PokéTuber Reacts to INSANE Pokemon Fusion Sprites

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- Greetings, Pokefans! Michael here and I'm sure most of you have seen those online Pokemon fusion generators sites where you pick two random Pokemon and puts the head of one on the body of the other, changes their colors and results in a lot of funny things. However, out there on the internet, there is some Pokemon sprite art that is far more, more artisanal. A while a go on Instagram I discovered the account of mammuth89, thanks to my friend, PokeMEN7, sharing a piece of their art on his Instagram story. Mammuth89 makes incredible Pokemon fusion Sprite art a lot of times between Pokemon that you wouldn't even think could make a cool fusion and then they make it a cool fusion. I asked mammuth89 if they would be fine with me making a reaction video to their art. So that is what this is. I'm going to be going through all of their Pokemon fusions, giving my impressions on them. I'm sure I'm gonna like most of them. And you should make sure that you follow mammuth89 on Instagram. The link to their account is in the description below. And of course, you should also subscribe to me. So let's get started. Here is the first one, Ampharos and Empoleon. Now, this one I think is pretty impressive because how do you mix a sheep with a bird without making it a kind of monstrosity? But what they did here to me, it looks like it's Ampharos with Empoleon's coloration and some of its attributes added on there. It's got bird feet, but overall it's still looks like mostly an Ampharos face and it's got wings, almost like shoulder pads, over its arms. I think it looks really cool. Let's check out the next one. Oh, this is sick. Mamoswine and Entei. That looks so cool. That looks like a winter Entei instead that's like dialed up to nine on the terrifying meter. That is awesome. Oh, another Mamoswine one. Mamoswine and Regigigas. This one's insane (laughs). There is so much going on with this one. I love the yellow mask. It almost looks like, kind of like it's wearing some kind of skull mask? I don't know. It looks so cool. It looks like a wise mountain troll that you must prove your worth to in order to receive the blessing of power or something, I don't know. Oh, here we go (claps). Yes, yes. Archeops and Sceptile, two Pokemon I love. Now, an even more Raptor like Archeops with leaf powers. This is my favorite one so far. I know we've only seen four, but my God, this is so dope. Groudon and Blastoise. Water and not water. Hot earth. This looks really cool. This basically looks like Groudon has a shell, but it's like, the water has just become steam. This one is really cool. I'm a fan of this one. I love the blue splotches. Like instead, just like, is it all red? Is it all blue? The splotches, I think, is a really cool artistic technique. Also, one thing that I just want to admire about mammuth89's work is that it appears most of this is just from scratch. Like, yes, it's fusions of the two original sprites. And so they take the color from that. This thing's hands are not really the same (laughs). It looks like they had to seriously modify. A couple of things I can kind of tell like the far back hand is like the front hand rotated, but most of it looks like it's totally from scratch. This is impressive. Arbok and to Umbreon. This is pretty cool. Not one of my favorites so far, but I do like it. And it looks almost kind of like a mega Arbok honestly. If there was a mega Arbok and it looked like this, it wouldn't surprise me. Oh (laughs) Mantine and Latios. This is what I was talking about. Pokemon that just like seem very different fused together. It's like it's really creative, but it also looks pretty goofy (laughs). I like it, I like it. It looks like just a weird sea creature honestly. Sea creatures are weird. Sea creatures are weird. So honestly this almost looks like something that could actually exist (laughs). What is happening (laughs)? Metagross and Mantine? This thing is a trip into half. It looks like an angry metal Mantine firing off cyclops robot sharks, mini sharks. And in addition to that, it's got, instead of just antennas, it's got holes where it looks like worms are coming out as antennas. This thing is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Very cool but terrifying. I think my favorite part are like the Beldam sharks. Like the one at the front bottom right, that's really well done. That looks like it honestly could be an enemy in a video game. Like an underwater level enemy or something like that. It looks really cool. Whaaaat? Solgaleo and Arceus? They took two very celestial god-looking Pokemon. Put em together and made something that looks very much like a celestial god on some other kind of level. Well, my gosh. I love the sprinkling of like the space, kind of stardust as pattern, all throughout, on the body and the legs and like the face and the hair. Cause on Solgaleo, it's just the face, well, less true with Lunala but with Solgaleo is just the face. And I think it's a really cool pattern and I wish it would have been more widespread on Solgaleo. So they did that with creature. Oh, I just noticed the description, inspired by Helios, god of sun. This thing is cool. You know what it kind of makes me think of? Have you seen those memes recently about like angels in movies. Angels in the Bible and they're just like rotating bands of eyes with just wings and like a glowing thing in the center. This kinda gives me like biblical angel vibes. Clearly very holy and godly, but also terrifying. Whoa, this one is sick. This one is so cool. This looks like the final boss in the shadow realm. Oh wow. I love this one. Darkrai and Zekrom clearly work really well together as a fusion. This is probably my second favorite behind the Archeops and Sceptile one. Inspired by Erebus, Greek god of darkness. This thing is so cool. Oh, Whoa. Golduck and Moltres. Let's make a water Moltres. That is awesome. I really like this one. It does genuinely kind of look like it could be the fourth legendary bird that's for the water type. Wow, very well done with this. I like this a lot. Oh my God. This is crazy. Wow. Necrozma is already like, it just looks like your 3D printer had a serious malfunction and yet somehow ended up sentient. Eternatus looks like your 3D printer decided it wanted to kill you. This fusion looks like your 3D printer decided it wanted to kill you, kinda got messed up in the process, yet Still ended up creating this faceless demon energy monster that really does look like the most effective one at killing you of the three images on the screen. Oh boy (laughs). Oh ma gosh (laughs). I love it. I don't wanna be his friend. I think if I saw it I would probably feel the need that it means to die because it's already killed 10,000 people or something like that. But, oh, I can't get over this one. The decision to combine Necrozma's general shape with the aesthetics of Eternatus, purple solid parts connected by like glowing energy looks really cool. Oh, this one's cool. Kecleon and Flygon. This honestly just looks like a Kecleon evolution, which honestly it deserves. I think we should have a Kecleon evolution as Protean all the time not just as the hidden ability. There you go, this is it. This is Keclegon, haha. Whoa (laughs). You know how I said at the beginning, like some of the fusions are between two creatures that looked like they could never work together. Somehow they fuse Kecleon and Rhyperior and make it look like a real thing (laughs). This doesn't look like a Pokemon. If there was some other game with wacky creatures, this would work. It's a big, rocky chameleon who drills. It's a big, digging chameleon Godzilla thing. It works. (laughs and claps) This one took me off guard. It's a head is huge (laughs). And just like Krookodile's mask with Tyrantrum's eyes. It's like, hello (laughs). Ah, oh boy. Oh my gosh. This one almost even startled me (laughs). Oh, interesting. We have a bear and a dinosaur now we've got a bearosaur. Honestly, if you removed the green part and made it like a different shade of brown or like a tan or something, this, to me, it could look like its own Pokemon. Based on some like prehistoric mammal, like a giant sloths or something like that. If it wasn't green. I don't know, maybe it likes the grass. Maybe it's a grass type, I don't know this. This one's pretty cool. Like I said, it looks wild, but also like it could be a Pokemon. What is happening here (laughs)? Is this thing cute or is it terrifying? I can't tell. I like it. This looks like my companion. Like a cute yet fearsome looking dog-dragon. And I feel like there's some mythical creature that's kind of a mix of a dog and a bird and, or dragon. Right, maybe? I don't know. It looks cool. Oh my gosh. This looks like another boss in some shadow realm of some video game. Cause the aspects of Giratina make it look like shadowy in, you know, dark, distortion world. But Slaking makes it just looks like an ape. Like a big, lumbering, incredibly strong primate. I think it works. It really works. It does just look a demon lord primate. Oh, kay. This one's head is really sticking out far from its neck (laughs). They took the two pretty Pokemon and put them together. I think it looks solid. Another Metagross one where they just like, all right, here's the shape of the other one and we're just gonna turn it into a demonic robot (laughs). It looks like something a mad scientist would create. Whoa, I love this one. I love this one. I've always liked Blaziken. I've always loved Blaziken. I think it's a fantastic Pokemon. And they basically just took the attributes of Pidgeot and made Blaziken more bird-like. So now it just looks like if Horus, or like Falcon or Eagle or Hawk-headed Egyptian god came to earth, this is what it looks like. You remember Bird Jesus from Twitch Plays Pokemon. This is a bird Jesus' final form is. This thing is dope. I think my favorite one so far is the Archeops-Sceptile. And then it was the Darkrai-Zekrom. This is my third favorite. Honestly might even pass up the Darkrai-Zekrom one. I love this one. Oh, this isn't a fusion. This is just mega Torterra. My boy (claps), Torterra getting some love. He deserves it. Torterra, great Pokemon. I mean it's not gonna get a mega form if they do Sina remakes in Gen 8 but they do Sina remakes in Gen 8, Gigantamax (claps), vamanos. Okay (laughs). All the other Metagross ones were, okay, the body shape of the other one with the aesthetics of the Metagross. Somehow they took the body shape of the Metagross and with the aesthetics of Shuckle. Shuckle took over a shell that was in the shape of a Metagross and just worms to the nine (laughs). Look at all those limbs. The demon eyes coming out of the top. This one is insane. One another Shuckle one with Rayquaza this time. What? This looks like what happens if Shuckle outgrows its house. Give me another house and another and another. Still not enough. I am no longer caged by my shelly homes. I am now god and the sky. Wow, this one's crazy. I dig it. Another Sceptile one. Sceptile and Rampardos, I like it. I don't like it as much as the Archeops one, but it does look cool. It makes Rampardos look a little bit less ridiculous. I know Rampardos is based on Pachycephalosaurus, the dinosaur with the big, thick skull head. But really took the skull and really did it. This one makes it a more reasonable size. Paras and Donphan? See, this is what I'm talking about. Somehow you combine them and it looks really cool. It looks like some really fearsome bug or is it more of an elephant? Maybe it's still just more of an elephant, with like just body armor. I dunno, I dig it. Oh, this is fabulous. Glaceon and Suicune, with Glaceon's pigtails or whatever, as Suicune's ribbons. These two work. This works well and looks great. Oh, Umbreon and Raikou, Raikou, still don't know. I love the clouds. They took Raikou's cape and made it just like supercharged with electricity and it looks really good. Honestly, this just looks like an electric dark type mega Raikou. It's really cool. Darkrai and Flareon (laughs). It's the little baby Darkrai and he's angry. When he gets mad, he gets fire (laughs). Whoa, Mewtwo and Infernape, okay. Psychic combat. Is it still a monkey? The face is more Mewtwo or is more catlike. I don't know. This looks cool. I dig it. Whoa. Empoleon and Articuno. That looks pretty cool. I questioned how well it would be able to fly with those big, beefy legs and it's posture that's like a person, not like a bird. It looks really cool. Wow, this is a final boss in the metal dungeon or something. Look at those arms. Look at those just weaponized arms of sheer metal destruction. My God. (laughs). What? Another Rhyperior fusion with just the most unexpected. It's just Rhyperior made him worm (laughs). Oh, it's kind of disturbing but fantastic at the same time. Is the drill pink or is the drill just nose? Ugh (laughs). Oh, what, what? Oh, this one is something else. That tongue, it's drooling everywhere. Nidoking's body with a giant teethy face. Oh, haunt my dreams, why don't you. Aaah. Thin, little, nimble primate with buff and slow primate results in upright buff primate covered in fire. It kinda looks like a baboon or a mandrill. That was pretty dope, I like it. It's the final boss of the fire temple or something. Oh, that's cool. This was pretty sick. I think I would've made the wings bigger or maybe it's not meant to fly. It kinda looks like it could fly though. I love the birdlike dragon just covered in armor. This one's dope. What? Oh, this is another crazy one. It's a gold clad Tyranitar with shadow arms and wings. What if we all had shadow arms/wings. That'd be so convenient. You could fly with them, but also use them to grab things. That would be nice. And since they're shadow, they can go away at any time. I'm a fan. I'm a fan of that. Venusaur and Fearow? They made a pterodactyl. They made an honest to good, leafy pterodactyl. Incredible. (laughs) How? How did they combine Kyogre and Zapdos and make it adorable? I think it's the big head. If the head was smaller, my brain would just assume the scale is like, it's a big thunderbird, basically a blue and yellow thunderbird (claps), channel colors, great. Because the head is so big, it looks it's about the size of a parrot. Like it almost kinda looks like a really detailed base form. I would absolutely have this as like my main partner Pokemon. Cute, but also really powerful. A mythical, like a Marshadow, where it's a cute but strong. And it's blue and yellow, It's electric type. Very good. This is into my top five of all the ones we've looked at. Ugh, Uuugh. This one, it's making me deeply disturbed. Is that an eye on the shell back there? Ugh That's badass. That is cool. The Lugia body but with the Swampert fins, that works. That works well. Ah, another Groudon and water starter one. This one's pretty cool. It just looks like a very armored like mudskipper type creature. I like it. What, what (laughs)? Ursaring and Ursaring fusion. Here's just a grizzly bear (laughs). A really angry grizzly bear. The third in the evolutionary stage. My gosh (laughs). Oh, interesting. Charizard and Ampharos. That one's pretty cool. My favorite part is absolutely the tail where it's kind of like electric and fire coming off of it at the same time. That's pretty dope. Ooh, ooh. This thing is so evil (laughs). Look at it looking at you with three eyes and psychic powers and markings that remind me of that episode of Pokemon with a big Pokemon with markings on him. Oh boy. This thing will kill you, Absolutely. Oh wow. Two serpentine dragon based Pokemon turned into an extremely terrifying serpentine dragon Pokemon. That is sick. Oh, whoa, that's awesome. Reshiram and Rapidash works so well together. It's the magical white Pegasus of fire. Yes, give us a Pegasus Pokemon, please. Garchomp and Luxray, okay. It kinda just looks like a more reptilian Luxray. It's face has now become very beak-like. Which is interesting. (laughs) Arcanine and Leafeon. ♪ Here's a tiny dog covered in leaves ♪ (laughs). It's cute. What is happening here? Why do the Nidoking fusions end up with just giant mouths? Oh, this one's wild. That beak is so large, so large. Oh, God, ugh. Why did the Omastar ones creep me out so much? This is a demon, demon sea serpent. Look, it's made of tentacles. Ugh, uuugh. Okay, that's cool. That just looks like a master swordsman. That looks really cool. Oooh, ooh. Gengar's smile with Magmortar's lips. Ugh. Well, hello there (laughs). Oh, Whoa. Houndoom and Torterra. The back is now just like this wasteland or haunted house or something. Is that like a broken building? There's skulls? That is really creative. It's essentially just the demon Torterra. What is happening here? It's just a blobulous mass of mushroom stuff vined into the ground. Wow, I mean, I can't tell if it's friendly or not. It's got the eyes peeking up but those could be little friends. Let me know below if you think it's friendly. Oh cool. Feraligatr and Salamence. That one's pretty cool. Basically just make Salamence look more like a crocodile. Okay, this one is strange (laughs). Like I like the idea of the Metagross type body, but just it's like earthen instead of metal, you know? But the face is like, aarg come here (laughs). It's like, whaat? What? Donphan and Ninetales? This one is hilarious. How do they carry it? All but tire stuff (laughs). This one's so funny. Okay, this one looks cool. Finally an Omastar fusion that doesn't just immediately terrify me. It looks like a giant squid with a shell, which is dope. That's cool. These Pokemon work well together. I am a fan of this. Yeah, It's spikier Garchomp is what it is. Spikier Garchomp with more fingers (laughs). Oh, okay. Okay, I see you. I see you. Warrior Lucario in armor. Excellent, excellent. Oh, that's cool. Bastiodon and Aggron. Let's mix Bastiodon with just more metal and armor, which I dig. Bastiodon is such a cool premise, but I've always thought it was a very goofy looking Pokemon. Taking Aggron's very awesome design aesthetics definitely improves Bastiodon a lot. Whoa, Lapras and Typhlosion. This one's interesting. Look at all that volcano and steam. Make new islands. Okay, okay. We got the mammoth that's actually a mammoth. Mamoswine is no longer Mamoswine. It's mammuth 89 (laughs). Oh, and that's the last one. Okay, but we went all the way through. Now that we're all the way through, the Sceptile and Archeops one, still my favorite. Just look so incredibly cool. I absolutely want it as a friend. The Darkrai and Zekrom one. Maybe my like third favorite. I think my second favorite is Kyogre and Zapdos. Just looks like a fun little thunderbird friend. There was another one. Oh, of course, it was Pidgeot and Blaziken. My favorite is Archeops and Sceptile. Then Pidgeot and Blaziken is my second favorite cause that one was just crazy. And then Kyogre and Zapdos is my third favorite. Darkrai and Zekrom is my fourth. If I had to pick a fifth, so I have like my top five, I'm gonna go with the Pegasus Rapidash just cause we really need a Pegasus Pokemon and turning Rapidash into an even more like it looks like an angelic fire Pegasus was just very, very cool design decision. Thanks so much to mammuth89 for letting me make this video. I had a ton of fun. They make great art. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Make sure to go follow them on Instagram, linked in the description below. And thank you guys so much for watching, with an extra special thanks my patrons over on Patreon for helping support the channel independent of the fluctuating nature of YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support the channel in the same way, the link is in the description below. And if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So don't next time Pokefans. Gotta catch them aaaall.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,667,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon fusion, pokemon sprites, fan art, fusion sprites, fusion pokemon
Id: l3ntolmg2ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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