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[Music] hello good morning good morning sir my name is harnessing and i'm going to be your test invigilator today what's your full name my complete name is jahad what can i call you here during this interview you may dress me by my first name chahat all right can i see your identification please yes sure sir fine thank you now in this first part of your interview i'm going to ask you some questions about yourself tell me where do you live i live in a city named as krikshetra it's a pious city having thousands of temples people are so religious over here with whom do you live there i have been living there with my family since my childhood fine now let's talk about your home do you live in a house or an apartment to be honest i live in a house consist of six rooms each member of my family has their own private room and we have one backyard so okay which is your favorite room in your home i like all the rooms of my house but if i talk about one of them so that would be my personal room because there i get some good space to concentrate as well as to study better over here why do you think you're able to study well over there there are many reasons behind it because in my personal room i don't allow anybody while i'm studying why is it so because when everybody comes over there so they create unnecessary sound which i don't like and which distracts me a lot okay would you like to change anything in your home where you're living today yes of course there is one thing i would like to change in my home that's a backyard area it's quite congested these days and my father he faced a lot of challenges while parking his car so in the future if we get any chance so we'll definitely make some amendments over here okay now let's talk about gifts do you like receiving gifts definitely yes i love to accept different kind of gifts from my parents brothers sisters cousins from everybody why i believe that gifts are the token of love and affection through this we can easily share our feelings to our other person and we can easily show our gratitude is there any other reason why people give gifts nowadays according to me is there might be one reason behind it like these days people they are quite indulged in their hectic schedule and they don't have enough time to talk to each other even to have a face-to-face interaction so just to have that boned good they give they send gift to their family members as well as their friends okay so what kind of gifts do you like to receive um it's a good question i love to receive different kind of kids from my family members as well as relatives majorly i prefer to accept clothe items as well as some shoes even what gifts did you receive in your childhood as far as i remembered that so i used to receive different kind of gifts in my childhood majorly toy items so if i remember one of the gifts so my grandfather he gifted me one woolen cap which i used to wear a lot do you still have it yes actually i still have it but it's quite small in size so i don't wear it okay which is your favorite you have received till now any gift which you remember it's your favorite it's hard to choose one of them but yes um i would say it's a pair of skates my brother he sent from australia i had a special affinity to our learning skating in my seventh spring so therefore he sent that pair of skates to me are you good at purchasing gifts not actually to be very honest i'm not at all good at purchasing gifts i feel that might somebody would like this gift or not so i prefer my sister as well as my mother sometimes to accompany me over till okay now i'm going to give you a topic and i would like you to speak on this topic for one to two minutes you have one minute to think about this topic what you're going to say and you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes sir all right here is your paper and pencil and here is the topic describe a sport you would like to enjoy for the first time there are some hints given here to help you to plan okay yes the time starts now you have one to two minutes for this don't worry if i stop you i will let you know when your time is up okay you may start now being an athlete so since my childhood i have been playing mini sports and there are many more in my bucket list to play down the route similarly if i talk about one sport which i would like to try in the future so that would be rifle shooting game there are many reasons behind this that why i would like to join this game first of all it's an individual game so there would not be any chance of cheating apart from this it's a game of concentration where very less physical activities are required additionally i would say um yes a person can easily get name and fame through this game as i have seen many international shooters having a good career in this plus having a good name in their society talking more about this when i would like to enjoy i'm planning to pursue this activity nearby future that is after a couple of months when i cut my cousin he will return from australia so we both are planning to go together at delhi at delhi there is one range named as like world cup range where all the big events held moving towards um how would my experience will be so i would say yes my experience will be so amazing because i have a special affinity toward learning this game i have a special like um interest up towards their sports equipments their pallets their jacket trousers gloves everything i'm just obsessed with them so all in all i would say this is the game which i would like to try in the future do you have any plan to teach this particular sport to someone as of now i have not given a thought to it but firstly i would like to give a try if i feel that okay i could teach this thing to someone so i will definitely thank you could i have the booklet paper into the back please thank you all right now you have been telling me about the sport you would like to enjoy for the first time and i would like to ask you some general question related to this so let's talk about sports in general which is the most popular what sport in your country as far as i have observed so india is a diverse country having so many sports cultural traditions in it talking about one of them so it would be hard to select but yes we were asking i have observed this quite renowned in my country as every year i would say millions of people go there at rishikesh to pursue this particular activity this is not only pocket friendly but also a thrilling activity which people enjoy a lot so yes this is one activity which people enjoy talking about past so in the past people were not this much aware of water sport activity could you get an opportunity to do this sport activity could you please repeat this question why not could you get any opportunity to do this sport as of now not actually i didn't get any opportunity to pursue this activity however if i get a chance in the future so i will not miss the booth why do people like to do things near water as far as my opinion is concerned so there are many reasons behind this thing first of all water attracts body and soul much so this can be the reason apart from this nowadays people have quite tight schedule so just to get a break from the monotony of their schedule they go to nearby beaches and sometime nearby the lakes just to have a soothing effect additionally i would say it's a well-known fact that it gives a blue mindset to the people which refers to that body and soul feel more relaxed when they go towards the water so these are the reasons talking about the water sport activities so in india there are many water sport activities so people generally go to pursue them even for example in the goa people prefer to do beach volleyball as well as do you think schools nowadays encourage students to learn water sports in my opinion yes school nowadays they are actually motivating students to pursue such kind of activities because due to globalization there is a trend in india to pursue these kind of water sports activities moreover i would say um though there are not many schools teaching swimming and other water sports activities there are certain reasons behind this due to lack of resources and lack of trainers i would say because in india people don't have much knowledge about this thing to have such activities uh in school is it expensive or not what i believe yes it is expensive if i talk about in local schools so they are not able to manage such kind of expenses talking about convent schools so somehow they manage because of their fees expenses are much higher than local ones all right so is it a good idea for a school to teach swimming to almost every student as far as my knowledge is concerned so yes it's a brilliant idea for schools to teach students about swimming what i believe swimming is a life-saving skill through which we can easily save people through the darning cause as it is a result of a survey that these days many of the students who are under 14 age they are actually getting that because of this dawning act so it would be great if you if schools can make students aware of this kind of skill fine do you think government should spend money on developing facilities for water sports in my notion yes garmin should spend some money over these kind of in developments because through this people can actually make more career in such kind of activities what kind of a career can they make if a person is good in sports so he can be a coach or he can give coaching to several students through this they can earn money and like some bread and butter for their family so these kind of career opportunities taken apart from this garment is giving good amount of cash price in the tournament so students they can also want that plus um by winning these kind of prizes they will get a chance to express themselves in the in front of many people should we also give importance to other sports than water sports yes of course we should give because um there are many sports in this world and there are like few sports which we are not even aware of so i think that we should know about each and every sport because by playing such kind of sports we can be more physically fit and it helps to make a person as healthy as a horse apart from these days students they are more into their um technological gadgets so they don't show interest while playing outside their home and their in their schools even they just want to have a seat in their particular room or to have like play video games and everything if schools encourage students towards sports don't you think it'll affect students academic performance in my point of view not actually because students who have interest they can easily grab this opportunity by taking participation in such kind of games and such kind of sports however academic performance will not affect much as students they are much smart these days and they actually care about their personality as well as their image in the class so if a student is good at study so he can also pursue such kind of activities just to make himself in the pink of his health thank you very much that's the end of your speaking test thank you sir hey viewers thank you for watching us this was the sample of ielts speaking test if you really want us to bring more such samples for you like us subscribe us and we'll be there for you
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Id: eRxXbxyaIO4
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Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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