IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE CUE CARD "Describe a long journey you went on "

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[Music] hi good evening good evening sir my name is Alexson today I'm your IELTS test invigilator let's try to the test what's your name my name is Anna she can I see identification please what is your father's name it's mr. camembert money and where are you from I'm from it's a small town in Hariyama all right thank you are you currently studying or working somewhere well I have just completed my bachelor's in tourism management and now I'm looking further for higher studies in abroad okay Oh what you are planning to study well I have selected some courses in Canada and hospitality management is something that I prefer and why do you do I've done my bachelor's in two different management and that will be the most appropriate choice for me so that's why I have chosen it alright now let's talk about cooking are you interested in cooking yes of course I am very much interested attractive okay we're having love dating from whom you have learned it's basic cooking that I've learned is from my mother and my but right after my secondary education got completed I started learning cooking professionally from in cooking classes and that was a breakthrough point for me and I started loving cooking all right fine it's cooking popular in your country I think it's not about necessity cooking and food is necessary for everyone so everyone cooks whether they like it or not but some people love to cook and it's their recreational activity okay cool cook in your home well mostly my mother cooks but occasionally my father and I also had fun okay it's fine so do people have to learn how to cook or they get the training at home itself in your country we have two things if a person has a bit of interest in cooking they would be keen and they would start learning it away the tender age from their mothers grandmothers from their cooks this is a specific age to learn cooking no I don't think so I have a cousin who's 4 years old and he knows how to make tea so it only can start from very young canes all right and then you think it's really important for everyone to learn cooking yes of course it's very important to know how to cook because it's necessity you need food for survival and you if you know how to cook food well then it's good for you all right so have you ever seen some cooking programs on television or another useful well I have seen some programs on television but from my perception I believe they're not very much important or learning but from professional point of view I think they're very good fine let's move to festivals now I'm going to ask you some questions related to festivals what's your favorite festival I love Christmas most I think and passion towards it because my birthday is on Christmas Day so that's it okay fine so you can tell me about the most important festival in your pension Damali happens to be the most important festival in our country it's the biggest festival that country celebrates together it has religious value as well as business values now right every company launches a new product and market during the time of the valley every business is booming do you think it's good it is getting commercial rather than religious so I think it's good but also a little disturbing okay why is it so because people are losing the culture a little bit because they are getting into commercial sides of the place who do you think is responsible for this and what should be done I think we humans are responsible for that but I think that is how things are working right now so you cannot stop it but you have to be with it do you think it's going to change in future if it's going to I hope it does change but I don't see a scope for it to change all right which festivals do you enjoy the most well Christmas it's the best festivals best thing that happens it's well I love everything to be peaceful and calm so this is a festival which does not have a very popularity in our country right now so and this that's why I enjoy it okay what is the importance of festival in society the festivals are related to tradition if a balloon or society requires growth then culture and tradition is something that every person should be occupied okay no stop the Duke you got doctor the doctor yes it's become is described along our journey now you have a minute of time to prepare on it and then you will have to speak on this topic for one to two minutes there are some hints given to you to help to plan this topic and please don't write anything on this booklet here is a paper and pencil for you to plan alright your one minute starts now [Music] [Music] yes sir fine you miss that no well I've been fond of traveling since my childhood I think I have inherited that team from my father he loves to travel and he always comes up with plans spontaneous plans to travel to nearby places because we live in Kurukshetra and health stations are very nearby us so I would like to talk about a very decent long car journey that I went on to it was a family trip planned with our family and some family friends as well so it was a trips to Shimla and we started our journey early in the morning and it was very fun an enjoyable moment for us because it has been a very long time since we have took a holiday and we went to a very mesmerizing and peaceful place so we started our journey early in the morning and reached there in around 10 hours while the whole journey would take around o4 and a four and a half hours but it took us 10 us because we gift little halls in between and that was the highlight of our trip and it was very normal trip I would say because it was we were accompanied by our family and family friends so elder people work with us so we were not allowed to do much of a fun as we wish to do so but the highlight of this trip turned out to be when we are cousins and friends I decided to extend our trip from five wait five to ten day that we decided to go on a route and then from Shimla - now there are two talk of free to check and that is how we extended our trip so it was a very mesmerizing time for us because none of us had been - how did you feel when you return from Etra but I was just hearted because now we had to go back to her daily routine the girl is the toughest enjoyable and we could not make it happen from more than 10 days everyone has to join their jobs in colleges and everywhere what is a good time for people to go on a trip in your place very less I think every time is ok with it right if you have time you should go whether it's a one day trip today or for 10 days it does not matter if you have time and you wish to travel go ahead and chat so our people easily able to make time for the truth I think trend is changing nowadays people have time to go on vacations short vacations but earlier it was very difficult alright that's all for you cat topics thank you because this to me thank you so I'm going to ask you some questions related to you journey the car journey people make and how do they travel so can you tell me what is the preferred mean of traveling in your place and because they have the authority to make halts and every place they wish to but that restricts in public transportation is it good thing that everyone wants to own a car well personally it's very good it's good for the growth but if we talk about it in in the point of view society or environment it's not that healthy so what should be done to provide an awareness to people so that they don't go for car all the time they want to travel to usual places well I think only doctors or health institutions can make that happen government has taken some steps and introduced carpool lanes public transportation has been better and new modes are introduced but the people are neglecting things because they have money because they have financial resources to their sent theirselves so they are not paying attention to it because they can afford it but if it comes to their health and if they see the benefits of using environmentally friendly weakens bicycles erection or carpooling something like is going popular in your place because you Chinese yes definitely people in my family also are using bicycles to go to their workplaces they are carpooling to distant places so yes do you think it's going to increase in future than what it is today I think according to the scenario it will increase but nothing can be said all right so what's the difference between men and women's preference on traveling I think it does not have to have anything with gender if a person feels comfortable in traveling they would go for private vehicles because they want comfort confidence their priority but if they are not comfortable with traveling or they don't like traveling they will not travel to where the public transportation or private it does not matter it's dirty things is that women prefer more comfort over men when it comes to traveling no I don't think so because people that I've seen er what I have observed in the area that everyone has their own opinions and likes and dislikes so it it is not about the ratio what men over women like we don't see too many women on the road on cycle than what we see in men because it's not that safe our country is not that safe for the girls to travel independently why is it sir because of the mentality of the people they believe and they are not open my little up to that mark which they will have and accepting the fact that people are traveling girls or women are traveling independently and I think solo trips even on vacation solo trips are not welcomed in our society when a girl tracks tries to take a swab it's not well cut so it's about the mentality the scenario do you think by any which means this mentality is going to change in the near future I don't think it's going to change but it can always improve and it will only happen with the health education if people are educated they would improve but if the Tracy rate is not improving then we will be like this what is the biggest change in traveling you have witnessed in last 10 years I think people are becoming much more comfortable in travelling because of the easy mode of conveyance and this is the only change that I have seen all right that's all for your speaking now thank you thank you [Music]
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Id: hQyIA9ceNO8
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Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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