Worst Pokemon Sprites in Every Generation

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- I use the Elgato stream deck constantly for my streams and video editing. If you want to pick one up from my amazing sponsor, Elgato, head to the link down in the description below. Greetings Pokefans! Michael here, and before the new generation of Pokémon gets started, I thought it would be fun to look back on all the past generations and amuse ourselves by checking out some of the worst and just awful sprites and 3D models from the past seven generations of Pokemon. Obviously what constitutes the worst is subjective, so these will be based on my opinions of the sprites and no one else's. Also there's no ranking associated with these. I'll just be progressing in generational order. So with all of that covered, lets start with generation one, which is kind of infamous for having a lot of bad sprites. I'll start by looking at the sprites from the Japanese release of red and green. In case you didn't know, the sprites in the Japanese release of red and green are different from the sprites in the western red and blue. One of the first sprites that looks really off is Venusaur. Its body looks super squished flat like a pancake, while its flower's stem is super tall. To be fair, the official Sugimori art was created after the sprites were, so it's not like this design is wrong. It's just kinda bad. Sugimori altered Venusaur's design to improve it. The sprite for Ekans is another weird one. The open-mouth seems to be much larger than the rest of its head, resulting in it looking like it has a duckbill. It's very strange. Wigglytuff is a seriously bad one. The uneven eyes make it look deranged, so instead of being cute, it looks like something that would kill you in a horror movie. The sprites for Gloom and Vileplume are bad because they don't make anatomical sense. For both of them, the viewing angle of the flower is almost top-down, but the viewing angle of their bodies is straight-on. Additionally, the attachment points for their bodies to the flowers is far too low. It looks like the flower's lowermost petals are where the body connects to them, making it look like they almost just have flower windmills coming out of the top of their heads. They look ridiculous. The sprite for Mankey looks more like a blob that sprouted tentacles rather than a distinct body with limbs coming out of it. Seriously, those are not arms. They are wiggly worm limbs. Machamp and Machoke's sprites just look plain creepy. Those smiles and wide faces are just kind of disturbing. The sprite for Farfetch'd has its duckbill curving up into a smile, which I admit is charming, but also looks pretty goofy. I should probably cover Gastly's sprite, which obviously does not have the typical ball of gas in the middle. But, I don't consider this a bad sprite. It's just an early version of Gastly's design that was changed later. The sprite for Hitmonchan is just plain awful. You've probably seen that meme saying it looks like a Doduo squatting down to poop with a Togekiss creepily peeking out from behind it, which is definitely true. Plus the proportions just look so off, and the fists covering most of its body make things just look really strange. You can't tell what it looks like behind its fists. Its just a truly awful sprite. The sprite for Moltres looks very different from Moltres nowadays, but remember, the sprite was created first and then Sugimori made his art. Even so, this Moltres doesn't look very good. It's extremely rotund, plus it's eye looks like it's half closed, so therefore Moltres seems to be either falling asleep or very sad. The final bad sprite from red and blue is one you've probably seen before, 'cause it's made its rounds in memes. That sprite, is Mew. The weird bulbous head with the tiny curled-in arms and flipper feet make it look like it's on drugs. Now onto the sprites for red and blue. Blastoise for some reason got really fat. It looked totally fine in red and green, so I don't know why they made it look so bad in red and blue. The sprite for Golbat is an infamous one, as it should be. That weird tongue thing is deeply uncomfortable. You can see the spit drop off of it and everything. It's gross. Gloom looks far better than it did in red and green, but while Vileplume improved, the positioning of the attach point for Vileplume's body to the flower still isn't right. It still looks too low and even appears to be off to the side this time. Mankey has the same problem that it did in red and green, that being it looks like a blob with tentacles. Machop and Machoke again look weird. Machop especially. It looks flat like a gingerbread man. Between these games and the last, somehow Cloyster's clamping direction rotated 90°. That's weird and I don't know why that change occurred. Both Exeggcute and Exeggutor's sprites are pretty bad in this game. One of Exeggcute's eggs is far larger than the other ones which makes no sense, and the facial expressions for Exeggutor just really creep me out. Koffing for some reason now has the skull and cross bones above its face instead of below. I don't know why this change occurred. The top of Chansey's body looks like it was grabbed and stretched off to the right. It's really weird. Now on to yellow version, which definitively has the best sprites in all of generation one because it came out a little white after the anime had started airing. Therefore they could base the Pokemon's appearances on how they look in the anime, rather than the older sprites. Which is good, because the Pokemon in the anime definitely look better than they did in the sprites. Look, they finally fixed Vileplume! There are only two yellow version sprites that I have a problem with. The first is Venusaur, which looks very different from its previous sprites because they were trying to emulate how it looks in the anime. However as a result, its head looks too big compared to the rest of its body, plus the flower looks too small. And the other Yellow version sprite I don't really like is Mewtwo's, because he looks like he's in the middle of a pelvic thrust. It's just kinda weird. Now onto generation two, which has a lot of different sprites because they vary between all three versions. I'll start with gold version sprites. The sprite for Chinchou looks like it's been stepped on, and its eyes almost seem like they're coming out of the top of his head, rather than the front. Slugma's eyes are placed further up on its head than most other Slugma interpretations. I find this look to be much more off-putting, but I suppose this could be classified as an earlier design, not an issue with the sprite itself. Corsola's sprite puts the coral branches in weird places. Rather than having all four of them come out of the top, two of them come out of the top, and two come out of the side. It definitely doesn't look as good as other Corsola designs do. I think Igglybuff's eyes are too small, which makes it look more creepy than cute. Smoochum looks like a murderous Chucky doll, and I don't like that. Not one bit. None of the other sprites really bother me, but I did want to point out that Spinarak and Sneasel are colored completely differently in their gold and silver than they are anywhere else. Even crystal version. I don't know if this was a design change mid generation, or just a severely overlooked mistake, but it's just a strange thing that happened. Now onto the sprites for silver version. Vileplume unfortunately seems to have regressed a little bit, now appearing like its head extends much further above its eyes than it should. Weezing's head now looks like it's tacked onto the top of the bigger Weezing's head, like we've seen before and it's just a really strange change. I don't know why they keep doing this. The sprites for Chinchou, Igglybuff, Slugma, Corsola, and Smoochum, all have the same issues in silver as they do in gold. And finally for Crystal, virtually all of the sprites are taken from either gold or silver and then animated. So any sprites I would discuss here are ones that I've already covered. Now onto generation three, starting with Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. As you might expect, the later we go into the generations, the fewer bad sprites we're gonna see because they got a lot better at making sprites, so therefore, some of my critiques from here on out might get a bit nitpicky. Nidoqueen's sprite looks just a little goofy, like it's about to sneeze. Weezing again has that weird placement of the smaller head on top of the second rather than on the side. Is this just some like, alternate Weezing design? That they took a while to give up on? Like, what? Lugia's head seems like it's too big. I know it's closer to the camera than the rest of its body, but the same is true for Ho-Oh's sprite, and Ho-Oh's head looks normal. In FireRed and LeafGreen, the only sprites that differ from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald are the ones for the Kanto Pokémon, and I must say I don't really have a problem with any of them. Nice work. Next up would be generation four, but I looked through the sprites and I think all of them are well done. Again, nice work. But then we get to generation five, and (grunts). Gen five made it so sprites are constantly moving, rather than just having an animation at the start of a battle, and I really don't like this decision. For a very large chunk of the gen five sprites, a lot of the movements cause the lines to look broken or dotted or staticky and they just look really bad. Plus some movements warp the body parts in certain ways that look really unnatural. I'm not seriously not a fan of the gen five moving sprites. They look fine if the don't move. But when they're moving, (grunts). All though I must say, the fire in the animated sprites, looks amazing, like consistently if there's an open flame on a Pokemon in the gen five sprites, it looks pretty cool. Like I said, I don't like the gen five sprites as a whole, but I'm gonna list off several of the sprites that I think are the worst offenders. Fearow's beak looks like it breaks into segments when it moves. Electrode's smooth outline becomes spiky when it rotates. Mew's tail looks awful when it moves, like it's turned to static. Houndoom's tail is in a similar situation. It seems to have distinct segments. Phanpy's trunk seems to break in half when it brings it in. Like, that legit looks painful. Lombre's lily pad turns to static when it turns its head. Azurill's tail turns to a complete mess of nonsense when it moves it. Sharpedo looks fine up until the moment it opens its mouth farther and turns its body, at which point every line goes to crap. Deoxys-Speed's arms are in the same situation as Mew's and Houndoom's tails, where they seem to be segmented when they're actually smooth and continuous. This sprite animation really doesn't see to do very well with long, skinny, thin limbs. Kricketune's arms and antennae just look awful. Luxray's tail is another long skinny limb that gets really messed up. Ambipom's tails have this problem too. Watchog's tail is a really bad example of it looking segmented. I distinctly remember thinking its tail looked bad back when I played White version for the first time ever. Sigilyph's are a mess of pixelation. Yamask's arms look broken and again, pixilated badly. Escavalier looks fine if it's in its neutral position, but when it moves its lances and spiral shell, both end up looking awful. And finally Lampent's arms always look horrible because it's constantly moving. This is not every example, but these are the ones that I think are truly awful. They look totally fine when stationary though, and I wish they had stuck with just stationary sprites. So that covers all of the bad sprites in the main series, so now it's time to talk about 3D models. However, before we talk about the main series ones, I wanted to cover some of the Pokémon 3D models that were used in console games prior to generation six. In games such as Pokémon Snap, Stadium, or Coliseum. A lot of them look bad, especially the older generation Pokémon, because the later generation Pokémon had their models made, well, later. But while a lot of them look not great, here are a few that really stand out to me as extra bad. One of the most memorable for me is Kangaskhan. Its movements are wild and erratic, and its body parts seem strapped together uncomfortably. It does not look good. Another is Nidoqueen. Its torso is freakin' cubic. It looks ridiculous. And then there's Lickitung, whose eye placement looks like hellspawn. And now let's talk about the main series 3D models. Since the same models are used in generation six, seven, and eight, I'm gonna talk about all of those generations with this one segment. For the most part, I think the 3D models are good. They seem to do a really good job of representing Pokemon in 3D and it was the proper step to take Pokemon into the more modern generation of games. However, there are a few models that make the Pokémon look way less cool in 3D than they did in 2D. One of the more infamous examples is Typhlosion. There are a lot of problems with this model. The most obvious is that its fire is not always lit. That's true for this entire evolutionary line, and it's a mistake. Its fire is constantly lit in literally every other main series sprite prior to this, and it looks way cooler. Having it sit there with its neck naked just does not look good. I understand that Typhlosion only really lights its fire when its in combat, but where do you see this model most of the time? Frickin' combat! Additionally, the pose isn't good. It's standing super upright, which makes its neck look so much shorter. Compare how Typhlosion looks in this model versus any other sprite. What happened to the guys neck? The pose is also pretty boring. This is actually a problem for a lot of 3D models. Because more Pokemons' neutral position is them just standing there in a neutral position. You know, looking straight forward. Now this isn't terrible, because you know, it's better at observing the Pokemon as to how it would stand normally, but a lot of times it can make the battles feel a bit bland because they're just standing there rather than poised, ready to strike. DJTHED on the Smogon forums altered Typhlosion's model to make one that looks far, far better than the existing one. Because the fire is always lit and its in a much more interesting, dynamic pose. I hope for Typhlosion's next appearance, it gets a better 3D model. Another Pokémon that I think became way less cool from the transition from 2D to 3D is Archeops. In its official art and its gen five sprite, it looks cool. The proportions are proper. Its got big wings, it looks like a cool raptor, Archeopteryx hybrid. Its dope. But then they gave it a 3D model that screwed everything up. They made its arms and wings way smaller, so it looks like it's struggling to stay afloat rather than being the completely effective flyer we know it is. Additionally, rather than having the eyes look forward, they both look out in opposite directions. It makes it look soulless and brainless. Archeops's 3D model looks so bad that if it had been introduced in 3D rather than 2D, it may not have ended up as my favorite fossil Pokémon, heck I may not have ended up liking it at all. There are other examples of Pokemon getting bad 3D models, but these two are the most egregious to me, potentially because I really like them as Pokémon. So them getting shafted in the 3D model department offends me more. Before I wrap up, there's another problem with the 3D models that I wanted to cover, and that is color. The 3D models often times have dramatically altered colorations from previous generations sprites, and most of the time that's a bad thing. The primary issue is color saturation. A lot of Pokémon's 3D models have colors that are far less vibrant and looked really washed out compared to the previous generation sprites. One of the most notable examples is Starmie. The 2D sprites of Starmie show it as a deep vibrant purple, but it's 3D model is so pale that it looks like it's dying. So that's one issue, but another issue is that a lot of shiny colorings were completely ruined in the switch from 2D to 3D. One notable example is Lanturn, who had both it's regular coloring and it's shiny coloring ruined. The regular coloration lost a lot of saturation, but the shiny coloring lost so much that it almost looks like the regular coloration. Prior to gen six, shiny Lanturn is a deep, pretty purple, clearly distinguishing itself from the blue of the regular coloring. But then in the 3D models, you almost can't tell the difference between the two colorations. Another shiny that was ruined by the new colors of the 3D models was, Fearow. This one is near and dear to my heart because Fearow was the first shiny Pokémon that I ever captured. In FireRed and LeafGreen, the game in which I caught it, it's a bright pretty yellow. It has this coloration in gens four and five as well. But then in the 3D models it's barf green! What? Why? Why did they do this? I will admit it's closer to the shiny coloration that Fearow had in gen two, but they changed a lot of shiny colorations from gen two to make them look better in gen three. Why would revert to that awful shiny? It seriously sucks. Thankfully, it seems as if sword and shield are taking a big leap forward in making all the colorations of the 3D models really vibrant and saturated again. Let's go certainly did that with quite a few Pokemon. But a lot of the colorations in gen six and gen seven are just plain bad. So that almost wraps up this video, but before you go I want to let you know that I am doing a giveaway for a copy of Pokémon sword or Pokemon shield, winner's choice. The winner will be announced on the day before sword and shield come out, and it will be an electronic copy. So if you are the winner, you'll be able to play the new game immedietally, as soon as it comes out. If you're interested in entering, which I don't know why you wouldn't be, the link is in the description below. Thanks so much for watching, and an extra special thanks to my patrons on Patreon. If you wanna help support the channel and support me and get some cool perks in exchange, the link is in the description below. If you're interested in watching some more of my fun Pokémon content, I recommend this video here. All right, that's all I have for now, so until next time Pokefans. Gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 2,268,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, pokemon sprites, changed pokemon sprites, changed gold and silver pokemon sprites, top 10 pokemon, pokemon updates
Id: mOdoW6-fCzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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