If I Laugh the Video Ends (CHAOS EDITION)

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[Music] have you heard from the other provinces do you get the cloud district very often have you heard of the high outs hello gamers your boys still stuck in Germany I'm still here I mean I mean I'm still in the same Airbnb we haven't got home home anymore but anyway the show must go on here Z laughs you lose you may notice I'm in England in this you laughs you lose and I have a beard that's because this is an old board but I promise you it's very good I hope you enjoy and I'll see you soon and what I hope we don't all die [Music] chat I've messed up hold on hold on one said to be right back watch watch watch the watch the push the bottle right watch it you see that it's the purification strip please remove from bottle before drink kick whose Papa is this like punishment now a nobody water or do I do that I want everyone to chant single-use plastics single-use plastics single-use here we go chat here we go chat here we go right so pop that on there pop it right nice little clean suction okay the bottle of water is oh no I have a bowl still we've got the bowl okay here's the plan pop that here right we're gonna flip it like this okay okay okay okay okay good good good good good good and now we're gonna pour like a regular person like a normal human being see and just like that and just like that chat we've solved the water crisis the water crisis is over we're masters of our own domain nothing will be able to stop us oh right scuffed it Chuck I can scuffed it there's pop that's pop the lid on this bad boy there oh that's more water oh that's not good okay deleting now what we do is we grab we grab a regular run-of-the-mill bedroom pillow and we just wipe we just we we wipe the wipe the pain away and then the keyboard comes back the keyboard comes back like this the mouse or the mouse max wet my lap is soaked I look like I've had a bit of it I've never had a bit of a dirty protest and then chunky he's dead okay I think I'm gonna do well at this one for once for once I'm gonna do well at this one uh the if when you're watching this on YouTube I mean twitch stream won't have this issue because they're live and they they get to the [ __ ] to enjoy whatever they want look if you're watching this on youtube don't corrode of the current shut up chat if this is important if you're watching this on youtube sometimes some videos might get cut because people are clamping copyright you've known me alright didn't get me it's funny when it cuts early I don't know how that got in there I had no idea where that's from don't put that no cough god no no no [Music] [Music] it's gonna happen [ __ ] chowing on some great backstory where is this raccoon are you are you safe mr. raccoon what are they doing to you there I saw it coming I saw that come it's 11:00 p.m. right I see you I see you little boy I'm I'm ignoring you listen it's 11:00 p.m. which means in America it's probably not 11:00 p.m. it's probably a more reasonable time so most of these are being sent by Americans today and I see I see him [Music] but okay this one's called fart with extra reverb reversed brilliant wonderful amazing these are Americans Americans the same funny why is everything going through I know that video there's a car crash mods mods plea if you're declining these are still going through stream lapses being weird is it broken are we broken already their decline is just letting everything through its breaking well we can't we can't carry on what happens what happens now play minecraft no you guys this five-and-a-half thousand of you here for a you laugh you lose and by Jove I'm gonna laugh will lose he much they are selling much of he they are selling much of he how much twenty seven pounds for he I mean I respect it I respect the grind NAR P who is not not be looks like a furry is not be Authority how it feels to chew five gum five stimulate your senses okay okay how was that a meme they were in a king car where's the mate is it Adele this is a funny face is the funny face I've got to keep going I have to keep going this is not for me this isn't for me anymore here we go that's what I like to see I have something very special for you I'll give you a tour of my hometown of Japan Japan is over a hundred years old and is home to more than 1,000 people pork pork thousand people pork here we are at Mount Fuji Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan and was built in 1995 by the Sony Corporation it's a Sony sank Sony in Japan once a year so that's my tour of Japan I hope you can visit and experience a magical culture she's a beautiful sight and the most important make some friends goodbye for now hello it's me top if you like dankmemes don't forget to subscribe to my channel Dunc mum's these theories were found across the internet they are not the opinions of top 15 sword shells number 15 rebecca black and JFK okay I held that one that one's the closest one we've got thank you we were I got a winner didn't make me laugh though keep going the single dream that one day I'll be leaderboard so it's all in vain trying to her in some coal lines but it's not [Applause] [Applause] [Music] enough fooling around we're putting on the serious huh actually but today we're gonna catch some timber then try out to hide life in the woods I guess they say there ain't no money in the woods I don't know water how we're doing it but we're gonna try her out she's like we might do it in front of a mirror to see what we look like that new dance step or when we just want to see how we look hmm okay we got some good ones still but if my dad was executed and eaten I wouldn't be hanging a framed picture of his remains no that doesn't count we're not counting that this is my job I did this is my job this is my living this is what I do III do I do this this is how I live this is my [ __ ] job right we're gonna play Tetris chat good good good that's what we do now chat hope you all haven't hope you all had a good stream hope you had a good evening I've I've lost my marbles all it wise to see he not working why is the C key not working oh it's shift okay listen I've had a difficult evening chat you know I've had a rough time I was really enjoying the stream and I honestly I think possibly one of my favorite streams we've done so far I'd say in a weird backward masochistic kind of way I've had a really good time you know it's been a great training in how to handle it when everything [ __ ] goes wrong I used to be so much worse at handling streams when everything goes wrong but today today I did pretty well I'd like to say and I I'm gonna I'm gonna chalk that one down as a success you know it's gonna be a really short YouTube video that's for sure before you I'm gonna do it just to prove that I can do it cuz that's what life is life is just proof that over and over again then no matter what goes wrong in your life you just keep on rolling with the punches you just keep on coming back no matter what no matter what happens you just keep on coming back you know just like just like the sea just like the waves just like um once they call them thingy [Music] this video isn't going too well is that this is all going wrong I've been stuck here and everything I've made is just falling apart I've got to make it cool I've got to make the cool Mushmouth welcome to tobu cob Tov Chang speaking tofu Jan hi it's me Wilbur ah yes we're about soup I have been expecting your call that's not that's not my name you get a no though you're getting better every time stuck in a foreign country I'm Rita Bob I think you are super cool and you can do anything you set your mind to and guess what I believe in you thank you Eugene goodbye for now bye-bye for now bye bye for now tofu jam goodbye who gave the dog a fire [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 4,967,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: kPR1z-prISo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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