IELTS Listening Tips: Multiple Choice

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hello my name's Liz and in this lesson we're going to look at multiple choice questions for IELTS listening multiple choice questions are the most difficult that you will get in your listening test and in this lesson we're going to look at strategies and techniques to deal with multiple choice so we're going to start off I will give you tips about what to do and then we're going to do some multiple-choice practice then I will go through the answers with you and point out all the traps that I like to use for there listening and following that I will give you a list of a useful vocabulary so that you can improve your listening for this type of question and at the end of the lesson I will give you links so that you can practice more multiple choice for IELTS and also get some more useful IELTS lessons so let's start by having a look at multiple-choice questions there are different kinds of multiple-choice question in IELTS listening and here are the two types of questions that you can get the first type is when you've got separate questions and each question has a choice of three or four answers and you must choose the correct answer then you move to the next question and you choose the correct answer again but IELTS like to challenge you and the other type of question is a list selection now with this one you can see that questions four and five are together there's only one question for both of them and then you have a very long list and from this list you need to choose the correct answers now you might be asked to choose two answers maybe three so you have to read these instructions very carefully and you can see that there quite a long list of possible answers and you must choose your answers from that list so this is the most difficult because you have so many options to choose from and in today's lesson we're going to look at the multiple choice list selection question now before I give you tips for multiple choice let's have a look at a question that we're going to practice today here is the question we've got questions 4 to 6 so that's three questions together we've got what three items are recommended to take with you that's our question and we have a list of possible answers we have a camera B food and drink C mosquito repellent D walking boots e sunscreen F a large bag G cash and H extra clothes and from those options we need to choose three answers so let's start with tip number one the first tip is a simple tip look for a title not all questions have titles but if you see one please pay attention the title will give you the context of the situation and that will help you to understand the listening more it will help you to understand the question more clearly and of course the answers and for this question our title is a rain forest excursion and it an excursion means a trip so this is a trip into a rain forest so it's a visit to a rain forest and now we understand that the three items that are recommended are recommended for a rainforest trip tip number two read the question you need to pay close attention to the question and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to underline the number three because looking for three answers we don't want to forget that so underline it so you don't get confused the next thing is to find a keyword there will be a keyword in the question that will help you to identify which answers are correct and which answers are wrong and in this question the keyword is recommended so what is recommended for you to take with you into the rain forest you need to listen for three things that you should take with you into the rain forest this will also help us to understand the trap that IELTS will give you because I also will probably talk about many different things some things that you should take with you into the rain forest and things you shouldn't take with you into the rain forest and that is to confuse you so what you need to do is pay attention what is the key word and listen for that information the third tip is paraphrase this is a very important tip for many ants questions and paraphrase means to find another word with the same meaning so the more paraphrasing that you can do the better your IELTS will be so we already looked for tip number two at the word recommended and that means for tip number three we need to paraphrase recommended you're not going to hear in the test I recommend you should take with you it's not so easy I also want to test your English language I also want to test your vocabulary so how many ways do you know to say recommended or should and how many ways do you know to say I don't recommend or you shouldn't so the more paraphrasing you do the better your results will be and the easier it will be to hear the right answer for the fourth tip it is time to read the options you need to go through all the possible answers and read through them before you listen all the options will probably be given it is very normal in IELTS that you will hear all those words in the recording but you need to focus because we're only looking for the items that we should take and not for any other items so that means that when you hear something the first time for example food and drink it doesn't mean that's the answer you need to listen carefully to understand is it recommended to take food and drink or is it not recommended to take food and drink listen carefully listen to everything pay very close attention if you think it's the right answer put a little tick and continue listening because maybe you will find that really that wasn't actually one of the answers and of course it's fine to put a tick you can write all over your listening paper if you want because at the end of the listening you have time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet so it's no problem to underline words and to put ticks and to circle options you can do whatever you want with your paper so basically tip number four is pay attention keep listening don't think that the first option is your answer because all these options will be mentioned in the listening but you need to listen for the three recommended items and the last tip the last tip is all about a common trap that I like to give in their listening test and this is a trap that really tests your ability to con and truth and listen for detail so tip number five is watch out for answers that are correct but then the speaker takes them away again let me give you an example so you can understand now we're listening for three items that are recommended to take with us into the rain forest so something we should take now let's take this for an example imagine that the speaker says usually we recommend that you should take a large bag with you into the rain forest but there's no need because we will be bringing supplies with us so what happens is in that sentence the first part of the sentence says yes you should take a large bag with you but the second part of the sentence says actually you don't need to take a large bag because we have a vehicle and we will take everything for you so you don't need the large bag so that's a common way that IELTS try to trap you so when you're listening and you hear the words you should take a large bag you can put a tick but keep listening and if the sentence changes and says but actually you don't need to put a little cross through and that way you know that you need to keep listening for more answers right so those are five useful tips for your multiple choice and now let's do a practice I'm going to give you a recording to listen to and you're going to answer this question and you're going to listen and you're going to find three items that are recommended to take into the rain forest so I'm going to disappear and you will do the listening and at the end of the listening I will come back and I will give all the answers and then I will also give you a useful vocabulary so good luck I will see you in just a minute you now have time to read questions four to six and prepare the answers before the listening begins questions four to six right so let me give you some information about today's excursion into the rain forest we'll be travelling from here by bus to the park Center from there we'll be heading on foot into the rain forest will be going on a six mile hike and the terrain will be pretty uneven so you really must have some strong Footwear like a good pair of boots there will be plenty of photo opportunities on this trip so I know many of you will want to take a camera but I'm afraid it's prohibited I also see that many of you have your binoculars with you however I must explain that the forest will be pretty dense where we're going so you may not have many opportunities to use them on our Trek it'll be quite shaded so you don't need to worry about sunscreen mosquito repellent on the other hand is often useful but not at this time of year we'll be walking for a few hours so you might want to bring refreshments with you once you enter the park there's nowhere to buy anything so definitely that's a must now if I were you I'd take a good sized rucksack with you as you may want to bring a change of clothing with you as well as other personal items I know many people recommend to take local currency with you on the trip but the souvenir shop which is outside the park does take credit cards as well as dollars and euros so I'll leave that decision entirely up to you so how did you do listening was it difficult or easy well let's have a look now at the answers let's go through the answers let's have a look at the first one you really must have some strong Footwear and of course when we hear that word we think about the option walking boots and it says like a good pair of boots now it doesn't say walking boots but we are not looking for the exact words we're looking for the meaning and the meaning of this strong Footwear a good pair of boots that means walking boots so that gave us the first answer now let's look at the next many of you will want to take a camera so that was one of the possible answers and he says but I'm afraid I'm afraid means unfortunately it's prohibited which means you can't is not allowed so the camera is and no that is not recommended that you can't take it with you the next one it'll be quite shaded now shaded means protected from the Sun there are so many trees in the rainforest the Sun cannot come through it's shaded so you don't need to worry about you don't need to worry about me you don't need it it's not necessary you shouldn't take it you don't need to worry about sunscreen so that's the next option gone let's look at the others the next one mosquito repellent that was on our list is useful but not at this time of year so that means mosquito repellent is not our answer the next one you might want to bring refreshments with you now the refreshments what does it mean well refreshments means food or drink and that was one of our answers so it says you might want to bring food and drink with you it's a must and that means you really should take it with you so food and drink is one of our answers the next one if I were you now immediately we can see if I were you that is the beginning of a recommendation if I were you I'd take a good sized that means large rucksack do you know what rucksack is where a rucksack is a bag that you put on your back so it's a bag so a large bag I recommend you take a large bag with you so that is the third answer a large bag and if we continue we will see it says as this means because because you may want to bring a change of clothing so that is the option of extra clothes but it does say may want to bring which means it's optional you can choose to bring it or not bring it it's not recommended so we have got the answer is walking boots food and drink and a large bag now let's look at the last option and see why that was not the answer and the last possible answer was of course about cash and it said some people recommend and again that's what other people recommend not the speaker so that was a trap because obviously we use the word recommend but this is not the answer so says some people recommend to take local currency which is the cash and then later the speaker says but leave that decision to you which and it means it's optional it's not a recommendation so here are the answers and you can see the paraphrasing the synonyms that is used for these answers so the first one walking boots they said strong Footwear a good pair of boots the next one food and drink they said refreshments and a large bag they said a good sized rucksack so that's an example of how IELTS will use paraphrasing and different vocabulary to confuse you a little bit and test your English now let me give you some more tips before we look at a vocabulary and some more tips for you and of course the first one is both the words in the question and the words in the answer options all of it can be paraphrased so please pay very close attention to that and build your vocabulary ayats listening is all about vocabulary so start creating word lists and developing and extending your vocabulary the next one as you saw we had a list of possible answers but the answers do not come in that order they come in all different orders so the first answer was walking boots but walking boots was option D so don't try to follow that list the answers will come in different borders and the last tip this is one of the most important tips is your answer must be a letter so when you transfer your answers to the answer sheet at the end of the test make sure that you transfer the letter not the word so one of the answers was D walking boots if you write walking boots on your answer sheet the answer is wrong so make sure that you write the letter and not the words now let's have a look at some useful vocabulary here are a number of different paraphrases that IELTS could use in their listening test for recommendations let's have a quick look we could say you should you ought to I'd advise you to it's advisable I suggest that it's a good idea to it's best to if I were you I'd and of course there's another expression here if I were in your shoes I'd and this is all about recommending something of course the opposite you turn it to a negative you shouldn't you oughtn't I wouldn't advise you to it's not advisable to I don't suggest that it's not a good idea to I wouldn't if I were you or if I were in your shoes I wouldn't now let's have a look at paraphrases for being allowed to do something so something you can or can't do there are many different ways to say that something is not allowed you could say you can't or you mustn't it's forbidden to it isn't permitted to it's banned it isn't permissible to it's not accessible that means you can't get to it or you can't enter there's a strict rule that strict is a negative word so that means that you can't it's a rule to stop you it isn't authorized or it isn't approved and of course you could say you won't be able to if you want to do the opposite it to say something is approved of course you say you can it is permitted it is permissible it is accessible there is no strict rule it's either authorized you will be able to so all these different paraphrases will help you when you get a question about recommendations or what is allowed now let me give you a link so that you can do lots more multiple-choice listening practice for IELTS and get some more useful lessons as well see you soon you
Channel: IELTS Liz
Views: 2,474,050
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Keywords: IELTS Listening, IELTS Multiple Choice
Id: AkW0IeF46cA
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Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 10 2015
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