IELTS Writing Task 2 Useful PHRASES and expressions for Band 8+ | Academic and General Training

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hi there it's hacia and today I've prepared for you a number of useful phrases for the IELTS writing task 2 that help to elevate your writing and make it sound more like a formal writing of a native speaker the good thing is you don't need to memorize many new words rather learn to use most common arts words in a new way and I'm also gonna give you a downloadable PDF file with all friends and examples to repeat offline if you wish okay all my examples already here let's get started let's begin with the word advantage essays about advantages and disadvantages are so common in IELTS and you may need to say something like that a big advantage of public transportation is that it's cheaper you can say exactly the same in a slightly different way public transport has a definite advantage of being cheap the words are almost identical but the second sentence sounds more sophisticated right here is another example a small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run know the adjectives in these examples and definite advantage means a big a clear advantage and in a situation when you've just provided one advantage and now you want to add another advantage you can say the added advantage this phrase helps to vary a vocabulary but also it links sentences together when you're talking about disadvantages you can't use a phrase as serious or distinct disadvantage to you for example you need to say the plant has a big disadvantage that's a very simple sentence you could say there are distinct disadvantages to the plan or here is another example there are serious disadvantages to both approaches instead of saying a big disadvantage you can say is serious or a distinct disadvantage the next expression is to support the deal your task married consider both views and give your opinion imagine you're writing your body paragraphs you have just provided an example then in the next sentence you could say this example supports the view that and then you state what view it's possible for instance this example support the view the triples of TEKsystems can increase employment rates or another one this evidence support the view that there is too much violence on television if the task asks you to provide your opinion than in the introduction or preferably in the conclusion you could also say I support the view that another way to express your opinion as to say I take a view that instead of saying I think it would be wrong to interfere you could say I take a view that it would be wrong to interfere it sounds more formal here is another example I take the view that each individual is ultimately responsible for his health and fitness the best way to memorize phrases is to use them so please try to make your own sentences using these phrases and write them in comments below expressing your opinion or contrasting two sides of the argument is so common in IELTS that I'm going to give you a couple more examples when you are writing your conclusion or maybe an introduction you can use this structure some people argue that my own view that that's what I've done here some people argue that the government should promote housing lifestyle options my own view is that each in the video is ultimately responsible for his health and fitness opinion is another very common word here are a couple ways to use it opinion is divided on the issue it means that people are disagree you could say should the government ban smoking in public places opinion is divided on this issue in all my examples and trying to use common English words if you're trying to get six hours you may not be familiar with some of them but if you are targeting band-aid you should really know most of the words almost all of them another price and sure you know this one in my opinion in my opinion everyone should have some understanding of science that's a very typical sentence to make it a bit more interesting you could move this phrase to the middle of the sentence everyone should in my opinion have some understanding of science in this case put commas before and after the phrase here is another one each in the video in my opinion is ultimately responsible for his health and fitness have you noticed where I put this phrase in sentence just before the main world so in the first example the main verb is to have and we say everyone should in my opinion have and continue in the second example it's is each in the video in my opinion is responsible and so on if you've already used about advantage you don't want to repeat it several times in a row in this case you can replace it with the word benefit for example instead of saying another advantage of public transport is low cost you could say public transport has a benefit of low cost here is another one those who have a benefit of do dedication are more likely to get a high paying job a synonym of the word disadvantage is a drawback there is the one major drawback of the new system or the one big drawback with the plan is its high cost it's possible to say a drawback of the new system or a drawback with the plan both proposal are correct if you task for its dues advantages outweigh the disadvantages and you want to say the advantages of this system far outweigh the disadvantages but you would repeat so many words from the task itself so instead you could say the benefits of this system far outweigh the drawbacks it's quite hard to substitute the word outweigh because that's not only the one you use in this situation so we're going to keep it another way to avoid using words advantages and disadvantages is to say strengths and weaknesses for example this approach has its strengths and weaknesses it's also possible to use words separately like in this example a fundamental weakness of this approach is its cost sentimental means the main of the greatest weakness I like the phrase of the strength lies for example our sentences this strength of the solution is in its low cost you could say this strength of the solution lies in its low cost and don't forget the preposition in lies in when you want to introduce or one side of the argument you could say some people argue that or it could be argued that it could be argued that laws are made by and for men I chose this particular example to also show you how you can use two different propositions in a row by and for men the full phrase would be by men and Foreman but you could simply say buy and fall you can download all the phrases and examples are used in this video if you click on the link on the screen or also in video description below don't forget to make your own sentences using these phrases and post them in comments thank you so much for watching me and good luck with your preparation [Music]
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: fastrack education, ielts exam, ielts preparation, ielts writing preparation, ielts writing task 2, ielts academic writing task 2, ielts general writing task 2, ielts phrases, ielts expressions, ielts writing phrases, ielts writing task 2 expressions, ielts writing phrases pdf, ielts writing task 2 phrases, ielts writing task 2 academic, ielts writing task 2 band 8, ielts writing tips, ielts phrases and expressions, ielts writing collocations, ielts writing synonyms
Id: Ur07MucKPno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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