IELTS Live - Vocabulary and Grammar for Band 9 Scores

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada kyber momand is asking sir how are you today i'm doing fantastic kyber i hope you're doing the same uh in this class everyone we are looking at ielts vocabulary and grammar for uh band nine scores we're going to talk about what kind of grammar what kind of vocabulary practice you need to have what kind of skills you need to have in order to get those higher uh band scores in your ielts exam welcome carolina our moderator this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there and for general ielts you can check us out at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's general on both of those websites we have lots and lots of resources for you to improve your english your grammar your vocabulary as well as your communication in fact we will use one of these websites today as a vocabulary and grammar resource so hang in there i'll show you what these websites look like uh real quickly while we wait for a few more members to join in this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's really well worth it um and we are an official uh british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in good hands with us this is the general ielts website here with the green background same idea click that big red button to join us there welcome thomas hi armender good to see um more students in here kyber we're going to talk a little bit about grammar and vocabulary strategy and we're going to uh look at some resources that you have to improve your grammar and your vocabulary on a daily basis okay all right so getting back to this a little bit um so uh get the apps academic isles help general ielts help from your app stores link those apps to their respective websites so academic ielts help links to ae help general alex help links to so you get some integrative learning if you have any questions about our courses or about the ielts you can always send me an email to adrian at amon i'm doing good thank you for asking okay all right thomas i'm glad that you're finding this a lot clearer than before that's great okay we're actually going to be bringing you even more different styles of live classes here very soon so it's quite exciting so it's good to subscribe to the channel get notifications as well okay later after this class uh we will do listening part three and listening part four that will be a continuation uh from yesterday's listening part one and part two okay uh welcome janelle hi farduis hi at mall okay uh so let's get into today's lesson and i've got a couple of points here to uh start us off okay um so a lot of people kind of talk about this concept of academic vocabulary or academic english for the ielts exam and i wanted to just focus on that for a quick minute and then get into some actual vocabulary learning so you can see that um i have some question marks here so i have three question marks your academic vocabulary when you have the three question marks it's kind of like meaning like what or what is that um so in your opinion what do you think is academic vocabulary so what is meant by this collocation so so what does that actually mean okay i'm i think that you know there's a little bit of confusion about what is actually meant by this concept of um academic vocabulary and uh i want to clear that up because it's important to have clear understanding here uh when you're learning vocabulary when when you're improving your lexical resource and lexical resource is an important part of your ielts score uh it helps you to understand the listening and the reading and lexical resource is one of the marking criteria on both the uh writing and the speaking okay so atmal says maybe it means something about like expert vocabulary or scientific vocabulary maybe yeah those are some good guesses maul okay those are not bad so maul's guessing maybe it means um this is maul's opinion here uh maybe it means expert uh or uh scientific vocabulary okay uh natalie says format style and academic words but natalie if you say academic words you're really just repeating the concept of academic vocabulary you haven't actually explained the concept okay um carlos says to answer your question it could be related to writing task one the vocabulary might change depending on the graph and carolina says specific uh vocabulary for specific areas very clever carolina that's probably the best answer okay thomas says formal vocabulary but formal vocabulary thomas is again just a paraphrase of academic vocabulary okay so karolina has a very good answer here carolina says maybe it has something to do with using a specific vocabulary for specific areas of knowledge okay so i've added a little bit to it carolina but this is really good all right so and i'll explain why so academic vocabulary if you actually talk to an english professor okay somebody who is truly an expert of the english language an english professor will actually tell you that the concept of academic vocabulary doesn't really exist or the reality i should say the concept might exist but the reality of academic vocabulary does not truly exist okay it's a bit of a myth all right so it's something that we actually use we say academic vocabulary academic words but it doesn't really exist all words are words all words could be academic okay um what we mean by this is what carolina is saying so it's using specific vocabulary that might not be in use frequently in everyday language okay so think of academic vocabulary as words that are not so frequently used perhaps to express more detailed and more specific information for a certain idea okay so that's what's meant by this okay the english uh vocabulary is massive i think it's over 1.5 1.6 million words something like that you can look that up but i know it's well over a million now and um when we're talking about academic vocabulary we're really talking about the use of unique and specific words to express exact concepts okay now some people will say it's words that are frequently used in academic settings okay and this is an interesting kind of concept or definition here all right um and a couple of researchers in new zealand professors of english actually um did a study where they wanted to identify the most frequently used words in academic situations and they came up with what's known as the aws which is called the academic word list okay now it just so happens that on our website when you create an account and you go to your my student account okay in your my student account you will find a very helpful section called blogs okay and in these blogs this is at but you'll also find this at as well and in these blogs if you go to the search in the ielts blog and just type in vocabulary do a search for that you're going to find some uh blogs that are specifically targeting vocabulary okay so let's click on this second one i think the first one is the same it's just maybe more recent but we'll click on the second one ielts vocabulary for high scores okay all right so in this blog you're going to be able to read and review much of the information that i'm going to teach you today and i highly highly recommend doing this when you have a bit of time now i realize that the text is a little bit small so maybe zoom in if you're on a mobile phone if you're on a computer you'll be okay all right okay um so here's what i'm talking about and let's just read this together a little bit and then we'll get into actually practicing and using some of these words here in a second um paulo is asking a really good question before we read paulo is asking is this class applicable to academic ielts only no absolutely not paulo the more vocabulary that you use in general ielts the better your general ielts score is going to be as well so um let me make a point of that this is just kind of a side point but it's an important one because students think that you only need good vocabulary for the academic outs but that's not true it will help in the academic ielts in the sense of the reading being a little bit more advanced with vocabulary okay so having good vocabulary is very useful for both the academic and general versions of the ielts exam okay so knowing specific words is great for both absolutely okay and that's why we have this list on both of our websites so um let's just read this and then uh i'll show you how this really works okay so here is a list of 570 words often used in english writing professors searched many english books magazines and other literature to find words that are the most commonly used no surprise you will find many of these words in your ielts exam find this word uh find this uh list of words below okay all right and then if we keep going down down down we find these lists of words and it's 570 words now importantly you see these numbers above these lists so you see one two three four five and then um it keeps going so you're going to see uh six is kind of off to the side here right there um and then uh you see seven eight nine ten okay seven eight nine and you'll find uh 10 below and there's lots of words there all together there are 570 words here okay all right so what do these numbers mean all right so the numbers in this academic word list numbered one to ten okay uh one are the absolute most popular words and then this decreases to number 10. now keep in mind it's very important that number 10 words are also very popular just not as popular as number one or number two all right so it doesn't mean oh i don't need to learn the number 10 words because uh they're not as popular number one but you should start with number one words okay um so it is a good idea to start with numbers uh five to ten okay all right so now uh the next question that some of you might be asking is how to uh really uh study vocabulary effectively so what is an effective method all right um there are lots of different ways to study vocabulary to improve your lexical resource and you should be studying it effectively okay the uh effective study of vocabulary can have a huge impact on your efficiency um here's a quick question to start you off how many new words should you be learning each day especially when you're getting ready for the ielts so how many do you think and carolina says three uh rajvir says ten uh kyber says four to five yeah i would say three to five so minimum three no more than seven an average of five this is realistic because learning vocabulary is not just about understanding new words but it's also about being able to use them okay so oftentimes students will learn new words but they don't actually learn them they just learn to understand them they don't learn to actually use them in context okay so you can't really most people can't really learn more than about seven new words per day effectively all right um so keep that in mind so amman three is not bad amender five is a great guess five is right in the middle okay all right okay so you should learn about three to seven words each day um and you should learn them in context okay so when you're doing like a reading passage in the ielts or listening and you hear a new word that you don't understand especially if it's part of the answer you should definitely take that word and learn it okay at the same time you can use this academic word list that i'm showing you here okay all right um so here we have this word list and i'm going to zoom in a bit more so we can pick some words now you notice that uh the words here are organized uh alphabetically okay so analyze analysis approach area assess assume authority for number two level words it's achieve acquire administrate all right uh you should not learn words alphabetically okay that's not effective for the brain um so instead your first step should be to just take out words that you completely understand okay so if you know the word comment um then take it out from the list okay so don't learn words that you have already learned all right so focus on words uh that uh are new for you okay now definitely make sure that you know them some of these words have multiple uh meanings and you want to be certain that you know all of their meanings now of these 570 words i'm sure that you will know many so there might be maybe only like 100 or 200 left okay all right so let me show you how to learn effectively all right let's take the word core right that i think that's a good word to start off with so i'm just randomly going to choose this word core it's a nice short word only four letters and then i'm going to go through the process of learning this word okay all right so there are three basic steps to acquiring a new word okay step number one is to get the definition of the word okay so number one is to define the word all right now what i recommend um is uh having a vocabulary notebook that's actually like paper and pencil so that you can carry it with you i recommend having a small little vocabulary book in your back pocket don't just use your digital device so don't just use your phone or your tablet or your computer because the problem is is that once you're done the words disappear the information disappears so for learning vocabulary it's better to have a little notebook or little flash cards that you can actually keep with you at all times okay all right so here let's take the word core anybody know what the word core actually means so what is the definition of the word uh core c-o-r-e okay now if you're into uh computers you've probably heard this word a few times when you're uh describing the processor in the computer so it's a quad core or it's an eight core processor right now i'm running an amd eight core ryzen 7 processor so what does the word core actually means okay amman says it means the corner i don't think so amman apollo says it's the main part of something okay um mal says it means the center or the main aspect yes absolutely so the core okay obviously it's a noun and if you're not familiar with um the pronunciation you can always get the pronunciation from google these days okay all right um so that's what core means all right so core is the center or the main aspect of something all right so here it's a noun now we know this now we can go to the second step okay which is to write a complex sentence that includes yourself and is interesting okay so one of the most common mistakes that many students make when they're studying vocabulary is they create useless kinds of sentences that the brain just basically throws away okay let me give you an example of this okay so here's a bad example okay all right so here is a bad example of a sentence when you're trying to learn new vocabulary like um core okay so the core of the earth is thought to be molten rock okay molten means liquid okay i'm teaching you vocabulary while teaching you the right steps uh to learning vocabulary okay so the core of the earth is thought to be molten rock um why is this a bad sentence for learning this vocabulary uh core okay why why is this a bad sentence why is this not effective so if i write this example sentence there's a very good chance that in one day one week one month i might completely forget what this word means and i won't be able to use it in my speaking okay kyber says because it doesn't actually connect with you the learner okay um yeah so exactly kyber the uh information overload in today's world meaning the great amount of information that we get from um the experience that we have every day is so much that our brains are actually kind of just throwing out most of it and it really is only focusing on information that we feel is somehow connected to us and rajvir says it's not really interesting either like it's something that we learnt in school long time ago and it doesn't really make it interesting in any way okay so your brain will literally just take this kind of a sentence put it into storage and in the future it will probably have a really difficult time to access that information so here's a good example okay so all right so there is a good example for learning the word core all right i was uh choking on the core of the apple until my dad hit me real hard on my back and i spat it back onto my plate okay now clean up your sentences we don't need the doubling of the back choking is misspelt um all right so here's a good example i was choking on the core of the apple until my dad hit me real hard on my back and i spat it onto my plate okay um carolina says quite visual laughing absolutely it's very visual so you can actually see this okay so i'm choking on the apple core now the apple core as you can imagine it's when you kind of finish eating your apple okay a little seeds in there maybe okay so that's the apple core all right and some of us like to eat it i don't know about you sometimes i like to munch away on that apple core and it's easy to choke on that because it's quite abrasive okay all right um so that would be a good example also it's complex um it's using a subordinating conjunction of time until okay and it's making it also a compound sentence by using a coordinating conjunction and i spat it back onto my plate all right so here i'm involved and i have the word core in my vocabulary notebook i would definitely underline this word in fact i recommend using a different colored pen or pencil to emphasize the new vocabulary that's in there okay all right okay so number two when you're learning um vocabulary effectively is to write a complex sentence that includes yourself and it's interesting this will help you to remember and recall the information so it will help you to remember it and be able to use the information when you have to okay can everybody give me a sentence using core that's an effective or a good example okay so i've given you my example here before we move on to uh the next step so it's time to practice um let's do this together so give me uh an example sentence here okay all right give me a nice example sentence using the word core you don't have to use an apple it can be really different core is in this case is the center okay but you can use it in a bit of a different way to reflect the secondary meaning of main aspect okay thomas you can you can give an example using a human part just make sure that it includes yourself it's interesting and it's a complex sentence okay rodriguez says i was just 15 years old when i got lost at the core of an aisle um you would not use it in that context regime so this is why it's good to try we wouldn't say core of the aisle so you're thinking like center of an aisle but it's not used in that concept okay um it wouldn't be it's it's awkward okay so try a different sentence regime not in that context doesn't work carolina says my mother taught me that the core values that i really have to keep in mind are honesty integrity and respect yet carolina core values is a very common collocation we use that i think you can make your example a little bit more exciting or a little bit more interesting i think it's okay carolina but i think you can take it a step further make it more unique okay paulo says my brother and i argued for hours about his stolen car without really talking about the core of the problem he left his car outside in the street at night uh paulo that is a really nice complex sentence okay um just use a semicolon instead of the colon there and the core of the problem is also a useful uh way to implement the word so we do say that it's like the main issue okay uh amman says the core of the chapter is awesome um i don't know if we would say the core of the chapter among valley but ville but i think that we could say the core of the book maybe okay fardio says we are living on the earth which has a core that lets it move around the sun and the moon uh far to us you're not really included in that sentence i think fargus your example is very similar to my bad example the core of the earth is thought to be molten rock so you need a different sentence farduous that is more unique it includes you and it's more complex in some way as well okay our mender says i was trying to get my car started but the mechanic said that the core of the car was damaged by mice um yeah that's a good one armender i like it okay core of the car might refer to the engine it's kind of like the heart of the car i think it's acceptable so i would say that's okay and it's very visual so i can actually see you trying to uh start your car and then visually these little mice that are all over the place in your car they've eaten the electronics and eaten parts of the car they do that so yeah rats and mice will actually go into cars and chew the electronics and chew other components so that does happen i've heard of it i think our mender that that is a really clever example so the core of my vehicle was damaged by mice so i wasn't able to start it i think that's fantastic okay that's the kind of clever concept that's the kind of example that's really effective for learning good job okay all right so let's go to step three so that's what you want to do okay effective vocabulary is learned by great examples okay that's what you want to be doing you don't want to be uh doing like your grade five english vocabulary textbook learning where it's like john ate the core of the red apple okay so you don't want to do that all right um so number three step number three and this is a very important step okay about a week after you have recorded new vocabulary in your lexical reason let's call it a lexical resource notebook you should paraphrase your example sentence while keeping the new vocabulary okay so one of the big problems when students are learning new vocabulary getting ready for their ielts exam is they try to learn new words new words every single day and then they get to their ielts exam and they really have trouble just remembering the words the hundreds of words that they learned leading up to their exam when you're getting ready for ielts you shouldn't just be looking at new words new words and words every day but you should be revisiting the words that you're learning throughout your studies and at least practicing them once or twice more okay and i'm going to show you an interesting kind of twist to this third step here very very soon okay um here we go so um a week uh after okay you recorded your new vocab paraphrase it paraphrasing means to uh write the same sentence using a different words okay so sorry i should say write the same idea not the same sentence write the same idea um using different words so i was choking um what's another way to say i was choking okay so here i'm going to take this good example and in your vocabulary book i'll leave it some space okay so that you can do this always leave a couple of lines underneath each of your examples and this in itself will help you greatly okay so what's another way to say i was choking okay so we want to repeat the same idea with different words only using the word core again okay this is to strengthen this okay so natalie very good natalie says we can say couldn't breathe yeah absolutely so okay i couldn't breathe breathe because how should i continue this okay give me uh the next part of this sentence okay i couldn't breathe because yeah our men are very good unable to breathe so you could say i was unable to breathe because okay um paulo don't paraphrase the new vocabulary so core don't paraphrase that okay say it uh a different way okay keep the word core in your sentence so you want to paraphrase except for the new vocabulary okay so keep that vocabulary all right so keep that vocabulary yeah rajvir very good so rajvir says because the core of an apple was stuck in my throat that's good rajvir um we can simplify that um and natalie's done a good job of simplifying it natalie says an apple core was stuck in my throat yeah i couldn't breathe because an apple core was stuck in my throat okay now instead of was i can change this to had got stuck okay so i couldn't breathe because an apple core had got stuck in my throat um why did i change that to uh past perfect okay and this is going into the next concept which is truly understanding vocabulary or sorry grammar truly understanding grammar okay so you have to understand grammar um for the ielts and the real purpose of grammar and here's an example of that okay i probably won't have too much time to get really uh in depth on this topic but i'm going to show you a little bit of that right now and then we'll do another class that's focusing just on grammar so i couldn't breathe because an apple core had got stuck in my throat why did i change this to uh past perfect okay very clever natalie i can tell that you've been really studying hard and it's showing because it happened before i stopped breathing yeah so this action happened uh before uh this action right so first the apple core got stuck in my throat and then i wasn't able to breathe okay so uh it's making it more complex for sure carolina but the reason that i'm using this is to emphasize the order of events so even though i'm saying this second it happened first so why am i saying this first okay and this is the reason that we have past perfect in the english language i'm saying this first because this is where the emphasis is okay it's like i couldn't breathe because an apple core had got stuck in my throat so it's the not being able to breathe that i want to emphasize so i want to say it first but it happened after this event so i have to use the past perfect so that i have clarity in my timeline okay all right i know that might have been a little bit complex for everyone and i will get more into explaining these concepts in a grammar class that will focus purely on grammar okay but emphasis is very important and here i'm emphasizing the fact that i couldn't breathe which happened after an apple core got stuck in my throat okay um so let's keep paraphrasing all right so i was choking on the core of an apple until my dad hit me real hard on my back so let's keep paraphrasing that until my dad uh hit me real hard on my back okay and i spat it onto my plate uh we'll get to that after okay so paraphrase this until my dad hit me real hard uh on my back okay uh no mal we need the word got stuck here uh had stuck is not going to make sense okay uh chinery amak i was breathless is not good enough for choking okay breathless means that you're out of breath um but it's uh not enough for meaning choking okay all right so i'll paraphrase you paraphrase and then we'll compare let's see if you uh come up with something similar oh okay so there's my paraphrase um again just do your best if you don't paraphrase every single uh word that's fine but just try to do as much as possible so instead of dad you could do father uh hit me real hard uh slap me with force okay so slap is where you're like right so slap me with force on my spine now if you're having trouble um paraphrasing uh a word like uh for example um hit uh then what you can do is uh especially if you're using a computer or you can use your phone for this of course as well so you can take the word hit and you can use your thesaurus so in microsoft word it's under review thesaurus and then um here i don't think i can zoom in on that nope um you have words like uh to uh to smash to knock to blow to smack to slap smack is a good one too smacked me real hard on the back okay um so while you're paraphrasing you actually learn a lot of other great words as well okay strike rajweer is good as well so rajvir you could say until my father struck me with force on my back okay instead of back um i use spine spine is the bone the center of your back okay all right uh armender says until my father patted me really hard on my back padded would not work arminder it's a good try but pattern would not work because pat is gentle okay when you pat someone you do it gently okay so it'd have to be strike or smack or slap okay all right uh thomas that's a little bit off topic but it's a good paraphrase okay um posterior is very good rajvir absolutely so i'm not sure if you looked up that word but instead of using the word back until my father slapped me on my post it's actually good okay posterior will work as well it means on your back all right um so that's what you want to do you want to paraphrase the word and then make sure that you actually read your vocabulary book every few days and go over these words okay so again just to summarize what i emphasized for you in this class first of all use this vocabulary word list again the people who created this word list it's called it's called avril cox heads high incidence academic word list awl you can look this up it's used for vocabulary teaching in a lot of classes it's words of high frequency 1 to 10 okay so this is what we're using these are available on our website these steps that i just showed you you can also read about them on the website it's here in several points so one two three four five you can find this in our blogs on our website so go to ae help dot com uh go to go into your my student account search the blog and every single day uh focus on at least three but on average five words from this list okay um yeah rajvir you searched it and that's great that's exactly what you should be doing okay so then choose those words and once you've chosen those words then go through these steps so define the word okay write down all the definitions write a complex sentence that includes yourself and it's interesting and then a few days or a week after paraphrase that sentence using other words i promise you that if you make this a regular 20 minute part of your daily studies you will get a better band score on your ielts exam as long as you've given yourself you know two three months to prepare for your test if you've only got one month it's still a great idea to do this you just might need to put in a little bit more effort like three four words in the morning and then three four words in the evening okay so that's what you want to do and then you also want to make sure that you truly understand grammar and i'm going to show you how to do that more later on that will be a class for next week okay so great job everyone i hope you enjoyed this class and i really hope that you do this kind of vocabulary practice each and every day and of course you can do this with the vocabulary that you come across in your ielts listening and reading passages as well natalie uh you are very welcome uh chanyery arminder thomas great job over in our general english help channel uh carolina i'm glad that you enjoyed that okay that was really good good work on behalf of everyone there okay students so uh coming up in about 30 minutes i will host another class that will be listening ielts uh part three part four we will do listening practice so stay here subscribe to the channel click on notifications and learn some more ielts with me i'm adrian i'm signing out from victoria for now but i'll be back in half an hour with another great lesson bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, word, vocabulary, question, answer, speaking, reading, writing, listening, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: CFI_CR_fLjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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