Greetings, (mumbles) Michael here and at
the beginning of 2020. So, 15 years ago, I made
a video where I went over every single
new Pokedex entry in "Pokemon Sword and Shield"
that I thought was crazy, with crazy being a
broad term covering things that I thought
were disturbing or shocking or funny
or interesting, or
some new information about an older gen Pokemon
that we didn't have before. Today's video will be
the exact same thing except for decks entries and the sword and shield
expansion pass. The Isle of Armor
and The Crown Tundra. Most of the decks entries are
for older generation Pokemon but they are still
new decks entries. Starting with The Alola games. They stopped just rehashing
the same couple decks entries for older generation Pokemon. They started making new ones and they continued that
trend in sword and shield. So a lot of the deck entries
are completely brand new even though the Pokemon
are many generations old. This list will be in
no particular order. I tried to go generally in Pokedex order, but I
might've gotten things mixed up. So don't forget to
subscribe to my channel and tap that bell for
notifications since less than half of my viewers
are some scribbled leveled and let's dive in to
every crazy Pokedex entry in the sword and
shield expansion pass. We shall begin with
decks entries from The Isle of Armor, Pokedex. Dunsparce is sword entry reads, "This Pokemon's tiny wings
have some scientists saying "that Dunsparce used
to fly through the sky "in ancient times." I love that they
acknowledged Dunsparce wings in more of a way than just, "Oh, it can float a little." I think it's really
cool to acknowledge that probably in ancient times
Dunsparce looked something more like those fake Dunsparce
evolutions that are all over the internet. And if that's the case, wow,
what a hell of a downgrade. Next upper deck
entries for Lickitung and I think both its
sword and shield entries are worthy of note. Lickitung sword entry reads, "If this Pokemon's
sticky saliva gets on you "and you don't clean it off,
an intense itch will set in. "The itch won't
go away, either." Okay. I already thought
Lickitung was a gross Pokemon but now if it licks you
and you don't clean it off, you will itch in
that spot forever. That's disgusting and horrifying and also how much
time do you have, if you don't clean it off, don't clean it off, like, what in a minute, in an hour. I don't like thinking about it. And then it's
shield entry reads, "Bug Pokemon Lickitung's
main food source. "This Pokemon paralyzes
its prey with a lick "from its long tongue, "Then swallows the prey whole." This is the first we learn
of Lickitung actually eating bug Pokemon and eating
them whole for that matter, which is, very gross. But also I kind of picture
it trying to eat a Scolipede. (laughs) Trying to swallow that thing
whole and that not going well. Venipede sword entry reads, "Venipede and Sizzlipede
are similar species, "but when the two meet,
a huge fight in ensues." I love it when Pokemon
talks about taxonomy or evolutionary branches
of the evolutionary tree. So the fact that they
acknowledged that two Pokemon whose names
end in the same thing are actually related is awesome. Foongus's sword entry reads, "No one knows what the
Poke Ball-like pattern on "Foongus means or
why Foongus has it." This is hilarious. We know why it's there. It's because when making
the gen five games black and white and no
old Pokemon were there they decided, " Oh, we still want to
have a fake item Pokemon." So they made mushrooms
with poke balls on the top of their heads. But in the Pokemon
universe this acknowledges how deeply illogical it is, because why would
these mushrooms mimic metal, man-made devices? It's just, it's ridiculous. Magnemite sword entry reads, " At times Magnemite
runs out of electricity "and ends up on the ground. "If you give batteries
to a grounded Magnemite, "it'll start moving again." I think this is so cute. Like if a little Magnemite
is tired just like, get out some batteries, Like, " Here you go, little guy." "Its gonna be okay." And then it'll be okay. Like how funny is that? Herdier sword entry reads, "Herdier is a very smart
and friendly Pokemon. "So much so that there's
a theory that Herdier "was the first Pokemon
to partner with people." I love how this is kind
of a nod to dogs being domesticated in ancient
times from wolves. So Herdier is a
domestic dog Pokemon and is known for
working with people. And so it makes sense
that it might've been one of the first ones. Maybe Herdier wasn't just
deciding to work with people. It was originally some
wild wolf, Pokemon and ancient Pokemon
people domesticated it. I wanted to note that this
isn't the first time we've learned about Herdier
being one of the very first creatures to work with people. It's ultra moon entry reads, "It has been living with people
for so long that portrayals "of it can be found
on the walls of caves "from long, long ago." I just really wanna
see some official Pokemon cave paintings. That would be awesome. Next up are Scizor's
decks entries and I'm gonna
cover both of them. It's sword entry reads, "Bulky pincers account for
one third of Scizor's body "weight. A single swing
of one of these pincers "will crush a
boulder completely." I'm amused by this
because it informs us of the precise weight
of Scizor's pincers. It weighs 260.1 pounds, which means its pincers
together weigh 86.7 pounds. Which that's like having
a 45 pound weight plate on each hand approximately. I'd be impressed if you could
crush a boulder with it, but actually considering
the next entry, it being able to crush a
boulder kind of makes sense. It's shield entry reads, "Though its body is slim, "Scizor has tremendous
attacking power. "Even Scizor's muscles
are made of metal." How is this possible? No idea. Is it extremely cool, sounding? Yes. Palossand sword entry reads, "Palossand is known as
the Beach Nightmare. "It pulls its prey
down into the sand "by controlling the sand itself, "and then it sucks
out their souls." Lots of ghost Pokemon
are disturbing of course, and Palossand is no exception. Plenty of its previous
decks entries, talk about how it sucks out
the vitality of its targets. However, to me, there's a
difference between sucking out the vitality, basically
just killing things, and then sucking
out their souls. This seems to say that " Rather than just
killing its targets, " it turns them into
soulless husks." That's whats called
The Beach Nightmare. Exploud's sword entry reads, " In the past, people
would use the loud voices "of these Pokemon as a
means of communication "between distant cities." This is amazing. "Okay Exploud tell him that
we need the bread and milk "delivered by next Thursday, "or else our entire
village is going to starve. "Okay. You got that. "Great. Now tell him." "Exploud, Exploud, Exploud!" "Great, thanks for doing that. "I'm sure they understood that
and we'll be totally fine." Skarmory sword entry reads, " The pointed feathers
of these Pokemon "are sharper than swords. "Skarmory and Corviknight fight
viciously over territory." I really like it
when they acknowledge that they have two
Pokemon that are of sort of similar designs. And so they just
make them enemies. Its fantastic. I also wanted to mention
Skarmory's shield entry which says, " People fashion swords from
Skarmory's shed feathers, "so this Pokemon is a popular
element in heraldic designs." I had to look it up, so there's probably
a good chance that you didn't know either but heraldic basically
means coats of arms. You know those fancy
symbols that a lot of, families or sports
teams in Europe use. So, I just think that's
really interesting that Skarmory is often featured in those in the Pokemon world because they use its
fallen feathers for swords. Could you imagine that. There's just a bird and
when it sheds a feather, it's a sword. Mienshao's sword entry reads, " When Mienshao comes across
a truly challenging opponent, it will lighten itself by
biting off the fur on its arms." I know it's just hair. It's not like biting
off its own arm or something crazy like that. But still, this, this seems really intense
and kind of metal to me. Volcarona's sword entry reads, "Volcarona scatters
burning scales. "Some say it does
this to start fires. "Others say it's trying to
rescue those that suffer "in the cold." I like this entry because
it kind of acknowledges some inconsistencies in
Volcarona's other decks entries. A lot of them talk about how, when a volcanic eruption
darkened the atmosphere in ancient times, it served
as the replacement sun. And then some other
ones mentioned that it scatters
its embers to help keep suffering small
Pokemon warm in the cold. But then it's ultra
sundeck entry says that " Ancient people
feared it and called it the rage of the sun." So this new deck
entry basically says that that debate is
still going on today. Some are saying, " It's a kindhearted
and altruistic Pokemon," but then others are saying, "That it's fricking dangerous
and is harming everything." So I think it's interesting that this Pokemon
is controversial. Seadra's sword entry reads, "It's the males that
raise the offspring. While Seadra are raising young,
the spines on their backs secrete thicker and
stronger poison." When I first read
this, I was like, " Oh my God! "They did the sea horse thing
on the sea horse Pokemon." Turns out this isn't
new information because it was mentioned
once before all the way back in it's Crystal deck's entry. But I still wanted to bring
it up because I feel like most of you were not aware of this. And also, the fact
that it's poison gets more intense when it's raising
its young is new information. So I, I can still cover it. Kingdra's sword entry reads, " With the arrival
of a storm at sea, "this Pokemon will show
itself on the surface. "When I Kingdra and
a Dragonite meet "a fierce battle ensues." I love this because it's
giving me a really bad ass mental image of a Kingdra
and a Dragonite dueling in the middle of an
intense storm at sea. Like that's awesome. Also it could be
referencing the fact that prior to gen three, these were the only two
fully evolved dragon types. Or maybe it's a reference
to Claire and Lance. Petilil's sword entry reads, "Petilil appears around
sources of clean water. "Boiling leaves from this
Pokemon's head results "in a liquid that sometimes
used as a bug repellent." This is a lot. Okay, first off boiling
the leaves from its head. I certainly hope it doesn't
hurt when you remove them. And also it becomes
a bug repellent but only by boiling the leaves? Maybe that explains why
Petilil is still weak to bug. Then finally for
the Isle of Armor is Galarian, Slowking
sword entry which says, " A combination of
toxins and the shock "of evolving has increased
Shellder's intelligence "to the point that Shellder
now controls Slowking." So Galarian,
Slowking is a zombie. With original Slowking
of the Shellder's toxins may just, made the
Slowking more intelligent. This time, the toxins combined with the spices made the
Shellder more intelligent, so intelligent that it's now
mind controlling the Slowking. Which is kind of
why it like kind of walks like wobbly like it does. That to me is, that just
freaks me the hell out. So those are all The Isle
of Armor decks entries I wanted to cover, but now we can move on
to The Crown Tundra. First we'll cover
Jynx's deck entries, both of them. Jynx's sword entry reads, " In certain parts of Galar, " Jynx was once feared and
worshiped as the Queen of Ice." Then it's shield entry reads, " The Jynx of Galar
often have beautiful "and delicate voices. Some
of these Pokemon have even "gathered a fan base." In our world, Jynx is a
very unpopular Pokemon, but in Galar, the opposite is true, which is, really weird. Magmar sword entry reads, "Magmar dispatches
its prey with fire. "But it regrets this
habit once it realizes "that it has burned
it's intended prey
to a charred crisp." I find this decks entry, despite being, pretty intense
and a little gruesome, also very funny. Magmar's just,
overdoing it a lot. I also wanted to mention
it's shield entry which says, "These Pokemon's bodies
are constantly burning. "Magmar are feared as one
of the causes behind fires." Oh really? People
of the Galar region, this Pokemon that's
constantly on fire is feared as a cause of fires who
could have predicted. Cryogonal's sword entry reads, " With its icy chains, "Cryogonal freezes
those it encounters. "It then takes its victims
away to somewhere unknown." What is it with ice type Pokemon that float, doing evil kidnapping, freezing type stuff
like Cryogonal does it, Froslass does it. There's probably
some other ones too. I also wanted to mention
it's shield entry. " When the weather gets hot, "these Pokemon turn
into water vapor. "Cryogonal are almost never
seen during the summer." So this is not actually
new information. I thought it was
but a lot of other previous deck entries mentioned that it turns into water
vapor when it gets hot. But I still wanted to
bring it up because, holy crap Cryogonal
turns into water vapor, when it gets warm, how does
it, how does it stay alive? Swablu's shield entry reads, "Since Swablu looked
like a cumulus cloud, "foes can have a
hard time finding it. "Apparently its wings turned
white over many generations." So Swablu's wings
were not always white, and I'm just wondering what
color were they before? Were they gray
like storm clouds? Or were they just something
random like purple? Nidorina sword entry reads, " The horn on its
head has atrophied. "It's thought that this
happens so Nidorina's children "won't get poked while their
mother is feeding them." This is a reference to some of Nidorina's
previous deck entries where it talks about
how it chews up its food and then spits them
out for its offspring, like lots of animals do. So this is kind of cool
because it explains why it doesn't have a horn. It's so that when it leans
down to spit the food back out, it's eager offspring won't run
up and get poked by the horn, that's like right there. Nidoqueen's shield entry reads, " It pacifies offspring by
placing them in the gaps "between the spines on its back. "The spines will
never secrete poison "while young are present." I just think that's a really
cool evolutionary feature that Nidoqueen like
stopped secreting poison, around its young and
Nidorina doesn't have a horn because of its young. Yet. Either of these
Pokemon can breed! Nidorino's sword entry reads, "With a horn that's
harder than diamond. "This Pokemon goes around
shattering boulders "as it searches
for a moon stone." So we've known it's horn
was harder than diamond, but this is the first we learn of Nidorino, actively
seeking out a moon stone so it can evolve. That means Nidorino
inherently know that they evolve via moon stones and they are eager to do so. I just think that's
really interesting, and it's one of the very few
mentions in the Pokemon world of Pokemon, actively seeking
out methods of evolving. At least with stones. Nidoking sword entry reads, "When it goes on a rampage
it's impossible to control. "But in the presence of a
Nidoqueen it's lived with "for a long time, "Nidoking calms down." I just picture the
Nidoqueen going like, " Honey, you need a snickers" Tyrunt's shield entry reads, "This Pokemon is selfish
and likes to be pampered. "It can also inflict grievous
wounds on its trainer "just by playing around." So today's lesson is
don't have a Tyrunt. Not only can they inadvertently
seriously harm you. They're also, jerks. Salamence's sword entry reads, "Salamence is an unusual
Pokemon in that it "was able to evolve
a body with wings "just by constantly
wishing to be able to fly." So this is funny to me. It's not new information. A lot of previous Salamence's
entries talk about how it, it's fervent wish to fly
caused its DNA to mutate. But the wording of this, it was able to evolve a body with wings just by constantly
wishing to be able to fly. Just makes it sound like, " I wish, I wish, I wish." (laughs) Gabite's sword entry reads, "This Pokemon emits ultrasonic
waves from a protrusion "on either side of its head
to probe pitch-dark caves." So Gabite uses echolocation. Except instead of just barking it's like just emitting
waves from its head nubbins. Garchomp's sword entry reads, "Garchomp makes its home
in volcanic mountains. "It flies through the sky
as fast as a jet airplane, "hunting down as
much prey as it can." Then it's shield entry reads, " Garchomp is fast, both
underground and above. " It can bring down prey
and return to its den "before its body has
chilled from being outside." Did you catch the two relevant
parts of those decks entries? It lives near volcanic mountains and its body can chill
from being outside. This is the first decks entry
acknowledgement of Garchomp really hating ice. Omanyte's sword entry reads, " Because some Omanyte
manage to escape "after being restored or
are released into the wild "by people, this species
is becoming a problem." I was thinking about
this when I was playing through The Crown Tundra and
seeing wild of fossil Pokemon, something that I can
not recall seeing ever at any point in Pokemon. So I was thinking, "Oh, maybe enough time has
passed and they've revived "enough of these from fossils "that they've gone
back into the wild "and become functional
wild species again." Apparently I was right
and with Omanyte, I was so right, that Omanyte
has come back so much that now it's an
invasive species. Next are Kabuto's deck entries. And I'm bringing them up because they kind of
contradict each other. It's sword entry reads, "This species is almost
entirely extinct. "Kabuto molt every three days, "making their shells
harder and harder." And then it's
shield entry reads, "While some say this
species has gone extinct "Kabuto sightings are
apparently fairly common "in some places." It sounds like the sword
entry made a statement and the shield entry is like, "Actually," the evolution of Kabuto,
Kabutops also has a decks entry contradiction issue. But instead of it being sword
and shield contradicting it's one of the gen eight
deck entries contradicting with an older gen. Kabutops's shield entry reads, " The cause behind the
extinction of this species is "unknown. Kabutops
were aggressive
Pokemon that inhabited "warm seas." This is in direct
contradiction with its ultra sun decks entry. "Its body had begun to
change so it could function "on land. But it didn't adapt
in time and went extinct." Ultra sun says "Oh, hey, we know the
reason why it went extinct." And then shield is like, " No, no we don't know." So like, do we know
or do we not know? Aerodactyl sword entry reads, "This is a ferocious
Pokemon from ancient times. "Apparently even modern
technology is incapable "of producing a perfectly
restored specimen." At first I was like, "Oh my gosh, this, like
any Aerodactyl we've seen "is not perfectly restored?" But then I realized, I think this is talking
about it's mega evolution. Mega Aerodactyl sun entry says, " Part of its body
has become stone. "Some scholars claim
that this is Aerodactyl's "true appearance." Then it's ultra moon deck
entry for mega Aerodactyl says " Mega evolution awakened
some dormant genes, "bringing back the sharp
rocks that once covered "Aerodactyl's entire body." So a regular restoration
of Aerodactyl just makes what we
know as Aerodactyl. The extra step of mega
evolution is required for us to see its
true appearance. Golbat sword entry reads, "It loves to drink
other creatures blood. "It's said that if it finds
others of its kind going hungry, "it sometimes shares the
blood it's gathered." Aww. Look at Golbat being so
friendly and sharing the blood it violently sucked
from other creatures. Just, just how nice. But Golbat ain't getting
any blood from a Beldum. Beldum's shield entry reads, " The cells in this Pokemon's
body are composed of "magnetic material. Instead
of blood, magnetic forces "flow through Beldum's body." I love these random anatomy
tidbits that make no sense. It's got magnetic
forces instead of blood. Forces aren't like visible. That's like, that's not
a one-to-one replacement. One is a liquid, one is a force. Metagross's sword entry reads, " Because the magnetic
powers of these Pokemon "gets stronger in
freezing temperatures, "Metagross living on snowy
mountains are full of energy." So a lot of pseudo legendary
Pokemon hate the cold like Garchomp and
Salamence and Dragonite but Metagross, it digs it. Tirtouga's shield entry reads, "Tirtouga is considered to be
the ancestor of many turtle "Pokemon. It was restored
to life from a fossil." The amount of Pokemon
theories and Darwinian evolution discussions that I've
seen over the years talking about how Tirtouga is
an ancestor of Lapras and Squirtle and
other turtle Pokemon. I've seen a lot. And so I love that this Pokedex
entry finally acknowledges and confirms that. Archen sword entry reads, "This Pokemon was successfully
restored from a fossil. "As research suggested,
Archen is unable to fly. "But it's very good at jumping." I love that they say this, somebody passed
one and it's like, "Oh yeah, Archen
yeah, you can't fly. "Yeah, he sucks." But then this one is like, "I mean he can't fly, but
he can jump really well. "So, "good for him." Archeops's sword entry reads, " It needs a running
start to take off. 'If Archeops wants to
fly, it first needs to run "nearly 25 miles per
hour, building speed "over a course of about
two and a half miles." Most airplane runways
are 6,000 feet, which is a bit over one mile. So Archeops, needs, like two and a half times an airplane runway to take off. My God! Cradily's sword entry reads, " It has short legs and
can't walk very fast, "but its neck and
tentacles can extend "to over three times
their usual length "to nab distant prey." Its neck and its tentacles. Do you realize how much
of a reach that is? That is, my God it could
be on the other side of a building and catch you. Aggron shield entry reads, " Long ago, there was a
king who wore a helmet "meant to resemble
the head of an Aggron. "He was trying to channel
the Pokemon strength." I just think this is
a really cool piece of Pokemon universe history. And also that helmet
sounds awesome. Dragonite shield entry reads, "This Pokemon is known
as the Sea Incarnate. "Figureheads that resemble
Dragonite decorate "the bows of many ships." So in the Pokemon world,
instead of mermaids on the front of ships,
you got Dragonites. Registeel's sword entry reads, "Registeel's body is made
of a strange material "that is flexible
enough to stretch "and shrink but also more
durable than any metal." So not only did we learn that
Cradily can stretch its body to ridiculous lengths, soaking Registeel's, which I, what! I've never
seen it do that that's wild. Regieleki's shield entry reads, "Its entire body is made
up of a single organ "that generates
electrical energy. "Regieleki is
capable of creating "all of Galar's electricity." Chairman Rose tried to do
all that crazy nonsense with the darkest dam and he
could have just taken a train to the South and
got a Regieleki. Regidrago sword entry reads, "An academic theory proposes
that Regidrago's arms "were once the head of an
ancient dragon Pokemon. "The theory remains unproven." If it's unproven, why
is it in the Pokedex? I love how the
Pokedex was just like, "Oh yeah here's this really
interesting fun fact about "this Pokemon, that's not
verified or real in any way." Come on Pokedex, improve
your journalistic integrity. The next few deck entries
are all about the Galarian legendary birds and they
kind of inform us that maybe they're not
the legendary birds. Galarian Articuno's
shield entry reads, " Known as Articuno,
this Pokemon fires beams "that can immobilize opponents "as if they had
been frozen solid." Galarian Zapdos's
sword entry reads, " When its feathers
rubbed together, "they produce a crackling
sound like the zapping of "electricity. That's why this
Pokemon is called Zapdos." Then Galarian Moltres
shield entry reads, "The sinister aura that
blazes like molten fire "around this Pokemon is what
inspired the name Moltres." Known as Articuno, is called Zapdos, inspired the name Moltres. These decks entry seem to imply that the legendary Galarian
birds are not just variants of the original legendary birds, they're totally separate Pokemon that just bear a resemblance
to the Kanto legendary birds. So the people of
the region just, "Oh, hey, that looks
kind of like Zapdos. "That must be Zapdos." And the Pokedex
classifies them as such. But the reality seems to be that, they're totally
different Pokemon. Spectrier's sword entry reads, "It probes its surroundings
with all its senses save one. "It doesn't use
its sense of sight. "Spectrier's kicks are set
to separate soul from body." I just wanted to mention this because I think it's
kind of amusing. It makes me picture the
scene from Dr. Strange, where they like punch him
in the stomach and like, " Oh, suddenly I'm
astral projecting." And I just picture Spectrier
just going around doing that. Ice rider Calyrex's
sword entry reads, "According to lore, this
Pokemon showed no mercy "to those who got in its way, "yet it would heal its
opponents' wounds after battle." What an interesting
character Calyrex is. It brutally defeats
anyone who gets in its way but it's kind to them afterward. It's kind of
honorable and kind of, weird. Then finally shadow rider
Calyrex's shield entry says, "Legend says that by using
its power to see all events "from past to future, this
Pokemon saved the creatures "of a forest from a
meteorite strike." Is it just shadow rider
Calyrex that can see all events from past to future,
cause regular Calyrex couldn't remember anything, but this one could
see the future and stopped a meteorite strike, like, what a upgrade, just
by hopping on a horse. Thank you so much for watching
and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon, who are helping support
my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support
me in the same way, the link is in the
description below. Also, if you wanna
check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right. That's all I have for now. So till next time (mumbles), gotta catch them all.