IELTS Speaking Interview 2021 | BAND 6.5 | Real Exam!

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good afternoon my name is jeanette lindsey clark can you tell me your full name please my name is yun son ho and uh what shall i call you you can call me by haley and uh can you tell me where you're from i'm from south korea and can i see your identification please thank you okay that's fine thank you now in this first part i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about what you do do you work or are you a student i'm a student and what do you study i study spanish in my university and why did you choose this subject um since i was a child i always loved learning languages and before i chose my major and i i wanted to learn something else apart flowing from english and what do you hope to do when you finish your studies actually it was not about my career in the future but i was just i wanted to learn and use it in the country which is where the languages are spoken thank you now let's talk about email what kinds of emails do you receive about your work or studies email actually i don't use email so i'm i have no idea how can i how i can answer that um so do you prefer email to email phone or text your friends email phone do you prefer to email phone or text your friends ah um i prefer to text my friends because i think in my generation in korea we don't really use emails and i can call my friends but sometimes they are busy while i am free so if i just text a message to them they can check whenever they are free so yeah so do you reply to messages as soon as you receive them not really why not i don't know um i'm i think i'm the kind of person who leave this moment you know i don't really pay attention to the people who are away from me and especially when i'm abroad like this i don't really keep in touch with korean friends which is which might be disappointing for them are you happy to receive messages that are advertising things i'm sorry are you happy to receive messages that are advertising things um not really but sometimes they adverti advertise um what i need then i can easily choose um to what to buy but most of time i feel irritated by it because sometimes it's too much you know yeah let's talk about cars and driving how often do you travel by car [Music] i got my license last year and i after i got my license i have never driven yes so i don't really drive and who in your family drives the most um both of my mom and dad they drive a lot because their job is real estate agent so they have to take the client to show the buildings or properties so they drive a lot what kind of car would you like to own one day um i'm not sure actually i prefer to take to use public transport but if i if i can afford it for in the future someday i just want something a car which is safe and i prefer black okay thank you okay now this next part um i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes okay before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes if you wish okay do you understand yes okay so here's some paper and a pencil thank you and here's your topic please don't write on the booklet describe a hotel that you know hmm right remember you just have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you okay i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please i remember one hotel when i traveled to thailand with a friend of mine we booked a hotel and when we got there we were really surprised and very happy because it looked very hygienic and there was a gorgeous swimming pool inside and the older staff there was so kind that we really felt comfortable being there staying there and the every room is sound proofed so we can have a good night's sleep there we could have a good night's sleep um and when i choose a hotel um the hygiene is one of the most important thing to me so if it's in sanitary that then it really puts me off but this hotel was really clean and i really loved it um can you tell me anything more about it and also this hotel was located very near to city center so um there were supermarkets and restaurants and souvenir shops around the hotel which was really advantage i think okay and do you like staying in hotels when i'm on holiday or just generally do you like staying oh yes absolutely because um it feels like i'm just um away from everything you know i'm away from some things that i have to do in my life and i feel like i'm i can really relax there okay thank you okay can i take back the booklet and the paper and the pencil thank you very much okay so um we've been talking about a hotel that you stayed in in thailand a lovely hotel and i'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this okay so let's think about staying hot in hotels in general you talked about hygiene being very important what other things are very important do you think when choosing a hotel um i think as most people would say i would say the price is also important because um i must use i must spend a lot of money to get there for example the flight costs or things like that and also i need i have a budget normally so yeah the price is also important and the location is really um so important for me and because um after traveling around this town i get really tired i get easily tired after walking like one hour so i want to get to the hotel as soon as possible so i prefer i want my hotel to be in the city yeah so why do you think some people do not like staying in hotels can you think of any reasons why why you might not want to stay in a hotel maybe they're afraid of staying in a hotel which is in bad condition or they just some people i know they just can't sleep well if it's not their own bed you mentioned that price you know wanting it to be quite cheap is important do you think that spending lots of money on a luxury hotel is a waste of money um [Music] i think it depends on the people and it depends on people because for some people they can't really afford this luxury um hotel luxurious hotel but in this case they can't they really it's a waste of money but for some people they can't afford it then we can't say oh it's a waste of money you shouldn't do it because it's their choice and they earn this money and to spend what they want to where they want to so yeah okay um let's talk about working in a hotel do you think hotel work is a good career hotel work i'm not sure i have never thought about working in the hotel make sure you being a hotel manager do you think that would be a good career for life yes um i think every work um there's no work that is useless so it's a service um area so they can do you think it would be better to work in a big hotel or in a small hotel do you think it would be more difficult working in a small hotel perhaps um i would say in working in a small hotel is easier because um there will be less customers and also the um from the point of from the perspective of the cleaners in the the amount of the amount of work yeah work will be reduced but um if you think about if you think about it um because there are less people and the hotel is small so maybe one person has to manage um different kind of jobs there okay yeah all right well thank you very much thank you that is the end of the speaking test you
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test samples band 9, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking interview
Id: 4nt0W8qNLfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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