Band 6.5 IELTS Speaking Test

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what do you prefer to use when writing a pen or a pencil I prefer using a pencil often while writing cuz if you use a pencil you can easily erase a mistake if you have done one and there are documents or writing tests where you can't get the answer wrong so I generally use pencils so that if even if it's the answer is incorrect I can erase it any time plus I like how it feels uh when using a pencil and it turns out to be the writing turns out to be very smooth with pencil in what situations do you think using a pen is more appropriate than using a pencil um there are situation uh where you I think of using a pen is more convenient it's because you have to sharpen the penil a lot of times so while writing on a WR writing test or you writing a document or you're writing an important paper you I use a pen so it's I because I don't have to remove it or signing signing papers such as state bank statements or signing somewhere um that's important I will use a pen okay how often do you find yourself using a pencil in your daily life I often like to use a pencil in my daily life when I'm trying speaking test when I'm listening or when I'm marking on the booklet uh on the con answer sheet or the I I always use the tip of the pencil to while reading a passage uh because it it helps to find out the keywords while reading a while marking and it it helps to find out more and mark the underline the main words so I often use it in my daily life do you think the use of digital devices has affected the popularity of using pen or pencil yes I feel that because uh ever since people this is a modern generation and we are used to using pen or pencil as I was growing up I I I'm used to using a pen or pencil but recently uh and after the modernization and after the T after the tablets and um iPad invention people started using less less pencil or pen because they're using more they're on the screen always is they if they see something they write it on the phone they note it on the phone or they usually take a picture of it because and they are people become a much more lazy they don't want to write things on paper or just mark it they like using the phone uh because they find it uh but in some cases it is convenient to write it on the phone or write it on the screen but not every cases uh so I think uh it really has reduced the use of of pen and pencil um significantly what do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a gift pencil are p and Pen often symbolize the determination the determination the freedom thought of success and it often shows care so if anyone is giving me a pen or pencil as a gift I would really like it because it shows that that person is thinking uh that cares about my thought of freedom and this is why um traditionally pen or pencils are often gifted U on graduation ceremonies to someone because it really it really shows that the participant is caring about your thought of Freedom okay okay thank you this is the end of part one let's move on to part two in this part you have to describe an energetic person that you know this is your CER you this is your pencil you can take notes if you wish from now your time starts okay okay would you please stop time is up would you like to speak yes of course I would like to talk about my uncle uh he's a very he's a very energetic person he's usually very active and an energetic person is not someone who's someone who is always proactive and bold to any task my uncle is really enthusiastic he's really sharp and he has a very calm mindset so he can tackle everything with smoothly um this person uh is very fruitful and he is's into a lot of sports he's into he hard work he works hard a lot and he likes to he goes to gym often twice or twice a week he also likes to play football he plays golf and he also he's also interested at quite good at swimming so uh these activities are very uh really fun to do and this activities really inspire me the the way he does things the way he complete all the task it really inspired me and it motivates me suppose he really wakes up early in the morning and seeing him uh he's an early riser so he gets a lot of time to do a lot of work complete all of his task so seeing him it really motivates me to wake up early uh it also changes the perspective I had before uh because he seeing him working hard it really changes my perspective he also um work hard and in everything and he he's very enthusiastic about his work about his passion and habits uh I really feel uh I feel this this has an very impact on my life it really change my way of thinking my point of view seeing active active person gets a lot of opportunities and it really helps even if keeps you fit it it is a good physical exercise too sports are considered to be a very good exercise okay staying fit thank you let's move on to part three and I have several questions for you in this part what kinds of job needs a lot of physical work um I think that construction Works daers people Farm bars and who works in the field takes a lot of effort and it's a lot of it's it's very hard it's very hard to do it so these are the jobs I think that takes a lot of physical work what's the difference between the payment of physical work and that for the brain work um the physical the difference between the payment uh physical work and mental work is very significant it's because uh people who are educated and who has proper knowledge gets to uh they get they get to work with a very they get very good opportunities they get to work with different multinational companies different they they can understand different programs they even have a idea of technological sites and they can they're very good at coding they understand things so physical work and on the other hand people who are working in the field like Farmers construction workers or day labers they don't really get paid much it's because they are illiterate and they're uneducated so they don't really know they're not really aware of productivity they don't know such programming um they are not very they don't even have much resources also they have they don't they're not very they're not very understanding about the about the technological World they don't they're not they're totally separate with the modern world so okay okay so uh what do you think is there any any opportunity that physical workers receive higher salaries in the future uh yes uh they can receive higher salaries in the future uh if we can give them proper uh education and by building their skills they can really achieve the go uh by achieving the goal they can really get paid highly uh they don't because I feel they don't get enough wages uh they work very hard but again they're illiterate and they're not very aware of productivity they're they don't know what they should get they are not very aware of their own skills and own things so if can educate them properly in what ways might physical jobs become more specialized in the future physical Works can be specialized uh by improving skills uh in even if we let them practice some programs and we bring uh we bring various type of situations uh where they get chances to learn about things um it can be effective we if we can teach them in an effective way and we can really give them more opportunities if they get opportunities to improve more I think this that way they can improve okay my last question to you do you think machines could replace human workers in the future yes absolutely uh I'm I will not say I agree to it uh wholly but partially yes because now after uh this this in this generation we people are really uh relied on machines and computers and Technology they're totally dependent on technology this day so uh and it has actually made our life very easier and after this all these science inventions and machines uh it has it's become very easy life has become very easy and it's very less time consuming people can really uh cope up with any situation it's more convenient for them they don't have to do the heavy lifting they don't have to do all the very hard Works which would take a very long time for them they can save money as as well as they can save their time too okay an thank you very much thank you for joining us
Channel: BARC TV
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Keywords: ielts speaking real test, ielts speaking test, ielts, ielts speaking band 4, ielts speaking 2, 6.5 real test, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, essential english, IELTS Test, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS test 2024, ielts speaking, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking test in bangladesh, ielts 6.5 speaking
Id: iNQZg9BfMrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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