IELTS Speaking test band score 9 with feedback 2022

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okay i think we can start this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place on the 11th of february center number ddc125 and the candidate is harvey the candidate number is zero one three one three four five eight the examiner is samson sees examiner number four four three five three three good afternoon my name is samson would you please tell me your full name sure my name is marino shafi wonderful can i see your identification please sir thank you you're welcome wonderful thank you very much okay in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions let's talk about your leisure time when and how much leisure time do you generally have in the week uh well actually i have a quite hectic schedule in the week and i'm almost working 24 7 from nine in the morning to ungodly hours at night because i have a full-time job with a very heavy workload which i have to manage so to answer your question i can say that i don't really have much free time during the week these days right and who do you generally spend your leisure time with if i get the chance to have some free time for myself i prefer to spend it with my family since on the other occasions or the other days we don't really have much time and we are so busy with our grilling schedule so when we have this opportunity we have to take it to be together and if i want to tell you about the activities we do when we're together i can say that we just sit and watch our favorite drama series in the evenings which is called this is us and we have some joint food snacks to enjoy this quality time together wonderful and what are some activities you enjoy in your leisure time just go through them briefly um as i mentioned earlier i have a very very busy schedule and i don't have much free time for myself so sometimes i just prefer to sit and relax because i feel exhausted at times and yeah i need some uh i need to get some sleep and free up some time just to um maybe be with my family and that's also something else i would like to do in my free time we can talk with each other about the plans we have for the future just to uh you know it actually helps me figure out what i want to do about my life and it motivates me and it encourages me to keep on trying as i am yeah these are the things i normally do in my free time wonderful and what do you like about these activities altogether um i really enjoy spending time with my family especially my mother and my sister because it really gives me more energy after i'm i i'm done with my work or with my studies so it really helps me emotionally and uh i do need to hang out with my friends uh on the weekends especially because we usually go hiking and it is a very good chance to be away from the hectic pace of tehran and i can just look at the snow-covered peaks in the mountains and enjoy the fresh air so these are the things i really love about the activities these activities i do in my free time right okay let's move on to talk about animals do you like animals it depends on what kind of animal we're talking about but i can say that i like farm animals because i encounter them from time to time when i go to the countryside to have a walk and i can say that uh lamping is an extraordinary time of the year and i enjoy uh looking at the lamps suckling up to their mother i think mothers i think it's uh adorable and um i think that's the reason why i sometimes go to the uh to my uncle's farm in the northern part of iran to just see these animals and enjoy the nature right and what sort of animal would you like to have as a pet i would say i would like to have a dog as a pet but to be honest i used to be afraid of dogs until i saw coco which was uh my students pet actually and coco change made a big change in me and made me consider taking a puppy from an animal shelter which i haven't done yet but i have plans to and i would say dogs are good animals as a pet because they're compatible they can be house trained and they obey commands which i love oh that's wonderful okay thank you very much you're welcome right now in part two i will give you a card with a topic and you will talk about this topic for two minutes you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes to help you if you wish you understand okay so i want you to describe an interesting animal you have seen here's a piece of paper thank you the pencil and here is your topic okay okay so you have one minute to make notes please go ahead thank you okay that's the one minute up you now have uh two minutes to talk you can go ahead okay um so you asked me to talk about an exciting animal that i have seen to be honest uh in my country we usually see cats but we rarely see dogs roaming the streets which are not really the people's favorite but i mean in some other countries like canada um uh people have the chance to see see some other animals like goose bubbers skunks or even bears every day so what i want to say is that if i had the chance to live in a country like canada i could name a number of animals right now to answer your question however i remember that i went to a zoo in africa with my sister back in 2018 where i saw an african wild cat it uh actually looked similar to a huge tabby cat but it had a thicker a tail with a very a blonde tip with some black stripes i can say that it was nothing like the other wildcats i had seen before on tv and from what i heard these wildcats are fairly shy and they have been on the brink of extinction for a while which is sad and what happened that day was that we were allowed to feed the wild cats so i tried to do it but the cat approached me like he wanted to attack me and i was terrified so my sister told me that i should have been more careful because these animals these wild cats are cannot be tamed under any circumstances so in my opinion that was a really interesting uh animal because it was different and i had never seen something like that before so i can say that's the reason i can i just explain about this animal it was something extraordinary to me and to talk more about that i can say that uh thank you very much okay that's the two minutes up okay i can take your papers back now thank you very much all right in part two you talked about an interesting animal that you saw now in this part i want to ask you some questions related to this topic now how can animals cause problems for humans um to answer this question i can say that they can only pose a problem when they pose a threat to our safety or to or when they haunt the animals that we heard what i mean is that maybe some kinds of wild animals may bite us and that can result in some injuries and infections which in some cases are considered as irreparable harm to our health and um and on the other hand in my opinion maybe they can cause emotional problems like when we have a pet and uh they die due to some reasons which can contribute to some um to a very deep sorrow and sadness i would say yeah that's a problem actually right and what kind of animals do people keep as pets in your country mostly i don't really have much information to answer that question because i'm not an animal lover and i don't know many people who have pets but from what i have heard many iranians keep some birds like parrots and budgies i can say however they are allowed to fly free within the apartment but the their owners uh just make sure to keep all the doors and windows closed or they may escape and on the other hand in the past few years iranians have been uh have been showing some interest to take care of some stray puppies which i consider a really nice job wonderful and do you think animals will still be important in the future um what i predict is that yes they will absolutely have the um the same significance in the future or even more because they are actually essential for maintaining a balanced ecosystem and for the production of uh livestock which is which influences the water air or soil and as i mentioned earlier due to the reason that many people not only in iran but also in other countries have been showing an interest to take care of puppies or pets generally um and they have been supporting animal rights yes in the future we can have even more of these animals or we can bring some of them back with other cloning technology maybe and uh how do you think we can stop animals going extinct the ones that are critically endangered now this day and age i think uh it's something that uh both the government and the people have to do like first of all the government has to take some steps to just take care of some animals or establish some rules to forbid some acts which can harm the animals or their lives and on the other hand we have to just improve our own culture like the culture we have among us and not to harm the animals or um i'm not just talking about harming the animal if we just teach ourselves to take care of the animals or uh just do do nothing to them that would also work we don't need to just uh do something to improve the situation you know thank you very much okay that's the end of the test do you want to know what band score you'll get in the ielts speaking test perhaps you want to improve your performance and prepare yourself for the real test then why not book an online mock test with us that will last for 25 minutes 12 minutes of the test itself and 13 minutes of comprehensive feedback plus we'll give you useful tips on how to make your performance better remember all our examiners are especially trained by british council instructors so we know how to help you join us now we can quickly just go to your band score and then we can look at the other situation so all i can say is at the very beginning is wow thank you very much it was brilliant um that wow had a lot of meaning to it actually because you know we're looking at uh we're clearly looking at a nine here because uh you're very much in control of not only the english language but also all the the structures and all the techniques that are required for the ielts speaking test so let's go through them one by one and you can hear me out here i mean fluency and coherence we'll look at that first i mean your linking words they were wonderful they were all in the correct spots as we were looking at answering the way you were answering the questions referring to the questions even that you you didn't know what the questions were you made some reference towards the question you gave the answer and then you went on to your off topic particularly with the particularly with the discussion uh side of things which is absolutely fine as long as there's a reference towards the uh the actual answer then you're good to go basically then you'll you'll get your marks for the speed and also connecting your ideas together which was also also fantastic you had your ideas you had your sub ideas uh i would say you had a very uh you know great speed of the way you were talking um normally we would you know tell candidates to speak a little bit slower but in your case obviously you have no problem with being able to produce your idea and keep your idea going so speed didn't get in the way of anything as as we could see clearly see there and you know your intonation it sounded very natural again adding to all this fluency and coherence business um just having a general conversation and being able to express the language the best you can and then okay let's look at vocabulary now you had a wide range of vocabulary i could see you could just easily paraphrase any word and have the same meaning and use different words just to connect all those different vocabulary together and it was a wide range and you use them all in the correct places depending on the topic and depending on the the question that was asked so again i didn't really see any difficulty or any struggle with your vocabulary wonderful stuff okay now to uh grammar and accuracy the again grammar i didn't even see you have any uh grammatical errors at all actually to be honest with you and that's wonderful it would be great if everyone could do that um structure again i mean your simple sentences no problem at all complex structures you didn't have any problem with that and you didn't even stutter okay there were a few uh um's here and then maybe just very tiny bit and that would happen with any native speaker any english speaker being asked a question they they didn't know about so uh there will always be a pauses in fact pauses are good in the ielts speaking test that gives you you know a few seconds to pull yourself together and you know give out your answer so a great grammar and accuracy was wonderful uh pronunciation again with the simple pronunciations and complex harder words to pronounce i i think you were spot on and you were very clear and i don't think you would have any problem at all with that so you know we're looking we're clearly looking at a nine here this is this is a typical nine uh in the in the ielts speaking test uh i mean are there any uh questions you'd like to ask me to regarding the whole situation a bit confused with part two because the question that i was asked um i didn't really have much to say about it but what i did was going off the topic for the first i think the first minute i guess it took me one minute to talk about some other things my own experience and then i i just came back to the main topic so is that a problem no no it's not a problem at all in fact we encourage candidates to do that and i was going to make a reference to that actually you spoke for you know the full two minutes and i even stopped you in the middle that's what the examiner does they stop the candidates so when the two minutes is up that's fine and going off topic like that i mean you you gave reference to the answer straight away so you clearly understood what what the question was even though you didn't have much information or maybe you couldn't talk too much about the actual topic that was asked so we actually encourage candidates to do that and you did that perfectly you made the 30 reference towards the the actual topic and then you went off topic and it's absolutely fine to do that that's not a problem in fact that that's a technique that you know we would always encourage for our ielts candidates to do that uh because it will save you it will definitely kill off the two minutes of time and then again you you made another reference to the the actual question so that just that proves to the examiner that you've understood the question even though you don't have much information about it and you can you're there to talk and it was it was all fluent and i didn't have any problem you know with the telling it's more like telling a story that the two minutes of actually i didn't i mean going to africa didn't really happen to me i just wanted to say something and that's why i referred to an experience i never had oh that's there's nothing wrong i just wanted to explain about the topic so yeah absolutely because it's about talking for two minutes yeah and uh based on the four criteria so it doesn't matter if that's if that never happened it could be a complete fake story it doesn't matter if you're if it's true or false that in in the ielts speaking test i mean some people know this some people don't know this but being true or false really doesn't matter in in the ielts speaking test it's all about just understanding the question and getting through it with your ideas going off topic if you have to because no candidate is expected to know fully about what what topics there are i mean the brain would explode if you wanted to go through every single topic in the world and and memorize everything it's impossible and unfortunately some uh some academies do that in fact they even they inc which is not a good thing they tell them to keep studying different topics it's not about studying different topics and memorizing stuff from i think that's impossible it is impossible you're absolutely right and what what candidates would do what what you just did i would encourage all the candidates to do is when you don't know about a topic which is very likely to happen it's very natural because you are actually tested on not knowing about a topic and dealing with the situation about a topic you don't know about and you did that clearly you made reference to the question i i'm not very well informed about this topic but i can talk about this and then you answer the question in 30 and then you go on to your own topic that's absolutely fine so definitely what you did was we're looking at the correct techniques of a band score nine so very very well done thank you very much and do you there's no other questions and i guess no thank you thank you so much for the feedback oh it's my pleasure and hopefully we'll see you around sure thank you [Music] you
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 2,093,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Listening, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS
Id: tKFFrCNsioQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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