IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Band 9 Response

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since and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from sunny Budapest I hope everybody is having a healthy and productive week so far today we are looking at IELTS task 2 writing for perfect scores what you need to do to get that band 9 result in the task 2 writing this lesson works and is applicable to both the academic and the general module the structure of the task 2 response in both of the versions of the IELTS exam are quite similar this lesson a the chat is for members you can become a member by clicking the join button beside the subscribe button of course everybody is welcome to watch and then in 90 minutes we will have an all chat class focusing on listening parts 1 & 2 while we wait for some of our members to join in this lesson is presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS check us out there that's academic English help calm and for the general version of the test do you check us out at G i.e LTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have loads and loads of materials for you I'll quickly show these to you this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package and this here is our general version of the website with the green background you can click that big red button to join there get access to over a hundred hours of video lessons fully interactive course as well as original practice exams help with the speaking writing section blogs forums for your questions to interact with other students so loads and loads of help we help thousands of stew every day increase their English communication and band scores so check us out on these websites hi for dobbs hi Preity I'm doing fine thank you how are the two of you getting back to our lesson you can get our apps academic IELTS help general Al's help from your app stores you can link those apps to your web accounts as well hi Mahesh hi Tito nice to see more members coming into the class again for everyone you can send me an email Adrian ADR I am at a help calm if you have questions about the exam or about our products for our books you can get our exam books and hardcover or digital formats as well from Amazon search for a helps academic IELTS and G helps general out so lots and lots of help Heike see a long time no see I'm happy to have you in class as always I Preeti Tito get to have you in the class alright everyone so today we'll start this task to writing followed by again listening part 1 & 2 for everybody then of course tomorrow we'll finish the task to that we start today and we will continue with listening parts 3 & 4 as well then on Saturday speaking part 1 for members and reading for everyone so that's how we'll finish up the week boo me roshni nice to see lots of members in the class now so we'll get right into the question for today alright so students again always when you get to the task to kind of clear your mind remember that you just finished your task one students I definitely suggest practicing full writing sections at home before your IELTS exam I haven't really talked about this in these live classes in the past but a lot of students what they do is they write a task one then they take a break then write a task to maybe even wait a whole day task 1 task 2 are quite different so it's good to do a full one-hour writing section ok so keep this tip in mind this is a really important tip especially as you get closer to your official exam now I know that because of the Cova 19 situation a lot of the exams have been postponed or actually all of them so it is a good time to get in some extra study while you're at home ok so tip number one here is make sure to do full writing section practice this means write a task 1 in 20 minutes followed by a task 2 in 40 minutes no more than 60 minutes because that's all the time you have in the real exam and they will stop you so you don't have even an extra 30 seconds okay it's really important to do that so task 1 is either an expository or narrative essay depending on academic or general module respectively and task 2 is a persuasive essay okay so if you're doing the general IELTS then you're going to do a narrative essay where you're basically writing a story and narration write a letter an email and if you're writing for the academic IELTS then your first essay will be expository explaining a graph or a chart and then after the 20 minutes you have to really quickly and efficiently switch gears so switch your mind into writing this tasks - persuasive essay and that takes practice okay it's it's a really really important to practice this writing 20 minutes for an expository essay and then writing 40 minutes for a persuasive essay is that clear students Alayna Ashish Bhoomi roshni is it clear what I'm saying here about practicing full writing sections and not just a task one and then a task - okay like an hour or day later all right how many of you do this so if you do this that's great if you don't please do it how many so members do you practice writing task 1 task 2 one right after the other do you do this at least let's say once a week where you sit down you write a task 1 and then right away you write a task to do do that fir DAF says nope okay so for dogs you got to do it okay Bhoomi says yes I do a good job blue me alright so yeah definitely do it students definitely do it okay all right so let's focus in on our question she's good I'm happy to hear it all right here we go read with me read carefully don't rush reading the question okay this is not a reading passage this is your task two questions so read the task two questions slower than your reading the reading passages okay so only a couple sentences but you really have to understand it so you should spend about 40 minutes on this task many people do not pay enough attention to their mental and physical well-being what are the causes of this support your opinion with explanations and examples and provide possible solutions okay so let's paraphrase this okay Preeti yeah so definitely practice that right okay students so first step let's paraphrase this let's paraphrase this write this in your own words just so we know what the question is the nature of this question maybe get some ideas flowing some vocabulary that could be useful okay so let's paraphrase that should always be your first step especially when practicing at home so number one paraphrase okay so here we go I'll do the same in them we'll compare it all right let's see what you come up with this is what I've come up with so lots of make a quick correction here lots of individuals neglect their mental and physical health what leads to this situation and what are some solutions give support to your perspective and provide examples all right so this question is the same as this one here with some different words so not pay enough attention another way to say that is neglect okay mental physical well-being can be paraphrased as mental and physical health alright now I paraphrase the full question so even this other part here what are the causes of this and possible solutions I put this into one question what leads to this situation and what are some solutions and then with explanations and examples so give support to your perspective and provide examples came and I'm paying attention to these key pronouns like your and your bumi says majority of individuals are not conscientious about their psyche and physical health what reasons are there for this trend give some examples and explanations to support your answers and suggest solutions Bhumi nice okay instead of conscious I would a conscious is okay Bhoomi conscientious is maybe a little bit better they're very close those two words Preeti says several individuals are not aware about their mental and physical health what are the reasons of this and give possible solutions good Elena says several individuals neglect their mental and physical health what are the reasons of this ignorance defend defense defend your view with justifications and example and examples comma and offer possible solutions Elena not bad just careful with your word form instead of defense its defend defend it's a verb okay fir Dobbs many individuals do not many individuals are not careful with your be verbs students that's the second one I I'm seeing like that so again for Dobbs many individuals are not concerned adequately about their mental and physical health what are the reasons for this and provide solutions don't forget that part for Dobbs that provide solutions all right Elena good yeah students when you catch what I'm giving us feedback if you say okay or got it helps me a little bit to make sure that you're on par roshni says most individuals are careless about their health and mental well-being what is the origin of this okay good roshni kisi Zhang says some individuals negatively respond to their mental and physical health okay yeah kisi I would change the wording there it's not clear that way so some individuals are neglectful of their mental and physical health what leads to this and what are some solutions okay for Dobbs good Rodrigo says individuals do not attend to their own welfare what are the reasons for this a welfare can be one word Rodrigo do not attend or do not pay attention but do not catch their own attention it's unclear okay that's it's not correct English so careful with that Rodrigo alright students so when we read this question when we paraphrase this question what do we notice burrs about this question so what kind of a question is this and it's really important to identify this quickly clearly so that you can respond well and put together a good essay what type of a question is this what is it called when you have this type of question what are the causes of this give possible solutions this type of question is called let's see if some of you come up with the same answer so this is an open-ended question meaning you can have many possible answers okay as opposed to closed questions like do you agree or disagree okay so if it's a do you agree or disagree question it's basically a closed question because you either agree or you disagree but here it's an open question you can have a lot of different answers so you need to be really careful when you're making your choices okay so it's an open question and it's causes and solutions so okay what's the topic so it's a cause and solutions open question right open question and what's the topic what are we talking about what are we specifically targeting or discussing here and then of course my next question as many of you know will be the controlling idea right it's important to identify that it's an open question because it's easy to get lost and open questions sometimes students choose some really strange answers when they get an open question and the essay really falls apart okay okay the topic is mental and physical well-being yes or mental and physical health sure yeah so mental and physical health and what's the controlling idea so what are we discussing in relationship to this topic you'll probably figure out that it is the causes and solutions for neglecting mental and physical health okay sure so let's go through the brainstorming really quickly what's the first question that I should ask so doing brainstorming doing good critical thinking what is the first question I should ask and Bhumi for doves Elena it's good okay you're controlling you've identified the controlling idea as well so what's the first question I should ask what is the first question I should ask and it's really important to go through these steps of critical thinking right so this is step three step two was the topic in the controlling idea so brainstorming means critically thinking of the topic and controlling ideas okay so what is the first question that I asked yeah very good Elena very good for dobbs so it's not Russian it's not why it's what first let's start with the what so what is mental and physical health so roshni Preeti don't jump over the what question on the topic students it's really important to ask the what question about the topic because we have to make sure that your reader and you are thinking about the same idea it's the topic right we have to make sure that you're thinking about the same topic so what is mental and physical health can you answer that for me what is your and this is of course the definition thanks roshni I'm glad that you got it pretty good yeah the feedback is important students it's it much better if I know that you're picking up these points because Preeti roshni if you don't think about the topic what it is it's easy to miss it in the background and it's easy to go off-topic and to write strange ideas so you have to go step by step here now when you practice this of course it goes quickly it's fast okay so what is mental and physical health in your own words define that for me give me your definition let's make sure that we're on the same page so Elena says it's the ability to cope with day-to-day life interesting Elena I'm not sure oh I see Elena before that you wrote physical well-being consists of the ability to perform physical activities and carry out social rules whereas mental health refers to someone's mental state like how the person feels okay Elena not bad but try to summarize that in a simpler sentence so a really important tip here students when you're defining okay so when you define the topic do it as concise as possible okay so a few words alright let's see if somebody can come up with a little bit more of a precise definition here for us for daav says so mental health is emotional well-being yeah so mental health is a general generally happy and satisfied mood right so if we're generally feeling happy and satisfied we can be considered mentally healthy right you can also say in control of one's feelings these definitions are also a great way to practice not only your thinking your critical thinking but also your English right so Bloomie's says is it a state where people do not suffer from physical and mental health that's the negative booming so defining the positive through negative is not a good approach okay Bhoomi so here's another tip students for this I'm taking my time a little bit here because often being accurate in these small steps is the key to the greater success in your communication and of course your IELTS scores so avoid defining the topic from the contra or negative perspective so for example okay mental health is when people do not feel sad okay so this is wrong or this is a poor definition I should say it's not wrong this is a poor definition instead look for the positive it is when people feel happy okay is that clear I'll boo me good okay I see that you said okay that's clear right we tend to do that sometimes sometimes we have difficulty thinking of how to explain a concept or a topic from the positive perspective so we jump to explain it from the negative but that's usually a weak concept or a weak argument and it can be very difficult to understand for the listener so always look to define from the positive side or perspective okay so Charlie sense as feeling confident is a positive is positive mental health yeah if we want to get a little bit more technical about mental health we can also say that having a strong self-esteem and image is positive mental health so again I like to teach vocabulary as you know it self-esteem this is a good word to know here self-esteem means that you value yourself you feel that you're a valuable person member of society you have confidence so Charlie good yeah self-esteem in psychology that's usually what we refer to it but it is everyday language okay so if somebody feels really depressed and like they're not worth anything then we often say hey careful you know we you have self esteem just believe in yourself okay so we've got it's a good definition there for mental health what is the definition of physical health okay so it's mental and physical health what would be the definition of physical health give me a nice concise answer for that I saw a couple of answers but still no great answers for this one Katy toe says physical health is defined as a person having good health and do anything he wants like work or play games okay it's not bad for dogs as physical health is active lifestyle diet fit and absence of disease yeah that's the negative right the absence of disease for loves so physical health means that a person's metabolism and vital signs function appropriately for their given age and age gender and height okay so that's if I'm getting really technical right physical health means that we have the heart rate our digestion works our muscle structure our weight to height ratio it's all within the normal or the expected parameters for our age and gender right think about so students when I think about physical health just think about so this is where your visualization comes in right so visualize how does a doctor assess your physical health okay so if you think about the doctor and you think about well how does a doctor measure my physical health what do they do they put in their stethoscope right they listen to your heartbeat they measure your pulse they measure your blood pressure they measure your height they measure your weight and they basically look at an index that says hey okay a 40-year old man who's a hundred and eighty centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms should have a blood pressure of a heart rate of and a good immune system right Charlie yeah okay so strong immune system so those are some words that we can write down write strong metabolism good immune system strong muscles appropriate weight all right good okay so we've talked about the definition for the topic this is a really important one now why is mental and physical health important okay we can get onto that but let's get into our controlling ideas okay so for now it's enough to have just the what for the topic now we want to go to our controlling ideas what's the first question that I can ask here yeah pretty exactly good vital signs so strong immune system good vital signs all right what's the question that I should ask for the controlling ideas let's hop back a little bit here remember the controlling idea the causes and solutions for neglecting mental and physical health so what's the first question that I should ask so let's forget about the topic Elena let's go to the controlling ideas the reason why is because Elena when we asked them what why how for the controlling ideas it will answer the why and how for the mental and physical health also so in this case we only really need to focus on the what always always answer the what question for the topic sometimes you don't have to worry too much about the why and the how and for the topic just because it can be covered by the controlling ideas okay so teto says what are the causes so Tito full sentence what are the causes for neglecting sure okay now students this is where you want to stop for a second and here's my next tip okay when you have an open question like this so especially for open questions think and work hard to identify the top three reasons okay think if I asked a hundred people this question what would most of them answer okay so what are the causes for neglecting mental and physical health what do you think would be the top answers yeah and good I see that Elena and roshni also figured that out again teto full question always right yeah Bhumi it's the nine of ten strategy so sometimes students answer quickly but then they realize hey wait a second that's maybe only like fifth or sixth kind of answer so Tito bottie says age ok Tito I don't know if you work out or if you exercise or not but let me just for example say okay Tito why do you not pay attention to your physical or mental health what would be your most likely answer I'm not sure if it would be age okay Mahesh I don't think it would be reducing lifespan I think that's the result of it okay so roshni says time constraints okay Charlie sense says laziness procrastination wasting money on counseling sessions okay again Charlie focus your thoughts I think laziness is probably one okay so lack of time laziness okay Preeti I don't think again if you asked a hundred people I don't think that most of them would answer that they don't pay attention to their mental health because of the loss of a person or someone right so you can guess this also from how many of you are giving the same answers so Preeti yogi says hectic work schedule Elena says too busy so notice how Elena Preeti kisi Tito and fer Dobbs all says working too much right so instead of lack of time too much work okay or too busy with work seems to be a popular answer right Tito financial burden possible came and let's see and for Dobbs says entertainment okay so what are the causes of neglecting mental and physical health we have a couple of good ideas here for sure to busy with work financial burden laziness distraction with entertainment okay so what's the next question why why do people neglect their mental and physical health now this we don't want the same answers as the what right okay so give me some different answers here so it's not the causes but why why do you think aside so let's put aside the cause here why would I neglect my physical and mental health and not really care about it why would I do that okay so before we get to the how can we solve these this is kind of an interesting question here as well as why would I do that so okay I don't have enough time and all of this but why do it okay Charlie senses procrastination and originally says no proper guidelines okay what I would say here is lack of foresight it's site for site yeah like that lack of foresight and [Music] and able to survive so what I'm saying here okay and yes Tito exactly so lack or lack of awareness as well so people neglect their mental and physical health because they're not thinking about the future right and because they're still able to survive if we had to go and this is again a lot of the visualization so here members I'm really working hard to train your thinking as well for these questions so you can come up with some stellar answers to get those high band scores so we're able to survive these days even when we're not physically fit right so we can work from the computer we can do jobs that don't require physical or mental strength we still get food we still get medical attention so we're not pressured or we're not forced into being mentally and physically fit but guess what now when I go running I just saw so many people on the running track where I usually go of course now with the coronavirus so many sports facilities and recreation centers are closed so people don't have many options so a lot of people are going running but also I see a lot of people running that I don't think did it before they just probably started in this last one or two weeks and I think it's because a lot of people now realize that the immune system and physical and mental health are really important because if there's a sudden virus outbreak in the world or a sudden pressure that's unexpected from society then we have to be able to rely on the strength of our own bodies and minds and for that we have to stay fit so I think a lot of people are now waking up to the importance of mental and physical health that was a little bit of a side lesson there as well but it's definitely lack of foresight and the ability to survive okay so how is mental and physical health neglected okay just some quick answers here so we move along okay so people sit sit and eat unhealthy foods and that's that's for physical of course and mental people do not socialize enough face-to-face they do not exercise and eat healthy they do not express their emotions okay so those are the house all right absolutely roshni's sedentary not sedimentary okay roshni sedimentary is a different word the word that you're looking for roshni is called the sedentary sedentary sorry lifestyle so roshni it's spelled like this sedentary for those of you who are not familiar with that word sedentary means does not move around okay sedentary lifestyle okay introverted boomy yeah that could be for mental okay alright so what are the solutions of course exercise and diet as well as community family support and communication all right so I had to speed us up here a little bit so we can get to the thesis yes Elena being a couch potato not potato couch Elena so Elena its couch potato okay not potato couch couch potato all right please remember that all right for the future okay so thesis statement students based on this information please come up with your thesis statement so again before you write your thesis statement it's always a good idea to read the original question one more time many people do not pay enough attention to their mental and physical well-being what are the causes of this support your opinion with explanations examples and provide possible solutions okay so you can use words from your paraphrasing here the causes we said are too busy with work financial burden laziness distraction with entertainment okay and solutions we said our exercise diet and healthy communication so give me a nice a thesis statement using all of this visualization and critical thinking all right okay good Elena I'm glad you picked that up okay so couch potato first the couch then the potato all right couch-potato specifically in english that expression means it's a person who sits on the couch and usually watches TV or plays video games sitting on the couch spends a lot of time sitting on their couch quite possibly eating potato chips and drinking beer okay so thesis statement students thesis statement let's see it I'm going to start writing my thesis statement and then we'll compare I'm going to be doing this a little bit quietly so I don't distract you okay all right let's see what you've come up with so charlie it sounds like you're writing the introduction just looking for the thesis okay so Charlie's writing a good mental and physical health plays a pivotal role in a person's success in life Charlie that would be the importance of the question so why are we discussing this in the background good mental and physical health plays a pivotal role in a person's success in life that I would write for the background came despite this people are inadvertently neglecting their mental and physical health again Charlie it's still just the background Elena says lack of resources to maintain a sound body and mind and living a busy life are two key reasons people do not pay attention to their mental and physical well-being I think the solutions for these are prioritizing exercise as well as eating healthy foods Elena that's good okay it's a two sentence thesis it works I like it just a couple of slight grammar mistakes but otherwise you're on the right track Bhoomi says the main reasons for neglecting mental and physical health are a hectic lifestyle and laziness however these problems can be mitigated by time management and a healthy diet very nice Bhoomi I like it okay that works watch your parallel grammar so our hectic lifestyle and frequent laziness may be booming so if you have an adjective noun your second point the laziness means an adjective as well okay so adjective noun always work to have the parallel grammar roshni says the origins of people neglecting their mental and physical health are either being too busy in work or with entertainment roshni too busy tea oh oh not tio tio Oh too busy with work and entertainment that works roshni as a parallel grammar even though you retracted that because too busy with work too busy with entertainment okay so that is parallel grammar kisi says having financial burden and working overtime are the common reasons that lead people to neglect their mental and physical health however these can be solved by exercise and eating healthy foods a key seem there's one critical mistake with that thesis okay this is kind of tricky but financial burden so working overtime is almost synonymous with financial burden so this was kind of no kisi this was kind of a trap by meme a couple of you I think got it so your thesis points must be unique okay so these are not kisi the reason why people work overtime most of the time is because they want to make more money and have less financial burden so working overtime why to make more money why because we have financial burden so these two points are not exclusive they're not unique enough to write two body paragraphs is that clear kisi same with laziness and entertainment so entertainment often is a type of laziness so you couldn't write a thesis that reads the reason people neglect their health is because of laziness and spending too much time with entertainment these are the same ideas said differently if I'm watching TV all day I'm being entertained at the same time I'm being lazy so this is just one body paragraph you can't write that as two body paragraphs because they're not completely exclusive okay so when you write your points students it's really really important that they're exclusive working too much and being lazy those are clearly two different points right so that works is that clear for everybody so kisi I'm glad you got that but that's a kind of a trap I think a lot of students might fall into and then when they start writing their second body paragraph there they realize oh man it's like I'm repeating my last body paragraph what's good what what it's gonna happen if you feel that way then cross out the body paragraph fix your thesis and write a different body paragraph okay so your thesis points should always be clearly unique all right roshni says yes I got it okay that was an important one not just for kisi so kisi thank you for that mistake because it shows a very important lesson okay so make sure they're different by the way in college and university an essay can do really badly if the professor catches this mistake they'll put a big circle in the thesis and they'll go these are not exclusive arguments okay so you got to be careful all right Elena got you good you picked that up charlie yep yes boo me good excellent all right so here is my thesis statement the most common causes for people to neglect their mental and physical health our work and entertainment I just kept it really simple so sometimes students in your thesis you don't have to qualify or define the points in great detail so you don't have to write are too much work and too much entertainment people being lazy you can just simply say our work and entertainment so the most common causes for people to neglect their mental and physical health our work and entertainment remember I have two body paragraphs which can give further details to these points okay so at this point the reader just knows that it's going to be something about work something about entertainment and waits for me to write those body paragraphs to explain that in more detail I don't have to write a really complex concept into the thesis and the solutions are better time and diet management okay so that's all I have it's it's actually quite a simple thesis if you think about it it's just two and a half lines it's maybe about let's count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 and 2 3 4 5 6 7 it's about 27 words which is fine okay so is that clear this thesis again work on keeping your thesis concise and clear okay you don't have to over word your thesis okay that is that thesis clear for everybody Elena roshni Bhoomi for Dobbs if you're still here yeah okay alright so you can you can see where that thesis is going you can see how I'm going to develop that in the essay okay all right students members you've done a great job so far for homework please complete the introductory paragraph okay because we're going to use that tomorrow so homework complete the introductory paragraph so we can start with the body paragraphs tomorrow okay you don't have to send it to me but just have it ready for class so that we can get the hook the background and then we can use these thesis statements and then we'll get into structuring and writing the body paragraphs and the canoe okay good I'm glad everybody picked that up that's great fantastic hopefully I will see all of you in the next class coming up in 30 minutes listening section practice and again for all of our viewers make sure to join our Premium Package at AE help calm for academic IELTS and G IELTS help calm for general I'll give you a coupon code use the code are for T Y J and you'll get a 20% discount okay so if you use that code on the websites you'll get that discount and just link your apps you'll get full access to the apps and the websites so our 40 YJ that's it for this class tomorrow we'll finish up this task 2 essay and coming up in 30 minutes listening section parts 1 & 2 yes Elena stay healthy everybody work on being strong physically and mentally remember for a good immune system students it's important that you're happy your mood is also happy ok or it's also very important you don't want to be stressed ok stress is really hard on the immune system so stay calm get a good night's sleep sleep is really important for the immune system as well ok get your vitamins bye for now everyone see you shortly
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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