IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Line Graph with Pie Chart Band 9

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students and welcome to today's live ielts class i hope everybody has had a fantastic week and is looking forward to a great weekend hi abhishek hi vishnu welcome janiel hi bharat welcome kyber makmood good to see many students this is a member's chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch we will have an all chat class in 90 minutes which will focus on the listening section but first in this class we are looking at a task one writing um for the academic ielts and this will be a combination type where a line graph is combined with a pie chart and it's coming from our own exams again this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g that's for general aisles task ones definitely go there and look at the videos on that website i'll quickly show you what these websites look like this is the academic one here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official ielts registration center and uh we are official british council agents for the general ielts it's the green background you can click that big red button and again it's a one-time payment for lifetime access well worth it if you have questions send me an email to adrian and i will gladly help you out also uh be sure to use our apps we have lots of free materials there as well academic ielts help app links to general isles help app links to hi rashika good to see more members in the class of course everybody should stay and watch because you will learn lots in this class on how to write for the academic ielts task one and then tomorrow we'll have a question and answer session members so get ready for that q a class okay question and answer session uh members think about your questions for tomorrow's class and now let's get into task one here we go all right so first step is first we're writing an expository essay okay academic ielts it's an expository essay uh just as a quick review i know we have lots of new members now what are the four basic styles of writing in english so what are the four essay types another way that i could ask you everybody should be familiar with this if you uh know it it's good review to remind yourself of this if you are not sure then you have to learn this so what are the four types of essays this one is an expository type that's one of the types i just gave you so four types of uh writing styles or essay types in english well i don't think it's just english some other languages as well number one or a it's not really number one but um okay so we've got descriptive yeah very good kyber uh gineal says persuasive narrative that's right so uh persuasive which is task two uh we have expository which is task one academic we have narrative which is task 1 general and we have descriptive which if you [Music] want my opinion well not just my opinion but descriptive it's kind of like the father of all the reason why i say the father of all is because all types of writing use good descriptive language okay abhishek argumentative essay writing is actually one type of persuasive writing okay so argumentative abhishek is actually considered a sub-category of writing okay there's different kinds of persuasive um like counter argumentative argumentative um advantage disadvantage type so there's different types of persuasive uh essays there's different types of expository and narratives as well but we don't need to get into that okay so if you're going to study english literature then you will learn a lot more sub categories of writing styles and essay types but these are the big ones okay these are the big ones okay all right so task one is expository and it's third person meaning you don't use i and you uh what else should you not do in an expository essay that many students do in their task one okay so this is kind of a what should you avoid in academic ielts task one avoid in expository essays which many students uh do okay yeah very good gineal um don't include information that's not included don't give an opinion okay so do not include a personal opinion or any information that cannot be clearly seen in the graph or chart that's right okay so many students make that mistake in their academic task one is they say oh the reason that it was really popular is because it's spacious or because it was cheap but we don't have that information you're using your own information so uh yeah exactly cashier avoid opinionated narrative that's task two right that's the goal of task two not the goal of task one task one you're basically reporting and explaining okay so the goal of task one is to report explain and interpret okay that's what you're doing you report you explain you interpret but you do not give opinion okay all right so kyber uh you want to use objective words okay so instead of using words like amazingly um you want to use significantly okay so use objective words uh good question kyber so therefore uh [Music] use objective language and third person author voice okay that's the standard okay and again it's not me telling you this it's not like oh adrian's come up with a good way to do task 1 and get high band score no what i'm teaching you is what i learned from my professors in university i was fortunate to learn under some of the best professors in the world and these are standards of english literature okay so it's not adrian's opinion it's the opinion of english literature the way you will learn it in your first year english literature classes in university all right cool so let's go back to the question that was kind of a derail but a very important um bit of information so here we go let's read this so read this with me let's read it carefully and then we'll write this essay together so the chart below show the charts below show the percentage change in home buyers in two countries and the types of homes sold in various years summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant okay so we read the countries uh home buyers to countries some information there okay and then here we have our first graph it's the housing market and it's comparing usa and canada from 2001 to 2011 so we have a 10-year uh period and we have the percentage in home buyers so people buying homes so from zero to uh 100 percent okay all right of home buyers that's the change okay careful so it's the change in home buyers all right okay uh so that's uh interesting and then we have uh some more information types of housing sold in the usa in various years okay so we have 2002 2006 2010 and we have apartments represented by the blue we have town homes represented by the orange and then we have a house represented by the gray okay so clearly the pie charts are a micro snapshot of the line graph so the line graph is showing the change in home buyers in two countries and the pie charts are looking at a more detailed piece of information in three years looking at the types of homes bought in those three specific years in the usa all right so now we can use this information to start our introduction which is also the overview okay now the overview has two parts what are the two parts of the overview okay so introduction let's also call it the overview okay and the introduction in the overview it has two parts okay uh what are the two parts what do we need to do what's included in a good expository essay introduction when we're dealing with graphs and charts what's the first part okay so nikhil says the introduction and the main features so the main features is definitely the second part okay yeah the most observable features nikhil the first part can be a little bit kyber says paraphrasing the question with some uh important details yeah absolutely kyber so part one is paraphrase the question it means use your own words to restate the question with key points or key details okay yeah important details absolutely okay so let's do that i'm just gonna hop back up here so we can see the question okay and um go ahead members so paraphrase this and based on what you saw in those uh graphs so in the line graph and based on what you saw in the pie charts paraphrase this here you don't need to paraphrase this part and then add some details i'll show you the line graph and the pie chart again so here's the line graph again it's showing usa and canada change percent change in home buyers uh from 2001 to 2011 be very careful with the titles okay so 2001 to 2011 and then the pie charts are 2002 2006 and 2010. okay and then you have apartments town homes and houses all right so i'm going to do the same so i'm going to paraphrase the question with my own details and then we'll compare okay so i'm staying quiet so you can think a little bit while you're writing okay all right there's my uh paraphrase with details using the information from the graphs i basically looked at the axes i looked at the legend um of the two and uh the titles and that's what i used okay so those key details are coming from the titles the legend the x y axes all right mahmoud says the given line graph and pie charts show the percentage houses which sold from 2001 to 2011. the pie charts depict the type of houses which sold specifically in the usa okay mahmood not bad as you will see from my example you could be a little bit more detailed a little bit more specific band 9 essays students are the ones that maximize the use of words in the essay so giving the most detailed and clear information with as few of words as possible that's what you need to do for band nine okay so i'm gonna give you that again just so you can think about that in the future or as you're studying so these essays give the most detailed and clear information using as few of words as possible okay that's what you need to do for a band nine right gino says the given line graph depicts the proportion differences in home buyers in the usa and canada from 2001 to 2011 and the three pie charts illustrate the different types of houses uh the three three different types of houses apartment house uh janelle it's a little bit awkward you want to rethink that okay the whole sentence reads a bit awkward it's not terrible but it's off okay nick hill says uh the presented line graph depicts the ratio change in home buyers in canada and the united states from 2001 to 2011 and the pie chart there's three of them kyber uh the pie chart illustrates uh apartments town homes and houses careful with your plurals uh kyber okay uh nick hill says the given line graph depicts the information of variation in the proportion of home purchasers in america and canada from 2001 to 2011. uh nikhil it's a little bit on the uh over complex side and the pie chart illustrates the three different homes apartment houses and townhouse in 2002 2006 and 2010. uh what do you mean nick hill that it illustrates the three different homes the proportion of homes bought or sold in the us right so you want to be a little bit clearer there nick hill okay all right abhishek the line graph depicts the ratio of change in home buyers in two countries namely canada and america between 2001 to 2011. however the pie charts illustrate the three different types of homes like apartment houses uh town homes in the usa uh abhishek not bad you don't really need to use namely a lot of students like to use this namely usually that word is unnecessary you can use it but you're not really getting points for it because it's not necessarily to write namely in university um the professor's assistant will often cross out words like namely just because it doesn't actually have any additional value the sentence makes sense without that word perfectly fine okay so okay vishnu rashika also not bad i'm gonna keep moving along here i will read yours next time so keep writing okay so here is my um paraphrase okay the line graph depicts the percentage change in home buyers in canada and america from 2001 to 2011 and the three pie charts give a snapshot of the types of homes apartments house or townhouse notice how don't have plurals houses apartments just singular so types of homes apartment house or townhouse bought in the united states in three years 2002 2004 and 2006 so very specific okay to what it is and notice that i don't actually have that many words but i have a lot of detail here there's a lot of detail in my statement i'm just using the titles and the information from the legends okay uh kyber just what i said so kybers what should be the details so the details that i'm including are the specific countries instead of saying two countries i say canada and america instead of usa i just paraphrase america and then instead of just saying uh in various years i give the year the year range 2001 to 2011. i give the specific number of pie charts there's three pie charts what do they do they give a snapshot of the types of homes what types of homes what's in the legend apartment house townhouse bought where bought in the usa when in 2002 four and six so just taking that specific information okay clear all right so now we want to report the main feature okay so now comes the main feature you have to write about 180 words 150 is the minimum so you want to write a bit more than just 150. uh yeah vishnu you can use a decade but i'm being more specific here i can use the word decade later so i don't need to be too concerned at the beginning of my essay vishnu to use all of my vocabulary in my summary i can also use the word decade here i firstly want to give the very specific idea to my reader okay when you're writing vishnu think about it like you're presenting the information to a college or university class and they might not have access to this data okay and it still has to be very clear in their minds okay all right um so let's look at the main features oh look at that okay so what do we notice um just look at the trends don't worry about the years or the specific data um just look at the trends right okay um so we notice right away that there is a great deal of variance right so you have a lot of up and down and then a peak and then a plateau and then a drop and then another flat line and then same with canada you have quite a bit of fluctuation going through so that's very noticeable okay so danielle right away i can see in the chat daniel said significant fluctuation yeah absolutely uh throughout this period um okay and we can also see that the patterns are not really the same so canada and the us they're quite different so even though these countries are neighboring they're both quite strong economies you don't have a lot of paralleling you have a little bit of paralleling here but other than that you really don't have too many parallels so different events are happening at different years okay so the countries show fluctuations and differences right and then we have this um or these three pie charts here okay and then in the first pie chart in 2002 we have 55 percent buying a house in the third one we have 45 percent buying apartments uh and then uh in 2006 um so here uh we can also notice that there is a fair bit of change in the types of homes that people prefer to buy okay so that's what we notice all right buckrade i wouldn't say gradual change okay we don't know that i would definitely say that there's a clear difference in the types of homes being bought with the years given in the pie charts okay so different proportions for different types so that's what i would put into my main feature those key elements from the pie charts and the line graphs now the line graph of course is higher level because it's giving more general information right and the pie charts are more detailed so that's where you want to use the linking word furthermore okay furthermore because it's further more it's more detail right so write the um write the the main feature here and bakarat rashika vishnu a little bit faster this time so try to be the first ones to get it up into the chat if you make mistakes it's okay i want to read yours as well so be a little bit quicker work on fluency as well okay all right so here we go i'm going to uh write uh this uh key feature that we just discussed you do the same okay nice fluency mahmoud i can see that you're really pushing to get your ideas out fast that's important okay so you you all right so there we go uh mahmoud says in the line graph there's a significant variation in the houses sold from 40 to 80 percent okay uh houses bought but yeah sold is okay too somebody's buying obviously somebody's selling mood good so you're giving the range 40 to 80 percent um i might save the actual specific percents until i start analyzing the data mode so i would be even a little bit more general at this point with my words i wouldn't go into the quantitative information necessarily yet i'm going to do that as soon as i start my analysis okay so this is what i wrote here at initial observation it is clear that the proportion of home buyers fluctuates in both countries throughout the given decade whereby each country shows a unique pattern furthermore the pie charts reveal that the types of homes bought in the us in the three years also varied significantly okay all right so waiting for some more meanwhile i'm gonna start the analysis because i want you to learn as well to move fluently okay so i'm looking at major trends here and i'm going to start with canada not the usa the reason why i'm going to start with anybody know why why am i um so unique pattern means that this one goes like this and this one goes like this each one is unique from the other it's different from the other kyber so this is a unique pattern this is a unique pattern to each country okay so why am i starting with canada here so i'm going to start my description with canada and i'm going to describe this point here this point here and then this point here okay i'm going to be a little bit careful here because it's easy for me to write too many words and run out of time i have to keep in mind i only have 20 minutes right so um i'm going to be really careful to uh keep this description as simple as possible and just talk about highs and lows in specific years okay and then um with the usa i'm gonna be second so i'll compare the usa as well uh making comparisons here um but uh because they're so unique okay i'm starting with canada why am i starting with canada why am i not starting with uh the u.s can anybody tell me that okay meanwhile i'll read janelle's main features so danielle says immediately it is evident that there were some significant fluctuations and variations throughout the period furthermore uh buying different types of houses by americans showed significant changes janielle furthermore americans showed significant changes in the types of homes that they bought okay a little bit different grammar yeah exactly gino very good so janil says if i start with canada first okay and then i go to usa second okay uh then um because the pie charts are a more detailed snapshot of the usa it makes sense to uh transition and create more cohesion that way so i'm going canada usa usa so canada line graph usa line graph usa pie charts does that make sense so really pay attention to your logic when you're writing your task two that can or your task one uh that can you and your task two that can really save you some marks on your essay okay yeah exactly kyber to maintain the structure of the essay so i'm going to write about canada first and then usa second so usa i'm going to uh start one here two here and then three there okay now um these kinds of uh points that the united states also had a peak change but a couple years after canada i'm going to make a comparison here as well okay so i will definitely compare those two all right and then we'll talk about the pie charts so you have to be very careful there's a lot of information here and just in my introduction overview i have 92 words so i basically have half of my essay already done as far as word count in my introduction overview so i have about a hundred words left if i'm going for that band nine i have roughly a hundred words left to describe what's going on in the line graph in the pie charts and maybe give a summary okay maybe a little bit more band nine okay but you're not you shouldn't be going over 200 you should max out at 200 words roughly okay if you're writing a lot more than 200 you have to really pay attention and make sure that you're still within 20 minutes and you're still producing quality work all right so i'm just going to grab my overview okay and i'm going to kind of stick it under the whole bit here and then i'm going to um start with canada and explain that in 2001 there was a 50 change i'm not going to worry about things like these tiny little dips i'll explain that i've already explained in my introduction that there's fluctuations so i don't need to go into that in too much detail i want to pick out this point here that's at 90 in 2005 so half a decade later so i'm going to start with that and then make some comparisons to the us as well okay so here we go so at closer observation or a closer analysis i've already used observation so at closer analysis canada had a change of 50 in 2001 and this sharply uh increased to 90 half a decade later so all i'm doing is describing this bit here and i'm being very careful to be concise um so then between 2005 and 7 there was a 30 dip roughly and then again an increase with a dip in 2010 so that's all i'm going to write i'm going to keep it short because i don't have a lot of words okay i have to be very careful so at closer analysis canada had a change of 50 percent if i want to paraphrase home buyers i can say home uh purchasers in 2001 and this sharply increased to 90 percent half a decade later by 2007 this dropped 35 and then again increased for a few years before another sharp decrease during the last year of this period okay now i'm burning through my words fast so i have to be careful all right uh mahmoud says houses bought in canada fluctuated from 2001 to 2005 however the proportion of these houses uh sold decreased from 2005 to 2007 and again increased um in 2008 okay mahmoud good i like how you're typing fast you're making a few mistakes but you're also working on your fluency and that's okay right throw a few percentages in there as well okay uh abhishek um yeah you can separate the body paragraphs into line graph and pie charts but it's not absolutely necessary as long as you have clear writing okay all right yeah janelle that's a very good question how to make your writing concise that's why i'm giving you this example okay so i'm picking out uh the most important points okay i'm not getting stuck up on too many details all right so um conversely the change in home buyers in the usa uh peaked okay so here i'm making a comparison that's why i'm using conversely peaked in 2007 and then dropped uh by 2009 and i can add some percentages okay so peaked in 2007 to 90 percent okay so conversely the change in home buyers in the usa peaked in 2007 2008 at 90 percent and then um dropped dramatically in the following years to just uh and notice how here i didn't even bother with the start so i didn't say it started at the same as canada and then fluctuated i just talked about the peak it peaked okay and then dropped to um 20 roughly by the end of the period okay okay all right so i've basically described the key points of this line graph in these words here right it didn't get stuck up on it and yeah now if you'd like um abhishek you could start a new paragraph it's okay um so i have 76 words here okay so right now if i take my 76 and i add it to [Music] my previous i'm at a 168 words so i have about 40 to 50 words to finish up this essay it's not a lot right so because i will run out of time and quality over quantity we have a lot of information here okay so again i'm interpreting and taking the main features all right so here in 2002 homes uh make up more than half of the pie and then in 2006 it's roughly half okay but by 2010 it's only a third now there is a slight increase in the amount of apartments and townhomes from 2002 to 2006 and even more so in 2010 where especially apartments become dominant so i'm taking all of that information and i'm kind of bottling it up in a very concise uh kind of way so again um the way that i do this and i see that kyber jaineel abhishek you're all thinking like how am i concise the problem so the mistake that many students make is what they do is they go piece by piece so they just look at this they start talking about this then they talk about this and then they talk about this well if you only have these three pie charts for your question that's okay but because we have a lot more information here that's not the right strategy when you have a lot more information you need to look at all of this and look at the big pieces as i just showed you instead of going like piece by piece and dot by dot and getting lost in all of those little sentences so rather than getting lost in all those little sentences i'm just taking out the key elements okay and you'll see how i can now put that together with words like half popularity uh more less okay using those words all right abhishek says noted all right so basically when you have more information you're looking at bigger chunks of information especially when you have a time limit okay uh yeah fractions are absolutely okay for percentages kyber it's a very good way to uh paraphrase it when you're writing proportion uh proportion is a synonym for fraction okay so fraction proportion absolutely so uh when you have 30 percent here it's one over three okay or a third or proportionally it's a third so it's a fractional uh explanation yeah and that's totally okay absolutely okay there's nothing wrong with that all right so i'm going to take the information that i just explained and i'll put that together into a sentence okay um here we go all right so the details in the pie charts reveal that houses were preferred by just over uh [Music] a half of all americans in 2002 but uh this amount became less in 2006 and was just a third by 2010. on the other hand both town homes and apartments gained popularity at each four year interval and apartments eventually became the preferred home by the majority in 2010 okay so that's all i say uh by looking at those pie charts so i don't get lost in a lot of details
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: MYpsCu-goPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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