IELTS Writing Tips: How to Put Examples in Your Essay

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hello my name's Liz and in this lesson I would like to show you how to give examples in essay writing now I've got a sentence on the board with a linking device fast-food has a high content of fat and sugar which can lead to serious health issues like obesity and cardiac disease when eaten in quantity now before I explain about which linking devices you need to use to give examples let me just quickly explain the vocabulary so we've got serious health issues or health problems obesity is the problem of being extremely overweight cardiac disease is heart disease or heart problems when eaten in quantity when means when someone eats a lot of it now we've got the sentence and we've got the linking device like we've got the commas before and after our examples it's very important that you do use your commas correctly when you give examples now the linking device we've got is like and that is the first thing I want to teach you this is the wrong linking device to use for essay writing like is a very informal linking device for giving examples and we use it in conversation and speaking so it is completely wrong to use for an essay so what type of linkers should we use when we're giving illustrations of a word for example health issues we should be using such as or namely which means in particular we're talking about these health problems so don't use like instead you should use such as or namely now it's also possible to change the structure of that sentence and present our example in a different way let me show you here what I've done is I've put the examples at the beginning of the sentence I Lisa T and cardiac disease are typical examples of the health issues that can be faced by people who regularly consume food with a high fat and sugar content and I've changed the word eat to consume so again this is another very nice way of giving an example and illustrating the point of health issues in your sentence for your essay now let's have a look at some more ways that we can give examples another way to give examples an increasing number of people are eating unhealthy food regardless of the health warnings for example about 70% of people working in the U K resort to buying ready-made meals for convenience rather than doing home cooking so what you can see here is rather than just giving an example to explain a word what we're actually doing is giving a whole sentence as an example and often that will contain statistics but not always it doesn't need to and you can see here that the linking device we've used is for example and after that we've put a comma before giving it four sentence this helps the reader understand the meaning and the purpose of this sentence now of course we can change this linking device let me show you some varieties that you can use if you wanted to change the words for example you could write for instance to illustrate as an illustration to give a clear example and these can be just put in place directly without changing any of the grammar of the sentence so even after you've written your essay you can go back through your essay to check that you are using a range of linking devices for giving examples and if you find that you've repeated for example you can quit you change it and put to illustrate so these are ways of giving examples without changing the grammar but if you do want to change the grammar let me show you some more ways to give examples here you can see we've given the example but we've changed the structure of the sentence slightly this is exemplified by the 70% of working people in the UK who resort to buying ready-made meals for convenience so you can see that we've got a completely different grammar structure so I only recommend doing this if you feel confident with your grammar don't try to use it if your grammar is not very strong now let me give you an example of how to write this sentence without the statistic it's also possible to write this can be seen by the growing number of working people in the UK who resort to buying ready-made meals for convenience instead of working at home so instead of putting 70% we've put by the growing number of people so you don't have to use statistics or data if you don't want to if you want to get a list of very useful linking words for essay writing then please visit my blog I've put the link below the video right thank you for watching I hope it was useful press like if you thought it was and I will see you again in another ayah lesson you
Channel: IELTS Liz
Views: 1,388,187
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Keywords: Adding Examples, Putting Examples in Essay, Linking Words for Examples, IELTS Essay Writing Skills, Linking Words, IELTS Writing Task 2, Academic Essay Writing, Essay Writing for University
Id: suu0KfL7jzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2015
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