Pokemon But I Can Only Use Randomized Shinies

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what is up guys this is john aka pokemon and today i'm gonna be bringing you guys the very first episode of pokemon white but everything is random and i only use shiny pokemon this is gonna be very similar to my pokemon platinum series i did if you haven't seen that definitely check it out it was a nuzlocke of course it was a randomizer and everything randomized is down below the only real change is now shiny odds are much better so every pokemon to use will be shiny and if they faint and die i'll be much more sad so let's go get a shiny pokemon always a chance for a first encounter shiny i don't know what these pokemon are going to be this is going to be anticlimactic because i'm going to see them and then sit here for an undetermined amount of time resetting until one of these is shiny but our options are oh i really want a shiny slug but then it'll evolve into something else but silver slugma is so good and it's ground type dark type piplup that's a starter that's kind of lame but a ghost type dawn fan wait a minute no i have to click on the pokemon to find out if they are shiny i won't just see them i should have done this in heart gold i'm an idiot whatever it's fine we don't talk about it we're just gonna take the slug mo we're going to move forward let's let's see first encounter shiny oh my god this is this is going to take so long the soft reset over i am so dumb okay yep servant wow okay sure with the dawn fan not shiny because that's that's my thing of course you all right while i'm busy shiny hunting i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to let you guys know that most of the people that watch these videos are actually unsubscribed so make sure that you guys do subscribe if you are enjoying this stuff and you do want to see future episodes it helps me out immensely and it's really easy to do yay oh my god we did it we did it we did it we did it yes finally oh my god i gave up so long ago that we would get this 243 and there it is i think this is ground type slugma i'm not entirely sure slugmo what what's going on with you light metal halves the pokemon's weight all right no that's that's fine and you are ground and special attack is obviously better so oh yeah we're not gonna switch you in we're just gonna go for a mud slap it's a ghost dawn fan please don't omni boost me i really do boy all right let's let's just get lucky right that's the theme of this battle shiny slugma they're gonna miss some moves no omni boost it will be cool i can dig and run away from my problems if nope never mind there will be no running wait but no we have a second battle because we have to battle the other one and it's redemption because it's the piplup the one with the terrible shiny that barely changes not saying piplup's bad piplup is wonderful penguins are amazing but uh it's just not it's just not the greatest shiny slugma on the other hand it's it's silver right it's it's incredible but this is also redemption i think it was a dark type piplup so we can we can change up the moves if we want because we do have ground moves and then another move i don't it's it's one of the types i know that for sure so sparkles yeah everyone's happy all right and it's oh oh perfect there's karate chop him in the face kill him kill him dead slogma oh boy okay kill him dead yes okay one for two that's fine that is absolutely fine okay [Laughter] got our level got some money that's what matters the room is destroyed but i don't care i'm leaving this house i'm never coming back and i'm never gonna lose a shiny pokemon because that took a very long time i know this is gonna sound really stupid and feel free to laugh at me but i'm just now realizing that i have another shiny hunt to do now and it's probably gonna take a long time again and there's a good chance i'm gonna be three hours into this recording and have like maybe five minutes of footage am i regretting my decision ah yes yes i am melowetta oh my god okay that how am i gonna oh crap if i find a melody i have five pokeballs how am i gonna catch a melowetta with a pokeball that didn't do too much damage which is nice what typing are you will this give me any clues i don't think so let's try to karate chop it in the face dragon missed cool okay could be flying dragon so that would be kind of cool uh and it's gonna give us a lot of experience but again how could i possibly catch one of these like how would that ever work i mean it would be pretty cool it'd be a pretty awesome moment but my god no dude no no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god yes finally yes 253 slightly longer than the last one but we got it and i'm just now realizing that it's it's been like a half an hour since i attacked anything that was not arena trap meloda i don't remember what kills i think this thing dies in one shot to fighting moves so we're just gonna throw poke balls we'll throw three if none of these catch it we'll do a mud slap and then if i one shot it i'm gonna be inconsolable i am going to be inconsolable oh my god okay so it's a dark type that's why i could karate chop and kill it that did a lot of damage we're mud slapping immediately we're ripping the band-aid off the band-aid is in my hand oh that didn't do much damage okay that could no come on that's what this guy did he's gonna spike cannon me oh my god okay so this thing could realistically kill me so let's just dig and then that will bring it to like red rolling kick on ground so that won't kill but i defiant boosted it and this is not effective that took so long to find and then it almost killed me because it's defined because i only had one move that could damage it but then the other move just killed it anyways and everything is so terrible i can make up for the lost lumbrae that we will never talk about the the lombre i'm gonna name it now the lombre was named stewart and will never mention stewart ever again and that's that was the end of that okay so propaganda time yeah okay just keep keep on keeping on your flags pretty cool my flag non-existent but i mean i i could have a flag i mean maybe someone watching makes me a team flag and then sends it to me on some social media that you go and follow that'd be pretty cool i don't know what the flag would be but it could be cool i don't i don't know what do i look like an idea guy no nay i'm just gonna battle end and everything's gonna be grand or even swell so let's uh let's do the battle buddy let's just let's push aside me having to find a new pokemon soon and maybe killing the shiny and let's battle a poliwhirl not fully evolved and some we really have one strategy with these things it's a minus speed plus special attack uh slugma at level 13. so we mud slap no we get kissed on the face mid pandemic from a pokemon i've never seen before who i don't see a mouth on i don't know where the kiss came from and i'm a little worried so we're gonna try to karate chop him i i don't think i like the payback but if it oh no but if it's psychic dark then this won't be super effective but i do know it will be neutral at least and they go first so the payback's not gonna have the extra damage and i did buy potions too so the play through will not end here but it does depend on me waking up and they're gonna kiss me numerous times so let's go boom that's what you get poliwrath or poliwhirl feel my polywrath pollyworld yeah bone club oh okay does that matter kind of it's a little bit better and it could flinch i'll take it i'm never gonna miss it's gonna be great okay bone club awesome just gonna start bashing things with a bone it's not going to melt into my silvery magma and now i think i shiny hunts once again let's see what first encounter verizon tarakion oh wait no i won't be able to catch up with a pokeball but i would love a shiny tarakion that would be so cool okay ah man that would be pretty cool what is this item max repel that's not really helpful yes yes yes 503 encounters oh my god i had to stop halfway through this hunt to go eat dinner it went on way too long and it's been way i just how oh boy how don't i kill this thing so we're definitely we're gonna throw some pokeballs hopefully it reminds me what typing it is some of the pokemon were weak to fighting move some more weak to ground moves it's been literal hours since i'd figured that out holy crap that could kill me oh my god okay they didn't do too much damage they're gonna have to recharge we do have healing items so we're just gonna do that it can't kill right so it's a grass type that's perfect we should be able to catch this and because this is an extreme randomizer everything's random whatever you want to call it guava fat is not gonna be useless and we can use it you know with a bunch of different moves whatever ability all these things gonna be a little bit different than what you normally see but that can be fun so let's just let's just not be unlucky just mud slap away the only way they could kill me is with a crits and i'm going to bet on my lucky shiny stars that they are not going to be able to crit me with -3 accuracy trump card oh god that is okay didn't do anything never mind let's use another potion need to have a few more of these so when we go against the gym it won't be bad but i do think we're gonna get this which is nice there were a lot of pokemon in this grass there was like a zero percent chance of us actually catching would have been really cool the slap on a thumbnail to get really lucky and catch but after 500 encounters just just let me catch one just let me catch one please please all right come on just just please just just please thank you we have extra pokeballs now we got this thing everything is fine it's a grass normal type okay so this thing would have gone down to a fighting move okay so we we were patient which worked we were uh patience and you know what this is of course it's patient patty uh that's that's just how that goes so uh patient patty here actually no patient patty uh like that yeah no i e at the end that's uh that's what i'm seeing here let's see what's going on with patty an item you say eject button interesting okay um okay so you are shiny and beautiful and wonderful infiltrator is kind of interesting actually okay trump card ember chip away and frenzy plant okay i'm fine with that not the best stats because it's a wobble fat but it's gonna be decently bulky we'll train up the waba fett it will be much uh bulkier than this guy so i'll have like something to throw in might even be faster that's not great but yeah i'm training this it only took a few hours but i can finally treat this like a regular let's play go into a battle commentate normally a lot less of the old cutter skis because we have a mana fee to start all right well i mean regular for an extreme randomizer i guess but also oh my god this is very bad i'm gonna ember let's just get a little little info i'm a genius okay never mind i'm a genius this is regular and me being a genius is the regular thing to see in the burn okay great start for patty wow patient patty it's something that i need a little bit more of right you know we have some shiny hunts they're getting progressively longer every single time the patient patty is here not only to be a legendary slayer but to remind me that patience is key in this playthrough you know at some point i'll find a random shiny in the grass which shiny claws is definitely going to be activated any shiny i see i will snag that's just how that's going to go but we just gotta be a little patient here say hello to the guy who's gonna jump over the ledge uh i want him to have some fun it's it's big but uh more importantly i need to get into more battles with patient patty right we need to get as much money as possible who knows when we're gonna get a shiny that is very difficult to catch i need every pokeball at my disposal in this region i don't care what i have to do if i have to if i have to find my pal b-ball and shake him down for every pokeball he's got on him i'll do it you know if i have to destroy this foul beast mill tank i'll do it i just need pokeballs but that's fine because we're a grass type and now we can just frenzy plants all right we're using our patient tactics let's get let's get the plant out here a pretty cool move you don't see it often and just obliterates patience it's uh it's a virtue and it's it's a patty and there it is that's the frenzy plants obliterate the mill tank boom done gone bye bye also a little bit of a side note 64 hp that's what i like to see especially considering with this guy in the grass there were a few uh mime juniors and mime junior almost killed me multiple times it was getting a little frustrating no let me let me rephrase that i was getting incredibly frustrated very scared and i thought i was just going to have to upload like a 10 minute fail i tried to do a an extreme shiny lock blah blah blah blah thankfully that wasn't the case and well we're still here we're we're still uh trucking along but boy was that tough so vaporeon just gonna get just gotta get zen just become the zen master here get a little info super effective okay it's a grass type cannot switch into our ground type we're just gonna ignore the paralysis ignore how you know frustrating that is and we're just gonna keep on burning the vaporeon alive and getting the burn wow patient patties just on a different level i i mean this is this is a pokemon that's just having having an episode here you know what a steal right metagross in the grass tracheon in the grass i don't want either of those i wanted wobba fett i wanted my uh pinkish purplish wobba fett and it was the right choice now we do have a few items coming up over here these can really change the game randomized items are going to be really huge in this all right that's kind of funny but you a stone plate wait no we have a ground pokemon it would make sense for the grand pokemon to have rock moves but we'll we'll definitely get a rock pokemon soon and you're not gonna do a rival battle with me because i would like to heal no i'm not ready oh boy okay so drobato is back to get revenge did i beat this one or did i lose to her i don't remember bay leaf okay bay leaf is not going to be grass that would be craziness so you know what waba fat is just having an episode like we said so i'm calling my shot rock type bay leaf never been wrong in my life i don't have any items for you to steal from my friend patty and i will obliterate you with the force of gaia might actually be grass that might actually be a grass pokemon so that's it's a little unfortunate but we're gonna use our patient tactics and just you know throw the oh it's a bird is it a plane no it's bay leaf okay oh okay so it's a it's a bird that is immune to fire that's fine i'll chip away it's a bird dragon a dragon bird i've heard tales of them all right so the dragon bird is is not a not too happy about patty but as long as as long as we can be patient we can take out the bay leaf we can bring in our pal and take out the starter in a little bit of a rematch there so that's the end of you patty take all that nice sweet sweet experience and there is the dawn fan now a little birdie is in my ear saying john you lost the dawn fan and obliterated the piplup but you know what i'm shiny right and if i know anything about pokemon shiny pokemon are better the reason you get shinies they just have better stats they look better they're better in all ways no shiny could ever lose to a normal pokemon like this and shadow punch me you did have to go into the shadows to get a punch on me there's no no other way that would have went down a shadow claw are you kidding me um no i can do this easily easily and there it is shiny pokemon they're just built different i i don't know what else to say they're just they're built different i've made my way over to this very kind-hearted lady who's willing to give me a pat rat but i don't know if i really want to spend more of my time to today soft resetting for for a pat rat uh it's it's because it's a pat rat i'm gonna be honest we're gonna name that a and the biggest reason is i don't know if i can tell if it's shiny just from that little baby sprite there right i've gotten conflicting info from different sources and as you can see there a is just it's just not getting the job done now we can do a little bit of a soft reset here kind of show you guys uh what we're working with show you guys the speed of what's going on here right you just do that yeah i could do this it's not the worst thing in the world but i do want to give it a good nickname too so you know what i think what we're gonna do is whoever comes up with the best nickname for pat rat i'm gonna take that nickname i'm gonna throw it on the pat rat and once i demolish the gym next episode i'll get that shiny pat rat it'll have your nickname and that's gonna be the best gosh darn pat rat that's ever lived i need to reset what am i doing let's just reset and go to the gym hello mr green hair dye me me am i let me in let's do the thing i would like my fresh water please mr doorman you're just gonna give it to me right away thank you well i appreciate that let me do this very challenging quiz in front of me our most difficult challenge yet we'll beat a few trainers and uh i'll i'll get my gym badge we've already shown that slugma has has survived near death multiple times so it's resilient and patient patty is a a legendary slayer you know taking that role from dunsparce right and sneckles magmar i mean this is where i call my shot and i'm correct right we're gonna throw the frenzy plan out of course it'll be super effective this time and we'll kill the magmar getting to the magical level 14 we've been waiting for i mean at some point i'm going to call this and it's just going to work right i mean it wasn't bad right it wasn't a mistake that's that feels like a win and that's pretty nice so we'll just do it again and even steven right i think that's i think that's what they say so it's dead i mean you could have gone worse and i'm feeling pretty good so patty getting a very big kill there i think the next one we gotta throw in we gotta throw in argy over here right uh uh one of the many argonauts right just throw that there and go on the the leafy leaf it could have gone a little bit quicker but that's fine we're gonna go here slugma's gonna strut its stuff and then it's gym time and uh i mean it'll have been a fantastic first episode did we find a shiny and not catch it no i don't even think that's possible just just many shinies many successes and maybe a smooch him or i'm gonna throw don't have to throw mud slaps it's not wild pokemon anymore let's just do that that should work whirlpool trapping us in super effective did some damage oh boy okay um that's fine no it's fine no no it's fine it's it's it is it is fine i was not worried for a second bonsley no i if if we have a legendary slayer on the team with one of our pokemon we have a baby's higher with the other i that's fine that's fine um [Music] yeah we did i did put the oranberry on this guy i was a little bit worried but uh yeah flying types our team's not really good against them i'd say that's one of the uh the issues of the team [Music] just just just a bit of an issue but it's fine no patty can both beat up legendary pokemon and baby pokemon it's dual threat right you know coming out of high school right it was a dual threat dual threat prospect right both legendary slayer baby slayer it's a unique combination uh not seen in many pokemon prospects pro specs butts ignore me i'm a little frazzle dazzled uh you know patty's special and that's really there all there is to say about patty so let's just take out the baby avoid a move or two right let's use a trump card just why not our trump card against it say good night we'll throw on some more berries and i think it's time for the gym it is finally time the first gym battle and maybe our first real opportunity and for for just devastation uh no uniting any of the peoples within any nations just a lot of a lot of sadness a lot of tears i i really didn't consider how attached to these pokemon i would get but the second pokemon when double the odds that we have in this and the first one i just i've really uh i fallen in love with my my little my little buddy slugma it's one of the best shines we could have possibly gotten in patient patty is just a superstar wave and hide uh all of her admiring fans and it's just it's something i can't be without now while i'm worried i am pretty confident that this is gonna work this time i mean it hasn't worked in the past but there's there's no stopping me now right don't stop me now something about frenzy plants okay we're we're going to make them use a potion while i recharge this is smart this is this is thinking ahead of the game now ember has had a very high chance to burn for us but they become a normal type allowing us to karate chop it in half if we so please and i think i do please i think it is karate time right yeah we got slugma out it's gonna four magma arms and sit there ready to go i i've seen many slugmas in their prime uh you know coming into the gym ready to uh and and take them out so magma arms up magmamize fury cutter and quiver dance don't go together that's fine star you i didn't expect you to know that just just yeah get out of here please because i need to see the final pokemon i'm only a little bit worried here oshawa oh that's fine i can i can take on an oshawa we're gonna stay in and mudslap it we're gonna get some mud in its eyes right and that will give us a little bit of an advantage we out speed two which is weird i don't know how that's possible but fine with it vital throw ooh made the right decision that'd be super effective against paddy but that did a lot of damage i think we actually should stay in okay just it's okay just uh it's that's fine it was all a part of the plan it's just that it's this team is putting on a lot of theatrics just making the moment a little bit bigger just convincing all of you wonderful people to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for future episodes that's that's the plan in motion here and there's no stopping us now because we are having a good time and finally with confidence super effective frenzy plants my plan is complete yes there it is the oshawa goes down our first batch has been acquired and that's gonna be the end of this first episode i hope you guys are excited let me know what i should name the pet rat and if if i can see if it's shiny in the little baby sprite or not but either way that's enough for me i'll see you guys on the next one until then peace
Channel: PM7
Views: 528,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, everything random, everything random pokemon, pokemon everything random, pokemon randomizer, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon extreme randomizer, pokemon white, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, pokemon but, pokemon but i can only use randomized shinies, shiny pokemon nuzlocke, shiny pokemon only, randomized shiny pokemon, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, shiny pokemon randomizer, random shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges nuzlocke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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