not there's no rule against what abilities oh pokemon can happen that's such a clever workaround it's an ability that can poison the enemy pokemon if they make contact okay the most easily accessible pokemon with poison pointed around iran's which are found on route 3 just east of pewter city which this won't let me go to okay new plan i can't poison them and i can't burn them there's no flame that's so that's messing with my head because my strategy in pokemon yellow when i was a child the only thing i could figure out to beat you know brock because you had to start with pikachu is i'd get a nidoran and then level up until it learned double kick and then i'd kill brock go get the moonstone have like a nitto king way too early into the game i guess i completely forgot you can't get the nidorans this early in the game okay uh interesting body pokemon i can find but i can do the third best thing okay just paralyzing them while that doesn't do damage to them it makes them slower and will get more confusing without them hitting me and i can do the paralysis by using the ability static i got the ability on a pikachu that i found in viridian forest relatively easily and named it parahax i then decided to try out my strategy idea on the first and only gym trainer who told me i was 10 000 light years from facing brock little prick thinks ten thousand light years is time when it's distance and he was he was still kind of right i lied against his channel okay you can test my damage output it did that he's not even over level mikey defense boosters look at you guys not great i immediately switched to parahax to implement my next strategy killing its attack with growl while i hoped it would get paralyzed right fortunately it ko'd para hacks before static kicked in after a pretty very long battle it looked like vermin was going to win but then geodude got a crit oh no dude but it couldn't beat the sandshrew due to its defense curl and sand attack oh doing a lot since i hadn't grabbed that crit was huge he needed to be able to switch part of the way through as to not lose my limited potions after just a bit of grinding and vermin learning hyperfang i decided to try to beat the gym traders i'm surprised this time after it maxed its defense and i minimized its attack i got the paralysis on the geodude you really just need one vermin who after many turns and a potion due to a crit was able to take the geodude down okay became sand true and i did the same thing again raoul until i got it to minus six attack while i waited for static to kick in this took a long time due to sand attack making me miss a lot of growls but eventually static worked okay to cancel out one of its defense curls before it took parahax down i had to do some switching between turtle and vermin to get rid of the accuracy drops but eventually i was able to defeat the gym trainer hyperfence was a cool animation paralysis strategy could work so i just now had to level up my team even more to fight the higher level brock okay so after even more grinding i took him on buddy this is the beginning of the video you got a lot of grinding right away but then it turned around because i got the static paralysis the next time it attacked a few turns later i decided to switch invert since while i hadn't minimized the geodudes attack it hadn't boosted its defense all the way yet so i thought i would get in damage while i could this was the right call as the drops i had done made it so vermin only took four hp damage from each tackle i began wearing down his health quick attacks to preserve hyper fangs for onyx and i even got a crit at one point there it is for a while i took the geodude down okay i came onyx and i brought para hacks back in oh man i healed it up right away which was the right call since rock tomb did a lot then the next time onyx tackled i love static activation it is funny because that computer's dumb dumb and stupid i don't think you can get paralyzed with a rock tombing a static pokemon then immediately just starts tackling like it could just destroyed mikey's strategy this was perfect situation for him really happy it worked but man just multiple rock tombs and boy it's not looking great right away after several more turns one of them using a potion and a few of them with full paralysis on onyx i was able to get onyx to -6 attack and -1 defense since still does that much damage mine man then i brought in vermin whose first hyperfang crit and did half okay vermin then i hyper fight again and it was paralyzed again oh my god the onyx battle on the first try one down making me yell and excitement once on round three i caught a nidoran male in marriage to use the poison point strategy i wanted to use earlier on future rock types okay randomly named it needle unfortunately soon after i realized that nina and male did not learn a normal type attack until level 20 if i kept it from evolving or level 22 if i let it become a nidorino however nina ran female had scratched right away i wanted one of them to be useful right away i need all types i knew i'd fight in mount moon so good you went with ninoqueen you named one needle and the other one empress def what's happening here of course you're gonna go with em press over needle the nidoran who levels with vermin the journey through mount moon was smooth aside from a battle with a magnemite which proves tricky due to it resisting my moves dropping harshly my special defense with metal sound that's right and jolting me with thunder shocks eventually i beat it with para hacks and static actually works on electric types in this generation upon exiting mount moon i had the opportunity to teach yes these two mega kick and mega punch oh that's beautiful but for the time being i decided to keep those options open for later since they're just one-time tutors in cerulean pokemon it's me i'm back vermin had to take some hits from pidgeotto but was able to handle it that's what that's but also took some process regretted my starter decision i wasn't even using turtle anymore and now for the rest of the game i had to contend with my rival's best pokemon being able to put all my pokemon to sleep with relatively little bit of an oversight the bulbasaur battle started very bad what are you gonna do right healing vermin was asleep and down hp in a matter of a few turns without even being able to get somebody on uh empress who resisted the vine whips it wasn't long though before she was asleep too there we go worse bulbasaur leech seated meaning any damage i did with scratch was gone after just two turns i realized my only way to win was to drop its defense that's what you get for all of your potions i tail whipped empress then fell to leech seed i brought in people okay i need to get more tail whips gotta kill me powder missing twice i got it down to minus four defense before parahax took a nap i used my chance to heal vermin in the two turns that took parahaxx sure vermin came back in but was still a sleesh after sleeping for two turns it landed a high that's so much damage bulbasaur this is it well to level up and evolve and eradicate after a long time switch training it against both trainers and wild pokemon nita learned horn attack at level 20 so i allowed it to evolve into nidorino i then immediately evolved it into nidoking then trained it up two more levels so it could learn a man after my own heart you play through a gen 1 game you get a new king way too early just because you can no other reason just because you can thrash and then of course it took me all of this time before i realized that it had an attack lowering nature oh yeah but it's fine i'd committed and i was sticking with it feeling confident i challenged misty immediately oh code star you thrash which was beautiful right named starmie who unfortunately outsped and landed a super effective water pulse oh i was able to get a thrash hit in you it only did about a third okay i brought in vermin who tanked a water pulse and did big damage with hyperfang but didn't ko now they're going to have a quick attack but she healed up she water posted again but vermin held on ooh i healed she water pulsed but this time it confused me i was worried if vermin through fight through fight through attack anyway yes it fought through the rubber duck yes mikey never takes risks like that that's what i love to see wow unnecessary risk just for the content yes two gyms down after training needle and vermin up against various trainers around vermilion and on the ssn and avoiding all the workers because fighting magnemites really sucks the next event of note was pokemon scenes again this time on a boat since i've been training needle and vermin they were much higher level than my rivals team which made the battle much easier to make he's gonna go all my except ivysaur who of course in the captain's room it was time to challenge lieutenant surge another battle needle and vermin were very over leveled for needle took down voltorb and pikachu without taking a hit raichu proved more annoying does he not have a magnet ridiculous thrash confusion hacks needle hit itself in confusion four consecutive times but after a combination of him healing even using a full heal for the poison at one point you're gonna destroy this thing poison damage and finally landing a thrash yeah i won the battle without that's crazy it is so unfortunate like i feel like it's kind of downplayed here the fact that a level 29 ground pokemon had any issues with the level 24 riot shoe is unbelievably frustrating i mean the thrash confusion is the only way to make that happen this should have been the easiest fight in the entire game just with the pokemon he's using the levels and everything that's that's pretty unfortunate i would have loved to see the raw uncut footage of what mikey was going through with this i mean probably a lot of anger but that's crazy i can't believe that happened next was rock tunnel which proved bothersome at times to do all the rock type pokemon i had to fight even avoiding all the hikers that i could but vermin and needle got me through i spent very little time in lavender town and immediately headed west to catch a growlithe okay are we grabbing gravel rock and steel type are very difficult to deal with but ghost type pokemon are impossible to deal with in this play because my normal type moves cannot hurt them at all no there might have been a way for me to beat them using some strategy with like making themselves ko themselves with curse or confusion or something like that but those depended too much on luck and just sounded not very fun fair before i went into the pokemon tower i wanted a reliable way to defeat ghost tower sight this is that reliable way odor sleuth move that not only makes it so the targets i literally forgot about this but it also makes ghost types lose their immunities to fighting and normal moves that's right is the only pokemon in the game that can learn it and it's the reason i picked fire red over leaf green since it's a fire red exclusive for the record foresight is another move that accomplishes the same thing so you can still do this in leaf green you just have to go for mod chop or hitmonlee and teach them for machamp's my second favorite pokemon when i played these games it was my favorite pokemon that's why i kept screaming for sight because i would that would just have them a champ but they would mostly only know fighting moves and i mean that's like a whole other problem with the freaking ghost pokemon but at foresight fixes all for sight however i really wanted to use arcanine because arcanine is cool and also learns extreme speed later in the game which i thought which is very cool i caught the growlithe and due to its purpose being to be sniffing around to find wow unfortunately it didn't have a normal type attack and wouldn't get one until level 25 being take down but then after a bit of switch training i realized i could get the secret power tm at the department store in celadon that's a normal type move with varying secondary attributes so much money by all the location the battle is occurring i taught it to bloodhound and used it as its main attack the rival battle proved annoying once again due to sleep powder i super regret picking squirtle but bloodhound was able to deal with it thanks to bloodhound's odor sleuthing no i took down every ghost that got in my way in the tower he skipped over the the rival battle so quickly that was my moment mikey that was my time to shine you can't take that from me come on for clearing it out mr fuji gifted me the poke flute and you know what that means it's snorlax time in a playthrough where i can only use normal type moves i would be a buffoon to not use snorlax that's true i decided i would go catch both of them and then use whichever one was stronger catching snorlax is never fun since it can heal itself but i successfully caught the first one and named it lockdown then caught the second one and named it quarantine i named them locked down okay during lockdown slash quarantine i think we've all become a bit more like snorlax comparing the two lockdown was better basically every way with a better name come on let's come on man so it was the one i went with then i took on erica and it was a piece of cake her victory bell poisoned vermin meaning she fell into my trap there it is yes so its attacks got way stronger yes okay we've been waiting for that turns vermin had swept through her there we go giving me my easiest gym battle so far i then made my way to fuchsia city because i wanted to get to the safari zone asap on my first trip though i did the necessary story stuff of getting the gold teeth and i scrappy okay an ability that lets it hit ghost type pokemon with normal and fighting type moves just all the time i really struggle with remembering when pokemon got abilities because i really got into competitive battling in the gen five era and that's when we had like the dream world abilities and it's just so confusing to try to go back and remember when pokemon got these cool abilities i love using kangaskhan competitively scrappy normal types are so freaking cool but i i didn't remember that i had in gen 3. i wanted this because it would be a second and i think more reliable way for me to attack ghost type pokemon than having to use odor sleuth on arcanine but then after about five minutes of looking for a kangaskhan i thought to myself is scrappy an ability that's in gen 3. who does not well he's the foolie fool not me i feel better about that yeah i didn't think he got scrappy in this gen but i realized that before i spent too much time on it instead of kangaskhan but it was pretty rare and also would be difficult to catch instead i decided i wanted a dodrio because it's fast and reasonably strong plus it gets the really cool move tri attack which is physical in this gen okay will allow me to get some useful stats that is true i think of try attack and obviously i think of just special move like i see in a bunch of magnemites in like future games and it's very frustrating but this gen still physical incredible on a dodrio dojo even recently has gotten a buff i don't know dojo is very slept on it's a pretty solid pokemon or at least offensively it is at his conditions on enemies that i wouldn't have access to otherwise also it could be my flyer no matter how illogical that is on my second trip into the safari zone i caught a doe duo and named it bird brains because i'm very funny for the rest of that trip i decided to screw around and actually found a tauros and actually caught it yeah okay horn an added bit of craziness is that i found this tauros with only five steps left in this safari trip probably it was meant to be yeah you throw that into the scene longhorn holy crap i know had what i intended to be my final team that's a pretty cool team i the way he says in 10 makes me think he's going to get another pokemon but this is a really freaking cool squad the only pokemon that people might be looking down on is freaking guts radicky which just obliterated a gym reader leader but still very very cool of six and now a lot of them knew strength because i had that hm now and it's a solid normal type move eventually reaching my next duel with pokemon 7 in an oddly corporate setting overall this battle went very smoothly no me taking out all but one of his come on without any of mine getting blown hp that final pokemon was the cursed sleeve there we go it's my age so right away i had lockdown give it a taste of its own medicine by using yawn and then it immediately sleep powdered me back but this time it didn't matter since lockdown had snore allowing it to still attack oh that's pretty despite being asleep that's cool and then it woke up immediately so the sun but that was fine since venusaur was now asleep and i could body slam it into oblivion that was by far the easiest battle i had had with pokemon 7 since the bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur learned sleep powder i guess it pays to have a member of your team that is a sleep specialist there's always next time right i mean it's it's not over yet it's time to battle giovanni again i had vermin up against nidorino for a chance at poison point giving it the guts boost but it didn't happen and vermin just beat it in two turns then came needle queen and vermin did get yeah there we go double kick and poison damage took it out soon after man for a fun monarch face off and thanks to thrash critting and me resisting the devil kicks needle won in three turns i even realized giovanni's strong and longhorn beat it with four strengths and it would have been three with a better damage roll finally was another cursed rock type reinhorn i brought in needle for a chance at poison pointing it and i got my wish early on cool i then brought in lockdown since it was my hardest hitter and a few body slams later ryhorn was down and i had won the rich old guy gave me the master ball which i had no intention of using aside from maybe a wild shiny then i headed straight to koga's gym i lied with that that was hopeful guts poisoning but it took out the first coughing before that happened vermice is too good who promptly minimized so i started to drop its defense with leer so i needed to hit it fewer times to ko it okay vermin survived an attack then landed a string which got the ko of course he can hit the muck very easily but when i try to do that it's a whole thing yeah all right sure short shorts i needed a rest so i brought in longhorn for the next coughing longhorn got toxic poisoned in the process but was still able to beat the coughing easily finally was his level 43 wheezing which i used lockdown for after a yawn i started body poison was a physical heel right a full heal then hyper potion i just kept body slamming and it was enough to overwhelm him and get the win i headed straight to sabrina's gym without delay this should be super easy and beating all of her gym trainers sabrina is typically the toughest gym leader but her team doesn't handle strong physical attackers none of her pokemon can deal with obliterated her first two pokemon at all and her venom stuck around a while due to her healing efforts but lockdown beat it easily finally was alakazam which locked down outsped with quickclaw but allowing it to use calm so confused terrifying sure six badges down on the way to cinnabar vermin reached level 40 and was finally we still have a decent chunk of this video i i'm wondering when it gets really difficult again i i imagine giovanni has like ride on if i remember correctly but i don't know i'm really really interested we've had a stretch where things have been a little bit easy beyond like sleep powders i guess i know it's going to ramp up a little bit so that's going to be fun fully able to learn super fang learning super fancy was a big deal and it was one of the two main reasons i had kept vermin on my team all this time it was time to take him down i led with bloodhound to resist the incoming firearms it was once again up against its pre-evolution but despite blaine's growlithe being higher level my dog was the one to win out i mean who i brought in lockdown for due to its thick fat bounce unfortunately paralyzed but lockdown hit through and o code ponyta lock down attack paralysis again to defeat rapidash level 47. and paralysis finally started to cause problems keeping me from moving i did not remember that i answered with my own paralysis from body slam okay would she promptly full healed away then he'll back up once i'd worn it down lockdown kept at it until arcanine took it down oh my god he got in a hit amazingly survived a fire blast then ended it winning me the battle after leaving the gym bill suddenly arrived wanting to take me to the seven islands it has been so long since i played fire red or leaf green i think genuinely over ten years that i totally forgot that you went to the sevi islands before battling the pokemon some of the interesting things about firearms i don't know if we get like uh remakes for the gen 4 games if they added some random thing like this just at some point in the story i don't know it'd be kind of cool just something you weren't expecting a little bit more of the game i always really loved this part of you know leaf green as a kid when i replay the games for like content i get kind of annoyed when we have to do this but i'm just playing through the games is really exciting like oh there's new like gen one to experience what's going on here it's it's fun i like the line of it once it started but i was genuinely surprised when bill showed up like hey let's go i did a like a confused double tank after a lot of long battles and many trips back outside the heel i finally cleared the mall and was ready to fight giovanni which i was expecting to be the toughest gym battle since the first roy he led with ryhorn and i immediately began implementing my strategy for how to defeat it okay possibly drop its attack by swapping between my two intimidating pokemon to make it so vermin could live then bring in vermin to super fang this worked great since all it wanted to do was scary face for the first chunk of time it still took a while to take it down once vermin came in did you get more healing than me having to heal but eventually vermin got this is a little anticlimactic but like also such an incredible strategy so um i'm in between like wanting like i don't know a little bit more action going on and just being super impressed and loving this you know and i love intimidation as an ability it's one of the better ones out there but then do that get vermin the star of the show in to decimate everything big thing in came neato queen and i brought in bird brains both because it was avoiding the ground and because try attack did not make contact thus making poison point useless fair try attacking wow allowing me to hit it again it barely didn't chaos though so for the final hit i clicked fury attack to save tri attack pp it got the cow but poison come on much higher level than me right horn okay begin my intimidate swapping strategy until it was at -6 attack shout out to mikey i he is so under leveled it's making this really exciting and like really interesting and i i love that so i just shout out to him this is awesome once vermin came in i super fanked twice then tail whipped it twice because i knew strength couldn't ko it at quarter health fair fortunately it landed a crit earthquake which ko'd vermin however the defensive health drops it was able to pull off allowed longhorn to come in and easily finish it off nice level earth brains then defeated nito king and doug trio relatively easily winning me my final badge next was the final attack of pokemon yes before it is me it's my time that proved annoying good effect yeah it's dropping my attention i mean but i was able to get things done he brought in his rhyhorn and this rhyhorn just what the hell john i began my let's go oh but on the first turn it landed i brought it let's go that is i've never seen like a rival in like a regular run maybe like a triangle hack or something crazy like that you know they'll do a bunch of damage but like in a run through like this i have not seen a rival be so annoying and the time it's mikey naming it after me in a video that is i mean done well because it's a mikey video big fan of loving every second of this wow okay horn drill ry horn better than any ride on don't even talk to me about ryperia this is the superior of the rise in vermin to start dropping its defense since my intimidate switching strategy come on horn drill screwed up it proceeds to then land a crit takedown which did 75 of radicand's health i started super thing to do the damage i could before it came back horn drill crit horn drip i did the math and the chances of that happening i i'm built different i don't know what to tell you man is that rarer than a shiny no but it was still ridiculously unlucky gyarados i beat thanks to a combination of lockdown bird brains and hydro pump missing once again i beat his growlithe using its evolution thanks to taking a psychic finally it was venusaur and for the first time since the very first battle against pokemon 7 it did not have sleep power no annoyingly took away what was ideal synthesis but chip damage from a try attack burn and resisting its razor leaves allowed bird brains to take the win after losing two pokemon to rhyhor evil pokemon seven why would you get rid of sleep powder why would you get rid of what makes you so strong come on me very close to the beginning of that battle i thought i was screwed but my team pulled through and i defeated pokemon seven for the second to last time next was the victory road but nothing of particular interest happens let's not get too cocky here okay is it say it's all over when the snorlax sings there was one moveset change though that mattered more than any other okay tell me drum oh normal type move that removes half of the belly and even better in a playthrough when you can use potions it's a terrifying move especially on a bulky pokemon and guess who learns it the very bulky lock down the snorlax i guess he didn't know what would be edited in before he says this thank you katie because it is very funny to have the picture of like belly drum and snorlax being like the the pokemon using valid or monkeys like guess what pokemon on my team learns it so relax who would have guessed oh man no it's just a little thing the little things that make me happy after grabbing some tiny mushrooms from mount moon i headed to the move reminder on two island and taught lockdown belly drum cool i also taught it return since due to its high friendship it was 102 base power i was ready to belly drum sweep the hell out of the league well parts of it laura live was okay first and the belly drum sweeping worked to perfection potion up then anything in my way jinx proved more annoying due to causing sleep and infatuation eventually lockdown got the win single-handedly next was bruno though and okay he's gonna be tougher yeah not only is his entire team rock or fighting type two of the types that my normal type using normal type team really hates but also his first onyx the pokemon he leads with ooh also counter on the hitmonchan that's a sneaky move that you wouldn't really think about too much that one and i think crosstalk has a chance for critting as well like a higher crit chance so the hamlet chain and the machamp could really do some damage if you're not careful okay that's interesting let's see nose roar which could force a switch out after i had done the belly drum boosting causing me to lose it get vermin i needed although once bloodhound came in i decided it would be better to just lower its defense and begin layering instead after a bit of that i brought in vermin to superfang and strength its way to victory and that plan succeeded in just two hits thanks to a crit in came hitmonchan and i didn't feel comfortable setting up against it was lockdown so i brought in bird brains try attack did a lot counter but hitmonchan went hey that's what i'm saying obliterated bird brains longhorn was able to come in and finish it off though hitmonlee came in so i brought in needle thanks to its strength doing about half plus some poison point poison damage easily won did the machamp have guts because if he doesn't think about that that could be crazy in two turns then bruno sent in his second onyx which i was comfortable setting up against with belly drum fair once the setup was done lock down code it with return that's so sad terrifying worried that hyperbeam yes machamp landed a devastating cross chop but lockdown clutched it and held on the return decimated ma champ winning the uphill battle against the fighting in rockman i do want mikey to succeed but but champ is just so great look look at him he's there look come on come on look at him next was agatha with three ghost type pokemon so i didn't even think about agatha of the ghost types okay elite four is really really fun in this okay i don't i don't know how that slipped through uh whenever my dum-dum brain belly drum sweeping wasn't gonna work here because every time she sent in a ghost i had to bring in bloodhound just and uh hunter has mean luck so it could just keep you in and then you lose the snorlax i don't know if he's using revives at all it'd be a little lame if he was at least in battle so ah you got to plan around that the battle ended up proving more annoying than difficult bloodhound odor sleuthed each ghost when it came in and then i usually ended up defeating her pokemon with a variety of my team due to all the sleep shenanigans she likes to pull switching out when that happened the most notable turn was her arbok taking down vermin due to a sludge bomb after a screech oh okay half my team was asleep and one was fainted i decided i was never in danger of losing the final elite four member was lance and this ended up being the easiest battle of the bomb since lockdown could easily belly drum sweep freely his last dragonair couldn't even ko it with a hyper beam and lockdown ended the battle with four that's chaos you're kidding me beautiful then it was time for the last battle of the game my final face off with pokemon seven is pidgey it's just it's so wonderful a game where the rival gets to be the champion giving me serving me free content on a silver platter what was i gonna do not react to this i'm here i'm the champion i became champion i didn't have to do anything i became champion of a game i mean he can beat me all he wants i was the first champion i did it first you're always trying to follow me in my footsteps whatever i do after this you'll be following mikey i know uh i can see it here got new whirlwind so i couldn't lead with lockdown because i didn't want to force it is this going to be difficult i led with longhorn instead who i had to switch out before i could ko the pidgeot due to feather dance dropping my attack okay and then bird brains came in and promptly froze it with try attack try attack was so fun in this game the amount of times i froze enemy pokemon was beautifully large another try attack wouldn't ko but a hyper beam did as many hyper beams you want to go switch battle style allowed me to avoid the recharge turn so i swapped and locked down against rydon to set up belly drum uh i got scared though at first and tested a return to see how much earthquake would do but a scary-faced first then i just decided to belly drum and earthquake did about a third making my hp go down to just 23. i healed up tanked a takedown earthquake the snorlax with belly drum is super super cool it's you know i like i i kind of wanted this final battle to be super intense but belly drum snorlax sweeping through the game and not only just being really powerful but the perfect strategy for normal only is incredibly cool incredibly satisfying and um i don't know it definitely it's one of those things where if you have a battle like this that's a little anticlimactic like you need to have something cool like that and we have tritec with the freeze hyper beam snorlax belly drumming to victory uh pretty fantastic final battle clicked returned that was unfortunately not enough to ko though oh wow forcing me to heal again he didn't heal though so an earthquake and a quick claw move first body slam later lockdown took down rydon alakazam hit decently hard with psychic but lockdown survived and o coded dropped his attack to just plus five but that was too plenty for me after healing up i o code it with return mark and i dropped it to plus four but that still didn't matter and lockdown o code it too finally was his venusaur the pokemon whose sleep powder caused me so many problems in an act of sheer victorious defiance i o coded with you served me well venusaur hyper beam using the pokemon known for sleeping a lot i had beaten fire red using only normal type moves and this beautiful squad was the team i did it with just look at them what an unexpectedly cool team i ended up with that is a really really freaking cool team and this is a really cool concept really cool video i you know sometimes with these you know challenges where i look at it and it's like well you can probably do it i don't get super excited but with this the question wasn't really you know can you it was more okay how is he gonna get around you the rock pokemon the ghost pokemon the fighting pokemon the elite four has all these obstacles when you get there he didn't over level making sure that everything was still challenging and with that you know you could really see the coolness of a lot of these different moves all these different strategies this was fantastic i i truly enjoyed every second of this this is a really really fun i don't know if i'd do a challenge like this you know maybe someday where it's a little bit more like trying to figure out the strategy rather than the you know like can i do it but uh i don't know i i really i really really love this good job mikey this was wonderful thank you guys so much for watching this video this was a bunch of fun and if you do want to see me react to any other videos in the future let me know which ones in the comment section below and i'll see you guys in the next video so until then peace
Channel: PokeMEN7 Plays
Views: 705,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, pokemon react, pokemon reaction, poketuber reacts, can you beat pokemon, mandjtv challenge, mandjtv challenge run, mandjtv normal moves only, reacting to mandjtv, can you beat pokemon firered using only normal moves, pokemon firered using only normal moves, pokemon normal moves only, pokemon challenge, pokemen7 plays reacts, pokemen7 plays mandjtv, pokemon challenge run, new pokemon, pokemen7 reacts, normal moves only
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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