IELTS Speaking test band score of 7 with feedback 2021

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okay we can begin this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place at ross ielts academy the candidate is ava beheshti the candidate's number is four four five nine five triple four the examiner is samson sees examiner number four four three five three three good afternoon my name is samson would you please tell me your full name yes my name is alva bihishti wonderful and can i see your identification that's wonderful thank you very much so in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions first i'd like to talk to you about your job what is your job uh currently actually i'm a student and i have an occupation i'm working as a german teacher in a language academy okay and what responsibilities do you have there um actually our liability consists of teaching students and supports them if they have some problem in some languages and moreover i'm responsible for the income of the other workers in my institute okay and if you had the chance would you change this job yes actually the salary of teaching in any language i mean english german or french is not so hectic so if i would if i can change something i would rather to change the income of the co-workers in my language academy okay now let's move on to talk about evenings what do you do in the evenings uh actually my whole day consists of study and working and i don't have so much time in order to allocate to my entertainment or hobby but if i uh find some time i would rather to spend it with my family like watching films or going out or dine and eat something at a restaurant okay and now do you prefer to spend evenings with family or friends actually because i don't have so much time in order to spend with my family i would rather to spend this kind of time much more with my family rather than my friends and uh i would rather to just allocate sometimes at the weekends to my friends okay so do you ever work or study in the evenings currently i don't work in the evenings but about two years ago i was working from morning to the evening so yes i just worked at the evening about two years ago okay good so let's now talk about family and friends do you spend much time with your family yes actually i'm completely at home these days especially in current team because we are don't allow to go out in these corona pandemic so we don't have any other choice but spending our time with our close-knit family okay and do you prefer spending time with family or friends in total um actually at the weekend i would rather to spend my time with my friends because actually i see my friends once in the moon so i don't have so much time in order to spend with each other in a cafe or a restaurant because of that maybe on tuesday i think i've just spent about two hours with my friends right and are you still friends with people from your childhood uh actually no uh i don't have any chance in order to be more in contact with them because in my opinion these people really just allocated to my childhood and we we can't just continue in order to be in contact and meet each other more and do you hope to make new friends during these times now um yes of course if i have an opportunity in order to find some friends or which are completely close to me i mean mentally or physically yes why not i would rather to make some new friends okay that's great so let's move on to the next part now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for up to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish do you understand yeah thank you okay great so i'm just going to give you a piece of paper there's your pen and this is your topic describe a historical building you have visited so it's your cue card you may have a take down notes for one minute if you like thank you so much okay you may start speaking too um about two years ago i was going to germany with my friends but actually i don't have so much time in order to manage this travel because of that one of my friend just did me a favor and manage our internary so we go to germany and we have visited so much attractions like church musk and some stuff like that but the most interesting uh thing that i remember very well is about uh one church which is located in the middle of germany and it was built about 2 000 years ago so uh it was um lavish and magnificent and dramatically huge uh when we just go when we just went through it a man was responsible for explaining about the history and the tradition of this church so we were completely and well informed about these kinds of tradition about the religious habits and the people who were living at the past in that church and the reason why i uh remember it very well because it was just kind a part of our tour and we should just visit it actually another thing that i remember very well is a hotel uh we didn't have any other chan any other chance but staying in a city hotel in the third days of our travel so that was completely not safe and not appropriate for three females which consists of me and other two of my friends so actually that was so interesting because i didn't have before seen a a city and an unsafe hotel moreover we just go we just went through the other attractions like the shoppings which are very old okay thank you very much that's the end of the two minutes so let's move on to the next part i'll take back your days thanks very much okay so we've been talking about a historical building that you have visited and now i'd like to ask you some questions related to this now let's consider monuments and historic places are there any historical buildings in your hometown actually yes in my hometown which is tehran we have so much historical buildings and like we we have goleston tower which is located at the middle of the city and it's completely popular every year so much to reach just poured into this location in order to visit it okay and do people in your country often visit historical buildings um actually it depends on person i think some kinds of people like me don't have any character in order to spend time in order to visit some monuments and some historical uh buildings for example in my opinion it's looked like just a squandering time to visit historical buildings but other people uh cite a seed as an entertainment and they they are really engrossed in visiting these kinds of uh attractions wow and do children like to go to that kind of place do you think in my country actually i don't think so uh children are not really interested in visiting these kinds of attractions they would rather to they would rather to spend time with their family with their friends and just play a game outdoors and indoors because uh in my opinion i think they don't have enough science in order to understand uh the history and the tradition behind these attractions okay and do you think people who damage historical relics should be put in prison um not in all situations i'm not completely agree with this statement in some situations yes when uh they're just continuing to demolish this attraction so they don't have any other choice but going to jail but at other in on the other side i would rather to say it's going to be better when we just uh show them ahinwa in an advice to uh just um inform them what uh they can do and what are the damage that they can leads to these attractions right cool now what would people in your country agree to using government funds to preserve historical buildings uh yes actually because um my my people i mean my uh all the inhabitants which are currently living in my hometown don't have any high uh financial ability in order to allocate to just protect these historical things so i think yeah we don't have any other choice but uh getting help from government in order to help us economically to preserve these kinds of historical being right and how often do you visit historical buildings in your city um actually uh in summer we i have so much time in order to allocate to my entertainments and i think one of the most interesting parts in my hobbies is to visiting so much historical attraction not only in my hometown but also in other cities like suburbs or rural areas which is completely interesting and dramatically lavish for me right and uh would you prefer would you travel the world to visit more historical buildings um up to now unfortunately i don't have any time to just uh go to another country in order to visit the story called uh things which are completely interesting as i mentioned before one of the most interesting that i've signed before that i've seen before is just a church which is located in germany but other than up to now actually i don't find this opportunity to visit the other historical buildings okay thank you very much that's the end of the speaking test you can now take a deep breath how do you feel um not so well why not i don't know i feel that i can speak better but i've completely lost all worlds which i have remembered before all that maybe do you think stress was stress related maybe oh don't be stressed honestly unnecessary don't be stressed okay so i'm going to give you your bad score we'll see what where you at just with this situation and then i'll give you some feedback on the four criterias and let's see how you get along so i'm just going to add your score there one second sorry i'm not right with you just make sure i do this properly okay right so i've got some good news for you actually you're right now we're looking at a seven really yeah no that's an overall seven okay um you know considering the are you happy with that i mean it seemed happy but you can actually you can increase that uh by you can you can easily get an eight in my opinion if uh if it wasn't the stress getting in the way maybe what i mean there are some issues maybe we can go through seven that's that's a pretty good score um so let's have a look uh the fluency incoherence will stop having a look at that so this was i thought one of your strongest points and i think that's obvious to quite a lot of examiners if they were watching this so um the flow was very strong you know the way you you were getting into it you sounded very conversational um you were giving reasons for your answers and you were elaborating uh most of the time um even this that this could have been even uh can even improve that if you can even elaborate a little bit more with the answers especially in uh part three i mean i think maybe it was just one you gave one a slightly short answer in in part three i mean part one there were the sweet and simple uh questions with mostly simple answers then again you could still elaborate maybe a little bit more in in part one uh but mostly part three that's that's the part where you really it's more of a conversation between the examiner and the candidate um what i think you could do as well is maybe slow down a little bit maybe you know because you do have a strong command of english that doesn't mean you need to rush you can you can slow down and uh you know take it easy a little bit and maybe that would because we're gonna i'm gonna get to the uh grammatical range and accuracy and that i think speed has a lot to do with that so if for fluency and coherence i would say that the main point here is to maybe slow down a little bit but i mean i didn't really have any uh problem with you particularly in this in this case it's just a matter of speed you were very coherent very fluent uh vocabulary again very strong you had a good varied uh variety of words you were using and they were complex and very well related to the topic so uh you i didn't really have any problem with you the way you were using your vocabulary i would just uh carry on doing that that's that's a very good thing um so not too many problems there at all dramatical range and accuracy now this is the part where the speed i think was affecting you know your score a little bit here um this is the point so uh with with the rushing you had a few grammatical errors and i'm sure these can be fixed if you slow down maybe a little bit so you had uh we don't allow to so we're we're not allowed to so that that's a little error there um rather two and then you went on to the next one so rather go into your sentence i mean that clause is probably not necessary um once in a moon um i think it's good to use these kind of expressions but complete it once in a blue moon i mean that that would have sounded natural rather than once in the moon um at one point you said i think some when you're talking about a variety of buildings some church i think some churches you know obviously it's plural which which consist which consists i think it was uh which consists of or which consisted i think you were trying to because that's in the the past tense and you said which consists of which consisted um so it just these little uh grammatical errors i think that was the thing and that's because of your speed your command of english is strong enough to fix all of this all you have to do is in my opinion slow down because your volume was good um i think you you were expressing yourself you know it's you were assertive enough to speak loudly and you were very conversational so it's it's this part mostly and also let's let's look at a little bit of your um pronunciations here so you had wizard instead of visit so try to you know pronounce it correctly like we always say accent doesn't matter it's just that the words have to be pronounced correctly everyone has their own unique accent if taking ielts tests you know everyone's going to have their own unique accent from their country so the best thing to do is just to focus on um for you right now definitely grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation with these you know if you had a few pronunciation misplacements there so wizard he said at one point because you rushed you said attrasion instead of attraction and that was just because you rushed you don't you do not have a pronunciation problem or uh fluency coherence problem i don't think your grammar has too much of an issue either it was the speed that was sending you a little bit off balance and maybe brought down your score a little bit but still seven i mean it's a good score we're looking at and you can easily increase it to an eight by simply in your case slowing down and maybe you know focusing a little bit on the on the grammar there um because you i mean you like i said the fluency incoherence it was amazing uh you sounded interesting you were very you kept the flow going it was just uh maybe slightly short answers here and then again the speed uh vocabulary it was it was wonderful i really if i would you i wouldn't but you wouldn't need to focus much on the vocab so it was mostly grammatical range and accuracy a few pronunciation uh situations there uh do you have any questions for me no thank you so much thank you it's like it's all right yes thank you okay so thanks for coming in now thank you i wish you best of luck thank you
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 86,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Listening, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, IELTS Speaking band 7
Id: pm56TkRXLH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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