IELTS Speaking Test band 8.0 with feedback 2022

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[Music] from here it starts the speaking test this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place in ross hills academy the candidate is ana lordes friar diaz candidates number zero one four three two five two the examiner is mushafi examiner number four four three five three three good evening my name is marine mushafi would you please tell me your full name sure my name is ana lourdes diaz and what can i call you anna anna can is your identification please of course thank you thank you very much we can now get us started with the first part of the exam in the first part i will ask you some personal questions first let's talk about what you do what is your job currently i'm an interpreter over the phone i interpret phone calls from different government agencies and institutions from the u.s and has your job changed a lot in the past years it actually has because up until august from this year i used to be an english teacher i had been an english teacher for over three years but just recently i decided to switch to any job and if you have the chance would you change your job i think that if i had the chance i would but it depends on the conditions and the salary if it's better than the one that i have right now i would totally i think i would totally change now let's move on to talk about headphones do you use headphones i do use headphones i actually have a pair of headphones i got them about two months ago they're very useful and i really like them and when would you use your headphones i use them for my job i take calls every day so in order to have a better quality of my voice when i tran interpret or to hear better what my clients are saying i use headphones in what conditions you won't use your headphones i think i wouldn't use my headphones on my personal life apart from the job because they are very big and heavy so to go jogging or to just relax in my room i wouldn't use them let's now talk about shoes how frequently do you buy shoes i think i buy shoes around one to two times a year i don't really buy that many shoes i'm not the kind of person that collects a lot of them i just stick to a few good ones and where do you usually buy shoes i go buy them at the mall i don't like buying them online because i don't want to risk it because sometimes they come a little bit larger or smaller so what is your favorite type of shoes i think sneakers sneakers are my favorite type of shoes they're comfortable and they are useful for everything thank you now we can move on to the second part of the exam so in the second part i will give you a card with a topic and you will have to talk about this topic for two minutes but before you do so you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes to help you if you wish do you understand yes now i'm giving you the cue card and the paper for you to make notes and the pen and you should describe a charity which is important to you here you are thank you you're welcome now you have one minute to think about the topic and it starts now uh you now your one minute is over and you may talk about this topic for two minutes but do not worry if i stop you so you can start talking now i think all charities are important because they're all about helping others and making the world better but if i had to choose one i would choose the animal shelter in my hometown it's called animals friends and it is a charity and that helps a shelter that takes care of stray domestic animals like dogs and cats in that shelter they receive these stray animals and they give them health care and a roof and food and also they promote adoption in the local and international people that are interested in that the way they raise money is very resourceful because they receive donations from the locals and also from international people that are interested in helping in helping animals they make these fundraiser events in which they offer a dinner to people and the funds that come out of that would go to the shelter they also use social media a lot to communicate the needs of the shelter and they have a bazaar under on the top on the second floor of the shelter in which you can go and buy different items for clothing or books or second hand and that's the way they carry carry on i think it is very important for people to look up to this organization because it not only picks up stray dogs and cats from the street but they also take care of them and thank you very much now we can move on to the third part of the exam so can you please give me back the papers and the pen thank you okay so in the second part you talked about the charity which is important to you now in the third part i want to ask you some questions related to this topic why do people do charity for others i think people do charity for others because it's part of the empathetic side of the human heart to just see the needs in other people and just help them out with that because everybody struggles so if i receive help why wouldn't i give help to others as well and do you think charity work is a selfish thing to do it depends of the intentions of the person that does it because some people generally help without expecting anything in return but there's other people that expect some recognition or just to feel like there are good people for doing small actions and what kinds of charities are there in your country oh there are many cherries in my country but the most famous ones are teletone which is for disabled children red nose for children with cancer and there are many that help the elderly as well and which one do you think is more useful or is more needed for you leave i think all of them are important and useful but i think the ones related to children and the elderly are the most important ones why do you think so because these are the groups that struggle the most the children and elderly are some of the most vulnerable groups in society so helping them with their health needs and life situations i think that's very important and how about the corporations in your country do they also contribute to charity well they do i think some corporations or at least most of them choose a charity every year and they help them by doing campaigns involving their co-workers or even their communities so i think it's something very very uh common in my country and how about the charities should charities be allowed to make a profit they should be allowed to make a profit as long as they are actually helping society because we need people that dedicate their time fully to charities in order to actually help so but those people cannot live out of just helping they need to survive they need money so that's i think that would be the situation thank you very much this is now the end of the speaking test now i will just need two minutes to add up your score in different criteria and then i'll give you the feedback based on the you know details of each criteria and your overall band score okay okay great thank you speaking course this course is made up of five offline speaking videos in which you will learn all the necessary tips and techniques to take the ielts speaking test with a high score tell me about your family do you mind in addition to that you will have access to useful grammar and vocabulary resources once you finish your course you will have one online mock test of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same exam conditions interesting question join us to become our next successful candidate okay now let's talk about what you did anna but uh first i would like to give you the feedback based on the criteria and then we can talk about your overall underscore so to talk about the first criteria your fluency and coherence i can say that i really enjoyed listening to like your answers what you were saying in different parts because you were able to speak fluently and you have the flow of speech and you had to feel self-repetition or hesitation but it was something very natural as you do it in your mother tongue because you were thinking about the next idea that you wanted to elaborate on and you were just trying to analyze what you wanted to say other than that how you answered the questions in part one which was all about short answers and the second part covering the two minutes covering all the bullet points and the third part to give some longer answers more explanations everything was really good in your performance but i have a recommendation for you which is to make sure to cover all the bullet points before the terminus is over because the last one you you were almost there and i was really worried that you wouldn't just leave yourself enough time to cover the last one but you gave me some explanations on that one so maybe you can talk about the bullet points in those two minutes and when you see that you you have still got time then you can give that further information that's all about your topic development and the last thing that i want to mention regarding your fluency and coherence is the range of connectives that you were using like other than those four simple connectives and so but because you were also able to use in order to apart from also not only but also so these were some good ones that you were using which gave you this chance to make some more complex structures which is also related to the other criteria grammatical range and accuracy so this is about your fluency and coherence it was a really good performance the discourse markers the connectives and your topic development now to talk about the next criteria your lexical resource your vocabulary regarding your vocabulary i can say that you were able to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics and you used a range of words and collocations like for example to switch to a job or to stick to the good job the good ones and uh to receive donations when you were talking about charity the stray animals to look up to something and some some other words that were related to the topic but i would say if you want to boost your scoring lexico resource maybe you can use a wider range of collocations and idiomatic vocabulary because you have to show the examiner that you are familiar with the style and the collocations or some colloquial language that you can use other than that to talk about your paraphrasing uh which means not to repeat the examiner's words but to just use some synonyms your paraphrasing was okay but sometimes you were just repeating the same words in your own sentences or when answering the question so maybe you can paraphrase a bit better watch how you use fillers and boosters you didn't use many fillers or boosters but your answers were all natural right we use fillers and boosters because sometimes we run out of ideas or our mind goes blank and we need more time but generally how you used those few it was very natural and now to talk about your grammatical range and accuracy the next criteria i really liked how neat and to the point you were giving me the answers like the grammar the structures that you were using it was almost error free and you use the range of tenses and complex structures like conditional sentences subordinate clauses and relative clauses which was a very good one and also i talked about connectives and fluency and coherence you remember that also helped you with your complex structures and grammatical range and accuracy and this is all about your grammar and the most important thing i say is to be error free if you're using a range of complex structures but you're making mistake and you know using them incorrectly then what's the point so the fact that you were speaking error-free you were using some error-free sentences that's a very good thing and finally your pronunciation first of all everything was clear it was very clear and easy to understand what you were saying and other than that you had a very good pace of the speech it was not too fast or not too slow it was just okay and good correct and uh besides that you used some good uh features of pronunciation features like the correct intonation and the pronunciation of the words and the word stress the sentences stress these are also very important there was just one word you mispronounced which was apart from you pronounce it like apart from just apart from but other than that everything was okay in your pronunciation so generally uh to talk about your overall band score you got an eight today in your speaking mock test and i believe that you can easily get a nine you can easily boost it to nine because you have a great command of english you should just need you you just need to give a range to your collocations and idiomatic vocabulary and maybe use the grammatical structures more flexibly because i could other than the complex structures i could also hear some uh simplest structures especially in part two maybe you could just link up some sentences and make some more complex structures that's all so yes an overall band score eight but what do you think of the test how how was the topic in different parts for you i think it was easy it wasn't that off topic there's just things that everybody can relate to so i didn't really struggle um with the topics so i think it was great okay i'm glad it was in a kind of familiar topic that you were facing okay then thank you so much and i wish you best of luck and of course you will do better the next time thank you [Music] you
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 773,585
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS, IELTS Speaking TEST 2022, How to pass IELTS
Id: TcuInSxgmH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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