IELTS Speaking test band 9 with feedback 2021

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[Music] from here starts the speaking test this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place in ross isles academy the candidate is eva manush candidates number zero one four three two five two the examiner is magnus chaffee examiner number four four three five three three good afternoon my name is mehn shafi would you please tell me your full name good afternoon my full name is iva mainos what can i call you just eva can i see your identification please of course thank you thank you very much you're welcome we can now get started with the first part of the exam in the first part i will ask you some personal questions first let's talk about studying do you study english now i don't study english as a foreign language or to become a teacher however english is part of my program because i'm in a master of inter-american studies and if you could change to another language what would it be that would be spanish because as i said my program is in intermittent studies and it actually involves english and spanish which one do you think is more important research or teaching that is a very difficult question but um because i think both is are very important however if i had to choose one i would probably say it's teaching because what good is all the research we are doing if we don't teach it to other people if we don't pass it on to the younger generation for example now let's move on to talk about toys what was your favorite toy in childhood oh i'm not sure if i had like one favorite toy but my siblings and i we played a lot with little animal figurines we had at home and we used to take them to all parts of the house and garden and my parents would probably say that those were like the favorite toys of my brother my sister and i so should parents buy many toys for their children i don't think the it's very important that it's many it's more important that you can get attached to these toys and that you can use them more than once and not just these disposable toys that you throw in the garbage after what are the benefits of children playing toys i would say there are several benefits because for example if it's a toy that you can share children can learn how to share things and how to interact with other children also other adults and also there are and there are toys that can foster the creativity and imagination and that's really nice if you can do it in a playful way now let's move on to talk about reading do you like reading i love reading my bachelor degree was in literary and cultural studies actually so i do read a lot and i really enjoy doing it and do you read electric books um i have read electric books but it's not really my cup of tea so to say uh because i really like to be able to put my hands on the on the books and smell them and then after i read them put them on the shelf and have a look at them when i walk past and what was your favorite book as a child that will probably be harry potter and i still really like that book because it was the one book that really got me into reading because i started reading it when we were on vacation with my family and that was the point from when i always took a book and my parents always found me in bed at night reading now let's move on to the second part of the step in the second part i will give you a card with a topic and you will have to talk about this topic for two minutes okay but before you do so you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes to help you if you wish do you understand yes perfect good now i'm giving you the cue card and the paper i have had and you should describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language okay so here we go now you have one minute to think about this topic and it starts now now your one minute is over and you may talk about this topic for two minutes but do not worry if i stop you so you can start talking now okay so the first time i spoke a foreign language um outside the classroom there would have been on vacation in spain but it was english actually um because that was i think in in year two or three so i was still quite little and me and my family we wanted to visit a canyon to do a hike there but it had limited access for tourists so there was also a limited amount of a number of tourists you could visit every day and and that day we when we went it was already like they had already approached the maximum number of tourists so my mom didn't really speak english or she didn't want to so my sister and i we went and we asked to make a reservation for the following day and um we explained that it would be the four of us and um so the women the woman understood us very well and i felt very proud of myself and my sister as well because we were quite little still but we felt a bit like grown-ups in this moment and very proud also to be able to help my parents because usually i mean in the at this age it's the other way around right the the parents help the children but in this case we were able to well talk to the woman at the entrance and explain what we wanted to do and yeah and she understood us and she also was very sweet to us and she also said that we did very well that she was impressed how we could speak english even though we were that little and then um yeah actually the next day we went back and we also again i approached the the person at the entrance it was a different one um and had and said that we had made a reservation the previous day and then we we would like to visit the canyon now and it was no problem so i was very glad about that thank you very much now you're two minutes over so please uh hand me back the papers of course and i'll pay you from hand yes [Applause] so we can now move on to the third part of the exam yes in the second part you describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language and in the third part i want to ask you some questions related to this topic yes why do people want to learn a foreign language i think that depends a bit on the person but probably the most common motivation is to be able to talk to people from other countries who have a different cultural background who speak in a different language because i i think that being able to speak a foreign language really opens doors to you because even if you go to a different country if you don't speak the language people are less willing to share information with you and if you do approach the people in their own language they are usually very glad to to help you out and to explain so what is the best way to learn a foreign language through reading through writing or through speaking for me personally it's listening and speaking and just a little kind of trial and error but i do think that depends a lot on the person and their personality because i think an introvert person would probably rather study at home and read and write and study maybe the grammar rather than approach a different person directly and practice their speaking skills now let's talk a bit about children is it important to teach children foreign languages when they are little i think it can be very helpful because if they're younger they naturally learn easier and faster and you can just teach them that a different language in a playful way so that they get used to it from an early age so do you think that children learn a foreign language faster than adults yes i do think so however i do also think that it depends on the motivation because a child that learns for example english in school but doesn't really want to learn it only because it's part of the curriculum we're probably not learning faster than an adult who's really interested in learning it because they want to move abroad and need it for their job also so at what age do you think that children should start learning a foreign language probably the younger the better but i think if i had to put an age i would say when they enter school because this is also when they well have to get used to having this routine of of studying and have a schedule for the day and how about the minority languages do you think that they will disappear one day unfortunately i think they will disappear unless we support the use and the teaching of it so i think there are a lot of programs actually who um who are working which are working on this like people who are dedicated on um yeah spreading the use of it or also teaching it to the next generation thank you very much this is the end of the speaking test yes now i just need two minutes to out of your exploring different criteria and then i will give you the feedback and your overall underscore okay okay good thank you hello everybody do you want to know what band score you will get in your ielts writing do you also need to know how to improve your writing skills for the real test we've got the solution for you in raw silence send us your ratings we'll check them out thoroughly in less than 36 hours you'll get the band score along with comprehensive feedback in both reading and video formats it's your time to become our next successful candidates okay eva now let's see what you did um so we can get started with the first criteria i give you the details of what you're expected to do based on that and what you did your own performance and then you can talk about your overall band score okay so to talk about your fluency and coherence i can say that it was a very good performance because you were quite fluent when you were talking to me and the very good thing is that you were speaking very naturally you were not trying to memorize i mean use memorized language or remember the things that you planned to say or to talk about in different topics it was all very natural and other than that you had some hesitations but very natural hesitations because you can pause uh when you don't remember the language the vocabulary the grammar and that that is not a good thing in your fluency and coherence but your pauses were all content related like you were pausing because you were thinking of the next idea and of course you didn't have many pauses it was just you know a few pauses natural ones besides i can talk about your topic development in part one you were to give me some short answers in part two to cover your two minutes and to talk about all the bullet points and in part three some longer answers and you did so you how you explained and how you covered your ideas you said something then you gave me more explanations and examples to just support what you had said so it was a really good one here and the last thing regarding your fluency and coherence is how you used uh different discourse markers and connectives to just go on um like with the different parts or different topics uh for example you use the word however also even though rather than so that unless and it was all used in the correct place in the correct sentence so being error-free is something that really matters in ielts speaking that of course you were error-free and some discourse marker so to say actually and other wars well so yes it was really good i really liked your fluency and coherence talking about the you know based on the band descriptors and uh now talk about the next criteria your lexical resource your vocabulary in your lexical resource you know some things matter the first one is how you use a range of words vocabulary i could hear some collocations mediomatic vocabulary and you were just using them all very flexibly and besides the use of boosters and fillers you didn't give me the answer very directly and straight away it was in a way that you just bought yourself some time to just think of what you want to say and then you gave me the answer and that's okay like you said yeah that's a very good question that's an interesting question and then you just kept talking so how you use fillers and boosters how you use the range of collocations vocabulary very flexibly and your paraphrasing was also good uh i would say one one little thing that you can work on is how you paraphrase the examiner's question because you shouldn't repeat the exact same question and at times you were doing it so i mean the synonyms you used or vocabulary to name some to mention some for example my sibling instead of my sisters or brothers or the following day instead of the next day make a reservation to walk past something to be impressed or uh when people are dedicated i mean dedicate their time to something so it was all really good how you were using the words but how you were paraphrasing your own words or sentences then we could paraphrase my questions as well not to repeat the same words that's the only thing i can talk about here in this criteria and now your grammatical range and accuracy what was really um i mean what i can really mention uh regarding your grammatical range and accuracy is that first of all you were error free just like how you were using the connectives and structures because it is really important to use the appropriate structures in the sentences and you were using a range of different tenses i used to or those past tenses present future other than the conditional sentences relative clause and also compound sentences subordinate causes so different different complex structures that you are using very naturally and flexibly and of course the connectives you used that i mentioned in the fluency and coherence really helps you with making these complex structures so really great performance and finally your pronunciation um your pronunciation was also very easy and clear to understand how you were pronouncing different words or uh using the other pronunciation features like the word distress the sentences stress and your intonation it was not like you were speaking to me in a very flat mode it was all uh you were just playing with your voice depending on is it a sentence is it a question what kind of question is it so you were just talking to me naturally you know you were not trying to try to and it was it was a very good attempt thank you so yes this is all about the criteria your fluency and coherence vocabulary lexical research grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation so generally to talk about your it's okay to talk about your overall band score um i can of course i can say you you got a nine today and you should really be happy about it yeah this is really nice great thank you and thank you so much you're welcome i mean it was a very good performance the only thing that you can work a bit on is um maybe to paraphrase a bit better and definitely you can of course use an even wider range of vocabulary or pneumatic vocabulary you're able to do that of course so do you have any questions or any doubts no well just thank you so much i'm really happy with the result you're welcome great so i wish you best of luck thank you you're welcome you're welcome [Music]
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 81,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Listening, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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