The New Pokémon Champions

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- Greetings Pokefans! Michael here, and over the course of the main series Pokemon game history, there are several instances of the champion of a particular region changing. And I'm not just talking about the player character becoming the new champion. The Indigo League Champion, So Kanto and Johto, was someone we don't know. Then Blue, then Red, then Lance. The Unova champion was Alder, then Iris. Mustard and Peony were champions in the years before Leon became champion. The current Pokemon champions won't be champions forever. And most of them are canonically defeated by the player character. But what if the game protagonists weren't a factor? What if someone else became the new champions? Today, I'm going to be going through most of the regions and determining which prominent trainer from those regions I think has the best chance to take over as champion by defeating the previous champion. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel pretty please. Please, so many of you watch my videos and are not subscribed. It makes me very sad. And let's dive into... - Aha! It is I, Grunty Boi! - Seriously, dude? Why do you keep... Ugh! - What? What's wrong? - You smell terrible! - I do, (sniffs). (gags and coughs) God, you're right. I do smell terrible. Probably because I stopped bathing. - Are you insane? Why would you do that? - Well see, I was bathing a few weeks ago and then I just started reading my soap's label and then saw how many harsh chemicals were in it. Freaked me out and I haven't used it since. - Well, how about instead of stopping bathing completely you just use a soap with natural ingredients, like the sponsor of this video, Dr. Squatch? I started using their soap recently and it's really changed the way I shower. It feels really good on my skin and smells amazing. And it gets me in a good mood at the start of the day. My favorite scent is grapefruit IPA but I also really like pine tar. - Ooh, okay, okay. I'm intrigued. I'm gonna go test some out. - Do you want the link to their website or? - Nope. Just gonna break into your house and use yours. - Wait, hold on! No! (upbeat music) - Wow, you were not kidding! This Dr. Squatch stuff is really incredible! That was the best shower I've ever had! - As upset as I am that you just broke into my home and used my shower. But I must admit you smell fabulous. - Thank you. You do too. - Thank you, it's the Dr. Squatch. - If I didn't hate you I'd want to sniff you. - That's weird. - You're right, sorry. Anyways, I guess I'll see you next time I have to shower. - Absolutely not, instead, you and any other new customers can get 20% off orders of $20 or more at when they use code DSCMDJTV20. The link is in the description below. - Excellent! Thanks shower, buddy, ta ta! - Do not call me that and... He's gone, okay. Anyways, thanks so much for Dr. Squatch for sponsoring this video, but now let's dive into figuring out who could be the new champions. First off is the Indigo League. The most current champion we are canonically aware of is Lance, the Dragon Master who's actually more of a Bird Keeper. Well, actually there's also Trace from Let's Go, but that's a weird alternate universe story where like Blue and Red are... They do different things and that's just... I don't wanna mess with it to be perfectly honest. Trace is not as interesting as Lance. And also he gets beat by the protagonist immediately like Blue did. So to keep things simple I'm focusing on just the original version of the Canto events, where Blue becomes Champion, then Red beats him, then Red disappears, and Lance becomes Champion. Lance's Champion team, the most recent being his HeartGold SoulSilver team, is a force to be reckoned with. Half the team is pseudo legendary Dragon type Pokemon, both for the initial battle and the rematch. He will not be easy to beat, but I think we can find someone who could topple him. Let's look at potential candidates. The first category of candidate I wanna look at are final gym leaders. There is a precedent set before, for eight the gym leaders becoming champion, both Wallace and Iris having done so. The eighth gym leader in Kanto is Blue, and he could definitely defeat Lance. His team is far more diverse than Lance's, and if his Rhydon and Gyarados stay healthy, he could potentially win with just those two. But regardless of his team, we know that Blue could beat Lance because he's done it before! When Blue became champion, he had to defeat a Elite Four member Lance to do it. Now, Lance is stronger now, but so is Blue. Blue absolutely could become the champion because he's done it before, but that's actually why I don't think he's the best candidate. Blue has already been champion, and while he's got the embarrassing subtitle of having only been champion for about an hour, he did become the champion and is on the list. I simply don't think he has enough of a desire to become the champion again. He's done it before, he's got a nice comfy position as the Viridian city gym leader, and he can travel around as much as he wants. Plus, he's probably terrified that if he becomes champion again, Red's gonna reappear out of nowhere an hour later and crush him again. Speaking of Red, Red is in a very similar situation to Blue. He could beat Lance, but he's not going to, he was champion and willingly left to go freeze on a mountain top. He's not coming back to beat Lance again anytime soon. The other final gym leader is Clair, who is not only a fellow Dragon Master, but she's also Lance's cousin. While I know she would absolutely love to defeat Lance, I don't think she can. Clair is basically the same as Lance, but worse. Even at the latest possible battle with her in HeartGold and SoulSilver, she still has failed to fully evolve her entire team, having a Dragonair. Additionally, she has canonically not been able to defeat Lance. And I think even with more extensive training, she still wouldn't be able to. Another thing holding her back is the fact that they both use Dragon types. Her ace Kingdra can be very challenging to beat because in the Johto games prior to the introduction in the Fairy type her Kingdra only had one weakness, Dragon. Well guess what? That's Lance's whole fricking team! Well, half of it! But still that was a really big advantage that Clair had, but now it's a really big disadvantage. And in addition to her inferior battling capabilities, she's also way less mature than Lance. She talks about herself as "the world's best dragon master" despite Lance literally being champion at the same time. She also storms off and throws a tantrum when you beat her, forcing you to go through that whole Dragon's Den nonsense just to get your freaking badge that you earned by beating her. This supposed to be a grown woman and she's acting like a child, compare that to Lance who always accepts defeat gracefully! I don't think Clair could ever defeat Lance, because not only is she less skilled, but she lacks the emotional intelligence necessary to succeed at a high level. This might seem like a really harsh roasting of Clair because it is, I don't like her. So neither Blue nor Clair fit the bill here. So where else can we select a potential new champion from? Well, the Elite Four of course! Lance himself is an Elite Four member turned to champion. And he was the whole inspiration behind my video, if every Elite Four member became champion. So, let's look at the Elite Four members. Will could potentially beat Lance if he trained up quite a bit since after all he is the weakest member. His Jynx and Slowbro are certainly the most useful, and if using his rematch team under Gen 6 or later mechanics, his Fairy type Gardevoir would be quite useful. For Koga, I could see him beating Lance as well. His main strategy tends to be a lot of poison stalling, which could work but could also fail due to Lance's full restores. I also think Koga deserves some extra props because he put in the work and trained hard enough to move up from being a gym leader to an Elite Four member, despite his older age. Also, he has a Venomoth. If you've seen Twitch Plays Pokemon, you know Lance's Dragonite don't do well against Venomoth. Next is Bruno, who could definitely not defeat Lance. He's a fighting specialist and Lance's entire team is flying type. Finally is Karen, the strongest member of the Indigo Elite Four in the Johto games. Her first team is mostly a neutral matchup, aside from Vileplume who's definitely not useful, but her rematch team is a lot better. The addition of Weavile gives her a fast and strong Ice type attacker, something that could absolutely devastate Lance's team. Her other Pokemon aren't pushovers either, between Will, Koga and Karen, I think Karen has the best chance. Weavile is just so incredibly good against Lance's team, with four of the six members of his rematch team being four times weak to Ice. The rest of her team is solidly strong too and are not weak to Lance's to STAB attacks. It would not be an easy battle for her, well, maybe it would if Weavile is high enough level and could out speed all of Lance's Pokemon and was strong enough to OCO the four times weak to Ice ones then maybe she could just sweep with it and win. I mean, she'd have to deal with Charizard and Gyarados, but she can do that with her other Pokemon. So like, I think she could do it! Also, I should mention in my Elite Four to champion video, I gave her more than one Tyranitar. Because if she's the champion, she should get to use a pseudo legendary. So, if she started using these pseudo legendary Tyranitars, which are Rock types, which Lance's entire team is weak to, then she's definitely got it in the bag. Plus as icing on the cake, Karen's got a great attitude, which is not a phrase you hear often in the real world. She's the one that says, "Strong Pokemon, Weak Pokemon. And that is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." If that's not the attitude of a champion, then I don't know what is. Karen gets my vote for the next champion after Lance, and side note, when she does become champion she gets a cape. Because apparently if you go from not being champion to being champion, you get fancier clothes. Next is the Hoenn League Champion, Steven. Or Wallace. Let's talk about this a bit. The Hoenn region is the only main series region that has more than one different champion for the same story events. This includes Trace and the Let's Go protagonist becoming champion instead of Blue and Red over in the Indigo league. As I mentioned earlier, the Let's Go universe is a completely different universe with a different story. I cover it more in my "Complete History and Lore of Pokemon Trainer Red." But in the Hoenn region, Steven is the champion in Ruby and Sapphire while Wallace is the Champion in Emerald. The same region and same generation, but with different champions. In the Ruby Sapphire version of this story, Wallace is the eighth gym leader and Steven is the champion. But then in the Emerald version of this story, Wallace was previously the eighth gym leader then left it to Juan as he became champion while Steven doesn't appear to have ever been champion. It is possible that Steven was champion and that Wallace defeated him to become champion, but I don't think this is the case because I don't believe it's ever explicitly stated that Wallace defeated Steven. I think it's just that Steven never tried to become champion, and is just a strong trainer who likes looking for fun rocks. Therefore, I need replacement candidates for both of them because they exist at the same time. Who's best equipped to beat Steven and Ruby Sapphire in Oris? And who's best equipped to beat Wallace in Emerald? Well, to be perfectly honest, the best candidates to beat Steven and Wallace are Steven and Wallace! Wallace is an extremely good candidate to beat Steven in Ruby and Sapphire because we know Wallace is capable of becoming champion. Because we've seen him do so in an alternate universe. And then in Emerald it's reversed. Steven could beat Wallace because we know Steven can become champion in an alternate universe. However, that's a pretty unsatisfying answer, so I still wanna find someone else that could take the Hoenn champion throne. And I think I've got someone. I think the best candidate, potentially better than Steven and Wallace is Wally. We all know Wally as the initially feeble and sickly rival who ends up making it all the way to the victory road before being defeated by the protagonist. But what less people know is that in ORAS, he keeps training. If you get a 50 streak at the Battle Maison, you can battle him with a stronger version of his Victory Road team, but then after that battle, his team is fricking stacked! He ditches the weak Delcatty for a Gale Wings Talonflame and adds on a Rough Skin Rocky Helmet Garchomp. Excuse me, what? The whole team has super useful held items, like Roserade's Bright Powder, Azumarill's Assault Vest, Magnezone's Air Balloon, and of course his Gallade with a Galladite. This team is freaking incredible, and could absolutely beat both Steven and Wallace. For Steven Skarmory loses to Talonflame in Magnezone, Claydol loses to Roserade and Azumarill, Armaldo loses to a Azumarill and Magnezone, Cradily loses to Gallade and Magnezone, Aggron loses to Garchomp, Azumarill and Gallade, and Metagross loses to Talonflame and Garchomp. For Wallace, Magnezone beats most of his team, with the ones that doesn't, Whiscash and Ludicolo, being covered by Talonflame or Roserade. The rest of the squad also helps of course, particularly Garchomp and Mega Gallade thanks to their overwhelming power. Now this team obviously doesn't work in Gen 3, but if Wally was able to become this incredibly powerful in Gen 6, I think if given enough time, he could become a really overpowered in Gen 3 as well. I know I said Steven and Wallace were the best candidates to beat each other, but honestly, with this team Wally has the best chance. Now onto Sinnoh, one of only two regions where we only know of one Champion ever. Of course there were others, but we only know about one, that one being the iconic Cynthia. Cynthia is widely considered to be one of the toughest champions to defeat. Having these two different teams across Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Her Garchomp can fall to an Ice move, but if it doesn't, it's probably gonna KO whatever you have on the field. Cynthia is the first champion we're covering in this video that has a very type-diverse team, which means the trainers with a specific type specialty are really gonna struggle against her. So for example, the eighth gym leader of this region, Volkner, is screwed because his entire team loses to Garchomp. The Elite Four are all type specialists, so I don't really think I need to look at them. And the Frontier Brains, while I think they could be strong enough to do it, I'm not really gonna go over them. They're already really fricking powerful and are the best of the best. I don't really think they have much incentive to leave the Battlefront here. And also they do weird things with Legendaries and it's just like, I don't wanna mess with that. Someone else I could consider is Barry. After all, battling talent runs in the family due to his dad being Palmer. His team is diverse and the Pokemon in it are reasonably strong. The average base stat total for all of them is lower than Cynthia's, but that's unsurprising since she has both Garchomp and Togekiss. Essentially, Barry has a Sinnoh playthrough team, which is what the protagonist of the Sinnoh games uses to defeat Cynthia. I think if the protagonist weren't in the way to crush Barry's dreams, then he'd have a decent chance. However, I don't think he's the absolute best candidate, because we need to look at one more group of trainers, the Stat Trainers. These are the trainers you partner with for multi battles at various points in the story. Cheryl, Riley, Buck, Mira, and Marley. They are called Stat Trainers because each specializes in one primary stat. Aside from Buck who specializes in both types of defense. While they only use one Pokemon when teaming up with them throughout the Sinnoh region, they can also be battled in the Battleground Cafe in the postgame of Pokemon Platinum. All of them have solidly impressive teams, but the most impressive teams to me, are Marley's and Riley's. Marley's team is the embodiment of gotta go fast. Cynthia's fastest Pokemon is Garchomp, and every member of Marley's team except Arcanine outspeeds it. Weavile is a massive help against Garchomp, and with just five Pokemon, she has super effective STAB for all of Cynthia's Pokemon except the no-weaknesses-in-Gen-4 Spiritomb. Her team is kind of frail though, so that can be a problem if she's not able to OHKO the Pokemon she is out speeding. I think she's got a decent chance of beating Cynthia, but I think Riley has a better chance. Riley is the Attack Stat expert. And look at this fricking team! This man has two pseudo legendary Pokemon Salamence and Metagross, which is one more than Cynthia has. The sheer power of them could probably handle most of Cynthia's team on their own, but he still has the strong backup Pokemon of Lucario, Ursaring, and Absol. Yes, they are all physical attackers, but Cynthia has no Pokemon with Will-o-Wisp or Intimidate, so I think it's okay. Admittedly, Riley doesn't have a perfect answer for Garchomp, since while Salamence can use intimidate to drop Garchomp's attacks, Garchomp is still faster. But Riley only has five Pokemon here. All he'd have to do is add on a Weavile or Mamoswine, two Pokemon with high attack and therefore candidates for his team, and he'd be golden. And it's not just his team that's good. Riley himself is clearly a mature and capable person. He's the only in-game universe person we know that can use Aura, which is gonna make him more in touch with his Pokemon especially his Lucario, compared to most if not all other trainers. Additionally, he's known to be strong. Byron has apparently offered him a gym leader position in the past, but he turned it down, so Roark could have the position instead. Barry and Marley are solid candidates, but I think Riley is the best candidate to dethrone Cynthia. But let's be honest, no one's gonna beat Cynthia. if she's not champion anymore it's 'cause she retired. She's the best. Next up is the most recent Unova champion, Iris. She's a dragon specialist like Lance, but also like Lance her team is only half dragon types. It ends up being substantially more diverse than Lance's team though, but still with some weakness overlaps like Archeops and Aggron sharing a Water weakness, Lapras and Archeops sharing an electric weakness, and Aggron and Lapras sharing a Fighting weakness, which Hydreigon deals with too. The first candidate to look at is the eighth gym leader, which in Black two and White two is Marlon. He's a Water specialist, and I think that hurts his chances a lot. Most of Iris's team resists water, which means his primary STAB attacks are hamstrung. While his Pokemon do carry ice moves, the only one that does so with STAB is Cloyster from his World Leaders tournament team, and that thing dies to one Charge Beam from Hydreigon. What about the Unova rivals? Well, Cheren and Bianca, I don't think are really candidates. They tried the whole go to the Elite four, beat the champion thing in Black and White, but then that didn't work out, so they found other careers. I don't foresee them trying again anytime soon. Hugh is a better candidate with a decently diverse team but his answers for Iris's Dragon types aren't the best. Since while he does have a Dragon type of his own, Flygon, it's less powerful than Haxorus and Hydreigon. Eelektross, Samurott, and Serperior have Dragon coverage, but they're not as powerful due to the lacking the STAB for them. All right, well what about the Elite Four? Shauntal doesn't have a chance, as her entire team gets bodied by Hydreigon, Iris's highest base stat total Pokemon. If Froslass takes down the Hydreigon Shauntal might have a chance, but depending so much on that one Pokemon to be an Iris's strongest really hurts her chances. Grimmsley has a better chance, but his Pokemon are mostly a neutral matchup against Iris. His Krookodile has Outrage, but that's just one move. I think he would need more of an advantage to make that work. Caitilin's Metagross really helps her chances, but her team has the same problem as Shauntal's. All of them are crushed by Hydreigon. Well, aside from Gallade, but she'd be depending way too much on just that one Pokemon. But then we have Marshal, the Fighting specialist. While his team has limited coverage against Dragon types, it's important to remember that half of Iris's team, Hydreigon, Lapras, and Aggron, are actually weak to Fighting. Archeops might cause some issues for Marshall, but Lucario counters it very well. Since it's not weak to Flying and can counter with a super effective STAB Steel attack. His Lucario never actually has a Steel type move in the games, but like he could very easily teach it one. Mienshao can help with breaking Aggron's Sturdy and Haxorus's Focus Slash, and the rest of the team are just plain powerful. Iris's team also has very little coverage against Fighting types. The only move being Acrobatics on Archeops. Even with her Challenge Mode rematch team having Salamence, the Salamence doesn't have a Flying type move. Marshall is also a student of Alder, which means he's trained directly under someone who was strong enough to become the champion, so I think that helps his case as well. In my opinion, the best candidate to defeat Iris and become the next Unova champion, is Marshall. Next, we have the Kalos Champion, Diantha. Who in my opinion is by far the least interesting Champion of all of them. She's only in two games, X and Y, no other appearances are mentioned anywhere else. And also is barely in the two games that she's in! These are all of her lines prior to fighting her in the Pokemon League. That's it! It's two brief conversations about meaningless garbage. She's barely involved in the plot at all. Like, why is she even there? Why did they make her the champion? Why not make a more interesting character the champion? Or why not make her more interesting? She is the worst written and just generally overall worst champion in the entire main series. How did they screw X and Y up so much with the characters? (clears throat) Sorry. Let's just figure out who could beat her. Diantha's team is mostly diverse, but it has quite a few overlapping weaknesses. Half her team is weak to Steel, half as weak to Fairy, and half is weak to Ice. Her Goodra and Mega Gardevoir are very powerful foes to contend with though. And whoever beats her must have ways to deal with them. One thing I should clarify up front before looking at the candidates is that even if these candidates don't have a mega evolution in their original team, I'm assuming they would have one when challenging Diantha. I talk about it more at length in my "Pokemon X and Y's Biggest Problems" video, but I think it's ridiculous that mega evolution was given to so few major boss battles in the game. If a character ascended to the level of battling the champion, they would 100% have a mega evolution. So even if they don't have one, I'm giving them one that makes sense. The eighth gym leader Wulfric would have too tough of a time against Diantha, even with a Mega Abomasnow. While his Ice types are strong against half her team, Hawlucha and Tyrantrum ruin Ice type's days pretty effectively. Plus he has no true counter to Mega Gardevoir. Serena slash Calem is the strongest rival, but they still couldn't do it. Their team has no good answer for Mega Gardevoir, plus they're just bad. Even at their strongest in the game, some of their Pokemon still don't have four moves. Of the Elite Four, Drasna would definitely be screwed, with her entire team being crushed by Mega Gardevoir. Malva and Siebold also don't have reliable answers for Goodra and Mega Gardevoir. However, Wikstrom is a strong candidate. Let's assume he uses the full team of six I gave him in my "If Every Elite Four Became Champion" video, and here it's clear Aegislash and Mega Scizor are the most useful members. The Steel typing is good against half of Diantha's team, and the only two Pokemon with moves super effective against Steel are Tyrantrum and Goodra, since Hawlucha's Flying Press is neutral against steel. Klefki isn't the best answer for Goodra, but it certainly counts as one. For Mega Gardevoir, while Aegislash could fall to a Shadow Ball, Mega Scizor beats Mega Gardevoir every time. All he has to do is deal with the one Fire move on Goodra and he's golden. Wikstrom is not the only strong candidate though. There's another trainer who I think might have an even better chance of beating Diantha than him. That being Valerie. Now, so far I've only looked at eight gym leaders, Valerie being the sixth, but I'm talking about Valerie because she has a Pokemon that makes her an exception. Mega Mawile. This is the team I gave her in my "If Every Gym Leader was the Last One" video, where I gave all the Kalos gym leaders a Mega. Her's is Mega Mawile, because she has one in non-mega form in the initial battle with her, so that is obviously the mega she would use. If she used a Mega Mawile, Diantha would be in deep, deep trouble, since not only is it insanely powerful do the base 105 Attack stat being doubled by Huge Power, but Mawile's combination of Steel and Fairy STAB is super effective against five of Diantha's, six Pokemon, plus it gets Crunch for Gourgeist. Mawile is weak to Ground and Fairy, which Tyrantrum and Goodra have coverage for, but they're both weak to Fairy. And Fairy is the rest of Valerie's team! Plus, Diantha's only super effective move against Fairy types is Hawlucha's Poison Jab, which is not a real threat since Hawlucha is weak to Fairy. Wikstrom is a very strong candidate for sure, but the fact that I feel so confident that Valerie could win with just one Pokemon and then would have five others as very effective backup, to me makes her the strongest candidate to become the new champion over Diantha. And honestly, she could totally do it. My God! The final Champion to cover is the Galar region champion, Leon. I'm skipping over the Alola region because canonically the player is the first Champion of Alola. And like I said, I'm not discussing player Champions. Leon's champion battle team varies a bit depending on which starter you pick, but the staples are Gigantamax, Charizard, Dragapult, Aegislash, and Haxorus. Whoever defeats him must have a way to handle these Pokemon. First, I should real quick mention Mustard and Peony. Both of these trainers are former Champions of the Galar region and actually lost their positions willingly. They resigned as champions and were not defeated. Which means I think they're both strong enough to beat Leon. However, they're not my best candidates for the same reason that Blue and Red were not. They've been the champion before, they're not gonna try again. To me, there are two big potential candidates for beating Leon. The first is his younger brother Hop. Hop may have struggled a lot on his journey being unable to defeat the player, and eventually just becoming a professor's assistant. But if the player was gone and not a factor, I think Hop might have a chance, after all by the end of things, this kid has either Zacian or Zamazenta, who in their Crowned Forms are tied with Arceus, (clears throat) Arkoos, sorry, for base stat total. Neither of them have the proper secondary STAB, but I assume that's to make beating him more realistic for the player. If Hop challenged Leon, they'd have the right moves. Zacian is certainly better than Zamazenta, since it's Fairy typing covers Haxorus and Dragapult. My issue with Hop though, is that the rest of his team isn't as impressive. His amount of coverage for Leon's Charizard depends on his starter choice. While his legendary and Corviknight are both weak to Charizard. The only guaranteed coverage for Charizard is Pincurchin, which is hardly an impressive Pokemon. And he has no STAB coverage for Aegislash at all if his starter is not Cinderace. Hop does have the genius battler genes, being Leon's brother, but I'm still concerned about his ability to win. If his legendary matched up against most of Leon's team, I think he'd be fine. But the fact that only matches up against a couple members, concerns me that the rest of Pop's team won't be able to measure up. I think he might be able to do it, but there's a candidate I think has a better chance, that being Honey. Honey's team is fricking stacked and matches up well against Leon. Togekiss and Darmanitan handle the Dragon types. Salazzle is a great match up against Aegislash since it can protect on Aegislash's attacking turns and strike back while it's in Sword form or poison it using Corrosion-boosted Toxic. If she uses Gigantamax Blastoise she has a great matchup against Charizard. And even if she has Venusaur, Blissey works great against Charizard due to Charizard exclusively using special moves and Blissey having fricking Thunder. Darmanitan is riskier due to its Ice type, but we also know that if it lands one Gorilla Tactics Stone Edge on Charizard, the Charizard is dead. Plus in addition to her team, we know she's an incredibly talented battler. Her rare league card says, "She quickly developed a talent for battle, and the rumor among dojo students is that she may even be on par with Mustard himself." Her battling skills on par with the person who holds the record for the longest stint as Galar Champion? Oh yeah, she could definitely beat Leon. So if all of my top candidates ended up winning to become the new champion of their respective regions, the new champions would be Karen for the Indigo League, Wally for the Hoenn League, Riley for the Sinnoh League, Marshal for the Unova League, Valerie for the Kalos League, and Honey for the Galar League. A pretty interesting roster if I do say so myself. Thanks so much for watching, and an extra special thanks to my Patrons over on Patreon for helping for my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also, if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So till next time, Pokefans, Gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,402,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, champion, pokemon champion
Id: 1FY9oNy7jvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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